Ordinance 10-018 Amending SVMC 19.110 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 10-018 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON AMENDING SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE (SVMC) TITLE 19.110.020 APPENDIX D: SECTIONS 2.0.1, APPLICABILITY; 2.1.5 GATEWAY COMMERCIAL AVENUE DISTRICT ZONE TABLE 2.2. SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS; 2.1.6 GATEWAY COMMERCIAL CENTER DISTRICT ZONE TABLE 2.2 SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS; GATEWAY COMMERCIAL AVENUE RETAIL PERMITTED USES; 2.6.1.(2) SIGN REGULATIONS STANDARDS; 2.6.2 (3) WALL SIGN STANDARDS; AND 2.6.2 (6) FREESTANDING SIGN STANDARDS; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan was adopted on June 16th 2009 and became effective on October 15`h, 2009;and WHEREAS, these amendments are consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Book 1 of the Sprague and Appleway Corridor Subarea Plan; and WHEREAS, after reviewing the Environmental Checklists, the city issued a Determination of Non- significance (DNS) for the proposals, published the DNS in the Valley News Herald, posted the DNS at City Hall, and mailed the DNS to all affected public agencies; and WHEREAS,the City provided a copy of the proposed amendment to Washington State Department of Commerce(DOC) initiating a 60 day comment period pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106; and WHEREAS,the amended ordinance as set forth bears a substantial relation to the public health, safety and welfare and protection of the environment; and WHEREAS,on August 12, 2010,the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission received information, public testimony and a staff report and recommendation at a public hearing on August 26,2010; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission deliberated on August 26, 2010; the Planning Commission provided a recommendation; and WHEREAS,on September 7,2010, City Council reviewed the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, on September 14, 2010, City Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendment. NOW THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIFICALLY ORDAINS AS SET FORTH BELOW: Section One: The Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan shall be amended as follows: Book II—Development Regulations,Page 13 of 123 2.0.1.APPLICABILITY 1) City Center District Zone. These regulations shall apply to: a)New construction. Ordinance 10-018,Amending Gateway Zones Page 1 of 6 b)Additions greater than 20%of the building floor area. c) Exterior Improvements ("facelifts") costing more than 20% of the assessed or appraised value of the building and land. Such exterior regulations shall conform to the architectural regulations contained in Section 2.5. 2)All Other District Zones. These regulations shall apply to: a)New construction. b) Exterior Improvements ("facelifts") costing more than 20% of the assessed or appraised value of the building and land. Such exterior improvements shall conform to the architectural regulations contained in Section 2.5. 3)New Construction.New construction is defined as an entirely new structure or the reconstruction,remodel, rehabilitation or expansion of a building costing more than 50% of the assessed or appraised value of the existing structure and land. 4) Existing Buildings and Completed Applications. Nothing contained in this section shall require any change to an existing building or structure for which a building permit has been previously issued or applied for in the Community Development Department, and the application is deemed complete prior to the effective date of this Subarea Plan. 5) Ownership/Tenant Changes. Changes in property ownership or tenants of existing uses shall likewise require no change in any existing building or structure. 6) Limitations on Required Improvements. Where improvements and additions are made to existing buildings, requirements for renovation or enlargements apply only to net new floor area. Improvements and additions to existing buildings that increase non-conformities are not permitted. If regulations to be applied to net new floor area are not specified in this Subarea Plan,then the Community Development Director/Designee shall determine which regulations shall apply. Accessory structures proposed on developed sites shall not be required to meet frontage coverage requirements, minimum height requirements, or maximum setbacks. Accessory structures shall meet all applicable architectural standards in section 2.5.2 Height Massing and Composition. 7)Non-conforming uses shall be regulated by Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC)Title 19.20.060,with the exception that the lawful use of land at the time of passage of this code may be continued unless the use is discontinued or abandoned for a period of 24 consecutive months. 8)Development regulations established in this Plan are specified as either Standards or Guidelines. Standards address those aspects of development that are essential to achieve the goals of the Subarea Plan. They include specifications for site development and building design, such as permitted land uses, building height and setbacks. Conformance with standards is mandatory. Such provisions are indicated by use of the words"shall", "must", or"is/is not permitted." Guidelines provide guidance for new development in terms of aesthetics and other considerations such as district character or design details. They're intended to direct building and site design in a way that results in the continuity of the valued character of the City of Spokane Valley. Whereas conformance with the Standards is mandatory, conformance with the Guidelines is recommended. Provisions that fall into this category are Ordinance 10-018,Amending Gateway Zones Page 2 of 6 indicated by the use of words"should,""may"or"are encouraged to."In various cases,the Guidelines provide a choice of treatments that will achieve the desired effect. Section Two: The Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan shall be amended as follows: Book II, Section 2.1.5 Gateway Commercial Avenue District Zone, page 24 of 123, Table 2.2. Site Development Standards of the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan as depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto. Section Three: The Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan shall be amended as follows: Book II — Section 2.1.6 Gateway Commercial Center District Zone, page 25 of 123, Table 2.2 Site Development Standards of the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan as depicted in Exhibit B attached hereto. Section Four: The Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan section be amended as follows: e) Gateway Commercial Avenue Retail i)Permitted Uses: (1)Vehicle Sales and Services, including automobiles, recreational vehicles, boats, motor sports vehicles, etc. (Vehicle Sales are exempt from 2.2.7 Front Street Setback Regulations and 2.2.12 Frontage Coverage Regulations.) (2)Vehicle repair, body and glass shops. (3)Vehicle parts and accessories. (4) Gas stations. (Gas stations are exempt from 2.2.3. Minimum Building Height Regulations and 2.2.12. Frontage Coverage Regulations.) (5)Drive-in/Drive-up Fast Food Restaurants (6)"Medium Box"Commercial Sales& Services including the following: (a) Establishments selling or servicing Large Scale Goods such as party goods, art supplies, sporting goods, electronics or appliances, outdoor accessories, furniture, home furnishings, hardware, and home improvements stores. (b) Commercial services such as miscellaneous Repair Service uses with no outdoor storage, including plumbing services, laundry services, cleaning and janitorial service and supplies, vacuum cleaning and sewing repair and rental shops, etc. (c)Print and Graphics Supply and Service, including typesetting, lithography, graphics and art services,etc. (d) Big Box and Medium Box Warehouse retail, restaurant supply retail, and warehouse-scale buying club retail.ii)Prohibited Uses: (1)Full service restaurants Section Five: The Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan section 2.6.1(2)shall be amended as follows: 2)STANDARDS 1) Sign types shall be permitted according to District Zone, as indicated in the Signage Regulations Chart -Figure 2.6. 2) In the event that a sign falls under more than one sign definition found within this Section, the more restrictive sign regulations shall apply. 3) Temporary Signs not listed in this section shall be permitted in the Plan Area per the requirements of the SVMC Title 22.110.050. Ordinance 10-018,Amending Gateway Zones Page 3 of 6 4) "Prohibited Signs," noted in the SVMC Title 22.110.020 are not permitted, unless expressly indicated for specific sign types and district zones indicated in this section. 5) "Permit Required" noted in the SVMC Title 22.110.030 indicates requirements for sign permits. Unless otherwise noted,a sign permit is required for all types listed in this section. 6) Sign Area Calculation: unless otherwise noted, sign areas for single and multiple-sided signs shall be calculated as described in the SVMC Sign Regulations Section 22.110.100, items 2, 3 and 4. 7) Sign Area Maximum—Building Mounted Signs: (a) The total square footage of building mounted signs permitted in any Subarea Plan zone district shall not exceed 25% of the wall area per wall. Tenant spaces shall be calculated individually. Building mounted signs to be calculated include, Wall Signs,Roof Signs,Awning Valance Signs,Above Awning Signs, Above Canopy Signs, Canopy Fascia Signs, Recessed Entry Signs and Window Signs. See Section 2.6.2 for maximum size standards for individual signs. 8) Signs shall not display animation unless otherwise noted, except standard barber poles and time and temperature signs. 9) Animated signs are permitted as follows: (a) In the Gateway Commercial Center and Gateway Commercial Avenue Zones. (b) Anywhere along Sprague Avenue EXCEPT in City Center District Zone (animated signs are prohibited in the City Center District Zone). 10) Non-animated electronic signs are permitted in all district zones, including scrolling "alpha-numeric" signs,time and temperature signs. 11) Commercial messages which identify, advertise, or attract attention to a business, product, service, or event or activity sold, existing, or offered elsewhere than upon the same property where the sign is displayed are expressly prohibited. 12) All issues not specifically addressed herein shall be addressed pursuant to the SVMC Title 22.110 Sign Regulations. 13) In the event of a conflict between this Section and any other City code, the provisions of this Section shall apply. 14) Monument and freestanding signs shall not obscure any fire fighting appliance, including but not limited to fire hydrants,fire connections, etc. 15) Signs shall not obstruct the clear view triangle or points of ingress/egress. 16) Billboards shall be regulated by Section 22.110.130 SVMC, EXCEPT that relocated billboards are prohibited within the City Center District Zone. Further, in all other zones within the Subarea Plan billboards may be constructed only on Sprague Avenue. Section Six: The Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan section 2.6.2(3) shall be amended as follows: 3) Wall Signs Wall Signs are signs which are located on, and parallel to,a building wall. a) Standards i) Wall Signs shall only be permitted for non-residential uses with a dedicated ground floor entrance. ii) iii) No Wall Sign shall exceed 150 square feet in size. Individual businesses are allowed a minimum 32 square foot sign. iv) Only the following types of establishments are permitted to use animated Wall Signs,and only below the second floor level: night clubs,movie theaters, and live performance theaters- capacity of greater than 200 persons. When used,animation shall consist of flashing or chase lights only; light sources shall be of incandescent,neon, or LED type only. Flashing xenon strobe lights and rotating lights shall not be permitted. v) Wall Signs shall project no more than 15 inches from the façade of the building. Ordinance 10-018,Amending Gateway Zones Page 4 of 6 vi) Menu or Menu Case Wall Signs: discrete wall-mounted signs or sign cases containing restaurant menus: (1) Shall be mounted at the ground floor façade of a restaurant or café with indoor or outdoor seating. (2) Shall be limited to the size of two(2)pages of the menu utilized by the restaurant plus the frame. (3) Shall not protrude more than three(3)inches from the façade. Lettering shall not exceed one(1) inch in height. (4) Shall not exceed one sign or sign case per façade. (5) Shall not count towards the total sign area permitted based on the Linear Frontage Ratio. (6) Shall be illuminated by indirect illumination only. vii) Barber poles: (1) Any barber shop shall be entitled to display one(1)barber pole in addition to other permitted signs. (2) Barber poles may be internally illuminated and may be mechanically rotated. (3) Shall not count towards the total sign area permitted based on the Linear Frontage Ratio. Section Seven: The Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan section 2.6.2(6) shall be amended as follows: 6) Freestanding Signs Freestanding Signs are permanently mounted signs not attached to a building, in which signs are constructed on or are affixed to the ground by columns,poles,or similar structural components. a) Standards i) Freestanding Signs shall only be permitted for non-residential uses with a dedicated ground floor entrance,within permitted District Zones indicated on the Signage Regulation Chart 2.6. ii) The maximum number of Freestanding Signs per parcel is one(1)per street frontage. iii) The maximum height of a Freestanding Sign for permitted District Zones shall be as follows: (1) Mixed Use Avenue: 20 feet. (2) Gateway Commercial Avenue: 30 feet(single business)or 40 feet(multi-business complex). (3) Gateway Commercial Center: 30 feet(single business)or 40 feet(multibusiness complex)or 50 feet(parcels abutting I-90). iv) The maximum area of a Freestanding Sign for permitted District Zones shall be as follows: (1) Mixed Use Avenue: 100 square feet. (2) Gateway Commercial Avenue: 100 square feet. (3) Gateway Commercial Center: 100 square feet (single business) or 250 square feet (multi-business complex,or parcels abutting 1-90). Where three(3)or more businesses agree to share a single sign structure, an additional 20 percent of sign area shall be allowed up to a maximum of 250 square feet. v) Sign location: Freestanding Signs with structural supports less than two (2) feet in width, with copy area placed at a height of seven(7)feet or more above grade,may be located at the property line,outside of the clear view triangle (SVMC 22.70). Freestanding signs with structural supports of more than two (2) feet shall be set back not less than ten(10)feet from the front property line or border easement. Ordinance 10-018,Amending Gateway Zones Page 5 of 6 vii) Signs shall be landscaped per SVMC 22.70. viii) A single unornamented pole support design topped by a can sign typical of a commercial strip shall not be used. Section Eight: All other provisions of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code and the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan not specifically referenced hereto shall remain in full force and effect. Section Nine: Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrases of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section,clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section Ten: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five(5)days after publication of the Ordinance,or a summary thereof, occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 28th day of September,2010. -Mayor,Thomas . Towey ATTES +-C. /Ec -a / City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge - Approved as to Form: O 131.—ceilthe City A h' orney Date of Publication: /t7 d /c: Effective Date: /U -1 3 f 0 Ordinance 10-018,Amending Gateway Zones Page 6 of 6 Exhibit A Book II,Section 2.1.5 Development Regulations,page 24 of 123 Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Legend: ---:Not Permitted G:Ground Floor Only Required:These are Required elements of all new development as indicated. I Permitted:These elements are allowed by right unless otherwise specified in •:Community centers,senior centers,teen centers,childcare facilities,and educational Limited:These frontages may only be applied to access lobbies for upper floor uses that are different from the ••: Limited to office uses that are supportive of auto sales and services which include: ground floor use accounting,insurance,legal services,and other auto sales support office uses as determined by the director. 2.2.Site Development Standards 2.3.Street and Sprague Appleway Other Open Space Standards Ave. Blvd. Streets S Category Appleway Other Street/Street Cate g ry Ave Blvd Streets 2.3.1.Street 2.2.1.Eltrikling Orientation to Streets and P,iltflit Ges ;1 1)Street Provision required required required required or not required required I required I requved 2)Pre-Located Street required required required 22.2 EWilding Us c ;;•..;, , �;� " , -jn 3)Maximum Block Size 5 acres 5 acres 5 acres 1)Retail --- --- --_ 4)Street Configuration required required required a)City Center Retail --- --- ___ 5)Street Type b)Neighborhood Center Retail --- --- --- a)Core Street c)Mixed-Use Avenue Retail --- --- --- b)City Street ___ ___ permitted d)Corner Store Retail --- --- --- c)Neighborhood Street e)Gateway Commercial Avenue Retail permitted permitted permitted d)Neighborhood Green Street --- ___ ___ t)Gateway Commercial Center Retail --- --- --- e)Service Street permitted 2)Civic,Quasi-Civic,&Cultural permitted-• permitted-• permitted-• f)Alley --- ___ ___ 3)Once restricted•• restricted•• restricted•• g)Passage ___ ___ ___ 4) Light Industrial permitted permitted permitted 23.2,Op tl$}S.ace Stanittia•d ._�Y */ `""' : ur , y 5)Lodging(w/common entry) --- --- --- see section 2.3.3 6)Live-Work --- ___ 7)Residential 2.4.Parking Standards Sprague Appleway Other Ave. Blvd. Streets a)Multi-Family w/Common Entry ___ ___ ___ 2:41 Periting''1'ypes , _Q \.\ x b)Attached Single-Family w/Individual --- --- --- I)Surface Parking c)Detached Single-Family Housing --- a)Front lot ___ permitted permitted 2>2 3:Biilitltng Height,,' s J b)Side lot permuted permitted permitted minimum height I floor/20 ft I floor/20 ft I I floor/20 ft c)Rear lot permitted permitted permitted maximum height 3 floors/42 ft 3 floors/42 ft I floors/42 ft 2)Parking Structure 24 Reletter)to Single Female Homes a)Exposed permitted permitted permitted required or not applicable N/A N/A I N/A b)Wrapped-Ground Level permitted permitted permitted 2,18.84101I0 R0 410/Mpfoveme -��" Si ,. -• c)Wrapped-All Levels permitted permitted permitted required or not required required required I not required d)Partially Submerged Podium permitted permitted permitted 2. $.Prix t2 Frontage may,l �''ay y. :-��y;; ,m' s •, e)Underground Parking permtted permitted permitted 1)Shopfront permtted permitted permitted 2:4.2-Parkifg Standards = ": 2)Corner Entry permitted permitted permitted see section 2 4.2. 3)Arcade --- 4)Grand Portico --- --- --- 2.5.Architectural Standards Sprague Appleway Other Ave. Blvd. Streets 5)Forecourt --- --- --- 235 eo,ht;sea( :Si . )'t5,OSittan* 6)Grand Entry permitted permitted permitted 0,13111 required 1112512=1111EMEM 7)Common Lobby Entry 8)Stoop --- ___ --- 2.6 S n..`l x •ii•.•-it• <, <`. 9)Porch --- --- --- _ =Egli.=MEIN=MI 10)Front Door --- ___ --- Sidewall&Rearwall Increment It)Parking Structure Entry permitted permitted permitted 12)Vehicle Display:Option I permitted permitted --- Sprague Appleway Other P 2.6.Signage Standards Ave. Blvd. Streets 13)Vehicle Display:Option 2 permitted --- --- 14)Edge Treatment:Fenced --- permitted permuted see section 2.6 13)Edge Treatment:Terraced permitted permitted permitted 14)Edge Treatment:Flush per fitted per fitted permuted 22.7.f<ro))t'Street° ettiaek r..,c"-. -r � ; �„�•�, minimum/maximum Oft/100 ft I15ft/nomax 1Oft/nomax 2218 Side:Street Setback u „ minimum/maximum 10R/nomax 10ft/nomax 10ft/nomax 229 Side?Yard/Setback ,,_ . .,:rte minimum w/living space windows 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft minimum w/out living space windows 5 ft 5 ft I 5 ft 21fl2tear5 Yard$etbac[t__ :-_ minimum setback 10 ft 10 ft j 10 ft minimum setback 5 ft 5 ft I 5 ft 2.2.12.Prontage...„ . minimum percentage covered no min no min. I no mina 212.13.Bu)id<tojCome , ,y.� � required or not required not required not required I not required 20=2.14 Idexhumu Building Length ; .,,; Exhibit B Book II,Section 2.1.6 Development Regulations,page 25 of 123 Sprague and Appleway Corridor Subarea Plan Legend: ---:Not Permitted G Ground Floor Only Requred:These are Required elements of all new development as indicated. Permitted:These elements are allowed by right unless otherwise specified m •:Community centers,senior centers,teen centers,childcare facilities,and Section 2.2.2.Building Use educational facilities are not permitted. Limited:These frontages may only be applied to access lobbies for upper floor uses that are different from the •": Limited to office uses that are supportive of auto sales and services which ground floor use include: accounting,insurance,legal services,and other auto sales support office uses as determined by the director. 2.1.6.Gatewa Commercial Center District Zone 2.2.Site Development Standards Street I Street Category Sprague Appleway Other Ave. Blvd. Streets 2:2.1 Sundt OrientatiOn to Streets and O ' 2 3 Street and Sprague Appleway Other Pubirs Open eet Spaces required or not required required I required required 2 2't S tandards 2.2.Bui ddilt 1)Street Provision requ red required requ red 1)Retail --- --- --- 2)Pre-Located Street required required required a)City Center Retail --- --- --- 3)Maximum Block Size 5 acres 5 acres 5 acres b)Neighborhood Center Retail --- --- --- 4)Street Configuration required required required c)Mixed-Use Avenue Retail --- --- --- 5)Street Type d)Corner Store Retail --- -- --- a)Core Street e)Gateway Commercial Avenue Retail permitted permitted permitted b)City Street -- --- permitted f)Gateway Commercial Center Retail permitted permitted permitted c)Neighborhood Street 2)Civic,Quasi-Civic,&Cultural permitted-• permitted-• permitted-° d)Neighborhood Green Street -- --- __ 3)Office restricted"" restricted•• -restricted•' e)Service Street — permitted 4)Light Industrial --- --- --- f)Alley ___ ___ __ 5)Lodging(w/common entry permitted permitted permitted g)Passage 6)Live-Work 2432%Open Space Standards 7)Residential see section 2.3.3 a)Multi-Family w/Common Entry --- b)Attached Single-Family w/Individual 2.4.Parking Standards Sprague Appleway Other Entry Ave. Blvd. Streets c)Detached Single-Family Housing .-... .,,.._, ...-..W„ 24 1: , ► r nle 2.2 Buildl a 1)Surface Parking minimum height I floor/20 ft I I floor/20 ft I I floor/20 ft a)Front lot --- permitted permitted maximum height 3 floors/42 ft 3 floors/42 ft 3 floors/42 ft b)Side lot permitted permitted permitted 2 2.4.Retatiq l t$„Single"Family Horne t / c)Rear lot permitted permitted permitted required or not applicable N/A I N/A N/A 2)Parking Structure 22`'4PubitC:Frontage yTf5f,Ot1R y �s '�? `� a)Exposed permitted permitted permitted required or not required required required I not required b)Wrapped-Ground Level permitted permitted permitted 2 2. Privat'3 Frontage ...,.. ... Fr. . " : c)Wrapped-All Levels permitted permitted permitted 1)Shopfront permitted permitted permitted d)Partially Submerged Podium permitted permitted permitted 2)Corner Entry permitted permitted permitted e)Underground Parking permitted permitted permitted 3)Arcade 2.42,Parkima Standards 4)Grand Portico -- --- -- see section 2.4.2. 5)Forecourt 6)Grand Entry permitted permitted permitted 2.5.Architectural Sprague Appleway Other Standards Ave. Blvd. Streets 7)Common Lobby Entry --- .2 Height Massing mpositiort 8)Stoop --- --- ___ Top required required required 9)Porch — ___ ___ Base I required I required I required 10)Front Door --- -__ _ 2.5.1tength Massing&Composition 11)Parking Structure Entry permitted permitted permitted Streetwall Increment 100ft I 80ft I 100ft 12)Vehicle Display:Option 1 --- --- --- Sidewall&Rearwall Increment N/A N/A N/A 13)Vehicle Display:Option 2 Other 14)Edge Treatment:Fenced --- permitted permitted 2.6.Signage Standards Sprague Appleway Streets 13)Edge Treatment Terraced permitted permitted permitted 3.2 i Types 2222. 14)Edge Treatment:Flush permitted permitted permitted see section 2.6 Z.2.7.FrOnt Street Setback emu, minimum/maximum Oft/10 ft I 5 ft/no max I 0 ft/no max 2. 13 Side Street Setback minimum/maximum Oft/20 ft I Oft/no max Oft/no max 2 . Si, e Yard setback minimum w/living space windows 10 ft 10 fl 10 ft minimum w/out living space windows 5 ft I 5 ft I 5 ft 2.2.10.Rear Yard Setback minimum setback 10 ft I 10 ft I l0 ft n111tE�fetbaclt minimum setback 5 ft I 5 ft I 5 ft 2.2.12.Frontacie Coverage minimum percentage covered a I so min. I so min. required or not required required not required not required Z214.M imam Builditigl Length , 222,2.. Page 45 of 201