08-178.00 Red Diamond Const: Broadway Rehabilitation Ph 1E.. , ) -% . • ./oV` DEPART MENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJE BtoadwayRNleb mi"Pio Jets- P8eael CONTRACT DATE 9/R/M CONTRACTOR Red Db=ndConatnmtio Ida. CHANGE.ORDERNO: 1 CAP ITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: am BID NO.* 08.018 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Fed"AldPro1edNw STPUS-38{8(OD7} beat Aaemy AWwm&t LA-W7a Lr WAasnW Pt*dWo- SRTC DS-e • CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 0&018 T19s prenaeOrderPays� ell tinotAr ocslxtrxurreti forremoiArry $splt� aiafadt� Si two ptlaaea parflefdStatetttenf 3. The &M phase vA remove as0W 9 kxtw deep on the norm Side of eenter9ne plus asoo overpmposW watefto. atoms drain and sewarconstmetloa that nary 6e south of Centeft& MmvxmkvAnbefaMaidar-Sd;"&A- wW*mdad vmO, F4dar4Aw ,GRani,STPL3484e(W7)&- AkACrty. T*WAnwuat:GIthh broL.T Ja0 'SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OA&W Date: IW24=08 Prw w ws charkp Ordsr: 10124rM Induct tft CftW Orden: 10124f 6 D 28 Vftift Dan Added by 9ftCO* O Wodft pan Irchift IMCO 28 IANGES HMULT8N THEFOLLCWI NG ADJISTMENTS OF SCH A CONTRACT PRICE ORIGRALCONTRACTSCHAA 1 t1NT S TOTAL_ PRIOR SCH A CHANGE ORDER AMOl S CONTRACT SCI4APRICE PRIOR TOTHIS CHANGE OROER {tlYOUah 8 NET SCH A THIS CHANGE ORDER $ CONTRACT SCHAAMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ IANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOW940 ADJUSTMENTS OF SCH 8 CONTRACT PRICE ORIGINAL CONTRAC7SCHBAM6 S TOTAL PRIOR SCH 8 CHANGE ORDER AMOU S CONTRACTSCH B PRICE PRIORTO THIS CHANGE ORDER 5 NET SCH B THIS CHANGE ORDER DONTRACTSCH 0 AMOUNTINCLUDIKI THIS CHANGE 8.896 TAX CHANGES RESULTIN THE FOIJ_01JNG ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PWCF- ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AM OUNT S TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ TOTAL CONTRACT PRK E PRIOR TOTHIS CHANGE ORDER S NET THISCHANGE ORDER S TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER S TOTALTAX (SCHEDULES) CONMCTORACCEPTANCE: & '� DATE The conbut rherebyaaapts6Waiges mA arearm offtwtiWombadloralworkpsdomaL -RECOMMLar �" DATl« �• /�a APPROVED 8Y: �. DATE: O Iva or APPROVED BY: 4 DATE: Dom ATTACHMENTS: off" c e a twCoWed a iGgimsTOt Contractor .Clrydtpomvgmyckftoft%PWR*dFu (2,09- 1" .0 0 01 �*%, Sfffflaine - ,; O • Public Works Capital Improvement Program 11707 E Sprague Ave Sufte 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 - 509.921.1000 # Fax 509 ♦ dtoalt@VokanevaUey.org FIELD STATEMENT 3 :Project; Broadway Ilehabil tation Project - Phase I CIP No.: 0068 Date: September 17; 2008 Issued By: Craig Aldworth, P.K, COSV Project. Manager_ Plan Ref: TlanSheds3, 4 5 Speeffleation:Ref: 5=04 TOPICS Request to Grind Asphalt in two stages ACTION. When the project was hid, the intent of the plans and specifications was to grind and remove the existing asphalt over the entire project prior to constructing the waterline. However, with a current completion date of October 24th, the project may encounter adverse paving weather. To avoid a potential scenario where the Exposed subgrade could be subjected to fall r storms -while under traffic it seems prudent -not to zemove the asphalt on -the south side of the roadway_ (Station right) until just pAor to paving, except where necessary to install the project water, storm and sewer - work. Please provide a lumpsum cost below for mobilizing the bituminous planing equipment a second time Cost for Second Bituminous PlaningMobilization $ 1-will review, the trait costs you provide, and if they are reasonable, I will incorporate them into Change Order 2. L.. . It- t• 4 POBoa I4806 Offin 74 F�ottr }gZ1,Z413 September I7, 2008 City -of,Sne mallow 3PdbfficWorft Department 4707 - E - ast Sprague Avenue - Spokane, WA - 99206 ATTW: Craig Aldworth, P.E. RM RROADWAT PROJEC = PIfASE71 Spokane Valley Capital improvement Project # 0068, Bid # 08-018 C-hane al- Intent- of &Vbodt- paving -tv©- (2)�each- meWdkatioms Cost for Porter w. Yetf Company,. Poe Asphalt Paving. Inc. and Red Diamond Construction,. Inc. regarding mobilization for 2" grinding is $4600.00. Sincerer,. G. I%L - Schimmels