ORD 07-022 Franchise Agreement - Sunshine collection services CO07-127 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 07-022 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, GRANTING A SEVEN YEAR, NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO SUNSHINE DISPOSAL, INC., TO PROVIDE GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley incorporated on March 31, 2003, at which time Sunshine isposal, Inc., was providing garbage and refuse collection services in the geographic area comprising the ;w city; WHEREAS, RCW 35.02.160 provides that when a new city incorporates, a company providing solid waste and refuse collection services within the new city shall be allowed to continue providing said services for at least seven years following the exercise of certain steps to terminate those statutory rights; WHEREAS, the City Council has given preliminary approval to give notice of termination through the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission; and WHEREAS, the City desires to grant a status quo franchise to Sunshine Disposal, Inc., whereby Sunshine Disposal, Inc., shall be allowed to continue providing garbage and refuse collection services within the City of Spokane Valley under the same terms and conditions as has been previously allowed by the Washington Utilities Transportation Commission, and under which the Washington Utilities Transportation Commission would continue to have administrative oversight and control over the provision of these services. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, does ordain as follows: Section 1. Grant of Franchise. The City of Spokane Valley, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"), hereby grants to Sunshine Disposal, Inc., DB/A Sunshine Disposal & Recycling, (hereinafter "Sunshine"), a non-exclusive franchise for a period of seven (7) years, beginning on the effective date of this Ordinance, to provide garbage and refuse collection services in the City of Spokane Valley on identical terms and conditions as is set forth in Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WTC) Certificate G-199, and Tariff No. 7 granted to Sunshine by WLJTC, effective September 1, 2006, copies of which are attached to this franchise ordinance, and incorporated herein by reference. The WUTC will continue to provide administrative oversight and control over this franchise until this franchise expires or is superseded by a subsequent franchise. Section 2. Notice. Any notice or information required or permitted to be given by or to the parties under this Franchise may be sent to the following addresses unless otherwise specified, in writing: The City: City of Spokan Attn: City Cle 11707 East Spi _ . . , ~ Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Ordinance 07-022 Sunshine Disposal Franchise Page 1 of 3 Grantee: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. Attn: Marc B. Torre, Vice President 2405 North University Road Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: (509) 924-5678 Fax: (509) 924-7448 Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of the ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this 7`h day of November, 2007. ~ ~ ~AJ ~l,/wG► "wtc Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTEST: ristine Bainbridge, eity Clerk Approved as to Form: J Office of the City Atton, Date of Publication. / 02 Effective Date: ~ Ordinance 07-022 Sunshine Disposal Franchise Page 2 of 3 12/18/2007 12:48 5090299 SPOKANE VALLEY LEGAL PAGE 03/03 . . ~ . Accepted by Sunsbuine ' posal, Inc., . ~ By: ~ B. ~'o~re, V~ce-President Swasbiae Disposal, Ync., fox itself, and for itis successors and assigns, does accept all o~the te,rms r ~ -f' and conditioas of the foregoing franchise~ i v ~ ~ G( ~u ~ ~ - ~nl- #r~ YN WTINES WHEREOF, ha.s signed tbuis _s2Q . day of.K. 2007. . Subscxibed and sworA befoxe me this -'4,0 day of Oe c e M. 2007. 4Publil4ar~d, fox the State of as ' gton, resid:miuq~ $ . My cor.n,mss on expues - , ~ ~ • ' p ; ~ I' `7►f. y' << . ' ~1 q : .'t~ . . i • `•A,' sY ,~L, !S ~ ~I~~' • ~ ~ V ~A ~r!!' .p . ~ ~ I ~ w. • ~ ~ A ~ • 1 ~ ' ~ ~ • , ~i I , y~ j • 3~ 1 ~'K' . 'r y.~'r ✓ \ 4rdinance 07-022 Swo,shane Disposal Pranchi.se Page 3 0f 3 StTNSHINE DISPOSAL, INC. Cert. No. DB/A SUNSHINE DISPOSAL & RECYCLING G-199 2405 N. UNIVERSITY ROA.D SPOK:ANE VALLEY, WA 99206 GARI3AGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, limited to service in containers of twenty (20) cubic yard capacity or over in tha.t portion of Spokane County described as follows: The territory bounded on the west by Havana Sh eet (the easterly city limits of the City of Spokane); on the north by Rowan Avenue extended; on the east by the Idaho-Washington State line and on the south by 40fh Avenue extended. Also, Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, T. 26 N., R. 45 E., and Sections 30 and 31, T. 26 N., R. 46 E.; and within the corporate city limits of Spokane as of September l, 1962, PROVIDED: Service permitted in Spokane does not authorize the duplication of or any encroachment on services rendered by the City of Spokane or contracted for by it. ~ TG-040612 04-02-04 r RECEiVED JI 12, 20~,., NA. UT. & TR4?VS. CON-fI... DR1 V4L. TG-061142 Otrginal Tttle Page TariH No. 7 Cancels TariH No. 6 01 Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B (Name/Cettlficate Number o( Solld Waste Colieii►an Company) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recyclin9 (Rpieterod trade narie of SoUd Waste Cdbator Gam;,any) NAMING RATE8 FOR THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATtON. AND DISPOSAL OF SOL10 WASTE, AND IF NOTED, RECYCLING AND YARDWASTE IN TFI[ FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TERRITORY (nkote th+s tuilf sppJies (n aNy a porthon ol s ocrreoanys ce+bfte1e sutlxvtty, a map acxurately dspocdnp the are3 (n wnicb Ms turA' aipp6e9 muat be ettschsa ro thrs tarrtl ) See Appendix A- Pertnit Copy and Map Name of person issumg tarifi- MatC B. Torre Official UTC reque6ts tor mformaGon regerdiny conaurr►er quesiions and/or Maii;ng oddress of issuer 2405 N. UnivetsJty Road compiaints should be referted to the toibwfrg company repreaentatfve: City. StatstZip Code Spokane. WA 99206 Name: Merc B. Torre Teiephone Numben(509)924-5678 Tilb Vice PrgSidEnt Phone: (509)924-5678 FAX number, it any (509)924-744$ E-mafl: mtomel~unshinedis I.cort1 Fax: (509)924-7448 E-mail address, if any: mtorre~sunshined~sDOSaI co~m Issued by: Marc 8, Torre Issue date: July 13, 2Q06 Etfective Date: September 1, 2006 fFor Ofider uas Or~y) ~ Dockei No Date By_ F'nR (.)FFlC 1.4L CiSE 0A"L y' Dnrket: TG-Il h 1 / 4 ? A.,enda Dare: 08-30-00 RECEItiTED J1 12. ?(1.... WA. GT. & TRANS. CON'I.... ORl qAL 7'G-U61142 , Tarifi No. 7 Original Page No 2 Company Name/Permlt Number Sunsh►ne Olsposal, Inc. - C3000199 B Eejistered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Dlsposal and Recycling CHECK SHEET All pages contamed in this tanfl are hsted below in consecutrve ordor. The pages in the sanfl and/or any supplements to the tariff listed on this page have issue dates that are the same as, or are before, the issue date of this page. "O" in the revlsion column indicates an originat page. Page Current Page Curreni Page Current Numbef Revision Number Revisian Number Revision Title PaQe I O 27 I O 2 I O 28 I O I 3 I O 29 I O I 4 I 0 ~ 30 I O I 5 I O 31 I O I 8 ~ O 32 ~ O I 7 I O 33 ~ O ~ 8 I O 34 I O I 9 I O 35 I O I 10 I O 38 I O ~ 11 I O 37 I O I 12 I O 38 ~ O ~ 13 ~ O 39 I O I 14 I O 40 O ~ 75 I O 41 O ~ 18 ~ O 42 O ~ 17 I O 43 I O ~ 1e I O I I 19 I O I I 20 I o I 1 21 I O I ~ I 22 I 0 I I 23 I O I I 24 ~ O I I 25 ~ O ~ 26 ~ O $Upolements in E}iect Issued By Marc S. Torre lasue DaEe: July 13, 2006 Effective Date: Septembef 1. 2006 (Fw Oftisl Use Only) Docket No. TG Date: By: tmxwer: r v-06114' -tLJeiidil Dute: (18-31)-10 RF~EIVED Jl 12. ZO,,.. WA. UT. & TRAVS. COM1... ORl lAL TG-061142 - , Tanfi No. 7 Original Page No. 3 ~ Campeny NemelPermit Number Sunshlne Disposal, Inc. - G000199 8 5Mistered Trade Name(s) dDa Sunshlne Disposal and Recycting Index Qf Items in This Tariff - see a(t item fpr Ust bt tooic Item 5 Taxes Item 10 Appiication of Rates - General item 15 Holiday Pickup Item 18 Change tn Pickup Schedule Item 17 Refunds Item 18 BiUing, Advance Bbaing, Payment Delinquency Daies, Late Charges Item 20 Definitions Item 30 Limitation of Service Item 40 Matenal Requiring Special Equipmerit, Prequtions, or Qisposal ►tem 45 Material Requiring Special Testing andlor Anatysts Item 50 Returned Chech Charges Item 51 Restart Fess Item 52 Redelivery Fees Item 60 Overbime Item 70 Retum Trips Item 80 Carryout Service, Drfve-Ins Item 90 Can Carriage, Overhead Obstructions, Sunken or Elevated cens/units Item 100 Can/Unit Service, Residentlal - Residerttfal Curbside Recycling - Residential Yardwaste Service Item 124 Drums item 130 Litter ReceptiwJes • Lrtter Toters ttem 150 Loose and/or Bulky Material Item 160 Time Ra+.es Ibem 202 Applicadon of Contefner and/or Drop Box Rates - General Item 205 Ra#-0ut Charges - Conteiners, Automated Carts, and Toters Item 207 Exoess We+gfit • RejecHen of Load. Charges to Transport Item 210 Washing and Sanitlzing Contafners and Orop Boxes Item 220 Compador Rentai Item 230 Dtsposel Fess Item 240 Contalner Service - Non-compacted - Company-owned Container Item 245 Contalner Service - Non-compacted - Custorrter-awned Container Item 250 Coritsiner Service - Compacteti - Company-av►med Container Item 255 Container Service - Compacted - Customer-owned Conbiner Item 260 Qrop Box Service - Non-Compacted - Company-owned drop box Item 265 Orop Bax Service - Non-Compacted - Customer-owned drop box Item 270 Drop Box Service - Compacied - Company-owneC drop box Item 275 Drop Box Service - Compacted - Customer-owned drop box Item 300 List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used in TanfF Issued By. Marc B. Tarre Issue Date- July 13, 2006 Etrective Date: Septamber 1, 2006 (For Oflicral Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date 8y; • 4 ONL Y uoc•Aer: t u-0611 4Z .-t,;endu Date: 08-30-06 FIlf°, rive Alrr ~ no_ 06 RE--EIVEQ J1 12, 2l WA. UT. & TRANS. C0IN1.... ORl vAL TG-Ob1142 , Tariff No. 7 Or►ginat Page No 4 Cnmparty Name/Permit Number Sunshine Dispasal, Inc. - G000199 B ,~Nistered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Dis and Recycfing Index tgkgc Item Na Abbraviations uzed m tariff . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Advence biping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Animals 30 Bales . . . 140 Billing periods authorized 18 Carryautservice BO Commerciai can servk:e 245 Compactorrental . . . . . . . 220 Conminer service, compacied, company owned 250 Contelner service, compacted, customer-owned 255 Container service, noruompacted, company-ovvned................... . 240 Carnainer servica, rian-campected, customer-owned.... 245 Cantainers and/or drop boxes, availaW(ity . . . . 202 Cantainers and/or drop boxes, general rules 200 Cantainers andlor drop baxes, washing and sanifizing 210 Credit due the custamer . . . . . . . . . . 17 Damage to customer property . 30 DefiniUons 20 Delinquency dates . . . . . . . . , . , . . 18 Disposal fees 230 Drlve-in senrice......... . 90 Drop-Dox sen+fce. oompacted, company-owned 270 Drop-box service, oompacted, customer-owned.. 276 Drop-box seroice. non-compacied, company-ovmed....... . 260 Drop-box service, non-compacted, customer-oMmed 265 Excess weight rejecbon of {oad, charges to transport 207 Flat monthly diarges 75 Holidays obsenred 60 l.ate charges 18 Um)btions of service 30 Litter reoeptacles 130 Materiel requiring special disposel............... 40 Matartal requiring special equlpment 40 MaGerial requiring special precaudons 40 Material requfring speccal testinglanalysis . . . 45 Continued an next page issued By- Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Juty 13. 2008 Effective Date: September 1, 2008 (For Olfcia! Use Only) Docket No TG- Date. gy= f ONLY t~c~cx~t' r v-06I14' f;-enclv Date: 08-30-06 FrI~~~ ri~ n~,rt• ri~~-~~1-i►i~ . RE-EINTED J1 12. 2t WA. UT. & TRANS. CON1.... OR1 vAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 5 Compeny Name/Permit Numder Sunshlne Disposal, (nc - G000199 B mistered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine DlsPasal and Recycl{n$ E Index bv to~ contlnueQ item Na Missed pickups, weather or road ccnditions . . . . . . 30 Retumed checks.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Overhead obsVuctlons 90 Over-sized units 55 OverGme..........................................................................................................,. BO Over-weight units 55 Redelivery fees.................................................................................................................... 52 Relund of overcharges . . 17 Refund of p(epayments 17 Retunds 17 Refusal to make pickup . . 30 Residendal recycling . 100 Restdendal service 100 Reskiential yardNraste 100 Retum trips 70 Rolf-out cherges 205 Stairs or steps . . . . . . . 90 Sunken or elevated canslunlts 90 Symbols used In tariti 300 Taxes 5 Time ratES........... . . . . . . 160 Cortinued on next page Issued By' Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Offria/ Use On/y) Docket No TG- Date By. - SC1NL Y r)uc•ker: t v-06114? i.i~endn Daie: 08-30-06 f:lJt~~~rr~~~ U~tE~~ ~~9-I)l-+?F RECEIN'ED J1 12, ?U.,., W.a. tiT. & TRANS. C0W... nR1 ;AL TG-061142 Tariff No 7 Ongmal Page No. 6 Company NameJPermit Number Sunshine Oiaposal, Inc - G000199 B Registered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine DEsposal and Recycling ltem 5- Aoalfcation ot Rates - TaxPs Entity imposinq tax: ~ Otdlnance number. I AmOUnt Of t3yc ~ Applicabon (Commodities and tenrtary) I I I I ( I ~ I I I ~ ( I I I I I ~ I I I ~ I I I I 1 I Issued By: Merc B. Torre Issue Date: Juy 13, 2006 Eftective Date: SeR'.ember 1, 2006 (For 011ricie! Use Only) Dxket No. TG- Date: By: r^r. _'N1-~4G, A , • - o,vl. Y 1)ocker • TG061142 -b,leprda Dute: 08-30-W; Oh''t rrte I>c!!r~ 04-01_iM RECEIVED Jl 12, M.. W'a. UT. & TRANS. CUNIH OR1 tAL TG-061142 This pa$e hes ~ added wording Tarrff No. 7 Original Page No. 7' ComRany NameJRermit Number: Sunshfne Dtspoial, inc - G000199 B Regi%jired Trade Name(s) dbe Sunshine D'aposa end Recyclln$ Re isterad Trade ~Iame(s) dbe Sunshlne DKposa~ and Qecycting Item 10 - Aool+caUon af RaWs Generai Rates named in this tanH caver the colbcUon, transportation, end dlsposal af solid wasie. When specificaUy reierred to, ratea also caver the collectbn end Vansportation of recyclable materials andlor yardwaste. Titfe 81.77 of the Revised Code of Washington ,RCW) end Chapter 480-70 af the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) govem operations o1 sofid weste cdlection companiea and the tanffs canpanies must file witfi the Washington Utiilties end Transportation Commisaion (WUTC). tJnless exceptbna are shown, atl ma2erials must be pfaced on the same level as the sUeeta or alleys. The cvmpany may cherpe edditianal amourtta for diaposal faea only when specif+cally steted In the tariff and separately shown on customer bUis, ft2a_l 5 - Hdidav Pickuc - Regularlv Scheduled Service When e piclcup is missed due to the company's obaervance o/ a holiday, the cornpeny will prowde service, at no edd)tional caat to the Guatomer, on an aftamete day A Ilsl of the hoUdays the company obsetves ls shown in Item 60 For application of rai,es in this tariff, tha comparry defines altemate day to mean the follow;ng: The fo4awmg business day (C) Item 16 - Chanae in Pickup Schtduk When e company changes the pick-up dale !or its certif'Kate area, or a poNon of its certfficate area, the company muat notiiy all customers in the affeded area of thet change. NoUce must be made at Ieast seven daya before imp{emer►tatfon oi a new pidcup ac.hedule end may be made v1a mail, personal contacl, or by a notice being aifixed to the customer'a solid waate receptacle. Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue DaLe: Ju(y 13. 2006 Efteciive Date: September 1. 2006 (Fa Ofh'clal Use Onty) Docket No TG- Date: By. . G SF. O:W}. uvc kev t f.,-0rs 1 I4' Agendn _nate~ 08-31)-rir) 1:1'J~~~ rr► ~ Dc1te: 09-OI -Ilh RECE1VED Jl 12,210 «':1. L1T. & TRANS. COM.... ORl OIAL 7'G-061142 TarTff No. 7 Original Page No 8 Company NamelPefmit Number: Sunshino Disposal, inc. - G000199 8 Registered Trade Name(s) dbe Sunshine DisQasaI and fjecycGng Item 17 - R n s Crodit due the cuatomer. When there has been a:ransaction that resul!s in a credit due the customer, the following apply: (a) (f the amount due Is five dollars or less, an adjusiment will be made to the customer's account The adjustment must be shown on the next regular blll. (b) !f the amouni due is more than five dollars, the customer may accept an account a0justment or may request a refund. (1) If the customer elects ta have an accaant aeijustrnent made, the adjustment must shaw on the next regular bilGng. (2) tf the customer eleds !o receive a retund, the company must issue a check withir thirry day5 of the request- Overcharges. Once a company becomes avrdre that it has overcharged a cusromer, tt must provide a refund ar an axounl ad)ustrnent credit to the customer. The customer must be given a choioe as to which option is preferred, The refund or credit must be the amount avercharged in the three years before ft date af discovery. (a) If the customer eWcts to have an account adjustment made, the ad)ustment muet show on the next regular bllling. (b) If the customer elects to recelve a retund, the oompany musi issue a check wrthin tftirry days of Ne request Pnpaymenb. If a cusbomer has paid service Eees In advance, servfce is dfscondnued durfng tfie pre-billed period, and the cusiomer is due a refund, the following appty: (a) A company must honor a11 requests for retunds of the unuaed pofdan of Rrepayments. (b) If the customer provides a iorwarding address to the cempany or one can be obtained from the Past Office, ttte oompany must iswe e refund check no more than thirty days folbwing the cusbomer's requesL (c) If the customer cannot be located or did not provide a forwarding address and the U,S. Post Office cannot fumish a torwerdmg address, the amount may be presumed to be abandoned and ks subject to the Untbrm Unclalmed Pmperty Aci aRer one year Issued By: Marc B. Tome Issue Daba: Ju1y 13, 2008 Effective Oete: September 1, 2006 (For Offrcfa/ Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: - . , , n:vt r _ uc.• . -11611 a -1 _•1gendu Date: 08-30-06 1- .11~~ri~~n~~r:• r~~~-rll-ilr, RE -MVED Jl IL20 WA. C'T. & TRANS. COM.._. ORl VAL TG-Q61,142 Tanff No. 7 Original Page No. 9 Company NamelPermit NumDer Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B BMistered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Dlspossi and Recycf9ng ftg_T 18 - Riqino. Advance Biltinn. and Pavment Delmauencv Dates Billing period. A company may bili its customefs for one, two, or three months of service. Advance billing and payment delinquency dates. The foliowing chart defines the maxlmum period allowed for Biltina Period I ~mum billlnq period allwed I Delinquency date One month's servloe No BnCe Uvance ing allowed May not ba lesa than (monthry) 21 days after Ihe dete the bil Is maYed Two months' service One mont}i's advance billing allowed May not be unbl the 18si day of the ~nd mo~h Three months' Two month's advance b(Iling albwed May no{ be until the service iast day of the thlyd morith The billing period Chosen by the compeny operaGng under this tarrff for its residential solid waste accounts is: Monthly Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Juty 13, 2006 Effective Date: Septembef 1, 2006 (For OArcla! Use On/Y) Docket No. TG- Date. By: FOR ()FFIC !_-f L L-SL• C)NL Y Dvckel: TG-0611 4' lgencln 1?ure: 08-30-00 FllLVti,'C~ Dur~~OQ_01-06 RECEIVED J 12.20 NV_a. UT. S TRaNS. COM,... OR NAL TG061142 Tantf No 7 Orginal page No 10 Comparty NameJPermit Numbef Sunshine Disposat, Inc. - G000199 8 Re Islered Trade Name(s) dDa Sunshine Di pasal and Recycling I m 20 - efiniUone NOTE. The Oe1kT1tlona sh0a+7 On Aha ItrSt dm paqes 01 tlus rtem em atanderd. Nf m0.st CesBS plescnbe0 Dy ru19. COmpanles may nol amend Mese dehnUlons, except to l6R in blenks lor maxlmwn wmJphts of verious reaeptades. Canpanles wrs,hing to edd defFnrtions specd'ic to their company's operadona must indude ftse de6nltiwrs on e sepaiele aage. entiUed "Company- speCific dafinit'pns. " A blenk shee/ !s provxied /tx dhet puip?se. Bak: Materiai campressed by macfime and securely tarped or banded 8uiky materiala: Empry cemers, cartone, boxes, crates, etc., or matenals offered for disposal. atl of which may be reedily handled without shov9ling. Charge: A set flat tee fof perfonninfl e serviCe. Or, the resutt of mul;iplymg a rale for a unit times ihe number of units transported. Commercial biUing. Senrice billed to a commercial customer or bFlled to, and pa►d for, by a property managet or owner rather then a residential tenant. Cornpactor distonnecU recannect charge A flat fee established by the solid waste coltectian campany for the servicx of dlsconnectirtg a compactor (rom a drop box or contaJner before taking it ro be dumped, and then reconnecting the compacWr when the drop baoc or contelner is retumed to the customers site. Gale charge. A flat fee charged for opening, unbcking, or closing gates in order to pldc up solid waste Loose material: Ma3erial not set out in Dags w car►tainers, induding materials that must be shoveled. Multl-fsmlty rssidence Any struciure housing two or mora dwelfing units. Packer. A device or vehicle speclaly desiflned lo padc bose materials. I Pass through fee: A tee collected by a solid waste cdlection oompany on behalt of a third party when the fee is billed d1rectly to the cuatomef w+thaut markup or marlcdown. PermaneM servfcs: Conteiner and drop-box serv(ce provlded at the customers request for more than 90 days. Rate: A pnce per unlt or per servfce, A rate is muttiplkd ames the number of unfts tranaporteci or the number o/ tlmea a servkx is peKortned W deiermine a charge. Solid waste receptacle: Inctudes the toHowirg kems, with the lollowing meanings: Automated caR meana a qrt deslgned to be picked up and emplied by methanical means. The specific type arid alze are to be defined In rate Items. Continued on next pepe Issued By: Marc B, Torre Issue Date- July 13, 2006 Etfective Date: September 1. 2006 (Fa olficial Use Only) Dodcet No. TG- Da1e: By; • )F.' O:VL y uvcKPt: i v-061 !42 .4gpq[iO DQtP: 08-30-06 Flt"crrve narc: 09_01-00 I RECEIVED J 12, 20 `N'A. L'T. & TRAtiS. COM OR NAL TG-061142 Thia pags has [C] added wordin$ In two placas Tarif( No. 7 Oriplnai Paga No. 11 Company NamNPermit NumCer: Sunshlne Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B RegEstered Trade Hame(s) dba Sunshine Di 1 and Recycifng Sgrt~„7~~etinitlons. conlinued Solid waate receptacfe, cont'd- Csn means a receptacle made of durable, corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent material that ta wstertight, and has a clase-fdtfng cover and hva hendles. A can ho{ds more (CJ than twenty gallons, but not morc then thirty-two gelbns. A qn may nat weigh moro than 65 pounds when filled nor more than 12 pounda when empty. Cart means a wheeled plasUc container. A cart may siao be referred to as a toter. tf supplled by a cuatomer, a cart must be oompedble with tha companya equipment. The sizs and rype ot cart that ia campadble will be established In each companys tarift. Contalner means a detechable receptacle (nortnelly designed to hold at least a cubic yard of sdid waate) from whkh matefieks are oollected by mechanically bfting ttie receptacle and emptyfng the cantents Into the campany's vehicle. Drop box means a detachable receptacle used to pravide soild waste colledion service by the receptacJe being placed en tfie company's veh+cle by mechaniql meart6 end VenaporteC! tc a diaposel site. Drum means e melal or plastic conbiner of approximately fifty-five galbn capauty, genoraly used for oils ot sotvents. A drurn mey not weigh more than pounds when filled. Littsr receptacle means a container not over sixty-gallon capactty, generaJly plac.ed in shopping centers and along sUeats or highways for litter. A litter receptacle may not weiqh moro than pounds when filted. Mkro-rninl can meana a can rrade ot durebb, oorrosion-reaistant. nonabsorbant material that is wstertight and has s close-trq1n9 cover. A mk.ro-minl can mey not hotd more than ten gaAons. A mictamini can rtiay not weEgh mora than pounds when filled. Mini-can means a can made of durabte, corrosion-rosistanL nonabsabent material (C] that ia watenight and Rea a Gose-fttting cover. A mini-can may r►ot hold mare than Mrenty gellorts. A minl-can may rtot weigh more than 20 paunde when fliled, nor welght to exceed 35 pounda. Rscyclfeg bin or contsiner means a bin or conteiner des;gned or designated for the coI{ection of recyciables The size and type of rscyGing bin or cantainer wili be estebiished in eech compeny's fariH. Continued on next paDe Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2008 Effective Qate: September t, 2008 (For O/licie! Use Only) Dockei No TG- Date: By: J= (7 O• '.4L CISE CA`L Doc•ket: TC;-()hl !4? A,Zendn Dale' 08-30-06 Fll~-i .ri ~ -e Paw. rjV- 1,1-00 12ECEIN'ED J il, Z4vu V1';1. t'T. & TRAtiS. C041 OR yAL TG-061142 This page has [C] added wording In two placa. Tanff No. 7 Orlginal Page No. 12 Company NamNPermit Number, Surtshine Disposai, Inc. • G000198 B R istered Trade Nemels} dba Sunshire Dis ! and Recyclin~ Itsm ~1e~initona. conbnued Solid wasie receptacle. conCd: Toier means a wtieeled plastic container A toter mey also be re(erred to as a ceR. If suppiied by customer, a toter must be compalible with the company'a equipmeM, The size and type of tater that is campatibie will be established in each compen)(a tanfi. Unk means a receptecle made of durable, corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent rtsetenal, that is watertight, and has a close-fttiing cpver and two handles. A unit holds more than Mrenty gatlons, but nd mae than thirty-Nvo galiont or four cublc het. A unit may nat weigh moro than 85 pounds when fiHed, not more thsn 12 pounds when empty. [G) Whero agresd upon betwesn the cornpam and the customer, end where a(Iowable under bcal ordinance, a box, carton, cardbc►erd bamel, or other auitable cantainer may be substituted for a solid wast8 can. for a single pidc-up thet fncludea renoval of the container, N it meets the alze and weight limits established in the compenYs tarifi, as desaibed in the precedinp paragraph. [C] YeNwaste bin or containe► means a bin or container speciflcally designed or deslgneted for the coilectfon d yardwaste. Each comperry's tariff will refer to a specific type of yardwaste bin or container to be used in a service area. The type, s¢e, wefght, etc., d this rype of bin or coMafner wlll olten be set by local govemment plans or ordirtanoes. Special pick-up: A pkJc-up requested by the customer at a time other than the regularly schedulod pick-up time, that requtres the special dlspatch of a truck. 11 s special dispatch is roquired, the campany YAtl assess time rates established m the companys tanti, as shown in Item 180, Supplement A pap added to the begmmng of a tariff, normally to cover emergency, temporary. or speC'tal sifuatfons An example is a page issued to show a special surchafge imposed by a ckty Temporary service Temporary service means providing c;onlainer ar Csop-box service at the custom2rs reauest, for a period of ninaty daya or lesa Unfatchinp: Anoiher term far a gate charoe. A flai fee imposed by a salid waste calledion company when the companys personnel must unletch a pate or dear to peAorm pickup SErvice. Unlxking: A flat tee imposed by a soNd wasie cotfeclion comperry when the company's personnel must unlocfc padlocks or other Iocking devices to per4orm pickup servfces Issued 8y: Marc B. Torre lssue Date: July 13. 2406 EHeciive Dale: September 1, 2006 (for Ofl ciel Usa OnlY) Docket No. TG- Date: By FOR • !.-iL USF. ( NT 3' UackeJ: 1 t,-tlhl 4gendn nUte~ nx_ 30-1)(, I Il~•~ ~r,~° Arte r19-01-r;6 IL_ RECEIVED J1 129 20v., WA. LT. & TRA1'S. COM' ORl V AL TG061142 Th{s ps$e has n addQd wordin$ for one company-specific doflnitbn. Tariff No. 7 Otiginal Page No. 13 Company Name/PermR Number. Sunahine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B RegEstered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Dksposal and Recy~din$ item ~2b - betinidons. CCntlnued Company-specific definibons Compacted Material: Matenal that has been cornpressed by any mechan"l device [CJ elther betore or after rt is paaced in the receptacle by !he sofO waste company Issued By- Marc B. 7orre Issue Dab: July 13, 20Q6 EHectnre Date: September 1, 2008 (For Offclsl Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date- By* FOR OFFICI.9L US~ O.'~LY a-L• ~er: M-~611 4Z -t,;etrdu Date: 08-30-1l6 l~tl~,rrtir,~~,r~• Ou_0l-00 RECEIN'ED Jl 12, 20i 1''.~~. UT. & TR-~NS. CONi1.,. ORl ~AL TG-06I142 Tariff No. 7 Onginal Page No 14 Company NameJPQrmlt Number. Sunshine Dlsposal, Inc. - G000198 B Reistered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Dlsposal8nd Recycling Item 30 - Limttatiorzs of $ervice Retusal of san►Ice. A salid waste col{ectfon company may re!use tv: (a) Pidc up materials irom potrtts where it is hazardous, unsaie, or dangerous to persons, properry, or equipment to operate vehicles due to tfie candidans of streets, atleys, or roads. (b) Drive into privata property when, in the company's judgment, drtveways or rvads are lmproperty constnucted or maintalned, do nat have adequate tum-arounda, or have other unsafe conditions (c) Enter private property to pidc up matenal while en animal considered or fearad to be vk►ous is loose. The cuetomer will be requlred to tonfine the animaf on pickup days. Schedules. A campany's schedule wnll meet re.isonabie requirements and will wmply with local service Ievel ordinances MissW pkkups duo to weather or road condtdons. Pickup of materials may de missed due to weather or road condidorts. tf the accumutated material (solid waste artd/or recyctabks, and/or yardwaste) is coUected on the next sc.heduled or avatiable pickup date, the company !s not obtigated to extend credtt for ths missed picicup. The customer wdl not be charged tor ovefilled receptacles, or for materials set out in bogs on top of of next to the customers normel receptades d Me amount oi extra material does not exceed the amount that wouid have reasonaby been expected to acr.umulate due to missed pickups. Dus earo. Other then to offet reasonable care, the company assumes no responsibiffty fof articles left on ar near solid waste receptacles. Uablltty fw damape. When a customer requests that a company provide service and damage occurs to ttie cusiomees dMveway dus to reasons not In the cantrof of the campany. the company will assurre no responsibility for the damage. Issued By Marc B Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2046 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Ofrraa! Use Only) Cocket No TG- Date: By ,E vNl tluc Ari. r v-r1611-;2 4 ~!Pnd(i Dare: 08-30-00 riQ_ri/_W) RECEIVED J1 12, 20vu "'A. UT. & TR.AtiS. COiN1 OR1 4AL TG-061142 Item 60 haa [N] ons new charge. Terifl No. 7 Original Page No. 15 Compeny NamrJPerm►t Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 8 -ff "istered Trade Name(e) dba Sunshtne DisDOSaI and Recvciing Ite,n 40 - Material RenuinnqSpeaal EguEoment, Preceu)ons. or isoose; Transportation of so8d waste requirine special equipment or precautions in handling or disposal will be subject to Gme rates rsamed in Item 160, or to other specific ratea contalned in thi6 tartff. Companles must make every effiori to be eware at the cammOdifies that require special handling at tt►e disposal sitea named In the cotnpanys tariffs_ The oompany shalt maintain a list af thase commadities and make it avaltable for public inspection at the company's office. Item 45 - M~riai Requitfn4 SDeci81 Testlrttl8ndlor Analgk When a solid waste callect(on company or diapoaal fadlity detertnines that testing andlor analysis oi solid waste ks requtreC to deteRnlne whether dangerous or prohiblted subsWnces are present, the actuel cost for such testing andlor anafysEs will be paid by the tusiomer. The company must provide the customer wlth a copy of arty bip ar involce for costs Incurred for testing andlw analysia end als4 must retain a capy in the company's h1e ior at least threa years. Those costs shall be passed through to the cuatort►er wilhout marks,p. The company muat malntaln recoKls of time spent to accompltsh the special testing and/or anafysis, and may blil the customer tor that tfine under the provisiorrs of Item 160 (Time Rates) ltem 50 - Retumed Check Charaes Returned Check Chatpe. If a custOrnef pays wfth a check, and the cuslomer's bank refuses to honor fhat cheCk, the customer wlll be assessed a retum chack charge in the amount of $25,00 [N] fssued By: Marc B. ToRe issue Dafe: Juty 13, 2006 Effective Date September 1, 2006 (Fa Olnciat Use Only) Dodcet No. TG- Date By- . _ O.ti'L Y uocKer: r L,-0611 4, -1t►e,rdu nciJe' 1)8-30-I)n I1~1-f1 J-!1(~ f !;c'r livc / )t:t, RECEIN'ED Jl 12, 20,,,. WA, tIT. & TILAtiS. CONi ORI AL TG-061142 , Tanff No i Original Pege No. 18 Company NamelPermit Nurnber. Sunshine Dispasai. Inc. - GOd0199 8 f"istered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshlne Dfapoaat end RacyclinQ Item 51 - ReBtart Fees Trartsportetlon ot solld waste requlnnp special equipment or precsutions in handling or disposal will be subjed to tirrse rsies nemed In Item 160, or to othor specific rates contalned in this tariH. Campanles muat rtseke every etfoA lo be aware of the comnnodkies that require special handling ai the dispo5al skes named in the company's tariffs. The company shall maintain a list of those commodlties and make It avaitable for pubJic inspectlon at the wmpany's office. When a solid waste colle,,-tion company or disposal facility determines that testing andlor analysis of solid waste is requirQd to detormine whether dangaroue or prohibited substances are present, the aciual cost for such testing and/or analysis wlll be pa+d by the cuatomer. The company must provide the customer witfi a copy of eny bill or invobce tor costs incumed for teating and/ar analysis and afso must retain e copy in tha company's file for at least three yearo Those cosis ahall be passed through to the customer without merkup. The company musi mainteln rocads of time spent to accomplEah !he speGal testing endlor analysis, and may bill the customer for that time under the provisions of Item 160 (Time Rates). I t - Redeliverv Fees Companies assessing redelivery fess must describe when the less appty, and must state She amount of the tees in this Itefn. Iasued By: Merc B. Torre Isaue Oate: Ju1y 13, 2008 Effiective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Offrcia! Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date. By: F OR OFFICI.4L U.,'E ONL f" Dcx•ket: TG-0611 4' 9-endu Du1e: 08-30-06 f-11~•~•ri,~l~:lrE• 09_01_0r,) REC EIVED JI 12, 20 Nk'.1. t'T. & TRAtiS. C0N-1 ORl %'AL TG061142 ~ ttem 60 has [C7 addQd wordlrt4 In two placas snd fA] orte Incroaso in charge. 'fanff No. 7 Ongfnal Page No. 17 Company NamelPermit Number Sunshine Disposal. Inc - G000199 8 R~e istered Trede Name(s) dba Sunshlne Dlspasal and Rec.yctinQ Item 55 - Over-saed or Ovar-weiaht Cars or Unlt_1 The company reBerves the right to te}ect pickup of any residential receptade (can, unit, bag, mini-can, or or micrQ-mtnl-can) which, upon raasonable Inapecdon exceeds the size and weight itmits shown in Item 20. If the receptacle exceeds the slze andlor limits siated in Item 20, is overfilfed, or the top la urtabk to be clased, but the campeny transports Sfie matenals, the follpaving additlonel charges wfll appty $ per NO7E,- For charges a rn on oti•e/we+Bhl toters. carts, containers, or dmp boxes see item 207 Item 60 - Qvertirne Perioes Companies will assess adtiitional charges when pravlding servlces, at customer request, dunng overtime penods Overtime periods indude Saturdays, Sundays, and the folbwinp holidaya: New Yeer's Oay (Januery 1) Labor Day [C) Memoriel Day Thanksgivkng Day Independente Day (July 4) ChrisUnas day ( December 25) When a holidey Ilsted above falls on Sunday, the tollowing Monday vnll ba observed When a holiday lisled [Cj above falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday ahall be the legaJ holiday. Time ia to be recorded to the nearest increment of 15 minutes from the time the campany's vehicle leaves the terminal until the time d retums to the terrrinal No addrtion$I ctarge wi11 be assessed to customers for overtime or holiday work performetl solely for the company's convenlence. Charge per hour: i 65.00 Truck and one dnvar (A] Mmlmum charge: $ Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Juty 13. 2008 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For O~ciel Use OnlyJ Docket No TG- Date. 8y: FOR OFFICIAL USE 0:4'L Y Drx•ker TG-061142 4 ,endu Dctte~ 08-30-06 F_ flrr titi I~~1Jt Il~l- r1 J. r~r~ KECEIVED JI il, ?t<<►.o WA. t1T. & TRANS. COM ORl NAl. TG061142 Item 70 has [Al one Increase In chsrge Tarifi No. 7 Onginal Page No. 18 Company NamelPemnit Number Sunshine Disposal, Inc - 0000199 B 2~qistered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and ReCyCling Item 70 - Retum TnQl When a company is required to maice a retum trip, that does not require the special di5patch ot a Vuck, to pick up matenal that was unavailabfe fot coliection far reasons unaer the con!rol of the customer, the following additional ctiarges, per pickup, vnll appry; Type pf receptNle Rate fnr Re m Tri Can, unit mini-can, or mfcro mini-can $ Drum S Bale $ Litter Receptacle . $ nrap Bax $ 45.00 (A] Contsiner $ Toter, gallons S Toter, gaUans $ Recycling containers S Other . $ Other S NOTE: Retum tri¢s requinng ihe special dispatch of a truck are cons►dered speaal pickups and are charged for under the provisions of Item 160 (Time Retes). Isslied By: Metc B. Torre Issue Date, July 13, 2006 EHectlve Date: SepLember 1. 2006 (For Ofl'~icie! Use Orr1y) Docket No. TG- Date: By: FOR C)FFIC1.9 L L'Sf ONL Y Da•ket: 7 (.,-O61142 . ! ,,,endn nure: 08-30-„n ~/~c'c fi1't• l UJc' 09-01-116 11 E I E1N'ED J1 t2, 20.,., w'A. L?T. & TRA:'VS. COW.a. UR1 lAL TG-061142 7anff No. 7 Ociginal Page No. 19 Company NameiPermft Number Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G0001Q9 B LqIstered Trade Name{s? dba Sunshine Disposal and Recyding Item 75 - Flat MonthlY Charoes This rule applie6 In connecGOn with Items 120. 130, 240, 245, 250, 255, 260, 265. 270, and 275. A flat monthly chatge may be assessed if computed as faltows: 1. (f weekly service is provided. Muttiply the rate limes 4.33 and then mu':iply that flgure :imes the number o} units picked up 2. If every ott►er weEk service ls provided. Multiply the rate tir^as 2.17 and then muttipfy thal figure times the numbef of units picked up 3. For Items 240, 250, 260, and 270. For permanent, regularty scheduled pickups, a fEat monthly charge may be assessed N camputed as tollaws: a. For weekly serv►oe, each container provideci: i. If monthly rerit is shown: monthly rent plus (4 33 times pickup ra!e times numter of pickups per week) ii. I( mantfily reni is not shown: 1 st pfckup rate plus (3.33 tlmes additional pickup rate) plus (4.33 times additional pickup rate times addrtiorial weeky pickups). b. For every-other week service, each contsiner provkied: I If monthly rent is shown: monthy rertt plus (2.17 times pickup rate times number of pickups per week) ii. If monthly rent ie not shOwn: 1si pidcup rate plus (1.17 tlmes addi0onal pickup rate) plus (2.17 times additional pickup rate times edditional weekly pidcups). Issued 8y: Marc B. Torra Issue Date. July 13, 2008 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Oficla! Use OnJy) Docket No TG- Date: By: . q, O.V1. uoCxet: iv-061I a' -I ,venila Date• 08-30-00 1:'l/ccfrvc na1<- 00-01-06 RECEIVED JI 12, Z0vo Vti'A. UT. & TRANS. CONl:•i. OR1 4AL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 20 Company Name/Permit Numbef: Sunshine Disposai, Inc. • G000199 B Reglsiered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recyclino Itgrr 80 - Qmo-out Serv'c,e. Drivq:[M Companies will assess the following additional charges when custamets request that company personnel provide Rate ResidentiaJ Commerpal Charge for Cs~(-ous Per Unit, Per Pickup Per Unit. Per Pickup Cans, units, minl-cans, ar micro-mmi cans that must be carried out over 5 feet, but rwt over 25 teet For each addit(ona125 feet, or tradlon of 25 feet, add NOTE- The company may eled to drive m at the rates shown above, except the charge wdl be limfted to one can, unit, mini-can, or micro-+ninl can. If cans, units, mini-cane, or miao-minl-cans are carried ovef 125 feet, but are salely accessibte to the campanys vehicte, the drive-in charges shown below must be assessed instead. Rate Residentlal Commeraal Char$e for Drive-ms (pet pickup Per Urtit, Per Pickup Per Unit. Per Pickup Drfve-~n on drivewaya ot over 121 feet. but less than 250 feei Drive-ins on drnrewaya cf over 250/eet, but Iess than 1/10 mife For each 1110 mile flver 1110 mlk I I NOTE: For the purpose of assessing dr)ve-in fees, a ddveway ts definad as provkJing access to a single residence. 1f a dciveway provides access to multiple residences or accounts, no drtve-in fees will be assessed. fssued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date' July 13 2006 Effective Oate: September 1, 2006 (For Oqictal Use Only) Dacket No TG- . l-'OK ~~FFIC1.~ 1_ USE U.ti L}, Duwker: TG-0611 4_' A,i~errdu nul~~ 08-30-00 1-:;±c,_•rh " I);rr" RECEIVED Jt l27, 2Uv., WA. UT. & TRA-NS. CONL ORI iAL TG061142 , Tarifl No. 7 Original Page No. 21 Company Narrte/Permit Number. Sunshine Dlsposal, Inc. • G000199 B aNisiered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disoosal and Recyclin$ km 90 -(',,an Camaae - Scaeciai Services Rate ResidenGal Commeraa! Service Pef Unit, Per Pickup Per Unit Per Pickup 5tairs or steps - for each step uQ or down Ovemea~ obstructions - tor each ovemead obstructlon less than 8 feet from the ground Sunken or elevated cans/units - br cans. umts, min4-cans, or micro-mini-cans tulry or Rartially underground or over 4 feet above ground, but not involving stairs or steps Issued By: Merc B. Tofre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 EfFectlve Qate: September 1, 2006 (For Officlal Uss Only) Docket No. TG- Date By: Q,VL 3' Doc . -0611-1' -l.vendu Dure: OR-30-I16 F;h':•rive l)are' iiU_01-1)r; RECEIN"ED Jl 12, 20.,., W:1. LTT. & TRAtiS. COM1ii... OR1 JAL TG061142 Tenfi No. 7 Origlnsl Page No. 22 Comparry NamelPermk Number Sunshine Disposal, Inc - G0001 99 8 R istered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshin Oi osai and R ing ltgm 100 - Relidential~erv - Month ates (canHnued on next nasfel Rates fn thfa item apply: (1) To sotid wasfe collacUon, cvrbside recyGing (where noted) and yardwaste services (where notecl) far res4deniial pmperty. This lncludes single famiy dwellings, dupJexea, apartmenta, mobile homes, condominlums, etc., where seroioe Is bllled direciffy to the xtupant af each resldential unit, andlor (2) When required by a local gavemment service levet ordrnance, solid waste coltec;ion, curbside recycling, and yardwaste servlce mtrst be provlded for singb-family dwellings, duplsxes, mobile hames, condominlurtss, and apartment bulldings of less than res'sdential units, where service is Dilled to the property owner or manager Rates below apply in the followmg service area: Numbaro! frequetcy Gwbaie Recyde Yarawaste 1lumoerof Frcvuertcy GarOape RecyGc Yerdwaste Unds or Type a! Servbe SsMcs Ssrvlce UrMls ot T YPM of Swbe Servix Service ot Conteners Servlal Rile RaLm RsU d Cont Servioe Rde Rctte Refe Frnquertcy o1 Servi ;e Cades WGWIeekty C9arbsqa; E4VMC4-£very OIlier Weak Gatdsge. M(3uMon" (3atbepe; WR=Weakly Recycinq Ef.IYVR=Evory Ott►er Week Re+.ydinq; MR=MontAly Recyclinp; l'mt ochers useC by comparry Note 1: Descxiptionlrules related to recycHng propram are shown on page . Note 2: Des<Xiptionlrules releted tfl yerdwaste program are shown on page . Note 3- In addition to the recycling rates shown ebove, a recycling debit/cresfit of S applies. Recycllng ssrvlce rsbs on this paga exp(ra on: Isaued By: Merc B. Torre Issue Oate: Jufy 13, 2006 _ ElfecUve Dete' September 1, 2006 (Fa OffFcia► use onty) Doc~cel No TG- Qate: 8y: FnR nFFIC1Al USE ONL Dackel: TG-0611 a 2 .•t .,,enda Dule : OR- 30-Il fi RECE1VFD J1 l?, 20.,.. WA. LIT. S TRA'VS. C0N11... OR1 VAL TG06114Z ~ Tarrff Na 7 4ngtnal Page No 23 Company NamelPermit Number. Sunshlne Dispasal, Inc. - G040199 B ~IejIstered Trede Name(s) dba Sunsh{ne Disposal and Recycfing Itgm 100 - Residendal Selvke - Monthlv R,ates (oonUnued irom_previous a e Note 4: Custnmers will be charged for service requestPd tven if fewer uniis aro Ricked up on a particular trip. No credit wig be piven fer partially filled cans. No crectit will be ghren rf customer fai:s to set receptxles oW for coilection. Nota 5: For customers on automated service routes: The comparty wifl esaess roll-out charfles where, due to cirwmstar►ces outside the control of the driver, the dnver is required to move en automated c8rt ar taMr more than feet In otder to reach the truck. The cherge for this rolf-out service i6; $ per cart or toter, per pkkup. Note 6: The charQe for an occasional extra resJdentwl bag, can, unit, tater, mini-can, or micro-minl-can on a regutar pidcup ts: Rab per receptacle T gof receptac~ er pickup 32 ailon can or und IS MinF-can IS Micro-minicgn Ia ~ allon totef IS 9f1 al1on toter IS IS other IS Other 1$ Nota 7: Customers mey request no more than one pickup per monlh. on an "on call" basis, at t per can/untt. Servtce rMll be rendered on the normal scheduled pickup day for the area in whfch the customer resides. Note tt customer requires service to be provided on ather than nortnal scheduled pickup day. rates for special pickups will appiy. Issued By- Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 . Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Officia! Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By }Uvc'ket: 7 (j-061 I ' -1 ,,,enda Dale: 08-30-06 TJI~~ ,i:t1~:1r~• I1~7_i)1_i~f~ RECE1N'ED J1 12, 20... NA. UT. & TR:A1S. CnNi"... nRl dAL TG061142 Tariff No 7 Original Page No. 24 Company Name/Pertnit Number Sunshine Dispasal, Inc_ - G000199 B Re Istered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshlne Disposal and Rec.yclinQ Item 100 Residenttal Sarvice - Morrthlv Rates (caitinuedl Curbside recycling provisiorts shawn on this page apply only in the following service area Following is a description of the recyclir►g program (type of containers, frequency, etc Program provided in aocardance with Ordinance No. of (name of Counry or Clty). Speciat ru{es retatad tor recycling progrem: Issued f3y~ Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13. 2006 Effective Date: September 1. 2006 (For Offr-isl Use Only) Dockef No TG- Date ey_ OtVL j. . 611a2 .4 gendu Dule : (I8-30-11( F,-81•1 •rive Aar~~ . 09-01-06 RECEIVED J1 12. ?Ut,,Lv A'A. t1T. S TRA.'vS. CnNir... JRl 4.aL TG-061142 Tanfl No. 7 Original Page No. 25 Company Name/Permit Number Surtahlne Disposal, Inc_ - G000199 B Re isterecl Trade Name(s) dba Sunshfie Disposal and RecYCling Isem 100 - ResldenGa! 3ervice - MoMfilv Rates lcontinued Yardwnte provisions shown on this pags apply only in the following service area Following is a descnption ot the Yardwaste program (type of containets, frequency, etc.). Program provided in accordance wiM Ordinance No_ of (name of County or City). Specsal rules related tor yardwasie progrom Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Dat?: Juiy 13, 2008 ENective Data September 1, 2006 (For Officisl Use Only) Docke! No TG- Qate. BY. 8vt ke?- Fig-061 I 4_' -1,~endn nare: nR- i(!-(!ri f.11t'i ill t' l~ill:' (l4-f1~~-I)li RECEIV'ED Ji 12, ?Ol... A'A. UT. & TR1vS. COW... JR1 47AL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 26 Company NamelPermlt Number. Sunsnlne Oisposal, Inc. - G000199 B ~istered Ttade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and ReCycfing It m t 5- Multi-familv Servic,e- Monthly Rates Serv,ce Area: 1~jallpns I._gallone 1^paibns j__pabons ~gal~orts I_oQtier I_o:rcer I_att»r L_W,er Number of Receptades Froquency 01 servla Inltlal Delrrery Cha►ge Rant Per Osy Rertt Per Mo+ith Pickup CAarpe (See Nofea 1,2&3) Spedal Pim up Cnatue I Note 1: The charge inc{uded in V!is rate for recyciing is 3 DesuipUonlrules relaled to recycling pragram are shown on page Note 2: The charge included in this rate tor yardwasie i6 S Descriptionlru!es releted to yardwaste program are shovm on page . Note 3: RecyGing uediUdebit (ii applicable) inciuded in this rate is: $ Note 4: Customers will be charged for aervice requested even if fewer units are picked up on e particular trfp. No credft wIH be gtven for partially fllied cans. No creciita will be grven if customer fails to set receptacles out for calWction. Note 5. The charge for an occaslanal exlra residentiel can, unlt, toter, mini-can, er micro-mini-can on a requfar plckup Is- Raie per receptacle Rate per receptacle T Dq at receptac Per plckup 7 e of receptacle Per pickup 32 !bn can or un ~ 90-allon toter ~ Mini-can I Other. I Mk;ramini-can I Other. I 60~qallon tater I IOttiei: I Note 6: Cusiomers may request no moro than one pickup per mortth, on an "on calP" basis, at $ per caNuNt Servtoe witl ba rendered an the normal scheduled piclwp day for the erea in which ttte customer resldes. NoW If customer requires servfce to be provided on other than normal scheduled pickup day, ratss for special pickups will appty Racycling rates on thic pago axpire: Issued By. MerC B. Torte Issue Oate: July 13, 2006 . Effecttve DaW September 1, 2006 (Fvr O~'icra! Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: BY _ `T U AT Y L',':.'L fi Tti-06114 , -4~emlu D«re: 08-30-06 j'l10'711't' ntlle' (lU_(Jj-llfi RECEIX"ED.ll 2, 20(.,., X.N. UT. & TRAtiS. CON1.N.. JRI ~:1L TG-061142 Tariff Na 7 Ongmal Page No. 27 Campany Name/Permit Number SunstUne Disposal, Inc_ - G000189 B ~istered Trade Name(s) dba SunahJne Disposal and RecydinQ Item 105 - Mutti-familv Sarvke - Month v Rates (contlnued) Curbside recyclfng pravisbns sh4wn on .his page appty only in the following service area; Foifowing is a descnption of the recyciing program (type of containers, Srequency, etc Program pravided In accordance with Ordinance No of (name oi Counry or City) I Special rules related tor rocycling program- Issued By. Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Juty 13. 2006 Effecave Qete: September 1, 2006 (For 0lfiaal Use Onty) Docket No. TG- Date: BY~ FOR . ONI_Y 9-ft4eP-T416-'461142 ..i i~c•rtdu Date: ()8-30-06 l:llt'crivc' Diltr * 09-01-06 RECEIVFD J{ 12, M,,. A':1. 11T. & TRANS. C()!11P... ORI rAL TG-061142 Tarift No 7 Origmal Page No. 28 Company NamefPermit Number. Sunshlne Dlsposal, Inc. - G000199 B R~e istered Trade N$me(s) dba Sunsh+ne Disposal and Rexycllng I,tiam ta5 - Multl-familv Service - MotithN Retes Icontinuedl Yardwaste provisions shawn on th+s page apply only in the following servFce area. FoUOwing is a description af the Yardwaste program (type of containers, frequency, etc ) Proorem provided in accordancP with Ordinance No. of (name of County or Ciry) Special rules reiated tor yardwaste program Issued By: Marc B. Torte Issue Date: July 13. 2008 . Effective Date: Septembet 1, 2006 (Fa Ottkiai Use Only) Docket Na. TG- Date: BY~ FOR k~01VL Y 9.._ .61142 a -enda burt•. 08-30-06 1_fir~•ri,~P_ ~rt~• i:>ti_r~~_i~r; RECEIVED J' 12, 20(,., .N'A. t)T. & T1t..,iLNS. CUNiN.. JRl v aL TC-061142 Tanff No. 7 Original Page No. 29 Company Nerne/Permit Number: Sunshine Dispvsal, Inc. - G000199 B Pegistered Trede fVame(s) dbe Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Ite 1 0 - DruM Type of Secvice I Rate Per Dn,m, Per Pickup R ular Route Service IS Special Pickup IS Item 130 - Llttef Recefltacles and Liiter Toters Customer-0wned Receptacle I Rate Per ReceDtacle. Pet PickuR Sae er Tyve• i$ S(ze or Type: 15 Company-owned ReceptaCte' I Rat+e Per Rereptacle, Per Pickup Size or TYpe: IS Size or Type: IS ltqm 150 Loose and Bulky Material Spectal Trips: Time ratea in Item 160 appfy_ Regufar Route: The folluwing ratts apply; Addidonel cubic Carry Charge i to 4 cublc yards yards Minimum Charge Per each 5 R over Rate per yard Rate per yard Per Pickup B feet Bulky Matenals I I I Loose maf"l (customer Ioad) Loose matwial (compar►y load) Issued By- Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2008 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For OlffcleJ Use Onty) Docket No. TG- Date: By FOR UFFICL4L G'SE UN'L Y Dockel: TG-0611 4? 4,iZencla nate~ 08_ i0-0h f.l/crrrve Arte - OV-I))-00 RECEIN'ED J 12, 20! Xa. UT. & TR:1'VS. COM11r... JR1 ~AIL TG-061142 Itom 160 has [A1 tour fncreases in charges TarrH No. 7 Onamal Page No. 30 Comparry Name/Pertnlt Number. Sunshlne Disposal, inc. - GO04199 B " s!ered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Rtcycling I em - TiZe Rates When dme rates apply. Time retes named in this ltam apply. (a) When matenai must be taken to e speclal sAe for disposal; (b) When a company's equipment must wait at, ot return to, a customer's sile to pravide scheduled sennce due to no dcaability, fauft, or negiigence on the part of the company. Actual waiting time or time taken in retuming to the site rkill be charged for, or (c) When a customer orders a single, special, or emergency pickup, or when other items in this tarifi refer tO 1t1i5 It@i11. How rates are recarded and charged. Time must be recorded and charsed for to the nearest increment of 15 minutes. Time raies appfy tor the period from the time the company's vehlcte leaves the company's terminal uniil It retuma to tfie teRnlnal, exclutling interruptions. An interruption is a situaUon ceusing stappage of servioe that Is In the control of the campeny and not in the conuol of the customer. Exsmples lnclude coffee breaks, lunch breaks, breafcdown ot equipmerrt, and aimilar occurtences. Disposal fees In addlllon to tlme rates. Item 230 disQosal fees for the specific disposel site Qr facifrry used will apply in additlon to time rates. Rates per hour. ` Rate Per Hour Each Extra Minimum lpe of Evuipment~ered Trudc and Driver Person Charge Si r drive a Non-peCker Vuck-------- S t S Peclcer trudc . . . . S $ $ Drop-box frudc........................... $ 65.00 [A] $ 42.50 [A# S Tandem roar drive exle: tVon-packer truck $ $ S Packertruck S $ $ Drop-box Uuck S 85.40 [A] S 42.50 jA) $ I Issued By, Marc B. Torre Isaue Date: July 13. 2006 Effedive Date: September 1, 2008 (For Oftisl Uae Only) Doctcet No TG- Date By: , U;vL r• D,qeker. -;t'G-061142 -l.Szenda Dore- 08-30-06 1:-1/<•, 1ir f• Auc 09-01-1)r; I RECE1N`ED J 12, 20t.~, t?T. & TRA'VS. CON1P... JItl VAL TG-061142 TanH No 7 Original Page No 31 Company NamslPermit Number. Sunshfne Dtsposal, Inc - G000195 B Regislared Trade Name(s) dba Sunstifne Dfsoosal and RecYCling Itq_m 200 - Corttainem andlor Droo Boxes - General Ru s Availabiliry. A campany must maintein a supply o} all s¢es af cantainers and drop boxes for whlch rates are listed In this tarifl. If a customer requests a container or drop box of a size tisted in the oompany's tariH, and the wmpany ts unable to pnovide the requesteti size wthin 7 days of the customer reauest, the custamer must be notfied In writing of by telephone. Attemats-stzed contafners sndlor drop boxes. If the company cannot provide the reauesied-sized container or drop box (and that size is listed in the company's tarif), tlhe company musi provlde attemate-sized contalners or drvp box8s, sufficisrtt to meet the capacity originaily requested by the customer, at the same retes as wou1G have applied for the requested container or drop box. Dlspossl taes due on alternate-sized drop boxes. Il the company provldes altemate-sized drop boxes, the customer is responsible far all lawfully appficable disposal (ees resulting ftom the use ot the alEemate drop Doxes. Rates on partially-t111ed cantainers andlor drop boxes. Full pickup and renial rates apply rsgardless af the amount of waste material m the container or drop box at pickup time. Rales for compsctad materiala. Rgtes for cempacied materlal apply oNy when the matenal has been campacted before its pickup by the campany. Ratea for iooza material. Loose material dumped Into the companys padcer truck is subject m the rates for non-compacted material even though the materisl may be compacted later in the pecker Vuck Permanent and ttmporary service. The following ruks apply; (a) If a customer requests a container or drop box for fess than 90 days, the customer wili be b+lled at temporary service rates. (b) If a temparary service customer noffffes the company that it has decided te retain the container or drop box for more than 90 days, permanent service rates will be asseased from the 91 st day until the end of the period Ihe customer retains the container or drop box. (c) U e customer requeats a container or drop box tor moro than 90 days, the customer wfil be billed under permanent ratea It that cusUomer canoels smice befare the end of the 90-day period, tiie company may rtot rebill the customer at temporary 6ervice rates. The intent of the customer at the dme service w35 requested epplics Issued By: Marc B. Torre Isaue 08te July 13, 2008 Effeciive Date: September 1. 2006 (Fot OtffClal Use Only) Docket No TG- Date ey. - ^~1 a`-1 1• r , kei-,-T49-061142 .9 jzenclci Dute.- 08- 3n-0r, F/1t, rr1i~ I)trre. (1U-01-00 RECEiN"ED J 12, 20U,, A'.A. l'T. & TR.atiS. COM'... :7R1 V:1I_ TG-061142 TanK No 7 Onginal Page No 32 Company NamelPermit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - C300Q199 8 f tgistered Trade Neme(s) dba Sunshlne Disposal and Recyr.linp :em 05 - Roll-Out Charqes - Corttainers. Automated Carts. and Totgrj Charges tor corttaienn. The oompany will assess roll-out charges where, due to cfrcumstarices outsi0e the cantrol of the Crnrer, the driver Is requirod to move a container more than five feet, but less than 25 feei, in order ro reach the truck. The charge for this roll-out service Is: $ per coMainer, per pickup Over 25 feet, the charge will Ge the charge for 26 feet, plus S per increment of 5 feet Chuges fot automatsd carta or totera. The campany will assess roQ-out charges where. due to arcumstarx;es outsfde the control ot the dnver, the driver is required 0D move an automated cart or tater more chan feet in arder to reach the truck. The charge for this rol{-out service is: $ per cart or toter, per p{ckup. ~ ~ luued By- Marc B. Torre Issus Date Juty 13, 2006 . Efiective Date: September 1, 2406 (For Official Use OnfY) Docket No. TG- Date. By: •UNL Y . ' 961142 .4 gendu Dute: 08-30-06 r1)t,crive 1?~,r~• 09_01-00 RECE1VEI).l 12, ZOI.,, A A. UT. & TRAN S. C011iP... nRl `AL TG-061142 IMm 207 Fsss (C1 adclod wcrding in orw Placs. Tatiff No. 7 Original Page No. 33 Comparty Name/Perml Number: Surtshine Disposai, Inc. - G040199 8 egisterrd Trade Name(s) dba SurtsMne Dispossl and Recydmg Itam 207 Excess Wei9ht - Reiectlon at Load. Cheraes to Transoo-I The company reserves the nght to rrject adcup of any contalner, stationary packer, or drop bax which, upon reasor.able inspecxlon: (1) APPears to be overloaded. (2) Would quse appikable vehide load timiiatior:s to be excceGed (3) Would cause the company te vidate load llmkations or result in unsafe vehldc operabon andlof (4) Would negaUvely impxt or othervvtse dartuge rosd aurface integnty. For the purposes of tlus tariff, the idlowtng maximum weghts appiy: Maximum gross vehicie welght of 48,000 pounds. [C] T}pefSLza of Mazimum Weight TypejSize of Mauimum 1Vaign2 Container, Drop Box, Allovwnca pw CoMalntr, Drop Box. AMowar+ce par Toler. w Cart Roogpto e f1n vounda} Toter, of Cart Raceptacle 1in pounamt A11 Drop Boxes 1 7d, vounds I ~ I I I I I I I Qverfilled or overvveight, charge.s if transported. If the container, drap box, toter, or cart ezcee3s the limtts stated above, is flqed beyond the mar4ced fip kne, or ihe top is unabk to bo closed, but the company transports the meteriala, ft fdlowing addrGonel charges wlil apply: TypdS¢a oi TypelSEze of Containet, Drop Bax, Container. Orvp Box. Tater, ar Cart Cnargs Tobr, ot Cart Charge S Per I$ Pet 3 Per (S Pet IS Per S Pet 1$ Pa s Per IS Per 15 Per IS Per IS Pcr Issued By. Marc B. Tarre Ifisue Date July 13. 2006 Effedlva Date: 5eptember 1, 2006 (For Olficia/ Use OMY) Docke, NO TG- DdtC: By c-nn Nrcr~ r . LsE nNL Y D.; rkef.- J-116114_' 1,,enda Date: 08-30-00 RECEIVED J 12, 20,,,,. ►N,'.a. t"T. &'I'RA_S. COMI'•,. ,DRI VAL TG061142 Thia pa$* coetains [C] added wording and [A] Mro artwunts with Increasesj Tariffi No. 7 Onginal Pape No. 34 Company NanelPermH Number: Sunshine Disposel, Inc_ - G000189 B EmEstered Trsde Name(a) dbe Sunshine Dispasal end RecyclinQ Item 210 Washinfl and Sanitizinp Cocrtaines andlor Oroo Box.es Upon customer request, the company will pravide wa,htng and sanitiz;ng service at the'ollawing rotes Sae or Type ot Container or Drop Box Rate All Drop Boxes I Per Yd Mmimum Char2~ (CJ Washrg I 5 1.15 S 23.15 (A) I Stsam Clepnin$ I f 3.00 8 30.88 [C] i saNCizing I s 1.00 $ - (a] I Pi up and Delhrery Charge: I Over 8 Yards 1 $ 42.45 (C] Service to be pravi0ed es requtred by iocel or stete heaMth or aolid waste nlfes, cusiomer (C] requsst, or at the discretion of the cartier lf in thi carriees judgement the container or drop box is in such e candition as to vidate said laws. Item 220 - Com or Rental Cusiomers must pay the tofbwimg addiiional charges for ccunpaclors iumished try the company_ Charges named ara for compectors anly and do nd Include drop box or container charges See I;ema 260 ersd 270 for container CharQes. Customars, must pay tfie costs of insialtation. Slze or Type of Cortiainer or Drap Box Rate I I I I I ~ I I lssued By: Marc B. Tome lasue Date: Julv 13, 2006 . EffectJva Datt Septsmber 1, 2006 (For OfidaJ Use Only) Dxkei No. TG- Date By: FOR ~ ►E U;1'L 3' uvrxer: [ U-4611-: ' Agerrda Dale: 08-30-06 L•ll~'~ li~~:T?:11~• 119-I)/_rl~i RECEIZ'ED J 12,201 ►N':1. t'T. &TFL-kNS. CO-N1r... ,)R1 VAI, TG061142 Thls page has (Aj tour Incressss in pass-thnr dump tess. Tarrtf No 7 Original Page No. 35 Company Name/Permit Number: Sunshine disposal. Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Nametsy dtia Sunshine Dtaposal and Recydin4 Item 230 - Disp-osW Fees Charges in this item apply when other items m the tanH specifically tefer to this item. Dispoaai sits (name or location) ~ Type of AAaterial I Fee for Oiaposal IS per Suliivan Road Transtef Statbn IMSW Refuse I $ 103.00 per Ton fAj I I S m City o1 Sookane Wasie to Energy Plant IMSW Refuse ( $ 98.00 per Ton fA] I IS ver Sun6hine Recyders Transfer Statbn I MSW Refuss l $ 88.00 per Ton [A] IS per Sunshine Recyclers Transfer Station CDU I $ 59.50 aer Ton [Al IS per I S per I I aer I ~S per ~ 13 per I IS per i 13 per 1 IS per I IS Der I ~,3 per I I~ per I IS per I IS ver IS per IS per I I S aer I IS per I 1$ per It per IS per State whether fees are per yard, per ton, etc. InGude charges assessed fof special cammodities (tires. applianoes, asbestos, etc.) ar special conditions at each speat~c disposal site. Atbch addidonal sheets as necessary Issued By. Merc H. Torre Issue Date July 13, 2006 Eftedive date: September 1, 2006 (For Olfcial tlse Onty) Dockat No. TG- Date: BY ~ O,tiLY a_ . O.h1141 l,~,errda Dote: 08-30-06 Ofi"' rite nt,re 09-0I-06 I RECEIN'ED J 12,201 N'A. UT. & TRANS. CONir... JRl VAL TG061142 Tarrf1 No 7 Onginal Page No 36 Company Name/Permlt Number. Sunshlne Dlsposal, lnc. - G040199 B Btgistered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Distwsal and RecycHng Item 245 - Con iner Servics DumQed in Campanv's Vehicle Non-compacted Material (Customer-0wned container) Includes Cammerdal Can Service Rates stated per container, per pickup Service Area: ~ Stze or TXpe of Container Perrt~ neqt$e(v i~g 132 ~ c~n ~M- Twe1 Yard Yard I Yard I Yard I Yard Each Sc~eduled PiCkup IS 1$ $ iS 1$ iS Soedal Pf ups I3 IS I3 IS IS IS IS TemQorary~erv6 I PIckuD kate I$ IS I$ IS 1S IS IS Note1 Permanent Service: Service is defined as no 4ess than scheduled, every other week pickup, unfess local govemment requires more frequent serv(ce or unless putrescibles are invoived. Customer will be charged for service requested, even ii fewer containers are senriced on a p3rticular trip. No credht will be givon for partlalfy-filled conta]ners. Accessorial charges assessed (Ids, unbcking, uNatching, etc.) I6sued ey. Marc B. Torre Issue Qate: Juty 13, 2006 . Effectn+e Date: September 1, 2006 (For Officlal Use Onfy) Docket No TG- Date: By 1-'r 1R ()FFIc'1.4L LaE UNl. Y Docker: TG-06I 1 4' A,s,•Nndu Dare: OX-;n-tM F!kctiie Date? (1Q_01-06 RE'CEIVED J 12,201 N'A. lI'1'. S TRXtiS. CONiP... JRl V:1L TG061142 Tariff No 7 Orginal Page No 37 Company KamelPermlt Number, Sunshine OtspoSal, inc. - G000198 B Reg+stered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshfne Disposal and Recycling Item 250 - Container S rvice DumDed i.n Gom aQTnv's Vshtcie Compacted Matenal(Company-owned container) Rates stated per container, per pickup Service Area: ` e or Type of ConWiner Permanent Ssrvlce I Yar~d Yerd ~ ~ard Yard I Yard Yard I Yard kionthhl Rent (if applicabk) IS $ IS $ IS IS First PickuQ IS $ S 1$ IS I~ IS Each Additl~onat Pickup I$ $ S IS IS i3 IS Saecia! Pic►cups IS 5 IS IS IS IS IS q ~rar~ ~arvice I~ Ti n~t~al D~f+verv I~ IS IS 1$ . 1$ , .I : IS 1$ Picku Rate IS IS IS IS IS S IS Rent $er Calendar Day IS IS I$ IS IS I IS Rent Per Mcnth IS IS IS IS IS IS 15 Note1 Permanent Service: Service is defineti as no less than scheduled, every other week ptckup, unless lxal povemment requirea more frequent service ar unless putresctbles are involved Customer will be charged for sefvlce requestetf, even N fewer containers are serviced on a pertlcular Mp. No credlt will be given for partially-filled containers Note 2 Permanen! Sesrvk:e- If rent is sttovvn, the rate for tfie 6rst plckup and each add(Uonal pickup must be the same If rent is nat shown, it is to be +nctuded in the rate for the first pickup Accessonal charges assessed (Ilds, unlocking, unfatching. etc ) Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Juhr 13, 2006 . Efiecbve Dat,e September t, 2006 (Fa Oll'+d81 Use Only) DOCket NO TG- Oate. Sy: r-,,o Ocrr.-r 4 TIG J61142 Agenda nflre- 08- 30-n6 REGEIVED Jl 12, 2Ut., N'A. L:T. & TRatiS. C01Z"... .)Rl NAL TG-061142 Tanit No 7 Original Page No 38 Company Name/Permft NumDer Sunshine Dlsposal, Inc. - G000999 B R~e istered Trade Name(sl dba Sunshlne Disoosal antl RecvGinq ILe2► 255 - Contamer Sgrvice - Dumoed in Comoany's Vehic;e Compacted Material (Customer-owned container) Rates stated per container, per pickup Service Area_ ~ Size or Type ofCgntainer P ne t Servlc 132 ~ nn 4ag. Totei Yard Yard I Yard I Yard I Yard s~►~ubd ;~uv is ts Is $ rs I$ Is saeciel PiGcupg 1$ 1$ 1a 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ Tem~ nry Servlce I . . Nckup RaEe IS IS IS Is 13 IS IS Note1 Permanent Senrice. Service is defined as no less than schedu[ad, every other weak pickup, unless local govemment requires more irequent service or uniess putrescibles are involved. Customer wAf be charged for servke requested, even if tewer containers are serviced on a Farbcular trip. No credit wiil be givsn for partiaHy-filled cortkafners Accessorlal charges assessed (Ilds, unlocking. unlatchfng, etc ) Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 EHective Date September 1, 2006 (Far O!(icraJ Use Only) Docket No TG- Date: By: Fc )k 0FFIC'I.4L G'S'E C)NL Y Doc•ket_ TG-061142 -I ge/?CfQ nUtY: 08' 3l I Fij~~ rr'vi, Alrc 09-01-06 RF;CEIVED Ji, 12,201 N:1. liT. & TRANS. C011'Ir... JRI NAL TG-061142 This page haa (q] six Ilnes with incrvasas in oach fllled-In column, plus (A) an incroase In Note 2, and tht irtsertlon of Nates 4. 6 and 8 with [N] new ratss in wch. Tarift Na. 7 Ongina! Page No. 39 Company NamelPertnit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GQ00199 H Registsred Trade Name(s) dbe Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 260 - Dron Box Service - To Oisacsal Sfte and Return Non-Compaded Material(Company-owned conta+ner) R3te9 stated per drap box, per pickup Serv►ce Area: See Apppendlx A- Permit capy 8 map ` Size or TYQ~ of Container P~(~'~a•nt S~~ co I 20 Yardl 26 Ysrdl 30 Yanil 40 Yardl I Mont~y Rent (i~ aPRlicabk) I S 55.40 I $ 57.90 1 $ 60.80 74.00 IS It LM Firsi Pi ~ I S 65.00 1$ 85,00 I S 65.00 9 75.00 IS IS I f 1 Each d`onal PiCkup 1 $ 6500 I $ 65.00 I S 65.00 l S 75.00 I$ IS I Spec.i81 PickuRl IS IS I$ I$ I$ IS I Tern"., herv ce I . . . . , , . Initla! DeYery 13 40.00 1$ • $ 40.00 I S 40.00 IS 13 I ( i PiWcu Rate I S 85.00 I S - $ 85.08 I $ 95.08 IS is I Renl ~er Calendar Day I 5 4.00 IS - I $ 4 50 I S 5.00 IS IS f rAll RentPerMonth IS IS IS I$ 13 I$ I Nate 1: Rates in this item ara subjeci to disposal fees named m Item 230. Note 2: Retes named in this item apply for all hauls not excaeding 5 mites from the pomt of pjckup to the disposal site Excess miles will be charged for at $4.00 per mile or fraction cf a (AJ mtle. Mlfeage charge is in addltton to all regular charges. Note 3: Petmanent Service: (1) Service fs defined as no less than scheduled, once a month pickup, unless focal government requlres more frequent service, or unlsss putrescibfes are involved. (2) If a drop box Is retained by a customei for a full monih and no pickups ars ordered, the mortthty rent shaU be charped, but no chargea wlll be assassed tor pickups. Nbnthly rental chargas will be proreced when a drop box ls retafned for only a portbn of a month. (3) If rent Js shown, the rate for the first p6rJcup and each additional pickup must be the same ii rent is not shown, It is to be included In ihe rete for tt►e firat p+ckup Aocessoriai chargeR assessed (llda, tarping, unbcking, unlatching, etc.): Note 4: A gate or obetruction charge of $10.00 (N) will be esaeased for opening . untockirtg or [N] closing gates, or movin9 obstruciions in order to pick up solid wasie. Nota 5; A fee of $17.86 (N) per month will be added to rent when a lid is required on a drop box. [N] Note 6 A fee of $10.00 (N) will be asaessed when a customer requires the so.'id waste company [N] to posftlan lids open aRer pickup. Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Qate: July 13, 2006 Effeclrve Date: September 1. 2006 (For Officisl Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By r-~-~n .~rL•trt ~ r ~c r. U%-L rai-kpo- T" 061142 a ce,rdU Dare: 08-30-00 ~ ftt'i'!!1'c f~cltt'. (~4-I1 /-(1(i RECETVED J 12, 20,,,-,, WA, CTT. & TRANS, COM1... i7R] NAL TG•-0+51142 xafff r,o. 7 Orig,naF Page No. 40l Can'tparoy Mame+Ferrsi4t Numbee Sunshine DIsposal, Ir►c. - G4C101 99B RegisterW Trade Name(s) dba SunsVaine DisLxmt artd Recycl. IEern 2 5 - ~nr a Box 5arvice - Tt~ Q-isyouL~'~iLq~rsd Ro+.um Nan-Compacted Ma1eriai (Customer-ovmed confalner) Rates stated per drop box, per pickup Se!'uiCe f4,rea: I M Size or Type 4f Conminer _ Pj,I'rn @r~t ~'iB~iCe ~ 'Yaf~i Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Yal7d ac~~hedu9ed pickup 13 ~ ~ 5 $ ~ 5 5peciaG PicEcuips IS ds I$ s IS is tS To i~~~r~~v Bern+.e p,cKuP Rate Is 1s Is IS 'Is [S . Natel: Rales ira tttis item ara sLibjecC tc dispos-aV fees rtamed in Iterrr 230. NoM 2: F#ates named Ifl this Iterrr apply for aII hauls rrot ex€:eedlng 5 miles fram the poinx afi pickup to the +ils}osaI sIGe. Exc,es.s miies taAIN be chaf ged for at S per mHe or ia'ac:;on rf a mile_ IVlileage harge ks wn addRthon ko all regulae charges. Note 3: Parmanent Serv6w is define,d as na Iess khan schedu!ed, onr,e a mont1a pIc1tLrp, unless lacal governmsnt ardinsnces require rnoeo frequent service or un1es putrescibWes are frt++oCwed ►~ccesSQeial charges as5essed (Irds. ~inIoicking. unlatGtlrrg, etc,) Issued By: Marc 8 Tvrre I6sue Date: Ju1y 93, 2006 , Effective DaW Sentemter i, 2006 (Fckr Oftial Us~ OnJy) Docke! No. T[.G- aate: By f.'OR [:~FFlC14L L'SE OA-1 Dnr•ket: TU-061142 .4~,rendii Date: OX- 3f?-06 d~ r"'{,~i~ 7~ f~(:'l'~'~~ 1.,}wc' .09r0lr-06 7.~ RECE1VFD J. 12, 20k,,,, ►VA. UT. & TRANS. CON'IT... ORl NAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Ongmal Page No. 4; Company NameelPermK NumOer. Surtshine DispOSal, Inc. - G000199 8 Registered Trade Name(s) dbe Sunshine Disposal and Recycfing [tem 270 - Drop BoxServlce - Ta Disposal Site and Retum Compacted Meterial (Company-owned drop box) Rates stated per drop box, per pickup Service Area: ~ Size or Type of Container Permanent Senrice I Yard Yard I Yard I Yard I Yerd Yard I Yard Mvn iv Rent (it at~+cable) 5 S 1IS Is S 13 First~ickup S IS I~ IS I$ IS I$ Each Addidorral Ptckuo IS IS I$ IS IS !,S IS 5peccial Pidcups Is (S Ig IS IE IS Temponry Servics I , . Irntlal Del`n+ery $ IS IS S IS IS I$ Pictcup Rata $ IS IS S IS I$ Is Rent Per Calendar Day I5 IS IS IS IS IS IS Rent Per Month IS fS i5 IS IS I$ IS Note1 Rates m ttiis item are subject to disposal tees named in Item 230. Note 2: Rates named in this item apply br all heuls not exceeding 5 miles from the poirt of pickup to the disposat stDe. Excess miles will be charged for at S per mile or fractron of a mile. Mifeage harge is in additbn to ap regufar charges. Note 3: Permanent Senrice: (1) Service iS defined as no less than scheduled, once a month pickup, unless local govemment requiros more frequent service, or unless putresclbbs are involved. (2) If a drop box ts retained by a customer for a full monfh and no pickups are ordered, the monthly rent shalJ be charged, but no charges will be assessed for pk~cups. Monthly rental charges will be prorated when a drop box is retained fat only a portion of a month (3) If rent ta shown, the rate for the first pickup and each addfUonal p+ckup must ba the same I If rent is not shown, it is to be included in the rate for the first pickup. Accessarial charges ass2ssed {hds, tarping, unlocking, unlatching, etc ) Issued By Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 Effective Date September 1, 2006 (Fot Off'rcia/ Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date By t_•. ,n .,cci-i ~ r r~c~ •O~'L j ~~~'I6114' Agenda Date: 48-30-06 09-(11-I10 ~~~~IVED J. . 12,20,~,-, WA. UT. & TRANS. COMI.lt ORi .NAL TG-061142 Thlis page has [A4) InCreaSas io Permanertt Service far 20 yarad and 30 yai-d cor,tainera with nG changes to ra#es for the 30 yard and 40 yard cantalners. 'fhls page al$a has [A) an incraase to the ntlleage rat6 irr htokk* 2, irisertion vf Note i wlth N ana n4w rata, and irsseriion of Nate fwl'th [C) ehang2s in wcrdlng oan?y with no cheng a to the# raw Tariff No_ 7 Origir+al Page Noe 42 Ccimpany N-arrael P'arrrld TVumbei- Su ndhlne Dasposa l, Inc - GC1D4199 B Rtqestered Trade Na"(s) dba Sufishine Dsgpasal and Recvclintf lsen ~75 Qrqq 5gj( nri e- fio Dls~s~l SFte and Flrtum Compacled hr1`alec,al (Cuslomor-ownad cantainef~ Rakes stated per drop box, W pickup Service Area: Sae Appendix A - Permi# copy and rnap W rA) I Siae vr Type trF Gor i~r Permanertt Service 20 Yard 25 Yard 30 'Yarcf 1 4~} Y~rd ~ I E ac~ Sc"duCed Ipick4jp S 112.DO S 112,00 hS 112.00 I$ 135.05 I$ Is ~I3 Sp"l Pickuvs I! l Is IS 9s f . _ . - . _ j T M ~puranv Service ~'~kuqRate Is ' IS 1$ rs Is Is Nvte I : Ra4es In khtks €iem are sijbJect Io dcsptisal f6ea narped En Item 230. Nt+1e 2` Rafes nan7ed #r~ tF1i& iter-9 apply f€sr afll hauls roa# exCiaeddng 5 miles from !he poink of pIck:up to Che dispos$4 sFte. Excess rral9es wfll be chatgesi for ad S4.00 per n'tHe or fTaction ~f a~ [A] rnile. PJlileage charge is in addltinn tc) all reg'ulaf charges- Note 3: Permateiit S{ervlce is defined as no iess than schetiuled, once a rmnth pickup, unless pbcal goaemmenl nrdinances require more frequenl serrice or unles pufiresclbles aFe Muofved. AccessorWl charges assessed (lGds, unlockir►g, unl2tching, etc,) F1ote 4: A gate Or obstruckm c`►arr~~ of $10.00 (N) viill be as5essed [c,e apening . unjocJsrng o°" Chl] closing gafes, or mvirsg otastrucoona kn order ko pick up saii~d wast+e, Note 5: A c;ompacEvr dEsconnecUrecannect charge of $25,00 vdII he assass-ad. d~ FsSUed By' Marc B. Tofre I 'Ssue Date: J llfy 13 . 2006 Eff £i~tkve C7ale: Septp►t1ber 1. 2006 (FW ON"tc!~l USe QJ7ly) DoCke# htiio. TG- Date F3Y, rOo RFF4~-r r r=, 1- r, 1 14.2 1) .-I,i*t'i7d[7 DC7r['; 08= 30-M I-Wcf.'fi9."C' L}ate.- 00. 01 - 06 RECF1VED.1 12, M... ~N'A. t'T. & TR:1NS. COW... OR1 .V:1L TG-061142 Tariff No 7 Ongtnal Page No 43 Compeny Name/Permit Number. Sunshlne Oisposal, Inc - G000199 8 Registered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposai and Rec.Yclfng Item 300 - List ot AbbreviaUons and Svmbols Use4 In Thls Tanff (A) denotes increases (R) denotes decreases [C] denotes changes In wordJng, resuling in neither increases or decreases (Nj denotes new rabes, services, or rules ("'j denotes that matarial previousty shown hes been deleted Yd. Or yd. Are abbreviatbns for yard Cu Ot cu. Are abbreviations far cublc Issued By. Marc B Torre Issue Date July 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2008 (Foi OA`'rcis! Use OnIY) pocket No_ TG- Dete' By: c nn nccr. >>~c~ U.~,~L 4gencla UcNtr I)8-30-I)0 F1/6_iiit-I);uc r,Q_01_06 r I• WASHINGTtIN U?ILI'TIES AND TRANSPOBTATION COMMISSION ! 'For the Operation of Motor Propelled Vehicles ~ punuant to the provtalons of Gfiepter 81 RCW ~ I'l3IS lS TO CERZ'IFY chat aulhority ls granted to operele as a MOTOR CARRIETt in the transpor:ation oE the con~,moditles and in the territory descrlbcd herein to Ji~ V Suns}ti ne Uisposal, Inc. CERT. PlO. 1415 NY1 Ballard Way G-199 Seat tl e, M'A 98107 D-1 GARBAGE M!U REFUSE COLLF.t:TION SBRYICB, limlted to service in coniainers of tueaty (20) cubic rard capacity or over in that portion of Spokane Cvuntr described aa follows: The territory bounded on the E N@5C by Havane Streot (the easteclr city limits of the City oE Spokane); on the north by RoKan Avenue extcnded; on tho east by the Idaho-Washington State lina and on the south by 40th Avenue extended. Also, Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, T. 26 N., R. 45 H., and Sectlons 30 and 31, T. 26 N., R. 46 E.; and within the corporate city lfmlts of ~ Spokane as oE Saptember 2, I962, PROVIDED: Service permltted in Spokane doss not authorize the duplication of or any eacroachnent on - services readered by the City of 5pokAne or contracted for by it.. M. V. G. No. 1147 8-24-83 i ~ . WASNINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATTON •-A;a eP COMMISSiON ~ o By . a - ~ r~i 1~e• '~aY ~ ~ ^t L ~ .ti ux~fu~.~'1'L'~Z1SL'l'1$^~~t 1 L . ~.t,: L~? itli,T~ii'1T~Z~iS`~ t} - - - - - - ~ - - ;1 - - J r ~ ~ENa3ckiu1 te: 08-30-06 ~ - .r1J.lth . I ~ J ~1 7p r'i7 .n R42E ~ R43E ~ R44E I R45E J46 I . E I • . , . r Y . ~ ~,C' . . i . ..w.~.' ~ 1~a ~ .=i~~ ~...A...r:: ' , ' ' • • I, Z -r e •i . ~ ~ , r~F ,n_ c~ t / ~ ~ I ~ 3 _ ~ • , . :~e.r • f~~ ~ 1 1.. _ ~ ~ 'i ~ I . • ` . M \ ~ + • ~q ^ ~ l 1~ . M~ , , • ~ . . ~ . ~ ; . ' ' • • ~p ~ ~ , I • ~ ' ` _ ' ♦ , Y+-.. ~ ~ r ~ I1 • J ♦ ~ t s- L ~ • _ ~ ' _ , _ ~ c.' ~ ~ti.v I . , 1 ~ j~r.d , ~ _ f~ _ , ` ' I - _ •i _ ~ 4 r -1 NOIG n1f[ CfB'S OnQ It141, Q Hole: 5mke permlNed In Sptane Aoet w+Ihn Spo4aoe CL na of 9-l-62 k fi~niled lo Iva~r . . _ " Y noi onlhafre the d~fio~ ol ~ a onY oncrooehma+ ea »niea ITCB cobie yurd eop or mt reAdenl py the dty of Spoicnf or caetrocNd lur br il. ~ ~ / ' ;-j-. ~ ~ 'f ~ w ~y' ~.y~ ' ~ ~ I " f~• . ~ ~ r . . • ~ ~ i . . •S • • 1 ~ . r , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ,l~r: ' 4 1 : ; - , ~ ~ ~ - -•T~*T.. ~ , wn~.. M txp J •✓'I 1 'I w ~ ~ ~ • ~t' 1 • ~ V . a ~~1."~, l . ~ . Gw""'',+,.~a~~~•~.~... iF, ~ I'Ls ~ \ 1 ~