10-092.00 MJM Grand: Broadway Ave ReconstructionryT or {1 'y..... Valle3'. CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT N0: 10.013 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT: Broadway Avenue Reconstruction Projeot CONTRACT DATE: V2012010 CONTRACTOR: MJM Grand, Inc CI fANGE ORDER NO: 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: 0088 BID NO.: 10.013 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change Order pays for Incorporating HUD Special Conditions and Federal Wage rates Into the Contract with two Pay Items: Pay item 102 provides for a lump sum payment for the cost of paperwork and conformanco to the attached Hud Special conditions. Pay Item 103 provides payment for Incorporating Federal Wage Rates Into the project. Final payment vAl be made from a spreadsheet that vhll calculate the additional cost from all certified wage reports. Spokane County Utilities will reimburse the City of Spokane Valley for the cost of this Change Order. I tem No Descrintlan !hift Quanti Unit Price Tota 102 HUD Special Conditions LS 1 $500.00 $500.00 103 Federal Wage Rate Adjustment EST 1 $3,000.00 63 0. 00.00 Total Amount of this Change Order( Incl. Tax)t $3.600.00 SUBSTANTIAL OOMPLETION Original Dale: 10/1112010 Prior to this Change Order. 10/11/2010 Including this Change Order: 10/11/2010 Original Working, Days: 60 Working Days Added by this C0: 0 Working Days Including this 00: 6o CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT Aht0UN7 �� �_ �•� ��„ ..........•.......,.......... ............ S .........,.ww,...„ . w. TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AhA011NT $ TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER _........_. _._...__.........__..._........ ... S NET THIS CHAN015 ORDER ...,..... _ __,..,.. ......�....n...... „.....,....mow... „.,1. TO CONTRACT AM OUNT INCLU DING TH CHANGE O RDER S CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE Tho contractor hereby accepts this adjustment underthe terms of the odginal contract for all work perfomed. RECOMMENDED BY: APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY. v APPROVED BY. LJLA City Manager DATE: — 7 . — Z ,6 —(0 DATE: ! 'Ella - /6 DATE: DATE: DATE: ATTACHMENTS: Dlsidb0on: ORIGINALS T0: Contmolor, Cilyof Spokane Vat'oyClark's Office, PW Project File COPIES TO: PW Project Flte P:P�L oYla'�tP�aha RICO &I MA 60 10- Dft-