2003, 10-21 Study Session MinutesAttendance: Councilmembers: Michael DeVleming, Mayor Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Richard Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session October 21, 2003, 6:00 p.m. Staff: Dave Mercier City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Ken Thompson, Finance Director Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Cal Walker, Police Chief Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Tom Scholtens, Building Official Kevin Snyder, Current Planning Manager Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner Sue Pearson, Deputy City Clerk Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor DeVleming opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m., welcomed all in attendance, reminded everyone that this is a study session and there will be no public comments, and requested that all electronic devices be turned off for the duration of the meeting. Current Planning Manager Kevin Snyder introduced employee Karen Kendall, the new Assistant Planner most recently from Olympia. Council and staff welcomed Karen to the City. Appointment: It was moved by mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Denenny to appoint Diana Wilhite to the second position on the Spokane Transit Authority Board. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 1. Proposed Franchise Ordinance for OneEIGHTY Networks, Inc. Deputy City Attorney Driskell explained that this franchise is similar to the franchise granted to Columbia and EMAN networks, and that this company is strictly an internet service provider. Discussion came up about a 9 Circuit decision of a case remanded to the FCC concerning broadband services. Attorney Driskell said he is unfamiliar with that case and can research to see if that case would have any bearing here. It was agreed to place this item on the next council agenda for a first reading. 2. Council Budget Discussion: Outside Agency Funding; Fee Resolution Deputy City Manager Regor explained that Council previously heard presentations from several agencies requesting funding for various programs; and that since that request, a request for funding has also been received from Friends of Centennial Trail, representing a total request of $302,000. Ms. Regor explained that as a starting point for that discussion, staff proposes the following initial amounts: Agency International Trade Alliance Chase Youth commission Economic Development Commission Project Access Valley Community Center Friends of Centennial trail Agency Request City's Proposed Funding Amount 35,000 60,000 100,000 102,000 4,000 1,000 TOTAL 302,000 23,679 0 41,543 5,000 4,000 1,000 75,222 Study Session Minutes 10 -21 -03 Page 1 of 4 Date Approved by Council: 10 -28 -03 Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the change in the proposed funding amount from $120,000 to the $75,222; how to allocate the funds, examining the projects on individual merits; using a formula to determine the funds per entity; criteria for selecting which requests to fund; and whether to include the funding for these requests in the 2004 budget. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wilhite to establish this budget fund at $100,000. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Wilhite, Councilmembers Schimmels, Munson, Denenny, Flanigan. Opposed: Councilmember Taylor. Motion carried. It was later moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wilhite to strike the request from the Centennial Trail. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Deputy Mayor Wilhite, Councilmembers Taylor and Denenny. Opposed: Mayor DeVleming, Councilmembers Schimmels, Flanigan, and Munson. Motion fails. It was moved by Councilmember Denenny to allocate an additional $20,000 to Project Access with the balance [$4,778] to the Chase Youth Commission. Councilmember Munson said he feels more time is needed to analyze these proposals. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Councilmembers Denenny, Taylor, Schimmels. Opposed: Mayor DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Wilhite, Councilmembers Flanigan and Munson. Motion fails. Mayor DeVleming suggested each councilmember analyze suggestions for the additional funds ($24,778) and come with those suggestions for the next study session; that councilmembers should re- allocate the total $100,000 funds to each entity in any manner they feel appropriate, and bring back to the next study session for additional deliberation. Deputy City Manager Regor then began discussion on the proposed fee chart to accompany a new resolution. Questions arose concerning the home occupation permit and process and Community Development Director Sukup explained the criteria and permit process for a home occupation permit. After further discussion concerning the fee schedule in general, it was Council consensus to move the fee schedule forward in the budget process. 3. Introduction to Preliminary Budget City Manager Mercier explained that this is a formal introduction to the proposed preliminary budget for the coming fiscal year; and is a result of staff combined efforts to identify revenues and proposed realistic expenditures in balance with proposed revenues. Mr. Mercier then highlighted the budget outline dated October 21, 2003, and explained that the budget process for 2005 will begin shortly with a possible retreat in February, budget meetings in March, and finalization of the 2005 budget mid November 2004. Mr. Mercier brought council attention to the various charts in the notebook and said this notebook will be used throughout the remainder of the budget cycle as adjustments are made to the budget. Mayor DeVleming called for a recess at 7:32 p.m.; Mayor DeVleming reconvened the meeting at 7:50 p.m. 4. Library Service Options and Draft Interlocal Agreement. Deputy City Manager Regor explained that the area now comprising Spokane Valley was part of the Spokane County Library District, and that under state law, that area was removed from the District upon the City's incorporation. After Ms. Regor introduced members of the Library District, she explained the long and short term options as per her October 15, 2003 memo. Discussion then ensued regarding the fate of the library district based on any of the options presented. Mr. Wirt explained that they serve approximately 230,000 people and they remain as a district if the City and District signed a contract. Councilmembers expressed their desire to keep the district. Mayor DeVleming suggested pursuing option Study Session Minutes 10 -21 -03 Page 2 of 4 Date Approved by Council: 10 -28 -03 2, 3, and 4 in order to give the City the most flexibility for the short term. It was council consensus to keep library services. City Manager Mercier added that annexation would be a more straightforward option, that other options would require further research and staff will gather additional information and bring this matter back to council with a recommendation; he also said that he wants to assure the public there will be library services for 2004. Because of the time constraints in not being able to annex for 2004, City Manager Mercier said he feels the easiest option at this point is to continue via contract, and that this matter is scheduled again for the November 18 council meeting. 5. Wastewater Issue Discussion. Public Works Director Neil Kersten discussed the wastewater issues mentioned in his cover letter to council (Request for Council Action dated October 21, 2003), and added that staff now needs to weigh the pros and cons of the site. Director Kersten mentioned that the Technical Committee will meet again tomorrow and they intend to make another recommendation on how best to proceed, and whether to go with Playfair or with the Stockyard site. Director Kersten said that an Environmental Impact Statement would be necessary for the Playfair site at an approximate cost of $200,000 to $300,000; that DOE indicates if the EIS looked good they don't appear to have any problems, but that the final draft will be presented after the technical committee meets and makes decisions on recommendations. Director Kersten also brought Council's attention to the "draft" letter from the County dated October 14 Bruce Rawls then spoke in reference to a threshold for how to use the loan and that threshold deals with exercising the option on Playfair, and to sign the loan agreement, we must have an approved EIS; that it takes about two months to execute the loan agreement, and about six months to compile a report; and that if the City is interested in Playfair we need to make a decision soon. 6. City Legislative Agenda. City Manager Mercier explained that he would like to take this opportunity to elicit ideas and suggestions from Council in terms of legislative activity in Olympia; that the Washington State legislative short sessions begins in January and there are certain policies that limit the number of pieces of new legislation; that this is an opportunity to begin to identify if Council has specific legislative programs in mind for conducting next year. Councilmember Flanigan suggested issues of concern such as border communities and associated tax relief, and issues concerning the Public Facilities District. It was also mentioned that we should consider having Spokane Valley representation on the legislative committee. 7. Advance Agenda Additions. Mayor DeVleming mentioned that although three councilmembers will be attending the National League of Cities conference December 9, there would still be a majority of councilmembers to attend the regular City meeting that date. Councilmember Denenny asked to include a presentation on the November 18 study session concerning the International Trade Alliance. 8. City Manager Comments. City Manager Mercier reported on the highlights of his San Francisco trip and said that they anticipate receiving a rating about October 27, with completion of bond sales by mid - November. In budgetary news from the County, Mr. Mercier said as they look to balance their budget, the jail budget has been significantly reduced and means of accomplishing that reduction would be to take staffing currently at the sub - facility and move them all downtown which would effectively close the jail facility on Sprague. City Manager Mercier added that this Sunday would be the last day of that facility's operation and that we have a separate jail contract apart form law enforcement agreement which deals with allocation of expenses. Study Session Minutes 10 -21 -03 Page 3 of 4 Date Approved by Council: 10 -28 -03 There being no further business, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed upon to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. ATTES iristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Michael DeVleming, Mayor Study Session Minutes 10 -21 -03 Page 4 of 4 Date Approved by Council: 10 -28 -03 c. 6 Agency City of Spokane Valley 2004 Budget Outside Agency Requests Agency 2004 Request Proposal International Trade Alliance $35,000 23,679 Chase Youth Commission 60,000 0 Economic Development Commission 100,000 41,543 Project Access 102,000 5,000 Valley Community Center 4,000 4,000 Friends of Centennial Trail 1,000 1,000 o Total: $302,000 $75,222 Category Current SV Fee Schedule Spokane County City of Liberty Lake City of Spokane Proposed PLAT ADMINISTRATION Binding Site Plan Preliminary 51.500 51.724 + 510 per lot 51.659 +$10 /lot 52,810 + 535 /acre + newspaper notice 51,500 Final 51,326 51,276 51,820 + 517 / acre Modifications 51 300 80% of fee 51,300 Change of Conditions 5650 5691 5664 5650 Aggregation/Segregations Certificate of Exemption 595 _ 50 Lot line adjustment 5 100 5100 5165 per line 5100 Lot brie elimination 5100 5100 S165 5100 Pre -1978 567 564 Between 5 and 10 acres 5100 596 Minor Lot Line Adjustment 5100 596 All others 587 584 Street Vacation Application 5300 5300 Extension of Time 5226 5217 5335 Duplex Division Existing lots r parcels allowing a duplex 5398 + 512 per duplex dwelling unit lot 5383 +512 lot per duplex dwelling unit lot In conjunction with a Preliminary Plat or Preliminary Short Plat 5334 5321 Pre - Application Conference for Preliminary Plat; Vacation or alteration of Final Plat, Short Plat. or Binding Site Plan Zone Reciasstficatlon or PUC 561 561 559 50 50 Pre- Application Conference for Preliminary Short Plat Preliminary Binding Site Plan, Temporary Use Permit, Top Soil Removal, Variance. Conditional Use. Shorelines and any Change in Conditions 561 539 538 50 50 Subdivisions Tentative Plat 5 ?50 50 Preliminary Plat $2000 + 525 per lot 51698 + $14 per lot 51,633= 514/101 52,315 + +525 /1ot 52000 + 525 per lot Final Plat 51,000 + S10 per lot 5862 + 510 per lot 5829 +510/101 51,240 +514 lot 51,000 + 510 per lot Preliminary Plat d Zone Reclassification Prel Plat fee + 1/2 Zone Reclassification F ee Plat Modification / Vacation 80% of fee Subdivision 5650 5664 $650 Short plat 5: -., 5265 5265 Binding Site Plans $691 Vacation of or alteration to (mylar change) to Final Plats Final Short Plats. Finding Binding Site Plans 5663 5639 Vacation of or alteration to (resolution change) to Final Plats Final Short Plats, Binding Site Plans 5330 5318 Short Plat - 2-4 Lots Tentative Plat 5250 50 Preliminary Plat 51.326 + 512 per lot 51.276 = S12jLot >4 2 lots 5500 5330 5638 5900 5500 3lots $498 5956 51 350 4 lots S1,326 51,820 Final Plat 2. lots 5330 5318 5450 5800 +510 /1ot Slots 5800 +510101 5498 5479 5670 4 lots 5663 5638 +512 /lot >4 5900 11 j 5e» Appeals or Aaminratratrve Deuswn rat See Crrtri:nnai Use PermAs (31 See Varence AOmrnsstratwe FEE SCHEDULE COMPARISON RECOMMENDATIONS 1 0/20/2003 Category Current SV Fee Schedule Spokane County City of Liberty Lake City of Spokane Proposed PLAT ADMINISTRATION CONTINUED Short Plat - 5.9 Tots Tentative Plat 5250 SO Preliminary Pat $' ,,: )t; • 525 pet lot 51 326 + 512 per lot over 4 lots 52,035 + 518 per tot over 5 tots 51,000 + 525 per lot F mai Plat 5800 + 510 per lot 5663 +S12 per iot over a lots 51,115 + 518 per lot over 5 tots 5800 + 510 per lot Short Plat Appeal 5200 0 1'I Subdivision Preliminary Plat 52,000 +525 /lot $1,698 +$14ilot $1.633 +514 /lot 52.315 +525not+ newspaper notice $2,000 +$2511ot Final Plat 51 000 +5101ot $862 +510 /lot 5829 +510 /1ot 51,240 +514 /lot 51,000 +510 /1ot Zero Lot Line $330 + 510 per lot 5318 +510 per lot ZONING ADMINISTRATION Administrative Interpretation Zoning Code Interpretation 5355 Appeal of Decision 5250 5265 5255 5150 0 Appeal Single -family Residence 5300 01» Appeals of ANY Administrative Decisions (includes building, excludes code enforcement) Description change S25', 51 100 51.000 Appeals of Hearing Examiner 5300 $300 5300 Combining District 51,000 50 Comprehensive Plan Amendment 51 500 52,015 + 5660 1 10 acres + newspaper notice 51,500 Conditional Use Permit 5500 5454 5436 5800 Administrative Special Permit 5550 +5335/10 acres Hearing Examiner Special Permit 51,035 +545510 acres Renewal 567 564 Home Occupation Permit 5300 580 577 SO 580 Home Industry Permit Conditional Use Permit Fee Conditional Use Permit Fee SC 50 PUD Tentative $25C 50 Prehmmary Plan 51 500 + 525 per lot 51 491 for Prel /Final Plan wlheanng 51 435 52 720 +33 acres 51.500 + 525 per lot Final Plar 5776 for PUD Final Dev Plan Review WO hearing 52.020 Modification Minor 5250 $500 Major 5750 r .riar r'ten S /46 Sign Review of Permanent Sign 5150 50 550 Review of Temporary Sign 575 50 550 Site Plan Review 5250 80% of zone reclassification 80% of zone reclassification 5500 +5335110 acres 5250 FEE SCHEDULE COMPARISON RECOMMENDATIONS 11) See Aoee(s of Administrative Ueoson (21 See Conabonal Use Permds , 31 See Vartarce bmoNstrative 2 10/20/2003 FEE SCHEDULE COMPARISON RECOMMENDATIONS Category Current SV Fee Schedule Spokane County City of Liberty Lake City of Spokane Proposed ZONING ADMINISTRATION CONTINUED Temporary Use Permit 5415 0 to 30 days 5100 S 150 31 to 90 days 2-month penod S250 5101 597 4 - month period 6 -month period 8 -month penod renewal Variances Administrative Signs and all others Single - family Residenttall Public Hearings Zoning Map Arendments wlslte plan Zoning Map Amendments w/o silo plan Zoning Map Modifications for Arterial Name or Location Change Zoning and Subdivision code text change Critical Areas Permit Environmental II11paul Statement .SEPA checklist Single Dwelling All other developments Appeal Shoreline Substantial Development Permit 52 to 510,000 S10 001 to 550 000 550.001 to 5250.000 5250.001 to 51.000,000 over 51,000,000 SO to 525 000 52d,0013 - 575,OuU 5'5 000 S300 00C Over 5300 000 Conditional Use Variance Appeal Permit Amendment Public Notice 5300 5750 S300 Includes ALL requiring n'- 5500 5100 5300 5250 5800 5800 5800 5 1 0 0 5201 5194 5304 5404 5292 S708 5681 5910 S389 S39 538 vanes from 5795 + 532 per 10 acres (residential) to 52.365 +565 /acre (Industrial) S398 Vanes from 51,148 + 526 /acre (residential) to 52,295 + $62/acre ( industrial) t 0 min depo $75 per hour 58 7 78 min d ep +add'I $ if deposit falls below 5100 5398 + advertising $477 • advertising 5636 + advertising S795 • advertising same as above same as above 5383 + advertising 5459 advertising 5612 • advertising 5 • advertising 52,315 +5560'10 acres 52,650+51.325/10 acres 5383 52 480 + cost of newspaper notice 51,500 min deposit 5150 5625 5870 51,655 53,310 54,135 51 51.325 80% of fee Actual cost of publication 5300 $ 0 i'1 S 0131 51,500 51,500 51.500 ENVIRONMENTAL ADMINISTRATION 5300 52.000 5 1 0 0 5300 S 0 5800 S o S0'" 111 See Apoeals o' Aprimistrative DeGs,on 12) See Conditional Use Permits iSi See variance Ajm.etratrve 3 10/20/2003 Category Current SV Fee Schedule Spokane County City of Liberty Lake City of Spokane Proposed BUILDING PERMITS (Typical • based on Value) Surcharge 0• %: :: rs:'a 22% 1640 OF Residential < 3500 535 00 S35 00 535 00 520 50 589.25 Plan Check 514 00 527.70 Surcharge 57 7 0 57 70 53 28 TOTAL Residential < 5500 549 00 542 70 542 70 523 78 596.95 Residential S? 000 569 25 563 25 563 25 553 50 569.25 Plan Check $27 70 527.70 Surcharge 513 92 513 92 $8 56 TOTAL Residential 52 000 596 95 577 17 $77 17 562 06 596.95 Residential 525.000 5391 25 5352 00 5352 00 5326 19 $391 25 Plan Check 5156 50 5156.50 Surcharge $77.44 577 44 552 19 TOTAL Residential 525,000 5547 75 S429 44 5429 44 5378 38 5547 75 Residential 550.000 5843 75 5580 00 5580 00 5459 95 5643 75 Plan Check 5257 50 5257 50 Surcharge S127 60 5127 60 573.59 TOTAL Residential 550,000 5901 25 5707.60 5707 60 5533 54 5901 25 R_sdernral 5 000 5993 75 5895 00 5895 00 5707 45 5993.75 Plan Check 5397 50 S397 50 Surcharge $198 90 5196 90 5113 19 TOTAL Residential $100.000 51,391 25 51,091 90 51 091 90 5820 64 51,391 25 Residential 5150, 000 51,273 75 51,145 00 51,145 00 5899.95 51,273.75 Plan Check 5509.50 5509 50 . utt:ncci+9t 525: 9■ S251 90 5143 99 TOTAL Residential 5150.000 $1,783 25 51,396.90 51,396 90 51,043.94 51,783 25 Commercial < $500 S35 00 535.00 535 00 520.50 S69 25 Plan Check 522 75 522.75 522 75 513.33 545 01 Surcharge 37 70 57 70 S3.28 TOTAL Commercial < 5500 $57 75 565.45 565.45 537.11 ■ 5114 2B Commercia152,000 569.25 563.25 563.25 553.50 569 25 Plan Cheri. 545 01 541 11 541 11 534 78 545 01 Surcharge 513.92 513.92 58 56 TOTAL Commercial 52.000 5114 26 5118 28 5118 28 596 84 5114.26 Commercial 525 000 5391 25 5352 00 5352 00 5326 19 5391.25 Plan Check 5254 31 5228 80 5228 80 5212 02 5254 31 Surcharge 577.44 $77 44 552.19 TOTAL Commercial 525,000 5645 56 5658.24 5658 24 5590.40 3645.56 Commercial 550 000 5643 75 5580 00 5580 00 5459 95 $643.75 Plan Check 5418 44 5377 00 S377 00 5298.46 5418.44 Surcharge 5127 60 5127 60 573.59 TOTAL Commercial 550,000 51,062 19 51,084 60 51,084 60 5832 00 51,062 19 Commercial S100 000 5993 75 5895 00 5895 00 5707 45 $993.75 Plan Check 5645 94 5581 75 5581 75 5459.84 5645.94 Surcharge 5196 90 5196 90 $113 19 TOTAL Commercial 5100,000 $1,639 69 51,673 65 51,673 65 $1,280 48 51,639.69 Commercial 5150 000 $1,273 75 51.145 00 51.145 00 $899.95 51,273.75 Han Cneck 5821 93 5744 5744 5585 5827 93 Surcharge 525190 525190 5143.99 TOTAL Commercial 5150.000 S2,101 68 52,141.15 52,141 15 51,628.91 52,101.68 Commercial $500K 53,223 75 52,895 00 52 895 00 32,247.45 53,223 75 Plan Cneck 52,101 94 5636 90 5636 90 5359.59 52.101 94 Surcharge 52.295 74 52.295 74 51,694 58 TOTAL Commercial 5500 000 55,325 69 55,827 64 55,827 64 54,301 62 55,325.69 Commercial $700K 54,183 75 53,705 00 53,705 00 52,907 45 54.183 75 Plan Check 52,719 44 5815.10 5815.10 5465 19 52,719 44 Surcharge 52,938 07 52,938 07 52,192 22 TOTAL Commercial 5700,000 56,903 19 57,458 17 57,458 17 55,564 86 56,903.19 Commercial 51 Million 55 7 5 $4,980 00 54,980.00 53,897 45 55,608.75 Plan Check 53 645 69 51.095.60 51,095 60 3623 59 $3,645 69 Surcharge 53.949 14 53,949 14 52,938.68 TOTAL Commercial 51 000 000 59 254 44 510,024 74 510,024 74 57,459 72 $9,254 44 FEE SCHEDULE COMPARISON RECOMMENDATIONS ( See Appeals 01 Aamcntstr&uve Dei.tsrun :2', See Cofid.too'e( use permits (3) See Variance Aernmhauative 4 10/20/2003