2011 Lodging Tax Grant ApplicationCity of Spokane Valley
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
Request for Grant
Activities To Increase Tourism in Spokane Valley
The Spokane Valley Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (SVLTAC) was established by the
Spokane Valley City Council in accordance with state law to advise and recommend to the
Council how excise taxes on lodging collected in Spokane Valley should be allocated in order to
best increase tourism in the city.
The purpose of this Request for Grant by the SVLTAC is to solicit proposals from those
agencies and groups which encourage tourism in Spokane Valley. The source of funds is the
City's share of special excise taxes collected on overnight stays within the City of Spokane
Project Description:
RCW 67.28.180 provides authority for cities and counties to adopt a special excise tax upon
charges made by hotels, motels, rooming houses, trailer camps and any similar charges for a
license to use real property. This statute allows the use of lodging tax revenues for tourism
The expected outcome of such activity is to increase economic activity in the City of Spokane
Valley during 2011 through a variety of activities, such as overnight lodging of tourists ( "heads in
beds "), restaurant sales, and retail activity.
Each application is to develop and outline one project which meets these requirements and
provides an economic benefit to the City of Spokane Valley. The specific amount of the
applicant's proposal is open, to be defined by the applicant. As a recommendation, the
applicant may wish to define alternate levels of funding, indicating as their first priority the
maximum amount desired and as a second priority, the minimum acceptable amount. Some
definition of the differences in the level of services to be provided under the two priorities should
be included. The establishment of alternate funding levels will allow the SVLTAC some latitude
in approving projects without the necessity of rejecting one or more projects due to a potential
lack of funds.
Specific questions are included in the attached response form to assist the applicant in
delineating those matters which are of concern to the SVLTAC and which will be part of the
selection criteria.
Each project should be submitted as a separate document, thereby allowing for clear
understanding of each project.
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Schedule of Grant Application Events:
Following is the proposed schedule for the Grant Application Process (Note: specific dates may
be adjusted by the City to meet unexpected circumstances):
Grant package available for pickup
August 25, 2010
Grant proposal to be submitted by 4:OOpm
September 17, 2010
Applications sent to Committee
October 1, 2010
SVLTAC reviews applications
October 21 & 22, 2010
Council makes decision
December 14, 2010
Contract(s) issued
Early January 2011
Work to be completed by
December 31, 2011
Project Management:
The City of Spokane Valley Finance Office will issue contracts for approved projects, reimburse
expenses, and monitor contract compliance. Applicants will be reimbursed for documented
costs up to the amount allocated by the SVLTAC.
Selection Process:
Each application will be reviewed by the SVLTAC for eligible activities, the effectiveness of its
proposed project in meeting the expected outcomes, need, and funding requirements. Upon
completion of its review of the written application, the SVLTAC may request some, all or none of
the applicants to make an oral presentation to them in order for them to more fully understand
the proposed project. The SVLTAC recommendation will not be subject to review or challenge
by the applicant. The SVLTAC will recommend to the Council projects to be funded and at what
levels. The Council will make the final decision on project approval and funding levels.
Staff will then consult with applicants of approved projects to develop contracts and scopes of
work. After the applicants and the City have signed the contracts, staff will notify applicants to
It is very important that applicants are aware that:
1. All contracts are reimbursement based; i.e., the grantee must expend funds on approved
items and then seek reimbursement under terms of the governing contract. Grantee will not be
reimbursed if information requested by the City (prior or current year) has not been provided.
2. The project approval process involves four steps:
a. Advisory committee recommendation
b. The Council's approval of proposal,
c. The execution of the contract
d. confirmation that applicant submitted a report on 2010 activities if city lodging tax was
3. Only after these steps are complete is a project grantee authorized to begin incurring costs.
Other Information:
Insurance: As part of its contract for performance, the City requires contractors to maintain
liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 and name the City as an additional insured on its
liability insurance policy. Proof of such insurance must be submitted with the contract, or before
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funds are released.
Contract: The city will utilize its standard contract for city- funded activities.
Payment: Normally, payment is provided once per month as a reimbursement of expenses.
Equal Opportunity The City requires each contractor to provide equal opportunities for women
and minorities as employees, applicants for employment, and as clients /customers. No unlawful
discrimination is allowed.
Legibility and Additional Materials: The SVLTAC will accept no more than one (1) additional
page of materials (re. Questions 2 -8) in addition to the RFP Proposal Response pages
attached. Any additional materials will be disregarded. All information provided should be
legible and typed in a 10 or 12 point font.
Performance: The City of Spokane Valley requires a plan for measuring the effectiveness
of the expenditures for tourism promotion and the results of the plan. Organizations
awarded city grants will be required to complete the form on pages 13 and 14.
Additional Information: Additional information which may be required by a change /interpretation
in state law may also be required from the applicant.
Proposal Submittal:
Please deliver ten (10) copies of the proposal response and any additional attachments to:
Sarah Davenport, Accounting Technician
City of Spokane Valley
11707 E. Sprague Ave.
Suite 106
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
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The criteria listed below constitute the standards and measures by which applications for
funding from the Lodging Tax Fund are judged. In some cases, by their nature, some applicant
events, activities, programs, organizations and facilities will not be able to meet all criteria.
However, it can be said that in general the more criteria met, the stronger the application.
Potential positive economic impact of tourism on the community is a significant benefit that can
be measured. In its most fundamental effect, tourism impacts the community's economy through
the dollars brought to and spent here. Overnight stays bring in more dollars than day visits.
The total impact can be measured in terms of direct dollar expenditures made by the visitors
themselves and indirect dollar expenditures made as the money moves through the community.
In evaluating applications in this area, more weight will be given to the former since it is more
readily measurable.
In assessing the probable economic impact of the proposal, the Committee will consider
a. The estimated number of visits to be generated;
b. The estimated number of overnight stays to be generated;
c. The duration of the event, activity or program;
d. Its generation of economic activities during off -peak tourism seasons or periods;
e. The use of local firms and resources in the proposed event, activity, program or facility; and
f. New or first time events or activities.
The applicant should identify other community capital and labor sources to ensure project
success. Multiple -year funding of projects may occur, but it is more difficult to obtain. Proposals
requesting seed money to help establish an activity, program, event, organization, or facility
which will later function successfully on its own are preferred. (Note: funding for fixed
assets, i.e., land, buildings, equipment and labor costs are more difficult to approve. The
ideal application will generate significant overnight tourism through advertising and
promotion in other communities.)
The committee will evaluate the following considerations in this regard:
a. Would the requested funding be critical to the success for the event?
b. Are there alternatives to Lodging Tax Funding?
c. Has the applicant leveraged labor and capital?
d. Will the granted funds be used as seed money or on -going funding?
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Events, projects, activities, organizations and facilities that also serve the broader community
will be given preference.
The Committee will assess whether the proposal:
a. Assists in meeting adopted policies, purposes and goals;
b. Furthers the success of and coordinates with scheduled community events, facilities, and
community promotion and marketing efforts; and /or
c. Is open to the general public.
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1. PROJECT APPLICATION DEADLINE September 17,2010,4:00 p.m.
Project Title:
Type of Project: promotion activities
Will there be an admission charge for this activity? Yes No If so, how much ?_
Phone: E -mail
City: State Zip
Applicants are: Non - profit Public Agency For Profit _
Contact Person (if different than applicant):
Phone: E -mail
City State Zip
Amount requested: Applicant's match:
Total project budget:
Can you operate this project with reduced spending? Yes No If yes, list priorities below.
Priority 1- full funding: $
Priority 2- partial funding (no less than) $
Is this a new or continuing activity?
Do you expect it to be an annual activity, requiring regular and continued funding?
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Briefly describe your organization /business. What is its primary function and mission statement.
In the space below, provide a concise summary of your request and what it will accomplish. If
your request is part of a larger project, you may briefly describe the over -all project. However,
please focus the bulk of your answer on the specific element for which you are requesting
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Fully describe the project. Expand on your Project Summary to address such issues as:
a. What it is you wish to do?
b. How and why the community will benefit?
c. What are the beginning and ending dates of your project?
d. Is it a seasonal activity appropriate to its location?
e. If an outdoor activity, are there any weather related constraints?
f. What measures you will apply to evaluate its success?
g. Brief history of event or organization
If you are requesting funds for a specific portion of a larger project, please so state but focus
your response on the element for which you are requesting grant assistance. You may use
additional pages as necessary. Attachments to this section should be labeled "4. Scope of
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Describe in detail who are the expected visitors to be attracted by the proposal (e.g., outside
Spokane Valley, outside of county, out of state, international). Are visitors expected to be
primarily day visitors, overnight visitors, or extended stay (more than one night) visitors. If
overnight visitors, identify the most likely site of their stay; camping, commercial lodging,
schools, colleges, or universities, etc. Does it provide some other short or long range economic
benefit? Thoroughly define and quantify the expected economic results of the activity described
in your proposal. Attachments to this section should be labeled "5. Community Economic
What alternatives to Lodging Tax Funding have been explored? Do you envision this grant as
seed money or as a part of ongoing funding? If you see it as seed money, how do you envision
continuance after the expiration of this grant? Attachments to this section should be labeled
"6. Resources Available for Event or Facility"
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Based on the evaluation
objectives? Attachments
Tourism Objectives"
criteria, how does the proposal meet community and tourism
to this section should be labeled "7. Meets Community and
Describe your plan for measuring the effectiveness of the expenditures for tourism promotion
and if your group received Lodging Tax monies in the past, briefly describe the following: (1)
project goals, (2) project budget, (3) were the project goals met, and (4) unanticipated results.
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Please detail the budget for your project. Specify whether your various match items will be cash
(C) or in -kind (I /K). In addition to completing the chart below, you must also submit your general
operating budget.
*While matching funds are not required, the amount of additional funds, supplies, materials and staff time
an organization brings to an event is a good measure of that organization's commitment to success.
Please provide the following information as attachments.
1. Copy of state certificate of non - profit incorporation and /or federal copy of 501 (c)(3)
2. IRS Tax I.D. number
3. Copy of most recent approved and proposed budgets of the overall organization
4. Copy of meeting minutes showing official approval of project and authorization of application
or a signed resolution of the board of directors authorizing the application
5. List of members of the organization's board of directors and principal staff
6. Copy current /valid Spokane Valley Business Registration
7. List co- sponsors by title and type
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Event/ Tourism Facility Lodging Tax Expenditure Report
Festivals, special events and tourism - related facilities owned by
Local Jurisdictions or Non - profit Organizations
1. Organization:
2. This report covers:
Event Name:
Tourism Facility: Dates:
3. Total Lodging Tax funds allocated to this even or facility
4. Estimated total event attendance or user count for the facility:
Describe methodology used to determine this figure
5. Estimated percentage of total attendance for event or facility by (list separately) 1) tourists;
2) people who traveled more than 50 miles; or 3) people who stayed overnight:
1. Tourists %
2. Traveled %
3. Overnight %
Describe methodology used to determine this figure
6. Estimated total room nights generated
Describe methodology used to determine this figure
7. Any other information that demonstrates the impacts of the festival, event or tourism - related
facility owned by a non - profit organization or local jurisdiction (please describe):
Submitted by:
E -Mail or phone number:
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The applicant here certifies and affirms
1. That it does not now, nor will it during the performance of any contract arising from this
application, unlawfully discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, client,
customer, or other person who might benefit from said contract, by reason of age, race, color,
ethnicity, sex, religion, creed, place of birth, or degree of handicap;
2. That it will abide by all relevant local, state and federal laws and regulations and,
3. That it has read and understands the information contained in this Grant application and will
comply with all provisions thereof.
Certified By: (signature)
(print or type name)
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