ZE-131-72 (2) v v'; \' . � At said time and place any interested person ma a II y ppear for, or against, the , granting of this application. � AGINDA, JANUARY '12, 1973 TII,EPHONE NO.: 456-22'74 SPOKANE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Time: Friday, January 12 '1973 9��0 A•M. Place: Conference Room A, Court House Annex • (Use Ma11on Avenue entrance) ZONE CHANGE 4.�- E`-,;1:3i1 �'].2, �ricultural Suburban to Multiple Family Suburban a. I,ocation: Section 15, Township 25 N., Range 44, E.W.M. The West 132 feet of the North 280 feet of the South 300 feet of Tract 123 of Opportunity, except the South '130 feet of the East 22 feet. b. Applicant: Donald P. Manfred South 104 Dartmouth � Spokane, Washington c. Site Size: Approximately 36,000 square feet d. Eacisting Zoning: Agricultural Suburban, established April '12, 1955 . e. Proposed Zoning: Multiple Family Suburban f. Proposed Use of Property: Apartment units g. Application of Zoning Provision: Chapter 4.21, Section 4.21.040 _ll ��E.w�Y ol a � SiT E �- � y � N In...en'.ntl � - 1Yl[.fl:T� lC([l a �❑� SPRM A�IE. � I �— NoarH SCR�E: 2����OOO� -4- � �. . _�-_ , MINUTES 3 January 12, 1973 ZONE CHANGE ZE-131-72 - AGRICULTUItAL SUBUt:BF.N TO MULTIFLE FAMILY SUBURBAN: MANFRED Planning Commission Recommendation: Denv. A. Reasons: 1. The Planning Cornmission has been approving specific applications for Multiple Family Suburban zoning for Pine s Road frontage pro- perties and the area between Sprague and Main Avenues. The Commission notes that the advertised parcel lies outside of the areas where apartment developments have been.approved. 2. The Commission is of the opinion that the submitted apartment proposal would be unduly detrimental to adjoining residential properties to the east, north, and west. Surrounding land uses include two residences to the west, residential tracts to the north and single family residences to the east. 3. Tlthough two small apartment projects have been established to the south of the proposal (south of Vain Avenue), the C ommission is of the opinion that the advertised area is not presently conducive to multiple family development because of the established residential character of properties to the north of Main Avenue. B. General Data: i, F.ocation: Sec[ion 15, Tovanship 25 N. , Range 44, E.'V�.I�L. The West 132 feet of the North 250 feet of the South 300 feet of Tract lZa of Opportunity, except the South 130 feet of the East 22 feet. 2. Applicant: Donald P. Manfred South 10� Dartmouth Spokane, vVashington 3. Site 5ize: Approximately 36,000 square feet 4. Existing Loning; Agricultural Suburban, established April 12, 1955 5. Proposed 'Loning: Multiple Family Suburban 6. Proposed Use of Froperty: F,partment Units 7. Application of Zoning Provision: Chapter `,21, Section 4.21.040 -6-