2010, 07-27 Regular Meeting MinutesMINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: City Staff.' Tom Towey, Mayor Mike Jackson, Acting City Manager Gary Schimmels, Deputy Mayor Mike Connelly, City Attorney Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Community Development Dir Dean Grafos, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Bob McCaslin, Councilmember Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Absent: Brenda Grassel, Councilmember Christina Janssen, Assistant Planner Steve Worley, Senior Engineer John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Administrative Analyst Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor James Karshork of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Towey led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all councilmembers were present except Councilmember Grassel. It was moved by Councilmember Dempsey, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Grassel from tonight's meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Gothmann: reported he attended the Chamber of Commerce breakfast where they discussed their next level program of entrepreneurship and how to set up a business, they also had a presentation by Ian Robertson on panhandling, and then held a discussion about the new health care reform lead by some people who sell health insurance; said he went to a SNAP Board meeting where they discussed housing and an article in the paper about them selling properties; went to an employee appreciation barbecue; attended the community meeting at City Hall regarding the SARP; attended the Barker Bridge dedication; said the Health Department meeting discussed approval of some union contracts, and said they also adopted a helmet resolution, and had an extensive discussion on electronic cigarettes, which he said are now available, and he distributed copies of information concerning that topic; also attended a 911 Board meeting this morning and reported that in August, the Board of County Commissioners will meet to consider raising the 911 fee from the current 50¢ per subscriber to 70¢ per subscriber; and said he went to the Kentucky Fried Chicken on Sprague and expressed on behalf of the Council, Council's concern for their business during the construction, and he was told they were "holding their own." Council Regular Meeting 7 -27 -2010 Pagel of 8 Approved by Council: 08 -10 -2010 Councilmember Dempsey said she went to the Homebuilders' reception for legislators; attended the employee appreciation barbeque; the Board of Health Meeting, and the SARP Community meeting held at City Hall. Councilmember Grafos: said he attended the reception for homebuilders; the barbeque for employees; the SARP community meeting; the Growth Management Steering Committee meeting; and the STA (Spokane Transit Authority) Board meeting which discussion centered around transportation issues and bringing the Board up to date on the Connect Spokane Project, and said that sales tax revenues were revised and they are still lagging behind those revenues of 2009. Deputy Mayor Schimmels no report. Councilmember McCaslin: no report. MAYOR'S REPORT: reported that he attended a neighborhood center meeting; went to the Barker Bridge opening, which he said was well attended; visited with the "lunch bunch" who are citizens who get together monthly to discuss neighborhood concerns; went to Northern Quest Casino for the dedication of the Thunderbirds and in support of their air show on Saturday and Sunday; yesterday went to Mirabeau Park for a 20 Anniversary of ADA (Americans' with Disability Act) celebration; attended the Board of Trustees meeting with GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.); met with Valleyfest coordinator Peggy Doering and Central Valley School Superintendent to discuss ways public officials can interact more with citizens at Valleyfest. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited general public comments. Ernest Buckler 1408 S. Shamrock Street, Spokane Valley, 99037: spoke regarding the ping -pong group he is involved with at the Senior Center; he reviewed the history of their group's use of part of the Senior Center and of his dissatisfaction with the current situation of them having to relocate to Hepton Community Center; and of his interactions with the Senior Center Coordinator Karen Parson, the Senior Board, and with Parks and Recreation Director Mike Stone; and said he eventually contacted the media to let them know of the problem; and said he wrote a letter to Mr. Stone who responded by telling him that the determination of use is made by the Senior Center Board. Mr. Buckler said he has pursued this issue with politeness and insistence, but has been met with total resistance. Vern Hutchinson, 607 N Best Road: also spoke concerning the issue of ping pong at the CenterPlace Senior Center and of his attempts to solve the problem which has not been resolved, and he mentioned many of the same frustrations voiced by Mr. Buckler above, including a letter from the Senior Center Board which told his group they were "trapped and no longer able to play" and he said he is now trying to determine why that occurred. He asked if Council could assist in this situation and asked if the Mayor had the authority to hire and fire people, and Mayor Towey responded that he did not; that that responsibility and authority rests with the City Manager. Mr. Hutchinson said he feels Parks and Recreation is not doing much for the seniors except for billiards, and that Parks and Recreation should be more involved. Mr. Pat Waddell, 4715 S Progress Court, Veradale: also addressed his concerns with the Ping Pong playing and the problems with Hepton Point, that it is further away from the hospital; the area is not well snow plowed during the winter, and cell phone reception is poor. He said one of the complaints about his group at CenterPlace was a concern of damaging the floor; but he contacted a floor contractor who said his activity would not damage the floors and he suggested that players could donate $1.00 per person to cover any damage; he said the Senior Center has liability but all the players signed liability waivers; he said he is not sure if the Senior Board made the decision against their playing or the Parks and Recreation Department management, but he feels it was the latter using the Board as a conduit; and he asked_ if council could influence or encourage management to open a meaningful dialogue to solve this problem as their group very much wants to get back to the Senior Center. Council Regular Meeting 7 -27 -2010 Page 2 of 8 Approved by Council: 08 -10 -2010 Ray Ward, 13404 East W h Avenue: said he mentioned during a previous council meeting about keeping highway trucks out of residential neighborhoods, and he requested an ordinance to address that, including a fine sufficient to cure the problem. 1. CONSENT AGENDA Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of the following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE W/VOUCHER NUMBERS: TOTAL AMOUNT 07/09/2010 20562- 20594, 630100020, 702100015, $1,826,909.93 07/09/2010 20595 -20608 $76,638.54 07/13/2010 20609 -20631 $28,981.89 07/14/2010 3235 -3237 $60,033.98 0719/2010 20632 -20673 $222,823.10 GRAND TOTAL $2,215,387.44 b. Approval of Payroll for Period Ending July 15, 2010: $264,000.80 c. Approval of Formal Format Council Meeting Minutes of June 29, 2010 d. Approval of Study Session Format Council Meeting Minutes of July 6, 2010 e. Approval of Formal Format Council Meeting Minutes of July 13, 2010 f. Approval of Special meeting Executive Session Council Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2001 It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the consent agenda. NEW BUSINESS 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Amendine Comcast Franchise — Cary Driskell After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to adopt the ordinance extending the time to August 11, 2010, for acceptance and return of the cable franchise by Comcast. Deputy City Attorney Driskell briefly re- capped the situation, and said he spoke with representatives of Comcast who indicated they have signed the franchise and are putting together their new performance bond, and they assured Mr. Driskell we would have all necessary documents prior to August 11. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Plan — Cary Driskell City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, and it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded, to adopt this ordinance amending Spokane Valley Municipal Code Chapter 10.20 regarding Commute Trip Reduction. Mr. Driskell reiterated the background as he had explained at a previous council meeting, and Mayor Towey invited public comments; no comments were offered. Deputy Mayor Schimmels asked about the list of companies in the Plan and noted that some of those companies are no longer in the area; and Mr. Driskell said that such would not be determinative as to who is bound by the Plan. Vote by Acclamation: In favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 4. First Readins Proposed Ordinance. CTA 03 -10 Code Text Amendment (Spraizue /ADD1ewav) — Christina Janssen After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded, to advance the ordinance to a second reading. After Planner Janssen explained the proposed amendments, including the change to allow full service restaurants as a permitted use in the Mixed Use Council Regular Meeting 7 -27 -2010 Page 3 of 8 Approved by Council: 08 -10 -2010 Avenue Retail zone, Mayor Towey invited public comments; no comments were offered. Councilmember Grafos asked about the addition of vehicle sales and service and Mayor Towey said that the Planning Commission is considering that issue separately, and it will come to council on an upcoming agenda. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 5. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointment to Spokane County Housing and Community Development Committee — Mayor Towey It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to confirm the Mayoral appointment of Kristi Kerkuta to the Spokane Housing and Community Development Committee for a three-year term beginning immediately. Mayor Towey announced his intention to appoint Kristi Kerkuta, who has submitted an application for membership consideration on this committee; and he introduced her and thanked her for her interest and community involvement. Mayor Towey also extended thanks to out- going committee member Rick Scott for his many years of dedicated service. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 6. Motion Consideration: Avista Home Energy Audit Request — Mary May It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to approve the proposed increase in EECBG funds per home audit. Community Development Director McClung explained that she is standing in for Engineer Tech Mary May whose plane was delayed on a return training trip. Director McClung said that Avista previously asked they be awarded $88,000 for energy grant audits for Spokane Valley residents; that amount was approved and the program was launched this spring but resulted in limited participation; and to encourage more participants, Avista requested approval to increase the amount of grant dollars per audit from $87.50 to $138 which would therefore lower the cost of the homeowner from $150 to $99. Mayor Towey invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 7. Motion Consideration: Subarea Items to Send to Planning Commission — Scott Kuhta It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to direct the Planning Commission to consider text amendments to Book II.• Development Regulations, Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan to address the following issues: (1) Permitted Uses: Consider adding some additional uses, including vehicle sales, and single-family homes, as permitted uses in the Mixed Use Avenue District Zone; (2) Setbacks: Clark setbacks where easements may make the requirement infeasible; (3) Additions, Expansion, Reconstruction: Consider increasing the 50% threshold for additional, expansion or reconstruction of existing buildings to meet the SARP regulations; (4) Prelocated Streets: Consider options for street requirements, specifically the 5-acre requirement. Senior Planner Kuhta explained that at the July 13, 2010 Council meeting, Council directed staff to prepare a motion directing the Planning Commission to consider specific changes to the development regulations; and this proposed motion is a result of that direction. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 8. Motion Consideration: Transportation Improvement Board Call for Projects — Steve Worley It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to approve the list of projects for submitting grant applications in response to TIB's 2010 Call for Projects. Senior Engineer Worley explained that the list includes UAP (Urban Arterial Program) Projects of (1) Bowdish Road Improvements, Sprague Avenue to 16` Avenue to upgrade existing sidewalks; (2) Mission Avenue Improvements, Flora Road to Barker Road to reconstruct the roadway to a three -lane section with sidewalks, bike lanes and new stormwater facilities; (3) Park Road Improvements, Broadway Avenue to Indiana Avenue, also to reconstruct the roadway to a three -lane section with sidewalks, bike lanes and new stormwater facilities; and that the SP (Sidewalk Program) Projects include (1) 24 Avenue, Adams Road to Sullivan Road; (2) Council Regular Meeting 7 -27 -2010 Page 4 of 8 Approved by Council: 08 -10 -2010 8` Avenue, Calvin Road to Adams Road; and (3) 4"' Avenue, University Road to Pierce Road. Mayor Towey invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed.• None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 9. Motion Consideration: SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) Interlocal — Mike Connelly City Attorney Connelly explained that since SRTC hasn't taken final action on the Interlocal, he proposed postponing this motion, and Council concurred. Mr. Connelly then explained some of the final changes, as noted in blue on the copy included in Council's packet. Mr. Connelly said a report will be scheduled for Council as soon as we receive word from SRTC that the agreement has been finalized. 10. Motion Consideration: Broadcasting — Mike Jackson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded, to authorize the City Manager or designee to continue the month -to- month agreement with Community Minded Television for the broadcasting of city council meetings. City Manager Jackson explained that the current contract expires the end of July, and this is opportunity for council to discuss broadcasting, as was Council's desire to do so after the budget retreat; and he suggested Council first make a determination about the contract, then discuss the issue of long- range, ongoing broadcasting, and said staff can include funds in the budget which can be discussed at the August 10 finance committee meeting; or the issue could be delayed and discussed later. Mayor Towey invited public comment, and Carlos Landa, 12019 E Sprague said he feels the issue is one of transparency, and he encouraged council to continue the broadcasting with an annual contract. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Towey, Deputy Mayor Schimmels, and Councilmembers Dempsey, Gothmann and Grafos. Opposed: Councilmember McCaslin. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Mr. Jackson and Council then discussed identifying funds for ongoing broadcasting, with an estimated $46,000 in recurring annual costs depending on which option council chooses; and said that determination can be made later, and said that figure would impact the carryover, but there are available funds. Councilmember Gothmann said we should be able to reduce the operational cost by using the funds from the Comcast PEG funds, and there was overall council concurrence that council would like to maximize the PEG funds and therefore minimize the overall operational cost of broadcasting. Mayor Towey called for a recess at 7:30 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. It was noted Councilmember McCaslin did not return from recess. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited general public comments. Carlos Landa, 12019 E Sprague said he can't believe the oxymoron he is witnessing here with the great job Council is doing to change the zoning and address the SARP, but then still have the one -way street issue on the agenda; he said it doesn't make sense as businesses need two -ways to survive and said he feels two -way will benefit the community, and he suggested Council take a poll of the business and property owners instead of wasting the money to put it up to public vote; and said he is sure Council will get plenty who will say to bring back the two -way; and said he feels this should be put to rest and Council should do what the comp plan says, and said he hopes Council buries this issue once and for all as it was done a long time ago. Dick Behm, 9405 East Sprague said he's on that one way stretch from Argonne to University and that it makes his heart sick to look at how deteriorated that street is with over half the properties vacant or empty; said he is getting a new neighbor who was assured it will go back to two -way; said there were 63 meetings and workshops, and if you put this on the ballot as keeping it one -way, then he asked, where will it end, or will it run all the way to Greenacres once you get the Milwaukee right -of -way; he said council must plan ahead to consider the consequences of any action; that the business community figured Argonne Dishman -Mica was the logical place to end the one -way; and said if council lets it go back to Council Regular Meeting 7 -27 -2010 Page 5 of 8 Approved by Council: 08 -10 -2010 two -way, the area would redevelop whether or not it becomes a city center; he said private enterprise will build it as it is a logical place for it to grow; and again urged council to strongly consider the consequences of actions, and if council elects to keep it one way all the way to University, then what are council's plans? Mike King, 9300 E Sprague urged Council to consider the consequence of extending one -way or to continue with a two -way conversion; that this council was elected on a pro- business campaign and he said a one -way is contrary to being business - friendly; and cautioned council in making decisions to be aware of long -term consequences, and said the business community needs council's support in this. Gary Hite, owner Hite Crane, 4323 E Broadway 99212 explained that he spoke at past council meetings about him being forced out of his location at Broadway and Havana; that he purchased new property and is here tonight because he expected the code amendment CTA 04 -10 to be addressed tonight, and said he realizes it is not on the agenda; and said he appreciated Councilmember Dempsey's comments last week about trying to expedite this action so he can effectively move on but that he is still struggling and is frustrated; that he looked at a variety of places in the couplet and said he is amazed how much is abandoned or not being used or developed and that he was told he wouldn't be allowed in any of those places; and said we need to find a way to expedite this and he would appreciate efforts to help him so he can move forward. Mayor Towey said a proposed ordinance is scheduled for the August 10 meeting, which will be the first time to address such an ordinance since council is not meeting next week due to National Night Out. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 11. City Manager Selection Process — Mayor Towey Mayor Towey thanked everyone for being patient through this long process of evaluating candidates' qualifications; and that he recommends council now conclude this process and ask staff to schedule a motion to make a decision at the next meeting on August 10; and councilmembers indicated their agreement and readiness in having that on the August 10 agenda. 12. Ballot Measure (one -way vs. two -way Spry) — Mike Jackson /Steve Worley Mr. Jackson said that tonight he, Mr. Worley, and Mr. Connelly will discuss several facets associated with one -way versus two -way on Sprague as a potential ballot measure, including cost estimate to convert Sprague and Appleway between Argonne Road and University from one -way to two -way; the cost to develop an engineering estimate to convert that portion of Sprague and Appleway from one -way to two - way between Thierman and Argonne; an overview of the federal funds available for the Sprague /Appleway corridor; what the ballot measure could include; and minutes from previous council meetings where this topic was discussed. Staff went over the information contained in the Request for Council Form, including the $1.34 million cost estimate for the Sprague /Appleway Conversion; the $150,000 cost estimate for converting Sprague /Appleway Thierman Road to Argonne Road; clarified information concerning the previously mentioned $4.2 million available federal funds and the process to use those funds; discussed briefly the limited work done by Bond Attorney Mike Ormsby, and brought council's attention to included past council meeting minutes. Council /staff discussion included the process of and problems with implementing a tax increment district; the estimated two to three years it will take to turn the road back to two -ways since it would take approximately a year to get the needed environmental assessment; whether to put this on an upcoming ballot for the voters to decide and then consideration of whether a bond issue would be needed; comments that businesses have a sense of urgency in resolving this issue; whether to pursue state and/or federal funding and of waiting to see what happens in the next five to ten years. Councilmember Gothmann said that this issue has been decided and is in comp plan now to convert back between University and Argonne; and he suggested the real question is when and how to put that into effect; he suggested not Council Regular Meeting 7 -27 -2010 Page 6 of 8 Approved by Council: 08 -10 -2010 going to the voters, but to get the environmental assessment done; and if we want to change the comp plan that is an option, and he suggested if council is proposing a bond, that this is not the time to go to people to ask them to boost their property tax; he said we haven't looked at the city center zoning to determine what kind of livability we want so at this point, said he feels we are not in a position to determine the street issue as the zoning issue should be addressed first; and Mayor Towey agreed that we don't have a downtown section, we have a road; that it is too late to put this on the November ballot; that council will be finished with the SARP review this fall so Council by then should have a clear picture of what land use this council wants to go forward with; and that should determine the street issue; and there was Council consensus to wait until the land use issue is settled before approaching the street funding. 13. Animal Shelter — Morgan Koudelka Sr. Administrative Analyst Koudelka gave some background history on the concept of a regional animal control facility, adding that the white paper included in the packet was produced by County Commissioner Todd Mielke, who is a member of the committee researching the feasibility of a new animal shelter. Mr. Koudelka said from the city's viewpoint, we are satisfied with the services provided by SCRAPS and have no issues with the facility, but in glancing at the initial numbers, if the City of Spokane doesn't join SCRAPS and the system upgrades occur and are passed to us with the current usage rates, we would be paying about $2.2 million; and he explained the cost and challenges with three options: expand the current facility, purchase an existing structure and retrofit it as needed, or purchase land and build a new structure. Mr. Koudelka said another report will be given to jurisdictions at the end of this summer, and an anticipated ballot measure is set for fall of 2011; and if a ballot measure passes, a complete facility is anticipated during 2013. Mr. Koudelka said staff will continue to evaluate the figures as they become more solid and will give council future updates. In response to council questions about a commitment from the City of Spokane, Mr. Koudelka said they had originally committed before they went out on their own with a bond measure to join SCRAPS, which failed at the polls; and said that commitment needs to be renewed so all participating entities understand who will be involved in such a project; but they too are waiting for more final figures. At 9:00 p.m. it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to extend the meeting for thirty minutes. 14. Council Budget Goals for 2011— Mayor Towey Mayor Towey explained that the draft budget goals were discussed at the February retreat, but that this will be an ongoing process, and the goals will probably change as council moves toward finalizing the 2011 budget. After brief discussion it was determined to omit the goal connected with the document imaging, although that project will be ongoing it need not be a council budget goal; and to keep the goal about the "living building" along with discussion of purchase of a city hall as opposed to continuing to rent; promotion of economic development was mentioned as was solid waste and street maintenance needs to address street capital and street preservation. Mr. Jackson said staff will re -work the draft goals and submit again for further council review. 15. Advance Agenda Mayor Towey reminded everyone that there will be no council meeting next week so everyone can participate in National Night Out; and Councilmember Dempsey asked staff to supply council with a list of parties. INFORMATION ONLY: Department Reports, the Updated Transportation Improvement Plan Map, Response to Permit Center Comments, and Response to Public Comments were for information only and were not reported or discussed. Council Regular Meeting 7 -27 -2010 Page 7 of 8 Approved by Council: 08 -10 -2010 It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Regular Meeting 7 -27 -2010 Page 8 of 8 Approved by Council: 08 -10 -2010 SIGN -IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 27, 2010 GENERAL CITIZEN COMME 'OUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE Please sign in if you wish to make public %." 16,11 &a. NAME PLEASE PRINT TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU WILL SPEAK ABOUT YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS TELEPHONE I C VC�I �ECZ 56V L0 � G� T — ? tael � � i gyp, t/au.E ,a a3 �Aw�a o� f A (2CACi �' S 4 %4f �►St� v L 7 OFFICE OF THE Cl ATTORNEY MW RE: Letter agr�eenient regarding energy efficiency grant funds Dear Mr. Folsom: This :letter agreement is to memorialize in very general terms the discussions regarding the City's Energy Efficiency and Conservation. Block Grant (EECBG} Program and its,' partnership with Avista` Utilities {Avista) on i n - ho me energy audits and related energy efficiency services. This letter agreement represents a fun commitment on behalf of both parties to participate in this Program as set forth below. The City will participate in a. community residential energy audit program, managed by Avista: Individual homeowners who are customers of Avista will be able to complete an. on -line energy questionnaire which will be followed by an in field audit and :report;. Each audit, with subsequent efficiency materials, 'retrofits and rebates, will cost $325, of which the homeowner will pay $150, The remaining balance will be paid by Avista, and the City shall then reimburse Avista 50 % of Avista's cost, or $87.50, per Spokane Valley household audit. Non - Avista customers within the City of Spokane Valle and customers who receive only partial utilities from . Avista, will also be able to participate in the program. In these instances, the City's share of the audit cost will remain the same; $87.50. The, homeowner will pay up to $237.50 depending on the utilities .provided to the home by Avista: This is a pilot program and these costs may be modified by the City and Avista through amendments to this letter agreement. Avista and the City shall contribute up to $88,000 for this joint EEC13G Program. Avista shall submit accumulated reimbursement requests: with auditable docuineitation, which.. shall be timely paid by the City. The Program, shall terminate no later "than November;' 2012. Avistta Utilities Letter Agreement re EZCBG'Funds April 1, 2010 If Avista.:s in- agreeilient with these terms, please sign. Moth origirials of this letter agreemerlt.on bel alfof Avista and return, one us so that the City. Very truly yours, CaryDri.skell Srucc o1 Director, Energy Efficiency Date Frequently Asked Questions about the Electronic Cigarettes - Businesses, Agencies, Places of Employment are encouraged to amend their tobacco policy. What is an E- cigarette? Electronic cigarettes, also called "e- cigarettes," are battery- operated devices that generally contain cartridges filled with nicotine, flavor and other chemicals. The electronic cigarette turns nicotine, which is highly addictive, and other chemicals into a vapor that is inhaled by the user. Some cartridges claim to not contain nicotine. Are Electronic cigarettes safe to use? The answer is not clear; The FDA's Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis analyzed the ingredients in a small sample of cartridges from two leading brands of electronic cigarettes. In one sample, the FDA's analyses detected diethylene glycol, a chemical used in antifreeze that is toxic to humans, and in several other samples, the FDA analyses detected carcinogens, including nitrosamines. These tests indicate that these products contained detectable levels of known carcinogens and toxic chemicals to which users could potentially be exposed. Are electronic cigarettes covered under the Smoking in Public Places law? No, the &cigarette emissions are different than those emitted from tobacco cigarettes. Unlike the secondhand smoke from tobacco cigarettes, emissions from electronic cigarettes have not been adequately researched to determine their level of safety or harm. Do you need to be 18 in order to purchase or use the electronic cigarette? There are currently no federal or state restrictions that would apply to the sale, distribution or use of the electronic cigarette. Individual retailers may have their own policies regarding the sale of this product. Can businesses allow the use of the electronic cigarette indoors? Yes, it is a business owner's decision whether or not they would like this product used on their property. If you need any assistance with policy, please contact Spokane Regional Health District, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Julie Scholer Krista Panerio 324 -1452 324 -1504 ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE INCIDENTS 06/24/10 What appeared to be other minors were standing all around the booth. Our Minors 1, 2 & 3 went up to counter for purchase. Minor 1 said "I would like to get an e- cigarette. I know how to use it, my mom has one." The salesman showed her how to use it anyhow. Minor 1 asked if she could smoke this anywhere, he said "yes ". She asked "even at school ?" Salesman responded "yes ". Minor 1 said "ok, I will let you know when I get a referral from my principal ". Salesman never showed any concerns that they were minors. They purchased an e- cigarette and flavor. 06/24/10 Minors 1 & 2 went up to the counter and purchased an e- cigarette device and nicotine. Salesman proceeded to tell them to try 4 — 5 different flavored nicotines. He said "here, get your nicotine fix ". He also asked the minors "how much do you smoke ?" Minor 1 said "1 pack a week ". Salesman said "oh, you're a light smoker (newby)." During this time he also said "we don't sell to minors under 18" (even though he just made the sale to the minors). 06/28/10 No sale was made to minors though the device appeared to be home -made. 06/28/10 2:00 pm, 2 minors went into store and witnessed 2 men doing business. They told the girls to "get out, we are closed ". There was an e- cigarette ad on the front of the building and store appeared to be open when the minors had entered. 06/28/10 Sign outside store advertised e- cigarettes for $39.00. Minors 1 & 2 went into the store and asked to purchase an e- cigarette. The store clerk (male, age 35 — 40) guided them to purchase and told the minors how to use the device and said to minor 2 "here take a few puffs ". The device was purchased for $76.08. No receipt was given. 07/08/10 Minors 1, 2 & 3 approached the stand. Minor 1 purchased an e- cigarette device for $37.99 and Minor 2 also purchased an e- cigarette device for $37.99. The salesperson handed Minor 2 a chart to show the flavors of nicotine and also made Minor 2 inhale the e- cigarette vapor. 07/08/10 Minor inquired about purchasing an e- cigarette. Salesperson asked for ID. Minor told the salesperson that she was underage. Salesperson said she needed to check with her manager for permission to sell to her. The manager did not answer her phone so the salesperson said "I have never had this question, but I will sell anyway ". The salesperson also told the minor that she could smoke it in school and that if her principal has a problem with it then just tell him "there is no tobacco going into the air and tell your teacher to suck it ". 07/13/10 3 Minors tried to purchase an e- cigarette. They were denied the sale but were told by the salesperson "if you come back with an 18 yr old, then I can sell to you ". 07/13/10 3 Minors entered and Minor 2 asked to purchase an e- cigarette device. The salesperson responded "yeah, of course, do you want 2 little ones or 1 big one? We sell high density." Salesperson did not ask if the minors had smoked before. Salesperson also said "this doesn't give off the bad stuff. Now you can puff anywhere you like." ft DRAFT r' Fourth Amendment to the Motion: Appendix B Councilmember Taylor mentioned Appendix B and said while the sustainability indicators are okay, he has problems with the narrative before it; and said he is uncertain if this particular language is something to adopt now; that it appears to contain some ideology in the narrative and he suggested omitting or reducing the narrative. Mr. Kuhta said that this Plan moves the City toward a more sustainable future; and these were presented in the Plan to measure if we are moving as intended; that it has always been a part of the plan, that we could make it two sentences at the top, or remove the Appendix and add a sustainability chapter in the comp plan if that is Council's desire, that it doesn't hurt to leave the indicators there as it points to a more healthy community. Councilmember Gothmann mentioned that since an appendix is something attached to a main document, it was moved by Councilmember Gothmann and seconded to delete this Appendix B, and renumber the following appendix, with the idea of working on it later. Council discussion was mixed on whether to take it out or leave it in, in whole or. in part. Vote by Acclamation to remove Appendix B and re- number the following appendix: In Favor: Councilmembers Gothmann, Schimmels, Wilhite, and Dempsey. Opposed: Mayor Munson, Deputy Mayor Denenny, and Councilmember Taylor. Abstentions: None. Motion to amend passed. Mayor Munson invited public comment: Phillip Rudy, speaking as Board Chair of the Chamber of Commerce: he extended congratulations for the amount of time and diligence exhibited and of Council's acceptance of many public comments; that he realizes this is a living document and a good point of departure. Dr. Rudy then spoke personally, suggested putting an underpass on Sprague in front of the Pring property, mentioned it should have two - way all the way to 1 -90 for economic reasons, and said predetermined streets should be paid for by the City at the assessed value devoted to the streets and improvement paid by the City; that SARP is a big project, and for the six miles, Council has the ability to direct where that development begins somewhat, and added that development will occur first where it makes economic sense. Sean Lumsden, speaking on behalf of Spokane AutoRow Auto Dealers: said that AutoRow is back on the radio telling everyone of the great opportunities if people come into Spokane Valley to buy a car; that he has a couple requests and mentioned the sign code and said that dealers are under pressure from manufacturers, that they are sent the banners and are charged for them monthly and they are directed to set up the banners or be fined, which puts them in a tight spot; and he suggested offering some language options to make dealers feel comfortable, and he mentioned his letter for distribution tonight and said he would welcome the opportunity to discuss that idea; he said for areas concerning building design that have been made for the dealers in the gateway commercial area, he suggested that be extended to that piece of property while it is in the present situation; he said as dealers look to remodel and revitalization, they are encouraged by the steps Council has taken to enable AutoRow to be a truly unique place; and said that Appleway, Mazda, and Volkswagen are out of the gateway commercial property technically, but they have been a very active member in auto row, and he asked that the Gateway Commercial District not be extended but gerrymandered to reflect the dealerships which have also had a very large part in AutoRow.. Nancy Nishimura E 15103 Valley Way said she opposes the adoption of the couplet, that we need to remember that the Sprague street is a commercial district; said she has been on the sign committee, she tried to keep up, she has a business; she said the down zoning of the current businesses takes away the value of the property and turns part of it into residential; she said that this plans for something that we don't own, the city of Spokane Valley does not own Appleway yet; and said she objects to changing lives so much for something that is just a "maybe." She said she doesn't feel she is being listened to; said there was just recently something about having a healthy business district, but if the City is cutting off their life blood, re- structuring the property, down zoning it and grandfathering them in but making them nonconforming, that makes her uncomfortable and is not healthy;-and makes her feel like she isn't part of this community and makes her question if Council doesn't care if she's part of the community; that Council Meeting Minutes: 6 -16 -09 Page 3 of 10 Approved by Council: J DRAFT restructuring the current businesses up to the sidewalk is impractical; unless the City started with a blank canvas, that is not economically feasible; she asked about snow removal, and said the only area in town that has the buildings up to the street had a terrible time this winter at Pines and Sprague, with snow removal; that businesses that fail would be easy for developers to snatch up, tear down and start over; and she asked if that is really making them feel part of the community when she feels there's vultures waiting in the wings; she mentioned Woodburn, Oregon which has a retail district similar to Sprague; but they have miles of hanging baskets on the streets which unifies the city, and said it would be a easy way to change the look to the city without a huge expenditure; and she said she will try to get pictures and send them to council. She also asked how does Council expect to pay for this plan or be a healthy business climate when most of the businesses would be negatively effected; if the businesses went out of business because they had to make all these arrangements for the streets every 200 feet, most of the homeowners are not here tonight, but they are clueless and don't know what's going on; and she asked if the homeowners are aware they'd be stuck with the bill to pay for this plan if a lot of the businesses fail because of the loss of tax revenues; and again said the sign code is too restrictive; and she asked what about the people who are on the streets north and south, they don't have any way to have signs for their businesses, and that the planning director told her that is an off - premise sign and is not allowed; and she asked what are we going to do about that, but she said that was never addressed, so there are people who are being left out and are trying to pay tax dollars and Council should listen to them; and said she likes to have her portable reader board that Marina Sukup said would be okay as long as it was chained to a stake in the ground; which seemed interesting. Dick Behm, 9405 E Sprague, member of the Spokane Valley Business Association: said they have been involved in battles and planning with Sprague Avenue for sixteen years; that Sprague Avenue went to one -way, property values dropped 30 -40 %; business values dropped 30 %; and the previous speaker spoke of possible damages; and if they only knew what the people west of University went through for the last seven or eight years in lost business and lost values of property; if the City doesn't collect taxes from the business people, they'd have to go to the residential community; however, he said they have been working on this and they support the plan and support returning to two -way; and he said he would expect an immediate increase to 20 -30% for businesses on Sprague that are presently located on the one -way; said that the last thirty years his business has been a non- conforming business and they have been grandfathered in as it was established in 1932; so they have been there for the last 77 years in that location; and with the new plan, the restaurant becomes nonconforming; and being nonconforming for the last thirty years hasn't bothered him at all because they maintain the same business; and now that the restaurant will be nonconforming, he doesn't intend to close it so that doesn't bother him; and he said he feels we will work out these problems as we go along; that people can look to the city and talk to the staff and work those things out; that the Valley Business Association is not happy with the sign code but said he feels they can work through it; and said he believes each member of Council is interested in working with the business community to solve those problems; and he thanked Council. Council discussion and comments included mention by Councilmember Gothmann that the City of Spokane also bans off - premise signs and that we have had outstanding consultation from the business community which includes the Chamber of Commerce, AutoRow, and the Spokane Valley Business Association; and most of the businesses are saying to get it done. Councilmember Dempsey said she hasn't liked the plan from the beginning, primarily because she knew of two of the places that the consultant talked about when he gave examples of his work, that he was a mesmerizing speaker, but she knew the two cities he mentioned and she didn't like them at all; she said Council has worked hard to try to make the rough spots in the plan more palatable to those who objected, that there have been many changes, and she is pleased the changes were made as she feels it will be of benefit to the city, that she is almost to the point where she could vote for it, but not quite, and she appreciates the work done by staff, with kudos to Scott ]Kuhta. Councilmember Taylor said he is excited to see this come to a close and sees all this as a focal point for this community, that heart and identity have been lacking from the beginning. Council Meeting Minutes: 6 -16 -09 Page 4 of 10 Approved by Council: �4 DRAFT Councilmember Schimmels said he believes the plan has some good merit, but still feels it is very presumptuous of us to move east of University as we don't the property as far as Appleway is concerned, and he would prefer to do this incrementally, and said he doesn't intend to derail the plan, but will not support it. Mayor Munson said we can't live in the past or we end up re- living the past, and looking at what has occurred to Sprague for the past eight years or longer, that is not a past he wants to see in the future; he doesn't want to see property values go down and doesn't want to see Sprague deteriorate as that is not his vision for the future of this City; and he said he feels the citizens expect Council to be bold and provide for a future we can all be proud of; that the financing of this plan will take place over many years, and implementing this and paying for this will be difficult, and things will change and that is what this is all about; and can we manage the change so we can have some hope that the City of Spokane Valley will be a better place to live tomorrow then it is today; and on into the future with each year getting better; said he realizes the plan will change, and added that if Appleway is not resolved by the first of December, he said he will personally make a motion to revisit the plan and consider removing it and all the accompanying zoning from the Plan, and to investigate alternatives to Appleway Boulevard. Vote by Acclamation on the final amended motion to approve ordinance 09 -012 which adopts the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan, to make the technical changes as outlined by Mr. Connelly on the sheet received, to exclude from the subarea plan the property owned by Mr. Grafos also the property next to Mr. Grafos, the music school; to implement the plan October 1, 2009, and to delete appendix B and renumber the following appendix: In Favor: Mayor Munson, Deputy Mayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Taylor, Gothmann and Wilhite. Opposed: Councilmembers Dempsey and Schimmels. Abstentions: None. Motion passed. 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09 -013 Amending Comp Plan Map — Mike Connelly It was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve Ordinance 09 -013 amending the Comprehensive Plan Map. City Attorney Connelly explained that this is the companion ordinance to the subarea plan just voted on, and amends the map to be in conformance and consistent with the plan, and said there have been no technical amendments. Mayor Munson invited public comment. Philip Rudy, 5647 Fruithill, said if the Sprague underpass occurred, it could tie together the University City area with the twelve acres north of it which are bounded by Herald, Main, Belfour and Sprague; and by doing that you would have twelve acres that could have a very good ambiance where you could put the City Hall, perhaps the library, keep the open space or use the twelve acres for a park, and it would allow for a 1250 foot length of road running from Main to Appleway, which is a north /south direction; and said if he recalls, the Consultant said a 1200 foot street is an ideal street for a city center. Mayor Munson said Council will consider these ideas. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor Mayor Munson, Deputy Mayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Taylor, Gothmann, Wilhite and Schimmels. Opposed: Councilmember Dempsey. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 3. Proposed Resolution 09 -008 Appleway Boulevard —Mike Connelly It was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded to adopt Resolution 09 -008. City Attorney Connelly said that this topic has been under discussion for several years; the extension has been an integral part of planning and future corridor expansion; that issues like traffic impact, concurrency, and rapid transit; that we have been unsuccessful in negotiations with Spokane County and seem to get circular in proposals; the intent is to stop the circular negotiations and sit down and try to resolve what all parties feel are goals of City, the County, and STA (Spokane Transit Authority); and said this proposed formal procedure would require all parties to discuss common objectives and come to resolution; adding it would also require the identification of specific staff members to the negotiation party. Mayor Munson asked if there are any pre - conditions, and Mr. Connelly confirmed there are none and said the mediation is not binding; and in response to Councilmember Dempsey's question is STA obligated to respond positively, Mr. Connelly added that this is an action by this Council and requests the County and STA to address the same issue, but their actions are up to them. Mayor Munson said three weeks ago he gave the Council Meeting Minutes: 6 -16 -09 Page S of 10 Approved by Council: Study of One -way to Two -way and Two -way to One -way Conversions Bill Gothmann, July 25, 2010 In an effort to determine what other cities are doing, I searched the Internet for "two -way to one - way street conversions." As a result, I found an additional 20 one -way to two -way conversions, and five two -way to one -way conversions. In total, my studies so far include: 84 One -way to Two -way conversions 5 Two -way to One -way conversions. I then analyzed why cities converted to two -way. Of the 84, 51 did not give a reason and 33 listed a reason. Of the 33, the following reasons were reported (some listed multiple reasons): 15 Economic Development/Revitalization 18 Increase Business 13 Better traffic connections /circulation 15 Increased livability /pedestrian friendliness I then analyzed the five cities studying or converted to one ways. The following reasons were listed: 2 No reason listed (one was a study, the other was Wash. DC, which Also has one -way to two -way conversions 1 Economic development (4:3 Council decision over the objections of businesses) 1 Decrease railroad noise 1 Conversion of a frontage road to one -way Two -Way to One -Way Conversions by City (Quotes from the indicated web pages) Oak Harbor, WA hftp: / /oakharborstrong.com/ We are concerned citizens, merchants and property owners that believe a one -way street through downtown puts businesses at high risk. This unproven, expensive plan (8.35 million) is the wrong choice for our vital, historic downtown. Facts 1. The Oak Harbor City Council wants to risk local businesses on an unproven, expensive experiment: turning downtown Pioneer Way into a one -way street at a cost of 8.35 million dollars. 2. Cutting traffic in half through a viable business district is the wrong move. Customers and pedestrians deserve maximum convenience and access to their destinations. We believe our two - way street does that while retaining our unique character. 3. Communities across the country have made one -way conversions at a cost of millions only to go back to two -way when businesses were devastated. 4. We believe a one -way street has proven to be less attractive to new businesses and private investment. 5. A beautiful streetscape is possible for our historic downtown while retaining two -way access and protecting jobs and local business. 50 Businesses and 235 Jobs AT RISK! This may be our last chance to tell the City Council how we feel about the conversion of Pioneer Way to a one -way street. We need two -way access for our businesses to thrive. hftp://www.seaftlepi.com/sound/412870 The verdict is in: The Oak Harbor City Council voted to transform Pioneer Way into a one -way, eastbound street as part of a downtown revitalization project. Councilman Rick Almberg's motion for the one -way alternative passed with a 4 -3 vote. Rosenberg, TX http: / /www.herald- coaster.com/ articles /2005 /04/08 /news /newsO2.t ct Rosenberg City Council discussed the prospects of one -way street designations as part of a workshop session Thursday afternoon at the Rosenberg Civic and Convention Center. [ed: — Le .converting to one way streets] San Diego, CA http://www.quietzonesd.info/Reports — updates/CW/o20CounciV2007-07-31 -CityCouncil. html The trolley and freight tracks cross diagonally through the intersection of Kettner Boulevard and G Street. It is not possible to use options such as medians or crossing gates to meet the Quiet Zone requirements at this location. However, converting G Street to one -way eastbound from Pacific Highway to Front Street will satisfy the FRA requirement to improve safety at this location for a Quiet Zone designation. In addition, this action has been determined to have the least negative impact to traffic circulation. The former westbound travel lane will be converted to angle parking. Texarkana, TX hftp: / /www.texarkanampo.org/ documents / publications /FinalWarrantStudy200l . pdf Converting to one -way frontage road operations in the Texarkana study area, Washington, DC http: / /dc.gov /mayor /pdf/traffic safety_audits.pdf Patterson Street NE, street conversion, two -way to one -way. [Ed: See one -way to two -way conversions, also] Bill Gothmann July 25, 2010 One -Way to Two -Way Conversions by City (Quotes from the indicated web pages) Adrian, MI hftp://www.lenconnect.com/news/xl 85904809/Two-way-is-on-the-way If all goes well, the two -way street conversion project for downtown Adrian will be finished in early to mid - November.... That study launched the plans in an attempt to revitalize the downtown district through investments and improvements, including the street project. Alma, MI hftp://www.ci.alma-mi.us/docs/twowaystreet.pdf "consensus on shifting downtown Alma to two way traffic operations." ... "Towns that are switching from one -way circulation to two -way report positive gains on overall satisfaction with returned place making, association, people friendly downtowns and business." Atlanta, GA http: / /www. atla ntad owntown. com /get - around /transportation -imp rovements /luckie- street -two- way -co nve rs ion The project will convert Luckie Street NW between Peachtree Street NW and Centennial Olympic Park Drive NW from one -way westbound traffic to two -way traffic. The intent of the project is to improve transportation connections, Austin, TX http: / /www. ci. a ustin.tx. us /publ icworks /cesarchavez/down loads /pm_update_12042007. pdf http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/publicworks/cesarchavez/default.htm "Construction began November 17, 2007 on the Cesar Chavez Two -Way Conversion Project." [Improvements] "include a major pedestrian esplanade along Town Lake Park with trees, landscaping, and seating." Barnstable, MA http: / /town.barnstable.ma. us/ Planning/ ComprehensivePlanning /onewaytwowaysummaryl .pdf This report is the culmination of efforts by the Town of Barnstable Planning and Engineering Departments and the Hyannis Business Improvement District (BID) to evaluate street circulation changes in downtown Hyannis, Massachusetts. Berkeley, CA hftp://berkeleybrt.blogspot.com/ The Southside Plan, which the TC has previously recommended to the City Council, urges the conversion of Durant from one -way to two -way to improve traffic circulation in the Southside. The Planning Commission also included in their resolution a recommendation that a two -way Durant be studied for the LPA. Birmingham, AL http: / /www. bhamweekly.com/ 2009 /05/22 /one -way- street - conversions -wont- hurt- parking- engineer -says/ The conversion of the one -ways is recommended by the City Center Master Plan which suggests that relatively high -speed one -way streets are less pedestrian - friendly than two -ways, are confusing for tourists and other drivers visiting downtown, and may discourage those visitors from finding their way back to retail establishments that they spot while whizzing by on busy arterials. Boise, ID http: / /www. boiseweekly .com /CityDesk/archives /2009/07/31 /one- way -two- way - yes - way -no -way The Ada County Highway District's Terry Little recently presented a little pro /con list to the Boise City Council about one -way vs. two -way streets. All of a sudden this year, the city and the Downtown Business Association have been talking about converting one -way streets to two -way streets They seem to think it would be better for business —more eyeballs and such. Page 1 Bowling Green, KY http: / / www. bgd a ilynews. com /articles /2005 /10/07 /local news /news /news 1Ad A recent study of the downtown area between 15th and Sixth avenues, and from Adams to Chestnut streets, concluded that 19 traffic lights need to be replaced with new hardware and software that will let them work together better. It also studied the idea of making State and College streets and 10th Avenue two -way streets; and converting Chestnut Street from four lanes to three lanes with a turning lane and bike lane between U.S. 31 -W By -Pass and Ogden Way. Brantford, Ontario, Canada http: /twww. brantford.ca /Projects %20 %201 nitiatives%20%2ODowntown/ Downtown %2OMaster %20PIan %20 - %201m plementation %20Update %202009. pdf The Project has identified a preferred implementation strategy for the conversion of the downtown street system from a mixed one - way /two -way system to a two -way system. Burlington, WI http://www.burlington-wi.gov/Spotlight/spotlight2005—Ol.htm The City will be holding two focus group meetings on Tuesday, January 25, 2005 from 7 - 9 a.m. and Thursday, February 3, 2005 from 6 - 8 p.m. These meetings will be held in the Eppers Room located at the Racine County Service Center, 209 North Main Street. Residents and business owners will be invited to discuss the ending of the one -way streets in Burlington. Cambridge, MA hftp://www.ti.org/vaupdate30.htmi One -way to two -way conversions are being planned or implemented in Austin, Berkeley, Cambridge, Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Louisville, Palo Alto, Sacramento, San Jose, Seattle, St. Petersburg, and Tampa, among other cities. Charleston, SC http: / / www. posta ndcou rier.com/news /2009 /aug /25 /one- way -to -two -way/ A decade after Charleston first pursued a plan to beautify Spring and Cannon streets, the project has grown into a $559,000 contract to design the new streetscape and lay out the details of converting both streets to two -way traffic. ... Driving the project is the idea that two -way traffic will make the neighborhood safer and more pleasant for residents, while also benefitting businesses along those streets. Charlotte, NC http: / / www. charmeck. org /Departmentsrrransportation /Center +City +Transportation +Plan. htm Conversion of 4th Street Extension from four lanes to two lanes with bike lanes ... Conversion of North Brevard Street from one -way to two -way from 7th to 11 Street. Approval to convert Hill Street to two -way (Church to Tryon Street and conversion of Mint Street (MLK to Trade Street) as well as Poplar Street (3` to 6 th Street) to two -way upon opening of Romare Bearden Park. Chattanooga, TN hftp://www.ti.org/vaupdate30.htmi In Chattanooga, for example, McCallie and ML King avenues form a one -way couplet of four broad lanes in each direction. The city plans to convert both to two way. ML King would have two lanes in each direction, but McCallie would be reduced to one lane in each direction plus an intermittent left -turn lane. The two lost lanes would be turned to on- street parking. The result would be a net loss of two lanes, and the remaining lanes would be slower (meaning lower in capacity) than the current lanes. Planners say these steps will make streets more pedestrian friendly and that the resulting reduction in speeds will make up for the reduced safety of two -way streets. However, planners' real goal is to reduce roadway capacities. Cincinnati, OH http: / / www. urbancincy . com/ 2010 /04 /qualls -to- discuss - conversion- of.htmi [Vice Mayor] Qualls reportedly will be joined by various Walnut Hills community leaders who have long supported the idea of converting the two heavily traveled east/west streets back to two -way traffic. Page 2 Residents and business owners in the area feel that such a conversion will help to further revitalize their neighborhoods, and return vitality to the business district. Colorado Springs, CO http: / /www.gazette.com /articles /tejon- 30228 - downtown- trafFc. html The Downtown Partnership and city engineers concluded abandoning the one -way will make accessing downtown easier. The partnership, an advocacy group for downtown businesses, also believes the move will bring more people downtown, increasing retail sales. Columbus, OH hftp://www.urbanohio.com/forum2/index.php?topic=l 4074.0 The City of Columbus has wrapped a nearly $8 million project spanning six months that opens Gay Street to two -way traffic. The city announced that the conversion to two -way traffic between Cleveland Avenue and Front Street began shortly after morning rush hour Wednesday. Corpus Christi, TX hftp://www.caller.com/news/201 0/j u n /29 /chapa rral -cou Id- become -two- way - street/?pa rtne r -RSS Chaparral Street could be converted to a two -way street with wide sidewalks for pedestrian traffic and sidewalk cafes. The idea, which has been discussed for several years, aims to boost downtown tourism and businesses. The City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved paying architecture firm Gignac Associates about $14,000 to study the conversion, although that doesn't guarantee the change will happen. Dallas, TX http: / /www.wiredprnews.com/ 2010 /07 /06 /daIlas- considers -two- way- street - conversions - downtown 2010070612376.htmi Changes may be in store for the streets of downtown Dallas. As reported by NBC DFW News, the thoroughfare committee for the city recently approved plans to convert some one -way streets into two - ways, ... "The bottom line on the conversion of one -way to two -way is simply better circulation downtown." Dayton, OH hftp://www.mvrpc.org/daytonGrid/ In 2003, MVRPC, in partnership with the City of Dayton and Downtown Dayton Partnership commissioned a feasibility study to assess the traffic - related effects of converting the existing one -way street grid system in downtown Dayton, Ohio, to a two -way street grid system.... The next step is for the City of Dayton to begin final design on the plans. Construction funds are currently scheduled for SFY2009. Denver, CO hftp://www.wwpna-org/filesA/VWPNA Two previous studies have been performed by the City and County of Denver, the Central Denver North - South Traffic Impact Mitigation Study in 1986 and the Central Denver Transportation Study in 1998. Both studies have recommended the conversion of these roadway segments from one -way to two -way operation to mitigate the effects of increasing traffic. Des Moines, IA hftp://www.dmgov.org/mayor htm Approval of Contract With Center for Transportation Research and Education at Iowa State University for Two -Way Street Study in Court Avenue District. Dodgeville, WI http : / /legistar.cityofmadison.com / attachments /85288e80- 7627- 4bd4- b5fb- ee4da27a8l 77. pdf RE: Pending legislation proposing a 120 day pilot of two -way traffic on West Gilman Street. Page 3 Durham, NC http://www.ci.durham.nc.us/news/NewsDisplay.cfrn?vNewslD=1878 The City's Department of Public Works is ready to present conceptual designs showing two alternatives for converting the downtown loop into two -way traffic. This workshop is in direct response to the growing interest to convert the streets that comprise the "downtown loop" (Roxboro Street, Morgan Street, Great Jones Street, and Ramseur Street) from one -way to two -way traffic to improve vehicular access to the downtown core and potentially facilitate economic redevelopment. EI Segundo, CA http: / /www. bing.com/ search ?q =two- way +to+ one - way +street +conversions &src =1 E- SearchBox &first =71 &FORM = PER E3 NASH STREET ONE -WAY TO TWO -WAY CONVERSION Elmira, NY http:/ /elm i rampo.org/ images / Publications /UPW P %20200910 %2OFinal.doc Work continues on a new coordinated signal system in downtown Elmira and in conjunction with the conversion of Church and Water Streets from one -way to two -way, access in the area has been improved. Eltingville, NY http: / /www.silive.com /southshore /index.ssf /2009 /07 /conversion of sylvia_street_to.htmi Much to the dismay of baffled local residents and business owners last Thursday, the DOT converted Sylvia Street to a one -way eastbound roadway, effectively preventing vehicles from turning off of Richmond Avenue and onto the street. After hearing multiple complaints from private citizens and elected officials, agency administrators took a second look at the change and decided to switch it back - all in a span of four days. Eugene, OR http://www.eugene- or.gov /portal /server.pt? open = 514 &objlD = 4300& parentname= CommunityPage &parentid =0 &mode= 2 &in_hi userid =2 &cached =true City staff will be evaluating 5 different design concepts on Alder Street .. No- Build, Contraflow Bike Lanes, Cycletrack Facility, Two -Way Street Conversion,or Combination: Fairbanks, AK http: / /www.ca- city.com/ images/ news/ pdfsNote %20paves %20way %20for%2Otwo- way %20Cushman %2OStreet %2002_10 09.pdf The Vision Fairbanks downtown revitalization plan will move forward .... After three hours of public comment, members of the City Council ... voted down the resolution that would have kept Cushman Street one -way. ... Vision Fairbanks has promised to bring economic vitality to the downtown core area by creating a more pedestrian and shopper friendly atmosphere. Fargo, ND http: / /www . cityoffargo.com/ attachments /76b79a97 -8d4a- 4471- 9fO9- Obd62d467033 /Fargo %20NP %20and %201 st ° /u20HANDOUT.pdf The City of Fargo is conducting a study of 1st Avenue and NP Avenue North to encourage development and multi -modal transportation on these important streets. The study, which will result in a Development Plan, will evaluate several options — including one way pair conversion [converting from one -way to two way —Ed.]— for feasibility and practicality, ... . Flint, MI http: / /www.mlive.com /news /flint/index.ssf/ 2010 /05 /flints_downtown_streets conver.htmi Six of Flint's one -way streets are expected to be converted to two -way streets by Tuesday, city officials said today. Ft. Collins, CO http://www.today.colostate.edu/story-aspx?id=l 544 Also, as part of the Mason Corridor project, the city plans to change Mason and Howes streets to accommodate two -way traffic. Page 4 Great Falls http: / /greaffalismt. net/people_Offices /plancomdev/ planning /0neWayConversionAugO7. pdf The Great Falls Business Improvement District (BID) has requested the City and other interested parties investigate the possibility of converting two downtown, one -way couplets back to two -way streets. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada hftp://www.hamiIton.ca/ProjectsInitiatives/jamesjohn2way/ The full conversion of James Street South, John Street South, Charlton Avenue and St. Joseph's Drive to two -way traffic is now complete. High Point, NC http: / /www. hpdot. net/Projects /OneWay/ Public_ Workshop _Presentation_l - 20- 09.pdf Two -way roads alternative was chosen for further study and public comment. Holyoke, MA hftp://www.pvpc.org/web-Gontent/docs/transp/hlyke The City of Holyoke requested the pioneer Valley Planning Commission to perform a traffic study to determine the impact of converting High street and Maple Street from one -way traffic flow between Appleton Street and Lyman Street. ... Recent studies have shown that converting one -way streets to two -way traffic flow can play a positive role in a program to make downtown areas more livable and economically successful. Kalamazoo, MI http : / /www.downtownkalamazoo.org / About - Downtown /Planning- Efforts / Future - Initiatives -(1) /Executive - Summary.aspx Following are key recommendations for each strategic priority: ... Transportation: Implement the full one way to two -way street conversion plan. Lakeland, FL http: // www.lakelandgov.net /publicworks /files /DF726891 DDB941ADA3063B18CCF41158.pdf Project Overview, Lime St. Two Way Conversion Lansing, MI See Seattle Lexington, KY http: / /www. kentucky. com /2009/03/01 /710323/ downtown -s uccess -a -2- way - street. htm I Downtown success a 2 -way street ... Proposed 'Streetscape' heralds a return to driving to, not through, Lexington ... By Tom Eblen - Herald- Leader columnist Louisville, KY See Seattle Lubbock, TX http: / /www.richmondgov. com /planninganddevelopmentreview /documents /PlansDowntown /Rich Ch5 080509 lores.pdf The City of Lubbock, TX, underwent a one -way to two -way conversion in 1995. The City Traffic Engineer wrote a paper for the Institute of Traffic Engineers detailing the process and the results. The author asserts that despite expectation of traffic calamity, the conversion went smoothly. In fact, Lubbock continued with other one -way conversions after this initial effort. The author also reported that the change was well- received by downtown businesses. Mankato, MN http://www.mankato-mn.gov/feature.aspx?storylD=l 4020 At 5 a.m. on Saturday, August 15, Broad and 4th streets was converted from one -way to two -way traffic. This conversion is part of a series of traffic changes within the City Center and Lincoln Park to provide traffic calming within neighborhoods to enhance livability. Page 5 Marshalltown, IA http: / /timesrepublican.com /page / content .detail /id/522681. htmI ?nav =5005 The Marshalltown City Council has recently proposed changes - specifically on Church Street - that would convert one -way lanes into two -way. This includes Fourth Avenue in the block between Linn and Church Streets. Menasha, Wl http: / /www. cityofinenasha- wi.gov /COM /Public Works /Board _ of_Public_Works / 2010 / Item %20D5 %20Traffic %20Study %20600 %20BIock %20of%20Broad.pdf The Engineering Department performed a traffic study to determine the feasibility of changing the existing one -way (eastbound) traffic on Broad Street from Appleton Street to De Pere Street, to two -way traffic. Milwaukee, WI hftp://www.allbusiness.com/operationstfacilities/4089904-l.html The City of Milwaukee, WI, USA, has experienced a renaissance in the vitality and economy of its downtown business district.... Conversion of the one -way street system to a two -way system is nearly complete. The two -way streets have improved business accessibility, have created a less confusing circulation system for downtown visitors and business customers and have permitted transit system passengers to board and exit city buses at the same intersection in closer proximity to their destinations Minneapolis, MN hftp://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/hennepinfirsV Hennepin and First avenues switch to two -way traffic.... This change is a key step in revitalizing Hennepin and First avenues and making them even more vibrant "main streets" Mobile, AL http://www.downtownmobile.org/parking.htmi The City of Mobile is in the process of redirecting the traffic flow in portions of downtown. The multi -phase project will convert one -way streets to two -way, initially in the blocks surrounding the new RSA Tower (Royal, St. Francis and Dauphin Streets). The conversions are designed to improve vehicular access to and from downtown destinations, enhance the pedestrian environment and slow through- traffic. Mt. Pleasant, MI http: / /www. mt- pleasant. org /campuscon nection/Mt %20PIeasa nt. Main% 20Street %20Nhood %20Character %20PIa n %202010 %20 - %20Altered.pdf It is in this context that many cities are contemplating the conversion of one -way streets to two -way travel. Napa, CA hftp://www.downtownnapaspecificplan.org/docManager/I 0000001 00/6. %200ne- Way %20Street ° /n20Fact %20Sheet. pdf Converting Downtown Napa Streets from One -Way to Two -Way - A Fact Sheet Oklahoma City, OK http: / /www.okc.gov /agendapub /cache /2 /rti51 kymub4jlynabgmOtx45 /77402405032010043311294.PDF PRELIMINARY REPORT One- Way/Two -Way Conversion for Oklahoma Avenue.... The downtown business owners have expressed concern over the current use of one -way streets in the central business district. Many feel that modifying the street system could have a positive impact on business and future development. Omaha, NE hftp://destinationmidtown.org/FarnamConversionLive.aspx The Transportation Study of Selected Midtown Improvements recommended Farnam and Harney streets be converted to two -way traffic between 42nd Street and 10th Street. The potential for retail development along the Farnam and Harney corridors is significant. This has been validated by several independent market studies. Also, two -way traffic and increased on- street parking are equally important to the revitalization efforts in this area. Portland See Seattle Page 6 Palo Alto, CA http://www.cityofpaloaIto.org/cityagenda/publish/cmrs/3764.pdf Discussion and action on Homer Avenue .... Alternatives for consideration .... (1) direct staff to study the conversion of Homer Avenue.. and High street.. from one -way to two -way traffic. Perth, Australia hftp://www.perthnow.com. au/news/western-a ustra lia/horseshoe-bridge-to-get-5-m ill ion/sto ry-e6frg 13u- 1225719947643 The two -way conversion process on William Street is a staged project - the first, between The Esplanade and Wellington Street, was implemented in July 2008. The second stage would involve converting the section north of Roe Street to a two -way operation." Pittsburg, PA http: / /eastlibertypost.com /2010 /03/03 /east - liberty -featu red -in- the - new -york- times/ Several blocks of Penn Circle, the one -way ring road around the district, have been reconstructed for two - way traffic, but extending the two -way street on the eastern part of the circle and improving sidewalks and lighting will cost $7.5 million. Raleigh, NC http://www.raleigh - nc.org /portal /server. pt /gateway /PTARGS_0_2_411 _208_0_43 /http %3B /ptO3 /D[G_Web_ContenVnews /public /News- PubAff- Section_Of Morgan _Street - 20100429- 16013397.html Morgan Street from St. Mary's Street to Hillsborough Street will be converted from one -way to two -way traffic, beginning Saturday, May 1. Motorists should be aware of this new traffic pattern. Redmond, WA http://www.redmond.gov/community/pdfs/DowntownVision.pdf Redmond Way /Cleveland Street Two -Way Conversion; significant component of the vision for downtown; helps define downtown's transportation system; designates Cleveland Street as Redmond's "Main Street" promenade (two -way); configures Redmond Way as a two -way street. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada http: / /www.leaderpost.com/ Downtown+ Regina+ streets+ switch+ from +traffic +Sunday /3143773 /story. htmI The two -way conversion will begin Sunday at 7 a.m. Crews will start at 3 a.m., changing street signs, painting new lane markings and enabling new traffic lights. Richmond, VA http: / /www.richmondgov. com /planninganddevelopmentreview / documents /PlansDowntown /Rich_Ch5 080509 lores.pdf The one -way versus two -way debate in Richmond is, at the heart, a debate over the vision for Downtown. The studies referenced here indicate that two -way streets help businesses thrive and create places where people want to live and work, balancing traffic movement with livability. HPE recommends two -way streets because the community expressed a vision of a livable, walkable Downtown where pedestrians can thrive. Roanoke, VA http://www.roanoke.com/businesstwb/1 51310 "New urbanists" and many other contemporary urban planners believe that, as a general rule, converting one -way streets to two -way streets can help revitalize downtowns. Bill Carder, executive director for Downtown Roanoke Inc., said such conversions have really become a key tactic, according to what he called "urban planning 101." Steve Filmanowicz, a spokesman for the Chicago -based Congress for the New Urbanism, said many cities are converting one -way streets -- which cities adopted, in part, in reaction to the same suburban flight that first bled life from downtowns, he said. One -way streets were designed, he said, to efficiently move workers in and out of downtowns and not to support retail and lively urban centers. Rockford, IL hftp://www.rrstar.com/carousei/xl 694769495/Church- Street - traffic- study -to- cost - Rockford- 150 -000 It's the city's goal to remove the one -ways, said Capital Improvement Program Manager Patrick Zuroske. Page 7 Rocky Mount, NC http: / /www. rockymountnc.gov/ downtown/ documents /RMDCS- FINALREPORT2.pdf The changes to traffic patterns under consideration include converting one -way streets to two -way operation and closing a railroad crossing in the downtown area. Sacramento, CA http: / /www.sacramentopress.com /headline /3594frwoWay_Conversion Project A new traffic signal was erected this morning at 10th and H street. This is the first stage of a project that will convert 10th street, currently one -way running north, to two -way traffic between E and I streets. 9th street is also included in this conversion, changing from a one -way running south to two -way between E and H streets.... The project is meant to improve neighborhood livability, relieve traffic congestion, and increase pedestrian safety. San Antonio, TX http: / /www.ci.austin.tx.us/ downtown /0708 /downloads /26- 27_chavez two- way.pdf Two -way traffic returned to Cesar Chavez on August 11, 2008. ... The urban design enhancements now underway on the south side of the street are expected to be complete in the fall. They include: pedestrian esplanade up to 32 ft. wide with concrete, pavers, and limestone retaining wall ... from S. First to Congress esplanade will have a double row of trees, benches, railings, and public art. Planting beds to be installed along the Cesar Chavez ... . San Jose, CA http:/ /www.sanjoseca.gov /clerk/Agenda /20091006/20091006 0402.pdf In 2002, the City Council approved the Downtown Access and Circulation Study that included recommendations to modify seven one -way couplet street corridors in an effort to improve community livability in neighborhoods surrounding Downtown San Jose.... This project will convert Julian Street and St. James Street from one -way streets to two -way streets with one travel lane in each direction. San Rafael, CA http: / /www.cityofsanrafael.org/ Government /PublicWorks /San_Rafael_Public Works_ Projects/ D_Street_Two- Way_Conversion.htm The project generally consists of changing D Street between 1st and 2nd streets from a one -way southbound roadway to two -way and installing a stop sign for eastbound 1st St at C St. Seattle, WA http: / /www. transportchicago. org /images /Congestion M itigation- SisiopikuChemman n u r. pdf As a measure to revitalize the downtown city centers, several movements have been staged over the years to convert one -way street pairs of downtown network to two -way operation. Successful conversion have been implemented in many urban settings across the United States since the early nineteen nineties. Some of them include the cities of Austin, Berkeley, Cambridge, Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Denver, Des Moines, Lansing, Louisville, Palo Alto, Portland, Sacramento, San Jose, Seattle, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. http: / /www.seattlepi.r-om /transportation /400957_mercer21. html After hearing more concerns, Seattle City Council members agreed Friday to push ahead with the $200 million conversion of Mercer Street to two -way traffic for six blocks west of Interstate 5. Spokane, WA http://www.epa.gov/dced/pdf/spokane—c-pdf Support conversion of one -way streets in the downtown core to two -way circulation (Main and Spokane Falls Blvd.) as a means of improving local connectivity between the University and East End District and improving the pedestrian environment within the University District. [Ed. Note: This was a summary by the EPA of a meeting in Spokane during a Smart Growth Workshop.] [Ed. Note: Spokane's Transportation Improvement Plan adopted by the Council includes plans for converting Sprague (Browne to Maple), First (Browne to Maple), and Wall (Third to Spokane Falls Blvd.) into two -way streets] Page 8 St. Catherine, Ontario, Canada http:// www. stcatharines .ca /forbusiness/ecodevt/eco dev_master_plan _ themes_7a.asp The primary goal of the study was to identify a preferred implementation strategy for the conversion of the Downtown Street system from a mixed one - way /twoway system to a strictly two -way system. ...At present, the one -way to two -way street conversion process is underway & the City expects the street conversions to be completed by 2009. St. Petersburg, FL See Seattle Sydney, Australia http: / /buildingsyd neymotorways. com. au /harbou r- crossings /eastern - distributor Residents benefit from:... Improved local access with the conversion of former one way streets back to two way streets (for example Crown Street and Bourke Street).... . Tampa, FL http: / /www.tampagov. net/ appl_ tampa_announcementsNiewRelease. asp ?ReleaseI D =6912 Tampa, FL April 30, 2010 - The Polk Street conversion project, which will convert the street from one -way to two -way traffic is set to begin on May 3, 2010. This is the fourth east/west street in downtown to be reconfigured to change the street's traffic flow. Toledo, OH http: / /www.allbusiness.com/ transportation/ road - transportation - trucking /13128439 -1. html Parts of three downtown Toledo streets near the Lucas County Arena will be converted from one -way traffic to two -way traffic Tuesday, the city transportation division has announced.... All three street conversions are part of a master plan to eliminate most one -way streets in downtown Toledo. Toronto, Canada http: / /urbantoronto.ca /content. php ?71- 2 -Bloor -West- Toronto Cumberland Street is planned to return to two way traffic as parking access to this building will be from mid -block along Cumberland. Tucson, AZ dot. ci.tucson. az. us /hottopics /downloads/ One - Way %20Two - Way %20Presentation %20011807. ppt Broadway /Congress Conversion Vancouver, BC, Canada http: / /www.tc.gc.ca /eng /programs/ environment - utsp - downtowntransportationplan -842. htm Convert key one way streets to two way traffic to improve traffic flows and create a more efficient road network Vancouver, WA http://www-cityofvancouver.us/streetprojects.asp?menuid=l 0465&subrnenulD=1 0530&iteml D =22755 Main Street has been operating with two -way traffic patterns since mid - November. ... On Main Street itself, the project will include: changing Main Street from one -way to two -way traffic; total reconstruction of the street and pedestrian areas; public areas and street furniture; landscaping and vegetation; new street lighting; utility improvements; and improvements to intersecting streets east and west of Main Street for a short distance. http://www.oregonlive.com/news/index.ssf/2009/01 /conversion — to _twoway_streets_r. htm I Converting three downtown streets from one -way to two -way appears to have done what a multimillion - dollar mixed -use makeover has not: breathe some life into the tired thoroughfares. "Now we have twice as many people going by as they did before," said David Tarver, an employee of Old Town Antique Market on Main Street. Page 9 Visalia, CA http: / /www.ci.visalia.ca. us/ civica /filebank/blobdload.asp ?BlobiD =4 Three options for converting one -way eastbound Acequia Avenue to a two -way street from Conyer to Bridge Streets will be presented to City Council in March. Vordingborg, Denmark http: / /www. contextsensitivesolutions. org /content/case_ studies /shopping -vord i ngborg/ "The main shopping street in Vordingborg, Algade, has been converted from a one -way street to partly a pedestrian street, partly a 30 km /h street with commercial traffic allowed in both directions. The conversion has embellished the street and reduced car traffic volume and speeds considerably." "The growing traffic in Algade [a main shopping street] in the 1980s stimulated a strong wish to improve the shopping atmosphere in the street Washington, DC http: / /newsroom.dc.gov /show. aspx/ agency /ddot/ section /24 /release /9856/year/2006 The District of Columbia Department of Transportation (DDOT) is scheduled to permanently switch traffic flow on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE, from its current configuration as a one -way street to a two -way street from Good Hope Road to MLK Avenue ending at W Street. Wichita, KS http: / /www.wichita. gov /NR/rdonlyres /80D5Fl 63- OD05 -41 A3- A731- 0022BB27075B /0 /ParkPlandMarket2way.pdf As part of the 21 st. Street Revitalization Study, the steering committee has requested that staff evaluate converting Park Place and Market Street to a two -way flow. Winchester, VA http://www.winchesterva.gov/enews/archives/v2i22_1 10409. php On Saturday, November 7 (if weather allows construction to continue on schedule), the City will celebrate the end of the Cameron and Braddock Street phase of the Downtown Utility Infrastructure Improvement (DUII) project and dedicate the opening of two -way traffic on these two streets Bill Gothmann July 25, 2001 Page 10