2003, 05-20 Study Session MinutesMINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session May 20, 2003 Mayor DeVleming opened the study session at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Richard Munson, Gary Schimmels, and Steve Taylor. Staff present: City Manager David Mercier, Deputy City Attorney Cary Driskell, Interim Deputy Manager McNutt, Interim Public Works Director Richard Warren, Interim Engineer Dick Thiel, Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Bill Hutsinpiller, Interim Long Range Planning Manager Greg McCormick, Interim Current Planning Manager Kim Lyonnais, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. Mirabeau CenterPlace design status report: Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Hutsinpiller introduced Project Manager Kay Bachman of Avista, and Spokane County Parks Director Doug Chase. Bachman and Chase summarized the status of the Meadows project that is in progress, scheduled for completion by October 2003. This project was awarded for $1.1 million that is under budget estimate of $1.4 for this project. There was discussion about providing a stage for events, and City Manager Mercier said that staff will prepare options for Council review at a future study session. Drawings showing the CenterPlace facility were reviewed, including room and parking capacities. Planning Commission guidelines and rules: Interim Long Range Planning Manager McCormick introduced proposed guidelines and rules for the Planning Commission, noting their meeting schedule. City Manager Mercier said that these are presented for Council review and feedback, then will be approved by the Planning Commission and ratified by the Council on a future agenda. EMAN network franchise: Interim Deputy Manager McNutt, Interim Engineer Dick Thiel and Ed Jacobs of EMAN reviewed changes that have been negotiated to this franchise agreement that is nearly complete for Council action. Council agreed that the term for this franchise be ten years and that six strands of fiber optic cable be dedicated for municipal purposes. Six -Year Transportation Improvement Plan: Interim Engineer Thiel provided a summary of the projects included on the proposed six -year TIP prepared by Spokane County for the City. The TIP is updated annually and provides information to assist agencies as cities compete for federal and state funding. Interim Public Works Director Council Study Session Notes, May 20, 2003 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council 06 -10 -03 Warren said that the City will evaluate this plan each year to determine if the priorities remain the same and that the State Transportation Improvememt Board is holding funding for the Couplet until Spokane Valley has an opportunity to complete its comprehensive plan. Council agreed that staff prepare a calendar of the land use /transportation elements for June 3, 2003 study session; and that the City needs to consider an economic study. Council consensus is for a public hearing on this plan at the June 10, 2003 meeting and introduction of adopting ordinance. Barking dog enforcement cost information: City Manager Mercier said that Spokane County Animal Control Director Nancy Hill has submitted analysis of costs for added coverage to provide after hours barking dog enforcement. There was discussion about various methods to address the problem, the number of complaints currently received on various types of dog activity, enforcement difficulties during the late evening hours, and how best to control errant animals. Consensus of the Council is that staff should do further study as to the best method for addressing this issue. Mayor DeVleming recessed the meeting at 7:30 p.m. for approximately ten minutes. The Mayor re- opened the meeting at 7:42 p.m. Street Obstruction Permit Specialist and Seasonal Inspector: City Manager Mercier said that at the May 15, 2003 study session Council agreed on a street obstruction permit fee. With the construction season beginning, staff requests authority to hire additional staff to provide ability to respond to the increase in activity and to assure compliance with City standards. Councilmember Flanigan moved and Councilmember Denenny seconded approval be granted for hiring a permit specialist and a seasonal inspector for street obstruction permits. The motion carried unanimously. Construction project right -of -way acquisitions: City Manager Mercier said that often times there is a need to acquire portions of right -of -way for particular construction projects. State law requires that anytime property is proposed for acquisition or to be released, there must be Council approval. There was discussion of costs for this type of acquisition and that generally the cost is capitalized in construction costs, although the City has a small budget amount for this item. Deputy Mayor Wilhite moved and Councilmember Munson seconded that the City Manager be authorized to execute right -of -way acquisitions as they relate to construction projects. The motion carried unanimously. Budget oversight: There was brief discussion as to the need for all items submitted to include budget, the difficulty developing a budget for the City since there are many unknowns for a new City, the need for Council to meet its oversight responsibility and that monthly financial reports will be available. Council Study Session Notes, May 20, 2003 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council 06 -10 -03 Ratification of Probation Services Agreement: Interim Deputy Manager McNutt said that Spokane County has responded by providing cost formula as Spokane Valley requested, and the basis for billing costs is included in Section 3. Staff and Council discussed this language and agreed to further discuss several items with Spokane County. Junk Vehicle ordinance: Deputy Attorney Driskell reviewed a draft ordinance for regulation of junk vehicles that focuses on abatement of the problem. Since Spokane has an effective ordinance, it was used as a template with revisions and additions to address abatement. There was discussion about what the zoning code allows, options that Spokane Valley may include, and whether screening should be allowed. Council agreed that staff do more research to give more direction relating to screening of such property use. Consensus is to include this ordinance on the May 27, 2003 agenda for first reading. Stormwater services agreement: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that this agreement provides for Spokane Valley to use its own standards and to do project review, the City is collecting money under the stormwater utility to address necessary projects, and that there has been language included to address the County's concern about need to adopt regulations. Council agreed that this agreement be included on the May 27, 2003 agenda for adoption; and also to provide time on that agenda for public comment on stormwater regulations. Sewer Extensions and Operation (STEP): Interim Public Works Director Warren introduced Bruce Rawls and Brenda Sims from Spokane County Utilities. Warren said that the County has been working to provide sewers over a long period of time and the County has done an excellent job of community involvement. Two bids have been received that are somewhat less than what Spokane Valley has budgeted. Money is held in a County reserve fund from individual property assessments that is available for Spokane Valley to use for these improvements. Future treatment facility costs may be necessary based upon cost estimates. Spokane County will be the Spokane Valley Utility for residents to pay the normal rate. In accordance with a recent funding and financing paper from Bruce Rawls, there will need to be discussion with Spokane Valley for any increase in one -time connection fees or for monthly rate increases. Council agreed that this agreement be included on the May 27, 2003 agenda for action. WSDOT temporary easement: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that during the construction on I -90 this year, there will be a sound wall constructed between Argonne and Pines. It is necessary to grant a temporary easement to WSDOT for access to the area for this construction, and the easement will cease once construction is complete. Council agreed that this item be included on the May 27, 2003 agenda for action. Existing Franchise Ordinances: City Manager Mercier provided a listing of the existing Spokane County franchises within the boundaries of Spokane Valley. It will be necessary for the City to grant franchises to these agencies. Staff is now prioritizing these franchises, and will be bringing them for Council review at future study sessions. Council Study Session Notes, May 20, 2003 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council 06 -10 -03 Advance Agenda Items: Councilmember Munson said that he feels it is important for the Council to set priorities for items on the agenda. There was discussion of the procedure for setting agenda items and the need for these to be as prioritized by the Council. City Manager Mercier suggested that each Councilmember prepare for their five most important work priorities for the balance of 2003 for possible discussion at the June 17, 2003 study session. Council laptop training: Interim Deputy Manager McNutt said that training for use of the software to be used for Council meeting agendas will begin for those able to attend on May 22, 2003 at 5:00 p.m. COPS Funding Program: Councilmember Taylor said that he has set up a conference call for City elected officials and staff with the Department of Justice May 21, 2003, 8:00 a.m. for discussion of the COPS funding program. City Manager Commentary: City Manager Mercier provided a report on nine newly hired City employees (not interim). Department head recruitment is underway and he hopes that these positions can be filled soon. There are several more steps necessary before a Chief of Police selection can be announced. An ordinance establishing a Public Safety Department will be presented at a future study session. Mayor DeVleming reminded councilmembers of the June 25 Emergency Management Systems regional elected officials briefing, and preliminary briefing at the June 3, 2003 study session. There being no further business, Mayor DeVleming closed the study session at 9:05 p.m. ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session Notes, May 20, 2003 Approved by Council 06 -10 -03 APPROVED: Michael P eVleming, ayor 4