2003, 10-07 Study Session MinutesAttendance: Councilmembers: Michael DeVleming, Mayor Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Richard Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session October 7, 2003, 6:00 p.m. Staff: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Ken Thompson, Finance Director Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Cal Walker, Police Chief Greg McCormick, Long Range Planning Manager Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor DeVleming opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m., welcomed all in attendance, reminded everyone that this is a study session and there will be no public comments, and requested that all electronic devices be turned off for the duration of the meeting. Proclamations: Mayor DeVleming read the "Spokane is Reading" proclamation, and made mention of the upcoming "Walk to School Day" proclamation. Award: Police Chief Cal Walker introduced Bonnie Abernathy, SCOPE Director, who presented the City with a plaque in appreciation of all the City of Spokane Valley has done for the SCOPE program. 1. Motion Consideration: Motion to Authorize Capital Improvement Bonding up to $2,430,000.00. Deputy City Manager Nina Regor explained that if council chooses to authorize the street bonds, the City will jointly proposed them along with the CenterPlace bonds, which would save on bond issuance costs, and if approved, the bond ordinance scheduled for a first reading on October 14 will include these street bonds. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Wilhite and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan to authorize capital improvement bonding up to $2,430,000, and to incorporate that amount into the aforementioned bond ordinance. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 2. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Discussion. Councilmember Gary Schimmels read the following into the record: "On CPA 03 -02, I need to bring something to the attention of the council. After the Planning Commission voted to approve the Comp Plan Amendment on this property, Planning Commission Chairman Bill Gothmann mentioned that it would be nice if that property could be kept undeveloped, since it bordered on the Dishman -Hills Natural Area. Mr. Gothmann basically wondered out loud if the property could be purchased and made part of the Dishman - Hills. Without realizing the impact it could have, I told Bill, and later Ian Robertson (another Planning Commission member) that I could put them in touch with the Director of the Dishman -Hills group to see if Dishman -Hills was interested in buying the property. There followed a meeting between Mr. Gothmann, Mr. Robertson, myself and the Director of the Dishman -Hills area to discuss what the options would be to purchase the area. My intent in doing this was merely to introduce the parties. However, since this issue has yet to be decided by the City Council, and to avoid any misunderstanding, I will not take part in any of the discussions or decision making on this issue." Study Session Minutes 10 -07 -03 Page 1 of 4 Date Approved by Council: 10 -14 -03 Community Development Director Marina Sukup explained the proposal for File No. CPA 03 -01, 8915 East Montgomery, requesting a change in five acres from Low Density Residential to Regional Commercial, with the Planning Commission's recommendation to change the area to Community Center and zone B -2. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan to place this item on the next council meeting agenda for formal consideration. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Councilmember Schimmels removed himself from the dais and the room. Community Development Director Marina Sukup explained the proposal for File No. CPA 03 -02, south side of Appleway Avenue, east of Park Road, to change three acres from Neighborhood Commercial to Regional Commercial, with the Planning Commission's recommendation to change to Community commercial and zone B -2. It was moved by Councilmember Munson and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan to place this item on the next council meeting agenda for formal consideration. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Councilmember Schimmels returned to the dais. Community Development Director Marina Sukup explained the proposal for File No. CPA 03 -03, west side of Pines Road between Union Pacific Railroad right -of -way and Mansfield Avenue, to change 2.5 acres from High Density Residential to Light Industrial, with the Planning Commission's recommendation to change to Light Industrial and zone I -2. It was moved by Councilmember Munson and seconded by Councilmember Taylor to place this item on the next council meeting agenda for formal consideration. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Community Development Director Marina Sukup explained the proposal for File No. CPA 03 -04, Cataldo Avenue west of Bradley and north of I -90 (Golf Dome property), to change 2.6 acres from Low Density Residential to Light Industrial, with the Planning Commission's recommendation to change to Light Industrial and zone I -2. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Munson to place this item on the next council meeting agenda for formal consideration. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Community Development Director Marina Sukup explained the proposal for File No. CPA 03 -05, west of Pines Road between Broadway and Cataldo Avenue, to change three acres from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential with the Planning Commission's recommendation to change the southern portion to Medium Density Residential and zone UR -12, with no change on the northern portion of the parcel. It was moved by Councilmember Flanigan and seconded by Councilmember Taylor to place this item on the next council meeting agenda for formal consideration. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Community Development Director Marina Sukup explained the proposal for File No. CPA 03 -06, the north side of Broadway Avenue between Blake and Mamer Roads, to change five acres from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential with the Planning Commission's recommendation to change to High Density Residential and zone UR -22. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Munson to place this item on the next council meeting agenda for formal consideration. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Community Development Director Marina Sukup explained the proposal for File No. CPA 03 -07, the northwest corner of Barker Road and Boone Avenue, to change three acres from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential, with the Planning Commission's recommendation to change the west portion of the property to Medium, Density Residential and zone UR -12, and change the east portion of the property to Community Commercial and zone B -2. Councilmember Flanigan stated he would like to Study Session Minutes 10 -07 -03 Page 2 of 4 Date Approved by Council: 10 -14 -03 know what staff feels Barker will be like in the future as he is uncomfortable with the designation for the urban property and would like a broader viewpoint when this comes on the next agenda. It was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan to place this item on the next council meeting agenda for formal consideration. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. It was the consensus of Council to bring these items forth on the October 28 council agenda as individual ordinances with opportunity for public comment but not to conduct a public hearing. 3. Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Discussion. Community Development Director Marina Sukup, in her PowerPoint presentation, gave a brief overview of the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan, and in her presentation, included the requirements of the Growth Management Act, the adopted Countywide Planning Policies, and an overview of relevant elements of the Interim Plan. 4. Right -of -way and Cross Circulation between Appleway and Sprague. Public Works Director Neil Kersten explained that reasonable street connections are approximately 600 feet in distance, that some of the connections between Appleway and Sprague are between 1500 to 1800 feet in distance, and that there is no real existing right -of -way and the City would have to acquire right -of- way. Director Kersten also discussed a ring -road concept, which is a rather smooth road to easily enable getting around a facility without using city streets. Director Kersten noted staff has not talked to any property owners to gain opinions about where they would like certain cross connections, or how to fund such a project; that he spoke with TIB and was told for them to consider participation, the streets would have to become arterials; Director Kersten said that he will work with WSDOT and TIB on these issues. Director Kersten added that other options include use of local funds, or LID projects where the local property owners participate in the project. Other items to consider which were briefly discussed, included the size of signs, foot traffic problems, distance between traffic signals, keeping the one way or changing back to two -way, and all the financial implications of each aspect. Director Kersten said that the TIB has approved phase two funding and is waiting for our decision on the couplet; that staff can examine the one - way versus the two -way option, examine cross - connections to get an estimate of costs, get estimates on signage, and start to analyze the project in terms of the comp plan. Discussion ensued regarding securing an economic impact statement, the various variables connected with such a statement, and that perhaps the economic departments at the universities could be of assistance. This item will be brought back to the next study session for further discussion including cost, funding options, property owners' interest, signs, foot traffic, access, and the economic impact study. Mayor DeVleming called for a recess at 7:50 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 8:00 p.m. 5. Proposed Resolution for Participation in Commission on Regional Wastewater Treatment Issues. Deputy City Attorney Cary Driskell stated that members of the respective legislative governing bodies met over the past few months to determine the extent the various jurisdictions will be able, and are required to work together on regional wastewater treatment issues, and that although Spokane County adopted a similar resolution, that Council may approve a member to the committee by motion rather than by resolution. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Munson to appoint Councilmember Denenny as representative on the Governance Committee. After discussion concerning the goals of the committee, it was determined that each councilmember will consider items such as ownership and rate determination, and bring those ideas back for further discussion at the next study session. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Study Session Minutes 10 -07 -03 Page 3 of 4 Date Approved by Council: 10 -14 -03 6. Probation Services Discussion. Deputy City Attorney Cary Driskell discussed the background of the probation services and the contract negotiations to date with the County. Previously, the County's draft agreement included charging the City of Spokane Valley for every 15 minutes worked, with a cost reflective of a formula; however, staff continued to ask if the County would reconsider and agree to simply have the County operate probation; the County's response is they want cost recovery on all contracts. Attorney Driskell added that other options include operating our own probation services, contracting with the City of Spokane, combing with other jurisdictions, or discontinuing probation as an option for offenders. Council directed staff to explore all options including the option of directly contracting with the City of Spokane. 7. Mirabeau CenterPlace Update. Deputy City Manager Nina Regor explained that the bond ordinance is scheduled for Council consideration October 14; that staff will be in San Francisco October 16 and 17 for a rating presentation to Moody's and possibly other rating agencies; and that Mike Jackson, Mike Ormsby, Gary Livingston, and Ms. Regor met and the College is willing to sign a letter of intent to make rooms available for regional and cultural activities when not in use for classes. Interior designer Tonya Huffman then discussed the color boards for the interior and exterior of the building. 8. Budget Discussion. Finance Director Ken Thompson gave a brief update on the 2004 budget and added that a public hearing will be held October 14 on revenue sources. Attention was also brought to the draft chart which will accompany the fee resolution; and that staff continues to work on the formatting of the document. Councilmember Denenny questioned the home occupation permit fee, and Deputy Manager Regor mentioned no comparisons have been performed on home occupations. Councilmember Denenny also mentioned that staff should be made aware, that if an outside jurisdiction has lower fees, that information needs to be brought forward to council's attention. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Munson to extend the meeting another 10 minutes. Vote by acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 9. Advance Agenda. The joint meeting of Council and Planning Commission is currently scheduled for October 30. The Growth Management Steering Committee is set for Thursday and one topic will be whether to keep or disband the committee. Councilmembers Munson and Taylor support that committee disbanding. 10. Council Check -in. Mayor DeVleming encouraged councilmembers to bring copies of meeting schedules, agendas, and minutes to staff for inclusion in the "Boards and Committee" notebook. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. 41 / .Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Michael DeVleming, Mayor Study Session Minutes 10 -07 -03 Page 4 of 4 Date Approved by Council: 10 -14 -03 - ON CPA-03-02, 1 NEED TO BRING SOMETHING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE COUNCIL. - AFTER THE PLANNING COMMISSION VOTED TO APPROVE THE COMP PLAN AMENDMENT ON TTIIS PROPERTY, PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN BILL GOTHMANN MENTIONED THAT IT WOULD BE NICE IF THAT PROPERTY COULD BE KEPT UNDEVELOPED, SINCE IT BORDERED ON THE DISMAN -HILLS NATURAL AREA. - MR. GOTHMANN BASICALLY WONDERED OUT LOUD IF THE PROPERTY COULD BE PURCHASED AND MADE PART OF THE DISHMAN - HILLS. WITHOUT REALIZING THE IMPACT IT COULD HAVE, 1 TOLD BILL, AND LATER IAN ROBERTSON (ANOTHER PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER) THAT 1 COULD PUT THEM IN TOUCH WITH THE DIRECTOR OF THE DISHMAN- I•IILLS GROUP 10 SEE IF DISHMAN -HILLS WAS INTERESTED IN BUYING THE PROPERTY. - THERE FOLLOWED A MEETING BETWEEN MR. GOTHMANN, MR. ROBERTSON, MYSELF AND THE DIRECTOR OF THE DISHMAN -HILLS AREA TO DISCUSS WHAT THE OPTIONS WOULD BE TO PURCHASE THE AREA. - MY INTENT IN DOING THIS WAS MERELY TO INTRODUCE THE PARTIES. HOWEVER, SINCE THIS ISSUE HAS YET TQ BE DECIDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, AND TO AVOID ANY MISUNDERSTANDING, 1 WILL NOT TAKE PART IN ANY OF THE DISCUSSIONS OR DECISION - MAILING ON THIS ISSUE. 0 � o -; - d3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 2004 BUDGET STATUS AT OCTOBER 7, 2003 I. We are modifying the 2004 draft as information becomes available a. As time passes we have more experience with the current year b. We also have more information from county /state offices II. We expect a General Fund budget of $25 million in 2004 and a total budget of $34 million. ($14 million and $24 million for nine months in 2003) II1. Expect reductions in some 2004 county contracts based on 2003 experience IV. Some street projects have been added using bond sale proceeds V. The Finance Committee will meet later this week to continue reviewing the 2004 draft budget VI. October 14, hearing has been scheduled to review our 2004 revenues VII. Most recent draft of 2004 revenues and Fee Schedule General Fund Revenues City of Spokane Valley 2004 Budget Detail Revenues by Type Property Tax Properly Tax - City $ 6,1380,000 Property Tax - Library 2,150,000 9,030,000 Sales Taxe$ Sales Tax 11.000,000 Sates Tax - Criminal Justice 920,000 11,920, 000 Gambling Taxes Punch Boards & Pull Tabs 110,000 Bingo & Raffles 30,000 Card Games 550,000 690,000 Leasehold Excise Tax 5,000 Franchise Fees 640.000 State Sharer! Revenues MVET Criminal Justice - Population 11,100 Criminal Justice Area #1 14,134 Criminal Justioe Area #2 20,191 Criminal Justice Area #3 20,191 Criminal Justice Area #4 17,200 DUI - Cities 12,000 Liquor Board Excise Tax 296,000 Liquor Board Profits 492,000 882,816 Service Revenues Building Permits 506,000 Plumbirv9 Permits 34,000 Grading Permits 7.000 Mechanical Pemlits 34,000 Demolition Permits 1.000 Misc. Permits & Fees 160,000 Plans Check Fees 197,000 939,000 Fines and Forfeitures Fines & Forfeits - Traffic 150,000 Other Criminal Pion- Traffic Fines 250,000 400,000 Rerrealion Program Charges Activity Fees (To use a recreational facility) 9,000 Program Fees (To participate in a program) 220,000 229,000 Investment Interest Investment Interest 6,000 Sales Tax Interest 6,000 Property Tax Interest 6,000 18,000 Transfers Transfer from Street Fund 42,500 Transfer from Capital Projects 80,000 122.500 1 7 /203 1 5;39 AM 10 Total General Fund Revenue $ 24,876,316 Other Fund Revenues City of Spokane Valley 2004 Budget Detail Revenues by Type 101 Street Fund Motor Fuel (Gas) Tax 1,194,960 Interfund Interest 75,000 1,269,960 102 Arterial Street Fund Motor Fuel (Gas) Tax 542,000 103 Trails & Paths Fund Motor Fuel (Gas) Tax 5,040 107 Hotel/Motel Fund Hotel /Motel Tax 380,000 204 Debt Service - LTGO 03 Facilities District Revenue 600,000 Debt Service Transfer from Capital Projects and Special Capital Projects 200 800,000 301 Capital Projects Fund REET 1 - 1st .25 Percent 840,000 302 Special Capital Projects Fund REET 2 - 2nd .25 Percent 840,000 303 Street Capital Projects Transfer from Arterial Street Fund 600,000 Transfer from Special Capital Projects 200,000 Proceeds from LT Debt 2,430,000 3,230,000 401 Sewer Fund Transfer from Street Fund 402 Stormwater Management Fund Stormwater Management Fee 747,500 501 Eauipment Rental & Replacement Fund Workstation Charges Pool Car Charges Vehicle Replacement Charges 510 Risk Management Fund Employment Security Transfers 7,500 Risk Management Services 130,000 137,500 10172063 11:42 AM 11 88,200 5,560 30,694 124,454 Total Revenues $ 33.792.770 J Spokane de 0Valley Department of Community Development Staff Report Subject: 2003 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Proposals Hearing Date: August 28, 2003 Staff: Greg McCormick, AICP — Long Range Planning Manager Scott Kuhta, AICP — Long Range Planner Marina Sukup, AICP — Community Development Director Background The Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan includes an annual amendment cycle that runs from July 2 to July 1 of the following year. Applications received prior to July 1 are considered by the Planning Commission in August and September, with a recommendation forwarded to the City Council in later September or early October. A decision by the City Council is to be made no later than December of each year. All parts of the Comprehensive Plan can be amended during the annual cycle. The Community Development Department received 7 requests for site - specific Comprehensive Plan amendments for 2003. Sites that are approved for a comprehensive plan amendment will automatically receive a zoning designation that is consistent with the new land use designation. Attachments to this report include application materials, SEPA documentation, land use maps and zoning maps to assist the Commission's review. Notice LONG RANGE PLANNING DIVISION The Community Development Department placed advertisements in the Spokesman - Review on June 5, 7, 12 and 14, 2003, notifying the public that comprehensive plan amendment applications would be accepted until July 1, 2003. On August 13, 2003, notice Staff Report 2003 Comprehensive P. .nendrnents of the Planning Commission's public hearing was placed in the Spokesman - Review. Each site was posted with a "Notice of Land Use Application" sign, which included a map and description of the proposal. Finally, individual notice of the proposals was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each amendment. SEPA Review Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA — RCW 43.21 C) environmental checklists were required for each proposed comprehensive plan amendment. Under SEPA, amendments to the comprehensive plan are considered "non- project actions" which are defined as actions involving decisions on policies, plans, or programs that contain standards controlling use or modification of the environment. Additional environmental review may be required for the actual development of the subject properties. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each comprehensive plan amendment request. Determinations of Nonsignificance (DNS) were issued for the requested comprehensive plan amendments on August 8, 2003. The DNS's were published in the city's official newspaper on August 13, 2003 consistent with City of Spokane Valley requirements. CPA -03 -01 Applicant: Gib Brumback Comprehensive Plan Amendment Proposals Request: Change the land use designation from Low - Density Residential to Regional Commercial and the zoning from UR -7 (UR -7) to (B -3). Location: 8915 East Montgomery - West of Argonne Rd., on the north side of Montgomery and south of the Union Pacific railroad right -of -way. Site Area: 2.76 acres Existing Use: 15,000 sq. ft. self- storage building, self serve car wash and RV /truck storage. Adjacent Uses: Railroad to the north, commercial to the west, residential to the south. Public Facilities: The property is currently served with public water and sewer and is accessed from a paved, public street. Previous Land Use/Zoning: The subject property was zoned commercial in 1970. In 2001, Spokane County designated the property Low- Density Residential and applied the August 14, 2003 Page 2 of 9 J Staff Report 2003 Comprehensive Plan Ar . ndments UR -7 zone. The request is to re- establish the previous commercial zoning and be consistent with existing uses on subject property. Comprehensive Plan /Zoning Analysis: The interim Comprehensive Plan land use map designates the Argonne corridor between 1 -90 and Trent Ave. as a Community Center, which is a higher - intensity, mixed -use area designed to serve two or more neighborhoods. These areas have a mix of uses, including commercial, civic, high - density residential and recreational uses. Existing zoning along the Argonne corridor is largely B -3 and UR -22 transitioning to UR- 3.5. The Applicant requests that the Regional Commercial land use designation be applied to the subject property. This designation is not consistent with the adjacent Community Center designation. Recommendation Change property to Community Center, consistent with adjacent properties. Apply the B -2 zone consistent with the Phase 1 Development Regulations. All current uses on the property are allowed in the B -2 zone. (See Attachment 1 for application materials, SEPA documentation and related maps.) CPA -03 -02 Applicant: Associated Restaurants, Inc. (Richard Repp) Request: Change land use designation from Neighborhood Commercial to Regional Commercial and zoning from B -1 to B -3. The application indicates that the property is designated Medium Density residential, which is not correct. Location: South side of Appleway Blvd. across from Dishman Dodge, east of Park Road. Site Area: 3 acres Existing Use: The property is currently vacant. Adjacent Uses: The Rose Haven Mobile Home Park is located directly west of the subject property, with vacant hillside land to the south and east. Dishman Dodge is located across Appleway to the north. Public Facilities: The subject property is located within East Spokane Water District # 1 (WATER RIGHTS ?? The area was severed by Spokane County in 2001 and is accessed by Appleway Blvd. Previous Land Use/Zoning: In December, 2001, the property was zoned Neighborhood Commercial (B -1) by Spokane County. The Applicant originally requested the County to August 14, 2003 Page 3 of 9 Staff Report 2003 Comprehensive PI, mendments zone the property B -3, which was conditionally approved by the Hearing Examiner. This decision was appealed to be Board of County Commissioners, who decided to zone the property B -1 in December, 2001. The major issue concerning this property is the potential impact commercial development will have on the Dishman Hills Natural Area, located south of the site and the precedent that would be set by allowing commercial development south of Appleway. Spokane County adopted their Comprehensive Plan in November, 2001 and Phase 1 Development Regulations implementing the Comprehensive Plan in January, 2002. The 2001 Comprehensive Plan designated the subject property Medium Density Residential with the Phase 1 Regulations applying the UR -12 zoning designation. The zoning history of the subject property was brought to the City Council's attention prior to the date of incorporation. When the Council adopted the County's. Comprehensive Plan, the subject property received the Neighborhood Commercial land use designation. This was followed with a zone change to Neighborhood Commercial, consistent with the decision made by the County Commissioners in December, 2001. Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: The entire south side of Appleway Blvd., from Coleman to Sargent Ave., is designated Medium Density Residential on the Comprehensive Plan map, except for the subject property, which is currently designated Neighborhood Commercial. Property north of Appleway is designated Medium Density Residential and Regional Commercial. The Comprehensive Plan describes the Regional Commercial category as intensive commercial areas intended to draw customers from the County at large and other outlying areas. Regional shopping centers and major commercial areas will be designated with this classification. The Neighborhood Commercial classification designates small -scale neighborhood - serving retail and office use. Community Commercial designates areas for retail, service and office establishments intended to serve several neighborhoods. Recommendation: The proposed site is bound by a manufactured home park to the west and hills to the south and east. These constraints, and the size of the subject property, will limit development in this area to the subject site. The Neighborhood Commercial designation does not appear appropriate in this instance because the site will not serve a single neighborhood. Further, at 3 acres, the site is large enough to support commercial businesses that will not fit into the Neighborhood Commercial classification, either by size or intensity. Conversely, the Regional Commercial designation is perhaps too intense for this particular site. Staff recommends designating the property Community Commercial and applying the B -2 zone, which will allow more flexibility and marketability to the site, but will limit future impacts of development that would be allowed under the Regional Commercial designation and B -3 zone. (See Attachment 2 for application materials, SEPA documentation and related maps.) August 14, 2003 Page 4 of 9 E Staff Report 2003 Comprehensive Plan Ail landments CPA -03-03 Applicant: Thomas Smith Request: Change the land use designation from Industrial and change zoning from UR -22 to 1 -2. Location: West side of Pines Road between the Mansfield Avenue. Site Area: 2.5 acres Existing Use: Vacant High Density Residential to Light Union Pacific Railroad Right -of -Way and Adjacent Uses: Property to the west, across Pines Rd., includes a restaurant, an office and a convenience store. A mobile home court is directly west of the site and the Union Pacific railroad right -of -way adjacent to the south property line. Public Facilities: Public water is available to the site through Irvin Water District. The area is scheduled for sewer construction during 2003; however, the Applicant recently opted out of the County's sewer program. The County would have provided a sewer stub to the property from the sewer extension along Mansfield Avenue and charged the property with a sewer general facility. The Applicant decided to opt out of the program, indicating that he would be responsible to extend a sewer line under the railroad right -of- way to an existing main line. In either case, any new development would be required to connect to the public sewer system. Previous Land Use /Zoning: The property was zoned Restricted Industrial in 1976, which would have allowed construction of a commercial/industrial development. In 2001, Spokane County designated the property High Density Residential and followed with a UR- 22 zoning designation in 2002. Comprehensive Plan /Zoning Analysis: The Interim Comprehensive Plan designates a large area west of Pines and north of the railroad right -of -way High Density Residential. This category allows for multi - family apartments and office uses. Land on the east side of Pines is designated Community Center, an intense mixed -use area. Property to the south, including the railroad property, is designated Light Industrial. The Comprehensive Plan states that Light Industrial category "is intended for industrial areas that have a special emphasis and attention given to aesthetics, landscaping and internal and community compatibility". Office and commercial uses that support and compliment the industrial areas are allowed. Recommendation: Change property to Light Industrial and zone 1 -2, consistent with previous 1976 zoning and policies within the Interim Comprehensive Plan. (See Attachment 3 for application materials, SEPA documentation and related maps.) August 14, 2003 Page 5 of 9 Staff Report 2003 Comprehensive PE, mer dments CPA -03 -04 Applicant: Doug Lydig (John Sweitzer, Agent) Request: Change property from Low Density Residential to Light Industrial and zoning from UR -7 to 1 -2. Location: Golf Dome property at Cataldo Avenue, west of Bradley and adjacent to Beauty Bark. Site Area: 2.57 acres Existing Use: Indoor golf practice facility. Adjacent Uses: Industrial and commercial uses, including a landscape supply business to the east, a UPS trucking facility to the west and scattered residential parcels to the north. Public Facilities: Public sewer won't be available to the site until 2005. Public water is supplied by Spokane County Water District No. 3. The site is accessed by a public road. Previous Land Use /Zoning: The site was rezoned from 1 -2 to B -3 by Spokane County in 1994 to allow for construction of the indoor golf facility and pro shop. In 2001, Spokane County designated the property Low Density Residential and followed with a UR -7 zoning designation in 2002. Comprehensive Plan /Zoning Analysis: The subject property is surrounded on three sides by Light Industrial property, with Low - Density Residential property to the north. The requested Light Industrial designation is consistent with the surrounding designations. Recommendation: Change land use designation to Light Industrial and change zoning to 1 -2. (See Attachment 4 for application materials, SEPA documentation and related maps.) CPA -03 -05 Applicant: Dave Nerren (Lexington Homes) Request: Change property from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential and change zoning from UR -3.5 to UR -22. Location: Between Broadway and Cataldo Avenue, west of Pines Road. Site Area: 3 acres August 14, 2003 Page 6 of 9 F Staff Report 2003 Comprehensive Plan A ..,:ndments • Existing Use: Largely vacant except for a single- family dwelling. Adjacent Uses: Residential /vacant and to the west, single - family residential to the north and east. Public Facilities: The property has public sewer available; water is provided by Modern Electric Water Company. Access to the site is from Broadway Avenue, a four lane principal arterial. Previous Land Use /Zoning: The subject property has been zoned single - family residential for many years. Property directly east received a zone change to UR -22 in 1978 and is designated High Density Residential on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Comprehensive Plan /Zoning Analysis: The subject site is located within a transition area between single - family residential and office uses. Property directly east is designated High Density Residential while property to the west and north is designated Low Density Residential; property south, across Broadway, is designated Medium Density Residential and zoned UR -22. The request is consistent with Policies UL.2.16, UL.2.20 and Goal UL.7 of the Urban Land Use chapter of the Interim Comprehensive Plan. Recommendation: Change property to High Density Residential and change zoning to UR-22. (See Attachment 5 for application materials, SEPA documentation and related maps.) CPA -03 -06 Applicant: Harold Sarff Request: Change property from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential. Location: North side of Broadway, west of Evergreen Road between Blake and Mamer Rd. Site Area: 5+ acres Existing Zoning /Land Use: The property is currently zoned UR -22 and is developed with a independent retirement complex called Broadway Court Estates. The Applicant is requesting to expand'the facility to the east, into vacant residential property. Adjacent Uses: The site is surrounded by the following uses and zoning districts: north — vacant land zoned UR -3.5; south — Broadway Avenue, church and single family zoned UR- 3.5; east — single family residential zoned UR -3.5; and west — unimproved Blake Road and Blake elementary playfields zoned UR -3.5. August 14, 2003 Page 7 of 9 Staff Report 2003 Comprehensive PI, inendments Public Facilities: The site is currently served -with water by Vera Water and Power and is connected to public sewer. Previous Land Use /Zoning: The majority of the proposed site was zoned UR -22 in 1998 to allow for the development of the retirement facility. In 2001, Spokane County designated the property Low Density Residential but did not change the UR -22 zoning. Therefore, the existing Comprehensive Plan designation is not consistent with the current zone and use of the property. The proposed expansion area to the east is designated Low Density Residential and zoned UR -3.5. Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: It appears that the County erred in designating the subject property Low Density Residential in 2001. The expansion area to the east would not have a significant impact on the neighborhood and is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policy UL 2.17. Recommendation: Change the entire site to High Density Residential, including the separate parcel fronting Broadway and surrounded by the subject property. Apply the UR- 22 zone to the expansion area. (See Attachment 6 for application materials, SEPA documentation and related maps.) CPA -03-07 Applicant: P & T Partners (John Peterson, Agent) Request: Change property from Low - Density Residential to High - Density Residential on the westem portion and Community Commercial on the eastern portion. The requested zoning is UR -22 on the western portion and B -2 on the eastern portion. Location: The property is located on the west side of Barker Road, between Boone and Sharp Avenue. Site Area: Total area is about 3 acres, which will be split approximately in half by the Community Commercial /High Density Residential designations. Existing Use: The eastern portion is developed with a convenience store /service station and fast food restaurant. The western portion is vacant. Adjacent Uses: Property to the north is currently being developed into a R.V. /Boat storage facility; south is Washington State D.O.T. property (part of the I -90 /Barker interchange); east and west is residential. Public Facilities: Water is served by Consolidated Irrigation District #19; access is via public roads maintained by Spokane County. The existing convenience store /fast food restaurant is connected to the County's sewer line on Barker Rd. by a private 2" line. August 14, 2003 Page 8 of 9 1 Staff Report 2003 Comprehensive Plan Al..ndments Development of the western portion may require connection to the County's sewer line to the west, which is yet to be constructed. Kevin Cooke, Spokane County Utilities, informed the Community Development Staff that a line will be constructed about 1000' east of the Flora and Mission intersection. The developer of the subject property would be required to extend sewer to this location, rather than east to Barker Road. Engineering issues aside, future development on the site would be required to connect to the County's public sewer system. Previous Land Use /Zoning: The property was converted to 1 -2 zoning in 1957, 1958 and 1971. The convenience store was constructed in 2000. In 2001, Spokane County designated the area Low - Density Residential on the Comprehensive Plan Map and applied the UR -7 zone. Comprehensive PlanlZoning Analysis: The existing use of the property is not consistent with the current Low - Density Residential designation and UR -7 zoning. The requested Community Commercial designation for the eastem portion of the site is consistent with the existing use. The Comprehensive Plan describes Community Commercial as "areas for retail, service and office establishments intended to serve several neighborhoods". Policy UL.2.16 encourages the location of medium and high density residential categories near commercial areas and public open spaces and on sites with good access to arterials. Policy UL.2.17 encourages multifamily homes to be integrated into or next to neighborhood, community or urban activity centers; and integrated into small, scattered parcels throughout existing residential areas. Recommendation: Community Development staff supports the requested Community Commercial designation for the existing commercial business on the eastern portion of the site. However, staff does not support designating the western portion High Density Residential, but does recommend designating the site Medium Density Residential. This will provide for a better transition between commercial and single - family residential and will have less impact on the existing single - family neighborhood. (See Attachment 7 for application materials, SEPA documentation and related maps.) August 14, 2003 Page 9 of 9 1 1 f 1.1 Comprehensive Plan CPA -03 -01 - Background • 1970 - Property zoned Commercial • 2001 — Property designated as Low Density Residential during County's Comprehensive Plan Process • 2002 — Property rezoned to Urban Residential -7 as part of County's Phase 1 Zoning Site currently developed with a car wash and self- storage facility CPA -03 -01 • Location: North side of Montgomery, west of Argonne Existing Comprehensive Plan Designation — Low Density Residential • Request: Change to Regional Commercial Fl. C...a, NM ▪ *ma llorlowl 411,0.0./ Gewgaw sw 0.1•404 Mao Imo allow :_ . �� armor •maw _me lyre It to or Campiplarke Pas UM Use N i : t _ Abliliwood w• • CPA -03 -01 • Existing Zoning — Urban Residential 3.5 • Requested Zoning —B -3, Regional Commercial e Comprehensive Plan - Community Center • Zoning - B -2, Community Business T Staff concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission I Millwood 1 ON" CPA -03 -01 Planning Commission Recommendation: i i ; S�Iat1 4 , Valley APPLICANT NAM 6 __ _�V.rn_`.Ja } s - [ADDRESS: p 5 1 , J } � � 4� ' U� CrTY /STATE/ZIP �cp G � G a C� PROPERTY OWNER 1 (IF DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT) NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: PROPERTY OWNER 2 (IF MORE THAN TWO PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTACH SEPARATE SH NAME: ADDRESS: CITY /STATE/ZIP: AGENT /CONSULTANT /ATTORNEY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY / STATE/ZIP LAND USE MAP CHANGE PROPOSAL: CURRENT DESIGNATION PROPOSED DESIGNATION 1 - 3_ LAND USE MAP L ZONING MAP 1 6/4/2003 City of Spokane Valley Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment I CURRENT POLICY � •vwv V PROPOSED 1 POLICY 1 ` PART1 OFFICE USE ONLY: 67 City nitiated Concurrency Review Required: O Yes Date Received: (Q 47 -0? Received By: PHONE: �j 1 l EMAIL: [1, 1��q • , FAX: ; Sow- C l� � ( E ' � q. PHONE: I EMAIL: I FAX: PHONE: EMAIL: JUN 1-8 2003 - FAX: PHONE: EMAIL: FAX: City of Spokane Valley COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY CHANGE PROPOSAL (ATTA SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY): -s-r - s..-- a t - 1 wu• � W 4 S SkxraY Nt.o.) Iktitizen Initiated ❑ No Page 1 of 5 CPA- o3 -o PART II LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE (Signature of legal owner or representative as authorized by legal owner) I C 1 b , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE, TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: j • Al cz6 4, gnature) STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this V NOTARY SEAL NOTARY PUBLIC JEREMY R. LONG STATE OF WASHINGTON My Commission Expires Feb. 19.2005 NOTARY day of 3 , 20 03 � -. RY SIGNATURE Notary Pus is i and for the State of Washington Residing at: Spokrle— My appointment expires: t 19 g 5— 6/4/2003 (State) PHONE: t � y - ZIP: (Date) Page2of5 6/4/2003 CHANGED CONDITIONS PART TO SITE DATA }}�� I� // -- (( Q PROJECT /PROPOSAL SITE AREA (ACRES OR SQ. FT.) 61)..C311_ 'iv_ a .3_6D __1 �� �__....,� Q r c_19 ADJACENT ARE OWNED OR CONTROLLED (ACRES OR SO.FT. N A EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY: A D SCHOOL DISTRICT Wz�'k �10� \�`, S9� ! C,. - - _-0,-0 OA_.1LB1-RU, 1 S FIRE DISTRICT: - 1 "\ WATER DISTRICT: PREVIOUS ZONING /LAND USE DECISION LIST PREVIOUS PLANNING ACTIONS INVOLVING THIS PROPERTY: NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROAD ACCESSING PROPERTY: pyb1 C__ WIDTH OF PROPERTY FRONTING PUBLIC /PRIVATE ROAD: C.) ACCESS TO EXISTING OR PLANNED ARTERIAL? (Y /N) 4, NAME OF ARTERIAL ROADS: ; V.6,4, WHAT ARE THE CHANGES CONDITIONS WHICH WARRANTS THIS PROPOSED CHANGE? 1 Co �h 3 1 Page 3 of 5 9VA,t,_&) (\)o , __:\)akAAA,0 ? ,AL\ '- 1� ` LA NO1 ■1_,.;Mt, as) C.-ft5\z,,- a Loz) & r 1 V r V PROPOSAL r PROVIDE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: iQz, \raiL )■)■•51.4 ` ww W* w ADJACENT LAND USES DESCRIBE EXISTING LAND USES WITHIN THE VICINITY OF PROPOSAL: Cot • & A0A )z) ck;, Q.M.J&\ ni- Lth 9 Uo \rAo-) (5) 6/4/2003 Page 4 of 5 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY DESCRIBE HOW PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - CITE SPECIFIC GOALS /POLICIES: PUBLIC FACILITIES DESCRIBE AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES, INCLUDING, ROADS, WATER, SEWER, PARKS, AND PUBLIC TRANSIT: ta • u,a,,,D a \v/J _&4kJ � lAt r3 � }y p c .�„,,� Nfl,./e„ 6/4/2003 Ls1_43„6e4 k Dkj .‘■ -0C, June 11, 2003 Kim Lyonnais Planning Manager City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Wa. 99206 Dear Kim: Respectfully, Gib Brumback Brumback Consulting, Inc. cc: Scott Kuhta — Long Range Planner Slbhvordlyonnais Enclosures Brumback Consulting INCORPORATED This correspondence is to review our conversation of June 2, 2003. My concern is that without my knowledge the Spokane County downgraded my zoning at 8915 E. Montgomery when they instituted the new comprehensive land use plan. I am enclosing as exhibit 1 a plat map that shows my property (Parcel A and B). The downgrade applies to Parcel B. Also enclosed is a summary of facts that I got from an. Appraisal Report, which I will refer to as Exhibit 2. Parcel B has been downgraded from B-3/Regional Business to UR3.5 (Residential). Parcel B consists of (2) storage buildings totaling 15,000 S.F. and 96 Units. The balance of the site consists of a 3821 S.F. Self Service Car Wash and 84 outdoor storage spaces for trucks and R.V. storage. I am requesting that Spokane Valley Planning Dept. change the current zoning of Parcel B, back to the original B -3 zone. Development and Marketing 8915 E. Montgomery, Suite B • Spokane, WA 99212 • 509 - 924 -3939 • Fax 922 -4439 GRAPHIC SCALE ice 0 S5 10D - 200 SPONSOR: (IN FEET) 1 6;5 - 100 fL I I SSTA. G ,R'E::r I :.3. t I GIB BRUMBACK N. 5410 NORTHWOOD DR. SPOKANE. WA 99204 924 -3939 INLAND PACIFIC ENGINEERING Sawn ?5 ♦Ramon! Sacs ane.X'ash∎ngeg. ;578? S7.•— U :C 99 ?C2 - lof - i - r 7 1-- -- T I Q I e'/. E ^ /. 1 I S I I JIOELa R\) „ e NZL S 1 0 I I _ ST le � n I ( ./v RnI.LIJ 1 I „ .) r Irtvv. I I j VC iviJiv r I Z Lo Ct a SITE DATA:. TOTAL PLAT AREA TOTAL No. OF LOTS METHOD OF WATER SUPPLY METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL EXISTING ZONE MONTGOMERY AVE. — 1 - -- - - -'— I • I I 1 I I I IL! 0 ar Q •. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: THIS MAP WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPOKANE COUNTY sUeDIvISION ORDINANCE. 4.92 ACRES 2 PUBLIC —VERA POWER AND WATER SEPTIC TANK AND ORAINFlELD B -3 PATRICK J: MOORE, RLS RP .RO I W Cr 0 Q 0 r fn SPOKANE co U. T/ V V r e l � `Ts 70' 0 4 0 w W z > z 'ti 0 0 7d' PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SHORT PLAT 91:- LOCATED IN THE NE 1 % 4 OF SECTION 7, T.25 N.,R.44 SPOKANE COUNTY, Vs NOVEMBER 1991 Location: Owners of Record: Delineation of Title: Occupied 13' ay: Legal Description: Site: Iinprovetnents: 7onirt Dates of Inspection: The - -Appraisal Problerri. Date of Valuation: Argonne Monlgoirtery self Storage As of February 16, .1999 SUMMARY OF SALIENT FACTS The'subject property is located on the north side of Montgomery Avenue•about 300 ft West of Argonne Road with a street address of 8915 E. Montgomery Avenue, Spokane, Washington. D. G. Brumback and Susan L. Brumback The Brurnbacks and partners purchased Lot A from Jesse Rosauer on April 24, 1993 and constructed the existing facility in 1994. The Brumbacks purchased Lot B from Spokane County on May 19, 1997 for $320,027.50. This sale is analyzed in the land value section of.the Cost Approach. The owners and various renters of Argonne Montgomery Self Storage facility. Lots A and 13 of Short Plat 733 -91., according to the Short Plat recorded in Volume "A' of Plats n Page 44, Spokane County, Washington. 214,211 sf total. A triangular site with about 1,21 feet of frontage along the north side ,of Montgomery Avenue. The improvements include a four year old, 292 unit, 39,825 sf self storage facility with security fencing, keypad , gate, security alarms, good landscapink, and biofiltration swalc ares. A two building addition with 96 units in 15,000 sf, a six bay, 3,821 sf self service carwash, and an 84 space outside storage area are proposed Lot B, the vacant. 120,014 sf, westerly portion of the site. The subject property is zoned "B -3, Regional Business ". February 9 arid 16, 1999 Form an opinion of the market value of the fee simple interest as it existed on the fast date of inspection, at completion of the proposed additional improvements about June 1; 1999 and at stabilized occupancy about October 1, 1999. February 16, 1999. MICHAEL J. SPRITE, MA1 Page 5 1 00 r SPONSOR: GRAPHIC SCALE 9 50 100 - 200 IN II ) 1 inch — 100 (1. I I I :'S1A l►t, RVENr '8 BRUMBACK . 5410 NORTH'WOOD DR. SPOKANE, WA 99204 924 -3939 . INLAND PACIFIC ENGINEERING South 'S Maatr tNrTre•Woshingten X509) 57: -14 i 911702 • � ROAO -- �t�gOAD rr R _�✓� A SITE DATA:. . PARCEL IR11..it POI TOTAL PLAT AREA TOTAL No. OF LOTS METHOD OF WATER SUPPLY METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL COSTING ZONE to r tSO� HER ,00000 4 MONTGOMERY AVE. 1 0 f 1 . I •�, - - -,- 1 < 1 J OE 22E6'S 1 , 1 nn..l{RA e 1 I F IRS T I. I 1 ..v.. Na. 4 I 1 I I n ir v. I I ` v�Ggi;:i5 ivj t 1- z w C9 c 1 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: THIS MAP WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REOULREMENTS OF THE SPOKANE COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. PATRICK J: MOORS PARCEL "A" 94.197 SF. 2.16 AG - r aftr r.LLIT:ON 4.92 ACRES 2 PUBLIC -VERA POWER AND WATER SEPTIC TANK AND DRAINI•IELD B -3 7. ACOmowJ. R/W (CATION SPOKANE VUt 1 t 1 ' r 7 1 I I • 1 cc 1 0024::.EC I 1_ nuvtsivi: CC I w1 O L y 70' PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SHORT PLAT 91 LOCATED IN THE I'!E i/4 OF SECTION 7, T.25 N.,R.44 SPOKANE COUNTY, WAS' :TCth; NJOVEME R 19 June 11, 2003 Kim Lyonnais Planning Manager - City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Wa. 99206 Dear Kim: This correspondence is to review our conversation of June 2, 2003. lvMy concern is that without my knowledge the Spokane County downgraded my zoni.ng 8915 13. .Montgomery when they instituted the new comprehensive land use plan. • 1 am enclosing as exhibit 1 a plat map that shows my property (Parcel A and B). The downgrade applies to Parcel 13. Also enclosed is a summary of facts that 1 got from an Appraisal R.eport, which I will refer to as Exhibit 2. Parcel B has been downgraded from 13- 3/Regional Business to UR3.5 (Residential). Parcel B consists of (2) storage buildings totaling 15,000 S.F. and 96 Units. The balance of the site consists of a 3821 S.F. Self Service Car Wash and 84 outdoor storage spaces for trucks and R.V. storage. I am requesting that Spokane Valley Planning Dept. change the current zoning of Parcel B, back to the original B -3 zone. Respectfully, Gib Brumback Brumback Consulting, Inc. cc: Scott Kuhta — Long Range Planner slhiwordlyonneis Enclosures Brumback Consulting INCORPORATED Development and Marketing 8915 E. Montgomery, Suite 13 • Spokane, WA 99212 •, 509- 924 -3939 • Fax 922 -4439 GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 • 200 SPONSOR: ( IN FEES ) 1 inch - 100 11. i I I I 'AS TA, .•+ R .,r.,p .: i n �J vCn 1 1 t ::S. 4 I GIB BRUMBACK N. 5410 NORTHWOOD DR. SPOKANE, WA 99204 924 -3939 INLAND PACIFIC ENGINEERING South 25 N1otna t Spotc ,t_Wasninpton ( 53:•-14,C SreC7 1 _t - - RO R11 .----------- I Al T T I SCEL.B3 RD'S RA i nvv . SITE DATA.. 1N Komi' TOTAL PLAT AREA TOTAL No. OF LOTS METHOD OF WATER SUPPLY METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL EXISTING ZONE D oge ° R MONTGOMAERY AVE, . - • - - 1 1 - -- j - -�1 1 I I I V C C .0 S I ►' "c Cvvl .�c ■ nlJ I W 1 1r .W CS <• SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: THIS MAP WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPOKANE COUA'TY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, _. • PATRICK „C MOORE. RLS R pJ1rR �l T -r _F1 rvitilt•Irrt DDITIO•: • '4.92 ACRES 2 PUBLIC -VERA POWER AND WATER SEPTIC TANK AND DRAINFIELD 6-3 4 SPOKANE O .,I I.R.. V V1�11 70' 0 Y CC w z z 0 70" PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SHORT PLAT 91- LOCATEO IN THE !'!E +/4 OF SECTION 7, T.25 N,,R.44 SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON NOVEMBER 1991 ,• Location: Owners of Record: D. G. Bnimback and Susan L. Brumback Delineation of Title: Legal . Description: Site: Ini provetn ents : Zoning: Dales of Inspection: The Appraisal Problem: Date of Valuation: February 16, 1999. • Argonne Morilgoinery Self Siorage As of February .16 1999 SUMMARY OF SALIENT FACTS The subject property is located on the north side of Montgomery Avenue about 300 ft West of Argonne Road with a street address of 8915 E. Montgomery Avenue, Spokane, Washington. The Brumbacks and partners purchased Lot A from Jesse Rosauer on April 24, 1993 and Constructed the existing facility in 1994. The Brumbacks purchased Lot 13 from Spokane County on May 19, 1997 for $320,027.50. This sale is analyzed in the and value section of.the Cost Approach. Occupied By: The owners and various renters of Argonne Montgomery Self Storage facility. Lots A and 0 of Short Plat 733 -91, according t� the Short Plat recorded in Volume "A'` of Plats n Page 44, Spokane County, Washington. 214,211 sf total. A triangular site with about 1,216 feet of frontage along north side of Montgomery Avenue. The improvements include a four year old, 292 unit, 39,825 sf self storage facility with security fencing, keypad entry gate, security alarms, good landscaping, acid biofiltration swale areas. A two building addition with 96 units in 15:,000 sf, a six bay, 3,821 sf self service carwash, and an 84 space outside stet - age area are proposed Lot 13, the vacant 120,014 sf, westerly portion of the site. The subject property is zoned "B -3, Regional Business ". February 9 and 16, 1999 Form art opinion of the market value of the fee simple interest as it existed on the last date of inspection, at completion of the proposed additional improveinetits about June 1; 1999 and at stabilized occupancy about October 1, 1999. MICHAEL, 1. SPRUTE, MAI Page 5 BIM* 51 IWO G Ct 8MT $ CZb' a: ;11 kinno iW Z= cA`x` E�i lR . • O" Pit M 7 p? 8 13 0L0. '10 ? . �r t 1 9 ' t ei et 8 ti d by r p°a� a r'. to th day-Of � i ' n .!off iii. :the a Wit'' **inn fear ants, At r o _4 t o .� eo t iOSS titer ima . 8, 1969 'boett y ie t d i 121. • k8 Ow Pinar of , p1 : b letter 6atsd 40 E 1 i ' ' .4 q ' Oaartr ta, Ixic bL0 l inter to k 'ticip to in the oo 01 'a to t . g :u *444 in F 0 t*.fn T.O ea atio of c ta 1 wino It‘4 'mss �. 'T�' 3�V8�? Ott - �: , .. tiq r t o$ o o ' o y t at the of ty;. . A "5, .190$*. ? f d • . Mat Peat of the N 114 of 8eoti lying aocu'E�rl Vii. ��: vat ��' TP � �., Range 44, $44/44. 1 mast 34o re�et eit at a .thp Wet ..» O 'feet th eof 8p e $ tYa sl .$ the CPA -03 -02 - Background 1 97 6 — Dui ICU vui 1111 itI c;id1 Ni iui w (UI !WI ULLiui of Appleway Q Construction of Appleway split subject parcel from parcel on north side of Appleway • 2001 — Hearing Examiner recommended rezone to B -3, Regional Commercial (ZE -1 -01) 2001 — Spokane Board of County Commissioners zone subject parcel B -1 (No_ 1- 1235) Site is vacant Ca.', COMilpiy .� :.ww.. libelw Me !WW1 WwWW —Wwwwwl — — O ▪ wl VW C•wW r WW1 haw* UM. Wow Wow NNWWw Comprehshuva Plan AmaMhwr CPA43 D7 CPA -03 -02 • Location — south side of Appleway, west of Park Road e Existing Comprehensive Plan Designation — Neighborhood Commercial Request — Regional Commercial Cam pnhaealw Hui Laced UM W/ CPA -03 -02 co Existing Zoning — B -1, Neighborhood Commercial Requested Zoning — B-3, Regional Commercial CPA -03-02 Planning Commission Recommendation: Comprehensive Plan Community Commercial Zoning - B -2, Community Business Staff concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission 3 Item Compolphorams P4n Amandment CPA 03-02 ....0%311t1 APPLICANT NAME: Associated Restaurants, Inc. ADDRESS: 3120 South Raymond Circle 1 CITY /STATE /ZIP: Spokane, WA 99206 AGENT /CONSULTANT /ATTORNEY r NAME: Richard Repp ADDRESS: 422 West Riverside, Suite 1100 CITY /STATE/ZIP Spokane, WA 99201 City of Spokane Valley Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendm nt E I VE D PART I PROPERTY OWNER :I (IF DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT) i NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: 1 EMAIL: 1 CITY /STATE /ZIP: ? FAX: PROPERTY OWNER 2 (IF MORE THAN TWO PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET) NAME: 1 PHONE: ADDRESS: j EMAIL: CITY /STATE /ZIP: 1 FAX: JUN 262003 PHONE: 3?ne-a/Iiey EMAIL: FAX: PHONE: 509 - 62565_ 1, EMAIL: FAX: 509- 458 -2728 FILE NOCP ' 1 LAND USE MAP CHANGE PROPOSAL: CURRENT DESIGNATION I PROPOSED DESIGNATION LAND USE MAP i Medium Density Residential i Regional Commercial ZONING MAP I Neighborhood Commercial (B-1)' Regional Commercial (B -3) OFFICE USE ONLY: t] City Initiated Concurrency Review Required: ❑ Yes Date Received: (9 63 Received By: _ PROPOSED POLICY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY CHANGE PROPOSAL (ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY): Does not apply, this is a land use map change only. CURRENT POLICY 6/13/2003 Does not apply, this is a land use map change only. El- ettizen Initiated Q No Page 1 of 5 6/13/2003 Spokane (City) PART II LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE (Signature of legal owner or representative as authorized by legal owner) I, —A1N . RP , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS /HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: 3120 South Raymond Circle PHONE: 509- 928 -8320 (State) WA ZIP: 99206 (Date) NOJ L,• %%t 5 ; .. N �c 1 ; 'o NQTARy . 3 i :v ( �� PUBLIC i � ° 4). 8-29-0.***. -29 S NOTARY STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this O day of n e, , 2� NOTARYCNATURE Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at: p() <KQ I'1P L to _ My appointment expires: a` a" i c Page 2 of 5 PROJECT /PROPOSAL SITE AREA (ACRES OR SQ. FT.) 3. 0± acres Ipar_ce.l_4_5192-9143, 917 3.58 ac res and 9.5 acres ADJACENT ARE OWNED OR CONTROLLED (ACRES OR SQ.FT.) EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY: undeveloped SCHOOL DISTRICT: West Valley FIRE DISTRICT: Fire District 411 WATER DISTRICT: Ea.s Sp_rg._e Wate.LDistri.ct_ #J .. NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROAD ACCESSING PROPERTY: Applewa A venue WIDTH OF PROPERTY FRONTING PUBLIC/PRIVATE ROAD: 570' ACCESS TO EXISTING OR PLANNED ARTERIAL? (YIN) Yes NAME OF ARTERIAL ROADS: Appleway Avenue Couplet SITE DATA PART III PREVIOUS ZONING /LAND USE DECISION LIST PREVIOUS PLANNING ACTIONS INVOLVING THIS PROPERTY: Rezoned subject property and adjacent property from Urban Residential -22 (UR -22) and Urban Residential -3.5 (UR -3.5) to Neighborhood Business (B-1) and Regional Business (B -3). See Hearing Examiner Findings ZE -1 -01 and Board of County Commissioners Findings 1 -1235. CHANGED CONDITIONS WHAT ARE THE CHANGES CONDITIONS WHICH WARRANTS THIS PROPOSED CHANGE? Construction of Couplet splits Sprague Avenue traffic in half bringing it by subject properties. Adjacent properties have been rezoned to Regional Business (B -3). See ZE -1 -01 and ZE- 26 -00. The property now has 500 feet of frontage on Appleway Boulevard where there is an average daily traffic count of 17,000 vehicles. Water, sewer, gas, electrical and fiber -optic cable are all available on site. 6/13/2003 Page 3 of 5 2 (ptn) PROPOSAL PROVIDE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Change zoning from Neighborhood Business (B -1) to Regional Business (B -3) Change Comprehensive Plan land use designation from Medium Density Residential to Regional Commercial ADJACENT LAND USES DESCRIBE EXISTING LAND USES WITHIN THE VICINITY OF PROPOSAL: North: Zoning to the north and northeast of the project site consists of B -3, established in 1991, previously classified as Commercial (C) in 1941 and 1976. Land uses to the north and northwest of the site are predominantly regional serving businesses fronting on Sprague Avenue (see ZE- 26 -00) . South: Zoning to the south is classified as Urban Residential -3.5 (UR -3.5) and is undeveloped. East: Zoning to the east of the site consists of Regional Business (B -3) and Urban Residential -22 (UR -22). West: Zoning to the west of the site consists of Urban Residential -22 (UR -22). The UR -22 zone was established in 1991 and was previously zoned Commercial in 1941 and 1954. A mobile home park exists on the adjacent parcel to the west. 6/13/2003. Page 4 of 5 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY DESCRIBE HOW PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN — CITE SPECIFIC GOALS /POUCIES: PUBLIC FACILITIES DESCRIBE AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES, INCLUDING, ROADS, WATER, SEWER, PARKS, AND PUBLIC TRANSIT: 6/13/2003 See attached sheet The site is located adjacent to the new Valley Couplet, Appleway Avenue, which is classified by the Spokane County Arterial Road Plan as a Principal Arterial. Water is available from East Spokane County Water District No. 1. Sewer service is available from the Spokane County public sewer system. Fiber -optic cable, gas and electricity are available on site. Page 5 of 5 Comprehensive Plan Consistency I. Describe how proposal is consistent with Comprehensive Plan — Cite specific goals/policies: The site will be developed as a commercial area adjacent to the Appleway Couplet. The project is consistent with Policy UL -1.3.1 which states: Designate a variety of strategically located commercial areas that will be accessible from roadways of major arterial classification or higher, served with utilities and free of major environmental constraints. The site is appropriate for commercial development, as evidenced by the designation of adjacent parcels north of Appleway Boulevard, a Principal Arterial. Public utilities including public water, sewer, roadways, police, fire and transit serve the site. The site is free of major environmental constraints. The terrain of other adjacent properties to the south (owned by the applicant) rises over 115 feet and is therefore a natural buffer to this proposed B -3 designation. The project is consistent with Policy UL.13.6, which states: Zoning and other land use regulations shall provide the following improvements for commercial development: a) Paved streets h) Sidewalks and bicycle lanes in commercial and retail areas c) Parking, bike racks and transit facilities for employees and customers (some facilities may be communal) d) Landscaping along streets, sidewalks and parking areas to provide an attractive appearance e) Adequate stormwater control, including curbs, gutters and stormwater management facilities Controlled traffic across arterials and intersections Expansion and development of this vacant, undeveloped property is also consistent with Spokane County's Economic Development goals. Specifically, Goal ED.3 states: Create a healthy and sustainable regional economy by the retention, expansion and recruitment of business. Page ED.3. Approval of the requested rezone will further the County's goal of developing new business with the use of existing infrastructure. See Goal ED.10, which states: To attract new employers and to allow existing business to expand a diverse inventory of industrial and commercial land must be maintained. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Associated Restaurants, Inc. Page 1 Development of this vacant, undeveloped property is also consistent with the City's infill development goals. The adopted economic development plan for the City provides that infill of undeveloped property in areas that are already provided with services should be encouraged and special incentives to encourage infill development should be implemented. See Goal ED.9. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Associated Restaurants, Inc. Page 2 CPA -03 -03 - Background • 1976 — Zoned Restricted Industrial (allowed commercial and industrial uses) • 2001 — County amended Comprehensive Plan designation to High Density Residential • 2002 — County rezoned subject parcels to Urban Residential -22 (UR -22) implementing Comprehensive Plan • Site is currently undeveloped CPA -03 -03 • Location — West side of Pines Road, south of Mansfield Road • Existing Comprehensive Plan Designation — High Density Residential Request — Light Industrial CIIIIIPMwn11w Plan tar Or Nip jI e RDA Calgary -.- Ilmp rar al . w - - }■. n~Woos ▪ ,• fir CengrahanCM Plan £jn ndnunl CPA •01413 CPA -03 -03 • Existing Zoning - Urban Residential 22 t Requested Zoning - 1 -2, Light Industrial Zonrng May e Comprehensive Plan Am.ndwwd CPA -0143 CPA -03 -03 Planning Commission Recommendation: e Comprehensive Plan - Light Industrial • Zoning - 1-2, Light Industrial Staff concurs with the recommendation of the Planning .,,,, AAA Commission ot"te... Spokane Valley City of Spokane Valley Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment APPUCANT NAME: / ADDRESS: •?/ Se /-)1 CITY/STATE/ZIP: PROPERTY OWNER 1 (IF DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT) PHONE: (4 ADR!REss: 0 nt- EMAIL: . ._.___... ...... — _.K.1___. P: r.9.11.2:7 .. _ 9,....t. - 7. ... PROPERTY OWNER 2 OF MORE THAN TWO PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET) NAME: ;T:..- j. .1 PHONE: 9 6 - 7 to r- - :"ITy --- /STATE7ZIP: „l v. _ I FAX: ..........._ . __ . ____ .............. _____. AGENT/CONSULTANT/ATTORNEY [NAME: i PHONE: ADDRESS: .---. ------- --------- EMA IL: 1 CITY/STATE/ZIP . 1 FAX: LAND USE MAP CHANGE PROPOSAL: _t_ _ , CURRENT DESIGNATION . j .. PROPOSED DESIGNATION [ - CAN . D - US — EIVIAP - 1 4, . 74 ;,--- • • 1 ---- 2.1 p 4 — ..__________ ______ f___ . ___ si , •-y _ , xci • - i ZONING MAP Y 0 - )---).- - I 2 - •.---. ------ -- ----1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY CHANGE PROPOSAL (ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY): CURRENT POLICY PROPOSED POLICY 6/30/2003 7t04 PART OFFICE USE ONLY: 0 City Initiated Concurrency Review Required: 0 Yes Date Received: 6 - 50-15 3 Received By: CPA-03-03 FILE No. . PHONE: Iiiii EMAIL: LFAX: ff.? c R ECEIVED City of Spokane Valley igtiiizen Initiated No Page 1 of 5 Sagokane #Valley APPLICANT . � AME: . pc bc.-r J_ 6✓,g0 -el - // PHONE: q LG ' f i 6 ADDRESS: 5 i', v�'• . Ch A s - EMAIL: /3_ L (.,•.a.. ~ , ` Q Q VV ; is-1 e CITY / STATE/ZIP: U 0 v A -d ,-, l,. <-•vs. c,q. r 7 FAX: g-a-c, -7 jg PROPERTY OWNER 1 (IF DIFFERENT FROM APPUCANT) ' NAME: 1 /1 s S .)-.. e_ ;"-r--, ; PHONE: q Z Li - y f 1 ADDRESS: 3 -7, 9 .5: -S' O <19. pi o �. ' EMAIL: T5 !' . 4. a, co a..,1 . CITY/STATE/ZIP: ( / � .- C 4 - 1 / C O / 4 9 9 0 7 FAX: - - — g 4.T 5'1. r 4" ROPERTY OWNER 2 (IF MORE THAN TWO PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET) AME: ; PHONE: ADDRESS: EMAIL: CITY /STATE/ZIP: i FAX: AGENT /CONSULTANT /ATTORNEY NAME: . PHONE: ADDRESS: EMAIL: CITY /STATE/ZIP I FAX: LAND USE MAP CHANGE PROPOSAL: LAND USE MAP ZONING MAP CURRENT POLICY 6/4/2003 PROPOSED POLICY City of Spokane Valley Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment CURRENT DESIGNATION PROPOSED DESIGNATION I /1 D SI e' e;cCQ.∎ �c -�^� =�\4 -f4 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY CHANGE PROPOSAL (ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY): PART I GM-°7 -0 FILE No. OFFICE USE ONLY: ❑ City Initiated 0 Citizen Initiated Concurrency Review Required: O Yes 0 No Date Received: Received By: Page 1 of 5 PART II LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE (Signature of legal owner or representative as authorized by legal owner) I, '' ' ( , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: ) 5 ' `P S �� t ()el' . r c LA/ (:3 (City) (State) NOTARY SEAL Y P. 1b G? �V � ss ' ; �• j= 8L • NOTARY STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this o day of .Jury , 20 ' • , SIGNATURE Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at: SPa�4-1..ig V let—t__.4 J f�JA-S /44.0 6T1 My appointment expires: y 6/30/2003 (Signature) PHONE: Z"/ - 3 • 1 ZIP: 9 g L 3 7 (Date) Page 2 of 5 ADDRESS: 6/4/2003 PART H LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE (Signature of legal owner or representative as authorized by legal owner) I, , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS /HER BEHALF. / (City (State) (Signature) PHONE: ZIP: (Date) STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this NOTARY SEAL NOTARY day of , 20 NOTARY SIGNATURE Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at: My appointment expires: Page 2 of 5 SITE DATA PROJECT /PROPOSAL SITE AREA (ACRES OR SQ. FT.) ADJACENT ARE OWNED OR CONTROLLED (ACRES OR SQ.FT.) EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY: SCHOOL DISTRICT. FIRE DISTRICT: WATER DISTRICT: NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROAD ACCESSING PROPERTY: WIDTH OF PROPERTY FRONTING PUBLIC /PRIVATE ROAD: ACCESS TO EXISTING OR PLANNED ARTERIAL? (Y /N) NAME OF ARTERIAL ROADS: 6/4/2003 PART Ili 2.5 Acres 1 Acre to north Vacant and older residences. Central Valley School District Fire District No. 1 Irwin Water District None Pines Road, Mansfield Avenue' 530 ft on Pines, 155 ft, Mansfield Yes. Pines Road, a State Highway Pines Road I - i PREVIOUS ZONING /LAND USE DECISION LIST PREVIOUS PLANNING ACTIONS INVOLVING THIS PROPERTY: ' ZF- 78 -75, Agricultural. to Restricted Industrial, approved by Board of CoUnty Commissioners, April 29, 1976. Page3of5 CHANGED CONDITIONS WHAT ARE THE CHANGES CONDITIONS WHICH WARRANTS THIS PROPOSED CHANGE? i The site was not appropriate for apartments in 1976, and is most certainly not appropriate for apartments in 2003. The site was categorized in the High Density Residential category without regard for the underlying zoning, characteristics of the area, i proximity to the Freeway Interchange, noise from arterial and railroad traffic, and the utilization of other frontage properties along Pines Road for commercial and industrial purposes. Sewer lines are in the process of being extended along Mansfield Avenue; and a new traffic signal is planned at the Mansfield and Pines intersection. As .the area continues to develop, the site will be appropriate for commercial /industrial /office uses. The County's Comprehensive Pian shows Light Industrial to the south, Mixed Use and Commercial to the east, and High Density Residential to the north and east. PROPOSAL PROVIDE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL Thomas S. Smith and Robert J. Warner, owners of a 2.5 acre parcel located on the west side of Pines Road between the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and Mansfield Avenue, request the the Generalized Comprehensive Plan of the City of the Spokane Valley be changed from the High Density Residential category to the Light Industrial category to acknowledge the the I -2 zone category granted to the property through a specific zoning request (ZE- 78 -75) granted by Spokane County on April 29, 1976 for potential use of an office/ warehouse project. The subject property has been assessed as commercial property, dedications of additional rights -of -way have been granted, sewer and water is available to the site, certain buildings demolished, and the site graded in anticipation of future commercial /industrial activities. The recent action by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County to classify the property ' High Density Residential efectively limits the development options available for the property. The owners consider this action a down - zone and herein petition the City Council of the Spokane Valley to correct the comprehensive plan category to reflect past action's and to acknowledge the highest and best use of the property. The site is not suitable for apartments or other high density residential uses because of the traffic and noise along Pines Road, a state highway, proximity to I -90 and the Pines Interchange, and the impact of trains passing south of the site. ADJACENT LAND USES DESCRIBE EXISTING LAND USES WITHIN THE VICINITY OF PROPOSAL: The subject property is vacant Surrounding land uses include the Union Pacific Railroad line immediately south. Spokane Transit Authority's Park -n -Ride facility is south and southwest of the tracks. Washington State Department of Transportation has a yard and maintenence facility south of Indiana Avenue, abutting the freeway. Retail and industrial uses are established between Indiana and the freeway to the southwest and to the southeast of Pines Road. The property to the west is occupied by an older trailer court. Properties east of Pines Road include a sit -down restaurant, a professional; office building, and a convenience store. The property east of Pines and north of Mansfield includes an office_ building on the frontage properties along Pines, apartments to the east. Uses to the north include a vacant hillside parcel owned by the applicants, a water tower and apartment sites. Properties to the northwest of the property lying north of Mansfield Avenue are developed as court apartments. Pines Road is maintained as a State Highway connection I -90 with Trent Road. Traffic signals are installed at Indiana and the Piries Interchange to accommodate Interchange traffic, Montgomery Drive industrial traffic and Indiana Ave. traffic from the Spokane Mall;. A future traffic signal is proposed at Mansfield and Pines to accommodate local access needs to busy Pines Road. 6/4/2003 Page 4 of 5 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY DESCRIBE How PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - CITE SPECIFIC GOALS /POLICIES: UL.1a Provide a healthful, safe and sustainable urban environment that offers a variety of opportunities for affordable housing and employment. Response: Commercial /industrial /office uses on the site provide employment in a growing an thriving portion of the Spokane Valley. UL.14.1 Identify and designate industrial `Land areas for heavy industry and light industry. Response: Site is located on arterial next to freeway and adjacent industrial and commercial areas. UL.14.7 Encourage shared parking, pedestrian access and transit incentive programs in industrial development projects. Response: Site is near STA Park-and-Ride facility. UL.17. Establish and maintain land use regulations for industrial areas that protect their use into future and prevent land use conflicts.; Response: The I -2 zone provides fortransition to residential uses to west, integration with adjoining commercial districts. UL17.2 Access points should be combined and limited in number to allow smooth traffic flow on arterials. Access through residential areas:should be avoided. Response: Site is located on major arteril (State Highway) with ready access to Pines and to Mansfield with no conflict with residential) traffic. Site is ideally situated to reduce residential conflicts.) UL.17.5 Standards for setbacks, landscaping and noise barriers shall be developed to mitigate impacts between industrial development and adjacent land uses. Response: I -2 zone has'apptbpriate standards. PUBLIC FACILITIES DESCRIBE AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES, INCLUDING, ROADS, WATER, SEWER, PARKS, AND PUBLIC TRANSIT: The site fronts on Pines Road, a State Highway and lies north of the Pines Interchange, I -90. Irwin Water District serves the are with water sufficient for domestic use and fire protection. The site is north of the STA Park -and -Ride facility. A, sewer trunk line is south of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks to the south. A. sewer extension is planned to extend along Mansfield to the ,north. Parks are maintaied along the Spokane River to the east .and along Mission Avenue south of the freeway to the southwest. The site is served by a full complement of utilities including ;natural gas, electricity, and telephone services are available to the site. 6/4/2003 Page 5 of 5 CPA -03 -04 - Background • 1994 — County rezoned subject property from 1 -2 to B -3 to allow indoor golf practice facility • 2001 — County amended Comprehensive Plan designation to Low Density Residential 2l 2002 — County rezoned subject property to Urban Residential -7 (UR -7) implementing Comprehensive Plan Site is developed with an indoor golf practice facility and pro shop CPA -03 -04 • Location — Cataldo Avenue, west of Bradley and north of 1 -90 �► Existing Comprehensive Plan Designation — Low Density Residential Request — Light Industrial Pim Comm no Waft. 11M Y.. 11 -w/ MIN IUM - Own Fiery ..- awn. Ltat C mpS Plan Lv1 Uu Wm A MA Campre/www Plan Amosnlowe CPA .03-04 CPA -03 -04 11 Existing Zoning — Urban Residential -7 Requested Zoning - 1 -2, Light Industrial Zoexng Map Alip.. 1 War anpwll.ia•as Plan A mandrrant CPA ZUNI Planning Commission Recommendation: • Comprehensive Plan -Light Industrial e Zoning - I -2, Light Industrial • Staff concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission CURRENT POLICY RECEIVED PROPOSED DESIGNATION JtN 3-0403 Low - (Density Residential PROPOSED ZONING MAP POLICY City of Spokane Valley Spantikane 3 , APPLICANT NAME: r - w g T.y i g ADDRESS: PO Box 11035 CITY /STATE /ZIP: Spokane, Wash. 99211 PROPERTY OWNER 1 OF DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT) CITY /STATE/ZIP .S okana h 99202 LAND USE MAP CHANGE PROPOSAL: 6/4/2003 City of Spokane Valley Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment PART I NAME: N/A PHONE: ADDRESS: EMAIL: CITY /STATE /ZIP: I FAX: ( PHONE: 1 EMAIL: FAX: PROPERTY OWNER 2 (IF MORE THAN TWO PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET) NAME: N/A ADDRESS: CITY /STATE /ZIP: OFFICE USE ONLY: 0 City Initiated Concurrency Review Required: ❑ Yes Date Received: (o ' —03 Received By: 1 PHONE: EMAIL: I FA: FILE No. AGENT /CONSULTANT /ATTORNEY NAME: John T. Sweitzer 1 PHONE: 509- 325 -8514 • ADDRESS: 1202 E. Sprague Ave., Ste 211 I EMAIL: jsweitzerov @hotznail.car f FAX: s09-747-2A18 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY CHANGE PROPOSAL (ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY): zen Initiated o No Page 1 of 5 CURRENT DESIGNATION PROPOSED DESIGNATION LAND USE MAP Low - (Density Residential Li ht Industrial ZONING MAP " 7" "I -2" Spantikane 3 , APPLICANT NAME: r - w g T.y i g ADDRESS: PO Box 11035 CITY /STATE /ZIP: Spokane, Wash. 99211 PROPERTY OWNER 1 OF DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT) CITY /STATE/ZIP .S okana h 99202 LAND USE MAP CHANGE PROPOSAL: 6/4/2003 City of Spokane Valley Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment PART I NAME: N/A PHONE: ADDRESS: EMAIL: CITY /STATE /ZIP: I FAX: ( PHONE: 1 EMAIL: FAX: PROPERTY OWNER 2 (IF MORE THAN TWO PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET) NAME: N/A ADDRESS: CITY /STATE /ZIP: OFFICE USE ONLY: 0 City Initiated Concurrency Review Required: ❑ Yes Date Received: (o ' —03 Received By: 1 PHONE: EMAIL: I FA: FILE No. AGENT /CONSULTANT /ATTORNEY NAME: John T. Sweitzer 1 PHONE: 509- 325 -8514 • ADDRESS: 1202 E. Sprague Ave., Ste 211 I EMAIL: jsweitzerov @hotznail.car f FAX: s09-747-2A18 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY CHANGE PROPOSAL (ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY): zen Initiated o No Page 1 of 5 6/4/2003 PART II LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE (Signature of legal owner or representative as authorized by legal owner) I, S'f.�c� L.1 t , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: Val Z) il. DtJtSlo& 13 3 PHONE: VG5 - •title' LAM. ZIP: ZO@, (State) (p 136 10'3 (Date) NOTARY SEAL NOTARY 70-\-\Atk_9 a� • STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 3 a `+ day of , 20 03 NOTAO SIGNATURE Notary Public in a for the State of Washington Residing at: _ A ,„ , 'l My appointment expires: 41i a-8 7 Page 2 of 5 PROJECTIPROPOSAL SITE AREA (ACRES OR SQ. FT.) 2.57 Acres 1 ADJACENT ARE OWNED OR CONTROLLED (ACRES OR SQ.Ff.) 1.67 Acres EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY: Sports Dare /Golf SCHOOL DISTRICT: West Valley FIRE DISTRICT: DiStr1C Io -1 WATER DISTRICT: _Eire ••kane Irri•-tion Dist. No. 3 NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROAD ACCESSING PROPERTY: Cataldo Ame (?ublicBoad) WIDTH OF PROPERTY FRONTING PUBLIC/PRIVATE ROAD: 20'subject/90'+ fiutu adjacent parc No ACCESS TO EXISTING OR PLANNED ARTERIAL? (YIN) NAME OF ARTERIAL ROADS: Cataldo to Bradley to Mission & F SITE DATA PREVIOUS ZONING /LAND USE DECISION PART III LIST PREVIOUS PLANNING ACTIONS INVOLVING THIS PROPERTY: June 23, 1994 . . . . Spokane County Rezone fran Light Industrial (I -2) to Regional Business (B-3) for indoor sports arena, (ZE 18 -94); also a variance for a 65' building height was approved (VE- 16 -94). January 15, 2002 . . . . Spokane County Comprehensive Plan and• zone change to Low- Density Residential, and "U zone. CHANGED CONDITIONS WHAT ARE THE CHANGES CONDITIONS WHICH WARRANTS THIS PROPOSED CHANGE? * Site is located in.an industrial neighborhood and has access and frontage from Cataldo, a public access road that serves the Broadway/Fancher industrial neighborhood. * Property to the east, west and south is industrial. The 1.67 acre parcel adjacent and to the south and_.the..subject have been • developed as one parcel. The parking for the subject improvements is located on the parcel to the south which is zone "I -2, Light Industrial." The subject is improved with a commercial /industrial use. * Spokane County made a "mistake," in rezoning the subject to "UM-7." 6/4/2003 Page 3 of 5 PROPOSAL PROVIDE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The subject and the 1.67 acre parcel to the south are improved with a 35,400 sf dcsne building (maximum height of 65') and attached office. The building is located on the subject site and 63 perking spaces are located on the adjacent 1.67 acre parcel on the south. ADJACENT LAND USES DESCRIBE EXISTING LAND USES WITHIN THE VICINITY OF PROPOSAL: North: Scattered resident»1; a number of commercial hoarse occupation uses. South: Industrial/I -90 Fist. Beauty Bark Plus (landscape supplies business) West: UPS - Office and warehouse 614!2003 Page 4 of 5 L . . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY DESCRIBE HOW PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - CITE SPECIFIC GOALS /POLICIES: THE SUBJECT SITE HAD A INDUSTRIAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION AND AND WAS ZONED I -2 PRIOR TO JUNE 1994, WHEN THE SITE WAS RE -ZONED B -3. LN 2202 THE SITE WAS REDESIGNATED LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, AND REZONED AS UR -7. THE PROPERTY IS LACATED ADJACENT AND TO THE NORTH AND EAST OF LIGHT LN'DUSTRIAL DESIGNATED PROPERTY THAT IS ZONED 1 -2. THIS PROPOSAL WILL PERMIT LAND USES THAT IS COMPATIBLE WITH ADJACENT LAND USE. THE SITE HAS BEEN DEVELOPED FOR A COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL USE. THIS PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WITH COMPREHEtNSIVF. PLAN POLICY: UL.16.2, UL.16.3, UL.16.4; UL.17.1, UL.17.2 AND UL.17.3 PUBLIC FACILITIES DESCRIBE AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES, INCLUDING, ROADS, WATER, SEWER, PARKS, AND PUBLIC TRANSIT: ALL PUBLIC SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE EXCEPT FOR PUBLIC SEWER WHICH WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE IN THE NEXT 5 TO 10 YEARS. THE SUBJECT SITE HAS BEEN DELELOPED WITH A COMMCERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL USE. 6/30/2003 Page 5 of 5 CPA -03 -05 - Background ® 1 - lictnrir� ally 7nnarl cinnlo family rACiriPntial m 1978 — Parcel adjacent to east rezoned to Urban Residential -22 Area along Broadway in transition e Large parcel to west developed with single family a Parcels south developed with multifamily housing and playground for Pines Road Elementary CPA -03 -05 e Location — West of Pines Road between Broadway and Cataldo Ave Existing Comprehensive Plan Designation — Low Density Residential Original Request — High Density Residential Revised Request — Medium Density Residential - portion ONLY L, i'lap Comm wiry .40 Lima %waft yrr oar Salm■ *moor Ilbolgra gm■waft OWN Leal Ulm Map Oplill o.q..Mn.. Pim Am.ne,.ti aat CPA -03 -05 • Existing Zoning — UR -3.5 r) Original Requested Zoning — UR -22 Revised Request — UR- 12 — Southern portion ONLY Planning Commission Recommendation Comprehensive Plan - Medium Density Residential Zoning — UR -12 Staff concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission CPA -03 -O5 Spokane • Vauey APPLICANT NAME: Lexington Homes % Dave Nerren ADDRESS: 12213 East Broadway Avenue CITY / STATE/ZIP: Spokane Valley, WA 99206 PROPERTY OWNER 1 (IF DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT) NAME: ADDRESS: CITY /STATE/ZIP: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY /STATE /ZIP: AGENT /CONSULTANT /ATTORNEY NAME: Ca"'' ates % Dwight Hume ' ADDRESS: 70-7-West 70 , CITY /STATE/ZIP Spokane, WA --9 9 fp2i LAND USE MAP CHANGE PROPOSAL: CURRENT DESIGNATION LAND USE MAP LDR ZONING MAP E UR -3.5 6/4/2003 PROPOSED POLICY CURRENT POLICY • City of Spokane Valley Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment No N/A N/A PART I OFFICE USE ONLY: ❑ City Initiated Concurrency Review Required: ❑ Yes Date Received: Co - 30 --(Y3 Received By: _ PHONE: EMAIL: FAx: PHONE: EMAIL: FAx: PROPERTY OWNER 2 (IF MORE THAN TWO PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET) PHONE: EMAIL: FAx: JUN 3 0 2003 City of Spokane Valley PHONE: 4 158- ..6840 s I5 k 4 ` EMAIL: m FAx: 9 !e/ .c/ 7,44 t/'e4) - PROPOSED DESIGNATION HDR UR -22 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY CHANGE PROPOSAL (ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY): itizen Initiated ❑ No Page 1 of 5 CPA - o3 - o5 FILE No. E D 6/4/2003 PART II LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE (Signature of legal owner or representative as authorized by legal owner) I, /44167 G'�� /L 74Z gA , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS /HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: � 2- / f ? /We0fr1 N PHONE: q2-`7 /r /c 22 (City) ignature) iv4 (State) ZIP: ! 120 (Date) STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) NOTARY SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this . 3 ( =?`� . NOTARY SEAL 0 �,�ttttt 6 bP���� 'i c y �'��i • ° ‘ 4pTARy ° — • PUBLIC i . 25. `4/artmii o- day of , 20L* 14.1 MAP Ata '4'•TA SIGNATURE Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at: My appointment expires: t x0 if �S a 001 Page 2 of 5 SITE DATA (SEE ATTACHED) . PROJECT /PROPOSAL SITE AREA (ACRES OR SQ. FT.) ADJACENT ARE OWNED OR CONTROLLED (ACRES OR SQ.FT.) EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY: SCHOOL DISTRICT: FIRE DISTRICT: WATER DISTRICT: NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROAD ACCESSING PROPERTY: WIDTH OF PROPERTY FRONTING PUBLIC /PRIVATE ROAD: ACCESS TO EXISTING OR PLANNED ARTERIAL? (Y/N) NAME OF ARTERIAL ROADS: • PREVIOUS ZO NING /LAND USE DECISION LIST PREVIOUS PLANNING ACTIONS INVOLVING THIS PROPERTY: (SEE ATTACHED) CHANGED CONDITIONS WHAT ARE THE CHANGES CONDITIONS WHICH WARRANTS THIS PROPOSED CHANGE? (SEE ATTACHED) PART LCt 6/4/2003 Page 3 of 5 PROPOSAL PROVIDE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: (SEE ATTACHED) ADJACENT LAND USES DESCRIBE EXISTING LAND USES WITHIN THE VICINITY OF PROPOSAL (SEE &TTACHED) 6/4!2003 Page 4 of 5 • COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY DESCRIBE HOW PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN — CITE SPECIFIC GOALS /POLICIES: (SEE ATTACHED) PUBLIC FACILITIES DESCRIBE AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES, INCLUDING, ROADS, WATER, SEWER, PARKS, AND PUBLIC TRANSIT: (SEE ATTACH) 6/4/2003 Page 5 of 5 PART 111 SITE DATA PROJECT /PROPOSAL SITE AREA (ACRES OR SQ. FT.) 130,783 SF. (3.00 ACRES) ADJACENT AREA OWNED OR CONTROLLED (ACRES OR Sq. Ft.) None EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY: Single-family and vacant SCHOOL DISTRICT: CVSD # 356 FIRE DISTRICT: FD #1 WATER DISTRICT: Modern Electric and Water Co. NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATETION: Not Assigned PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROAD ACCESSING PROPERTY: Broadway (S), Calaldo (A) WIDTH OF PROPERTY FRONTAGE ON PUBLIC/PRIVATE RD: 169.98' (Broadwa)) 296.96' (Calaldo) ACCESS TO EXISTING ARETERIALS? Yes NAME OF ARTERIAL ROADS: Broadway Avenue PREVIOUS ZONING /LAND USE DECISIONS None by City of Spokane Valley Previous actions by Spokane County include: Cof E's for BLA Change from Urban Category of former Land Use Plan to LDR of GMq Plan. The Urban Category allowed for UR -22 zoning, hence the previous zone changes in the area to UR -22. The current GAM Plan classified the land on the basis of then current use thus limiting the property zone to UR 3.5 or UR 7. CH.ANGED CONNDITIONS What are the changed conditions which warrants this proposed change? • Other properties adjacent to the east and south have similar high- density UR -22 zoning as proposed for the subject property and supporting HDR or 4fDR land use categories. • The land use pattern is changing in the immediate area to office parks and/or other higher density residential uses. • Adequate infrastructure exist to serve the proposed intensity of use, including the arterial improvements of Broadway Avenue. PROPOSAL Provide a general description of the proposal The subject property is being developed for an office park and possible assisted living units. The HDR Category would allow UR -22 zoning similar to the adjacent UR -22 zones and thus allow the proposed use. ADJACENT LAND USES Describe existing land uses within the vicinity of the proposal. There are a mixture of land uses within the area. To the east along Broadway, there are offices with some vacant parcels with residential single-family in transition to other UR -22 uses. To the south, there are apartments and a Junior High School and residential single-family exist to the north and west. The present use of the existing site is residential and vacant. PART III Continued COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY Describe how the proposal is consistent with the comprehensive plan -Cite specific Goals and Policies: UL.2.16 Encourage the location of medium and high - density residential categories near commercial areas and public open spaces and on sites with good access to major arterials. The subject property is located on Broadway Avenue near Pines Rd. which, places the site near commercial uses and on an arterial_ UL.2.20 Encourage new developments, including multifamily projects, to be arranged in a pattern of connecting streets and blocks to allow people to get around easily by foot, bicycle, bus or car..... The subject site can and will be designed to take advantage of arterial access as well as local access street access, thus providing ease of access for both pedestrians, cyclist and motorist. UL.7 Guide efficient development patterns by locating residential development in areas where facilities and services can be provided in a cost - effective and timely fashion. The subject site is located within an area offull services and it is thus cost effective to allow higher intensity development along this arterial in close proximity to other commercial services. Public Facilities Describe availability of public services, including roads, water, sewer, parks and Public Transit. The subject site is served with fill services and a recently widened and improved arterial. It is served by public transit on Broadway Avenue. Parks are located across Broadway at Pines Junior High. CPA -03 -06 - Background • 1998 — Majority of property rezoned to Urban Residential -22 allowing construction of retirement facility .k 2001 — County amended Comprehensive Plan designation to Low Density Residential — did not change zoning Result -- inconsistency between Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map Majority of site developed as retirement facility CPA -03 -06 9 Location — North of Broadway Ave. between Blake and Mamer Roads Existing Comprehensive Plan Designation — Low Density Residential • Request — High Density Residential t.snd Use lisp PIN Cowry WI.. MOO ft.** � am* Pardo faxsame 11..... Iftwo WWI OM. law I F i� F--41 1 �' j lib Cominlrrrere Men MWIdaste rL C/A •1IN CPA-03-06 • Existing Zoning -Urban Residential-3.5 Requested Zoning — Urban Residential-22 1s ra• 41 • I 04 me RUM 1111 to at and VI, Ulf COMplehlaiive Plan Amendment CPA-43-041 CPA-03146 Planning Commission Recommendation Comprehensive Plan -High Density Residential c) Zoning - Urban Residential-22 Staff concurs with the recommendation' of the Planning Commission Sfi (Wane •Vdll City of Spokane Valley Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment PART 1 APPLICANT �u I)J� .,_ G . c� 4t r r . i 6S_ f� S NAME: 5' cti` Pi C c, Ta G LPe YS9 �'I C ADDRESS: /3C OS 1: ITY /STATE/ZIP: S �� Vc l+� - 9 9 z JL NAME: rlciti T frf_ Cl ADDRESS: { CITY /STATEIZIP: PROPERTY OWNER 1 IF DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT PHONE:S 6 9 - 92 y- / .7 a 2, H EMAIL: y, A, 99) t6 FAx: S'o - y - y -S-0 .PROPERTY OWNER 2 (IF MORE THAN TWO PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET) PHONE: EMAIL: FAx: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: LAND USE MAP CHANGE PROPOSAL: Parc e I NG CURRENT DESIGNATION ZONING MAP • CURREN ' • ICY PROPOSED Pou Concurrency Review Required: D Yes Date Received: , - 0 - 6 'L Received By: 6/4/2003 AGENT /CONSULTANT /ATTORNEY NAME: H4 4 I S4 r r/ ADDRESS: ro.c e Br_0 CIT Y/STATEIZIP S a N e, I/G� /Q�• r .--� - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY CHANGE PROPOSAL (ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY): OFFICE USE ONLY: ❑ City Initiated PHONE EMAIL: ____ FAx: s° __22y- (/Z S ° PHONE:.Sv - (UzVA.. • EAAAti: Gefl 981 - Si7g0 FAx: --- _ -_. PROPOSED DESIGNATION 5 /�5�2N L. -z ECE1VE JUN 3 0 2003 City of Spokane Valley D Citizen Initiated CPA - 03 -p Co ❑ No Page 1 of 5 FILE No. LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE (Signature of legal owner or representative as authorized by legal owner) I, Ha r o Id M. r t 4 , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE 'ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I . FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE USE ACTION, F REC OF THE AREA OWNER, PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND US ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS /HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: I II L/ /1/. &f en . Sp oKi i v - I/4 /izy (City) �> 6/4/2003 (Si PART II PHONE: - '5 0 2, �4. ZIP: 99 Z!( (State) 7 -i (Date) NOTARY STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of N O T A M A E / ! 1 1AOZARY a 1 ?UBt1C ! 0Pi o;r,; + ? \ \1\\ U NO ' Y SIGNATURE Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at /S/// M appointment expires: ci --a' — vs/ 9703 Page 2 of 5 PART III SITE DATA PROJECT /PROPOSAL SITE AREA ACRES OR SQ. FT. ( FT.) l± acres ADJACENT ARE OWNED OR CONTROLLED (ACRES OR SQ T F .) I 4 + Acres y _ EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY: UR 3 . 5 SCHOOL DISTRICT: FIRE DISTRICT: WATER DISTRICT. NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROAD ACCESSING PROPERTY: WIDTH OF PROPERTY FRONTING PUBLIC/PRIVATE.ROAD: ACCESS TO EXISTING OR PLANNED ARTERIAL? (YIN) NAME OF ARTERIAL ROADS: 6/4/2003 Central Valley #1 Vera Broadway __00 feet yes -- 8 ar�w r PREVIOUS ZONING /LAND USE DECISION' • LIST PREVIOUS PLANNING ACTIONS INVOLVING THIS PROPERTY: Re -zone Application on 6- 30 -03. CHANGED CONDITIONS WHAT ARE THE CHANGES CONDITIONS WHICH WARRANTS THIS PROPOSED CHANGE? Broadway Court Estates was built on adjacent property to the West of these properties and is zoned UR -22. Broadway Court Estates is a Independent Retirement Apartment Complex for Seniors. Page3of5 1 PROPOSAL PROVIDE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Broadway Court Estates Phase II This property will allow for construction of additional Retirement Apartment Homes to the existing Broadway Court Estates Building. The current Single Family Home fronting Mamer will remain and the Lots will be adjusted to over 10,000 sq.ft. as required by the UR 3.5 codes. ADJACENT LAND USES DESCRIBE EXISTING LAND USES WITHIN THE VICINITY OF PROPOSAL: Property to the West of these properties and adjacent to is zoned UR -22 also property less than .5 miles South fronting Mamer Rd. is zoned UR -22. • 6/4/2003 Page 4 of 5 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY • DESCRIBE HOW PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - CITE SPECIFIC GOALS /POLICIES: The site meets the Urban Land use category for High Density Residential. Design standards will meet the current character and design of the Broadway Court Estates Building. Under UL 2.16 the site meets the High Density Residential Category with good access to major arterials. Under UL 2.17 the currentlbuilding serves as a community center for Spokane Community College Senior Water Aerobics Program and a T.O.P.S. Program for Seniors. Also Multifamily homes are to be intergrated throughout existing residential areas that supports transit. PUBLIC FACILITIES DESCRIBE AVAILABILJTY OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES, INCLUDING, ROADS, WATER, SEWER, PARKS, AND PUBLIC TRANSIT: 6/4/2003 The site 13505 E. Broadway is located within a area that currentl offers public sewer and water, schools, arterials, public transit and fire services. Page 5 of 5 City of Spokane Valley Division of Building and Planning 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Attention: Mick T- Tarnois Regarding: Broadway Court Estates Rezone Application Phase IT. Dear Micki: The undersigned owners of the property located at 921 N. Marker Road, in the City of the Spokane Valley, Washington (also described as parcel number 45151.1422) authorizes Harold Sarff to file an application for approval of a rezone incorporating said real property described as West 67.0 Feet. :.� . � , 17Tit Robert Lightla - r 921 N. Marker Rd. ' City of Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Phone: (509) 926 -0645 Date y- L-i-ghtfotxt 921 N. Manner Rd. City of Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Phone: (509) 926 -0645 Date CPA -03 -07 - Background • 1957, 1958 & 1971 — Zoned Industrial, 1 -2 • 2000 — Convenience Store /Gas Station Constructed • 2001 — County amended Comprehensive Plan designation to Low Density Residential 2002 — County rezoned subject parcels to Urban Residential -7 (UR -7) Eastern portion of site commercially developed: Western portion of site is vacant CPA -03 -07 • Location — Northwest corner of Barker Road and Boone Avenue • Existing Comprehensive Plan Designation — Low Density Residential Request — Community Commercial (east) and High Density Residential (west) ~ ": Campn•Aenuve Plan Amm/msnl g CPA03d1 1NA CPA -03 -07 • Existing Zoning - Urban Residential -7 ® Requested Zoning - B -2, Community Commercial on easterly portion Urban Residential -22 on westerly portion . lii l CI I %W. an. .w CPA-0347 1 CPA -03 -07 Planning Commission Recommendation: • Comprehensive Plan - Community Center & Medium Density Residential i Zoning - B -2, Community Commercial & Urban Residential -12 Staff concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission s � " Mil1ey APPLICANT NAME: P &T PARTNERS, A WASHINGTON GENERAL PARTNERSHIP PHONE: (509.��92�t4ff-6r 23 Valley • i ADDRESS: • 8412 E. SPRAGUE AVE. 1 EMAIL:John 4EYr>;oh Pa Po I CITY / STATE/ZIP: SPOKANE, WA 99212 j FAX: (509) 921 -8896 PROPERTY OWNER 1 (IF DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT) NAME: I PHONE: '• ADDRESS: EMAIL: CITY / STATE/ZIP: _..... FAX: .._ _...._ _._.�-. NAME: _ ADDRESS: _ CITY /STATE/ZIP: _AGENT /CONSULTANT /ATTORNEY I NAME:JOHN T. PETERSON ADDRESS: 8412 E. SPRAGUE AVE. _- CITY /STATE/ZIP: SPOKANE, WA 9921 LAND USE CHANGE PROPOSAL: CURRENT DESIGNATION I LAND USE MAP LOW DENSITY RESIDENTAIL ° ZONING MAP ^ 1 UR -7 CURRENT POLICY PROPOSED POLICY City of Spokane Valley Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendme F PART I B-2/ UR -22 PROPERTY OWNER 2 (IF MORE THAN TWO PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET) _ .I ^PHONE_ EMAIL: ...._ FAX: PHONE (509) 924 -6423 _- - LEMAIL:johnpeterson@pringcorp.com _I FAX: �509� 921 -8896 .-T __ _._._. PROPOSED DESIGNATION C OMMUNITY COMMERCIAL/HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY CHANGE PROPOSAL (ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY): LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. UR -3.5 AND UR -7 ZONES. CPA u 3- a FILE No. F1VED JUL 1 1 2003 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL, WHICH ALLOWS FOR COMMUNITY BUSINESS IN 1 THE B-2 ZONE FOR LOTS 1, 2, AND A PORTION OF LOT 3, ON THE LEGAL 1 DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO MARKED EXHIBIT "B" AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. TO FURTHER ALLOW FOR HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL FOR A PORTION OF LOT 3, AND LOT 4, AND A I PORTION OF LOT 5 OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO. THIS CHANGE WOULD ALLOW FOR THE EXISTING USE OF THE COMMERCIAL OPERATION FOR A HICO VILLAGE CONVENIENCE STORE, A WENDYS FAST FOOD OPERATION AND FOR THE RENTAL OF OTHER COMMUNTIY BUSINESSES CURRENTLY EXISTING ON THE PROPERTY. INSOFAR AS THE CHANGE FROM UR -7 TO UR -22, WE ARE PLANNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF 1 OFFICE USE ONLY: 0 City Initiated 0 Citizen Initiated Concurrency Review Required: 0 Yes 0 No Date Received: Received By: (Signature of legal owner or representative as authorized by legal owner) I, John T. Peterson (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS /HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: 8412 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 (City) (State) AN APARTMENT COMPLEX AS SET FORTH ON EXHIBIT "C" WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. SUCH CONSTRUCTION WOULD BE SUBJECT TO THE CHANGE IN THE 1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND CHANGE IN THE ZONING MAP FROM UR -7 TO UR -22. AIR BUSINESS P NC. Partner ohn T. Peterson, Se retary PART II LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE PHONE: (509) 924 -6423 July 11, 2003 (Date) STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 11th day of Jul, 2003 NOTARY 4 / NOTARY SIGNATURE Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at: 616 E. Sumter Way Spokane, WA 99208 My appointment expires: 3/11/06 i PART III SITE _DATA_ _ _ -' PROJECT /PROPOSAL SITE AREA (ACRES OR SO. FT.) 1 133,800 SQUARE FEET __1 i ADJACENT ARE OWNED OR CONTROLLED (ACRES OR SO.FT.) 1 -0- j EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY: jHICO VILLAGE CONVENIENCE CENTERNACANT LAND L SCHOOL DISTRICT: j 356 i FIRE DISTRICT: 1 #1 WATER DISTRICT: CONSOLIDATED • • NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: I UNKNOWN • PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ROAD ACCESSING PROPERTY: PUBLIC WIDTH OF PROPERTY FRONTING PUBLIC /PRIVATE ROAD: ACCESS TO EXISTING OR PLANNED ARTERIAL? (Y /N) NAME OF ARTERIAL ROADS: PREVIOUS ZONING/LAND USE DECISION LIST PREVIOUS PLANNING ACTIONS INVOLVING THIS PROPERTY: ZONE. PROPOSAL I PROVIDE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: 270 FEET YES _ BARKER RD, SHARPE AVE., BOONE AVE IN THE YEAR 2000 SPOKANE COUNTY APPROVED THE EXISTING HICO VILLAGE CONVENIENCE CENTER ON 1 LOTS 1, 2, AND A PORTION OF 3 OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT 8" HERETO. THE CONVENIENCE STORE WAS APPROVED UNDER PREVIOUS ZONING CODES FOR 1 -2, WHICH INCLUDED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENTS IN THE B -3 CHANGED CONDITIONS WHAT ARE THE CHANGES CONDITIONS WHICH WARRANTS THIS PROPOSED CHANGE? THE CONDITIONS THAT HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE PRIOR APPROVAL OF THIS PROJECT ARE THE CONVENINECE STORE AND THE TENANTS THEREIN SERVICE THE GENERAL AREA IT SURROUNDS, AND IS WELL PLACED WITH RESPECT TO ANY ADJOINING MIXED USES, AND HAS HERETOFORE BEEN RECENTLY APPROVED BY ALL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION. TO APPROVE THE CHANGE OF THE CURRENT DESIGNATION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL AND HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. THIS CHANGE WILL PROTECT THE CURRENT EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ON THE PROPERTY FROM A "TAKING" BY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES WHICH WE BELIEVE ERRORED WHEN IMPLEMENTING THE LAST COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CHANGE. WITH REGARD TO AN APARTMENT BUILDING ON A PORTION OF LOT 3, LOT 4, AND A PORTION OF LOT 5 OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION INCLUDED HEREIN, WE BELIEVE THIS DEVELOPMENT WILL BUFFER THE RESIDENTIAL USES TO THE WEST AND NORTH OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. THE PROPOSAL INCULDES THE EXISTING USES OF A RICO CONVENIENCE STORE OPERATION CURRENTLY EXISTING ON LOTS 1, 2, AND A PORTION OF LOT 3 OF THE HEREIN ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION, AND WE PROPOSE TO CONSTRUCT AN APARTMENT BUILDING ON THE REMAINDER • OF THE SUBJECT PRRPERTY (A PORTION OF LOT 3, LOT 4, AND A PORTION OF LOT 5) AS SET FORTH ON THE ATTACHED SITE PLAN MARKED EXHIBIT ° C ". ADJACENT LAND USES DESCRIBE EXISTING LAND USES WITHIN THE VICINITY OF PROPOSAL: 1. GOAL: UL.13; PROVIDE ADEQUATE COMMERCIAL LAND WITHIN URBAN GROWTH AREAS TO CONVENIENTLY SERVE THE LOCAL AND REGIONAL TRADE AREAS. UNDER ADJACENT LAND USES THERE ARE RESIDENTIAL USES CURRENTLY EXISTING ON THE NORTH, EAST, AND , WEST OF THE SITE, AND TO THE SOUTH IS LAND OWNED BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ACCESS TO AND ADJOINING THE EXISTING FREEWAY LOCATED APPROXIMATLEY 1 /8 OF A MILE TO THE SOUTH. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY DESCRIBE HOW PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - CITE SPECIFIC GOALS / POUCIES: IT IS OUR UNDERSTANDING THAT WHEN THE CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WAS ADOPTED IN MAY 2002, THE SPECIFIC GOALS IN THE POUCIES OF THE LAND FOR COMMERCIAL USE WERE AS FOLLOWS: 2. POLICIES. UL.13.1; DESIGNATE A VARIETY OF STATEGICALLY LOCATED COMMERCIAL AREAS THAT WILL BE ACCESSIBLE FROM ROADWAYS OF MAJOR ARTERIAL CLASSIFICATION OR HIGHER, SERVED WITH UTIUTIES AND FREE OF MAJOR ENVIORNMENTAL CONSTRAINTS. INSOFAR AS HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL USES, WE BELIEVE THIS AREA PROPERLY BUFFERS THE EXISTING RESIDENTIAL AREAS DESCRIBED PREVIOUSLY. PUBLIC FACILITIES DESCRIBE AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES, INCLUDING, ROADS, WATER, SEWER, PARKS, AND PUBLIC TRANSIT: THE PROPERTY IS SERVED BY ALL PUBLIC FACILITIES INCLUDING COUNTY AND STATE ROADS, PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY, PUBLIC SEWER SUPPLY, PUBLIC TRANSIT, AND PRIVATE GABAGE PICK UP. THE ROADS ARE MAINTAINED BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, SPOKANE COUNTY, (NOW CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY). WATER IS SERVED BY CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DISTRICT #19, SEWER IS PROVIDED BY SPOKANE COUNTY, AND GARBAGE IS PROVIDED BY WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE. WE BELIEVE THE S.T.A. SERVES THE AREA FOR PUBLIC TRANSIT. r ' 1 1 .1 1 1 - - - BOO &VS. SITE PLAN SCALE T h r , 3tum1 llle,f tli T•d (Palcdmvi 1tli; ;dete. i6 in • 6 • I I J., T art 4 �j0awq• EXHIBIT "C" t Ewe+a4.• . 4-- :Foie • Zo' pAtt,ktver . 444 Oct P eIJ t SfS1 'OOSSbt 4S1331INONd 11t3A1q • �o } dT T =40 CO 40 ue=C 4