2003, 09-16 Study Session MinutesMINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session September 16, 2003, 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers: Staff: Michael DeVleming, Mayor David Mercier, City Manager Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Steve Taylor, Councilmember Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Richard Munson, Councilmember Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Dir. Neal Kersten, Public Works Director Sue Pearson, Deputy City Clerk Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Absent: Councilmember Dick Denenny Mayor DeVleming opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m., welcomed all in attendance, reminded everyone that this is a study session and there will be no public comments, and requested that all electronic devices be turned off for the duration of the meeting. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed upon to excuse Councilmember Denenny from tonight's meeting. Councilmember Flanigan reminded everyone of this weekend's Valleyfest, and then read the Valleyfest Proclamation. 1. Proposed Nuisance Abatement Ordinance: Attorney Driskell explained some background of the ordinance, mentioned the three types of nuisance issues presented (junk cars, zoning code compliance, and general nuisances), and added that this ordinance reflects a large amount of complaints received over the last six months. Attorney Driskell said that some activities are covered by other jurisdictions, such as noxious weeds covered under Spokane County noxious weed board, garbage not kept in a receptacle with a tight- fitting lid as covered in Spokane Regional Health District, and barking dogs which is not included within the ordinance as that is covered in the City's contract with Spokane County. After council discussion concerning the type of complaints and the issues addressed in the proposed ordinance; it was determined to keep the noxious weed and garbage issues in the ordinance, but to exclude barking dogs, but staff will monitor the barking dogs issue with the County and if needed, that issue can be readdressed. 8. Initiative 841, pros and cons: City Manager Mercier discussed the rules regarding pending initiatives, and read from MRSC's elections reminders of what elected officials may and may not do. Thereafter, Mark Richard, Government Relations Director for Spokane Home Builders discussed the initiative and gave his views in support of the initiative. Mayor DeVleming asked for comments in opposition and none were received. City Manager Mercier mentioned as there was no special notice for this meeting, council can hear information but should postpone making any decisions until after the full procedures have been followed. This item will be included on the next council agenda. 2. Proposed Resolution Delegating Hearing Examiner re Dangerous Dog: Attorney Driskell briefed Council on this issue by explaining that our Ordinance 56 adopted the County animal control code provisions; and that Section 4 of that ordinance established the ability of Council to delegate its authority to hear matters relating to animal control; and that although Council can hear an appeal of decisions or Study Session Minutes 09 -16 -03 Page 1 of 4 Date Approved by Council: 09 -23 -03 delegate that authority to another body, this proposed resolution delegates the authority to the hearing examiner. Attorney Driskell explained that the Director of Animal Control has requested that we quickly determine who will hear appeals as there are several upcoming appeals, and appeal hearings must be held within 20 days of the hearing request. It was agreed to place this issue on the next council agenda. 3. Proposed Resolution Providing for Appointment re Spokane Housing Authority: Attorney Driskell explained that this resolution will grant our Mayor the authority to appoint one of five Spokane Housing Authority Board Members, with confirmation by the Council. It was also noted that as Janet Bastine's appointment does not expire until March 15, 2008, should that seat become vacant, or at the expiration of the term, that position will be appointed by the Spokane Valley Mayor. It was agreed to place this issue on the next council agenda. 4. Memorandum of Understanding Cable TV Advisory Board: Attorney Driskell said this agreement allows Mayoral appointment of three Spokane Valley citizen seats on the regional cable television advisory board, and reminded Council this board is strictly advisory; the purpose of which is research and collection of data, including receiving citizen complaints; that all members are volunteers and there is nominal costs in producing and distributing agendas. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wilhite to approve the Memorandum of Understanding. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 5. Comprehensive Plan Discussion Economic Development Element: Community Development Director Sukup discussed the Growth Management Act and went through her accompanying PowerPoint presentation. Discussion ensued regarding federal empowerment zones. Director Sukup reviewed elements of the Interim Plan, gave a quick review of entities having economic development objectives, and discussed the next steps. 6. Wastewater Issues: Public Works Director Kersten discussed his September 5, 2003 memo highlighting discussion from the August 21, 2003 meeting. Director Kersten reported that the Technical Committee met again yesterday and in broader discussions of options, has narrowed the options to two: Playfair and the Stockyard; that further data should be available by mid to end of October. Director Kersten added that he has a meeting scheduled Friday with Bruce Rawls and a finance person assigned in the DOE regional office in charge of grant approval. Director Kersten also mentioned he received a copy of the grant letter (award of first loan) and the County has until August 2004 to negotiate the terms of the agreement. Kersten mentioned it does appear that the City of Spokane does not want to participate in a regional plant but prefers to buy capacity, perhaps ten million gallons. City Manager Mercier said he would like to know the range of options for which permits might be granted as the last letter did not define all regional aspects. Kersten said the DOE has been invited to the next Technical Committee meeting scheduled for October. It was mentioned that Attorney Driskell is working on a resolution similar to that of the Board of County Commissioners, and that Council has time to consider issues Council wants the representative to bring to those discussions. Councilmember Munson stressed that he does not want to wait until the end of the year or beginning of next year to make decisions. Mayor DeVleming called for a recess at 7:44 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 8:00 p.m. 7. Budget Discussion: Finance Director Ken Thompson gave an update on the budget process and explained that departments have submitted their initial departmental budgets, that staff prepared salary benefit cost estimates for 2004, and that staff will be refining revenue estimates and reviewing departmental expenditure requests. Director Thompson mentioned that most departments fall within the General Fund. Regarding salary and benefits, Director Thompson said there is a classification and pay plan in place. Discussion turned to cost of living increase (COLA) and of the several available indexes. Councilmember Munson suggested contacting the universities to see if they have developed an index Study Session Minutes 09 -16 -03 Page 2 of 4 Date Approved by Council: 09 -23 -03 which better reflects our community as we don't compare with Portland or Seattle; he also mentioned that US Bank uses an index for the northwest which comes out of their Portland office. City Manager Mercier said that the goal is to find a neutral, external source that might register what is going on regionally and nationally, and that staff will check with the local universities to see if they have such programs or databases. Councilmember Taylor agreed there are potential problems in CPI calculations; but that we are somewhat of an average community and questioned if we should use an index or handle such COLAs through administration. City Manager Mercier said those are issues for council determination, but that due to the delicacy of the topic, most entities rely on an outside source such as the CPI index. It was agreed staff will check with the universities and with US Bank. Councilmember Munson also recommended that the Finance Committee become more involved in the process. City Manager Mercier suggested setting a convenient time to meet weekly with the Finance Committee. 9. CenterPlace Operational Options Senior Citizen Space: Parks and Recreation Director Mike Jackson explained that the City will be building a new senior center scheduled for completion in 2005, and that understandably, the Spokane Valley Senior Citizens Association is concerned about these major changes and their future role in the Senior Center operations. Director Jackson then explained his September 12, 2003 memo regarding the Operation of the Senior Citizens Center. After discussion on the revenues streams, rent charges, and controlling and operating the center, Mayor DeVleming said he will work toward forming an ad -hoc committee for this issue, including how CenterPlace will be occupied and used. Director Jackson said he will meet again with the Senior Citizen Association and feels they would like to keep the status quo and collect rentals rather than the City taking rentals and them paying rent. As discussions with the Seniors continue, Director Jackson will report back with further recommendations to council. 10. Motion to Appoint Representative to the Public Transportation Improvement Conference Mayor DeVleming reported that staff was contacted by a representative of the Spokane Transit Board to inform us of the need to appoint someone to represent the City at the September 24 Public Transit Transportation Improvement Conference, which will be a part of the Spokane Transit Board Meeting that day to discuss the composition of the Board, and that discussion will apparently lead to a decision about whether a seat on the Board will be allotted to the City of Spokane Valley. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Munson to appoint Councilmember Dick Denenny as Council Representative to the Public Transportation Improvement Conference. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 11. Advance Agenda Additions: Councilmember Flanigan mentioned that within the next two to three weeks he will be soliciting grant requests for hotel /motel funds, which funding must be completed before the end of the year. 12. City Manager Comments: City Manager Mercier mentioned that staff is working with a tight budget calendar, and if there are outside agencies which will seek funds from the City, that he encourages such agencies to make their intentions known in writing early; that he hopes in the future to have a particular time where these agencies can come to verbalize those requests, and that this year we are including such agency request on the September 23 agenda. In reference to the CenterPlace Project, staff will be meeting with various rating agencies in San Francisco October 16 and 17; and that soon we will be issuing the bond debt; that if council feels other bond needs will be necessary in the future, this would be a good time to address that issue. City Manager Mercier also mentioned staff is proposing a joint meeting of Council and Planning Commission to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the community and to set up the beginning stage of a visioning process, and that staff is looking for a date for such meeting (perhaps the last Thursday in October), but that date can be finalized later. Study Session Minutes 09 -16 -03 Page 3 of 4 Date Approved by Council: 09 -23 -03 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. '. ,S it Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Michael DeV Leming, M'or Study Session Minutes 09 -16 -03 Page 4 of 4 Date Approved by Council: 09 -23 -03