10-111.00 WSDOE: Phase 2 Implementation Grant1100 DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY State of Washington AMENDMENT NO.2 TO GRANT AGREEMENT NO. G0600363 BETWEEN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AND THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PURPOSE: To amend the above - referenced grant agreement between the Department of Ecology [DEPARTMENT] and the City of Spokane Valley [RECIPIENT] for the City of Spokane Valley Phase II Implementation Project. This amendment is needed to modify the scope of work, redistribute the budget funds to reflect the changes, and extend the grant expiration date. Due to staffing issues the RECIPIENT was unable to complete Task 7 and is requesting to use the remaining funds for equipment and material purchases. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED that the grant agreement is amended as follows: 1. The project Scope of Work will be modified as follows: The following will be added: Task 6 Develop and Implement IDDE Procedures C. Purchase equipment and materials as listed below: Item Est. Price + tax & shippin Turbidi meter $1,020.21 Jurbidity meter sampling vials/bottles $144.80 Jurbidity meter degassing kit $27.52 Stormwater sampling equipment $329.10 dye tracer $95.44 - Biodegradable Classifier kit $233.66 Stormwater manhole safety equipment $274.25 Level loggers $3,291.00 ArcPad 8-updated software for the stormwater GPS unit $767.90 Stormwater structure identification (replacing structure lids incorrectly labeled "Sewer" with the correct lid indicating "Storm" or " Stormwater" $6,956.80 Total $13,140.68 O'D10 -1 ( I City of Spokane Valley City of Spokane Valley Phase II Implementation Project Page 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF: the parties have signed this amendment. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY KELLY SUSEWIND, P.E., P.G. DATE WATER QUALITY PROGRAM MANAGER MIKE CITY ATE APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL City of Spokane Valley City of Spokane Valley Phase II Implementation Project Page 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF: the parties have signed this amendment. STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY , A ,f, a L I SEWIND, P.E., P.G. DATE I ETA" SON DA E WA ER QUALITY PROGRAM MANAGER CITY / AGER APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL