2009 Business Plan Siokane� jvalley /2009 Business Plan A Community Opportunity Table of Contents Executive Summary. 2 Business Plan Process . 3 Strategic Service Delivery Areas . 4 Understanding the Departmental Business Plan . 5 Department Business Plans: M Executive/Legislative Support— City Manager/City Clerk. 6 Executive/Legislative Support— City Attorney 10 Operations & Administrative Services. . 13 Finance and Information Technology Services . 17 Community Development . 21 Parks & Recreation . 27 Public Works . 33 6-Year Budget & Staffing Impact Summary . 40 Summary - Citywide Business Plan . 41 ,, Pending Ideas 42 1 Appendix: 0 Foundation of the City of Spokane Valley . 43 Z' N Core Beliefs. 43 Vision Statement . 45 Values . 46 Customer Service . 47 Information Input: Internal Input . 49 External Input . 50 Council Goals . 51 The Initial Plan . 52 Executive I Summary The City of Spokane Valley Fiscal Year 2009 Business Plan communicates New Concepts in 2009 the connection between the strategic planning process and the community Business Plan priorities shaping the future of Spokane Valley. A dynamic document, it is the most recent iteration of a six-year business plan that will be updated Within the 2009 Business Plan, annually as needs and priorities change, and as efforts are successfully each departmental plan completed. identifies, measures, and reflects trends in the City's Because many City programs and services are still evolving, that process will performance. be reflected in subsequent years' Plans. Workload Indicators illustrate As a forecasting document, changes effected in earlier Business Plans are not both input and output related to reflected in this current version. For historical reference, please refer to the a department. These indicators summary included in the Appendix or to prior years' Business Plans. reflect the service demand upon each department and how The 2009 Business Plan is divided into two sections. First is the initial Plan much work was performed. itself, which outlines the process, strategic service delivery areas and plans Workload indicators can also specific to each department, including associated staffing and cost proposals. be used to reflect trends and The second section provides a preview of pending ideas, issues and proposals compare Spokane Valley's bearing further consideration. statistics with those of other cities. The Business Plan ties into the Strategic Financial Plan, which is based on financial forecasts. The 2009 Plan is considered a ``closed" plan; i.e.: one Performance Measurements which allows reallocation, but no increase of funds from the adopted 2008 determine our efficiency by Plan; however, there is an exception. The Public Works Street Fund Division, comparing the amount of work through reorganization and utilization of already approved .4 budgeted hours, performed to the amount of requested an additional .6 hours to create an Assistant Engineer position resources consumed; for dedicated to traffic/planning &grants. example, the response time to fulfill each citizen request. Two positions originally anticipated in the 2009 budget have been postponed While measuring efficiency is to 2010, including a Community Development Code Compliance Officer, and important in determining an Operations Coordinator for Parks and Recreation. The addition of a whether the City is making the Human Resources Assistant position has been postponed to 2014, and two IT best use of resources, those Specialist positions are anticipated for inclusion in the 2010 and 2012 measurements may not tell us if budgets. The Accounting Technician for the Finance Department is reflected our efforts are effective in in the 2009 Business Plan as anticipated. fulfilling our goals. To determine this, we measure From 2009 through 2014, a total of 6.6 new positions are planned with outcomes through such means estimated annual costs ranging from $202,605 in 2009 to $592,205 in 2014. as citizen satisfaction surveys The estimated costs include personnel, vehicles and equipment but do not These Performance include overhead such as office space and utilities. Measurements provide both accountability to the customers The Business Plan looks at the trends in Spokane Valley to anticipate future and a gauge for management needs. Financial resources are also forecast, taking into consideration to determine whether services economic indicators and new legislation. The Business Plan can then be are running smoothly or if focused on utilizing available resources in the most efficient manner to changes need to be made. provide quality service to our customers while meeting the current and future needs of the City. Business Plan Process This proposed six-year Business Plan for 2009-2014 is based on the fulfillment of the City's Vision Statement: "A community of opportunity where individuals and families can grow and play and businesses will flourish and prosper." In order to execute the Vision, the City Council, with public participation, worked to establish core beliefs, values, and annual budget goals, all of which provide the nexus for the City's six- year Business Plan. The Appendix includes a comprehensive discussion of the Foundation on which Spokane Valley was built, which includes Core Beliefs, our Vision Statement, our Values, our commitment to Customer Service, a summary of Internal and External Input Methodology, and the Council's Goals for 2009. As noted in Figure 1. Business Plan Process, the City's Foundation as established by City Council and influenced by formal employee input, city planning process, analysis and other forms of internal input, along with citizen surveys, comment cards, focus groups and other external input, continues to be the foundation of the evolving six-year Business Plan. Each of the Strategic Service Delivery Areas is supported by a Departmental Business Plan. The initial Departmental Business Plans were developed through participatory meetings open to all City employees. A SWOT analysis identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for each department was conducted. Mission statements and goals were established by employees. Annual updates to the Business Plan are submitted by department heads and revised by the City Manager. Figure 1. Business Plan Process City Foundation Core Beliefs, Vision Statement, Values, Customer Service Standards City♦Council ► Budget Goals ■ External Input Internal Input 4' Citizen Survey Lunch w/City Manager Comment Cards Employee Focus Groups Strategic Service-Delivery Areas p Focus Groups Commute Trip Reduction Customer Correspondence Survey Resource Analysis Departmental Business Plans Comprehensive Plan Mission Statement 6-Year Transportation Goals Improvement Plan 6-Year Financial Plan Strategies *Workload Indicators CenterPlace Marketing *Performance Performance Measurements New plan components Parks Master Plan 4, Audits Citywide Business Plan Performance Analysis Encompasses All Items Above Strategic Service Delivery Areas The City of Spokane Valley is classified by five strategic service-delivery areas of one or more departments, as seen in Figure 2. Strategic Service-Delivery Areas and Respective Departments. The five strategic service areas have developed mission statements that guide all the departments that operate within the strategic area. ■dditionally, Within two of the strategic service areas, divisions were further defined. Two of these are notable in that they have developed mission statements and business plans specific to those divisions. First, the Office of the City Attorney is a division within the Executive & Legislative Support Department, but provides City-wide legal services such as litigation, legislation, contracts, and code enforcement. The second is the Finance & Information Technology Division within the Operations and Administrative Services Department. Figure 2. Strategic Service-Delivery Areas and Respective Departments Executive& Operations& Community Parks& Public Works Legislative Support Administrative Development Recreation Services L Office of the Finance& City Attorney Information Technology `AY fst9Y34n j t87e Departmental Business Plan Beginning on the next page, the 2009 Business Plan includes a description of each program along with the goals, strategies, estimated budget, and timelines necessary to implement the Plan. Each strategic area encompasses a general area of service delivery while the respective departments and divisions within provide specific services to the customer. The departments/ divisions work closely together under the direction of the manager of each strategic area, coordinating efforts to serve the mission of that particular area. Workload Indicators and Performance Measures Goals encompassing a six-year period are developed by each department and are intended to make departments responsive to the community. The Goals are summarized in a six-year timeline followed by a Budget and Staffing Summary which illustrate the impact of the goals. .3 Workload indicators are utilized to demonstrate the amount of work performed, services received, and/or Beginning with the 2009 Business resources consumed. This type of Plan, the City will incorporate information will be collected annually to Workload Indicators and Performance identify trends that are occurring in our city Measures. Goals and strategies in the that affect the government organization. Business Plan provide direction for the Such information can be utilized to make future; Workload indicators and staffing decisions, prioritize purchases to performance measures help ensure best meet the needs of our customers, and desired results are achieved and that forecast budgetary needs for the future. citizens are receiving the value they Examples of workload measures are the expect. number of road miles cleaned and the number of permits issued. Performance measures are necessary to determine whether services are delivered effectively and efficiently. Although most basic city services provided are consistent across jurisdictions, each city organization has great discretion in deciding how to provide those services. Each task performed by a city employee has a desired effect attached to it. If we do not take steps to determine whether the desired effect is being accomplished, we do not know if we are effectively meeting the needs of our citizens and customers. For example, a survey of citizens will tell us if we are providing the recreation programs they desire, and an assessment of the condition of our streets will tell us if we are maintaining our streets to a sufficient degree. The counterpart of the effectiveness measure is the efficiency measure. We must also determine whether the cost to provide each service is a good value to our customers. These efficiency measures will let us know whether we need to improve the workflow process or provide better resources to accommodate the customer in a timelier manner. Examples of efficiency measures are the cost per capita of delivering a service or the number of days to issue a permit. DEPARTMENTAL BUSINESS PLANS Department: Executive & Legislative Support - City Manager/City Clerk Mission Statement Our mission is to provide the City Council and employees with leadership, useful advice, and implementation of best practices to achieve adopted goals and deliver quality services to the community. Overview Description of Programs The Executive & Legislative Support City Manager — The City Manager Department is accountable to the City recommends and implements policy, Council for the operational results of the oversees the operations of the City, and organization, effective support of elected develops and implements the budget. All officials in achieving their goals, fulfillment employees report directly or indirectly to of the statutory requirements of the City the City Manager. The City Manager Manager, implementation of City Council supervises and mentors Masters of Public policies, and provision of a communication Administration (MPA)program interns. linkage between citizens, the City Council, City departments, and other government City Clerk — The Clerk's Office is the agencies. custodian of all the City records and oversees the elections. The Clerk Executive and Legislative Support includes administers the City Safety Committee and the City Clerk and oversees the Police Risk Management claims function. Services Contract for the City. While the Office of the City Attorney is included in the Police Services — Police services are Executive and Legislative Support contracted through the Spokane County Department, it works directly with all other Sheriff's Department. The City of Spokane departments and has its own Mission Valley Police Chief reports to the City Statement and Goals following this section. Manager. 2009 Organizational Chart City Manager Deputy City Admin.Assistant— Manager Executive City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Admin.Assistant— Police Chief MPA Executive (Contract Services) Interns City Council Admin.Assistant Deputy City Clerk • •• Deputy City Attorney Rule 9 Legal Interns 6 6-Year Goal Summary • Facilitate the achievement of annually established Council Goals • Update Strategic Financial Plan • Implement City-wide document management system Detailed Goal List Goal 1 Facilitate the achievement of annually established Council Goals (all years). Strategies (2009-2014) I • Annually develop objectives and strategies to accomplish Council Goals • Report goal attainment progress to the community in the City Manager's Budget Message Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 Meetings w/Department Heads to attain Council Goals 53 • Goal Attainment Progress (previous years' Goals) posted to website by February 15 annually • Number of annual Council meetings 55 • Number of established Council goals 6 • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 % of citizens satisfied with Council Goals and City's direction (positive rating-survey) 82% • Average % of citizens who attend Council meetings (survey) 21% • % of citizens who rated the services provided by the City with a positive rating (survey) 90% % of citizens who rated Spokane Valley as a place to Live with a positive rating (survey) 98% • % of citizens who rated the City with a positive rating re: listening to citizens (survey) 75% • • Positive rating re: the City as welcoming Citizen involvement— (survey) 85% • Goal 2 Update Six-Year Strategic Financial Plan (SFP). The SFP forecasts expected revenues and expenses, incorporates the fiscal elements of departmental business plans, identifies fiscal constraints and proposes formulas for Council consideration in composing a budget- balancing approach that itemizes necessary service reductions or increased revenues, or a combination thereof. Strategies (2009-2014): • Update the financial forecast on an ongoing basis • Update departmental business plans • Calculate the fiscal impacts identified in business plans • Assess revenue and expenditure trends • Merge trend data with business plan cost data • Determine the financial delta • Develop best case and worst case scenarios • Formulate revenue and expenditure options • Determine affordable service levels • Select budget-balancing options to implement • Obtain Council authorization to proceed with selected option(s) Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 Draft of Departmental Business Plans completed annually by June 30 • Strategic Financial Plan reviewed and updated annually • Balanced budget presented to City Council annually • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 % of citizens who rated the overall value of services received for City tax dollars paid as a positive rating (survey) 83% Per capita expenditures *taken from year end report divided by current population 8 Goal 3 Implement City-wide document management system. Strategies: 2009 • Phase in index of all documents as part of the document management system 2010 • Continue phasing in index of all documents • Maintain full document imaging and continue archiving all documents Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 #of boxes archived 181 • #of public record requests processed 347 • #of contracts and agreements processed 166 • Prepare analysis of electronic filing annually • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 % responses/public records requests completed in 5 days 100% • % of all documents and forms indexed on City's website by year end 100% • % prompt indexing of Council documents w/in 5 working days 100% • Summary 6-Year Timeline Goal 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1 & 2 3 6-Year Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* This plan does not include any additional funding and staff impact. The City has set aside S250,000 for implementation of a document imaging system. This Plan does not include additional systems funding. 9 Department: Executive & Legislative Support - Office of the City Attorney Mission Statement Implement Council policy by providing clear direction and meaningful assistance to employees administering city government and citizens who use city government. Ensure that all City actions are consistent, timely and helpful. Maintain a positive and creative workplace. Overview Description of Programs The Office of the City Attorney represents Contract review and support — Review City's legal interests including oversight of contracts prior to adoption and advise City claims and litigation. The division manages departments on issues related to the City's legal service agreements such as administration of the contracts. courts, prosecutors, and probation. The City Attorney drafts ordinances and Code compliance support and litigation — resolutions, negotiates contracts, leases, Provide support to code compliance and agreements and supports departments department in analyzing cases; provide in enforcing associated laws. The Office of litigation support for cases that are not the City Attorney also provides specialized capable of resolution by compliance employee training regarding existing law. officers. The City Attorney supervises and directs the work of Rule 9 Legal Interns. Community Development support — Provide advice on broad spectrum of issues related to development permitting in the City, and joint planning activities outside the City in affected areas. Legislative support — Draft legislative changes; provide advice to the City 2009 Organizational Chart Council on broad range of municipal issues. City Attorney I Deputy City Attorney Administrative Assistant Rule 9 Legal Interns 10 6-Year Plan Summary • Have a fully operational City Attorney's Office that is adequately staffed to handle the workload and allows for timely client service • Assist other departments in analyzing and mapping existing processes to determine compliance with the law and whether higher levels of customer service can be achieved Detailed Goal List Goal 1 To have a fully operational City Attorney's Office that proactively assists in program development, advises all departments on legal issues in a timely matter, and manages all potential and existing litigation. Strategies (2009-2014): • Review programs • Monitor workload & workload changes • Track response times • Identify deficient areas Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 Work order requests processed 388 • Legal memorandums 90 • Public records requests processed 29 • Litigation matters including enforcement matters. 105 Enforcement-Open 94 Closed 71 • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 Legal service cost/hr compared to outside counsel $73 vs $250 $ vs $ • % of internal clients reporting legal advice was timely (target 95%) 91% • Goal 2 To assist other departments in analyzing and mapping existing processes to determine compliance with the law and whether higher levels of customer service can be achieved. Strategies: 2009 • Finalize an index for all public records from each department, with a corresponding electronic directory system with a common City-wide format • Identify all types of permits, approvals, permissions or waivers granted by the City, and specify the procedures to be followed for each item, including deadlines • Create a process whereby the basis for all conditions placed upon a development project is identified, with a specific checklist to be followed prior to the imposition of each condition • Create and maintain a purchasing manual • Maintain and update all form contracts used by all departments • Update and maintain all City franchises • Maintain and update all form contracts used by all departments 2010-2014 • Maintain and update all form contracts used by all departments Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 Training classes taught 8 • Contracts reviewed 166 • Ordinances and resolutions drafted 40 • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 Percentage of internal clients reporting that Legal advice was clear & relevant (target 95%) 95% • Summary 6-Year Timeline Goal 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1 & 2 ► 6-Year Budget and Staffing Impact Summary -This plan does not include any additional funding and staff impact. Department: Operations & Administrative Services Mission Statement Operations and Administrative Services supports the organization and provides exceptional customer service by assessing and addressing the needs of customers and employees, emphasizing public accountability, fostering community involvement, and managing the delivery of services to the citizenry. Overview Public Information — Provides professional communications support that The Operations & Administrative results in the distribution of complete, Services Department includes the human accurate and timely information on City resources, central reception, public issues and activities to internal and information, contract administration, and external constituents to create public finance functions of the City. This awareness, understanding, and interest in section of the Business Plan reflects the City programs, policies, services and Operations Oversight Division of the initiatives. Department. Contract Administration — Negotiates Description of Programs service agreements, reviews charges, audits usages, utilizes managed Human Resources —Provides services in competition and addresses customer compensation, benefits, training and concerns. organizational development, staffing, Analysis — Performs professional level employee relations, and communications. management analysis of service contracts and programs for efficiency and cost- Central Reception — Serves as the effectiveness; conducts operational primary customer service representative effectiveness reviews to ensure functional for all departments within the City, or project systems are applied and provides customer assistance and functioning as designed; and performs receives and assists the public. cost control activities to assure sound fiscal control. 2009 Organizational Chart Deputy city, Manager Administrative Assistant-Executive Administrative Sr.Administrative Public Information Office Assistant I Office Assistant II Human Resources Analyst Analyst Officer Manager • Human Resources Technician 6-Year Plan Summary • Respond to internal and external impacts on the City's human resources function in order to recruit and retain a well-qualified workforce • Enhance community involvement in City government • Formalize public accountability in City operations through incorporating the Business Plan into decision making, conducting a periodic community survey, and establishing a toolbox for evaluating the City's contract services Detailed Goal List Goal 1 Respond to internal and external impacts on the City's human resources function in order to recruit and retain a well-qualified workforce. Strategies: (2009-2014) • Use more pro-active recruitment techniques • Evaluate City's work environment to encourage retention of existing staff • Expand New Employee Orientation and training • Develop processes that improve employee access to information, and make the best use of technology in order to administer cost effectively Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 Number of City employees 89 • Personnel action forms processed 148 • Number of training classes facilitated or coordinated 9 • Interviews conducted 154 • Employees hired *(regular employees) 15 *Permanent FT,PT employees; limited Term employees. Does not include Temp/seasonal employees • Average number of applications received Per recruitment cycle 94.8 • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 Percentage of employee satisfaction w/HR (target 95%) 97.6% Percentage rate of employee turnover 9% 2008 2009 HR FTE per 100 employees 2 • Percentage of annual non-manager performance reviews completed w/in 30 days of anniversary date 53.42% • Average number of days to complete recruitment 130 • Goal 2 Enhance community involvement in City government. Two of the Core Values adopted by City Council are to promote community identity and pride, and to focus on the future Strategies: (2009-2014) • Promote a unique, Spokane Valley identity especially for the celebration of the City's ten-year anniversary • Develop reports on Spokane Valley demographic and economic trends • Expand forums for informing and involving the public through the development of formal customer service feedback system, and enhancement of community communications outreach program Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 Media releases issued 203 • Total Media Stories 673 • Public Information contacts with media 273 • Community newsletters produced 3 regular/11 special • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 Customer satisfaction re: contact w/City Hall as it pertains to impression of employees: (survey) % positive rating *Knowledge 88% • *Responsiveness 90% • *Courtesy 89% • 2008 2009 *Overall Impression 86% Customer use of website (survey) 26% Customer satisfaction w/Public Information services (% positive rating-survey) 92% • Earned media stories per FTE in PIO 162 *based on 1.5 employees • Community E-Newsletter distribution per capita .0031% • Goal 3 Formalize public accountability in City operations through incorporating the Business Plan into decision making, conducting a periodic community survey, and establishing a toolbox for evaluating the City's contract services. An open, collaborative government is the third Core Value adopted by City Council. Strategies: (2009-2014) • Incorporate the Business Plan in the City's decision- making process to enhance accountability through implementation of performance measures. • Implement a periodic community survey to objectively monitor customer satisfaction. • Establish a toolbox for evaluating City's contract services. Summary • Develop a formal contract audit program. • Finalize a managed competition process. 6-Year Timeline Goal 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1, 2 & 3 6-Year Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Operations/Admin Services FTE 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 HR Assistant 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 60,000 Community Inv/Public Info i 0.00 73,520 34,061 29,623 30,208 30,816 31,432 Contract Services 2 0.00 13,520 14,061 34,623 15,208 15,816 36,100 Other HR Services 3 0.00 25,000 5,000 7,000 27,000 7,000 7,000 Subtotal 1.00 112,040 53,122 71,246 72,416 53,632 134,532 *Salary/Benefits and Personnel Startup Costs (work stations and vehicles) 1 Publications$5k, interactive web$50k-2009 only, community outreach 5k, customer service feedback]Ok-2010 5k-2011-2014, PI intern 2 Community survey$20k-2011&2014, Contract Services Intern 3 City safety plan, paperless HR system, update website, enhance employee recognition, develop marketing strategy, employee development/learning, comprehensive employee development model, succession planning, healthy work/life 16 Department: Operations & Administrative Services - Finance & Information Technology Mission Statement The Finance and Information Technology Division is committed to excellence in customer service by providing quality financial information to Council, citizens and City departments. The Information Technology Group (IT) seeks to understand technology and how it can best serve internal and external IT users. Overview Description of Programs The Finance and Information Technology Finance — Provides assistance to Division provides financial management departments on the annual budget, and technology services for all City financial reporting, payroll, accounts departments. Programs include payable, and purchasing. accounting and reporting, payroll, accounts payable, purchasing, budgeting, Information Technology — Provides financial planning, insurance, treasury assistance to departments regarding and information technology. This telephone service, computers, Division exists within the Operations and printer/copiers, and the city's computer Administrative Services Department. network. 2009 Organizational Chart Finance Director Accounting Manager Accountant/Budget IT Specialist GIS/Database Analyst (2.0 FTE) Administrator (3.0 FTE) 1 Accounting Technician (2.0 FTE) 6-Year Plan Summary • Assist in the implementation of the Sprague-Appleway Revitalization Plan, especially in the area of City Hall, City Center, and other infrastructure financing • Assist in developing the financing of the Street Master Plan • Explore available telecommunications infrastructure accessible to the public • Maintain a consistent level of service in payroll, accounts payable, budget preparation and information technology services during a period of high growth Detailed Goal List Goal 1 Assist in the implementation of the Sprague-Appleway Revitalization Plan, especially in the area of City Hall, City Center, and other infrastructure financing. Strategies (2009-2014): • Review list of needed improvements • Determine cost of improvements • Once agreement with developer is signed, determine who will provide improvements • Determine timing of improvements • Determine affect on city financial stability • Determine financing options • Prepare plan Goal 2 Assist in developing the financing of the Street Master Plan. Strategies: 2009 • Review consultant's plan • Review list of needed improvements • Should Capital Plan be different than Operating Plan? • Determine costs • Determine timing • Determine affect on city financial stability • Determine options • Prepare plan 18 Goals 3 Maintain a consistent level of service in payroll, accounts payable, budget preparation and information technology services (during a period of high growth). Strategies: (2009-2014) • Add Accounting Technician in 2009 • Add Information Technology (IT) positions as needed (2010 & 2012) • Upgrade telephone, network and fiber infrastructure Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 #of accounts payable checks 2664 • Dollars spent City-wide $52,605,662 • Number of phone lines 28 • Number of workstations 140 • Number of servers & appliances supported 33 • Number of PC's installed or replaced 20 • 19 Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 Finance expenditures/City-wide expenditures .0124 • Dollar value of accounts payable processed per Accounts Payable FTE $40,033,377 • Dollar value of gross payroll processed per payroll FTE $5,248,433 • Help desk requests per IT FTE/month 55 • IT FTE per number of workstations 70 • Network availability % 99% (259 days out of 262) • Summary 6-Year Timeline Goal 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1 & 4 2 & 3 6-Year Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Finance & Information Technology FTE 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Accounting Technician 1.00 53,668 1 52,897 56,335 59,997 61,497 64,572 IT Specialist 1.00 0 0 0 85,240 86,520 92.144 Subtotal 3.00 53,668 134,444 138,923 233,193 241,690 252,730 *SalaryBenefits and Personnel Startup Costs (work stations and vehicles) Drop in second year is the result of one-time start-up costs in year one 20 Department: Community Development Mission Statement The mission of the Community Development Department is to provide planning, permitting and code compliance services in a responsive and efficient manner to ensure the safety, health and welfare of our citizens, and to encourage orderly development and economic sustainability. Overview Community Development maintains the Permitting — Review and issuance of City's Comprehensive Plan, administers construction and land use permits according the Uniform Development Code and to the City's Uniform Development Code adopted Building Codes, and assists which includes the disciplines of Building, citizens and business owners with code- Planning, and Development Engineering and related issues. is completed through inspections of these three areas of development. Description of Programs Code Compliance — Responds to City complaints for compliance to City codes. Planning — Makes recommendations for the updates and maintenance of the City's Geographic Information Systems — Comprehensive Plan, participates in Maintains the City's geographic database in regional planning policy issues, provides order to provide information to make the state with mandated information decisions and monitor land use trends. regarding growth of residential capacity and employment trends, administers the Uniform Development Code including the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Shoreline Management Act and the Growth Management Act(GMA). 2009 Organizational Chart Community Development Director Admin. Office Assistant — Assistant I Planning Building Senior Manager Official Engineer Development Senior Assistant Sr.Plans Code Sr.Permit ROW Office Planner Planner Examiner Compliance Specialist Inspector Assistant I (2.0 FTE) (3.0 FTE) Officer (2.0 FTE) (2.0 FTE) Associate Planning Plans Building Permit Office Engineer Construction Planner Tech Examiner Inspector II Specialist Assistant II (1.5 FTE) — Inspector (2.0 FTE) (.75 FTE) (4.0 FTE) (2.0 FTE) Assistant Engineering Engineer — Tech (2.0 FTE) (2.0 FTE) 6-Year Plan Summary • Complete the Planned Action State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for City Center Area • Implement the Sprague-Appleway Revitalization Plan • Complete the Shoreline Master Program update • Update Urban Growth Area(UGA)boundaries through regional process • Continue to improve customer service in permit processing • 2010 Census • Complete 5-year update of the Comprehensive Plan Detailed Goal List Goal 1 Complete the Planned Action SEPA for the City Center Area Strategies: (through mid 2009) • Conduct public hearings on draft EIS • Make revisions based on comments • Public outreach • Adopt planned action ordinance Goal 2 Implement the Sprague-Appleway Revitalization Plan as determined by the City Council. Strategies: (2009—2011) • Work with the City Council, consultants, and other department staff to determine the scope of City Center plan • Put together timeline and costs for improvements and work with Council to determine • City's portion of costs • Refine site plan with property owners and consultants • Close property transaction for City Hall • Work with consultants and property owner to secure a developer • Review plans for City Hall permit and issue • Apply for grant funding appropriate to project Goal 3 Complete Shoreline Master Plan Strategies: (2009-2013) • Complete Shoreline Inventory • Complete the Shoreline Master Program update subject to obtaining grant funding • If funding is available, select consultant for Shoreline Inventory and Technical Code and Policy Work • Washington State mandates adoption of an updated Shoreline Master Program by 2013 Goal 4 Update UGA boundaries through regional process. Strategies: (2009—2010) • Amend Comprehensive Plan to identify UGA's in 2009 update • Work through regional process to have UGA's / Joint Planning Areas assigned • Work with county and other cities to adopt common standards for UGA areas • Complete the work of the county-wide UGA grant S Goal 5 Continue to improve customer service in permitting process. Strategies: (2009) • Implement recommendations of the development stakeholders group • Update and improve customer handouts • Complete staff training of the Sprague-Appleway Plan and form based development regulations • Identify problem areas that delay permit review and work with development community to find ways to solve the problem Workload Indicators: (Goal 5) 2008 2009 Permit Center counter walk-ins 4315 • Permit Center phone calls 4472 • Construction permits issued 3535 • Building inspections performed— Residential 4480 • Building inspections performed— Commercial 2177 • Code compliance complaints investigated 1008 • Right-of-Way inspections performed 5183 • Engineering inspections performed • Service population 88,920 • Number of Planning Commission meetings 24 • Number of code amendments 7 • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 Number of permits issued per FTE 392.78 (Plans Exam.-2, Build. Insp.-4, Permit Spec.-3) • Residential building permit issuance in days (target 3-5 working days) • Average tenant improvement permit issuance in days (target 25 working days) • Average response time for first review (commercial permits, target 20-25 working days) • % of citizen satisfaction with services regarding land use, planning and zoning with a positive rating (survey) 83% • Goal 6 2010 Census Strategies: 2009 • Send staff to census training • Prepare maps and data for census collection • Assist in any other way required by Census Bureau Goal 7 Complete 5-Year Update of Comprehensive Plan Strategies: 2011 • Notify utility districts, school district and other outside agencies about need for updated information • Incorporate any new state mandated information • Process through Planning Commission and City Council Summary 6-Year Timeline Goal 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1 — 2 3 4 5 & 6 7 6–Year Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Community Development FTE 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Code Compliance Officer 1.00 0 *85,340 '65,327 69,574 74,096 75,948 Salary/Benefits and Personnel Startup Costs (work stations and vehicles) Drop in second year is the result of one-time start-up costs in year one *This position was previously funded in 2009, but has been postponed to 2010 26 Department: Parks & Recreation Mission Statement To acquire, develop, operate and maintain a diverse park and recreation system that enhances our community. Overview activities within the City. The YMCA provides the lifeguards and maintains the With offices located in the CenterPlace pools during the season. Regional Events Center, the Parks and Recreation Department consists of five Senior Center— The City of Spokane Valley divisions: Parks Administration and assumed operational control of the Valley Maintenance; Recreation; Aquatics; Senior Senior Center in 2003. Through the Spokane Center; and CenterPlace. The Department is Valley Senior Citizens Association, the comprised of nine FTEs. Parks Maintenance Senior Center promotes fellowship, health, and Aquatics services are contracted with recreation, social, and educational external businesses/agencies. The Parks & opportunities for persons fifty years and Recreation Department also maintains a older. database of local recreation programs and services to help match citizens with existing In cooperation with the Community Colleges services. of Spokane the Senior Center offers classes Description of Programs ranging from aerobics to Spanish. The Senior Center is also a recreational hub for area Parks Administration &Maintenance— The seniors to play billiards, ping pong, and Administration Division provides direction pickle ball, and join in weekly dances, theme and leadership for the Parks and Recreation dances, and line dancing. Department in implementing the goals and objectives of the City Council and facilitates CenterPlace — Construction of Mirabeau the general upkeep of parks and public areas Point CenterPlace was completed mid-year of the City. The City uses contractual 2005. The project represents the culmination services for the operations and maintenance of eight years of planning and fundraising by of City parks. Mirabeau Point Inc. and the joint involvement of the City and Spokane Recreation — The Recreation Division County. The approximately 54,000 square coordinates and facilitates the delivery of foot facility houses the City of Spokane recreation programs and services throughout Valley Senior Center, a great room (banquet the City and the City's park system. facility), numerous meeting rooms, multi- purpose rooms, and a high tech lecture hall. Aquatics— The City of Spokane Valley owns The facility combines with Mirabeau three swimming pools which provide Meadows Park and Mirabeau Springs to form opportunities for open swim, swim lessons, a regional focal point for Northeast swim team, and facility rentals. In addition, Washington, Northern Idaho and Western the City leases a portion of Valley Mission Montana. Park for a water park. The City currently is contracting with the YMCA for all aquatic 2009 Organizational Chart Parks&Recreation Director Parks Operations& Aquatics Operations& Maintenance Maintenance (Contract Services) ▪ (Contract Services) Administrative Assistant CenterPlace CenterPlace CenterPlace Senior Center Specialist Recreation Coordinator Customer Maintenance Worker— Custodian Relations/Facilities Facilities 2.0 FTE or Contract Coordinator 2.0 FTE Services TBD CenterPlace Administrative Assistant • 2.0 FTE 6-Year Plan Summary • Implement recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan • Implement the CenterPlace Regional Marketing and Communications Plan • Make facility improvements to CenterPlace • Expand senior services to serve changing needs and expectations of the senior population • Work with Centennial Trail Partners to develop 20 Year Plan 28 Detailed Goal List Goal 1 Implement recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan; based on contracted planning services and relying on Public Works Department for construction projects. Strategies: (2009-2014) • Implement Parks and Recreation Master Plan • • Explore options for major sources of funding • Pursue park acquisitions and development • Develop formal agreements for"school parks" • Build department identity • Partner with local jurisdictions to look at feasibility of indoor aquatics center Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 Acres maintained 126 • Trees Planted 5 • Overall number of park facility reservations per year 222 • Number of recreation classes offered 77 • Spokane Valley population 88,920 • Number of open swim hours available/season 980 • Number of swim lesson/team registrations 1,220 • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 Developed park acres per 1000 population 1.4 • Recreation program recovery vs direct cost 167% • Parks & Recreation budget per capita $29.74 • Percentage of citizens who participated in a recreation program or activity (survey) 45% • Percentage of citizens who have visited a City of Spokane Valley park (survey) 84% • 29 Percentage of citizens rating recreation programs or classes with a positive rating (survey) 95% • Percentage of citizens rating recreation centers or facilities with a positive rating (survey) 93% Percentage of citizens rating quality of parks with a positive rating 98% Goal 2 Implement the CenterPlace Regional Marketing and Communications Plan. Strategies: (2009) • Increase seasonal staffing to accommodate a higher level of service for events • Develop "CenterPlace's Partner Services" with local event planners • Contract food and beverage service • Contract marketing services to help implement marketing plan • Expand website to include more links &interactive pricing guide Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 Number of area businesses/hotels contacted for use of CenterPlace 24,400 • Number of reservations per year 721 • Number of operating hours per year 4,633 • Number of room use hours booked per year 4,780 • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 Percentage of facility capacity per Great Room reserved 26% • Percentage cost recovery per CenterPlace 95% • Percentage of area businesses utilizing CenterPlace .0067% • Percentage of facility capacity per Lounge reserved 15.7% • Percentage of regional use of facility 18% • 30 Goal 3 Make facility improvements to CenterPlace. Strategies: (2009-2014) • Develop land in front of CenterPlace • Schedule preventative maintenance and facility updates to maintain CenterPlace in new condition • Explore opportunities to provide additional services • Explore updating sound systems in the Great Room & Lounge • Investigate construction of outdoor wedding gazebo Goal 4 Expand senior services to serve changing needs and expectations of the senior population. Strategies: (2009) • Challenge to serve current age demographics and to attract new participants • Add new, active programming • Increase involvement with neighboring retirement communities • Educate the community at-large about the purpose and potential of the Senior Center • Focus on health and wellness Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 Number of participants in Senior programs or workshops per year 36,480 • Average age of Seniors participating in programs* 74.85 • Number of Senior programs offered /year 50 • *Senior numbers will vary Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 because different ages are used. Some use 50, others 60. Level of satisfaction with quality of Senior services % with a positive rating (survey) 91% • *Census data is not current. *Percentage of Seniors over 60 per capita 14.5% • Percentage of City of Spokane Valley Seniors who participate in programs/attend Health &Wellness programs (age 50 and up) 14% T Goal 5 Work with Centennial Trail Partners to develop 20 Year Plan. Strategies: (2009) • Seek grant opportunities • Develop a long range maintenance plan Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 Miles of Centennial Trail 6.78 • Number of grants applied for *Applied for by Trail Partners 0 • Labor hours to maintain Centennial Trail 900 • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 Cost to maintain per capita per trail mile $ .04 • Percentage of successful grant applications *Applied for by Trail Partners 0 • Miles of Trail per 1000 households .076 • Summary 6-Year Timeline Goal 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1 & 3 ► 2, 4 & 5 6—Year Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Parks & Recreation FTE 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 **Operations Coordinator 1.00 0 79,222 80,112 85,319 90,865 93,136 *Operations Coordinator was previously included in 2009, but has been postponed to 2010 Department: Public Works Mission Statement The mission of the Public Works Department for the City of Spokane Valley is to provide overall planning, construction operations and maintenance of the city's public works infrastructure and facilities. Overview The Public Works Department oversees the Capital Improvement Program: Plan, design City's transportation system, which includes and construct new facilities owned by the City construction and maintenance of streets and of Spokane Valley. These projects include related stormwater systems, operations and roads, bridges, park facilities, civic and maintenance of traffic signs and signals, community buildings. This requires careful regional and neighborhood transportation prioritized long-range planning, acquisition planning. The Department also provides and management of state and federal grant coordination with other City departments on funding, coordination with stakeholder groups, the planning, design and construction of City and proficient project management. parks and civic facilities, along with participation in regional public works issues Street Maintenance and Operations: Provides such as solid waste, wastewater, and high- responsive and effective management and capacity transportation. maintenance of City streets, snow and ice control, and debris removal, allowing for safe transportation throughout the community. Description of Programs Provides traffic engineering for safe and efficient multi-faceted transportation systems Administration: Provides direction, support, throughout the City. and coordination to Public Works staff facilitating their delivery of services Stormwater Utility: Provides protection of the throughout the community. Responsible for environment by minimizing the degradation of coordination with providers of solid waste, water quality and reducing the potential for wastewater and other regional public works flooding and erosion by maintaining and issues. installing stormwater management systems. 2009 Public Works Organizational Chart Public Works Director Administrative Assistant . Street Maintenance Engineer- Senior Engineer— Senior Engineer— Superintendent Stormwater CIP Manager Traffic I L Maintenance/Const. Assistant Engineer Engineering Tech I Administrative Assistant Engineer- Inspector Assistant Traffic Planning& 2.0 FTE Grants Senior Engineer— Senior.Engineer— Project Manager Project Manager Engineering Tech.II assistant Engine' Engineering Tech.I Engineering Tech.I 6-Year Plan Summary • Implement the Street Master Plan (once adopted by Council) • Continue development of a long range plan for street maintenance • Continue optimization of the City's traffic signal plan • Continue implementation of the stormwater program • Implement public infrastructure aspects of Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan, including City Center • Implement capital improvement projects as approved by Council • Manage and coordinate the planning, design and construction of the City Hall project • Continue involvement with the County and DOE regarding the TMDL and Wastewater Treatment Plan Detailed Goal List Goal 1 Implement the Street Master Plan Phase I (when adopted by Council). Strategies: (2009-2014) • Continue engineering contract with JUB for 2009 plan update • Identify funding for recommended Pavement Management Program and Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) Goal 2 Continue development of a long range plan for street maintenance. Strategies: (2009-2014) • Study site and facility for equipment and materials • Consider options for winter snow maintenance Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 Centerline lane miles of street maintained 438 • Number of citizen action requests for street maintenance 1875 • Street sweeping (in tons) 545.4 • Tons of cold patch for potholes (per mile) 0.067 • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 Percentage of citizens who rated snow removal with a positive rating (survey) 73% 2008 2009 Percentage of citizens who rated street repairs with a positive rating (survey) 75% • Percentage of citizens who rated clean streets with a positive rating (survey) 88% • Street maintenance cost per capita $44.83 • Lane miles maintained per 1000 population 4.926 • Street sweeping expenditures per capita $5.24 • Street condition based on the Overall Condition Index 70 • Goal 3 Continue optimization of the City's traffic signal system. Strategies: (2009-2014) • Update and revise signal timing plans for the city's major intersections • Coordinate the design of the funded ITS projects • Continue providing traffic related services on new development proposals Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 Traffic signals maintained 84 86 • Traffic counts performed 159 • School beacons maintained 16 22 (est) • Traffic signs maintained 14,000 14,000 • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 Percentage of traffic signals synchronized & optimized For p.m. peak 39% • Percentage of citizens who rated traffic signal timing with a positive rating (survey) 85% 36 Goal 4 Continue implementation of the Stormwater program. Strategies: (2009-2014) • Develop a six-year capital program for needed stormwater facilities • Develop a six-year plan for compliance with the Underground Injection Control (UIC) program • Develop and coordinate with other departments a plan for compliance with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II permit • Purchase a site and construct a City stormwater decanting facility Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 Number of Drywells 7300 • Number of drywells cleaned 267 • Number of new drywells constructed 80 • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 Percentage of citizens who rated quality of storm drainage with a positive rating(survey) 92% • Cost per ERU (Equivalent Residential Unit) $21.00 • Square feet of new drywells constructed 11,000 • Goal 5 Implement public infrastructure aspects of Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan, including City Center. Strategies: (2009-2014) • Determine phasing, cost estimates and funding alternatives for the Sub- Area Plan recommendations • Design and construct the first phase(s) of the public infrastructure to support the development of the City Center • Design and construct the first phase(s) of the Sprague/Appleway improvements to support the revitalization of the corridor Goal 6 Implement Capital Improvement Projects as approved by Council. Strategies: (2009-2014) • Continue to monitor, update, and implement the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) • Pursue additional funding opportunities for capital projects • Continue coordination with other departments on non-transportation capital projects • Continue to request additional staffing for ROW, design, construction and accounting to facilitate CIP project implementation Workload Indicators: 2008 2009 $of Capital Improvements $17,475,242.75 • Number of construction projects managed 50 • FTE for Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) 10 • Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 Dollars of Capital Improvement Projects managed per FTE $1,747,524.28 • Percentage of grant funds vs. City funds 73%grant/27% city • Goal 7 Manage and coordinate the planning, design and construction of the City Hall project. Strategies: (2009-2014) • Continue Programming Phase in 2009 • Beginning Planning and Design Phase in 2009 subject to acquisition of project site 38 Goal 8 Continue involvement with the County and Department of Ecology (DOE) regarding the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) and Wastewater Treatment Plan. Strategies: (2009-2014) • Participate in the County Design, Build, Operate (DBO) Selection Committee • Participate in DOE Spokane River Dissolved Oxygen TMDL Advisory Group Summary 6-Year Timeline Goal 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1 - 8 6-Year Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Public Works FTE 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Assistant Engineer Traffic Planning& Grants* 1.00 43,731 34,984 37,258 38,935 41,461 42,501 Offset** (6,834) (5,475) (5,822) (6,084) (6,480) (6,642) Subtotal 1.00 36,897 29.509 31,436 32,851 34,981 35,859 *Salary/Benefits and Personnel Startup Costs (work stations and vehicles) @.6 hours Drop in second year is the result of one-time start-up costs in year one **Offset for difference in Salary(Grade 17 to Grade 15 @.4 hours) 39 6-Year Budget and Staffing Impact Summary 2009-2014 Table 1: Cost of Plan From 2009 through 2014, a total of 6.6 new positions are planned with estimated annual costs ranging from $202,605 in 2009 to $592,205 in 2014. The estimated costs include personnel, vehicles and equipment but do not include overhead such as office space and utilities. Table 1: Department FTE 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Executive/Legis Support 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations/Admin 1.00 112,040 53,122 71,246 72,416 53,632 134,532 Finance &Info Tech 3.00 53,668 134,444 138,923 233,193 241,690 252,730 Community Dev 1.00 0 85,340 65,327 69,574 74,096 75,948 Parks &Recreation 1.00 0 79,222 80,112 85,319 90,865 93,136 Public Works 0.60 36,897 29,509 31,436 32,851 34,981 35,859 General Government * 0.00 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 Total 6.60 202,605 381,637 387,044 493,353 545,264 592,205 *This summary includes funding to recognize the City's tenth year anniversary. 40 summary; Citywide Business Plan In 2009, all Departmental Business Plans for 2009-2014 will have been completed and compiled in the Citywide Business Plan. The Citywide Business Plan pulls all the functions of the City together into one common purpose - to achieve service delivery goals. The Citywide Business Plan allows decision makers to understand the interrelationship between and impacts of all departments and programs. Planning is the strength of government and is vital to ensure future community needs are met. Planning is continuous within the City organization in areas such as transportation improvement, finance, parks and recreation, and the ongoing Comprehensive Plan. These plans flow into strategic goals of departmental plans. Now that plans are in place and steps have been taken to implement them, Performance Measurements have been established to assess the City's performance in achieving strategic goals. Progress toward achieving strategic goals is assessed through electronic data gathering or through report cards collected via citizen surveys. Some Performance Measurement results included in the 2009 business plan revision are based on information collected in 2008 and provide benchmarks for 2009-2014; those results will be available as baseline data in late January 2009. Other measurements, not previously collected, will begin accumulating in January 2009. Therefore, the business plan is not a once-a-year process; rather it is one that is continually monitored and refined. Departments meet on a regular basis to assess measurements and maintain focus on their goals. Employees let the City Manager know how things are going at the customer interaction level while citizens let the Council and Mayor know how they perceive the strategies are working. Figure 3: Business Plan Cycle illustrates the ongoing process PLAN AlliNome Plate.. Business prehensiv Plan Budget Process 6-Year Transportation Plan 6-Year Financial Plan Parks aster Plan CenterPlac Regional Marketing Ian Quarterly Reports Focus Grou s (Lunch w/City Manager Performance Conversations with the Measures Community Customer customer Comments Satisfaction Survey MONITOR "-�_ 7 MEASURE Pending Ideas There are many ideas that warrant further consideration, but have not reached a point of maturity such that an informed decision can be made to include them in this iteration of the Business Plan. They are described in Table 2: Pending Ideas List below for future policy discussions. The ideas are listed by lead department— they are not prioritized. Currently, recommendations included in the Pending Ideas List are not sustainable under the Strategic Financial Plan. Programs/services included in the Pending Ideas List are either multi-year or ongoing in nature. The table below lists the proposed first year of implementation and an estimation of the first year's cost. The cost of some of the programs may be partially or completely offset either by specific revenue sources or by reductions in other expenses. The table indicates whether there is an offset, but does not identify the offset amount and does not include capital project or land acquisition costs. Table 2: Pending Ideas List Item Lead First Year: Cost Offset? Comment Dept Date Cost$ Yes No Public Info Assistance O&A 2010 59,000 ♦ Additional PI staff will be needed if the City chooses to be significantly more proactive regarding public information and involvement. Community Dev. Block CD 2012 142.00)) ♦ The City currently participates with Spokane County and Grant(CDBG) others. Every three years,the City has the opportunity to ' Entitlement City decide if it wishes to have a stand-alone CDBG program. Designation June 2008 is the next chance to do so. Enhanced Geographic CD 2010 I 134,000 ♦ The City, other jurisdictions, and the public are limited in Info System(GIS) the use of GIS. Additional staffing would allow for a richer level of data to be input and maintained. It could aid in the decision making for anything property based, including public safety,utilities,land use, and parks. Forestry Program P&R 2010 72,000 ♦ A forestry program would be an investment in the natural beauty of the community, and could include Tree City • USA status. Enhanced Recreation P&R 2010 105,000 ♦ The Parks & Rec Master Plan identified potential Services recreation opportunities for all ages. Park Ranger Program P&R 2010 60,000 ♦ This position would enhance the safety and enjoyment of park visitors by patrolling for vandalism, illegal consumption of drugs and alcohol, abandoned vehicles, vagrancy,etc. Street Master Plan PW 2010 • 203,000 ♦ Staff will be required to maintain the inventory database; Implementation and manage the associated capital projects, including funding and design. Right-of-Way/Property PW 2010 • 82,000 ♦ The City's real property assets are growing and need Management more consolidated management. A ROW program would oversee existing assets, coordinate property acquisition (e.g., parks or capital projects), and proactively acquire property for known future projects so purchases are as economical as possible. Capital Project Design PW 2010 294,000 ♦ The City contracts for design, project management, and and Inspection Teams inspection of capital projects. An in-house team assigned to a percentage of the capital projects would be more cost effective,if set at a conservatively sustainable level. Appendix Foundation of the City of Spokane Valley The City of Spokane Valley evolved from a mixture of neighborhoods that incorporated as a city on March 31, 2003. The new City government was charged with providing services to 82,000 people. City leaders knew that a clear direction with a 1.0 consistent message was needed to be successful in this endeavor. This new y�*�, government had a different mentality than the 111\ �• . '1 other governments in the area and Spokane 'A: Valley leaders understood how important it was to solidify that different way of thinking /. the very beginning. - This City was to be responsive, focused on customer service, open to the public, progressive, efficient, lean, fair, and committed to providing a high quality of life. Core Beliefs Section 1. We believe that Spokane Valley should be a visionary city encouraging its citizens and their government to look to the future beyond the present generation and to bring such ideas to public discussion and to enhance a sense of community identity. Section 2. We believe that elected body decision-making is the only lawful and effective way to conduct the public's legislative business and that careful observance of a clear set of Governance Coordination rules of procedure can best enhance public participation and decision making. Section 3. We believe in the City Council as policy leaders of the City. One or more City Councilmembers are encouraged to take the lead, where practical, in sponsoring Ordinances or Resolutions excepting quasi-judicial or other public hearings and the statutory duties of the City Manager as set forth in RCW 35A.13.020. S he public should be encouraged to speak and be heard through reasonable rules of procedure when the public business is being considered, thus giving elected officials the broadest perspectives from which to make decisions. Section 5. We believe that the City of Spokane Valley's governance should be known as "user friendly," and that governance practices and general operations should consider how citizens will be served in the most responsive, effective and courteous manner. Section 6. We believe that the economic and commercial job base of the community should be preserved and encouraged to grow as an alternative to increasing property taxes. We believe it imperative to have an expanded and diverse economic base. Section 7. We believe that Councilmembers set the tone for civic discussion and should set an example by: (a) Setting high standards of decorum and civility. (b) Encouraging open and productive conversation amongst themselves and with the community about legislative matters. (c) Demonstrating respect for divergent points of view expressed by citizens, fellow Councilmembers and the staff. (d) Honoring each other and the public by debating issues within City Hall and the community without casting aspersions on members of Council, the staff, or the public. (e) Accepting the principle of majority rule and working to advance the success of "corporate" decisions. Section 8. We solicit the City Manager's support in conducting the affairs of the City with due regard for: (a) Promoting mutual respect between the Citizens, City staff and the City Council by creating the organizational teamwork necessary for effective, responsive and open government. (b) Providing the City Council and public reasonable advance notice when issues are to be brought forward for discussion. (c) Establishing and maintaining a formal city-wide customer service program with emphasis on timely response, a user-friendly atmosphere, and an attitude of facilitation and accommodation within the bounds of responsibility, integrity, and financial capability of the city, including organizational and job description documents while pursuing"best practices" in customer service. (d) Seeking creative ways to contain or impede the rising cost of governmental services, including examination of private sector alternatives in lieu of governmentally provided services. (e) Providing a data base of future projects and dreams for the new City of Spokane Valley so that good ideas from its citizens and leaders are not lost and the status of projects can be readily determined. Vision Statement is p 1 MN- v 4 The first step was to establish a vision statement. That sets the City in motion on a course of success. Our Council believes that all people in Spokane Valley should have an opportunity to succeed, both in work and in personal lives. A well-balanced community ensures that a strong economy will exist to allow residents to enjoy life. The following vision statement was adopted to signify this belief. "A community of opportunity where individuals and families can grow and play and businesses will flourish and prosper." • City of Spokane Valley Values Next, the City founders and leaders felt it was important to provide direction to the new City government organization and ensure that this community is unique. Developing the following values for the City accomplished these goals. Community Identity and Pride. Spokane Valley promotes an environment that supports the home and family, and job and education opportunities. Highlight areas: • A friendly, wholesome, safe place to live and raise a family • A City Center and economically healthy, diverse downtown area 7401 • Preservation of neighborhoods Focus on the Future. Spokane Valley is a visionary city encouraging its citizens and their government to look to the future beyond the present generation, and to bring such ideas to public discussion, enhancing a sense of community identity. Highlight areas: • A balanced approach to growth and development • Stewardship of land and resources, such as parks, recreation and natural areas • Preservation and growth of the economic and commercial job base of the community F Open, Collaborative Government. Spokane Valley values a "user-friendly" government, in which governance practices and general operations consider how citizens will be served in the most responsive, effective and courteous manner. Highlight areas: • Citizen participation in the decision-making process • Strategic use of public/private and other partnerships • A "can-do" attitude on the part of City employees, and fair and consistent interpretation and implementation of regulations ,t41+ With these values, the City's foundation begins to take shape. The City now knows how it will operate. This will be a government that encourages participation, promotes a collaborative 46 approach to problem-solving, inspires creativity, cultivating respect, and providing the highest level of services without over-burdening its citizens or businesses. Customer Service The City of Spokane Valley established a level of commitment to customer service that will help the City achieve all future goals. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CUSTOMER SERVICE PROGRAM Our goal is to deliver service that is complete, consistent, and equitable to all our customers, and is based on the principles of integrity, respect, and responsiveness. Regardless of the reason for, or the method or frequency of contact, our customers will be treated with courtesy, respect, and professionalism. Identify Our Customers Cl/SfOele/' 4. Assessment Service 2. Define Program Customer Improvement Service 3. Communicate Our Goals Standards • CUSTOMER SERVICE DEFINITION T ■ Customer Service Key Statement: The City of Spokane Valley strives to provide service in a respectful, knowledgeable, and welcoming manner. Respectful Knowledgeable Welcoming i • Demonstrating courtesy • Fostering a team-oriented • Acknowledging customers and professionalism approach when they enter • Listening effectively • Providing alternatives • Steering customers in the right • Responding in a timely • Anticipating questions direction manner • Having/knowing your • Promoting an enjoyable work • Exemplifying a no- resources environment surprises atmosphere • Being organized • Maintaining a clean and uncluttered work environment • Treating people as individuals The foundation is now set. The City staff, management, and Council now have a clear understanding of what is expected of them and they have a solid support structure to give them confidence in the performance of their duties. 48 / I Information Input Information will come from inside the organization, from staff and management, as well as from outside the organization from citizens, business-owners and others who frequent our community (workers, tourists, etc.). Internal Input Council utilizes information from employees in a number of ways. Employee Feedback Employees are often the information conduit from the customers to the Council, relaying demands or changing trends and they can often bring forward innovative way of providing efficient service-delivery. Information from employees can be received in a variety of ways. Following is a list of employee feedback tools, some that are currently utilized and some that may be used in the future. • Lunch with City Manager • Employee Survey (Future) • Internal Customer Survey (Future, for departments that serve employees) • CTR Survey (Commute Trip Reduction) Staff Analysis The City of Spokane Valley government is comprised of knowledgeable professionals. Staff is charged with providing the specialized knowledge that allows the Council to make informed decisions. From demand analysis, which determines when the workload is heaviest and how to best accommodate it, to staff reports that consider alternative methods of service delivery or other cost-saving measures, employees are invaluable in providing complex information. In the future, an audit program can be utilized to ensure efficiency of service delivery for both in-house services and contracted services. In addition, as a future piece of the business plan, performance measure results will be analyzed, looking at multi-year and performance and comparing to targets as well as making comparisons to other entities. • Demand Analysis • Staff Reports • Audits (Future) • Performance Analysis (Future) if9 Strategic Planning � Several long-range plans that look at current trends to make future forecasts are continually updated. While much public input goes into these documents, the forecasting and planning is done by skilled staffers who must create innovative ways of achieving our future vision while meeting current needs, complying with the law, and operating within financial constraints. • Comprehensive Plan • 6-Year Transportation Improvement Plan • 6-Year Financial Plan • Business Plan External Input As representatives of the citizens of Spokane Valley, the City Council must form policy that fairly represents all segments of our community, including residents, businesses, and those visiting our City. To maintain balance in serving the different needs that exist in Spokane Valley, it is necessary to receive feedback from customers and constituents. The City has already utilized citizen surveys to gain feedback while developing the Comprehensive Plan and for the needs assessment of the cable franchising process. In the future, citizen surveys can be utilized in an ongoing basis as part of strategic planning and performance measurement that are integral components of the Business Plan. Customer surveys can also play an important role in obtaining feedback by polling individuals and businesses that have had a recent interaction with the City. Comment cards and correspondence through phone calls and e-mails provide easy ways for customers to relay their experiences to Council and management. These unfiltered accounts of interaction with City staff allow those in charge of keeping the City on course to react immediately if necessary or to further cultivate and reward improvement if a process is working well. The public can also choose to take a more active role in participation through public forums such as public hearings and open house functions as well as through service on advisory committees. In the future, focus groups may be utilized to allow for more focused feedback on a particular subject so Council and staff can get a better feel for how a particular subject is received in the community and allow customers to play active roles in guiding the way services are delivered. • Customer Survey (Future) • Citizen Survey • Comment Cards • Conversations with the Community • Public Forums • Advisory Committees • Focus Groups (Future) • Customer Correspondence 50 Council Goals A- Once the information has been gathered it can be included in the policy-making process. The City Council first looks at where we need to go based on the feedback from the community. Then they must determine the best way to get there based on input from employees and customers. The most challenging phase for the Council is to then allocate available resources in a way that ensures that all components are well-maintained and stay in good-working order so goals are reached as quickly and efficiently as possible while still adhering to the high-standards set by the over-arching principles of the City. New goals will be set by Council annually while progress toward previous years' goals will be measured. Though goals are set by Council they represent the goals of the citizens of the community. Major Goal Statements for 2009 The 2009 budget reflects the distribution of resources consistent with the Council's determination of core services priorities. The following goals represent just the very broad areas of concentration important to the well being of the community. 4- Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, and pursuit of the most efficient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharges licenses. 4- Initiate alternative analysis for services we derive under contract with Spokane County. 4- Identify performance measures for the Police Department and monitor progress in their attainment. - Implement and evaluate regulations specified in the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan as adopted and amended by the City Council. 4- Evaluate the availability, costs and effects of private sector vendors performing winter road maintenance for the City. 4- Implement records indexing and phase in a document imaging system City department by City department with the goal of achieving city-wide implementation in 2010. Explore future funding sources for City Center that builds upon the City's initial investment in a City Hall to spur further private investment in the development of a mixed used City Center. The Initial Plan For Historical Reference Only "` In 2007, each department identified a six-year business plan including anticipated issues and goals along with strategies for addressing them. To provide a perspective on the scope of those plans, Table 1, Cost of Initial Plan, summarizes by department the costs (personnel, workstation, vehicle, and equipment) of implementation. Table 1: Cost of Initial Plan Department FTE 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Executive/Legis Support .50 30,921 1 28,671 30,534 32,519 33,332 34,166 Operations/Admin 2.50 165,500 212,683 220,306 245,038 252,938 241,207 Finance &Info Tech 4.00 70,481 124,470 209,848 219,228 315,506 326,061 Community Dev 1.00 0 85,340 65,327 69,574 74,096 75,948 Parks &Recreation 3.00 20,508 99,993 101,152 106,635 112,464 115,025 Public Works 2.00 73,257 69,499 74,016 78,827 80,798 82,818 General Government 0.00 2,000 0 0 0 0 50,000 Total 13.00 $362,667 $620,656 $701,183 $751,821 $869,134 $925,225 1 Drop in second year reflects one time start up costs •