2010, 02-01 Special Executive Session MinutesMINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Executive Session Monday February 1, 2010 Attendance: Councilmembers: Tom Towey, Mayor Gary Schimmels, Deputy Mayor Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Dean Grafos, Councilmember Brenda Grassel, Councilmember Absent: Bob McCaslin, Councilmember Staff: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Mike Connelly, City Attorney Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney EXECUTIVE SESSION: After Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 4: 00 p.m., it was moved by Councilmember Gothmann, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into executive session for approximately two hours to evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment [RCW 42.30.110(1)(g)] and that no action is anticipated thereafter. Council adjourned into executive session at 4:00 p.m. At approximately 5:45 p.m., Mayor Towey declared council out of executive session. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Thomas E. Towey, Mayor ATTEST 6 rris4tirn City Clerk Council Minutes: 02 -01 -10 Approved by Council: 02 -09 -10 Page 1 of 1