Ordinance 07-023 Franchise Agreement Waste Mgmt CO07-128 ~ C1TY ()F SPUKANE VAL.I..FY SPOKANC CQiJNTY, WASHli\'GTON O1ZllINANCF NO. 07-023 AN 0R1)I:Na1VCE OF TH:E CITY QF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANF COITYTY, WASI3INGT0\T, (:RANTlNG A SEVL1Y YEAR, \`ON-EXCT..USNE h"1tANCHISC Tn WASTE MANAGENiEN1' OF WASHINGTON, INC., 17/B/A WASTC MANAGEMENT OF SPOK.ANE, TO PROVIUE CAIZBAGE AND R.F,FUSE COLLECTIUN SI;RViCE VVI'I Hli\' THT CITY Qr SPOKANE VALLEY WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley incorporatecl on March 31, 2003; at which time Waste 1Vlanagement of Washinaton, 1nc., c!/b/a Waste Management of Snokane (hereafter "Waste vtanagernent") was providing garbage and refuse collcetion services in the geographic area comprising the new ciry; W1-IFREAS, R.CW 35.02.160 prnvides that when a new city incorporates, a company providing solicl waste and re}'use collection services within the new city shall be allAwed to continue providing said services for at least seven years following the exercise of certain steps to terminate those statutory rights; WH:EI~ElAS, the City Council has givcn prcliminriry approval to give notice of termination through the Washington Ulililies and "I'ranspoitation Commission; and WHEKEAS, the City desires to gqant a status quo feanchise to Wasfe Ivlanagement whereby Waste v(anagement shall be allowed to continue provicling Sarbage and refuse collection services within the City of Spokane Valley unctcr the same terms 111CI COIIdItIAl1S aS l135 bCG11 pl'CVICIIISIy SIIOwed by the Washingtinn Utilities Transportation Commission, and under which the Washington Utilities Transportalion Commission would continue to have administrative oversight and control over lhe provision of these services. NIOW, THEREFORE, the City CowIcil of the City oP Spokane Valley, Spokane Count:y, 1vashington, does ordain as follows: Section 1. Grant of Franchise. Thc City oF Spokane Valley, a Washin-tpn municipal cnrporation (hereinafter the "City"), hcreby grants to Waste Mviagement of Washington, lnc., d/b/a Waste vtanagernent of Spokane, a non-exclusive franchise for a period of seven (7) years, beginnino on the effec;tive date of this Ordinance, to provide garbage and refuse collection services in the City of Spokane Valley on iclent:ical ternis and conditions as is set forth in Washington Utilities and Transportation Commissiai (VVUTC) Cerfificate G-237, 7nd TariffNo. 15 granted to VVaste Management b_y WUTC, effective May 1, 2007, copies of which are attached to lhis franchise ordinance, and incarporated herein by reference. The WUTC will eontinue ro provide administrative oversight and coritrol ovcr this franchise until this franchise espires or is supersedetl by a subsequent franchise. Section 2. Noticc. Any notice or infarmation required or perrnitteci tn be given by or to the parties under ihis franehise m<<y be sent to the following addresscs unless nthenvise specitied, in writinb: The City: City of Spokane Valley Attn: City Clerk 11707 Fast Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Urdirianee 07-023 Waste Management Franchise Page 1 of 3 Grantee: Waste Managcment of Spekane nttn: Ken Gimpel, Municipal R.elations Vianager ] 2122 East 151 Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: (509) 344-8232 Nax: (SOy) 467-7931 Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinanc:e shall be in full force and effect five days aRer publication of the orclinance or a summary thereof occurs in the off' icial ncwspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSEL7 by the City Council this 7"' day of November, 2007. (TcDl &AA_~a 'V j vW~ Niayor, Diana Wilhite Mafrl~stincinbridte, , Gity Clerk V Appruved as to Farm: Ae of~the Gity r~ttc~rney Date of Publicatiori: rffcctivc Date: //-A/ % i ! Ordi.nance 07-023 Waste Managemenc 1°ranchi5e Page 2 of 3 tlccepteci liy: VVast.e Managei . of~lashington, Inc. ~ By: .1A- AtC - : ~soeR . Waste Management of VVatihinbtcm, Ine., for it.self, and Eor its successors and assigns, does lccept all aC the terms and conditions of the foregoing franchisc. IV lN VVIT qESS 'WHEREQF, V aWeS ~•~e- ~DPX has signed this dayof c Ol.~tu1"4 22UOS. Subscribed and sworn beCore iiie this day of JdKVLt.4)1 , 2008. [KATJA L ELLERTSON NOTARY PUBUC ATE Of WASHIMGTON Notary ublic iu aiid for the State of COAlAISS10M EXPiRES ~~3St1li]gCOIl, ~1 ' ' PTEMBER 20 2011 residiilg in .Q,Tt Q- " My Commission L°.cpires: ti . WASTE M.ANAGFMENT OF WASH]NGrOI\j, TNC. Cert. \jo. d/b/a WASH7I\fGTON WASTE H.ALZI~1iG & RECYCLL\TG, Il~TC., , G-00237 RECYCLE AIvfERICA„ TZIJ.lZ.AL SKAGIT SANFTI'ATIONT, FEDE.RA'L WAY DISPOSAL, NTCK RAFFO GARBAGE, R.S.T. DTSPOS.AL,177I-STAP. DISI'OSAL, WBSTERIN REFUSE, NQP.TH CA.SCAUES DLSPOSAT_, ST ANTWOOl7 CA.MAN0 . l]ISPOSA'L, WAS'TL MANAGEMEN1, tiVASTE NiANAGEIvfENT - NURTHW-EST, VVtLSTE IMANAGEstiIENT - TZ.AINIER, WASTE ' TvrANAGEiV1ENT Or ELLENTSBURG, WA.STE MAhTAGEMENT OF ' GREA1'E,R IN'ENATCHEE, WAS':I'E iV1111VAGEA-EN'T OF KENTTEjN'ICK, Sh~A57'N MA\jAGLMT:NTT OF SE-A1'TLE. - WASTE ivi.A7AGEIMEN'I' UF SKAGIT CO'CTiV'CX, WASTE ' MAIVAGE1vIENTF. OF SP(7KANF, W1'1~,5'T"E, IvL..A.~\TAGEM Ei~iT OF yAKD!T.A, j11p..5TE MANAGFIVfENT OF S\TO-KING, VA.LLEY GARBAGE, QLSON'S SANITA110\T SERVTCE, WASTE MANJAGEMFNI'T' OF ADDY, BREM-A.T.R DISPOSAL, WAS'T.E N-tkNAGEIMEtir 1- SOUrHSO~TD ' 13225 V'N 126TIT T'LACE ~ K:f,kZ.I<L,ANU, Wt198034 'IHIS C'h R1IFICATE DOE,S N OT .AU'I'HORIZE REFUSE CO'LLECT'ION SE.ZVTCE RE,S'IRICTEl7 TO N:X['REMELX H1IZATZ.I70US SEIvff-SOLID WASTE, Is\TCLLJDING .A.C.IDS, CI-iEAUCALS, .A~~TD . RESIDUA.LS N:PTERCE, i TG, SNOHOwSH AND WHATCOM COUN7.'IES As\iD INTEYZCOUTII`Y ANDJUTZ HAZAI'~DUC3S II\TDUST.CZ:I:AL LIQU7ll, L\TCLi.TDNG AC117S, CHEMIICALS t1i~rD :l7ESIDUALS (NOT TO EXCEED 6,500 GA.T LOi\TS II\j BULK PER S'B1PVIENT) rl\T 1NTiATCOM, SKAC.;(T, SNOI-I0MISH, KI`jG, :KT,"['SA.T' AND P;IFRCE COLTNITIL,S AND IN'`IERC(7UfijTX. Contirtue ~ (:C':[1D277) SOL17D 4VASI'E COL.T-L"C1 T.ON SF.RV7CE in Secdons 6, 7,18, the.north Ih o.f 19 a.nd those por.tions of Secti.oii 4 and 5 si-L.Lated in King County, al] in T. 22 N., R. 11 E.; and Ser_tions 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and the ZNest liz of Sec. 33, al.l in T. 23 N., R. XJ. E., in King County. ' (PID295) ALSO In that portion of King County, desmbed as fo]lozNs_ Con.~znencing at the nartheast Ci.ty Limits of Aubuzn, az;d the-GreenRiver Banks v,Tithin Section 8, "l'. 21 iN., R. 5 B.; tlzence easterly alonb.the Czeen Rivcr Banlcs in the north-vTest coimer of Secti.on 20, T. 21 N., R. 7 E., W.M.; tl-ience north to the northwest con-ier of Section 20, T. 22 \s., R. i E., WM•; thence due east to the northeast oorner of Section 24, T. 22 N., R. 7 E.; khence south fio the satiffierly bou.ndary o# Ki.ng County; thencewesterly Glong .the southerly bounciar5j of Kzng County- to the southwest corn.ex of Section 32, T. 21 N., R. 5E., W.M.; thence nor.therly along the west line of said SFCtipn 32, 29, 20, 17 and 8 0f T. 21 N., R. 5E. to the' Greeri River Banks to tt-ve Point o# begiiui.ing. , (PT1D297) ALSO ax1 tl1at partion o.t King Courity d.escTibPd as €ollows: Coinrnevicing at the noxhhwest CityLiniits of Reriton a:nd the shore of La..ke Washuigton; fihP-nce northerly along rhe shore of Lake V1Tashir►gton to the Cify Liaxlihs of BellevLie (as of September 1, _ 2004); thence clst alozlg the south City Lin-Lits of }3ellevue (as of September 1, 2004) fio their ~ intersecaon with i:he City L-units o.f. .T.ssaquah (as o.f. Septen-iber 1, 2004); thence north alozlg the cast CityJazz,its of Bel.levue (as of September 1, 2004) to tl-ic intersecfion. oE the mostnorthivestErly poirit o.E the City liuufis of 1'ssaquzli {as of SePtenlbPZ 1, 2004}; thence east alang the. adjoining north City Jaaxiits 4€ Tssaqua'n (as o.t SeptPmber 1, 2004) to its intersectiozi. with Interstate 90; thence east alozig Interstate 90 u.ntil ule a,ntersecEion v,-i.th Rentorn 12oad (Renton Roaci-Issaquah Road) also H.ighway 900; thence sou.th along sai,d road to a line c.ommon to T. 23 N., and T. 24.N., R. 5 E., ar►d thence westerly aJong said ]ane to the easte.r.Iy boundary of the City Limits of REnton, NY.G. NO: 220, July 7, 1964); thence a.long said City Lin-its in a. northwesterly d.i.rectio;1 to the shazes of L.ake Wasl-Lington to the poirit o.E beg-irining. Also iTir.luding vlaple Va]ley Goif Coua-se. (PID320) SOLI77 1\TASTE COLLECTI0N SETZVICL in Cbat portion of Kang Caunty desci.#,pd as €allows: Conti.nue . . . . Co:uimEr►ciitg at the insersection of tY-Le sau.th city limiis of the City o.f. Seatfle and the xntez-scction of said city Liniits iva.d1 Lake Washing-ion; tlience souther.l.y along t'ne sh.ores of Lake Washington to the Ci.ty o£ R~nton City limi-ts; thencce along the tvesterly boi:ndary of the rity ]imits of the City of , Renton to Rentvn Avenue; thEnce norLliwesterly aJong the'nor.thPZly side afRenton Avenue fio 761h Avenu.e Sautl1 to Soufih 125ffi Street, i-hence east to 77y', Ave31uF South; thenr.e north alon.g the east side of 77t}, Avenue Sauth i'o South 120'-" Stree't; therice aiong the noith side of Sou.i-1z 1206 St=eet to 761, Avenu.e Sciu~h; therice north on 761h tlvenir.e South (east side only) to 11611, Street South; fi]Zence wesfi on 1161h Street South {no service betweP 116ti, Street South ar►d Comell Avenue}; thence north alo . ng the easiside of Co*Mell Aven«e to Seattle City T_i.nzits; tllence easte'rly a].ong said dty limits•to the east boundary thereof, adjacert to Lake TLi.dge Addition; dience northea-]37 along said ci4y.liuuts to South 112'h Street extended; thence westea:ly alone said city limits to 6Si~ Avenue South. extended; t]ZCncc northex,ly alang saa.d city limits to Ryan Street ext~ded; theiioe easterly along said. city limits to the point nf beginzung, fram tihe described tezz-itary to du.bljas in King Coiu1ty. (PI77373) SOLID INASTE COLLEC`z'ION 5En.VZCE in that poztion of Ki.ng County described as follows: Starrixlg at the intexsection of NE 1991h 5treet and 841h Ave. iVE; fihen east on NFE 7.991h Street tb its intersecti0n vvite'1 90`~ Ave. I\iE; thcn norih on 901h Ave.'\fF to its interseciion wi.th NE 200t" Street; then west on \TE 20011, Stieet to its intersecti6n with bS1` Ave. NE; i:hP north on 8811~f1.vP. \jE to its in tercection v~ri th NE 202nd Street; then east on NE 202^d Street to its intersection witl1901h Ave. NjE; then 'nortit on 9011, Ave. NjE to its intersection witli NE 20511, Stceet (also the Kinb Sn.ohomish County line); tlzen tivest o:n NE 205t' Street to its iritersection with 84'b Ave. iN C(aLso the Nv. cst range line of T26N, R5L); the-iz south on 84ffi Ave. \T'S to its intersection -with NiE 3.991h StrEet, the pozzit o£ beginning. . Alsa: Stc3a-Ling at the interseciio:n. of 841h Ave. \TE P-nd NE 180th St-reet; ther► east on NTE 180'h Street to its iniersection widz $Stb t1ve. NE; then north on. 881' Ave. N"F to its intersection with \IE 18111 Street; ther► ea.;t on NE 1811= Street to ats i.ntersection wit.h 90th PI.. NE; then north on 90th Pl. Nh fio i.ks 'intczsecaon tivith \~E 85ffi Street; then wcst on NTE 185Lh Street to its intersection with.881h Ave. NE; then north o6 88'h AiFc. \M tQ its intersecizon vvith 192nd Pl. \jE; thei1 west on 192^a Pl NE-to its intersectaan with 84th Avc. NE (a:lso the wesi: range bne of T26\T, R5E); then south on 841h Ave. NTE, to zhs intersection. jvith NE 1801' Street, the paint of begznning. . . . Continue ~ . . Also: Startang at the intersection of NE Bothe.l.l VVy. and 84th AvE; \jE; thenn east on iNIE BotheI,l. 14jy. to its intersection ivith 9P' Ave. NL-; then noxtel on 9151 Ave. NE to its intersecEion tirith \TE 17231a Str.eet; then east on \TE 172nd Street to its intersection ivith 0.2pd Ave. NL; then noxth on 92°a Av-e. a\TE to its inter.scction N-vith N6 173~d Streefi; tl-ien Ea.st on NL 173rd Str-eet Yo its iaztersection with 951hAve. NrE; then norhh o:n 95ffi Ave T!E ta 173r8 Pl. NE; th.eal west on 173rd P.I. NE to its intersection iv~ith 93'd PI. NE; then north on 93rd.P1. NE to its intersectaon with NE 1751h S#reet; then west on NF 1751h Street to ahs i,ntezsection with 93r° Ave. NE; then north on 9371 Ave. ~f E to its i.ntexsection vvith \rE 17611, Street; then east on NE 176th StreElt- to its intersection ivitl-i 951', Ave. INB; ther► north on 9511, Ave. \fE to its intersection,,tizth NE 1781~-- Street; then v,iest on NE_ 178'' Street to its interseciion with SP Ave. INE; . then north on 881h .A.ce. NE ta its intersection with \jE 7.80thSfireet; then west on \TE 15011, Stxeefi fio ifis intersection Yvith 84t'Ave. \TE (also tlie west range linc of T2b~f,17.5L); then south on 84thAve. NE to iis a.ntersection -with NTh Bofihell Wy., the point of beginning. , . (PID374) 12.E:FTJSE CQL-LECTION SERV.[CB from conunerciall accounts or est-abli~,h.ments in that por, tion of Kirig CotLttty descTibed as follows: Startixtig at i:he antexsection of 92na Ave. NB anci 186t,*- PL NE; then. east on 186th Pl. NE to i#s intersection -with 93°d Pl. \jE; then north on 93=" Pl. Nh fio ifis intcrsection vdth NE 18711, Street; then east on NE 1871hStrcEt to its intersecrion with 95t' Av, e. IVE; tihen south on 45t" Ave. NTE to its infiersection with 1861' P1. NE; i:hen east on 186th Pl.. \iE to its ~ i,nfiezsection v,rith 96'h Ave. I\TE; then north on Ave. INE fio its i.ntersection with NE 188t'' Stxeet; then west on IVF 3.88ti' Street ta its iniersection wit1195'h Ave. iNE; then north on 9Y, Ave. NE to i.ts antersection with NE 189~1' Street; then ivest on NE 189'^ Street to its intersection v,,ith 93-d PJ.. \iE; the-n north on 93=3 Pl. I`fF. to its uztPrsection wifh NE 190' Street; fffien wcst on iNE 1901' S#zeet to its intersecti.on -Mth 9211,1 Ave. NL; then sou.ih on 92nd Ave. \jE to its intersection with N}~:, 1891h Str, Pet; then eask on NE 189'h Stieet to its antcrseciion tivith 93-d Ave. i\TE; 1:hen south on 93rd Ave. NE ta its intersection wi.th NE 187th Street; then mvesL a».NF 187ffi Street to its intersection cvith 92rd 4ve. NE; then soLith oa192nd AVe. _NTL to its ultersection with 1$6II, Pl. NE, the place of beguu-ing. (PID433) SO'LID "TA~TE, COLLECI'ION SERVICE iii that.poztion qf King and T'ierce CoLinties described as follows: -Starting at th.e poant wvhere lsi Av cnue South inte'rsects Nvith the shoxe line of. Puget Sound.; i:hence sauth an 151 Avenue Sou.th to Soufi.11292na Strcet projecEed; thence east ori South 292na St=cct projected to Slh Avenuc South proj ected; thence noz:i-iz on sl' Avenue Sauth projecttcd io South 2881hStzEet- projected; thence east on Sauth 2881h Street projeci:ed. to 120, Avenue Soud1; fihe-nce • Cantima e , xlorth on 1211, A.renue South pxojected to Sou.th 282n0 Street projected; thenee east on Souh 282-n' Strcet projected }o its iritexsectinn ~vith tl-ie east city Liyits of Des MouiP.s; thence nortiierIy, along said oty Jaznits to its i.ntersection witli 5..272n8 Street; thence east alorig said street to the east dty .]iii1its of Federal Way; thence south along said city lurdts to S. '304m Street; tl.ience east dn the Soutli side of So. 3(}41h Street extended_to the centerline of Sec. 11; T. -21 \j„ R. 4 E.; thence sou.th on centerLine of. Sections 13 . and la, T. 21. N., R. 4~., to Peasley Cajiyan Road; tliEiice e.sfierly on Peasley Canpon lZoad fio the ir►tersection Nvith W. Valley Hvvy S.; thence north a1ong said Avenue to ihe intezsectian watlz Main Str.eet West; fihencc east along said street ta "A" Street S.E. ( A.uhur.n-Sumner High ,~vay), i:he.nce.south on said 1-ighwa5= to thb Ku1g-Pie.r,r_e.County Line; ttYence v,iest 7long o.n said cotr.-Lity a.ine and northerly to its antersection v,yith 1:11e east quarter secfao:n 1ane of Sec. 25, T. 21 ~i., R. 3 E.; thence south c~ri said quarter secti.a.n ]az~e'to south qu.a.z-tea~ s~cti on Iine of Sec. 25; thence wesk on couth qtizarter seefioillanc to the iaresr quarter sectio'n line of Sec. 26, T. 21 N.,'I-' _ 3 L.; thence north an said quarCer sectian lirie to ttie Y2 section l.iriF of Sec. 26, '7". 21. N., R. 3 E.; thence west on said lfz section ]izle to intersection writli the west line of Sec. 26, T. 21 N., P~. 3 B.; t11ez-Lce north a.long said seciion line to northiv, est comer oi Sec. 23, T. 21 N., R..•3 E.; ther►ce east al.oazg nort-h liriE o€ Sec. 23 to intersection with King-1'idrce Cou.ntyL'ine; thence northwesterly aloilg said county line to the shoreline of Puget Souxld; the'nce noz-theasterly a.lorig said shore line to antezsECtion vAth 1st Avenue South,. the place of begulri.ing. J (PTD435) SO1.IfJ jNASTE COLLECTT(7N SERVICE not requiririg ti-ie use of a dump truck and rxcluding bioinedical waste, in that portion of King County described as follows: Can-Luiencirag at i:he intersectiozi. of NE 108.11, Stzeet arid. 13211d Ave. NE; thence easterly oz► \TE 1086 S=eet to tl-ie Redmond Czty linzits, thence follo-Nvin.g t11e Pecimond ciky Lunits a.n a southerly, southeaster.ty and vveste:rly clockwise daxECtiori to 1.32rid. Ave. NiE; thence noxth along 132-w Ave. iV E to i.fis izltersECtion -vvith NE 1081hStreet, tlie point Uf begimia:ng. . Also, eom.mencing at the znter4ection of. -NtE 971' Str.Pet ancl 132"d Ave. NE; thence €olloUring the 1Zedmond c_ity linzits in a soufihea'sterly ard westerly r_loclcvTise clirectiozi'to 132na Ave.-NE, thence noli:11 along I32rdAve. I\zE to iI:s iiltErsection ivith vE 979,Str.eet, the point u€ begiilning- ALso, commencsnb at OiP interseciion of NB 7811' Sta:r-.et extended east and 13271,1 Ave. NE; trei-icF followin; the Rednzond city limits in an easterly, sotatherly and westezly cloclewise directio:n to . Continu e 132nd Ave. iNE, thence nozth along 132°4 Ave. NE to ifs i.ntersecbon wa.tl1 iNF 7311' Street extended east, tIze paint o.f begi,nn.ing. . , Also, comiiiencing at the infersecdorz.of \TE 7011, Street a.nd 132n6 Ave. I`T`L"; thence foll.o~~,Ndng fihe TZedmon.d city limits in a easter.a,y, southerly and westerly do ckvaise direection to 1.32n~ Avc. NE . . ~ the3lce north, a1_ong 132fld Ave. I~TE to its infersection. ~%~ith NE 701h Street, tlie ~~oizlt of beginrtinb. (I',ID436) TZErTJSE COLLECTION SERVICE not requiring the iase of a dwnp truck ir► thaf porti.on oE , . , . King CoLnlty.dF.scribed as follows: Starting at the ixlter.section of S.W. 152nd Sireet extended and Pu.get Soi.ind; thence east along S.W.152^d Street ib its intersection wi.i;h.A,iazbau .in Blv d_ S.W.; thcnce coutlierly along Axnbaum Blvd. S.W. lo i.ts intersection wi1:11 S. 155'h Street; ther►ce east io Des Moirtes; therace sautn along Des 1vloines Way to S.VV.1601' Street; thencesouthweskezly along S.W. 160t' Strect and Syivester Rd to its intersecizon with thc north ci.ty lin-dts of Narmandy Park; thence westPrly and no:rtherly alang said north ci.ty limits to its intexsecaon vrith 15i Ave. S.; thence soui:h along 1,1 Ave. S. to ats intersectio:ri Nvath S. 19211 Street; thence east aTong S. 192 ~d Street to its intersectioxi xFith Par.ific Highway S. (I.nternational. BIvd..); thence north to S.18Sffi Street; thejl.ce Past alang S. 185t" Street to its intersecti.on with the city ]iznxts of the City of Sea-Tac and. the Cit), of - Tukvila; t}-iP.nce southerly a.nd easterly along the south city lin7its of TukNai,la to its inteascction with ~ the city lin7its of tlie City of Kent as o.f. January 1, 1987; thesiGe southerly arid easterly in a _ eour►terclockwise direction along the ciry limiis of tkie City of Kent as of Ja.zlua.ry 1., 1937 to its intersecti on with State Hi.ghviaY 516 and S.E. JKent Ka;-igley lZoad; thence southeasterly alang State Highway 516/Kent Kangley Road to 116th Ave. S.E.; ttience sauth along 115'h Ave. S.E. to a.t.s intersection wi.th S. 27711, Shreeh extended; thence west aJong S. 277u" Street extend.ed. to West VallEy :.F.~igbv,ray;;thence soutll along said-l'-iighway to S. Peasley Canyon Road; thr-nce Nvest along S. Peasley Canyo.n Road; to 59th Ave. S. t11P.nce north along 591h AvE. S. to the point Nvhere it intersecfis wit17 304d, Street extentied; thence west along 304'h Stxeet extendeci Nvhere iti infiersects Nvith , Intersta#e Hwy 1-5; thence narth along said Intezsta.te J-i.ighway to its interseciion Nvith S. 272ng Street; thence west on S. 272na 5treet to the cit}= li.mits of ]7es Tvfoines; thence south aloxig said ci.ty liwdts to the:point v,►hexe iti.ntersects ivith S. 2$2nd Street extended; Oience west on S. 2$2nd eXt'F31CIeCi ta 126 A.ve. S. extended.; th.ence south on 12'h Ave. S. to the point whe.r.e i.t inte;.sects Ivith S. 288tb Strect; the.nee west vn S. 288i1, Street to it,s uzterscction zvi.ttn gIh Ave. S.; thencc south on V,:Ave. S. to . SIN7. 292nd Street exte-nded; thence west on. S.W. 292na Street extended to 161 Ave. S.; thence north oi-i . • Conlinue ~ . . 1n Ave. S.; to the shoreline o'l' T'u.get SAund; thence northerly along the shorelir►e of Puget Saund to its interseciio.n -.vith S.W. 152Rd Street extended, the poi.nt of beginnning. • (PZD437) SOLTI71WA.STE COT.LEC'TION SE:L7VICE in that porfii.on qf King County as bounded oi-i the West by T'uget Soiand; on dle East~ by Lake Washington; on the Nortll by as 'follows: eon of t. 145-'1`Street aiici the shoxes of t•ake Washiiig•ton, thencc west CouZanencing at the infiezs:cti ' on the south. sic3.e of E.14511, 5treefi to 5th Ave. NI. E.; thence azoa-t]z an the west sade of 511^ Ave. N. L. to E. 17511, Street, fihence east aaz the north side of L. 175tb StreEt to 81~, Ave. N. E., tlierice north o:n 8th Ave. \T. E. (but nat inc1.ud.i.ng 8th Ave. N. E•.) to 1901'~ Stre6t, thertee noith an both sicies o.f: 8'h Ave. N. E. extendeci to E. 201bt Street, 'thence east on boLh sides o# E. 201,1.5treet extend.ed to the west side of 11l', Ave. N. E. exter,ided, thence north ' on the west side. 'o.f. 111h Ave. N. E. extended to Kang-Snohomish Courit), 1ifie, thezicF west o.n the sciuth sid_e of saici •line to the share of Puget Sound; arid on the Sduth, by as folloi•vs: Corxuncncing at the intersectioii of the south cit), luruts of Seattle and T a.ke Washulgton, then fallowi,ng the rity lintihs o€ Sea#t1e u1 a clockiaTisc diuection to i.ts intersectzon zNith 116'h Slrect South; thenee easi on 116th Sfseet South to 76L', Ave. Sau.ili; tllencc soui:h on centerline ot. 7611' Avenue South to South.120'a' Street ce-iterline; thence east on cen.tex.la.ne of South 120th Street to 77th Ai►enu.e South centezlane; thence South on centerline of ii'h AvPSEUe South to Soui:h 7251h Street cenfierline; thence wcst ori ce.ntexlinE af South 125ffi Street ta 761h Avenue Sou.th ~ centerline; thence s4uttt on centerline of 76'h Avenu.e South to Renton A.venue Sgutl-i centerline; ' thence easterly an certtex.line of P.ento:n Avcnue South to RenLon West city liEnits (as o-il 7une 1;1961); thence southerly along said.rity lirnits to the centerline of Hard,ie Street; thence south along the centerlirce of saad. strcet to South 1341~ Street centerline; tihenr.e i+.=csferly on c-3-i ter.l.ane of South 13411' Street to 819t Avenue Soii.tlz centerline; thence south on centerline of 81st Avenue Sauth to SW Suruet ]3ouJ.erard (NI1,K Ju.naor W1') centerline; thezice easterly follo~-A.ng said road to 77,ain.iex Ave. . (T'SH-5); t11ence folloNA~Tir►g Raiv.er A.ve. in a southFrly clirecrio.n fio south line of Section. 19, T. 23 Ni., R. 5 E. (S.E. 160'h Street); thence east along south line of saa.d ,Section to the R.enfion City Limits; thence foll.owing;the City U.mits of IZenton in a counter.-clockwise direction to the point where it intersccEs with Manle Valley Highway; thenr,e southeastexly . along said Ngh,-ti~ay to the intersec#ian of the cast line of the we-st ha.l.f of Section-24, T. 23 1\~., R. 5 B_ (172nd A-cTe. S.E. extPnded north); i:hence soutli along said line extended to the south line a.f. Section l, T. 22 N., I7. 5E., W.M:; (or Southeast 208d' Street) tience ivest aloi-ig said sou.th l.i.ne to 148t" Av e. S.E.; thence north along :l4sth Ave S.E to S.E 192nd Sfr2Et; thence west fio 1401~1 Ave. S.F.; north to T'etr.ovii:sky Road (S.E. 1761h); . Continue .J . I thence west along Petrovits~y Road to its inteisecfiion `azfih Carz Road a.nd 108'h Ave. S.E.; 'rhence west along Carr Road to State HSvy 167; thence south along State H~~,y 167_ to the south LinE oi Section 6, 'I'.22N., R, 5~-.; W.M., (o.r. Sou.tl,east 20811, Street extencied.); illeizee .f:ol.loNA.ng said caty l.imits in a clockwise direction ta tl-ie nozthwest corner of said city ]im.its, extendPd to.thc west bank Qf the UuT,n,amash River; thence noztherly. aiong the west ba:nk of said River to the north line o'f the sou.thwest V4 o.f Seciioa-i 25, T. 23 \T., R. 4 E. thertce east on said northwest linc to its intersecEion with . Wcst Valley Rd (State -Hv.*y. 181); thence noztherly.along West Valley Rd (State Hwy. 1.81) to the south l.ine, 4f Section 24, T. 23 N_, R 4 L. (South 160~h Sir.eet extended); ther►ce west on sautYi line of sa.id sectiori to the easterly.bartik of the ]7uwaniisb Raver.; thence nArtherly along the west bank of said River fo ,fihe poi.nt or intersection wzl:h.ihe south line of the narthwest (continued) quartex of Section 24, T. 23 N., R. 4E., VV.M.; tlzencr•_ east along the south line of saa.d. nozthc~.,est qu,artPr to the v.*est sid.e o.E that partion o.f the ca.ty o£ Ren#Qn as annexed by ci.ty, oz: dapance No. 1764 1ying v,feesterly o.f the east nzargin of BNRPZ Company (N.1'.TZL:) maizl t.r.ack right o# way all being located in the soukh lfi of the NW'/4 oE Sectiqn 24, Township 23 \TOxth, Ra.nge 4 East, thence eastfrom fihe east si.de af said poxdon of Ciiy, of TZento.n alona the south line of the r,.o:cth.w-est (contiziued) quQzter of Sectio~~. 24, T. 23 N., R. 9: E., W.M. to the elst side of the Cha.r,les Monster Road; thence northerly • along the along the eastezly side of said road to tl1e Beaco.n Coa.i Mine road; thcnce nartherly alon; . the aiong fii.e easterly side of said road to the Soufih 1291" Street extended; thence easterly on Sou.il1. 129&- 5treet to State I-lighway 400 (Mai-tin Luther King J'r. 1h'ay) centei.l.i.ne; thence nor.tkzwesterly ~ along said bou.levard to South 120~h Street; thence West along Soutt1 120'h Streefi extend.ed to 5161 , Avenue Soutl-i; thence North along exfiension of 51d Averiue 5outh to Empir.eWay South. Centerl,izze; thence northwesterly on zntersectiAn of Empire Way South to Ryan Street centerline extended thencc West al.ong Ryan Street extension. to e-xtension pf 331d Avmue SoLth; tiEriCe ~,70rth alOI1- "exten-Rion o# 331d A'venue South to ex lez►sion Af South Trenton Str eet; thence Vlzest aioz-ig exteiisaoz-i of Sflizfih I'rcnfon Sb.-eet fio East Marb-inal Way;,thence Northwesterly along East Margin,4 Way to exter~sion of. South Kenyon Sireefi; thence Wcst along exiension of South Kenyozi Str.eet to extensxon of 12'h Avenue Soiiih; d1encE South along exfrension of 12'h Avcnue 5outh to the West ba.nic of . Duwarrush Watexway tfience soufih along the West bank of the Duvvamish Watenaray to apoint of . intersect-iozl tuith T'acific Higlwa.y Sou.th (TntemationaT Blvd),; thence i-n a sou.ther.l.y ciirectio.n alo.ng Pacilic I.~Zhway Soufi11(Intemmationa.l }31.vd) i:q its intersECtion with S. 128 Streelt- extendec3.; thence west oE S. 128 Str.eet extended to.its intersection tivitl,. Y1:i.Lii:a.zy Road also the northeast point aty limits of the City of Sea-Tac; thence sout:7z a.long Militar}T Road and said city Jicnits to its i:ntezsecrion Continu e . ~ v,ith Parifzc I-hghway sotj'th (Zntemaiio.na,l Bivd); thern cE~ southex.ly along Pac~f.-icHighway S. to the ~ iittez-scction of Padfic l_ighv~ay a~d 260'~ Street; tlzence in'an ea.'sterl.y aaAd ~autherly'djxection I . a,i.oz~+g tt~e city.Jaaxui~ of t-te ~ity of Se:a-'Tac to a poant ~al~ere ikke ~ity T_.~u.t a,n~erse~s fo~ ~he seco~d ~ . iimethe W. 1~%F Lu,, of Tnter.~tate ~Iwy ~5; t~r-nce sou:~ on said. ~~J_ IRJ~1F fia S. IN'~ f~~ex~ce v~=est on S. 17G~ ~t-r.ee~~{no~th s~de onlp} t~ Jvfi1F}ary l~oad;'thertce south on'?1~il~tary Z~oad , .r ~iv. ~~st side ~nly} to S. ~~st, Street; th~nce ~vest ori S: 188~' 'S tr~ct(riortv side -oi;Iy) to-PSH-1; thr-nce . I soti;h oxi k'SFi-1 (~ve~t side arrly) to~. 192"~ Stre at; thea,ce 1.4est on S_'192n1 Street {ziorth side orrly} to 1a A.ve ;6kence r0rth an 1 St Ave. SeutJi to a p oitit wlzere ft aa.i terS ec-ts v,xiiJi tl-ie riortherly ]imi;s , af"P'TOrnandy Park ai apointwhere 1,t Ave. S. iD#eiseL4s wa,th SW 162th Str~et,thes-tce in a'w(~sterly - dizectiorl alorig the xtorkh d#y linx~t ].ine of NormaiYdy i'axk to a poiat where saad city ].ini.it 7ine intersecf~ wdth SylvesteF 1Zd,; thence in a 1aorffiea:3tefl~ dixeci~ai;, on Sy1vester. Road servicig tlie southeasterly,szde tl,ereo.f to S_ W I 60t~ Street; tE,encc east aa, S, W. I 60th and So, 16011, StTeets sersring the south s7de ihereo€ to Des ?vloir~es Way; ther.rce north on T~es Ivioines Way sPxving ;he Y,e ~t side thereol to S_ 75611, Street; thence,,~ est an S. 15 On and S M_ ~56t~' Street se3v3a~g th~ north si de thereof to A-wbau-at B'1v J.; #l;ertce north on 14j~nb au-m Blvd,_ scroing tti e east side therealE to 5_ W. ,15D, d Stxeet; thence west.on S,'4+V_ I52-~d Street to Puget Sovnd. - EXCTI~IIQJ_NY; The foll6-vazng P'aragraph is i~xclvded fromthe'above SOLID WASTE COLLECTION ~ SERVICE. 1i tln.at parilon of King Cou.nty - descxibi~d as folJ.ows= Co=.encing af tne in.tea;section o'L -Military Road S. axtd Highway 57,6 (Kent-]7es Moines Road); ffience kolldwing tkte ci.ty ]inutis of Kent in a clo ck-vAs c ciirection eas texly, sout't&]westerly, and narthea;ly to its ~~#e: ,,ecdon with Mili.tary r~oa dS. at S, 24~0~' Street; tlzei~ce riox~:l~ along ~1:i]ztaay I~oar~ S_ ta its in#exs8c~on i~aith ~ighv,~ a~ 516 {Kent-bes Moines ~~oad}, the poazit of l~egia,r,ing. - ' ~ , _ ~ . . (PZD438) SOLI€] WASTL COT.L-ECTION 5ERVICE un that parLaa af Ying C.ou~nty described as . fallow4- Staiting # the ffitersecdori of tbe Everett-Sothell' County I°LigYii~vay a,Tid the , Snohomish-T!amg Courkty line; tEence east on ~nohomish-Kng Coirn' ty line to i#s intersection witn east linc of T. 26 N,, R_ 7 R.; #hence south or. sazd 'Lirie ta zts intersec6oki with the soitth lin e of "1'. 25N R.7 E.; tJaP-nce- vvest on s2idbin e ta the ca.st]ii-ie o f T. 25N R 6 E.; thea.i cenwth :eri said.Jai. i e to th~ S.E. cazncr of ihe N.E. 'A a~ dze N.T'_ Qf SecdoL-k 36, T. 25 N.,'R. 6E.; #~h en ce west on a Li~-~P I proJectcdf€`o,ai said co:mer fc+ the east shore of. ke Sa3nmauiish, thi~jm oe follawutg said'I~aJce shore ~ genera3.ly in na:r.t]zwesterly aizd sou.l:E~erly (counter- dc+clcwise) directiock to t];p po3nt whexe the ~ southea.steizt dty hnlit]s of Redutcrnd. iuitersect t'ne vaes#er.n shorc oE LAe Szrm~mamish; thence CorLtinue ~ - . I • ~ foLlnwi.ng the ciiy lintiits of Recimond as of january 3, 1978, in a rlockwise direction to t11e poi.nt where the vamina.uvsh Ri.vQr (`vaterway) ialfiersects with dhe rrorth a.ty linlits of TZedmond; thence f.olloiviztg the east ba.n.k of said river in a generallp northerly d.ixertion to iis iritersection iadth N.E. 143th Street extended (at this poi,nt a shAri section of PSH-2 is one and the sa.IIie as N.E. 1451~ Street); thence ivest on I\i:E. 145~h Sl-reek extencied (no sea.-vice ta be rendered on either side o1NT.L. 145'h Street) to •its-bltersecFion with 104th A-,ver►ue N.B.; thence northerly on 1.(}4'h N.E. (rendering service on botli sides oi 104Lh Avenuc N.E.) to its antPrSectiprn with 1051-h Ave. INE; thence nort,herly to the north line af the sou.th west qvm-tex of. Section 8, 1'26hT, R5F; 4zence west alang said nortll Iine to tr~e west linc of said sectian; thence south a.long the west line of said scction to &e sou.th ci.ty :].inuts af 13otheI1; thertce tolloiving the city limits of BotheJJ, clorlcwise, to its itife.r.section ivith the Eve:ret-t-~othc]1 Coianfy :Highway; thertce ttoa'tl1 to place o€ begi.~nz.ng. : (PID439) REkUSE COLLE,CTIONT SERV7:CE, ziot xequ.i.ring the use of a dump firucc, in that portion of King County described as fallotivs: Sta:rting at the northeast cozner nf T26I1, RBE; thence sou.th along the east ]a.ne of RSE to dae south line of T22 TV; tiheizcP west along said soutli line to the west line o€ R. 8 E.; thence north aJong said wesi line to tlze southe~st coiaier of S~ction 12 T22N, P.7L.; ' r thence west along the soui•h aine o€ said section extended ta t11e nor.tlleast camer of Section 19, r22N, RTE; tlzence South a.long the east li.ne of said sectior► to its in.fiex.section v.-~th -the Green 12ivex; thence `vestcrly alon; the banks of said aaver to the northeast Ci1.y limits of Auburn Nvithin Secdon ~ . 8, T21N, R5E; thence south along the west ]inc of said Section 8 extended to the soutlleast coznex of Section 31, Tzli\T, RSE, aLso the south boundary of TCi.ng County; thence ivest a1.ongth.e soutlz ]irie af sa.ici secfioi-i 31 ta its intersectiQn with A Str.eet SE; thencC north a.long said stTeet ta its intersection. wifih West Main 5tr,eet; thenre vaest along said street to West Valley I Tighway; ti-ience nozth along lVest Vailey :[-liglzway fo Sou.th 277th Street; thence eask ?long said str,eefi extezideri to 116;~, Ave. SL; i:hence north aiong 11.61-b Ave. SE. to SE. 25811, St=eet extended; i:hence east an saici street exiend.ed. to 117'h PL. SE exter►ded; thence noxth along 117th PL. SE. exfiended to SE 256" StreAt SF; thence west along sa.id street to 11611, Ave. SE; thencc norl-h alozig said sereet to 5E 2080, Str.eet. SE; thence east along saaci. street to the poi.nt o€ its intersection with 172Rd Ave. SF extended; thence north along said A.vemue to Renton Maple Valley Road; fihence vti7esterlp along said road to its intersectio.r► zv-ith the City aa.it,s of Renton as of Sep}cmber 1, 7.959; thence south along said City 13.mits to the nort-h line of Sectian 20, T23N, P5E, also r~ty linuts of 7:en.ton as of Februu°y 28, 1961; d-ience in a clockwise duECtion along said city lirxi.ii:s to the soutti ]ine of Seciaon 20, T23N, R5E; theEice -west a.Iong said Contiziue . sou.th l.mE to iis intcrsecta.on `vith State HighNvay 167; thence north alqrt; said State Hightivag to SW Su.nset BouJ.evard; thence west a]ong said. boulevard to 8111 (Oakdale) Ave. SW; c.hence nozth to 'the City limiis of Penxon as of August 4,1931; thence in,a counter-dockwise direction al.ong said City l.isnits oE Renton to Renton Ayenue South; thence westerly along Rentori Avenue S. to 7611, Ave. ' Soutii; thc?nce north to S.125'h Street extended.; theice east nn S. :1.25ffi Street exfiended to 77L" A.ce. S. extended t'i.ence north'along 77'h .Ave. S. to S. 120'~, Street; thence x~est ori saad sET~et to 76ffi Ave. South; theaice nori:h alang saad Aventi-e fio S. 116'h Street; thence west al.ong S. 11611' Street to its . intexsection wi.th the City limits of Seaitle; tliencc in a dockwise clizpction along saad c'it}►lirriiis lo its intersection with the ivest shokeli.ne of L,ake tiVashialgtan; thencc in a counher-clockTAise dizection along the shox'elinc of La.ke Washin-kon to the point :vhere it intersects with ffie northwest ci.ty ]a.mits of Renton; thence east and 'sou+hexly aiong'thP city li miis of Renton (M:AT.G. No.220, 7-7-64) to a line common to T23\, a.nd T24N. R5E; thence easterly aiong said line ta P.enton :1.2oad (Per►ton- ]:ssaquah TZoa.d.thence ncrth alorig said r.oad td the north line of Section 29, "L'24N, R6E; thence east along said section L'uie extend.ed to \rW Gilina',n T3oulevard; thence easteray alang NW Ga.l.man Boulevard to 111 Ave. iNW; thence north a.lonb sa.id avenue to E. Lake Sammam.ish 1'KV1TY; thence northerly along saa.d PK"T.I.' to the poizlt wnere it interseLis Nvith the nozkh line o€ SW 1/a of Secson 16, 'Z'24N, ME; thence west to the shorelin.e o€ L-3keSa.n-nnaui.iski; thence in a cJ.oc3ccarise clirection ~ along the shorel.i.ne of Lake Samnla.mish to the pou-it where it izltersects with NW 4ffi Street eactended; thence east along said street to i:hF easLL Line o£ Section 35, T251\i, R6E;therice south aiong said east lizzc to the north,,vest corr~er ok Section 6 T24N, Tt7E; thence east alang the north ]ine of said section extend ed to the southv.Test corner of Section 31, T25N, RSE; thence north along the wesfi line of said section 31 extended to the norl:hwESt corzzer of Seci.ion 6, T261~T, R8E a]so the Ka.ng and Snoh_ozn.ish Cou.nty line; thence east a1.ong said. counqrl.a1e tv kheno:rffieast corner of 7'26N, R$E, the poa.nt o€ beginxzing. (Pl'0440) ALSO in that por,tion of Ki.ng county described as follows: Starting at the point where East :Maxginal Way S. inte.r.sects vsi.th the south.line of Sectzon 28 T24N, R4E; thence sou.ther.]y along East . Maxginal4Vay S_ to S. Trenton Stxeet exi[ended, also tl1e at}, limits of Tukwil3); thence cast and south along the city liuuts oF Tiucwi.la to the pault where it uzrersects Nvith S. Ryan Str.eei: Pactended; thence east art sai.d street to Empi.re ti1Tay S(Statc I-Iightivay 900); thenr:e sautherly a.l.ong said higlizvay to South 129'h Streei; i:hence westcrly along saici street to the east side city ]isni.ts of Tukwwi.i.a; thence southerly along said c.it}► lun.its to the point where it cannects with.'13eacon-Coal ' • Conki.n;le _J . l Mine Road;.fihence southerly 3IOiig the Cc1St S.I.CYe Aa said rnad to Charles vlonster Road; thence ~ontinuing.southerly alonb Charl.es Manster Road projected to the south line o€ the northwest quarter of Section 24, T23N, R4E, W.M.; thence soutYierly alpng the east&ly bank of Duwaariish FZiver to filze south lanc of Sectaozi 24, T23N~ R4E. (Soui:h,3.60th Street extended); thence east on sout,'n line of said section to V1Fest Val.ley High~vay (State ~gl~tivay 181); thence sciuth alon~ sa.id hightivay to the narth line of the sauthwest ~/4 of Section 25, T23N, R4E; thence west on said noith line it-o the . vti*est banh of the Duv,*aznish Rive.r.; thenee southcrly along said River to South 180th Sfreet (SIN' 43*4 Sireet); thence east along said street to tl-iP east side of current cii.y limits af TL7.kwila; thence in a clock-tirise dir.ection along said cify linizts to the point where it intersects v,Ti.fh. t3ie Parific Higpiway South (Inter.ziational l3lvd.); ;hexzce nortlierly a]ong said High`vay to the point ivhere it intezsects Nvith ti-ie DLawanaash jti7aterway; thence northcrly a1ong the wrest baaak of the Du,,•vaifi.is}z ZNatertaTay fio the point v,*heze it inte.r.sects v.rith 121~' Avenue S. exkended; thence n6ith on extended 121' Avern.ie S. to the south line of Section 29 T24tij, RdE; thepc-e east along said section l.ine excended to its . • . , intcrsectio.n with East Vlargirial S., the -place of beginnirtg. (PID441) ALSO in that portiAn of King Coi:nty described as fol)ows:. Starti.ng at tlle poi.nt were SE. 208'h Si.xeet interser_ks with 11611, AvE. SE.; thence.south along 116t~ Ave. SE ko its intersection Nvith SE. - 228d, Pr aasa the city ]azcuts af the Citi af Ken.t as of January 1, 1987; thence westerlv, southerly and northcrly (clocl:zvise di.rect-ion) to its intersection with SE. 20$'-" Sfxeet; thence east along said f1 streefi to the point were it inte.xsects witl11z6'hAve. SE., the point oE begin-ning. . (PID442) AL.SO in that poa:tion of King County desca.-ibed as fol.7.ovais: Stariirtg ati:he point were 116ffi Street 5E. interseet with SE. 240ffi Street, aLso the city limits of the City of T<ent as of Jar►uary 1,1957; thence south along 1161hStreet SE. to its uitersection with the city l.i.zniis of the City of Kent as of Jarluary "l, 1987; thence westerly,.southerly, nor.thcrly and easterly (clocktvise) direction to its intersection with 116th Street SE, thc point of beginnill;. (PTD443) REFLJSE COLL-LCTTON SEP.VICE, not reqzuring thF use of a au-o1p t,.-uck,(local ra.rtage) in Vashon and Ttctaury ]'slands. , . (PTD451) 50T:_1D WASTL" CaLLECTIONT SERVTCE r_onsistinb of r. ecl aimed lurnbeA•, bfic.k and other cast aff- matEria]s, .f:rom prerr►ises where co:nsia-uction or :r. epa.ir j ob are bei?zg or have been conducted, Contanue ~ . . oz tvhere structures a.re beina raceci in the fpllov,6ng. M:aury, Mercer, and Vashon l'slan.ds; and in that portlon of King county described as follows: Starting at the northviesfi comcr af T26N, RBE; thence east a.long the noxth Li.ne of sa.id 'I'26~T, also the K.ing and Snohon-tish County T.ane to its irtte:rsection King and Chelan Cotnty l.ine; thence south alon; said cotinfiy line to its intersection wi.th King and Kittitas County T.,i.ne; thence soutliwesterly along the T:ing and Kittitass Cocanfy Ii.ne to the south line o.f Seciion 33, T23I\T,1Z11E; thence west to the wesfi l.i.nc oil the `East %of Section 33, "1'23N,. P 11E; thence no:eth along sa.id west ]zne to the north li,ne oi said Secia.on 33, therioe cast on sa.id north. l.ine to the southeast camer of Secti6n 28, T23N, R11L; thenr_E nArfih along tl.ze east li:zle of said secizon to the north easi: c:orner of said seciaon; thence west aJong the nortll la.ne of sa.id section to the northitiest carner of SECtion 30, T23i\T, R11E; thPnce south' along the west line of said sectio.n extended. to the southwest coz-ner of the IXR'V '/4 a.[ Section 19, T22N, R:1.IE; tk-lence -,vest a.long the south ]ine o£ said NCN 1/4 to the southeast comer of the \rF1/4 df said Section 19; tl-ience nori:h along the east line of s-aid section Pxtenc3.ed to the nor, thNvesfi comer of SPCtion 8, T22\T, RIlE; thence . ea:st a:[ozlg the nor.th line of sa.id section ta its interscction'i~,ith Kin; County l-bie; thence sou.th'erly a.nd ti•vcsterly aIOng said. r.ouniy].inF ta'its intersection wifih the west Li.ne of T19N,RSF, tlzence north along saad'west lixte extend.ed to the southeast comei of Sec►ion 13, T22N, RYF; thPnce west aloa-►g . the south line of said section to the*northeast comer of Section 19, T22N, R7E; thence south along ~ the east Jbae vf said section to its intersection v,*ith the Green River ban]:s; therace ia*eyterly along the G•reen Fiverhanks to the n.az-theast Ca ty ]in-iits ot Auburn within. SPCtion T21N, R5E; thence south along the west b.r►e o€ sa.id 'Section 8, extend.ed to the bounc3.ar.y line of King Cciunty; thencF west along said boundary line to its ultersection witYi the southNtiiest comer of Scction 31, T21N, R5E; thence noxth along th_ tivest b.Re of said section to its intezsectian with Maui Street I17est; thence xtiTesfi along sazd street to t1ae inte.r.section v,-i,th West Valley Hivy ; tbence South alo:ng said high:vay i:o Soti,h. ]?easley Canyon Roar.l; thence'west along said road to its intersectaon v.Tith the centerLirle'of Section 14, T21N, R4E; thence north along said. cer►terline of said section extended to the no r.lh Iine of SPction 11, T21I\i,174E; thcnce west alonb the nort]i lazie of said sectiUn extend.ed to the city l.i.mits aE Federal Way; i-henee north in a ec3u.nter-clockyvise dir.ection along said aty liuiits to • irs inte.r.sec:tion vrith South 282°J Street projected east; therice west al.ong sa.id street to 1,2~n Avenue South projected north; thence soutlz along 12th Avenue South to its intersecfion with Sou.th 28P. Street pzajectecl; t.hence uTest alang said street fio 84*, Avenue Sout11 projected; thencE south aloizg said 8'h Avenue to Sou.th 292nd Street projected; thence west along sai.d 292°d Street to 3.31 Avcnue South; thcnee north on 1.5C Avenue South exteildEd to the shorelizie of Puget Sound; the,rLee riortheTly . Conianue _J . . . ~ along said shorelane Lo S.W.152ni Street exi-end.eti; ;hence east along said street to Aznbaw-z► Blvd. . S.W. ; thence 5outh aloiig Ambaur.n Blvd. ro S. 156-', Street; thence east along said. street t0 17es Moi.nes titiay; ~hence south along the Des iMoines Way to 5.1.6013-- Street; thenoe west on. said streef ib Sylvest-er R.oad S.jN:; theace south along Sylv, Ester Road to the rity ]in-tits of \7ormandy Park; thence east in. a clockwise directioil along the cii,y limits of \jormandy Pa.rk to its intexsec6on vvith S. 3.92nd Streefi; thence east along S. 192nd St,eet to Paci.fac Highway S. also the Zntemationa.i 13oialevard; thence north on said boulevard to S. 1$$'' Str.cet; thence east along• S. 188'h Street to ?~tiiitary 12oad; • thence from Mil_itary to tlle point xvhexP it intersects vrith the city l.imifs of therioe iiozthPrly a1 ong the city l,imits of Tuk`a*ila to the point whexe at intersects zNith S.12Sffi Street; thence east along said streefi to Pacific Highway Sou;h (rntemata.onal Blvd.); thFnce no.r.th along saidhi.glaway to the hanks of TauzNfantish Waterwap; thence s10,17kherly along the baizks o.f sa.id waterway to 12'h Avenue South extended; t:hence nortll along said 12'h Ave.; to S. Kenyoii Street extend.ed; thence east o». . . extended S. Kenyon Street to East Marginal Way~; thence south- along Easfi Marginal Way to iks intersecti_oi-i Nvith the extension of South']'renton.Strcet; thenr.F east on sazdstreet to the extensiqn of ' 33~' Avenuc Soui:ll; ther~ce south along sasd lvenu.e to the extension of Ryan Siseet; thence east on. Ryan street to Esnpire Way South; thence south An Empaxe jNay Sou.th to the extension of 510 Avenue South; thence 5outh on said avenue to South 120ffi Street; r thence east on said st~eet to SW Su.nset Boulevazd (NiLK Ju.nior WY); thence sout}1 along said boulevard- to its znterscction with. S. 129t" Street; thence tivest an South 129th Street to the aty ]i.-otils af Tttkwiaa; khence sotithei-]y along ~ said city Liii-iits to the point whexe it intersecls wi+h Beaco:n-Coal IMu-►e Road; thc-mce southerly along : said road to Charles Monster Road; ;hertce south along Charles Monstez Road to the point where it ini-ersects ttirith the south lLne of the i\joi-thwest qu.?,r.ter of Section 24, T23N, TL4E; thence west along that portion of city Li.miis as annexed by City ot Renton, aty ox"ance No. 1.764 ta the baxLks of the Duwamish River; i:hence sou.therly along t11e bariks of said river to ii-ie pouit ivhere it antersectS v,ri.fh the sou'-tn line of Seciion 24, T23N, R4E; thence east to the State Htiti'Y 181; tIZence south along said high-Aray to the rioxtlz ]ine of the Southwest 1/4 of 5ection 25, T231N, R4B; thence west on the north. line ot said Sectian Eo the west bank of the.Durvam.iah R.iver; thence &ouElZerly along the barLks of said river to S. 1801h Street; thexlce east along said street to fit-ic city liinit,s of Kent as of- 7a.nuary 1, 1387; thence soutli.erly in a cou.nter-clockiv:ise direction along the city li.mits o~ Keilt to the nUrth lixle of Section 7, T22N,125E; tl-ience west a.long the noztr► lir►e of sa.id section extended to ti-le southeast corxter of the wesi: half of Section 1, T'.22N, 5E; thence north along the east lirie of the zvest half of said section to the Mapl~ Va-Ll.ey ~Fhghway; thP~ce norEh.wesfierly along; the Maple Va-lley Hagh-vva}j Confinue . to the city Iim.its of Renton; thence south in a dorlczvise direction along said dty Jir.nits to the soutl.least conZer of Section 20, T23N, F'~E.. (S,1:.1.50t" Street); thence Pa.st aIong the soui:lz l.ine of said section to dze. State Highway 167 (IZa.inier Ave.); thence north along said hightivay to its interseci.-ion tivith Soufihwest Sunset Boulevard; theiice weste4 along said bottievard to 8151 Avenu.e South; thencE north. to 134t~ Street; thence 'east on 134~h Street to Harciie Strcet; tbenc~ north to the city Emits of R.enton'(as o.k June 1,1961.}; th~nce inozth*along said city'li.nlits'to Rentori Avenue Sau.i:h; thence northwesterly alon-Renton Avenue Sotii'h to 76Avenue Sou.th; thence a.iorth on 761' AvE. S. to S. 12511, Sbreet; thence east to 77w .Ave. S.; i:hence north along 7711, Ave. S. to 5.12011' Sizeet; therice «7est on sazd street to 7611, Ave. S.; thence noxth ori said. street to 116'h St7eet S.; thence west on saad street t:o its intersecdon writh 1:hP sbuth Ci.ty ]a.mits of Seattle; ~hence noa-th in a countQr-elock-MsE d.izection along the city limits of Seattle to its i.r►tersection vsith T.,ake Wa.sliington; fhence in a courifier-r1orlcwi;e d,i.rection along the shorel.i.ne ofT.ake Washi.-ngton to t$-ie nArthv.*esfi city limit of Renton; tYience southeastezly along the Ciry li.ui.i.ts of Penton to the point w1heze the city Lb-a-tits af Penton bltersects tiviii-i the sotiiJh i.ine of Section 33, T24N, P.5E; thence ea.st along the south line of said sertian extF_nc€ed to its intersecti.on zvitri Rei-iEon 12.oad (Penton Road-Tssaquah 1Zoad) a.lso Highway 900; thence north alo:ng said Road to its u14ersection with Interstatk 90(Sunsek Hwy); }hence northweste.r.Iy along said T.nter5tate to the shorel.ine of La.ke Washington; thence northerly in ~ a cowlter-cloc:kti%rL*sc direction alang the shore]ine of Lake Washington to iES intersectionvvith 1451h SizEet; thenee west along saici street to its intexsection `tiritl-i 56 Ave. \j.B.; ;henc:e north alorg on 54-" Ave. to 1j.E.175`~ Sfizeet; thenc-e east on said street 1:0 8th Ave. N.E. thence north on sazd street extended to \~.E. 201u Street extended; thence east on said sfreet to 1V Ave.-N.E. exteazded; thence north t4 the K.ing-Snohom.ish Bouncl.a.zy (N,E. 205th Street); thcnce east along said bounda-ry to the north east comer af SFction X, T26N, R41:; tlzence south along t'ne east li.ne of said section to NE 199ffi Sixeet; thence east on said. stzcet to its iaztersecYion w'ith 90*1 Ave NrE; i:hence nort:h on 90tl, Ave. NTE to its intexsection tinth NIE 200th Str.eet; thence v.*est on NE 200'b Stzect to its intersection 8P Ave. IVE; thence north an 88"' Ave. NjE to its intersection tivith NL 202"a Street; fihence east on NE 202na SG'reet to its i.ntersect-ian wath 90'-' Ave. NTE•; tZence north on 901h Ave. NE to its intersection TvVirh i\TE 205d' Strcet (also thc Kixlg-Snahom.isl1 County line); thence east on sai.d eounty line to State Highjvay 527 ('Evcrett-13othe11 Cattnty Highway); fhe;zce sou.therly in a countEr-cl.ockwise direection sa.id hibhivay to it,s i.nterseciion with the city Iimits of Bothellas of Januax.y 3,1978; the;lce followi.ng the dty ]imats n€ BothEll in a coun.ter-clockwise directi.o:n to the sau#hwest cor.ner cf Sect-ion 17, T26N,125B; thcnce north -L]ong the we-q Iine of sai.d section to the north linc of the sauthwesfi quarter oE SPCtiQn 8, Coniinue . , . ~ T26N, RSE; thcLce east along the north Une of sa.id. section fio 102~2 Ave. \TE; thence soufih alang a02na Ave. NE to its intersection v,dth 105)t'' Ave.'NE; thence soutti along 105=n Ave. NTE to its uitersection v.nth I0AX*, Ave. ~1E; thei-ice. south fio NL_ 145~' Street; thenr_e east on said street to its intersection vvith the eastbank of. Sanwrtamjsh River(taiatem•ay);1:hencE south a.long said River'to its znterseetion with the city limils of Peclriiond; thezlce in a eottntei-clock-w'ise da.rQr.fion along t}-ie dty . Iiirdts o¢ Reamona as oi January 3, 1978 to its intersection with ttie Nvest shoreliiie of L~ke Sanuxianzish; tlzenee northerly and sQutheray in a c1oc1.-wisc direction alAng the s]ioze line of La.ke Sai-TirnauliLh ta the point where the east shoreline af La~ke Sm=aznish intersects ,,vith the sou.th lane of NE V4 o.f NIV Y,. of Section 32, T25N, R6E; thence Past along sa.id soutn line extended to the east line of 5ection 36, 725N, R6E; thrnce south to the soui-hwest corner o€ Sectioi137., T25iv,R7E; thence east ox, along the south l.ine of said sFCtion extF.ndeci to t11e southeasfi comer af T25\T, R.7E; thence 3ZOrth along the easfi ].ine of said tow7iship to the Snohonz.ish-King Co_unty line; thence east alorig said couTity lirie to its intexsedtion -wi.fill Kinb ChPlan Cotuaty linc the place of beginrtung. EXCEP'r[ON:1'HE FQLLOLtJNG PARA.GRAlyH IS E,XCLIJ'DED FROM THE A.BONTE GA1nAGF, t1NsU 12FFi.aSE COLLECTI0N SBRV'.[CB. . Sta.a:fiizig at th.e intersection af \rh: Bothell Wa}T. and 84-, Ave. NE; then ea5t On NE Bothel.l. Wy. to ats intersection tiviffi91st Ave. NE; then noz;h on 91st Ave. NE to its intersecEion with VE 1722d ~ Street; then cast on NE 172nd SLTCC?t io i.ts intersection with'32nd Ave. NE; thennozth on 92nd Ave. N'E to its intersectionwitll NE 173rd Street; theaz cast on NE . 173rd Street to its intersectio:ri with 95t' Ave. \TE; then north on 95th Ave \E to 173ra 1'1.NTE; thett west on 173rd Pl. NE i:o its intersectian with 93rd Pl. NTE; then nor.th on 93rd P1. NTE to its intersection ivith'\iE 175ffi Stir.eefi; th.en. west on. \~E 175L' Skreet to As intersection with 43rd .a1vE. NE; i:ll.en reorth an 93,-d Ave. NE to its intersection w.ith NE 176'-, Street; then east on. NE 176ffi Scxeet to its intersection with 95'h Ave. NL; the.n norPh on 9511' Ave. NE to its intersection wit3t NE 17$11' Street; then west on NE. 7.7$th . Street lo its intersection NaTith SSt', A.ve.-NE; then norhh on 8~3~' Ave. I`sE to ir.s intersection witlz \TE 180th Street; then west on NjE 180'h Streer to its intersection vvith 8411, Ave. NE (zJso the west range l.u1e of T26~T, R5L); then soLtth on 8411~ Ave. ~jE to its i.nte-rsection tvith NE Botrcell V1ty., the paint of, begiiuti.ng- ' (Pf17452) REFUSE C07~LECTZON SIERVICl?, nqtreqi7i.ti.ng tlle use of a duanp ti-uck,(local caxl•age) in Contirn.ae . ~ 1 ~ng-Snohom.ish that poz-fiion of King Caunry d.escribed as f.ollotivs: Beginnirib a-t the inteisecfion of . County line an.d 15--' Ave. NE; thence south along 15th Ave. ~fE to it intErsection Wi}h &TE 3.7511' : StrFet; thence west alo.ng NE 175th Stceet ta 8'11, Ave. N.E.; thence noxth alang said Avenue extended to E. 2011, Street; tl-ience east on B. 201s1 Street extended. to the West siue of l7.'h Ave. hj.F. extended; thence narth on fihe vrest sid.e of 11lh Ave. N.E. extendeci to K.i.ng-5n6hoTr.ish Coiuity line; thence east on the said Cou.nty Iine ta 15'h Ave. I~1.E. ilie poi.n"t of begiaznuig. - ' (PID453) ALSO: Be;.i.nni.ng at t31e intersection af NE Bofiliell T+1ty. A.nd 91I Ave. NE; thence north on 910'Ave. to its ii-itezsection wTi.th 172°1 St~eet; thcn east on \'E 172na Street in i.ts intersection ivith 92~6 Ave. NE; thei-. north on 92rd Ave. N'h fio its intersection wii:h NE 173r- Street; then east on NE- 173r4 Street to its inte:csec:tinn with. 95th t1ve. I\7F-; then r►orth on 9511, Ave NE to NE 1.751i' Street; fhealcF -%•vest on \~E 1751"- Street to its iiltersection NvitIn 93'*d I'1: NE (also'c_ity- liinits of Bot-hell); then north on 93rd Pl. Nr to its intersection wiflh NE 176~ Street; thc.-Lice east on \TE 1761h Street'to its Ln`tci-section Nvith 95'b Ave. NE; i:lience north an 95d~Ave. NE to its intersection -Mth NE 1781"Si:reet; thert v,%est qn NE. 178rh Sireet to its irltersFCtion wi.tli $P- Ave. NTE; then noz•tli on 8811' Ave_ NE fn its bztersEetion v,6.th the city l.i.Tnfts'of Botlzell (also Dawson St-reet exterided); thence ia1 a caunte:r-cloccv%rise direction along the ciq;, linuts of Bothell to its intersection with \iE 190-', Ave.; ther~ce east on iNE 1°0"' Ave. to j ' 92"a AVE'. thea-ice xtorth* alqr►g sai.d, avenue to i\TE 192na l.'L; thence iv, P,., t on NE 192"d PL.; to 8$'3, Ave.1NTF; thence north on 8811' Ave. N.L. to its intersedion v,rith the city limits of Bothell; tlnen.ce east on sazd city limits to 92nd Ave. NB extended; therice north on 92nG Ave. NE ex}ended to NE 2001~, Strr-_et extended: thence east on saad extend.ed street to 'NE Bpthell Wy.; thence i.n a clocictivise direction along the \7E ]3otheJ) Wy. to i~s m`tersection with 9151 Ave, NE, the poir;t of begizi.ndr►g. . . . . (PID4.54) ALSO: Yr► that ;~ortion oE King Count}T descri'ved as follows= Stard:ng at the so~u.thivest corner of Section 8, T26N,1:5F; thEnce east on the south ]ine at sa.i.d secfioil fio 1044d'Ave. NE; thenee north along 1041h Ave. i\iE ta its intersection NaZfih 105'h Ave. NE; thence ztortherly along 105'-' .4ve. NE to the nordi. line of sou th west qua_r.tez of Section 8, T261\1, RSE; i•hence west aiong said narth line . to the tvest line of SECtion 8, 726N,R5E; ta-ience south along sa.id west lule to the sflutll west corner of sai.d seciion the pouzt of.begia~uuing ' (I?ID456) SO'I: rD jN A5TE COLLECTIQN SEIZ.V.CCE in tha.t portion of Saiohqnzish Cou:nky described aS fOJ.lOiNS: COi1lIIteT1C1C'ig at a point wihcre a:noa-fih-sauth .lane tangeYlt to the west slloreline oE Continue ~ . ~ Ba.i.llinger Lake i.ntersects Nv-i.th the SizohoFni.sh-King Cotully Li.ne; thence norfih on said line to its ,intersection wi.i:h.(Bradley Road) 236th Street S.W. extended; thence west on (Bradley Roa.d) 2316d, . Street S.W. to 76th Ave. W.; thence nnrth on 76'h Ave. W. (but not inciudang structttres thereori}, to U. S. Highw4y 94; fijlence nort:ll on U. S. Hightivay 49 (but not incl.uding structu*ps thereon) to 200 S1xEet S. thence north on the east side of U.S. Highway 99 to a poant 100 feefi horth of 148 Street S.W.; thence west on ficLis line fio Puget Sourid; FoLlo-k^ing Pu;et Sound northezly to the point whexe the north ci.t~~ la.n~ts af Mukilt6o ineets Possession Soiuld.; tllP~iec eLa.sterly and sotrtherly following . Mukilteo Ciqy ]inits as of J'uly 1, 10,61, to the south bou,ndary of Section 3, T. 28 N., R. 4 E. Zti.Mi.; #l-ience ca.st to 40 .Ave. IN. extendeci; thence south fio boundary of. Pa.ine riela.; fo]]oNvir►g the north boundary of Painc Field, to the east bou.n.dary o.i: Pa.ine T'ield; thence sou.th to a point 100.feet nortlz o.t 90 Street S. W.; thence eaLt on fihis Line to 12 Ave. W. extended. (west boundary ok Sectian 13, T. 28 . N., R. 4 E.);.thelce south on 12 Ave. W. exteclded to 100 Sireet S. W.; fhence east on 100 Street S. W. (bot-► si.c~es) ta T-Iolly l7ri~- e; thence south on 9~1ve. W. (bu.t nat includiz,g 9 A~~c. W.) to iiltezsecbrn ; o.f U.S., Highway 99 and $x.oadway Cutoff; then.ce cast on F3xoadv,►ay Cutoif to $ Avc. W. (north-south IinF bisecting the rNestern '>4 af Section 24, T. 28 \j., R_ 4 E.); thenoe south nn sa.id line to Stockshow R.oad (112 Street S. W.); tlzenee east on the south side of Stockshow Road to Paci.fi.c Nprthwest 'I'ractian right-of-way; d-ience north on the east side'of the right-ok-`vay to Broadv,7ay Ctrtoff; thence north on the Broadv,*a'y Cu.fioff and $roadv.*a}T to the south Everett City liuuts (as of . July 1,1961); fihence following the east and no.r.th city, limits~ of Evereft (as of ju1.y 1, 1961) to Ptiget ~ • Sound; thence nortlleriy alAng Pu.get Saund. to the point -tvhere it intex.sects wzth the Snohon~iyh - Isl.and Courtty line; thcnce northerly alozig said couky Ii.ne to the shoreline of S . .'kagi.t Bay; thence north along sa.id shoreline to the Snohomish-Skagit County 1.i.ne; . thence east al.ong said counfy liTie to fhe east line bou,ndarST of SnohAmish. Cou.nty; theazce south aa.ong the east bound.axy of . Snoho~-dsh Cotmty to the, King-SnqYiom.i. h Cot2nty line; thence wesfi on saici cozu°dy lin e to Llae poirit . . . : of beginning. . . . (PID457) G.l•1RBAGE.COIILECTZON SBTZVICE on Camano Island., .T,sland County. (PIID45$) PE.I'l'.JSF COLLECI'ION SE.Y7VJ:CE, not requaa-ing trie use of a ciu:np truck; 0.oca:l carta.ge) in•that poztioa1 of Snohommislz Couazty described. as follows: Stazting at the northeast camer af 5ection 28, T2$NT, R8E; thence west along the no:r.tih ],ine of said section extended to a poiiit 500 feet zvest of the N. E. cainer oE Scc. 25, ':I72$I\T., R. 6 T-1; thP.ncc south to the south line of Conti.nue . . said section; thence west to the N.1V. carner of Sec. 35, T. 2$ IV., R. 6 E.; thence south. oAi the Nvest line of said section extended to 164 Strc:et; thencE easf to Highway 202; thence soti.thwesterly along said high.way to the Snohomish TZiver, thence southeasterly along sa.id river and the Snoqualtn.i.e River extend.ed to the point 100 feet nozlh of 228 Street; then.ce east to the easfi line of Sectian 28, T277\7.,178E; thcnce norkh along sa.zd Nvest lirie extended to the nort-heast comP.z o€ Secti.on 2$, T28I~~, R813, the point of Uegrinriir►g. (PID459) l2FFUSE COLLECTION SERVICL, not i-equiring th.e usc of a dizaalp ta-uck, (local ca.rfia;e) in that porlaon of Sn6horaiisri CouT1ty describeii. as follows: Commencing at a. point where a north-south line tangent to the west shoretme of B311irtger Lake intersects -,vith the Snohozn.ish-Kirig County line; theiice narth on said line to its intersecti.ozz ia-ith (Bradley :lZoad) 236th Street S.W. exter!ded; thence,.~vest oz1 (Bradiey 17.aad) 236~ Sixeet S.W. it-o iGffi A.i~ P_. j'V.; thence nortii, on 76ffi Ave. W. (hut noi: znclucling str.uctures ther.eon), to U. S. Highway 99; thence north on U. S. I-iighway 99 (but not i.ndud.ing str.uctures thereon) to 200 Street S. W.; thesice . rtarth on the ea-ct szde of U.S. Higlzway 93 to a point 100 feet n4rth of 3.48 Stiect 5.W.; thealce . titirest an ttvs line to Puget Sound; theYZCe souklzerly along tlze shoreline of Puget Sound to the . Snohon-Lish-King Cotu~ty linc; thence eas'L along sa.id caunfy la.ne to the point of beginning. ~ (P777460) REFUSE COT.,LECTIONT SERVICE, nok requiririg il-ie use of a dua.np fruck, (local caztage) in that poztion of Snobomish County described, as follows: Skartin; at the poi.nt whcre the north city Iazn.its of MukiJtea meets Possession Sounci; thence Pasterly and southerly = follov,Tiaig Mukiiteo Ci.ty lunit~ as of. july 11961, to the sou.t}i. baundary of Section 3, T. 28 N., R. 4 E. W. M.; thQnce east to 40 Ave. IV. extetldec€; thence souill to boUxidary of Paine'Field; .fol,lowing the north boundar.y of Paine Field to the eastbounciary of Pa;ne Field; thenr.e sauth to a point 100 .feet north oE 90 Staeet S. 4V:; thence east on this line to 12 Ave. W. extended (west bound.a,T of Section 1.3, T. 28 4E.); thencc south on 12 Ave. W. exte-rided to 100 Stir.eet S. W.; thence east on 100 Street S. W. (both sid.es) to 14olly Drive; thence south on 9Ave. W. (buf not inra.uding 9 Ave. W.) to iriter.section of U.S. Hghway 99 and Broadway Cutoff; thence east on Bx.oadway Ct:tof_f to 8 Ave. W. (north-sotF.th line bisecti:ng the weste_r.ri.'i`z oE Scction 24, T. 28 NT., R. 41:.); thence soutki on said line i:o Stdckshov,, RQ1d (312 Street S. W.); tihence east on the south side of Stoclcshotia, 12.oad to Paci.fir_ NTOrthwest':C'r.actiQn right-of-way; thence n6r.Lk1 qn the east sid.e of the rabht-ok-way to Bxoadway Cutoff; thence north on the F3zoadway Cuto£f and Continu.e J . ~ Broadwa_y fio the south Everet# City lim.i.ts (a.s of July l., 1961); ihence following the ea&t and nort-h ciiy lima.ts.of Everet-t {as of fuly 1, 1961} to Puget SoLsnd; i:hence south along the sh4reline of Puget Sound to the pain.t o£ begunxluig. (I'1D461) ALSO, in the jeity Island and (PZD462) ALSO, i-ni ITat Issla.nd (Gedney Is-Iand) PID463 SOL.TD WASTL COLT.,FCTION SETZ«CEconsis-ti.n; of reclaixned lunlber, brick and . _ other cast off, maierials, where constriiction or repait jobs are being or have been coiiducted, ar -wllere siructuies are bei,ng razed fr.om premises .in that partion of Snohoniish.Cou.nty described as follows: Startin.g at the nortl.least comer of Section 25, 728 R8 E; i:helice wert on the narl:h line of said section extended to a poinf 500 feet west of the N. E. cornez of Sec 2a-, T2$ N., R_ 6 E.; thence:south. to the south lixie of said section; thence west ta the N. W. comer oi' Sec. 35, T. ?$.N., R. 6E.; thenr_e south on the west line o.i: said scction e,YtPded to 164 Street; thence easfi to fiighwac 202; ther►ce southNvcsterly al.ong said highway to the Snohomish T:iver, th.ence southeasterly along said river-and the Snoqua.iin.ie River extezlded to the poinfi 3.00 feet north of 228 5treet, thence east so the west line 'of RJE; the-icE nOrth alo~-ig said 'west line exte:nded to the noa-tlzeast camer of Sectian 25, T28N, RSE, the point of begia-ming. (PID464) AT.SO: In Ehat portion Uf Snohomi..Ch Caunty described as .fo1lows: Cornmencing at a ~ point w~nere a north-sotii:h Jane tanbent to the -.vest shor.eline of }3al.langer Lake intersects N-vith the Srto.l.ian.iash-Kutg Coua-ity line; thence north an said line to iis a:ntersection wzfh (13.r.ad.l,ey Road) 236th Street S.Wextended; thence west on (13zadley 12oad) 23611, Street S.W. fio 76~ Ave. W.; thence north on 76th l1ve. W, to U. S. High,.vay 99; thence north on U. S. Haghway 99 Lt0 200 - . . . • , Street S. W.; i:heizce north on the eiisst side of U.S. Yli;hway 99 to a pai,nt 7.00 fcet north of 148 Street,S.W.; thence Nvest on this Iane to Puget Sou.nd; thence southerly a.long the shorelinc of . Puget Sotuld. to its intersectaon with the Snohomish-Kirig County lin.e; tliencc Etist along sai.d courity line-t-o thc paint oE begiruzing. (PIC7465) ALSO: Tn tkiase Islancis adjacent ta the s.hoa;P_s witliin Snohon-ii.sh.County and ia-L that portion oLt Sno7zomash Cou.nty described as fol.lows: Startiiig at the paint w-here the nor~~h city l;mits o.f. Mlakiltco meets Possession Sound; thence easterly and southErly €ollowing Muuteo City lirsuts as of Ju.Iy 1,1961, fio the'south boundary of Seci.-ion 3, T. 2$1\T., R. 4 E. W. M.; thence Contuuie / ' . . . east to:40 Ave. jN'. exfiended; thence south to the boundarST of 7'aine Field; t-hence f.olloz~Tin; the north boundary of Pai,ne Field to the east boundary of Paane Field; thence sou;h to a poinfi 3.00 feet north a.f; 90 S't-reet S. W.; th.ealce east on d-LisJ.ine to 12 Avc. W. extel~ded (wesr boundar.y or" SECtion 13, T. 28 N., R. - 4 E.); iffience south on 1.2 Ave. W. extended to 100 Street S: W.; th.encc east on 100 Street S. W. (both sides) to Holly Drive; thence south on 9 Ave. W. (but not i;icluding 9 Ave. W.) to intersecti.on of U.S. H.igh•;vay 99 and ]3roadway Cutoff; thenae east o:« Broadv,►a.y Cutoff to SAve. W. (nordl-south line,bisectin; the wesk6-m 3h of Section 24, T. 28 N.; R. 4 E.); thence sout-h on said line to Stocb-,show Road (112 Str~eet S. W.); thezlce east on tfie sauth side of Stockshow R.oad to'I'aafic \yoxi:hwest Traction right-of-way; theiice noxth on the east side of ti-ie rigo-llt-of-v.iay to Broadway Cuto£f; thence north on the Broadzvay Cutoff and Broadzvay to the south Everett City ]imits (as of July T, 3.961); thence fo]lowing the east and north city liuiiis of Everett (as of Ju.Iy 1, 1961) to Puget Sourid; fihence soutll along the shorelirie 'of Puget Sound to 1:1,e point o.f begin:n.iazg. . . . (PTD466) RFFti-SE COLLEC"I:tO\j SERVICE, not r.equir:uig the use oi a dunlp truck, (local r.arta;e) in that poa-tion of 4Vhidbey Tslanci, in.T.sland County described as fallo:vs: Starting afi the northv,,est corner of Section'19, T. 30 N., R. 2 E.; thence east aa.ongnorth line of said Section 19 extended to the shoreline of HoiTZnes I-Tarbor; thence sauthezly and norffip-rly aJnng said. . ShO:Ce1.inE t0 i:he nUi'ih LinF q$ SeCfii031 23, T30N,122F; thence east to tlze easiem shore]ine af Whidbey Ysland; thence southerly, weste.xly and northerly along the southea:n shorelii.i e of said island to its intersection NaTith fihe east line o€1~.1.E; thence azorth on said east line to tize shoreline Of sa.id island i:hence rtortherly a1oi-ig the shoreline tb iks inte:r,section tivith the west line of Section 191 T30N, ].2.2E; thence north ori said west line ta the nbrtnwest cor.r.1er of Section 19, T30N, R2E, the.point of begiruzing. ' (PTD467) REF~CJSE C4L.LECTION SERV7:CE, not reqLiiri.ng fihe use of a dump tn.ick, (lc~c~l CaTtabe) on'BainbTidge Island, and in those poxtion of ~.itsap Couniy described. as follo-vvs: (PM468) In the City of Bremezton, (PID469) In the City of Paulsb6, and (1'1`L74%0) on Blake Islar►d. (PID471) SOL.ID WASTE COLLECTION SEP~V~.CCE, consisting of reclairned. hanzber, br.ick and Continuc ~ ot'ner caLt off rnaterials, f rozn prenvses on Bainbridge Lsland v,rhere con5truction or repair jobs are being or have beencondLcted, or where structures a.ze bei.ng razed. (PID472) A.LSQ, in the City of Bremerton., (PJ7a9:73) AL50 in. Paulsbo, ar-id (I7JU474) ALSQ on Blake Isl.and. . . , '(PID475) IZE.FUSE COL.LECT.CO\T SERVICE, not requu-irig the use of a dump tritck, (local carl-age) in that par6o:n of Mason Cowziy described as folloj,vs: Beg'~ruliylg a.t the noztheast corner oE Section 4, T23N, R1W; thence south along the east l.r.ne of said sectioa.i. a.lso the Mason- Kitsap County line to the south line of T22\i, R1W; thence west along said south liz►e.to the southwest cor_~.ex o# Section 31, T22N, R1VJ; thence north qn the west I.i.ne of T22N, RlW to the southeast comcr of Sectiort 36, T23I\1, R2b1T; thence west on the south line cf said corner. . _ extended to the southtivest cQmer o€ Sect-ior► 34, T23I\T, J.72W; t-]ZCnce north along the west line of sa.id section exteazded to the Ma.son-Kifisap County Jine; tlzencc east alo:ng sa,id cour►ql line to *the point of beginning. _ (P.T.ID476) SUL1D WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE In. aJ1 Skagit Cotinty (Exclu.d.i.ng: Ser«cc in the CitieS Of Mount VemOn, Burlington, Sedro Woolley and. Anacartes is Li.aLi.ted to "drop-off box" service o.n1y; excluding Guemes and Sinclair IsI.and; and exclucing the To`N*n of Concrete, Skagit ~ County, Washirigton, using as a boundary the corpQrate Iiulit,s as of Marc1115,1965). (PID477) aZ:EFUSE COLT-t- C°C.I;Oz SERVTCE, nat zequirizg the u.se o€ adun-tp trucsc, (iocal cai-tage) in that poa-ti.on of Pierce Caunty described as follows: Begirutirig at the po.i.nt `vherc the southwest comer of Secfion 32, 721N, R4B meets the Pierce-King Cou,nty 1.ine; thenee east axid southerly along the Pi.erce-KSng County line to ifis intersection vdth the south line of Secti.on 36, TzON, RbE; trience west on the south l.u-ie of said sectioil to the west line R6E; thence south along sai,d, l.ine to the.sou.th.east comer of Section 12, "1"7.9v, RSE; thence west a.long soiath ].ine qf said Section 12 extended to the west :l.i.ne of R3E; thence i-iozth along, said line r,o the north line of T19v; fihence west along said line to the west line of 172E; t1lence nnrth along said line to the southeast comer of Seceioa113, T20N, I2J.E; fhei-ice iracst a1ong the south Linc of said Section 1.3 ' extended i:o il1e tvcst line af :1.2.1.*13; i:l-iEnce ndrth aJong said line to the sou.fih la.ne of T21I\7; thence west along sa.xd l.uze to the southtivest corner of Section 34,1`21IV, P.1jAl; thence nortll alang tlze Conti.nue . .J west lb-ie af said. Section 34 extended to tlte alarth Iine of. T21I9; thertce wesfi on said xiorth line to the Pierce-A7as6n County liale; d-►eiice:north along on said county ]3ne to the'poirtt where it a.ntersects with tl-ie northwest eomer of Section 15, T22I\1, R1W and Pierce-Kitsap Col.urity linP; thence east along on said cotiinty line to Pierce-King County line; thence soudz and easterly al.ong said county line to a.ts i.ritersection vdth the sou.tl-i li.r►e of Sec6on14, 721N, Y73E; dzcrice west on south liiie o€ sx.d section to il-ie narthwest cozner of Sectiari 23, T211\1,12,3E; irhence sou 61 on the zvect line af said section extended to the south ]inP of NW 11a of Sectionn 26, T21i, R3B; theztr.e east on said sotith l:i.ne to the south east comer o£ SV171/4 oE N1~ "K 0£ said section; thence. south along the east line of iNW ~/4 of SW of saici section to ffie'sciutheast comer o# NTW Y4 of - SjN' 4 thence east oii the sauth line of said hnV ~/4 extended to the west line of E'Z of SE V4; thP.nce nortYi on the west l.ine of svd E Ffz to Pierce-Ki.ng County lane; thence southeasterly along said cou3zty line I-o tlie southwest colncr o€ Seclion 32, T21i\T, R4E, the point of beginning (PID478) SOLID tiV"ASTI~~ COLLECT.IQNT SERVICE, coalsistinb of reclaimed lu.mber, hric,~: azzd otYier cast off matP.ri.als; from presnises in J?ierce Loiulty zaihere constzuction ox repair jobs are being oi- have been conducted., or where structures are beiTig raz.ed. ~ . ~ TH-E FOLL0I-1ING A'UTHQRT171' WA.S OBTA]:NED BY TP.ANSFER Oly CFaPU7FICArI'E \TO. G•-135 FROM 1UCHARD D. H.ARP.rS. (PID324) SOI-ID WASL`E COLLrCTIO\j SEIWICE in the Town of Concrete, 5kagit Catu-tty, 1-lrashzngton, usbig as a bou.nd.ary the corporate Iimits as of March 15, 1965. • - THE FOLLOW.INIG .AUTHOIZ.lTY ItiAS 013'I'..4INED BY TR.r-'1N5FF-R OF CETZTTF.f.CATE \t0. G-91 :CR.OM S1 ANG1zOU17 CAMAl\jO DISPOSAL, TNC . (PID45)7) GARBAGB COLLECT.i.ON SERVTCE on Camano Island, Island County; (PID334) SOLID W°.STE" COLLECT.1:0'N SERVICE on Guemes lsland i.n Skagit County. Contin'Lie ~ f . ~ THE FOL-LOWWG A'LrINORT 1 Y-V1tA.S "1RANS:FFRRED T'O G-al; CERTT.FTCATE G237 N0 LONGFP A'C.J'1 HQP.TZES ANYY SOLT'17 WASTL COLL-EC7'ION SE.T'.VICE IN THAT..'OR.T.'TON OF . l(B\IG COLJ\TrY DESCRIBLD.A.S FQLL,OWS: . , (PID372) S#acta.ng at the interseciion of £ast Lake Sa.mmanvsh Parkway and 1\A,1' Gilman. Blcd.; then northNve-q alono, NAN Gil.man Blvd. tA its interser.tion with I\T4V ?vla.il. S#rePt etitended (also filze sout-h line of SEc. 21, 7."24N, R6E); then Na*est a.long -N!4V MaJ.l Street., extenaed, to its intersection witli. 171b Ave. NAU (also Renton-Lssaquah 1Zd.); then north along 1711, Ave. IVA"q to its intersection ivith I-90; thcn west along I-90 to the intersecL•ion of 18811' Ave. SE, exiended; then nortlz alonb 18811, Ave. SE exter►ded to the sho reIine of Lake San-umainiLb; thcn east aloazg the shoa-etine o€ L.ake Sarrunaniish to ats intcrsection. with the norhll bound.a..ry of Lake Sanwzarnush State Park; then east along the nor. Lh botu-ida.ry of. Lake Sani:ma.rnish StatF Park to iis zntersection ivith East L. ake Samn.anish 17azkiAjay; theiti soufiherly aloaig tlze Last Lake Sanunam.ish Parktivay to its intezsectionw'ith Nj4V Gia.nian BRrcj.,- the point of beg3nniilg. THE FOLLOIA'E\TG AT.1"IT-iORTTX HAS BEE\T RENrTSED TO REFLECT A POP.TTON TRA. \fSFFiR TO G-14 A.ND TO DELETE DUI'LICATION:fN THL ltEIAA.T.NIN G A[3T.HORTl Y. _ (PrD325) SOLID WA=. COLLECTION SERSICEint~atpoxtionof~,lThatmzn Counq, desc7ibed as ~ foLLows: St~.rfing afi tlze northwest corner of SECtion 4,,T40\j, RlOaWlvf; thence south on tlle west Iane of saici sect-ion to the northeast canler of Section. 20, T39N, :17.10EjN-M; thence west on dze narth line of said section fio the northwest corner ok Section 22, 'a'39N, R9M1TM; thence south oct the vvrest . l.ine of said secti.on to tne northeast co,r,r►er of 5ection 33, I'39N, R9EINRIA; thence -,v, est on the nortn ]irte o€ saici sectior► ib the northv,=est camer ot: Section 36, 139N, P8EWi1!1; thet1ce sauth on the west laa-ie of s1id section to the soukhwest coa-ner af Seclion 36, T371\T, ].78EWM (also the Wbatconl-Skagit Count3;, line); thence eayt along the south tovvnsh.ip l.ine of T37I\1(also the Waiatconl-Skagit Cot.nty - line) to xss inlersection tivith. the lVhatcom-Okanogan County iine (near the soul•li. 7.i;ne of SECtion 33, T37N, R17Ej-1~1); theDce northerly a.long said cou.nty ]ine to its intersecaon wzth the north ]ine of Secfion 10 1:40\f, R1bLWTv); thence west along said. taNtimship line to the nol-diwest caz-ner af Section 4, T40\T, R10CVVM, the poiiit of beginning. THL rUr LOItirI1NiC; AU'THOTLY°I'Y I-iAS BFEN REVJ:SEU TO RSHM'OVE DUPLICA.TIOI\T . Contulue . ~ 1 RESUT.TTNG FROM'I`I IE 1ficANSFEIZ 0F AUTH0RiTY FRO2vt. G38 BRFM-AIl2 DLSPOSAL, U\TC. (T'I1D376) SOLLD V1lAS'J`E CO LLECTIONT SE1ZWCE in Kitsap County EXCL'UT»G the follov.*ing ar.eas: Blalce T.slarid; the City af $ainbridge Lsland as of FeUr+iary 1, 2002; and the City of Pou.Lsbo as . of Septembez 12,1961; fiXCLTJD:f.NG: The City of Bremerton as the point of origi-n and d estinaiion, for the same shipnzerit using as aboiiYidary the co.r.porate lin~ii:s as-of'Septembe'r 6, 19b0.' . .(PID429) SpL.I17 ~N'ASTE COT T_.ECT.ION SEP.VTCE i.n that portion o€ Bexifion Cotulty desrribed as €o7lows: Began.nir+g at tl-Le sautheast co£ner of Section 9, i'8~T, R26E; thence N%*est a.l.ong the soukh line of said Section 9 projECtcd to the southtvest comer of SECtion 7, T8N, P.24I-';1iZence rioxtl-i a.long the west Ii.ne of sa.id Seciion 7 ar►d the Yaki,ma-Benion Cownty line tn the noithwest cornez of Section b, 7179I`T, ~'•2=E-; thence easfi aJong the -nozth line oE said Section b extencied ta tYce noztheast comer of SectiAn 1, T9N,17?5E; fil-ience south along the east line of said Section 1 extended. ta trte southeast comer o.f: Section 24, T9N, R25E; thence east along the south line of said Seclion 24 projected to the nor.tlleast comer of Section 28, T4\i, R26E; thence soui:h along the east line of said Secia.on 28 extcncied io the southeast co.mer of Secdoaz y, I'81NI, R26E, the place of beginiutig: (I'TD428) SOLID WASTE COLLECTrO\i SERVICE in tlzat portiozz of Benton County described as J follaws: Startulg at the poult where the west ]ine ok Section 2, TaI\T, R2$E a.ntersects with the north banlc of .the Columbia :Rave'r (V1taltu.la Lake); th*encc north on the west l.ir►e of said. section'projPCted to the nord-iwest co:rrier of Seciion 26, T6NT, R2$E; thence west on the narth line of said seci:i.on projected to the southcve,st rnrnez of Section 24, T61\f, R27E; thence narth on the west li.ne of said section p:rojPCted to t}Ze southeast corner of Sec#ion 26, T7I~7, P..27h; thenre west 6n the south line of. said - secbonprojected to the south-west camel o.# SECtian 29, T7I~7, R27B; thEnce no.r.t}Z on the ivest line of said section projected to the southern boundary of the US Department af Energy Han£ord Sitie (within Section T7.ON, R27F); tlzerice west along the' southern boundary of the Hariford Site botnldary to its intcr.sec+tion ivitE'i the east ]ine of Scciion 23, T11N, R.24E, thence sou.th a14ng the eaSt line oI said seciion tn its sautheast co:rner; thence west alon; ilze south Jiaie of said section extend.ed to tlle south-west cornez of Sectio:n 19, T11N, i't24E; thencP north alo:ng the west Liz-t2 Af said section (aLso the Benton-Yakima. County 'LinF) to its intexsection with fihe no:r.lhivest corner of Section 18, Contiflue } . 1 T13NI, R24E; thence east along the nflrth line of sa.id section exterided to it5 intersection NNi}h the Hwnford Sifie boundaty (also the east ]ane of Sec4iofti 17, 7"13N, R24E); thence narth alor-sb said boundary to its intersection wa.th the centerliine of the Col=baa River (also ffie Bertton-Grant Cou.nqr Line); thertce easterly and sout.herly along said centerline to its i.ntersection; tivi-th the Hanford Site baundary (in Section 23, T'123\1, R28E); tlimce -west along said bouxi.dary to ii:s intersectinn cvith the wesl•erly shozeline oE the Columbia Ri.ver (also in Section 23, T12N, 1228E); thence soty.tlerly, eastezly, and wc~_sterly alorig tlze shoreJane of the Columbi.a River tA the vaest ].inc of Sectaoiz 2, T5NT, P.28E, the point of bcgin.ning. (PID420) SOL-ID WASTE COLLECIION SE:L2.VICE in dZat poxti.on 4f Cnelan County described as folloNvs: Beginn.ing at the iultersecfi.aai af the c.enterJule af the Columbia River (1he Chel,an-Douglas Couaity, line) and the south line oE Section 21, "MN, R22E; thenee west ori the south line of said section exi:ended to tlie Point where it izitersects -~NTith the Chelan.-K.ittitas County LinE; (sflu.thIine of Sectian 22, T21\T,.RX4E); thence following said county line izz northwesterl}> ciirectioai, to its intersectian -with the west line of Sectian 3.8, T22111J, R17E; thence nozth on the west lane of said section exiended 4o the narth 1inE o€ Seciaan G, T25N, 12.17E; thence wcst an the narth iine of sa.id sectiofi extended to the soutllwest eotner of Sectian 31, T26N, R.a.5E; thence north an the west line oLl said sec#sori (i.nclucling sezvice a1ong State Hig;nway 2 to its iritersection ivith the Kang-Chelan ~ County Line) tn the northivest corner oC Section 6, T2bi\j, ZZ15E; thezac:e east on the north line 'o£ saad section extended to the southwest cor.ner o€ Section 31, T27N, R16E; the~-ice nor. th on the 4ti=est ]a.ne of sdid secl.ion (--,xtended to its .i.ntersecti.on with the north-~vest conzer af Sectio.n.6, T27\s,R1EE; thence east on. the nori:h line of said secti.on extend.Fd to the nnrtllea.st comez oE Section 1, T27N, R18E; thence south on the eayt linc of said scction exteraded to the sautheasfi corner o€ Sectioz136, T26N, R18L; thence east on the soutiz line of said section exteizded to thP southwest r.omer af Sectaon 36, 7726N, R10,E; thence north on tlze NNest lizze of said section extended ta the northivest corner of Section 13, T26N, R19E; thexice east on the northh line of said secti.on extended. to its interseciion iazth . . the Chela.n-Dou.glas County Line (also the cef?terlinc af the Co1.iimbia Tti.ver,); rhence south.1long ffie centerline of the Coluanbia River to its intersection witr► the south l.i.ne of Section 21, T21\i, It22-E, the point of bcginning. . (PT17421) SOLl-17 WASTE CQLLECJ'IQN SE.RVICB in Dauglas CAUniy F.JCCLLJDItijG the.fol.lo-wang territory: BegguixUng at the zlortheast corner of Sectio:n 1, 729N;1Z26E; thence Nvest along the nozth Contutue J ~ , . Li,ne of said Section 1. extended to the ceiltezline of the Cohunbaa River (also the Ol:.anogan-l7ouglas Cou.nty, liale); thence southerly, westerly, ziortherly, then sou.theLiy aga.i.n along the centerline of the Cplumbia River to its intersection with the south Line o€ Section 13, 'I'28N, R23L; i:hence east along the south lirle of said Section 13 exterided to the southeast comer of Section 13, T28\,1226F; t-her►ce i-iorth aloii; the east Iane of said Section 13 extended ta the noztheast comer of Secti.ox11, T29N, P.26E, the point vf Uegiru-~.ing_ (PI77421) SOL~ %VASTE COLLECTION SLRVICE in those partio:ns ot Grant County descr.ibed as follojvs: Begiinzung at the intersectt:ion af the centerlinp of the Co1u.mbia River and tlzc norrtli. l.inE of Ser.tion 6, 'C19N, R23E extended; thence east along sa.id extended north Line to the northeast comer of sa.id Sectian 6; tlzenm sou,tlz on the eask Iine of sa.id cectio:n fio the southeast comex of said sectioil; the:nce cast oii the south ]ane o€ said section extended to the northeast corner af Ser_tian 12, T19N', R23E; thence south on the east ]axie of said ser.tion extended to the southeast conzer of Section 24, T19I\7, 1Z23E; thence west oai the sou.tti linc of said section. exfiended. to the northeast corner of Section 29, T19~\T, :1.223E; thence south on the east line of said sectian extended to the no:r-theast c4rner of Section 321 T18N, R23L; thezir_e east on the north line af said sectian extended to the nortlieast corner of Seciion 36, T181\T, R23E; thence soud-L al.ong the east lane of said secta.oz+ extended. to the northwest cor.ner of Section 18, 1°16N, R24E; thence easr along the north linc of said section f extended to the northeast corner of Sec-tiqn 13, T16N, R25E; thence soutll along the eG,st ].ine of said section extended to tl-ie centerluze oE the Colu.mlbia lZivei: (aIso file Grant-Bentan County l.ifle); thence we-sterly and xlortherly alon.g said centerline to it:s interseciion v6th the north lzne cf Secti.on . 6, T19N., R23E extendeti., the pQint of Ueginni1g. (Z'ID423) Also, Sections 2$, 29, 32 and 33, TlgN, • R24E, 1nd SPCtians 5 and 6, T1.s1V, R24E. (PID424) Also that portion oi Grant Cotznty kno-,an as Crescent Bar in Sections 19 a:nd 30, T'z4N, R23E. (P.T.D425) ALso, that portion. of. Grant County,.vrithin , "C28I\T and. R,30E. .(PD7426) SOLID WAS'I`E COLL.ECTTON SERVTCE in those portions o.f. Okanogan and L-incah-i Counties described a.s follocvs: Beginninb at the southeast corner of Section 36, TH\j, R31E; thence . tivest along the sauth Ja:le of said. secisnn to its interscction. with the souillwest comer o£ Section 31, T28NT, XZ31E; thence nortt-i aiong the west line of said sectio:n extended. to its intErsection wi11 the centerline of the ColuiTibia River; khcnce no.r.tllerly al.oTig said cen.terline to its ititersection with the north line of Section 2, 7.'29N, R30E; thence east along the itorth line of said section extended to the Continue ..J . noztheast corner of Section 1, T29N, P.31E; thence south along the east line of said. section ext ercded ' fio the southeast cozner of Seclion 361 T28N, .R31E, the point of begin.ning. _(P17742~) SOLID WASTE COLLECTiO\j SERVICE in Kittitas County. ' (.P1D4:10) SOLI17 WASTE COT,LECTI.OI\j SEIZVICE in that poztion af Spokane Courtty d.esc.ribed as follows: Begi.nning at the southwest con-iez of Section. 31, T21N, R40E; th'ence nozth alpng the west line of sa.i.d section exteztded (aLso the SpQkane-Lincoln County L-ine) to a.ts iziterection N%dth the centex.l.ine ol' the Spokanc River; Yhence eastexly atong said. r.enterline (also the Spokane-Sfievens County Li.ne) to i.t-s intersection with the Spoka.ne-Steveiis County Li.ne (taii-ffiin Section. 32, T27N, P.42E); then.ce norffi alon.g said coz.Fnty line to the nori:h Ianc of Sectiazi 5, T28\i, R4.2E; fihenee east along the alorth line of ia.id section extended to the city ]imifis ok Deer 17ark (in Section 34, T29N, TZ42E); thence nor.the?-1y and easterly in a rlockwise directian alvng said city la.rli.its t4 irs interseciion with the soi.atl-i line of Secfaon 32, T29N, XZUfi; thence east along the extended soutt-i aane of said Section 32 to the southwest corner of Section 34, T29N,1243E; thence noxi:h.'aiong the west line o€ said Section 34 to the northwesfi comer of said Sec#ion 34; fihence ea._,c-t: a.long said Section 34 to the northeast comer of said. Section 34; thenr.e sauth alozag tl,e easi: line of said Section 34 ta the soutlzwcst cornex of Secfion 35, T229N, R43E; tlaence east alozig the south l.ine of said Section 35 extended to ;he northea.st corner of Section 1, 728N, P44E; thence south a.long the e'ast ]ine.ok said ~ .ser_aon extended to the southeast co.rner pf Section 12, T28N, R44E; thence east alonb the south ]ine of said section extP~ded to the nozthc-ast canieT of Section 7.6, T28I\1, R45E; thence south al.ong 1l1e east line o£ said section to the southeast corner of Seclzon 33, "l'2$v, R45E; thence ive,st along the south 1i.ne of said seetion to the southeast eomer of Section 31,72$N, Y745E; filience sAuth along'the east Iine of sa.id. sectiAr► to the southcas; corner of Section 7, T26\►, TZ45F; thence east a.Iong the south ]ine of said section extended to the northeast eorner of Secti.on. 17, T26IV, R45F; thencc south along the east line of said secti.on the southeast coa-ner o€ said section; thence east along the soutti Jine of sa.id secti.o.n extended to the nqrtheas t corner vf Seclion 22, T26N,1745E; thence south along tl-ie east line of said section to the northwest corner of the southv+jest quarter of Section 35, T26N, R45E; thenee easi: along the north line of sa.id quaa:ter section to the norCheast corner of the soui:heasl• quari:ex of 5ection 36, T26N,1245E; tbeilcp south along the.easl• line of said qua-iter section extended ho the soutiieast comer o.f Section 25, T25NT, R45E; thence vjest'alarig the south line of said secti.an extended to the northeast co mer of Sectian 36, T25N, RA-4F--; tihence sou.th a.Ioi'lg the east Line o€ said Contir►u c . ..J section to tlle north:ves} comer af the southwest quarter of Section 31, T2539, R45E; thenr_e east alonb fhe north line af said quarter seetian extend ed to the northeast comer af the southeast quarter of Section 31, T25I`j, R41513; thence south along the east line of said quarter section exten.ded to fhe southeasf comer of Section 7, T24N, R45.E; thenee west along the south Ibze of said section extendEd to the southcast comer of Section 11, 'I'24N, R44E; theriee zlozth 'along the east J.ine Qf sa.i.d section to the nor.theast corner of saa.d section; thence west along fil1e north)ine of sa.i.d section the noitnwjest corner of said secb.on; thence south alo3-ig the west line of sai,d section to the sou.thwest co:nler of said sectian; ther►ce v,Test along the south Line of said. section extended (induding service ax► Dish.znan-~~iica Road to fts u-iter.section;vit~i Uladison Iload) ~o the saut~~~%~est corner of S~ctiozl7, 'T`22 4.N, R44E; tlzcnce south on tlze v.rest J.ia1e nf said ser.tion exten.ded to the southeast coriler, o€ Section 13, T24N, R43E; tihence west along t-he south lirie of said secti.oa-i *b the sou.thwest coxner of said sectioii; thence south alon; the ~vest ].i.ne of said. sFction extended to the soj:theast comer of Sectio:n 35,'I`24N, R43E; ti-ience west on the.soti.th line of said secti.on extcnded fio the sou.thnvesf cor..ner of Section 33, T24\~, R43F; thence south along the west line of said sectior► extended to the southea:st comer of Section 20, T22N, ROE; thence west along the sout}Z linc of said. section to the north.east corciez: of Sertion 30, "L22N, R43E; iheazce soutli along the east line o# saild sectio.n to the sou.theast comer 4f said section; thence west along the south line of said section to the northeast ~ caz-ner of Sectzon 34, T22N,1Z42E; thence south along the cast Jiaze of said sectiori to the sautheaLt " comer af said seciaon; thence west alo-ng the south ].inE of said, section exfiended the iZOrtheast coz-reer of Sectiori 1, T21I~~, R41E; thence south on the east line of sa.id section e:tended to the southeast co-L-ner of Section 36, T21N,R42E; thence ivest alang i:he south Line~ of said sectian (aIso the Spokane- WYut.inan Cotuity L.jne) to the southiv, est comer o€ Sccfion 31, T21\i, R40E, the point ofbegi.nnung. (1y1.17411) SOLTID WASTE COT.LECTTON SEIZVICE excl.uding se:r.vice irt eoni:aaners of tvaent~' (20) cubic yard capacity ox over in khat poxti.on of Spoka.ne County described as follo ws: Begunnung at the northeast corner of Section 30, T26N, R45E; thence south along [he east line of said section (also d1E Washington-Idaho State line) to-the snutheast carner of 5er.tion 30, T25NT, R46E; thence west along the south line of said sectian to tr.e soufihwest eomer of said section; tlzence north along lhe west LuzE af said section i:a the soiatheast comP•x, of the nor.theast quaxter of Sectaon 36, '126I`T, R4:52.; thence tivest along the south line of sa.id qua-tter scctian extended to t11e N1rest l.ine of SL-ction 35, T26N,1245E; thence north along the vaest line of said sectian i:o the northivest come:r af Section 26, T26N, R45F_; tlzence east alo:ng the north Jir►E of said sPCtion to thc nortPieast comer ok Section 30, Cqntirtue I ' ~ 726N, R46E, the poLnt o€ begi.n.ning. (PID412) A.lso, the nort:h half of 5ecti.on 31, T25N, I24:5E. TO THE LXTEJI~4T TI-TA 1THE AUTH0~'~t'I'X GP.AN 1 ED TN TMS ORDEP~ DUT'T ZCATES ANTY AUT-IORI'I'Y PI'.EVIOuST~X GPAI\T'lED OR NOW H-ET_D SHALL NOT BE CO~TSTRU-ED AS CdVFhR.RLNG n20R.E TI-Ir1N O\TE QPERATl~i TG F.IGI-TI 1\iORSHALL A.s\TX DUI'L-ICAlIl\TG R.T.GHTS BE AVA.TI.,r-LBLE r-OR PURPt7SLS OF TRANSFE1Z., NOte: PID reference numbers are used by the Coziunission for anapping ptiia-poses'anly. 'z'C-041942 . Or-01-05 . ~ ' Continue ~ Orip-inal Title Page Tariff\?o.1.5 Cancel s Tariff YO. 14 of . Waste NfanaQement of 'Nashineton. I.nc. (Narne of Solid Warte Collection Company) Wasde Management of. Spokane, Vallcy Garbage Sen~ice Co. antl Westem Refuse Co. (Itetistered irade name of Solid Wast-e Collection Company) Certificasz N~tunbvr G- 237 NA.I`![INIC R.ATLS FOR "LI-lF COi.'LFCTION, TRAN'SPORTA1701\7; A.~'T~ DISPOSA.L OF SOL:l:,17 WA817F, AI\'D:I17 NO".1'EA, R:f'C:XCL .11i'l: A.ND Y,•.MVF'A.S'L'E, IN' THF FOLLOWING DL-'SCR.I,BED '1`J~FtRITORY: As cicscnbed in Appeadiz A • • (NOTE: If tbis tariff applies in on)y a portion of a company's cert`:ficaie ailtbority, a map accurately depicting thc area in which the tariff2pplies inust be aitached to the dariM ' 'Official UTC requests for information Nlame of person issuing tarifi: Itfichael A. R°einstEin ieWding consunaer quesEions andlor compla.ints;hould be refered to Lhe kfailiag address o'issuin3 ager,t: 13225 N.E, 120 Place fplPotvirig cOtr,pany repieseniative: City, Statel7ip Code: Eiirkland. Wasvinr-rton. 98034 j`tame: Sicve Wulf Tciephone number, including sr;.A cpde: (425) 8I4-7840 Iitle: District M'pai~~ ' Pbone: f5091 MfiS-$226 l=kX number, if zny: (425) 814-78E6 E-Agail: stivuif ewm.c:orn. E-mail address, if any: mweinstein0wm.com hax: (509)924-0393 Issued by: M:ichael A. ~~Veinstein, Senior ~'rici.~g Manager, Pvcific ~~orth~vest ~~arket ,4rea Issue date: Eff,ective daie: ~f FOR OFFICI41 USE OArY Docket: 1'G-070410 .Effective Date: lVay 1, 2007 Tarif'~r~. NO. 15 . Oriainal Page \TO. 2 CoFnpany Name/Pernit \TUmber: Wasie iV.fanagernent of Washineton, T~~cJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste vI'auagzmenc of Spokane, Valley GE.rbage Servicz Co. and Westem Refuse Co. CHECK SfI:EET A.ll pages contained in this tariff arc Iisted below in consecutive order. The pagcs in tbe- tariff ard/ar an}, supplements to the tariff listecl on this.page have 'issue dates thai are the same as, or are before, the issue ciate of Lhis page. "O" in t4-ie revision column indicates an oriizinal page. C urrent C urrent C urren+ Page Number Rev3sion PaDe Nwnber g.eNision Page N Fuilber Revision . ITitle Page ~ O ~ 21 o I CheGk sheetl2 ~ O~ 22 Q ~ ~ • ~ 11teni Tndex/3 1 O 23 O IStabjcct lndex/4 ~ O 24 ~ O ~Svbject Index/5 ~ O . 25 ~O . . "raxes Sheet/6 ~ O ~ 26 ~ . C) 7 ~ O ~ I. 27 ~ O ~ 8 O 23 ~ 0 9 o I I 29 I 0 I I I I io o I I 30 I o 1 I I ~ 11 ~ 0 31 ~ O I 12 ~ Q- 32 O 13 ~ O 33 . O ~ 14 ~ 0 34 ~ o ~ 15 ~ 0 ~ 35 ~ O 16 O 36 ~ O ~ 17 O ~ 3) 7 ~ U ~ . - 1$ , 0 38 O 19 O 39 O 20 ~ O 40 ~ O Sunnlemenis in Eff.ect ' ]:ssued by: Micliaei A. Weittstein; Senior )?ricing Manager, Pacifc Northwast Market Area ~ rssue date: . ~~~iCOWN-ICL4.L USE OKLY 17oc;et: TG-07010 . Effeeiive Date: lYfay 1, 2007 Tariff Nlo. l.a Orii?inal Page Na. 3 Comnany NameJPermit Number: Waste Management of Washingwn,lncJG-237 1Registered Trade 'NaFne: Waste Maiiagetiient of Spokane; Valley Garbage Service Co. and Wescem Rei'use Co. Index of Itetns in '1 his Tarif.f - see next pase for list bv tooic Item 5 - Taxes • . Item 10 - Application of Ra_es - General Item 15 - Holiday Pickup Item 16 - Cha.nge i,n P;ckup Schedule Item 17 - R.efunds Item 18 - l3illing, Eldvance Billi.nL, l'aynaent Delirlquency Dates, Late Charnes - Item 20 - Defmitions Item 30 - Limita.tion o£ Service Item 40 - uTateria! Requirina Special Equipment; Precautions, or Disposal Item 45 -Material Requiring Special Testing and/or Analysis Itern 5 0 -Returneci Check Charges . ' Item 52 - Re-de(ivery Charjes Itern Sa - Uver-sized or Over-weiglit Unics Ttem GO - Overtiine Item 70 - Ratuni Trips Item 75 - Flat i-N7ontltily Charges Item 80 - Carryout Service, Drive-Tns Itein 90 - Gan Can-iage, Overbead Obstructions, Sunk-en or elevated c.aris/un;ts ~ Ytem 100 - CanlUnit Service, .12.esFCiential - Resiciential Cw-bside Recycling - Resiciential YardiN7aste service ]"tenn 105 - Multi- family rates IYem 120 - Drurns Itetn l ."s0 - Litter .l2.ecepcacles Item 150 -Loose anci/or Bullry Material Icem 160 - Time Rates I ..T.'Lem 200 -Application of Container and/or 17rop F3ox R.ates - Creneral Item 205 - Roll-Out ChargeS - COntainErS, A.utonlated CaTtS, and Tofiers item 207 - Ex.cess Weight - Ttejection of. T oad., Cnarges to Transport Item 210 -Waslta.ng and Sanicizing Containers 2nd Tarop Boxes Item 220 - Cornpactor F2,entai ' Item 230 -llisposal 1 ees ' Item 240 - Con#aincr Service - Non-compacted - Cornpany-owned cantainer , . Item 245 - Contaiiier Service - hTOn-compacted - Ciistomer-owned container Item 250 - Container Service - Compacted - Company-owned con:ainer Item 255 - Container Service - Compacbed - Customer-owned cont:ainer Item 260 -Drop 13ox Service -'Non-Compacted - Company-owned drop hox Item 275 - l7aop $ox Se,rvice - Coxnpacted - Customer-otivned drop box Item 300 -List of Abbr.eviaiians and Syinbols C7se.d in Tariff -~Issued by: Ivlichael A.. Nkreins[e;in, Sen.ior Prieing ]vtanager, Pacific'NTOrthwest IN!l;arket Area Issue date: Ef,@;0V'?0Q~.~1CIAL USF' OKLY Docl-xt: TG-07010 , LfJective Date: .lv.fuy 1, 2007 I'ariff'Nn. 15 Orizinal Page 'Nlo. 4 Company NlamelPermit Noumber: Waste Management vf n'ashington, Inc:/G-237 Registered Trade N~ame: Waste Iv,[anage-menc of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. anci «estern Rcfuse Go. ~ Tndex bv tonic Item \70. Abbrevi3tions used in tariff.................................................................................................................. 300 Advance lailling .......................................................................................................................................18 Anunals .........................................................................................................................................30 I3il]ing pcriods authorized .......................................................................................................................18 ...............:.......:.....................2~~ C:arryou[ service C9inmercial can service Compactor renfal ..................................................................................................................................220 ~ Container servicc, non-compacted, company-owned ...........................................................................240 Container. service, non-cotnpacted; customer-owned ...........................................................................245 Containers andloe drop boxes, availability ...........................................................................................200 Cor,tainers andlor drop boxes, gealeral rtlles 200 Containers andlor drop boxes; washiz7g and sanitizing .........................................................................210 Creciit due the customei............................ ................................................................................................17 Damage to c«stomer Pr.operty .................................:...............................................................................3 0 20 , Defiizitions Deli.nquency dates .................................................................................................................................230 ~ D'asposal fees Dzive-in service 90 Drop-box service, compacted, cu5s.umer-ownecl ...................................................................................275 ' Drop-box service, non-compacted, company-owried .........................................................:.................260 . ~ ~ Excess wei;ht, re~ection of laad, charges to transport ..........................................................................207 . Flat monthly charbes ...............................................................................................................................'l5 . Holidays Abserved -~60 Late charges ............................................................................................................................:............50 Limitations o.f, service .30 Litter receptacles ...................................................................................................................................13Q Loose ancllor buLtcy material .................................................................................................................150 Material requiring special disposal ........................................................................................................40 ~ M'ateria] requirulg special equipment .....................................................................................................40 .....................................................40 Material requi*ing special precautions Materi3l re<iuiring special testing/analysis .............................................................................................45 Continued on next page Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Nfanager, ]:'acific Narthwest Market Area ~ Issua datc: CZAL USE OAr.GY Docket: TG-070410 Effective 17ate: 1ifcry 1, 2007 Tariff 'No. 15 OriginFl ]?age No. b Gompany N,ume/l}ermit I,,rumber: Waste NI:3nagement of C4Fashington, lncJG-237 ;IZvgistercd ~'rade Na.rne: ~T~laste ~~lanagement of Spokane, V~illey Crarbagc Service Co. and 'Testern Refiase Co. ~ Item 5- Anulicsdon of Ratcs - Taxe.s Irt addition to tJie rates shown Fn the remainder of the tariff, tlie fallowing taxes apply: Entity Ordi.nance A.rnount A.pplica#ion imposinn.'.ax: number: of tax: (C,omunodities*and territoiy) City of Snokane C-33 117 20.48% Utility tax on all se'rvices wirhi.n the City . . • ~ Issued by: Michael A. Weinste[ti; Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Noithwest M:arket Area j issue date: • TH M? Okfe1CIfIL USE Oi) ''LY Docket: .1"G-070410 Effective.Date: ?tfay 1, 2007 Tariff 'NO. 15 OriQinal Page Nlo. S Campany Nasne/PerLnit Number: Wasre Ma.nagement oi Was}zington, Inc./G-237 . ~ Regiszered Trade 1\same: .Waste Managemeni of Spokane, Valley Garb~ge' Servicc Ca. and Westem,Refuse Co. Index bv topic, confinued •Item No. ~ Missed pickups, weather or roati conditioi-is ^ ........................................................................30 Multi-family rates ..............................................••---..............................................................................105 Multi-faa2ily residential recyeli.ng for gar'nage cusComers using drop box service .........................::...:I05 lvfulti-family residential yard was±e r.ollection ..........................................................................:......:...105 NISF checks .........................................................................................................................................50 ~ ~ - Overhead oustnctions 90 Over-sized UDits .....................................................................................................................................55 Overtime . .........................................................................................................................................64 Over-weighc units 55 Refund of overcharges ............................................................................................................................17 Re£und of prepaymcnts ...........................................................................................................................17 Refunds 17 Refiisai to malce pickLtp ...........................................................................................................................30 R.esidential recycling i ao Residential service ................................................................................................................................I 00 ~ Residential yardwaste ...........................................................................................................................1 00 Re-delivery charges ................................................................................................................................52 Retlarned check cllarges ..........................................................................................................................5Q ' Return trips 70 ~ .Roll-out charges ....................................................................................................................................205 Stairs or sceps .........................................................................................................................................90 Sunken or ele<<ateti cansluni[s 90 Symbols useci intariff 300 Taxes 5 ~ Time rates 160 Issued by: iNIichael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, l?acifc Nlorfhwesf M3rket Area Issuc date: E~0~0PWfCI4L USE OiVLY • ~ Docket: 7'G-070410 . Effectrve Date: May 1, 2007 1 I T T Tarif.~I~TO. l.5 . Ori~ir,al Page I~o. 7 - Company N~s►~.JPermit I~jt~m~er: «~aste tijan~ement of ~'Vashin;tGrt, Inc./G-237 - ~ Regisicred rade Name: Waste Managemcnt of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Go. and Western Refuse Co. rtem 1.0 - AiDLdic;ation of RateS - General Rates narned v-i this tariff cover the collecuon; tra.usPortation; and disposal of soiid waste. Wrnen specifically refered to, ra.tes also cover the collection a:nd traiisportation of recyclable materials and/or yardwaste. Title 81.77 oi the ReN~ised Code of R'ashington (RC«O and Chapter 480-70 of the '~klashington Aclministrative Gode (WAC) gavem operations of solid waste collection companies and the tariffs cornpanies must file with the 'Wash;ngfon Utilities and Transportation Comznission (WUTC). Unless excephons are shown, all materials must be placed an the san-te ]eve] as the streets or alleys. The coanpany may charje additional amounts for disposal.iees a-illy when specif cally stated h-i the tariff 2nd separatcly shown on cc:stomer bills. ' Ttem 15-:Ifolidav l'iekun-Re;,rularlv ScLeduled Serv-ice When a pickup is missed due to the company's observance oi a lioliday, the company will provide service, at no additional cost to the customer, on an aliernate day. -1 A list of the holiclays the company observes is shown in Item 60. J For application of rates in this tariff: ttia cosnpaiiy dcfines altemate day to mean the follo-vvi-tig: Pic}c-up days are vl:onday through Fric$ay including all 1}olidays except "ihanksgiving day; Christmas day, and \ew Year.'s day. ff. the pick-up day fails on or aft-er any of those three holidays, the alterr,ate day will be one day late that week; for t.he balance qf the week through Saharciay. . ;I,tem 16 - Cbanae in Yickun Schedule Whea a company changes the pick-up date for its cerCificate area, or a pnrtion. of its certificate area, the company must notify all customers in the affected area of that changc. hrotice must be made at least seven days befor.e implementation of the new pickup sclleciule and may be made via rnail, personal eontzct, or by a notice bei,ng aifixed to the customer's solid waste receptacle. ~ Issued by: M,ichael A. Weu1stein, Senior Pricuig lVianager, Pacific NOrkhwesl' Mar.k.et A.rea Issue dae.e: ~~OR~~G?CIAL 'CISE OAry Dockei: TC-070410 Effectrve Date: Mc;v 1, 2007 Tarifif 'Nlo. l.a Oriainal Page No. 8 Company N-ame/l?ermit 'Nlumber: Waste \4an2gement of DJashington; Inc.lG-237 FZebistered '1'rade Name: Wasie Ivfanagement of. Spflkane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westem Refuse Co. 1 ) IYem 17 -Refuncls . Credit due the.cu.stomer. 1kThen rhere has bcen a transaction t,hat results in a credit due the customer, the f.ollowing P-pply: A. . If the amount due is #ive dollar.s or 1ess, an adjustment vvill be made ta the customcr's accflunt. The adjustment musi be shown on the next regular bill. 13. If the P-niount dtie is more than f.ive doll2ss, tt1e customer niay aeeept an account adjustrnent or may request a'refuud. . a. If tfne customer elects to have an account a.djustment made, the adjustment must show on . the nex-t regular. billing, b. If the customer elects io receive a refund, the company must issue a check within t.hi.r.ty da}'s of the request. O-vercharges. Once a campany becornes aware that it has overcharged a cusromer, it must provide a rcfund or an account acijusmner,e credit to the customer. The customer mtut be given a choice as to which option is prel•'errcd. T1ie ref'and or credit must be the amoutlt overcharged in flhe ihree years before the date of discover . c. If. tlie custome.r eleets to have an account adjustment made, the adjustrnent must show on , the next regular billing_ cl. If the customer elects to receive a refi.fnd, the cornpany must issue a ehcek witbi.n tiirtv days of the request. ) Prepaymetiks. If a customer has paid service fees in ad<<ance, service is discontinued durirtg the pre-billed period; and the customer is due a refiuid, the foilowing apply: A. A company n1ust honor.all requests for rcfiands o£ the unused portion af Frepayments. . B. If the customer prov►des a fonvarding address to the company or one can be obrained £rom the Post Office, the company must issue a refuncl check no more than t}ui dy days following the _ customer's requeSt. ' . C. Lf the custorner cannoE be locaced or did not provide afonvarduig address and the U.S. Post Of.f ce cannot £uizush a fonvarding addzess, the amaun'L may be presumed to be abandoned a.nd is - subject to the Uruforn-i Uncla.imed Praperiy A.ct after one year. Issued hy: Michael A. VJeinstein; Scn.ior PriCing Manager; Pacific NOrthwest Ma.rket A.r.ea ~ Issue date: EffMq CGIUR1CI14L USE OjVLY - 17ocket: TG-0711410 Efjrective Date: M'ay 1, 2007 Tari£f NO. 15 4riizinai Page \TO. 9 Company TTame/Permit \'umber: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 , . Registerecl lrade Name: Waste Ivfanagemeni of Spol:ane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refiise Co. Item IS - l'3illinE!. Advance'Billing. and Pavment Delinquencv Taates ]3illing period. A cojn*pany may b't.ll its customers for one, two, or ttnree i-nonrhs oi service. . Advance billiTig and payment dElinqaencv dates. The following charC dtfines ihe max.i.mum period aldowed for advance biiling and the date when a b;ll may be considered delinquent: . ' T3illing period ARaximum advance billing Deli3iqueney date persod allowed One month's service No adva~~ce billing Nlay not be less flian (mQnthly) allowecl M-rency-one ciays affier tlie date the bill is mailed '1"wo months' sen4ce One mont}is' advanced M.ey -not be until the last billing allo-wed day of the second i-nonth Three months' service Two montlas' advance May noi be imtil the last billing al.lowed day of the t1iird rnonth The billing period chosen by the conlpany operating unde.r this tari£f for residential solict waste ~ accotants ia: Three montbs' service. ;Late charges. C:ustomers wich past due aacounis after the delinquency dates specified in the chart abnve will be charged a late fee of. 1% per inonth on outstanding balances. The minxrnum cbarge per mon#h is $1.00. Tssued by: Michael A. Weinsteiri, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area l.ssue date: EQFM~~fCIAL USE 0J).~LY Docket: TG-070410 • EfJ'ectivG Date: llfcry I, 2007 Tariff \;o. 15 Oriqina.l Page No. 10 C-ompan}~ NanieJPerlnit \TUmber: Waste Mallagemtnt of ~Jashingcon,lncJG-237 . Registered Trade I~iame: Waste Management of Spokanc, Valley Garhage Senoice Co. and Western Refi.lse Co. 1 ~ Item 20 - DefiTaitions iVOTE: Tle deJ~nirioru si:vwm on rhefirsr tlsr-ee pages of this item ffre stcmdm•d, in most casespr•escri,5ed Gy rule. Compcnies nury rrAt crmend these definitions. Comntntias wslzing !o add defv~ztionu spect~c io their cornpm;y'S Operatiors r,zust titclude tFwse deftnitiors ws n separete page, e? ltitleut, "Gompan}-spec0 c drJ4nitions. "A blcznk slieet i.s provided for tha! pwpose. . $ale: Material compressed by Fnachine and securely tarped or banded. , Bulky iVZaterials: Empty carriers, caitons, boxes, crates, ete.; or materials offered for disposaI; all ofw$ich may be readily handlcd without shoveling. . . Charge: A set tla.t £ee for performing a servic:e. Or, the result of multipIying a rate for aunit times . rbe number of t.nits trar►sported. Commercial Billing: Service billed to a coJ•«.mercial cu.StoFner or billed to, and paicl for, by a Froperiy manager or owner racher than a resideotFal tcnant- Compacted . ' Mal.erial: tifaterial that has been compressed by any mechanicaJ device either before ar after it is placed in the receptacle handled by the company. Compaccor Disconnectl Reconncct ~ Charge: Aflat fee estabIished by the solid waste collection companv for the service oF . disconnecting a compactor from a drop box or container before ta.k.ing it io be duinped; at-id i.hen reconnecting the coi:npactor «<}ten the droP box or conr.ainer is rciLimed to the customer s site. Ga?e charge: A. f.1at fee charged for opet2ing, unloc}c.ing, or closkng ga.tes in order to pick up solid wascc. I,oose rnaterial: Ivlaterial not set Aut in bags or coni.aulers; includir,g rnaterials fliat rnust be shoveled. Jvfiulti-famiiy residence: tlny s-.ructure housing tvvro or more dwellialg unit.s. Pach.er: A device or vehicle spec►ally designeci to pack loose rnaterials. Pass through fee: A iee collected by a solid wasce eolJection eompany on behali. of a third party when the f6c is billed dirECtly to the clzstomer v.,ithout markup or markdown. Issued by: Michael A. Weiiistein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacif c Northwesi Market Aa'ea ~ Issue clate: E~~~CI.LL USE O,~.~LY Docket: 1'G-07041 D Effective 1?a1e: A.fM; 1, 2 Q07 Tariff?vo. 15 Urip-inal Page \TO. 11 Corripany ~TarneJPermit I,41umber: NkTaste Managcment of Washington, IncaG-237 ) Rep stered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and W4s+.ern Reftise'Co. Ttem20 -1)etinit'ioras, continiied Permanezit servjce: Container ancl drop=box service provided at the eustomer's reyuest f.or rnflrc thwi ninety . dayS• ; . , ,12,ate: A price per uni: or per service: A rate is multiplied times the numoer of units transported ar the number of times a service is perfoarned to deteri~e a charge. So1id w3ss_e recept,acle: i.uclucies the follawing items, with the foilowing meanings: Automated cart nleans a. cai-t designed tA be picked up and ex-nptied by rnecha.nica] means. Tne specifc iype ared size are tn bc defined in rate items. Can means a receptacle made of dtuable, corrosion-resisiant, nonabsorbenl' ma.teria] 'Lhat ' is watertighe, and lias a close-fitang cover and iwo handles. A. carl holds more than tNventy ga(lons, but not more than rhirEy-nwo -gallons. A can may iiot weigh more than 65 pounds when f lled. Cart ineans awhecIed pIastic conta:lner. A. cart: may also be referred to as a±oter. If . suppjieci by a custamer, a cart cnust be compatible «it]1 che company's equipment. The size and type of cart that is cojnpatible will be es*ablished in each compa.uy's t2riff. Container means a detachable recepta.cle (normally designed to hold at least a cubic vard of solid waste) ftoFn-which materials zre collected by mechanically lifring the receptacle and empiyiiig the contents into tbe compamy's velucle;. :qrop box rneams a detaehable reeeptacle used to provide solid waste collection service by the receptaele heing placed on the coinpany's vehielE by mechanical means Fmd tr~nsported to a disposal site. ' Dram means a mefal or plastic cont-aialer of approxima.Cely ffty-gallon capiciiy, . generally iLsed .f.or oils or solvents. tL dr.um may not weigh more than _ when f~iled. ;1littier receptacle rneans a container not over sLYty-gallon capaeity, generally placcd in shopping centers and along streets or highways for litl:er. A lit#er receptacle may not weigh more than 65 pounds when fi11ed. Issued b iVfichael A. Weinsteirj, Senior Pricing NIana;er, Pacif c Noithwest Vlarket A.rea y: Issue daa.e: ~~~QWj~E.t C.T.AL USE 011r/,Y Docket: I'U-07041 Q Effective Date: lYlay 1, 2 Op7 Tariff'NTo. 15 OriLrinal PageNa. 12 Coir,pany Nazne/Pem-Lit Nt:mber: Wasie M2nagement of. Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Narne: Waste Ylana.getnent of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co_ and Weste;-n Refuse Co. Itein 20 -Definitions. continued - . . Dlicro-ilaini can ineans a can made of durable, corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent mai.erial that is watertight and ha.s a close-fitiing cover. A mic:-o-mini can rnay not hold more than ten gallons. Arnicro-mini can rnay not weigh more than 20 pounds when f llecl. ' iY,l:ini-c7n nieans a ca.n madc of durable, corrosion re5istant, nonabsorbent material that is watertight and has a clase-fttting cover. A mini-can may not hoId more than tweniy Lallons. A muii-can may notwcight niore tha.n. 3S Founds when f111ed. }2ecycling biii aI• container means a bin or container designetj or designated for the collection of recyclables. 'I"he si2e and type of recycling bin or. container will be . established ul each compaiiy's tariff. . Toter means a whceled plastic containcr. A toter may also be referred to as a cazt. If supplietj by cuslomer, a toter must be compatible with tlle co-Lnpany's equiprnent. The size F-nd type of.totvr tbi3t is compacible will be established in each company's eariff. lJnit tneans a-receptacle made nf durable, corrosion-rE:sistant, nonabsorbent inaterial, that is vv-atertight; and has a close-fitting caver and trvo handles. A iinit holds more than twenty gallons, but nat more than thirty-two gallons or four culiic feet. A unit niay not ~ . weieh more than 65 potunds when filled. ~Xfliere agreed on between the cornpajty and the . customer, anri where alloR=able under local ordinance, a box, carton, cardboard barrel or other suitablc container may be substituted for a solid waste can, for a si.ngle pick-up that includes removal of the concaFner, i£ it mects t}ie size arid w.eight Iimits established in the carnpany's tariff. Xardwaste bin or container means a bin or container specifically designcti or . designaied.for. t11e collection ofyardwaste. Eac)i compia.ny'stariff wi]I refer to a spccif.ic type of yardwasto bin or container to be used by customez•s in a service area. The t)rpe, size, weigh'L, etc., o£this type o£ bin or container will often be set by local govemment • plans or ordinances. • SpeciaUOn call pick-up:A piek-up requested hy the eusiorner at a cime other than the segularly scheduled pick-up time or thsit requi.res the special dispatch af a truck..If a special dispatch is required,the company will assess tirne rates established in tlie c:ompany's iariff. Issued by: NCichael A. Weinsi:ein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Marketi Area J lssue date: E* ff-E~OUFjCL4L US'E 0AFL•Y Dackei: TG-07010 Effecrive L7ate: Mrry 1, 2007 TariffN7o. 15 OriLyi.nal Pagc No. 13 - Company NaT-ne/Pertnit Number: Waste Management of Washington; Ine./G-237 Regirter.ed Trade I`iarne: «aste Management of Spokanc; ValJe_y Ga.rbage Service Co. and Wes'Lern Rcfuse Co. Jtem 20 - Definitions. continued . SupPlement: A paDe added fo the bcginning of a tarlff; normally to cover emergency, ternporary, ar special s;tuatioTis. An exaznpie is a page issuad to show a special surcharge irngosed by a city. . • - Temporai_y service: Temporary service means pcc>viding container or.'drop-box sei-vice at rhe customer's request, for a period o£niziely days ar less. . Unlatclling: Anotlier terrn for a gace charge. A flat fee irnposed by a solid,,vaste collection campany when the company's personnel musst unlatcb a gate or door to perform pickup service. Urilock,irig: A flat_.f.ee imposad by a solid waste collection company wlien the compa,ny's persocuief must unlock padlocks or other lock.ing devices to perforni piclnip services. l:ssuecl by: M:ichael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacif'ic NTOri:hwest Market Area Issue datte:, EfQEQ~qCOMCL41'., USE 01\rLY Qocket• TG-070410 ' Effeetive Date: May 1, 2007 . ~ ' . Tari£f \TO. 15 Orieina] T'age No. 14 Company Nad-ne/pernii Number: Wasce Management of ~Jashi.zkgton, IncJG-237 l~,egistercd Trade 'Natr,e: wa..~e 1VIanageinent of. Spok.ane, Va11ey Garbage SerVicc Co. and Westea-n Refuse Co. ~ rfem 30 - Limitations of Service Refusal o#'seraice. A solici waste coilection company may refuse to: . _ . , - (a) Piek- up materials from ppints where it is hazardous, w-isafe, or dangerous to :persons; property, or cc;uipment to operate vehieles due to the condicions of stL-ee~, alleys, or roads. (b) Pick up materials that are not accepted hy the disp4sal site rtamed in the company's tarifis, or materiais t11at; i.n the company's judgpent, are )lazardous, unsafe, or pose a dan~er to persons, properfy, or equipment. (C) (c) Drive into private property wben, in the company's judgment, driveways or roaes are i,-nproperIy constnicted or maintained, do nat have adequate tum-arounds; or have othcr unsafe conditions. (d) Fnter private properiy to pick up material while an a:nimal considered or f.eared to be vicious is loose. The customer will be required to confine the animal o» pickup days. . Sc6edules. A conipany's schedule'will meet reasonable requirements and will compiy wit1i tocal sen~ice level orctinatices. 'N:l;issed pickups dne to weather oi• road coudit:iotis. Pic}c.up of rn2terials may be missed due Lo weat.her or _ roae3 condit;ons. Tf the accumulated material (sfllid waste and/or recyclables, andlor yardwasre) is colleceed on > the nex-t scl-ietluled or available pickup ciate, tlle company is not obligated to extend credit for ihe missed pickup. - The customer «il] not be charged for overfil]ed receptacles, or for materiaJs set out in bags on top of or next to the custamer's normal receptacles i.r the a.mount of exlyd material docs not execed the arnount that would have reasonably beeil expected to accumulate aue to missed nickups. ' a)ue nre. UCiler tllan to off.er re.asonable cax'e, the company assumes no responsibiliiy for articles Ief} on or near solict lxa.ste rer.eptacles. .T.,iability for damage. When a customer requests that a corripany provide sen, ice and da.mage occurs to the customer's driVCway fl.l?e t0 reaSOTtS TiOf uf ti1e COnt'rOI of tle C.Ot'11paIIy, the company will asstiune no responsibili'LY for t6e damagc. . lssued by: lvLichael.A. Wcinstein, Senior PricinU,Manager, Pacitc Northwest Mar: ef Area ~ Issae date: . H15URCOMICuL rISE ON.LY - Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: Afay 1, 2007 Tari£fTfo. 15 Orie-inalPage\fo. 15 C:ompany Name/Permit Number: Waste IvIanagement of Wasb.ir►gton, .I.ncJG-2i7 Registened Trade Name: Waste Managatnent of Spokane, Valley Crarbage Service Co. anci Westen-1 Refvse Co. i:tem 40 - M'aterial Re.QUirina Snecial.Equiament, Precaudons. or Disnosal Transportation of salid waste requiring special equipment or precauiions in hand]ing or disposal wiil be subject to tirne rates nameci in Item. 160, or to otlier specific rates contai.ned in tllis tariff. - Companies must make every efforC to he ativare of the commodi[ies that require special llantilirla a: the disposa] ,ires named u1 the cornpany's t.ariffs. The company shall mai,ntain a list of those conunodities and make it available for public u1spe,t:tion at the company's office. Companies niust ma,k.e every effort to br, aware of he commodities cha.t are noi accepted at the dispnsal sites namcd in the company.'s tariffs, and provide che public with accpss to sjsch lists, as published and updated by disposal sifies. Additionally, companies must maUitain a list. of any specific commociities which are considerecj ]iazardou.s, urjsafe, or pose a danger to persens, property, or etpuipment. . fte.m 45 - Nratcrial R.eouirine Snecial Tesfine and/or AnalvsiS .~1Ien a solici Nvaste collection compaiiy or ciisposal facility detenliines that tesling ancUor anaIysis of solfci waste is reqjlired to deternniue whether datlgerotis or prohibited substances are prese.nt; the actual cost Cor sueh testing and/or analysis 4vi11 be paid by the custon}er. The con?pany tnust pro<<ide the customer with a copy of ~ any bill or invoice -Cor costs incurred.f.or testing and/or analysis and also must retain a copy in the company's file for at lrast dune years. Those costs shail be passed #1lrough to the customer withoui iiaarkup. The company must maintain records of time spent to accomplish dia special 't-estirag andlor analysis, anc3 may bill the customer for that tirne under the nrovisions of Item 160 (Time Rares). Ttem 50 -Refurnec3 Check Cbar¢es Retu rned check cllarge. lf a customer pays with a check.; and the customer's ban.k refuses to honor that check; the custamer wif] be assessed a reti!r.ned eheck chargc in tlle amount oFS 25.00.. :[tem 52 = Re-deliverv Chareyes A re-delivery fce of S1.5.00 will be assesseci to cart cust,omers whose servica is discontinuul for non- . payment or cart customers who reque-sc re-deliver}' for services prevbously cancellecl. Please see Item 100. El piekup and re-delivery fee ot' S 25.00 will be assessed to custorners who request chat their container or l7rap Box be washed, stearti cle3ned and sanitized. Please see [tem 210. Issued bY: Michael A. Weinstein; Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Nortliwest Mar4;et Area Issue date: Ef j.5FM CO -FICIAL USE 0111LY Dacket : 7"G-070410 .Ff ective Date: .1fay 1, 2007 r ' I T3Ti~ OIi~lil3l }7ag~O. 16 '0. ~ J G- Company ~jauieli'errnit' Number: Waste Ivaznagement of Washingtoi-1, Inc_/G-237 Registered 'Cradc Nlame: Waste Mariagement of Spokane, ValIey G-arbage Service Co. and Wesrcrn Ref.issE: Co. ~ XtFm SS - Over-si.zEd or Over-weiaht Cans or. TJnit.s, The cornpany reserves _he ripht to reject pic~cup oi any residenfial receptacle (ean, unit, bag, mini-can; or micro m.ini-can) which, upon reasonable inspection exceeds ihe size and weight Iimits sliov~n in 7.tetn 20. (a) Xf the receptacle exceeds the size andlor Iimiis stated in ltem 20, is overEilled, or -lie top is unable to be closed, but the cprripany il'anspoets the ma.terials, the followi.nb additional charges will apply: S 3.30 oer uni[ 1Vote: F'or charges applyrng on over~veight toters, carts, contatners, or drop baxes sn_e itern.207. . :I:tem 60 - 4verfime '17eriods Companies will assess additional charges when providing services; at custAmer reques±, during overtime ' periods. Overtime periods itlcIudc Saturdays, Sundays, and the following hotidays: ' New Year's Dav Laboz Uav ~ Waslti,n2ton's Birthda.v , Veteran's llav Memorial Dav ThanksLyivinr! Dav Indenendcnce Dav ChrisCmas Jaay Martin L,utherKinq Dav 1 ime is to be recorded to the nearest incr.em£nt of 15 minutes f.rorn the time the company'S vehicle le•aves the termi.nal until the time it returns to tha ternunal. . 1\TO additional charge tivil[ be assessed to cU:stomers for overtirr,e or holiday wrotk performed solely for thc eompany's convenience. - Charge per hour S 60.40 Minimum Char;e S 30.20 Tssuesi by: Micbael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Norlhw~st PJlarkefi 11rea J .R~~JCIAL US.Z' OXLY Issue ciate: Ef IXO. Doclcet: 7'C-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tarif.flN'o. 15 Orieinal Pagc I`To. 17 Company \7amelPennit Nli-imber: R'aste Management of «'asliington, l.ncJ6-237 ' 'Registered Trade Nlaine: Waste A2anagement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Sentice Co. and R'estern Refuse Co. Jtem 70 - Return Trins NAq1en a eompany is rcquired to make a returi trip, that does not require the special dispatch.of u truck; to piek up material th3t was unavaslable £or collection for reasons under tlie control of the customer, the f.ollowing additional cha.rg:.s, per p;ckup, will a.pply. ~ Can, unit, mini-cari, ar microanini can S 7.40 Cazt . . S 7.40 T..itter Receptaclc ..............................................................................................................5 7.40 F• . Drop Box S30.20 ~ Contai,ner S1:1.70 . . J . NO'l'E: Re;.urn trips ret{uiring the special dispa#ch of a Cruck, are cansidered special pickups and are charbcd fox under che prov-lsions of Item 160 (Time Rc.tes). ~ -J Yssued by: M_ichael A. `Veinstein, Seniar Pricing Mananer, Paci[ic Northwest Market Area Issue date: ~ EffXO,*R.~~1CL4.T usF, OxLY Docket: TG-070410 Ejfecti.ve Date: .M'ay 1, 2007 . t~ i-~'arif~\'o. 1~ Ori~a1 Page I~jo. 18 Company Name/Permit \TUrnber:lVaste Vlanagennent of tiVashinbton, Inc./G-237 Recristered Trade Nanie: Waste Nlanagement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. aF,d Ne.st?rn RefUSe Co. -1 l Ttem 75 - Flat Nlonthlv Char-es This r.ule appliES in connection with It:ems 84, 90; 120, 1'0; 240, 245, 250; 255, 264; 265, 270, and 275. A flat monthly efyaP'ge mny be assessed if computed as follows: ' (a) If weekly service is provided: Multiply the rate tiznes 43 )3 aald then multi.piy that figure times the number oi unqts pickett up. . (1a) If every otl1er week servir,c is provided: 'Multiply the rate ti.mes 2.17 and then multiply ttia? f gure times tlie numLer of units picked up. (c) For a'tems 240, 250; 260, a-nd 270: For permanent, regularly scheduled piekiips, a £lat manthly chai-ge may be assessed if computed as follows: a. T'or week.ly service, each container provided: i. If monfhlv rent is sliown: monthly rent plus (4.33 times pickun rale times nunlber of pickups per week) ii. I£monthlv rent is noc shown: lstpickup r.ate plus (3.33 times additioDal pickup rate) plus (4.33 tunes additional pickup rate times additional weekly pickups). b. For every-other weelc service, eac}-1 conlainer pr.ovided: i. If rnontblv renY is sho«ui: monthly rent plus (2.17 tinies picklip r3te tinies number of ~ pickups per week) ii. If monthiv rent is not shoNvn: l st pickup rate plus (1.17 times additionzl pickup rate) plus (2.17 times additional pickup rate iuiies additional wee.kly pickups). Issued by: Michael A. WEi.nstein, Senior Pricing Manager; Pacific I,,TOrehwest Market Azea - ~ T.ssue date: EftV- Q, Z eC~,f Cr.AL USB OI~rI.,Y Docket.: 7'G-070410 Effective ,Taate: 1vlay 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Ori izinxl Page No. 19 Company NameJPermit Nun-,ber: «raste lManagement of QVHsb.i.cigton, l.ncJG-237 ~ Registered Trade Issane: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and WestPm Refitse Co. Item SO - Carn-out Serv-ice, Urive-Ins Companies will assess the following addj±ional cliarges when customers request that cornpany personnel provide carry-out service oi canslunits not placed at the curb; the alley; or other point where th° compa.ny`s vehicle can be driven io within five feet ofthe canslunits using improveci access roads comrnonly availahle for public use. -Driveways are not considmd improved access roacis co-nmoniy availablc for public use. . Rate Gharge £or Carry-oats Residentia! Cammercial Per Unit, Per Picl.rup Per Unit, Per Picku.t) Cans, units, min.i-cans, or miczo-mini cans ' that tnust be caeried out over 5 feet, htit not over 25 feet -SQ.40 S 0.40 For each adclitional 25 feet; or fracti4n of 25 feet. add . S 0.3C1 S0.30 NOTE: °I'he company may elecc to drive in a.t the rates sh.o,.vn a.bove, except the chaxge will be lim;ted to one ca.n, un.it, ir,ini-cans or micro-mini can. If cans, units, niini-cans, or micro-mani ca.iis are earried over 125 f.eet, but are safely accessible to the cornpany's vehicle, the drive-ui charges shovn below rnust be assessed instead. I Rate Charae fer Dri.ve-ins (ner pickup) Residential Cammet-cial , Per Pickup, Per l?ickup Drive-jns on driveways of over 125 £eec, but less then 250 feet .S1.50 s a.50 .17rive-ins on driveways of over 250 feet, ' but less than I/IO mile: $2.00 $ 2.00 ~ For cach 1/10 mile aver 1/10 mile. ~ $3.00 ~ $3.00 ~ \TOte: For the purpose af assessing drive-in fees, a driveway is defined as provid'u1g access to a single residence. If a ariveway provides access to multiple residences or accounts; no clrive-in fees wil! be assessed. ? Issued by: Ivlichael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Maiiager, Pacific iNorfliwesC Mark.et Area lssuc date: L~OREOWIM.Z USE 4YLY Uoc,'cet.: TG-070410 Effective Dale: 1vlay 1, 2 a07 'Tari.f,f,'No. 15 Ori&al Page 'No. 20 Compa.ny KlameJFerrnitl\lumber: Wa.~te Management oY Washington, liic_/G-237 Registered Trade Name: Wastc Manajement of Spokane, ValIe_y Garbage Scrvice Co. and Westem Refuse Co. 1 Ttem 90 - Can Carriaa_e- Soetial Services Rate Residential Comtnercial Per Unit, J?er Pickup Per UniL Per. P;ckup Sfairs or steps - for each step up ox do«m $0.06 $0.06 Overhead obstructions - for each overhead obstruction less than 8 feet from ' ' the ground • $0.20 $0.20 • Sunken or eler•afecl canslunifs - for cans, . units, mini-ca3iS, or iniCrO-n'►irsi G3n5 fully ar partially under graund or over 4 feet . . above g-zound; hut not znvalving srairs or - steps $0.20 S 0.20 . • J Issued by: Michael A. NVeinsiein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northvvest Ma.Kk.et Area Issue date: E~~k1Q9M--:;1Cl'.AL USB OArLY 17ocket: .TG-070410 Effect-i've Dule: ll7ay I, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Or cFirial Page Ivo. 21 Company INzanielPermit NUanber: RTaste Managerz1ent of Washington; Inc./G-237 ~ Registered Trade Name: Waste ManaDement of Spo±cane; Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 100-Reside.ntiial Se.i-vice Monthlv:lzates (ConYinued on nert paQe) Rates in this item apply: . (1) To solid w-aste eollection, ctat'bsidc recycling and yardwaste collection services for residential property. 1'nis insludcs -tingle family dwellings, duplexes, apartmen+s, mobile bomes, condominium , etc., wbera serviee is biiled directly to ?hc occupant of each rvsadenrial ua'st; and/or (2) n'hen required by a 1oca1 govemment servicc levei ord;nance sol;d wasfe ooll::ction, cur6side recycli:lg, and }~3rdwaste service must be provided foa single-family dwetlings; duplexes, mobile hones; condominiwns and apartment buildings of less tban 5 residential unirs, where service is biiied to the praperty owmer or mana;er. Rates below annlv io tbe followi7q~service area: Thv garbage service r2ies apply 4o the servicc territniy ori tt3e e.itacned map desiguated as ?.{spendu B. Purnuant to the Spokane Cour,ty "R.ecycling Service I.evel Ordanance" as adopEed and codifiecl as Chapter $.58 of the Spokane Count}7 Code, the area clescriberi on fha atizched map designated a-c Appendix D, is required to receive rr.cycling se;v:ce. 96 Ca1ion Yarchwzte I`rui-~ of lh'yts ar Ty* of . Garbage Savice - Recycle Servicc Sertdoe luc . Contai= Fmqumcy of Savice Rafe ltate (\Tote 4) 041cs 4: 5) . ~ 1 Can . ~ . NJrJ[VR • $6,10 S3.35 $1225 lvfini-Can(20 ml.lon) ~ WCAk'R. I $9.25 ~ $335 S12.23 1 Can ~ WGI"'R ~ $11._45 ~ $3.35 ~ 512.25 2 Cmis ~ Nk'CAA7t ~ S18.45 ~ $335 ~ S1225 ~ ~ 3 Cans I V4TC'►+NVR ~ S24.95 ( . S3.35 ~ $12.25 . - 14 Cwu I 1\~~Z S731.45 ~ $3.35 ~ $1225 15 Clim - WCtiA'R. $37.95 ~ $3.35 ~ $12.25 G Cans . I WC'A'4jR ~ $44.45 I $3.35 ~ 51225 I , 135 ~w cmt I wcAw_ ~ s12.95 I $3.35 ~ s12.25 164 glloncart ~ «rff `~AR ~ SI9.45 ~ S3.35 ( S12.25 ~ 196 Olon-cart ~ NVGfiJR I $25.95 ~ 53.35 ( $1225 ~ Frequency of ServioC Codes: R'G=Weekly Garaage; FQVJG=L-°very Oihe; Week Garbage; MG=Monthly Carbage; • WR=141eekly Recycling; EdMZ=Every Other R'eek Rstycline; -N&-Moritt-,ly R:cycljng List others used: R,ecycling rates sllov,rn above are subject to a recycling <credit>Idebit of GSU.46> per month_ Nates for. this item are on pags 25. Description/rules r.elated to r.ecycling program are shown on page 26. Descriplion/n.iles related to yardwaste program a.re shown on pagge 26. Recycling <c.rcdib/debiti adjustments shove ou this page expire: ,.l*ulv 31. 2007 l_ssued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pr.ic'v1„ Manager; Pacific NTOrthwest Market Area Issue ciate: EflygRoWl'uClAL USE 4xLI` Doc~.~et: TG-070410 E,~'j`ective.Date: _11gay 1, 2007 r l Tari,fF\TO. 15 Orivinal Page l-No. 22 Coripany \TamelPen.nit \'umber: Wasie Manaeernent of Washington, IncJG-237 Registered Tratie ?Jame: NATasce Managemcnt of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. a.nd Western Refuse Co. \ J Xtem 100 - Resideiitial.Serc°ic.e MonthIv Rates feojidnued on next iiaael Rates in thu item apply: (1) To solid waste collection, curbside recycling (where not.ed) and yard«aste collection ser"Vices (wberv r.oted) for residenFial property. This includes single family dwellfngs, duplcYes, apartments, mouile hornes; cQndominiwns;'etc., where service is billed directly to the occupanf of e.ach residential unii; andlor (2) "i►'hen required by a local government service level ardinance solid waste collection; cur.bside recycling, and yardwasie service must be provided for singlc-f'amily dwellings, duplexes, mobile homes, cw-idominiums and apai-tnent bualdings of less ttian 5 resiclential units, where secvice is billed to the property awner or rnailager. . Rates bulow soDlv in the followiug serrice aren: Rural Spokane County as dese3ibed on the attached map desjgn3ted as Aripendix.B. ' Number of Units or Type of Con+ainer Frequency of Servicn Garbaye Service Rate 11 Can I 114G I $6.10 IMini-Can ~ WG I $9•25 11 Can WC I $11.95 . 12 Cans WG ~ -$18.45 13 Cans I . L1lG . ~ $24.95 ~ 4 Cans I WG I $31,45 ~ 5 Cans I WG 1 $37.95 G Cans I VJG I $44.45 - 1 35 gailon cart _ ~ . tJIG I $7.10 1 35 gallnn cart . I WG I $12.95 1 64 aallon cart I VVG . $19.45 ~ 1 96 gallon cart I WG $25.85 ~ Frequeney of Servicc Co-les: 'SVG=Weekly Ga.rbage; EOWC=Every Other Week Garbage; ivlG-r2onthly Gar'aage; 1TJR=«'cekly . Recycling; ~O);VR=Every Other WeeS: Recycting; M.R=IL4ontliJ)° Recycling List othen used: Notes for ihis item a.re on page 25. Description/cvles relaied Ea recycling program are shown on page n/a. . llescription/ru[es related to yardwasl'e progt`ani are shown on pa-ge n/a. Issued by: iViichael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricitig Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area ~ Issue clate: loicq3WICM L. USE O.~ tL Y - Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 ( ~ . Tariff No. 1_5 Ori P-ina.l Page NO. 23 ~ Company NameJPerrnit Nurnber: N~raste Managesnent of Washina on, IncaG-237 Registered Trade Name: Wa.ste J~Zanpaement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service.Co. and Westem Refuse Co. :ffem 100 -.Residendal Senice Monfhiv Rates (Cuntitiued on nexf pa4e) Rafcs in this item appl}: . • (1) To solid ~xaste eolJection, eairbside recycling and yarda'aste coilection s°•rvices for residentiaJ properfy. This includcs single fam;ly dw•ellings, d4lexes, aparlments, mflbilc homes, c,o?uowiD.iunis, etc., where service is biiled dirvvtly tu the occupant of each residential unit; and/or (2) 'Nhen req=.i;red by a locai eovarnsnent service level ordinance solid Nv3ste collection, curbside recyc!ing, aaa yardwaste service must be p;oviried for single-f~mity dwellings; citcpiexes, mobile hemes, condominiums and aparLncnc btiildings of less than S residcnli2l units, where service is Fiilled to the pmperty owner or manages. ltate; below aoulv in the folirnr-ina service are.a: The garbP.ge servacE rates apply to the service terriEoay on ti~c attacb°d map eesignated -s Appendix C. Pursuaut to tihe Si.~ot.:ane Gounty "Kxyc]ing'Service Level 'Ordinance" as adopted ancl codified as Cbapter 8.58 ofthe Spokane County Code,, Fhe are8 cleSCribed on the a~`tached ma.¢ deaignated aS*AppendiK D, is re,quircd to receive recycling senrice. 95 Galfon YarctcNaste NuniYa- ofUnits or'Y}pt of Czirbage Servica Recycle Sm7ce Seavice Rate- Container Prequency of Service Rate Raie (~ote 4) (Notes 4: 5) I i can $6.1.0 I r3.35 $12_25 Mini-Can(20 tpIlon) $11.15 ~ ~335 ~ S12.25 . . 1chn ~ wGn, SIA .10 ~ S3.35 ~ 512.25 ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ )ffiG+RR ~ SZO.EO ( S3.35 ~ $12.25 3 Gans I .NVG!\.YR. I $27. 10 S3 3$ ~ $12.25 I 4 Cans ~ WAVR ~ $33.60 $335 ~ $1215 5 Cbns • ~ vvr~ . W.10 I $3.35 $12.25 : G Cars ~ )AA&V'R. W.60 I S3.35 $12-25 ~ . 135 mlloncaat N1w4R $7.10. S3.35 S1.2:25 ~ . ~ I35gilloncart . ~ W&4VR. I $15.10 S3.35 ~ S12.25 1 ~ 164 gallan cart I NV(Y1UR I $21.64 ~ S335 ~ •S12.25 1.1. 96 giavori cart I vvc~~~R ~ $28. ~1 o I S73.235 I Siz z5 I Frequency of ServicP Codes: WG=Weekly Garba,ge; .1-'_0WG=,Every O#her Weelt Crarbage; ViCi=Manthly Uubage; W);(=WeeklY Recycling; EOWR=Every Other 11'eek Rccycling; b4iK=i~onthl}' Recycling List othee s uoed: Recycliahg re-tes shown above are subject to a. recycling <credit>/debit of <S0.46> pcr Fnoilth. • 'Notes for ibis item are an page 25. Desci-ipLion/rules relaLed to recycling pro.gram are shovm on page 26. Descriptionlnlles r.e[ated to yardwaste program are shown on laage 26. . ' Kecycling <credit>/debit adjustmenfs ahove on this page expire: ,Tulv 31. 2007 Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senio~ 'Pricing M:anager, Paci.fic Northwest Iviarket A.re,a . Issue date: , EfW6Re0J&WaCI4.L tISE 0j) I'L' Y Dock.et: TG-070410 Fffzcti.ve 17a1e: Alay 1, 2007 `T'ariff NTo. lti Ori6r,al PaQeNo. 2z~ Company 1~TamelPetznit Number: Waste Nianagement of Washington, IncJ0-23 i Registered Trade Name: Was?e l\2anagement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westiean Refuse Co. ~ ]:tem 100 -:k2esidential ,Service Nlonthtv Rates (cuntinaed un pext oaue) Rates in this i.em apply: (1) To sol.id waste collection, curbs;de rccycling (where noted) a.nd yardwzste collection services (-,vhere noted) for resi~ential pr.oper[y. T"h.is includes single f'a.rtiily:dweliings, duplexes, apartments, mobile homes; conciorniniums; etc., «There service is billed directly to the occupant of each resEdentiai unit; anci/or (2) «'hen required by a local goverrLment service level or.dinance solid waste collection, curbside recycling, and yaadwaste servicc must be prottided for single-family dwelli.ngs, duplexes, mobile homes, condominiums and apartrnent buildin;s of less than 5residential uniis, wfiere service js billed to the properiy o;vxler or mana,er. . Rates below 20niV in the fo114winL, servicc area: Rural Spokane County as described on the attached map 1,oatctl as Appendix C. - des' Number ofi Units or Type of Can'tainer t=requency of Service Garbage Service Rate ~ 1 Can ' I MG I $6.10 • IfJlini-Can I WG I $11.15 11 Can I 1JlrG I $14.10 12 Cans I V1lG- I $20.60 3 Ca11S VilG ~ $27.10 4 Cans ~ - VtirG ~ $33.60 ~ 5 Cans ~ VJG I $40.10 6 Cans I WG . ~ $46.60 1 35 gallon cart I MG $7.10 ' 1 35 gdllon'cart I WG $15-10• ~ ( 11 64 gallon cart I VIIG I $21.60 11 96 gallon cart ~ V1rG I $2$.10 ~ Frequency of Service Codcs: NG=Wcekly Garbage; EOIVG=Fvery Ot6er 1Veek Garbz,,e; MC=Monr]tty Garb?ge; \VR=NVeek]y . Recyclin„ E0XVRaL"very Othcr Week Ftecycling; ]MR=Mozthly Recycling _ . List otiiers used: - Notes f.or this item are on page 26. ])escription/rules related to recycling pr.ogram are shovvn on page n/a. DescriptionJrules related io yardxaste prog;ram are shown on page n/a. lssued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, paciFc 11orthwes[ Mar!cet Area . ~ l:ssue date: EQ~Mq~~1CIAL USE O_NLY Dncket: 7'G-070410 Ffject.ive Date: May 1, 2007 i ~ Tari-ff No. 15 Oria-inal PagoeNo. 25 ~ Corr,pany Name/Permit Number: Waste Mana;eiuent of. Washington; Inc.lG-23 i , Registered Tra-de Naane: Waste Management o€ Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westem Refuse Co. Item 1.00 - Residcntial Scrvice- lYTantUlv Rates (continned). NOte 1: Customers will be charged for service requcsted e<<en if .f.ewer units are picked up on a particular trip. NO credit wall be given for partially f lled cans. No credit will be givEn if customer fails to set re.reptacles out for eollectivii. . . . Note 2: For service more frequently the-n -vveeldy, multiply the above rates by the ntLsub.c of times per week service is r.equired. 'NTotc 3: A re-delivery fee of S15.00 will be assessed to cart custorners wlloss sen4ce as discantinj1ed for non- paymenc or cart customers w'no request re-delivery. See also Item 52. - \7ote 4: For those customers wha do not receive gar.bage ser<<ice; add Sa..f10 to the rates on page s 21 and 23 , tor bo*-li recyclino, and yarcf waste services_ Note 5: 'the service rates apply orily wrsen dle weekly collection of yard waste service is provided (Mareh- November). Customers Nvill not be billeci for Yard IYtiTaste collection services-during tbe manchs o.f December, January and Fehruary. . . . ' \TOte 6: Regularly scheduled yard waste eusto1T-mrs who request an additianal 96 gallan cartwill be assessecl a ~ montlily iee of S 5.95 for each additional cai-t renuested. NOte 7: 'J'he charge `or an occasiona) extra :eceptl.acle as described beloRr on a regular pickup is: - ' Rate per receptacle; per ' Type o.f. Service Type of receptacle, pickup I G-arba.ge Collectioii ~ 32-gallon can oT unit S 3.25 I Yarcl Wasfe Coliecfiion . 32-gallon can or Luut $2.45 Issued by: iVlichael A. Weinsteiu, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area lssue diite: • Ef!kORc%-FICIAL CISE OI.rLY Dr, cke t: 7'G- U% 0410 Effectr:ve Date: llfay 1, 2007 " r . Tariff NO. 3_5 4ri6nal Page No. 26 Couipany Narne/I'errnit NUmber: Waste Mamagement of Washinbton, Inc.JG-237 Registered 1 radE IJaine: Waste 19:anagement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Sea-vice Co. and Western Rsfuse Co. ~M . Item 100-Re.cidentiail Ser-Oce - Monthlv R.ates (continued) The curbside collecfioTl of reeyclable materials is provide.d to all customers in the follovving service area: Pursuant to the Spokane County "Recycling Service Level Ordi,nance=" as adopted and codified as Chapter. $.58 of the Spokane County Code, the areas contained in AppendLx A and ~s describei on the at#ached map desigriated -as Appendi.z n, is required to receive recycling service. The foUowing is a description of the recycling program (fype vf cnntainers; frequency; ete). The pra;ram is provided in accordance with the ordi.nances dascribed above. The curbside colleccion of recyclable mstarials is provicleci on a weelcly basis to all customers in the above service a.rea. Fach customer is provided with otie 14-gallon plastic'bbl. The customer is requested to place newspaper (inside paper bag) and cornmiDaled alumiuum; tin, glass and plastic inside ttie bin a.t the curbside. Used household batiteries aze also accepted if they are placed in a se£=through plastic bag wich a seal and pu'L oil top of the bin so the driver can see them. The sorting of the a-ecyelable material is performed by the driver at the curbside. SPecidl rules relatec3 to recycling programs: Pick-up will be refused it cWt. and/or bi.n coneain trash, yarcl debris, or oiher non-aceeptable contaminants. Custorners may obtain a cui-rent listing of acceptable recyclables and non-acceptable items upon request. ~ The folloFVing is a tiescription of i-he Yard R'aste progratn (type of containers, frequenclr, etc). The progrzm is provided in accordance with the ordinances describcd above. Yard waste service is a sign-up prop ain that is provided on a vveekly basas,.except during the months of December, Jaiiuaq and kebrtiary vvhen the service is providecl on a monthlp basis. Customers who sign up f.or this program will be provided arith a 96-gallon carE. If additiona136-gallan carts are rNuested, an addidonal monthly £ee will be charged f.or each cart requested (See \zote 6 on page 25). Customei-s will be billed f.or service a[ the applicable rates only when service is provided on a weekiy basis. (See Noce 5 on page 25) Special rules related fo Yarcl VVaste program: Yarci waste carulot be in plastic bags. Pick-up will be refused if cvntainer cont.ains any trash or ocher contaminants. Customers may obtain a eurrent listing of acceptable yard debris upon reqtiesi. Issued by: AZichael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing M:anager, Pacific ~TOrthwest Market Area lssue date: EfVOfteOjWjCL4L rISE O.ATL.Y 17ocket: .TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 ~ . , '1'arif~'N, a. 15 Orizinal.Page No. 27 . Company Name/Pemrit\Tjsnaber. Was?e Ma,nagement of Wa.shington, Inc_/G-237 } Registcred 'I'rade Name: Wiste Management of 5pokane, Valley Garbage Service Co.'and ~7&stem Refuse Co. . Item .l QS -Mutti-familv;f2esideutia112<<teS (comnanv-owned Liarba?e cont,,iiner)- ner qick ua R:ites u, this icem annlf: (l) "Multi-Fam:ly SErucrures" as clefined in Spo;:ane Coun:y Rcsolution No. 420605 as follows: "Any stru--ture housing five or more tinits or an}' pretnises used for residen?ial pusposes oot iac9ude6 elscwbe-re." (2) Thc sares aa charges containcri in tbis awm are to be added io rhose ra:es charged in Itcm A'os. 240, 245, 255, 260 anct 275 of tlli.s tari$. Rates below aDnlv in the following sen•ice Area: Pursuant to the Spolcane County "Recycling Savice I.evel Ocdinance" as adoptae' and cod'aficd as Chapter 8,5$ of 4hc SFok2ne County Code, the area ccntaifled in Appendix A and fss d°scribed on the ar.achcd map desiQnafed a,s .Appene;ix I3, is recyu'v'ed Eo receive recyclins servir.c. ~ Sizc or !'ype of Contafner • , 64 Gal 95 Gal . Service Type Can Cart Cart 1 1'ard 1.5 Yard 2 Yard 3 Ya;d 4 Yard 6 Y4rd 8 Yard Permsnent Service: - IMor,tlily Rent, if. . , applicable . FirstPickup $ 0.091 $0.18 S0.27 I $0.63 $0.95- S1.26 $1.59 I $2.52 ~ $3.78 $5.04 - Each Addition::l Pi cE.-llp S 6.09 $ 0.18 S 027 $ 0.53 S 0.95 S 1.26 $ 1.89 S 2.52 $ 3.75 $ 5.04 Special Pickvps IS 0.09 $ 0.18 I$ 427 S 4.63 S 0.95 S 1.26 S 1.891 S 2.52 S 3.78 S 5.04 ~ Termnorarv Service: / - Initial l7elivery Cha.rge Pick-111) Chargc S 0.09 S 0.18 S 0.27 $ 0.63 S 0.95 S 1.26 S 1.89 $ 2.52 $ 3.78 $ 5.04 Net Cammodity Price See Nate See 'Nate See \iote See Note See Note Sec r'oie Sec Ajota SeeiNote See h'e:e Sec Note • Adiustment per Ffckup 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 . 3 Note 1.: PerTnanent Service: Servicc -is defiDeti as no less thaa scheeuleci, avery pther Wf,--k, piekup, unless locai gove,-nmeot . rec;uires mo;e frequept svrvice or unless putreseibles are invotved. Customer wiIi be charged fcr zcrvice requestied, even if fewer containe.rs = serviced on aparticular irip. No creciii cvill be given for pardally filled eontainen. N'otc 2: Petnjenenc Serv6ce: If rcn# is shown, the rate fos the fvst piokup and each additioi3al pick7!p must be the same. T.f rmt is not shown, it is to be included in the rate for #he firct pickup. I . Uote 3: 'Nlei Cotrmodity Price Adjustinent per Picktip H211 be a credit of <$0.09> pe.r yard. Cwtomer whose sertice is less chaD one yard will receive a credic on a pro raia portion of a yard. _ Ctstomers who 6ave garbage collection services rellected' in lterns 255 ar,d 275 will receive a csclit of <30.2 i> per yarri per pickup. ' Note 4: Cu>rosners who have ,n.,,abagc co[lection ser4ces reflcetsd in Items 20, 245 anc1264 will bc char.r,Jet3 for recycling services at Ihe rate of S0.63 per yard psr pickup. Custo;ners v,lio havc garbage coitectFoii services reflected in Itcms 255 aiid 275 wi!l be charged for rccycling services at thc rate of,S1.89 per yarc# per pirkup. • ]aescription/rules rela4ed to racycting program are sho-Nvn on pa,e Recyclinc <credir~-lde.bit a, djustmeots abave on Cbis page expire: Juiv 31_ 2007 Tssucd by: Michael A. GVeinstein, Senior Pricin~ Manager, .k'acific I~iortf~west Market Area Xssue datc: ~587&1?C6M-1C.T14L USE OArLY Do c ke t: TG- 07 Q410 Efj'ect.ive Date: 111'ay I, 2007 r ' Tarif_f \'o. 1.5 Ori6nal Page No. 28 Gompany Nlame/Pe3-mit Nli-imber: \'Jaste Management of tiVashangEon, Inc.1G-237 Registered Trade \zame: Waste Manage.ment of Spol:a.ne, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westcrn Refitse Co. ~ Item 105 -Multi-familv.:l2esidenfial Service (cantinued) Tbe curbside collection of recyclab[e materials is provicled to all cusiomers in the following seivice area: Pucsuant to the Spokane Couniy "Recycling Sen7ice Level brciriaxice" as adopted anci codified as Chapter $:58 of tlze Spokane Count}+ Code, the arzas coniained in Appendix A. as described on the iittached map • designated as A.ppendix D, is required to receive recycling seR~ice. The folloFVing is a description of Yhe reeycting pro;ram (type of containers, frequency, etc). The program is provided in accor.daiice wiih rhe ordinances described above. The co1lE:etion of recyclable materials is provided on aweekly basis to all multi-family cus±nmers xvho sigii up fbr tne Servic.c. CLLSCOmerS who sign i:p for the Prngram will subscribe for the nunlber oF 35 gallou carts desired and strategictilly placed witlzin their camplex. The customer is recltiested to place newspaper, inixetl waste paper, and bot'tles and cans separately into each designaieti cart provided. - ' Snecial t•ules related to recvcling* oroaram: Pick-up will be refused if recycling containers contains trash, yard debris, or other non-acceptable contami,nants. Customers may obtain a cucrenc listina of accepcabie recyclables anci non-acceptable i?ems upon ~ request. Special rules related to re.cvclinL, urup'ram: - Pick-up will be refused if;-ecycling contaialers contains trash, yard debris, ar other non-acceptable contaminants.. Custoniers may obtain a current listing of acceptable recyclables and non-ace,epEable items upon PzqLEf'.SC. Issued by: Michael A. `Veinstein, Senior Frieing Manager, Pacif c NOrfhwest Vlarket Area ~ Issue ciate: ~~OfiV__qqCfAL r1SL O1VLY ' Dock.et: TG-070410 Effective Date: 1Vay 1, 2007 TariffNo. 1.5 OrieinaJ Page No. 29 ~ Company NamelPemlii. NUmber: Waste Matiagement of Wasllsngton, T.neJG-237 Registered Trade Nanie: Waste Manageme•nt of Spokane, Valley Crarbage Service Co. and Westcrn Refuse Co. Iteml20 - Drums ~ Typ'e,of Service K.ate Per Dtwn, Per Picl,-un ~ I Regular Route Service $ k*A ~ ' ' I Spccial l'ick-uP Item 130 - Litter 12ecentacle.5 and Lifter Toters ~ Customer-owiied Recentacle 'Rate Per RecepCacle, Per .l?ickup ~ ~ Size nr Type: ~ Size or Type: - ~ ~ Gompa.ny-owned Receptacle ~ • Size or Type: 64 &l Toter ~ i ~ Size or Type: 96 Galloter ~ Item 150 -.T_.oose and ]3ulkv Material SDecial trips: Time rates in Xtem 1E0 apply. ReQUIar.IZoute: Aciditional cubic Carry Charge 1 to 4 cuhic }'axds yards Miuimun-t Charbe 1?er each 5 feet over t7ace per Xard Rate per Yard Per Pickup 8 feet 13ulky materials $13.95 S 13.95 I$1.3.95 - ~$6.40 ~ Loose material (Customer.load) _ S $ $ S Loose material (Company load) $16.8C1 S16.80 S 1.6.80 $9.00 ~ Issued by: 1Vlichaei A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Mirket Axea l:ssue date: FfWG1'?eJMCL4..l'~ C1SE 01VLY Docket: .7.'G-070~10 . Effective Date: 111ay 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 QriLyinal Page Isio. 30 Company NlamefPermit \~umber: Wuste iMana.gement of N',Tashinb on; Inc.ICr-2337 Registered lrade NTame: Wzste Management of Spokane; Valley Gasba;e Service Co. and Westem Refuse Co, Ttern 160 - Time Rates When.tiime rates apply. "I'ime ra.tes named in this Item apply: (a) When naateriai inwt be iaken to a special site for d3sposal; ' (b) Wlien a compar,y's equ;pment must wai± ai, or retlim to, a customer's site to provide scttedulM service due to no disabiliiy, fault, or negligevice an the part of the coanpany. Actuel waiting ti.me or t.ime tak-en in ret-urning to the site will be chs.rged for; or (e) When a customer orders a single, special, or emergeney pickup, or when other items in thss tariff ref.er to this Itein. How rates are recArded and cha bed. Tirue must be recorcied and charged far to the nearest incremeni of 25 minutes. Time rates ~pply t'or the period f_rom the ticne the compan3''S VehICIf. Ie-aVeS 1hC.' Co111pr2IIy's tennina1 until it reiunis to t[le terFninaL excludi.ng interrtFptipns. An interruption as a 5ituafioa causing stoppage of . service that is in the control of the company and nat in the control of rhe customer. Examples include: coffee br.eaks, Iunch breaks, brea:down af equipr-tienC, and sirnilar occurrences. l)ispnsal fees in addiiion to time rates.. Item 230 disposal fees £or the specifc dispos3l sire ar faciliey usM wili apply i.n additian to ti.me rates. Rates per houx: . ~ Rate PEr Yiour . ~ Eacfi Ea'u'a Mi,ni3num Type of equjoment ordered Tnack and driver J?erson Cha:rge Sins-fle rear dr-ive axle: Non-Packer t-uck S66.40 S 26.50 $ 66:40 ' Packer firuck $66.40 S 2C.50 $66.40 Drop-box taick $ 66.40 S 26.50 S 66.40 Tandein rear. drive axle: Nlon-packer Lruck ~ 66.40 ~ 26.~0 $ 66.40 . Packer truck S66.40 S26.50 S66.40 Drop-box truck $ 66.40 S 26.50' $66.40 Tssuecl by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senaor Priciiig Manager, Faci.fic RTOrthwesr 17arket:l,rea ~ Tssue datc: E-f~~04www usE Ot1TLY . Docket: ;TC-070410 , Ef"ectzveDrrte: May .1, 2007 Tariffl,sroA 5 Orig:inal PaPe I`TO. 31 ~ Company I`T3me/Peruiit Nlumber: «'aste Managemenc of Rtashington, I.ncJG-237 RegYSte.; ed Tride Nlanne: Waste Management of Spokane; Va11ey Garbage Service Co. and '1~Vestern Reiuse Co. Item 200 Containers andlor Drvo 33oxes - General ltules Availability. A compar,y must niaintain a supply *of all sizes of con+ainers and drop boxes for which rates are Iisted in this tariff. If a customer requesis a coi-itainer or drop box of a size lisLed in the cocnpany's tariff, and the compdny is unabIe to pravide the requesced size «itliin 7 days pf the customer request, the customer mtist be nocified i_ri -writi.ng or by telcphone. Alfernate-sized containcrs ancilor drop bores. Lf the cornpany callnot provide the requested-si~.ed eontainer or drop boa (and that size is listecl in the cflmpany's tarif.f), the corvpanv rnust provicie alteniate-Si7ed contauiers ar drop boxes, sufficient to meec the capacify ariginally requested by the customer, at the same rates as would have applie.d for the requested container or drop box. llisposal fecs due on alternate-sized d►•op brxes. If the company provic3cs altennate-sized drop boxes, the customer is responsible.f,or aIl laArfully applicable disposa_1 fees resuIting from the iise of #Jie alternate drop boxes. - :E.2ates ou partially-filled containers and/or drop boxes. .rull piekup and renCal rg#es apply regard.Iess of the amount of waste material in the container or. drop box at pickup lime. Riites fnr compacted materiais. Rates for coanpacted material apPIy anly when the Fnaterial bas been ~ compac;ied Hefore its pick.-up by the company. Rates for loose material. Loose materdal dumped into the companys packer trucK is subject to the rates for non-cornpacted material even thnuth the material may be compacted later in the packer truck. Permanent aiad tcmporar}T Sei-vice. The following rules apply: (a) If a customer requests a container or droP.box for less tlan 90 days, tlie customcr wil_l be bilIecl at temporary service rates. (b) If a temporary ser.vace customer notiies the company ti1at iY has decided to retain the consainer or drop hoY for more l'Iian 90 days; pennanenC service rates will-be assessecl from the 9l si da}' tintil L11e end of the period the ct3stomer retains the container or drop box. (c) If a cUStomer reqtaests a contauner or drop box for more tlaan 90 days, the customer will be billed . . uncler permanent rates. If that customer canceIs service before the end of the 90-day period; the comp2x►y may nat rebill tl-ie customer at eempor.ary service ratas. The intent of the customer at the time scrvice was requested applies. • Issued by: Mic]idel A. Weinstei_n, Seniar Pricing Manager;l'acifr Northwest Market Area I US`E OAr .Y lssue date: Ef1P_10AeLVFICI4 Docket: TG-0704.1(} Ffj'ecti:ve Date: May 1, 2007 TariffNo. 1.5 Ori~-;nal Page \io. 32 Company \7ameJl''ermit Nwnber: Waste 7vfanagement of Washingtc,n, inc./G-237 Registereci Trade Na.me: Waste Ivlsnagement of Spokane, Va11cy Gar.haje Service Co. and Western. Refuse Co. 1 J Ttem 205 - Ro11-Qut CharLyes - Containers. ztLitornated cart~c. and toters, Charges for containers. The compa.ny will assess roll-out cbarges where, due to circunis+.ances ouiside the contml of the driver, the driver is rcquired ifl move a container more than fve feet, but less than 25 feet in ordea to reach the truck. 'Ihe charge fnr this r.oll -out"service is: S 2.1.0 pcr container, gutomated cart Ar ioter, per pickup Over 25 feet, the charge will Le.d1e charge £or 25 feet, plus S 0.50 per incrernent of 5 ieet. Iteca 207 - Exce&s Weiaht -REiectioia of Loiid. Charges to TransAOrf The company reserve,.~ the right to reject piclaip of any container, stationary paek.er, ar drop box ,~XJhach, upon reasonable inspection: . (a) Appe.ars to be overloacied; (b) «'auld cause applicahle vehicie loati lirnitations to be exec,eded; (c) WOUld c,a.use the company to violate toad limitations or safe vehicie operation; andlor (d) Would negatively i.mpact or othenvfse clamage road surface i,ntegrity. For the purposes af trus tariff, the followi.ng maximum weights apply: 1-ype1S i2e of ~eight . ~elSize of Maximwn `~4ei~~ t ~ ivl.axunufn « `1"yl . ~ Cons:tiiner, ]7zop Box, Ailowance Container, Drop Bax, Allawance . Toter, or Cart (in pounds) Toter, or Cart (in pouncLs) Carts :A11 Sizes 200 lbs. I to 6 yd. 1,200 Ibs. ~ I ~ 17rop Boxes - All-Sizes ~ 20,000 ibs. C7verfilled or ovcnvei;bt, c.har;es if transported. If the cQntainer, drop box, toter, or cart exccecis the limlits stated aUove•, is filled bcyond the marked fIl litie, or the fop is unable to he closed, but the cbmpany transports the materials, thc following additional charges will anply: - 1"yp:.JSiz.e of Charge Type/Size of Ch3rge Container; Drop T3ox; Container; Drop )3ox; Toter, or CarC ToCcr, ar Cart 1 yard ~S 75.00 Per piC~."up ~ 3 yard compitcfior S.l5U.U0 ocr nickup ~ ~ 2 yards ~ S 100.Q0 per pickup ~ 4 yard compactor S 200.00 E)er pickup ~ ~ 3-8 yarcis ~ S 200.00 per pickup ~ . Issued hy: il9.ichael A. `Veitisfein, Sen.ior Pricirig Manager, Pacific NTOrthtvest Markel Area ~ JCL4_L i1SE Oh'LY Issue date: E~k~o0jffW Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: M'ay 1, 2007 Tariff.l~TO. 1.~ OriLyinal PageNo. 33 ~ Cornpany 'NlamelPerrri.it NUmbcr: Wasde Management of Washingcon; Lnc1G-237 Registered Trade \Taine: Waste 7vfaiiagement of Spokane, Valicy Garba;e Service Co. and Western Reffise Co. l:tem 210 - Wasbing and Sanitizing Containers ancllor Drov :Bnxes Upon cuslorrier request, t]ie company will provide washine, steam cleaning vnd sa~niti7ing service at t11e followinb rates: Size or Type of . Container or Drop Box. Ra_te 10i.ruznum Charge ~ All Sizes -S¢eam Cleanin.g S 5.50 -pei yard ~ S 11.00 ~ ~ A.ll Si.zes -Sanitizinp S 3.10 per yard ~ S 6.2U ~ . I Item 220 - Comnacfor Ftental C~sstorners must pay the follo«rinb additional charges f'or compactars furnishecl by ttie company. Charges ~ namcd are for cotnpactors only and do noY include dmp box or container charges. See iCems 250 and 270 for . container charges. Cuseorr~ers mast pay the costs af installation. • . Rated cubic yard r Canacifiy of charQe box N1ontlily r.ental charge: . l cubic yard ~ 2 cubic yar.ds ~ $ . 3 cubic yuds ~ $ 4 cubic yards I$ ~ Issued by: Miehael A. Weinstein, SeruorPricing Manager, Pacilc NlOrtt-►west vlarket A,rea Tssue date: Ef.~OtZO19TjfC14L US.F O1VLY Docket.• TG-070410 Effective Date: Mcry 1, 2007 Tariffro. J 5 Oridnal Pa2c \'o. 34 Company \TaanerPermit \Twnber: Waste Management of Wa.shina on, IncJG-237 lZegisterecl Trade Name: Waste lvfanagement of Spokane, Val]ey Carbagre Service Cro. and Westem Refuse Co. ~ Item 230 - DisnoSal Fees Charges in this item apply when other items in thc tari .ff. specifically r.efer to this iteni. D;sposal site (name or iocaxian) TyDe of Materjal ~ 1 i.OS fOT d1SpOSaI ~ • Spoka.ne Transfer Station Msw ~S 103:00 per ton ~ . ~ ! • ' I ~ ~ Spokane Waste-to-Energay NI5W ~$98.00 per ton ~ SunshulE .R.ecwlErs NiSw S 103.00 per ton I I ~ I , ~ . • ~ Gz'aham '17.oad .Landfill ~ Cl71:1 Waste ~ S 32.00 per ton ~ ~1-ilduskrial Processing Waste I S 24.05 per ton ~ Foundry Castiaig Slag ~ C17.00 per ton ~ I 1 ' ~ ~ . I I I . I _ ~ I I ~ I ' I I I I I Statc whet.her fees are per yard; per ton, etc. inclu(ie charges assE:ssed for special commodities (cires, appliances, asbestos, etc.) or special condations at each specific disposal siCc. A.i#ach additional sheets as necess2ry. . Issued by: Michael A. Weirastein; Senior Vricing Managei-, Facific Norfhwest Vlarket Area Issue date: ~~MCOMICL41 USE OA~LY ' Docket: TG-07041 Q .Effective Date: Ivla)) .I, 2007 'I'ari .f"r Nlo. 1_5 Or.i Onal k'age No. 35 Company NameJPermit Number: Waste Management of Washington; IncJG-237 ~ Registered Trade Na.me: Wzste A2anagement of Spokane, Valle}7 Garbaje Service C:o. and Westem Refuse Co. Item 240 - Container Service - Dumped iu Compa.nv`s Veh.icle 'NOn-ComPacted Material (Conipany-owneti eonrainer) •Rates staceri per contairier; per pjckup %ates in this itezia apPl}: . (1) In the following service areg: The service a.rea as dcscribed in Appeaidix A. • Siz.e or Type of Container . Service 35 Cia! 54 Ual 96 Cia! Typc Cart Cari CaR 1 Yard 1.5 Yard 2 Yard 3 Yard 4Yard 6 Yasd 8 Yard Pr.rmitnenl ' Montfily Ren., ifapplicabie 56.00 $6.40 S7.34• $8.40, $9.50 512.50 S15.64 Picx Un • . Chay-ee S3.40 S6.40 58.65 $13.95 $19.95 $24.95 $34.45 S41.95 $56.95 $68.45 Spa:tel Pickup Charqe 56.40 59.00 $11.65 $16.45 522.95 527.95 S37.45 S44.9> $59.95 S71.45 Temonran Semriec Initial Dclivery ' ~ Caree - 344A6 S40A0 544.00 $40.40 .g40.40 394.00 544.00 Pic.k Up Cfiargc 526.45 $32:95 $37.95 $47.45 S54.95 S69.95 S81.45 RemtAcrDay 51.00 $1.10 S1.20 $i.60 51.90 S2.10 S2.60 2,,TOte I: Perenvneni Service: Servicp is cefined as no less than schcdulecL every otber weck pickup, unlcss local go<<e.rnment requircs mo; e frequent service or 1lnless putrescibles at-p- ivvolved. Customer will be cbasged for service requested, even if feNver containers are seryiceci an a par?iculr:r trip. No crcdit wili bc given for partia115 fi19cc1 coatainers. Nofe 2: Pernnanent ScrvFCC: If rcnt is sl:own, the rate for the fust pic;ua and eECh addilional piekup must be the sarnc.' If rcnt is not shown, it is to be included 'u1 the rate ior the first picI.-up. Accessorial charges assessed (lids,_tarpiug, uulocking, unlatclung, etc.): Note 3: A gate or obstruction charge of S10.60 will be assessed for opening, unlocking or closin,, ga-tes, or moving obstructions in order to picK up solid waste. Note 4: In adaitiol to a1l other 2pplicable charges, a-chargc of 513.95 per yard (assessed on a pro rata basis) tivill be assessed if corttainers are filled past their visible full limit, con4ainer lids will not close dus to overfellii3g, or if additional matzrials are placeci on ar near the contz.iners. ~f Issued by: Michael A. Wcinstein, Scnior Prici,ng M.anager, Paci6c -NOrthwest iVl'arket Axea Tssue date: E~~~~eOZE.1C1~./.~.1; LlSf OATLY Dorket: TG-070410 . Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Orip-ina] Page I`lo. 36 Cornpany Nani e!!'ermit'Number.: Wasfe M.anagen-tent of Washina on; IRC./G-237 Regis?ered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valle_y G~arbage Sen~ir.e Co. and Western Refuse Co. ~ lteni 245 - Contai.ner Service -'I)umned in Comnany`s Vehic{e iNon-Compacted Material (Custonner-ay.ncd container) Includes Commercial Can Service Rates statcd per container; psr pick-up unless ottierwise noted Rat2s in tliis item apply: In the following sen~ice area: The servtce area as describcd in Appendix A. Pertnauent Service 32-gallon can or unit - F-ach Scheauled Pickup $3.15 Tvl.inimun Charge per monrh s18.90 . . ~ Temporary Service . . " ~ Pickup Rate ~ S3.15 ( 'NlOce 1: Permanent Service: ServicE; is defiined as no less than scheduled, ever}r other week pic.up, unless . local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescililes aae i.nvolved. Customer will be chaxged fdr service requestecl, even if fewer containers are servimci on a particular trip. \o credit will ~ be given for pactially f.Ue.d eont.ainers. - Tssued by: Michael A. '9~7einstein; Senior Pricing ARanage17, Pzcific \TOrihwest Nlarket Area Issue date: L~MCOIUTUCML CISE ON.L' Y .Docket.: TG-070410 Effeciive Date: May 1, 2007 'T'ariff rjo. 15 . nri-ainal Page No. 37 Company I~Ta~~el~'erm.it I~T~ber: ~'Jaste t9anagement of ~Vashi.ngtAn; Inc./G-237 ' ~ Rcgisteretl Trade Nlame: «rasie 1lhanagement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refiue Co. Item 255 - C'ontainer Service-Dnmued in Comwnv`s Vetiicle Compacted Material (Custorner-o«ncd container) Raa.es staxed per contai.ner; per pick up Rates in this ifem apply: (1) In tbe foilowir.g senice area: Tne service area as described in Apppndix A. Permanent Servicp- I Size of CQntainer I I 2 Y'ard .3 Yarct I 4 Yard I 5 Yard ~ 6Yard ~ 1 :E-ach Scbeduled Pickup 571.95 S103.95 ~ $134.45 ~ $162.75 S195.45 ~ Specia] Pickups S74.95 5106.95 ~ $137•45 ~ S1.65.75 ~ 5198.45 ~ Note 1: F'erma.nent Se►-vice: Secvice is defined as no less than*sebeciuled, every other week pickup, unless ]ocal goverriment requires more freyuent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Customer will be chargetl for service requested, even if iewer containers axe serviced on a parcicuIar trip. No credit will be given ior partially f tled containers. ~ Accessorial cbaraes assessed Clids. taroin6, unloclrinLy, ualatcttinLi. etc.l: NTote 2: A gate or obstruction charge of $10.60 will be assessed for opening, tLnlocking or ctosixlg gates, or moving obstnictians in arder to pick up solid waste. Note 3: A. #ee of. S16.40 per pick, up will be assesseci when containers with attaclied compactors reqiPire disconraecting or recannectinG. , ~ Issued by: Micllael A. NVeinstein, Seniar Pricing Vlanager, Pacific Northwest Iviarket'.A.rea Issue date: , . J's~~RQ~"jCT,~ U,S',E.ON.LY Iaocket: TG-070410 E,ffective Date: Mcry 1, 2007 Tari.ffNTO. 1.5 qriLrinal Page \Tp. 38 Company Naant/Permit Number: Wastc h2anageinent of Washington, Inc.lG-237 Re6stered Trade Name: Waste AZanagement of Spokp-ne, Valley Crarbage Service Co. and Westem ReFuse Co. -7tem 260 -Drop Bos Service - To Disnoszil Site and.12.e.turn IsTan-Cotnpacte~d M"aterial (Compiuiy-oNvned c~on box) Rates sYated per drop box, per piek up Rates in this item apply: . . (1) In the foliowing service area: The service area as describeti in Appendix A. I ~ Size or Type of Container ~ ~ 10 Yard ~ 15 Y;:rd ~ 20 Yard ~ 25 Ya;d 1 27 Yard ~ 30 Yard ~ 40 Yard ~ Permanent Senice: ' - 1-4onthly Renr., if applicable $33.90 $37.50 $44.64 $57.10 $53.40 , $60.80 57430 lirstPicktw . 565.10 $65.10 $65.1 0 S65.10 $65.10 565.10 565.10 Each Acid;donal P;ck-up ~ S65.10 S65. LO I$65.10 I S65.10 $65.10 ~ $65.10 ~ 565.10 Special Pickups 568.30 S68.10 $68.10 S68.10 $68.10 $68.10 $68.10 Temnurcirv Service: ' 1nitia! Delivery 540.00 S40.00 S40.00 $40.00 540.00 $40.00 $40.00 Pick:ipRate $85.10 $85.10 585.10 $85.10 $85J0 $85.10 S85.10 Rer,t Per Calendar I?ay $2.30 ' $2.50 S3.00 $3,54 S3.90 $4.10 $5.00 ~ sq'e F: Ra.tes in Lhis item are subject io tiisposal fees named in Iteen 230. \Tote 2: Itaies named in this item apply for aIl hauls not cxceeding 5 miies mcasurexl L-om the point af p?ckup to tt3e disposal site. Exeess miles sball be charged for at S 3.70 per mile os fraction af a mile. N-Lileage charge is ia addiCion Lo all regtelar charges. \satc 3: Permanenc Service: (a) Sarvice is defined as no less than schedulcd, oncc a month pick-up, unless loeal governmenL reqtiires more frequeyt service or Unless pLtrescjbles are involved. (b) If adrop box is retained by a eustomer for a full month and no pickups are eroececi, tbe monrhty ren► sball be eharged, but na cnarges will be assessed ior pickups. Monthly rentq-l chargea tiviil be pnorated when a drop box is retaincd for only a portion of a mor,m. (c) If r:.nt is shovvn, ehe rate for die fust pickup and each add'ational piclnip must bc tbe samc. If rcnt is not shown, i: i"s to be included in the rate for rha first pickup. Accessorial charu-es assessed (lids. tarning. nulocking. unlatcbing. etr_.); Nio?e i: A gate or obsttvction charge of l?.(0 will be asscsscd for opening, unloeking or elosing gates, o; moving obsiructions in order to pick up solid wHSte. . NOte S: A fee of S21.00 per rnonE6 will be added io ren< <vhen lid is required on container over 15 yards. Note 6: A. fee of S19.40 will be assessed when customer requires solid waste collection company to pasiuon lids open after returning empty container to cu3tomsr site. ' Issued by: Niichacl A. Weinstein, Senior. l?ricing Managar, Pacif c NOr[hwest Market Area ~ l:ssue date: ~~0&MT,fCIfIL USE ONLY . Docket: TG-070410 - Effective Date: May 1, 2007. Tariff No. 1.5 • Origi.nal Page iNo. 39 Company 'Nlame/Permit Number: R%a.ste Managemer,t ef Washi.ngton, Inc./G-237 ~ Registe=ed Trade-\Tame: Waste Management of Spok¢na, Va!]ey Garbage Service Co. and Western R.efiue Co. :lteni 275 -))ron 13ox Service - To X)isnosal Sife and :Retura Compacted ARdterial (Customer-ouned drop box) Rates stated per drop box, per pick up Rates in this item apply: . (1) In the following service area: Tlie service a-rea as described in Append?x A. Size or Type of Contaiber. 10 l'ard 15 Yard 20 Yard 25 Yard 30 Yard I 40 Yard Perinanent Servir.e: Fach Scheduled Pickup $92.1.0 S92.10 $92.10 $I2.1() 592.1.0 $92.10 Speciall'ickups 592.10 $92.10 S92.10 $92.10 $92.14 592.10 Te;nporary Service: . PickupR.ate IS ~ Note 1: Rates in this item are subject to disposal fees named in Itea1230. Nlate 2: Rates nan-ted in thas item apply for all hauls not exceetiin; 5 miles measured f.rom the point of pickup to the disposal site. Excess miles shall be charged fpr at S 3.70 t)er mile Ar fa'action of a mile. hUeage ' charge is in additipn fo all reguIar charges. Note 3: Permanent Servic,° is defned a..,s n.a l.ess thati scheduled, onee a niont}1 pickup, Lriless local governmcnt rec~uires more frequenl service ar unless pUtrescibles are involved. Acc€,csorial charEes assessed (lids. tarning. unlock:ina. unlatchina. etc.): N`ote 4. tL fee of S16.40 pcr rnonth will be assessed when containers with aftached compactors rec{uire d.iscorinecting, reconneeeiiig or turning aruund. Note 5: Agatt-, or obstruction charge of S10.60 ,-A~ill be assessed f.or opening, unloc',,,i.n; or closing bates, or movir,g obstruct-ions in order Yo pick up solid waste. _ J Issued by: ti2ichael A. Weinsiein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Narthwest Market Area Issue date: . EfVFORCMIC'ICl'.~.1"., USE OAjI'~Y Docket.: TG-070410 Effective L7af.e: }vl'ay 1, 2007 TariffNo. 15 Orizinal Page No. 40 CaYnpany ~Tame/Permit Nlumber: )Waste Management of,CVasbingCOn; Int•.1G-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste A7anagcment of Spokaue, Valley Garbage Service Co. and NNTestem Refuse Co. ~ 1;tem 300 - List of Abbreviatiions and S4mbols Used in 'X'his Tariff (A) Denotes increases. ' (R) Denotes decreases. (C) X7en.otes citanges in v,,ording, r.esulting in neitlier i.ncreases nol- deereases. (N) Denotes ne« r.ates, services, or rules . Denotes that rnaterial przviously shawn has been deletecl. Yd. ar 5rcf. are abbreviations for yazd Cu. ar cu. are abbreviations f.oi' cubic. . Issued by: iM:ichael A. «leinstein, Seiiior Pricing M'anager, Pacific Noc-thwest Tqarket Area Issue date. -E- f tIF M?eOJIF1CIfLL US`L'' O.%VLY Docket.• 1'G-070410 Effective Date: AAy 1, 2 007 R-ECEIVED March 18, 2004 WA. UT. & TRf1NS. CONiM. ORrGINAL TG-031616 / Appendix A . (fvrmerly Valley Carbage Service Co. - Tarijf No. 8) PID1 (sce tnap6) GAI2BAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE: in thai portiori of Spokane Counry as follows: Starting at the Northeast corner of Section 30, T. . 26 N., R. 46 E., thence south alang the east line of said Secrion 30 (aJso thc tiVashington-Idaho State line) to the Southeast comer of the north half of Section 31, T. ' 25 N., R. 46 E.; thence west along the sputh line of the north half of said Scction 31 to the east line of Section 36, T. 25 N., R. 44 E.; thtnee south along the east line ofsaid Section 36 to the Southeast corner of Section 12, T. 24 N., R. 44 E.; thencc west along the south line of said Section 12, north along thc west line of said Section 12 w the south line of thc north half of Section 11, T. 24 AI., R. 44 E.; thence west along the said souch line to the east line of Svction 9, T. 24 N., R. 44 E.; chence south along the east line of said Section 9 to the Southeast corner of Section 16, T. 24 N., R. 44 E.; thence west along the south line of said Section 16 to thc Southwest camer of Section 17, T. 24 N., R. 44 E.; thencc north along the west line of said Section 17 ta the Southeast corncr of Sccrion 7, T. 24 NI., R. 44 E.; thence west along tbe south line of said Secrion 7 to che Northcast comer of Section 13, T. 24 N., R 43 E.; thence south along the east line of said Section 13 to the Southeast , comer of Section 36, T. 24 N., R. 43 E.; thence west along t6e south line of said Section 36 fo the Southwest comer of Section 33, T. 24 N., R. 43 L.; thence north along the west line of said Section 33 to the Southeast comer of Section 5, T. 24 N., R. 43 L.; thence . west along the souch line of said Section 5 to the Southwest coer►er of the east half of Section 5, T. 24 N., R. 43 E.; thcnce noRh along the west line of the east half of said Sectioii 5 ta the north line of Section 5, T. 24 N., R. 43 E.; thence east along the north line of Said Section 5 to the Southwest comer of Secrion 35, T. 25 N., R. 43 E.; t4ence narth along the west line of said Section 35 to the Northwest corncr of Ehe south ha6f of Section 35, T. 26 N., R. 43 E.; thence east along the north linc of the snuth hnEf of said Section 35 to thc west line of Section 31, T. 26 N., R 44 E.; thencc north along the wcst linc of said Section 31 to the Northwest comer of the south half of Section 30, T. 26 N., R. 44 E.; thence east along the north line of the south half of said Section 30 ro the west line of Scction 26, T. 26 N., R. 45 E.; thenct north along the west ]ine of said Section 26 to the Nocthwest comer of Section 26, T. 26 N., R 45 E.; thence east along the north line of said Secrion 26 to the I`'ortheast corner of Secdon 30, T. 26 N., R. 46 E.; the place of beginning. ~ . . FOR UF FICIA L USE OjVL Y Ducket: TG-()31616 Effective Dale~ 04-16-44 RECEIVED March 18, 2004 WA. UT. & TRANS. COvtM. ORIGINAL TG-031616 ~ AppCnd'lX A (continued) (formerly YaJley Garbage Service Co. - Tarif,~'No. 8) PIAZ (see map6) Excluding serv{ee in containers of twcnty (20) cubic yard capacity or over in that portion of the above described azea as fnllows: Beginning at the northeast comer of Seetion 30, T. 26 N., R. 46 E., thence south along the east line of said section (also the WashingYOn- Idaho State line) to the southeast corner of the north half of Section 31, T. 25 N., R. 46 E.; thence west along the south line of the north ttalf of said Section 31 to the west line of Section 31, T. 25 N., R. 45 E.; thence north along the west line Df said Section 31 to the northwest corner of said Section 3 t, T. 25 N., R. 45 E.; thence east along the north line of said Section 31 to the northwest comer of Section 31, T. 25 N., R. 46 E.; thence north along tlye west line of said Section 31 to the northeast . comer of tlie half section line of Section 36, T. 26 N., R. 45 E.; thence west along the south line of the north half of said Section 36 to the west line of Section 35, T. 26 N., R. 45 E.; thence north along the west line of said Secrion 35 to the nocthwest corner of Section 26, T. 26 N., R. 45 E.; thence east along the north liiie of said Scction 26 to the northeast comer of Secrion 30, T. 26 N., R. 46 E., the point of bEginning. PIV366 (see map6) Also: Beginning at the Soutbeast corner of Section 36, T. 26 N., R. 43 E., [hence west along the south line of said Sectian 36 to the Southwest corner of Section 35, T. 26 N., R. 43 E.; thence north along the west line of said Section 35 to the Northwest comer of the south haif of said Section 35; thence east along the north line of • the souch half of Section 35 to the Noctbcast corner of We south balf of Secaon 36, T. 26 N., R. 43 E.; thence south along the east line of said Seetion 36 to the Southeast comer of said Section 36, the point of beginning. - PID3 (see map6) GAR.BAGE COLLECTION SERY[CE (eaccluding service in containcrs of twenty (20) cubic yard capaciry or over) within the corporate city limits of Spakane as of September 1, 1962, PROVIDED: Service perniitted in Spokane does not authorize the duplication of or any encraachment on services rendered by the City of Spokane or contracted for by. it. ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Dvcket: TC.-031616 F_ffective Dute: 04-16-04 RECEIVED Nlarch 18, 2004 WA. UT. & TR.ANS. C01'IM. ORIGII\AL TC-031616 ~ Appendix B (formerly fVaste Management of Spokane - TariJjNo. 3) P[D285 (see map6) GARIIAGE AND REFUSE COLLLCTIO1` SERVTCE in Spokane County described as follows: Beginning at the N.E. comer of Section 16, T. 28 N., R. 45 E.; thence west along the north line of said Section 16 extended to the N.W. corner of Section 13, T. 28 v., R. 42 E.; thence south along the west line of said Section 13 extended to the N.E. corner of Scction 35, T. 27 N., R. 42 E.; thence west alnng the north line of said Section 35 to the Stcvens-Spokane County Line; tbence south atong the Stevens-Spokane County line to the ecntcrline of the Spokane Rivcr; tbence west and norcherly along the centerlinc of the Spokane River ro the intersection with the north linc of 5ection 8, T. 27 N., R. 41 E.; thenec west ulong the north line of said Section 8 to the N.W. comer of said Section 8; thcnce south along the west line of said Secrion 8 extended to the S.W. camer of Seccion 20, T. 27 N., R. 41 C.; thence east along the souch line of said Section 20 to the N.W. comer of Section 28, T. 27 N., R. 41 E.; thence south along the west line of said Section 28 to the S.W. corrier of said Section 28; thence east along the south line of said Section 28 to the N.W. corner of Scction 34, T. 27 \j., R. 41 E.; thence south along the west line of said Section 34 to the S.W. corner of said Section 34; thence east along the south line of Section 34 ex[ended to the N.W. corner of Sec[ion l, T. 26 N., R. 41 E.; thence south along the west line of said Section 1 to the east-west centerline of said Section 1; thence east along the east-west centerline of said Section 1 to the north-south centerline of said Section 1; (the center point of Section 1); [hence south along the narth-sauth centerline of said Seciion 1 to the south line of said Section 1; thence east along the south line of said Section 1 extendcd to the centerline of the Spokane River; thence south along the centerline of the Spokane River to the intersection of the south line of Section 21, T. 26 N., R. 42 E.; thence east along the soutb line of said Section 21 extended to the,1.W. corner of Section 26, T. 26 N., R. 42 E.; thence south along the west line of said Section 26 to the S.W. corner of said Section 26; thence east along the south line of Section 26 extcnded to the N.W. comer of Section 35, T. 26 N., R. 43 E.; thence south along the west line of said Section 35 to the S.W. comer of said Section 35; thence east alang the south line of said Section 35 extended to the S.E.. corner of Section 36, T. 26 N., R. 43 E.; thence norcb along the east line of said Section 36 extended to the S.W. corner of Section 31, T. 27 N., R. 44 E.; thenee cast along the south line of said Section 31 extended to the S.E. comer of Sectian 36, T. 27 N., R. 44 E.; thence north along the east line of said Scction 36 cxtcnded to the S.W. comer nf Section 18, T. 27 N., R. 45 E.; thence east along the south line of said Section 18 to the S.E. eamer of said Section 18; thence north along the east line nf said Section 18 extended to the S.W. comer of Scction 32, T. 28 iV., R. 45 E.; thence east along the south line of said Scction 32 extended to the S.E. comer of Section 33, T. 28 N., R. 45 E.; thence north along the east line of said Seetion 33 extended to the N.E. corncr af Section 16, T. 28 N., R. 45 E.; the point of beginning. (Excluding City Limiis of Spokane, dated August 3 l, 19G6). . FpR OFFICIA 1 USE ONLY , Dc,rkel: TG-031616 EJJ'ecr,ve Dare: 04-16-04 RECEIVEI) iViarch 18, 2004 VVA. UT. & TRANS. COiVI`7. 017IGIiVAL TG-031616 ~ . . ApPeDdIX B (continued) (jormerly {Yuste Ma►ragement of Spokaiie - TarifjNo. 3) PID286 (see map6) GARBAGE COLLECTION SERV'ICE in Spokane Counry described as follows: Beginning at the S.W. corner of Seetion 29, T. 27 N., R. 42 E.; thence north along the west line of said Section 29 exteaded to the N.W. corner of Sectioa 5, T. 28 N., R. 42 E.; thence east along the north line of said Section 5 extended to the N.E. corner of Section 4, T. 28 N., R. 42 E.; thence south along the east line of said section to the S.E. comer of said Section 4; thence east along the extended south line of said Section 4 to the S.W. corner of Secrion 1, T. 28 N., R. 42 E.; thence north along the west line of said Section 1 to the N.W. corner of said Section 1; thencc cast along the north line of said Section 1, T. 28 N., R. 42 E. to the S.E. comer of Section 33, T. 29 N., R 43 E.; thcnce north along the east line of said Section 33 to the N.W. corner of Seeaon 34, T. 29 N., R. 43 E.; thence east to the N.E. corner of said Section 34; thence sauth along the east line of said Section 34 to the S.W. comer of Section 35, T. 29 N., R. 43 E.; thence east along the south line of said Seetian 35 extended to the N.E. corner of Section 1, T. 28 N., R. 44 E.; thence south along the east line of said Seciion 1 extended to the S.E. comer of Section 12, T. 28 N., R. 44 E.; thence wcst along the south line of said Section 12 extended to the N.E. comer of Secrion 14, T. 28 N., R. 42 E.;.tbence south along the cast linc of said Section 14 extended to the S.E. comer of Section 26, T. 27 N., . R. 42 E.; ihence west along the soutb line of said Section 26 extended to the S.W. comer of Section 24, T. 27 N., R. 42 E.; the point oi begirning. PID287 (sce map6) CARBAGE CQLLECTIOnj SERVICE commencing where the Bigelow Gulch Koad intersects the West secrion line of Sec. 30, T. 26 N., R. 44 E.; thence north to the N.W. corner of Sec. 6, T. 26 N., R. 44 E.; thencc east to the N.E. corner of Sec. l, T. 26 N., R. 44 E:; thence south to the approximate center of the east sectian line of Sec. 25, T. 26N., R. 44 E.; thence west to the Brcvicr Road; thcn the Bigelpw Gulch Road and then tQ point of beginning. PIA290 (see map6) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in SpokF►ne County described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the Spokane River with the north line of Section S, T. 27 N., R. 41 E.; thence west along the north line of said Section 8 co the N.W. comer of said Section 8; thence south along the west line of said Seccion 8 extended to the S.W. comer of Section 20, T. 27 W,, R. 41 E.; ihence east along the south line of said Section 20 to the N.W. corner of Section 28, T. 27 N., R. 41 E.; thence south along the west line of said Section 28 to the S.W. corner of said Secrion 28; thence east along the soutb line of said Seetion 28 to the TT.W, corner of Scction 34, T. 27 N., R. 41 E.; thence south along the west line of said Section 34 to the S.W. cornrr of said Section 34; thence east along the south line of Section 34 extendcd to the N.W. corner of Section l, T. 26 N., R. 41 E.; thenee south along the west linc of said Section I to the east-wesl centerline of suid Section l; thence east along the cast-west ccnterline of said Section I to the nonh-south centerline oi said Section 1; (the center goint of Section 1); thence south along the north-south centerline of Section 1 to the south line of said .00' Section I; thence east along the south line of Section l.extended to the centerline of the . ~ Spokanc Rivcr; ehence south along the centerline of the Spokane River to its iniersection , FOR OFT'ICIAL USE ONLY Docket: TG-031616 E'ffective Dure: 04-16-04 ItECEIVED Nlarch 18, 2004 WA. UT. & TRANS. COPYiM. OKIGiNAL TG-031616 ~ Appe[ldix B (conrmued) . (far»terly Waste ManaXement ojSpokane - 7'arijf No. 3) with the north line of Sc:ction 33, T. 26 N., R. 42 E.; thence west along the nonh line of said Section 33 extended to the N.E. corner of Section 34, T. 26 N., R. 41 E.; thence soutla along the east line of said Secrion 34 to the S.E. comer of said Section 34; thence west along the south line of said Section 34 extended to the S.W. comer of Section 31, T. 26 N., R 40 E.; (excluding service on Bowie Rd.); tbenee north atong the west line of said Section 31 (also the Lincoln-Spokane County line) to its intersection with tbe centerline of the Spokane River, thence follocving the centerline of the Spokane River easterly, nartherly and souttierly to its intersection with the north fine of Section 8, T. 27 N., R. 41 E.; the point of bcginning. - ~ FQR OFFICIALUSE UiVL Y Dockei: TC-031616 • Effective Dutc: 04-16-04 RECEIVED March 18, 2004 WA. UT. & TRANS. CONtM. ORIGINAL TG-031616 /f Appendix C (jormerly Weslern Refuse Co. - Tariff Na. 13) YI.v327 (see map6) GARBAGE Al`°D I2EFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE in that portion of Spokane Counry described as follows: Starting at the southwest corner of Section 31, T. 24 N., R. 40 E. (also the Lincoln-Spokane County line); thence North along the we5t line of said Scctioo 31 and the Lincnln-Spokane County line to the northwest comer of Secrion 6, T. 25 N., R. 40 E.; thence Easi along the north line of said Seciion 6 extended to the southwest corner of Section 35, T. 26 N., R. 41 E.; thence Norch along the west line of said Section 35 to the northwest camer.of saicl Section 35; thence East along the north line of said Section 35 extended to the centerline of the Spokane River, thence South along the centerline of the Spokane River to the north-south centerline of Section 14, T. 25 N., R. 42 E.; thence South along said centerline (The Spokane City limits) to the north line of Section 2, T. 24 N., R. 42 E.; thence East along the north line of said Section 2 extended to the northeast comcr of Section 5, T. 24 N., R. 43 E.; thcnce South along.tbe east line of said Section 5 extended to the southeast comer of Secrion 32, T. 22 N., R. 43 E.; thcncc West along the south • line of said Section 32 extended to the southwest comer of Section 34, T. 22 N., R. 40 E.; tbcnce Nort6 along the west linc of said Section 34 cxtcnded to the southeast corner of Scction 33, T. 24 N., R. 40 E.; thence West aloag the south line of said Section 33 ► extended to the southwest conier of Section 31, T. 24 N., R. 40 E., and the 1 Agm Lincoln-Spokane County ]ine, the place of beginning. • I~ . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . Docket.• 7'G-03I616 . Efjecti ve 17a1e: • 09-16- 04 RECEIVED Vlarch 18, 2004 WA. iJT. & TRAa1'S. COMv1. OItZGINAL'I'G-031616 ~ Appendix D - (Newmao Luke Area) Solid Waste Collection Service in that poRion of Spolcane Caunry dcscribed as foltows: Starting at the northcast comer of Section 19, T27N, R45E; thcncc south on the east linc of said section extended to the southwest comer of Section 8, T26N, It45E; thence east on the south line of said section eactended to the southeast comer of said secuon; t6ence south on ttie east line af said Section 8 extended to the southwest comer of Section 16, 726N, R4513; thence east on the soutb line of said section extended to tbe northcast comer of Section 22, T26N, R45E; thence south on the east line of saicl section extended to ihe southeast comer of the north half of Section 27, T26N, R45E; tbence west on the south line of the north half of said section exteaded to the southwest comer of the north half of Section 30, 726N, R45E; thence north on the west line of said section to the northwest comer of Section 19, T26N, R45E; thence east an ihe north line of ssid section to the northeast comer of seid Section 19 the place of beginning. (City of Spokane Pocket) • Also, thosc portions of Sections 27, 28 33 and 34, T26N, R42E outside che city limits of thc City of Spokane. (Spokane County) Solid VJaste Collection Services in Spokane County aiong the Dishman / Iviica Road to its intersection wich Madison Road. ' (City of Deer Pnrk Pocket) . Alsa, thosc portions of Sections 2 and 3, T 28N, R42E outside the city limits of the City . of Decr Pnrk. ~ FOR OFFICIrIL USE ONL Y Docker: TG-031616 EJfeclive Date: 04-16-04 R)!E Aio! R~tE Ra~6 te<~i R44E RxbE ~ ~ T30M . , T38M ~ ~ . ry a i. ~ , . . f e a. ti;~rtnArlalr ~ .n....~....... i - ~ ` . ~ . , `1 5 ~~•1~. ' ~ T2971 'a 1 TS4N # vtrt Puri ( . r7aH % T21N . . _l.- . . ~ T7TN 'f27N ~ ~ . _ _ _ V , ~ _ . ~ . a . ~ . T74M ` - . , > . ; _ . _ r V~ ~ , i 4~ s • ~~w`~. ,~.✓t- 1 , ~ :i~,f,✓_I/~' a.~r.",-'Abeffy T26s1 ` .,._""~}?f 2^.~•'r i; Iu7.Vj. H~YI~ItRti ~ ~ fi~'.`~,'.t _ rist+ . • ` ; ~ ~ r ~ : . _ - 0 a, , f . ~ , • . , a ; : I r24H if T~.. . . ~ ~l~tylk'Yf Zi7kt' - " . . . T24l1 . . ~ ~ . , • ~ , . . . ' . l ~ ..~...r~ f y , ~123N - GfYlJ{~ I 721H , x ~ - ` ` e ~ T22N ! t 4; hQllfie/d T22N . t , . . . , . . . . : ; . f' » urrr~y r' new T24tt . , . . , , . f . ~ . , . , . _ . , , . ~ . y. ~ . , Rs~j.~;~ ra•i~ ~ , i .;.i • R79E p44DE A41( R42L R43E p44t R ASE ~ i: fi ll .!TtFti :1?tiU "t }3A\Sf'OTtTAT![)'ti L t)NIt11SS{ON' tiTC ~ti,ctr 11 ~n.+tre:r~t »f 1nr. (:-'3'• ~ , trrti::~ lrra ~Tap• 1~ 4~t.,k.nr w... f L ,r~~rird PI01 StAid Wasiq (AlI) F102 Garbacle S ReiufQ (eMtludas .9 Gu.yrd ~ PSD3 Garvsg4 d Refust {o:ckados 24 Cu.yrd >i PiDM5 Garbago 8 Rnhrse {axtiudes 70 Cu,yrd '.:,+n . ~.u., ex •~w..~,::_.-esa Y8liH NO. 14 - •..~:.r:c'a~. } . » Append#xA A,1 {~,j , .F.~, . l~ f > . _ .r. . , _ .,.Y . . "t;a~a ~3ed t~, ita..r :t,~. u~a~f »r~'e r; r,+i.4 i~.-a7r i,l I.:S,.iUll, l. ,2 Jf iit~.e I.;l:e: rnst~„~3 !..r ;~~ryr~=s.s rot~ufi+ny : ytratrt ~:<~a: sc) e~.t : PfQIt/:Y1lNJT:I. - R~aE asuc R41E Rsat a"e R43= TIaM i T30N SplhtedplC V ^ ~ . r. . _ e, _ ~ y . . e T2fN i: Urtei l'ark . ~ ~ • T26M T27N1 '=Nt . ~ ~ • . . . . S. ~ ~i - . . , ~ T277N ~ Y . . ~ . . 3 T77N ` - ' ' ~ ~ - : : . . ' . . . M . ~ ~I oooe t.. _ ~ i T2814 ~ . TI6M ~ 's } . ' . ; , _ . r • ! . . . - . ^ , :~„rt;~ !!d~ f I - a .r'~~-~ •SfNIl~J~t7~F:~"'~~r ; 11AN ~ '~~'r~ , ~~+.:~~"°:o-: - I.. ~ nsH . , . a.~r.I • ._r S . . ~ . ~ . . ...y,_.e. ~ ,j~ ~.N , ~ < T24N ; .if~rlJCal % fa1~c~ ~ r. e.. TI4N , ~ ~ - • t , L l _ . ~ • ~ : ..e .....o . . ..1 ~i . .i ♦ . . . ~ ...~.+~r t. , • . . . . . . . ' . w. ~ Tzaw r i , t~ . T21N ;RAC~fpfQ Y ; . ~ . ~ t " . ,5j~ri~r,~,lr T22k T'21N ` • • , • . , • x 1 . . . . . i j : ~ ~ i 771M i ~ A rz~H ~ ~i~ • .l.atah . _ . ~ _ . ~ . , a30[ RaoE 11+1C s~a1E R436 aAAE 1ta3E i; riIArIt:s AND r:::1tNsrOx-rATro` cnMMIstiION UT~ 1 10 (;;;t+vsu.~ rr4rr Lr~iIt+N t,rt irxt.trc.I :f +r r;l:.r;» r:t : U0t »'aste Manarci"rat uf 1VA. lnr. C.-2117 ~cr.i.c.l~csll~p-►~ll5puiunz • ' ~.ra+w-~.. /.<'gC17(l E P10283 (3arbags b Retuse P102$8 GatDags ~ ~iC287 Garba,e r iD290 SWid :Vaxte ~ ~w:Rf . s, ~ r_ '~Y'.. ai. I _ 1~.a1~: 1 . ~~S.~bb ..~'e•:+~r'►•, ~.r.-na~.~.... . TariH No. 74 Appandix 8 . n ) ..e. . :.:n• x,..,. .r ~ I RtOi Nit= R4~i R476 RJd! Ry.U i , ~ ! , ' T70M . ~ . r + t . T30N ~ ~ .m._« , . ~ . , . _ t ; T2fM i T2lN , . € ' I~...... _ , , . r~- s r \ r• T31M T24N ~ L , • - ~ - , ~ _ i 1 f ~ :Y T27N s \ 3 T27N • . ~a r • ,QI , . . ......_....f . . : _ . . . ~ ~ ~ . . . .w.. _ r ~ . . . . i ~ ~ . . ~ B . . ~ , : . . . , ~ .E t ~ t O I f T2iN TZiN ~ j ' ~ t r ~ ' •V ! ~ ~ - ~ , . . ~ - . i 1 . _ . ~ _ j ~ , . _ . . , .-.t ,..~'1 • r . TilN 72SN ~ • , y ~ : t 1ti 4 ~ : ; . . . _ . ~ , •..r ~E . ~ ,1 ' T24N TI4l1 #,s . I . i ~ i 1 . : , -0 ~ : t . , . . . ~ f' ' . 1:. . $ . . . . . s ~ a : . . 1 ? . . •^t T231i ~ T23N _ - ~ v . ~ ...1 t _ ' . ~ _ _ . ~,J , J3 T23Tf rz2M f ~ . . . , • ~ ~ ' i ~ . ~ . °1_ . , . ~ . 9 . T11N ,f• ~ ~ zf, . a..t. , ' . ~ • T21M x » , ~ ~ , 4.. .J.._ . _ . ~ ~ ` ..r . . .e . . .:.,.........-.e a_. :,,,--,a.....~... ' ~ r.. a• - . ~ ; . ~ . R1fE R40E R41E Aa22 R431 R44E R4Sti [;Tii.l`flfS A%'I7 7"T{:t.N5PORT:tT[t)N'C()%i.Nt15Si0.N ~~.~,~ri•~ro.sTart;t,r~nu~srsre~r»ic.~rF,:r~:o~m~ CJrC 5t aate Mana,o,toupnt ut WA. Int. t;-237 ~enkc A~ra 11ap • S1 ~S 5pol:aos I\ Le,yand PI0327 G3rbage G iteftese ~ 0 5 S tli!ri y z Sn ;a1 - ,~u'•d ~--.o S['OJf: I. 1~~~8~IO ' ^ L'Y.• " ^~p'•aa ~uxnt -a~ ::o . Ta►iN No. 14 - Appettdlx C -~a-=„r+•ar-a. /'1 / ,.:s -:~.~,y ++arr•Aro.-c~~r.-cs Fmr ~7 rr ~u• ~.a C r.. ~ 'ha1~ i C.~~r. .,.a ~IU Y1tQ itl i:.slr t}~t5 ilit~i f+~7r ;;~'.cf~ttt~ ;fi l~G~la~ t/l ~:~..U~. 1_~e ~~1 tha~ ii~lurai~lr~n '-ir ~urp.~sn rtymnn= ~~rtsler.c,ur~~}sa no~ rrc~mnunued. ~ R~9[ R40Q RA1E RA29 Rt.]d AA+! R4SE . { S TSON T30N .1jrt(tt,('rlu:! . . _ . . _ - 1 ~ ' ~ • ~ ~ T2YN T29M ~ Uer-r PurA ~ . ( ~ t rziH l1 r~ r TZaH n~ ~ l . . . TZTN . • ~ ~ > ~ ' T27M . . t. . } : . . o , . . . ~ . . . . . ~ . . J . . s 0 ~ T:eN rzeH - k ~ ♦s ~ ~ , y~. _ 1 - ..r . i ✓ ~ - ' "~1jfril/Id •~~1~V~ 3 . rtsti T uN ~ • _ ~}~~u}• ~1.:', '`",w a . . _ ~ ~ y..,~,.,~~, . f•. . . i..,, ~ f`~ ~ ~ T34N ~l~•Jical ~akr ` r , J ~ . Y24H • ~ ~ • . F . F` ~ } f . ~ . - , . • ' / ~ • • ~ ~ i • ' . . , K ~ . . ~ ~`•,~`~r ~ t li~•~' f r32M r i t23N . .,'_r' ~ . . ;a : • . ,~.~'~,t ~ ~ ~ . ~ T22N ~ , ~ , I' Jl!'lICIfI $ Tx-2k H awr1y . ~ . "f31N I»+7~ . ~ Y2114 - ' ~ ...,_..f • + „ . t . , , : . j 3 ~ /d[x~rn 1 ckop s !t191' Nd0¢ tialf. R42E Ri7E R4+ti R4SE t' i liJ f it:~ .~1[1 T!2<~~~f'OFtl',~l"10\ Ct)i1~t1~51C)♦ V-C . a .._}i? itlEtt+t/;iIC.9Tf 4: 'Pi[:RIT3 . 1~•~~: :.YUJ . ~ 1laite (iI %%A. I11C. . c... ~rt':S.c \~~r• ~I+P.l~1~)~olursr ~ ~ ~ Lc;;: rtd Solid Wa,sA ' Oeshman-t~.ciYi fl^u1 :o W.:tfsattian with Maws~+t Rd : 597:! K'aue i~... . . .~3:Y:nYfYw<: . ~ Ra~'..J"M we . ~ eya,,"l-yr r.at.ruhnSrww Taritt No. 14 t_nsa~mra~ V.t.sr - Qpp9Adix D ( • V ~ sW!•, ~ j1. 1 i. ;•..j:.n. ~ r.~rs.~,te•e~e~~. r ~,J ..:.S:•.s.:: 'J.~~. ..Y+..w~ .r1r. . f i1;i~ :~srst tu c. ~ai.~i .e.e eti::ei t:. air ~i!'....~:J!). ( 1: "t t':~i,re1: t n.if• r<'..t i ~-:.r ~r.~tatsti~~ a~r;dtef iS:':er.i~. t} n ~i'r.•,R~rYttAyttl. > I • / OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY OF~, MICHAEL CONNELLY, CITY ATTORNEY ~ S oka.ne CARY P. DRISKELL, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY p ValleV aI 11707 East Sprague Ave Suite 103 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.688.0231 ♦ Fax: 509.688.0299 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org January 29, 2008 Penny Ingram Washington Utilities and Transporta.tian Commission P.O. Box 47250 Olympia, WA 98504-7250 Re: Notice of cancellation of WUTC certificate for collection of comnzei•cial afzd residential solid waste itz the City of Spokane Yalley for Waste Management, atzd of commercial solid waste in the City of Spokane Yalley for Sunshine Disposal. Dear Ms. Ingram: On November 7, 2007, the Spokane Va11ey City Council approved a motion authorizing staff to notify the WUTC (pursuant to RCW 35.02.160) of the termination of the existing tariffs under which Sunshine Disposal and Waste Management provide solid waste hauling services in our city. Our Council also a.dopted replacement franchises. Copies of the new franchises are included for your records. Under these replacement franchises, Sunshine and Waste Mana.gement will continue to have a11 the rights and obligations they currently have under the WTJTC tariffs, for up to seven years. In consideration of the above, please consider this letter a notice of termi.nation of Certificate G-237, and Tariff No. 15 granted to Waste Management by WLTTC, effective May 1, 2007, and Certificate G-199, and Tariff No. 7 granted to Sunshine Disposal by WUTC, effective September 1, 2006, to provide solid waste hauling within our city linuts. The replacement sta.tus quo franchises shall be in effect as of February 1, 2008, with the WUTC continuing to provide regulatory oversight over both Sunshine and Waste Management. This terniination letter shall be effective as of February 1, 2008. The franchises identify an effective date of November 21, 2007. However, a separate term of the franchise requires acceptance of the franchise by each of the franchisees before they can become effective. We received the signed and accepted franchise back from Waste Mana.gement last week, which explains the short gap between the effective date and the notice of ternunation. Rather than attempting to make the effective date f retroactive, the City is making the effective date and termination the same date, February 1, 2008. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, ~ 00--Z P -j Cary P. Driskell CPD/pd Enc. c: City Council (w/out enc.) Marc Torre, Sunshine Disposal (w/enc.) Steve Wulf, Waste Management (w/enc.)