2010, 10-12 Regular Meeting MinutesCity of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, October 12, 2010 Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Tom Towey, Mayor Gary Schimmels, Deputy Mayor Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Mike Jackson, City Manager Cary Driskell, Acting City Attorney Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Dean Grafos, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Community Development Din Brenda Grassel, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Absent: Bob McCaslin, Councilmember Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Mike Graef of Valley United Methodist Church gave the invocation PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Towey led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all councilmembers were present except Councilmember McCaslin. It was proved by Councilmember Grafos, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember McCaslin from tonight's meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Gothmann: reported that he attended the recent bike workshop and said he was impressed with how riders identified obstacles and good routes throughout the city; said he went to the SNAP Breakfast; the Meals on Wheels appreciation dinner; the Government Affair Meeting; the tour of the City's maintenance shop; and said he spoke to a Gonzaga University Public Affairs Class; said he was invited by City Planner Kuhta to attend a city- design workshop downtown at the Bing Crosby Theatre, which was sponsored by Washington State University and design organizations, and said the speaker emphasized the need for "place" and how to define place, which is where people connect with each other; said he met with Mark Peters and discussed some economic challenges of our city. Councilmember Dempsey: said she attended the Boeing display of their re- fueling simulator; attended the Clean Air Meeting and mentioned a recent court case concerning the railroads not providing clean air, and said the railroads were trying to be persuaded to have a cleaner environment in their switching yards, but the court case did not prevail; and said she also took the tour of the City's maintenance shop. Councilmember Grafos said he attended the tour at the City shop facility; and attended a Spokane Transit Authority (STA) Board meeting/workshop in preparation of their 2011 budget. Deputy Mayor Schimmels said he attended a Solid Waste Liaison Board Meeting and that a workshop is scheduled for October 22nd, 9 a.m. to noon at the Waste to Energy Conference Room, and the topic will be the governance issue, and he invited council and the public. Councilmember Grassel: said she had no report except that she toured the City's maintenance shop. Council Regular Meeting 10 -12 -2010 Page I of 8 Approved by Council: 10 -26 -2010 MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Towey said he attended the tour at the City's maintenance shop; he attended a meeting of about thirty -four mayors in Wenatchee where they had a presentation from the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council on the revenue forecast for the state; and said each mayor mentioned what their city is doing regarding setting policy goals and how they are solving their problems. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited general public comments. George L. Bird, 13304 E 9' Avenue said it came to his attention that a Mr. Ward complained about his neighbor, and said he feels that compliant is not legitimate, and he read his prepared statement: "I have lived at this address for 35 years; I have never had a problem with my neighbor Mr. Blair Ashley, has lived next door for 12 years. He drives a semi trailer for his employment; when he leaves his premises at early morning and returns at night, he makes very little noise. The neighbor at 13404 E 9' Mr. Ward, seems to have a problem with Mr. Ashley since he moved into our neighborhood, which I cannot understand. It also seems like he has enlisted people on 10' Avenue to assist him in his compliant, when they have no direct link to any problems suggested. If anyone has a problem, it should be the direct neighbors to each side of him, which are myself and the neighbor next to him, we have no complaints whatsoever. Several houses down from him. I have emphysema and his truck offers few fumes when several of the other diesel pickups on both 9' and 10th and commercial, and these are well work related and make a lot more fumes and noise then Mr. Ashley's. Mr. Ashley is making sure his semi truck cab is updated and in good condition, which rarely requires weekend work on this, as well as cleaning. I will admit that sometimes this will give me breathing problems, but this is very rare. He is also very mindful of the time ordinance the county has set forth and has respect for all his neighbors as well. It has come to our attention by other neighbors that the neighbor at 13404 E 9 1h is taking pictures of Mr. Ashley leaving and arriving to his property. This is disheartening to me and several neighbors, with all other stuff Mr. Ashley is dealing with due to the individual at 13404 E. 9' I feel this is a form of harassment and disrespect for all the neighbors. It should be made illegal for one person to try to force someone from their home due to a dislike of a person's looks, or whatever his issues have become. Mr. Ashley has put in his property a lot of money over the years in improvements, updating, it's becoming a show place, The neighbor at 13404 E 9 °i is trying to force out this neighbor out of this neighborhood, and that is wrong. For one person on 10th that lives east of Mr. Ashley's home and not living on this street, and for the neighbor at 13404 E. 9 1h Avenue, I would recommend they stop meddling in someone's private space, or job securit . I would also state that in surveying these neighbors, 16 houses on this block, including 13404 E 9' , 14 gave verbal consent and signatures that they did not have a problem with Mr. Ashley, and did not have a problem with Mr. Ashley's truck, him working on the truck or driving this truck, or fumes from this truck. Everyone spoke highly of Mr. Ashley; and the consideration he gives this neighborhood is slowly driving this block, cleaning his truck and updating it, also his polite and helpfulness to all the neighbors. One family was on vacation and unavailable to make a comment to my letter. I would also recommend that all the city council members come by and visit Mr. Ashley's property before you make a ridiculous, this is kind -of harsh, make some ridiculous decision. This neighbor at 13404 E 9' has informed Mrs. Sharon Hill that he (the complainant at 13404 E 9 has friends on this council and could get Mr. Ashley off this street. I would hope that friendship would not play a part on a professional decision made by this board, for this county and our neighborhood. Especially, when all the other neighbors do not have a problem with Mr. Ashley." He thanked the Council, and said if what he has presented helps Council make a decision a little easier, he said then he would have accomplished what the neighbors would like to have accomplished. Dick Behm, 3626 S Ridgeview Drive, Ponderosa said he watched part of the last council meeting on television, and the part that caught his interest was about the aquifer protection area and stormwater funds; he said as council is aware, he was instrumental in getting the Chester Creek flood plain map renewed and reviewed; and said that happened because Ile had the support of former County Commissioner Phil Harris and former Representative George Nethercutt; he said back in 90's when the Council Regular Meeting 10 -12 -2010 Page 2 of 8 Approved by Council: 10 -26 -2010 last large flood was there, it flooded severely into the Chester area and said the Painted Hills Golf Course was under water up to about 24 °i Avenue; he said that was because the Chester Creek had silted in and there was no place for the water to flow to such an extent that the water was running over top of the road; lie said they tried to get the County engineers to clean that channel but didn't get anywhere until Commissioner Harris instructed the engineers to get it fixed; and the creek channel got cleaned out, and said the County built the barrel pit, which resolved the flooding problem; he said since this city was formed he approached Public Works several times and asked them to maintain that creek channel and the barrel pit; and said it hasn't been maintained, and said the barrel pit silted in and so is the creek channel; he said the city needs to maintain that and that comes out of stormwater funds; he said that he is aware that Mr. Kersten said he put out a bid at one time for someone to maintain the channel and the barrel pit but didn't get any responses. Mr. Behm said lie personally talked to Clyde Halsey and said he didn't receive that invitation to bid; and Mr. Behm asked council to look very seriously at that. City Clerk Bainbridge read the following letter from J & F Entertainment LLC 12828 East Sprague Avenue "I wrote you a letter some time ago about the closing of J & F Entertainment Casino, to my sorrow for so many families have their jobs discontinued. This accrued on August 24, 2010, I explained to you the reason that had to be done, I simply could not subsidize the gambling operation loses, there are basically three reasons for this closure #1 The down turn of the economy this effected every faze of the entertainment business, from bowling to social events and so on. #2 the over burden of mandated gambling regulations, mostly in the amount (forced to hire) of unproductive people with no up or down scale as to the volume of business you had. #3 is the 10% on the gross of gambling wagered that the City if Spokane Valley withheld, I do not know of a business that can survive with such a tax load, 10% Of the net could be paid or 2% of the gross, either one, I am trying to work out a budget that will survive and a replacement of all the people we had to lay off. I cannot do it without tax relief starting from the City taxes to the huge amount of property taxes a relief from that and some relief from the gambling commission. If you would immediately grant this relief we could reopen the casino in two days, I am sure there are other business that are having a hard time, but if enough business have to close, everyone is in trouble including the City of Spokane Valley, in My mind and being in business for over 65 years, the way for prosperity is to let everyone prosper, if the governing bodies do not then god help us all. Thank you for taking the time to valuate this request and a yes vote on this necessary request it is really appreciated by me and especially the unemployed people. I can also tell you that if we don't receive some relief it is under consideration at this moment to completely close and board up the building as it is trouble to. That's another 30 + people. A reason for this you have to pay the utilities on all the building including the unproductive part, its just a chain reaction. And Gentlemen it seems to me like a little taxes coming in makes better sense than none at all. Again Thank You. Sincerely, Jack Duncan. The reason I am not here in person I cannot see at night. Due to failing eye sight, I apologize." 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) — Scott Kuhta Mayor Towey opened the public hearing at 6:25 p.m. Senior Planner Kuhta explained that council has before them updated information on this item regarding the financial impact; he explained that Spokane Valley is a member of the Spokane County Community Development Block Grant Consortium, which includes the jurisdictions within and Spokane County itself, except the City of Spokane; that this program, administered by Spokane County allocates funds for block grants, and in 2008 the County agreed to a 20% set -aside amount for capital projects for Spokane Valley; that the County anticipated the federal funding to be approximately $1.67 million, which would give Spokane Valley approximately $335,600; and said our proposed projects must meet eligibility requirements of the CDBG program. Mr. Kuhta said that staff met to identify capital projects that would meet the requirements; and they looked at target areas where 51% or more of the citizens have low to moderate income; and he said in addition to the Green Haven Sewer Project for full width paving in conjunction with the County's sewer project, there is a Broadway Avenue re- surfacing project; and he said the total of the two projects equal about $612,000, which exceeds the allocated 20 %; he said if we apply for the Broadway project, there is a Council Regular Meeting 10 -12 -2010 Page 3 of 8 Approved by Council: 10 -26 -2010 possibility to get that project fully funded; and if we were to receive that funding, we would not be obligated to supply the remainder of the funds needed for that project, and said the difference is about $90,000; and if awarded, could either do a re- partial surfacing of Broadway, or if there are funds in the street funds, we could consider the full re- surfacing; and he said tonight's hearing complies with the requirement to hold a public hearing prior to submitting projects for consideration. Councihnember Gothmann suggested when staff submits these projects, to list which is priority one and which is priority two. Mayor Towey invited public comments; no comments were offered and Mayor Towey closed the public hearing at 6:30 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of the following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE WIVOUCHER NUMBERS: TOTAL AMOUNT 09 -17 -2010 21034 -21063 $119,124.37 09 -24 -2010 21091- 21132;923100124 $353,039.90 09 -24 -2010 21133 -21136 $20,951.40 09 -29 -2010 5158 -5179 $1,910.50 09 -29 -2010 21137 -21140 $12,301.67 10 -01 -2010 21142 - 21148(- 21141) $40,545.62 10 -01 -2010 21149 -21150 $156.82 10 -05 -2010 5180 $52.00 10 -05 -2010 21152 -21168 $457,401.43 GRAND TOTAL $1,005,483.71 b. Approval of Payroll for Period Ending September 30, 2010: $361,624.29 c. Approval of City Council Formal Format Meeting Minutes of September 14, 2010 d. Approval of City Council Study Session Format Meeting Minutes of September 21, 2010 e. Approval of City Council Formal Format Meeting Minutes of September 28, 2010 f Approval of City Council Study Session Format Meeting Minutes of October 5, 2010 It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the consent agenda. J. J,,ynU.\ auuy, ll um,un.O Auylztmg 4V11 UUUi�'R - 1lGll 111VIIIVl Vl1 After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to approve the ordinance adopting the 2011 budget. Finance Director Thompson said this is the ordinance which will adopt the 2011 budget; that during the first reading, staff was asked to reduce the budget by taking the 2.5% cost -of- living allowance (COLA) increase for non - represented (non- union) employees out of the budget, and he said that was done; he said our property tax levy will be down by about 1 %; we have set aside funds for future costs of retirement systems, added funds to cover broadcasting council meetings, and included $2 million to be transferred from the Civic Facilities Fund to be used on full -width paveback and other street projects; and he said initially he thought our levy rate would be about $1.54 per $1,000 assessed valuation, but it appears it will be closer to $1.51, but we will not know the exact figures until January. Mayor Towey invited public comment. Arne Woodward, 2511 S Best Road, Woodward Properties said he understands that 2011 is a transition year but thinks the transition may end up being way too slow; said he thinks balancing the budget without the use of reserves is a more accurate way to balance a budget, and questioned if that really is balancing the budget if we use $.5 million of the reserves. Mr. Woodward suggested leaving unfilled positions unfilled and to keep them unfunded for at least the next couple years; and said he would love to see this Council Regular Meeting 10 -12 -2010 Page 4 of 8 Approved by Council: 10 -26 -2010 city give incentives to departments to save and not use unneeded funds, and to not have all these increases that keep coming forward; and he said he is not getting an increase in his pay but has a 90% reduction in income in his real estate business; he said we could see some savings by changing the snow removal policy and lie asked that that possibility be researched, to change from the current two inches to four or five inches; he said regarding housing, the last number he gave was 344 and September's number is 317 sold county -wide, which is 40% down from September 2009; he said he is trying to help Mr. Thompson and will make available reports his company furnished to the National Association of Realtors so that Mr. Thompson can project the budgets better or at least more accurately before Mr. Thompson gets figures from the County. Mr. Woodward said regarding the national foreclosure freeze, that MERS, the mortgage electronic recording center is in the center of a "mess" and he said our state is not directly related to what's occurring in other states as Washington is a non judicial foreclosure state; and said we are starting to see a freeze -up in Spokane because as of Saturday, the National Title Companies have stopped insuring mortgages nationwide because of the potential 65 million mortgages that could be involved; and said just because we can spend whatever we want to, should we? Carla Kale, with KPS Management 10516 East Main Ave #22: she said it is frustrating and she realizes we must move forward with several things required by law to support city services and to meet overall planning goals; said she is confused as it feels like we have started a business and did a great job, got the infrastructure in place, hired staff, and have a building for the business, and then we got into overhead which is the cost to maintain and support this business; and then provide services and maintaining sidewalks; but she said the problem is we have a really big infrastructure and not a very big cash flow input; and she said business people would look at the funds available, and determine what can be done with the funds available to further the business's goals so that when the economy picks up, the business will still be here and that whatever is done now will actually further those goals in the future; and said she is concerned about what are we going to do with a city center, and what is the identity of our community, and what is the city's flavor and how do we identify ourselves; she said we still don't have an identity, we still don't have a central meeting place, yet we are budgeting for dog parks and doing bicycle paths and sidewalks, which are necessary she said, but said how can we do that if we don't know where our city is; she said it seems we are "dancing around this issue" in this budget; on an executive level for the council, there are accomplishments such as multi - winter road activity, but that same line item is included for 2011; that we want to deal with a variety of options relevant to a new city hall — and said she doesn't know what that is; but we should look at the issues; that is part of the master plan and part of the millions of dollars spent in the last years since the city incorporated; she said it's like we are afraid to deal with this issue; and said she is hopeful this can be examined; and said how can we put in a dog park if we're not sure where the rest of the city will be; she said she understands this budget year is a transition year, and also understands the "cherry citizen of a few moments ago" speaking about the housing market; she said she realizes it is tough but it won't be tough forever; and just like in your own business, if you sit down and say "look, what are my priorities, and I can only do one or two of the five that I really care about this year, let's make those one or two count." She said she hasn't had an opportunity to look all through the budget, but maybe we can tighten up some items to look at the bigger issue of who is the city of Spokane Valley, and who do we want to be five, two or one year from now. There were no further public comments. Councilmember Gothmaun said regarding one of Mi•. Woodward's comments, that Councilmember Gothmann once asked former City Manager Mercier why this city ends up with more money left over every year; and said that this group doesn't always spend all the funds, and he asked Mr. Mercier how that is possible; and Councilmember Gothmaun related that Mr. Mercier told him that's because there's trust between the staff and the council. Councilmember Gothmann said there has been money left over every year and that we do not use up all the budgeted funds. Councilmember Grassel said she appreciates Councilmember Gothmann's comments and said she is a business owner as well; and agrees that government needs to look at each line item, and said for every expense there must be a revenue; she said Council Regular Meeting 10 -12 -2010 Page 5 of 8 Approved by Council: 10 -26 -2010 this is a transitional budget and when council starts to prepare for the 2012 budget, Council might want to examine setting the goal higher for reserve funds; she said many cities falling apart now and making severe cuts had reserve funds a year ago at this time, so council might need to look at the 15% carryover and review that as it might not be enough. Councilmember Gothmann, in reference to his handout concerning carryover, said he updated the figures after talking with Mr. Thompson Monday; he said that at a recent SVBA (Spokane Valley Business Association) meeting where both Bonnie Mager and Al French were in attendance; that one of them said they thought 5% carryover is sufficient; and the other felt 10% absolutely essential; but Councilmember Gothmann said this city's standard is 15% minimum; regarding his handout, he said the plan for revenue coming into 2011 is $36 million and a minimum carry -in, or 15% would be $5 million; but said instead of having that $5 million we have $24.6 million, which is a 67.45% carry -in, or four times the prudent carry in needed for next year, and he said if you add the COLA into that, instead of 67.45 %, it would be 67.56 %, and said the COLA adds less than one -fifth of one percent to that carry -in figure; and he went over some of the other figures on his handout concerning the projected figures, and said the plan is to take 1.84% of the reserves for next year; and said if every year were the same as next year, we could carry on for 54 years before running out of reserves; but he said he realizes each year will be different and expenses will increase. Councilmember Gothmann also mentioned the history of COLA shown on his handout, and said since 2006, the cost of living allowance given to employees generally was 2.5% annually, and said the average CPI change over the eight years was 2.55 %. Councilmember Gothmann said he accepts that his predecessors on Council made an agreement with all employees, that non- represented employees would be treated the same as those represented by the union. Councilmember Grassel asked if this is part of the agenda and said she doesn't think this is part of what was intended for the budget council is supposed to be discussing, including comments about COLA which is something already passed. Councilmember Dempsey mentioned that the budget has not yet passed; and Mayor Towey said Councilmember Gothmann's comments are on the budget in general and that the COLA is listed in the budget. In continuing, Councilmember Gothmann continued by explaining that council made a commitment and they not living up to that; and said he feels Council is dishonoring that commitment; he said that this City has a legal right to dishonor this agreement, and said he accepts that this was a decision of the Council, but said he feels the honorable way would have been to go to the reps and to the non -reps and put the figure before them by telling them we have four and a half times the reserves we need for next year; and tell them that we are not going to have layoffs next year and no reductions in service, and based on those arguments, he said "let's ask them to give up their cost of living allowance." Councilmember Gothmann said personally, his conscious cannot condone dishonoring an agreement; and further stated that the Council's Governance Manual said that people on the council will support council decisions; and said unfortunately for him there is one level above that which is personal honor; he said there are eight administrative assistants throughout the city in six different departments; and said each has the exact same job description, but that we are treating one different from another; he said that he accepts that this was a decision of the Council to discriminate on the basis of other than merit; and said it creates a moral problem for him; and said in spite of these misgiving, said he will vote in favor of the budget because in looking out for the entire city, he feels voting against this will hurt more than voting for it. Councilmember Grafos said he thinks this is a good budget, but that council needs to look at the taxpayers first; and that cash flow and a long -term budget problem should not be confused; he said he is concerned about the employees and said he doesn't want to see massive layoffs and cutting services to taxpayers by not dealing with a serious problem now; that we are taking about $500,000 from the reserves, and next year we will take about $2.5 million fi•om the reserves; and in 2012 we will take another $2.5 million, and said from 2012 to 2014 they will take about $3 million a year from the reserves; he said the reserves now are about $24 million but will decrease by about $15 million by 2014; and said the sales tax flow has Council Regular Meeting 10 -12 -2010 Page 6 of 8 Approved by Council: 10 -26 -2010 decreased from 2007 or 2008 from about $19 million to about $15.5 million, or a $3.5 million decrease; and in projecting that out to 2014 or 2015, shows a 17% turnaround from three or four years prior. Councilmember Dempsey said she feels there is no indication of massive layoffs; that we have reserves, and people willing to work on the budget and make the necessary cuts. Councilmember Grassel said she feels that Councilmembers Dempsey and Gothmann don't have credibility on this issue because since January, there hasn't been a reduction, except for the 1% property tax decrease, that those two have supported; that they wanted to keep the dinners and wanted to continue the 2.5% pay raise; but there hasn't been anything they recognized that needs to be put into perspective; and she said it goes back to principle and the money belongs to the taxpayers; and said instead of having those funds in reserves, perhaps council should take some funds to improve the appearance of Sprague /Appleway. Councilmember Dempsey called for a point of order; and Mayor Towey said that Councilmember Grassel has the floor; and Councilmember Grassel continued by explaining that the real issue is the principle of the dollars and that those funds need to be prioritized. Councilmember Dempsey said there have been no discussions of rapidly spending those dollars down; that these figures are projections and not absolutes; and that every year, the figures have never been as dire as the projections; and said her point is, we would like to have a community and to have that there are certain things we need to do, to respect the citizens and the taxes they pay, and to provide for services so the citizens can live here comfortably, and said if we are so concerned we need to cut services and staff because things are so bad, then we are not honoring our citizens. Councilmember Grafos said he wants to honor the citizens by looking out for their interests, and said that is what he was elected to do, and that is what he will do. Councilmember Dempsey reminded Mr. Grafos that she too was elected. Councilmember Gothmann said the news is that social security recipients will not get a COLA; and said in 2009 the CPI change was -.4% and social security recipients received a 5% increase because social security is based not upon the entire year but upon only one- quarter of the year, comparing it with the previous year; and said the average last year and this year was 2.5% and reminded councilmembers that projections are a guide, and the guide now tells us we are in good shape. Mayor Towey said in reference to the Mayors' meeting he spoke of earlier, he said 99% of the 34 mayors discussed budgets, and out of 34 mayors, four said they were going to be alright for 2011; and out of those 30 mayors struggling with budgets, most of them had reserves two years ago, but they just didn't see it coming, and said we are very fortunate to be in the financial shape we are in now; and said he feels this Council will make sure that continues in the future. Vote by acclamation on the motion: to approve the ordinance adopting the 2011 budget: In favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: Norse. Motion passed 4. Motion Consideration: Community Development Block Grant Projects — Scott Kuhta It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimnnels and seconded to authorize the preparations of the CDBG, Community Development Block Grant Applications for the Green Haven Seiver Project and the Broadway Avenue Resurfacing Project. Mr. Kuhta said since he explained the specifics of these projects earlier, asked if there were any questions; no questions were asked and upon Mayor Towey's inviting public comments; no public comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 5. Motion Consideration: Lease Agreement with Central Valley School District — Mike Stone It was moved by Deputy Mayo Schimnnels and seconded to authorize the City Manager to execute the CenterPlace lease with Central Valley School District as submitted. Parks and Recreation Director Stone said as was discussed last week, this is the lease agreement for Central Valley School District to use space at CenterPlace. Mayor Towey invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited general public comments; no comments were offered. Council Regular Meeting 10 -12 -2010 Page 7 of 8 Approved by Council: 10 -26 -2010 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 6. Advance Agenda Discussion of items for upcoming meetings included pursuing the emergency ordinance to change the city center to mixed use and of proceeding through the normal process to repeal SARP (Sprague /Appleway Revitalization Plan); and of adding the topic of electronic cigarettes. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:24 p.m. ) � '�A Bainbridge, C Clerk Council Regular Meeting 10 -12 -2010 Page 8 of 8 Approved by Council: 10 -26 -2010 SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 12, 2010 NERAL CITIZEN C®MMEN OUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MIN Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME PLEASE PRINT TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU WILL SPEAK ABOUT YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS TELEPHONE ? e October 12, 2010 Dear Members of the Spokane Valley Counsel, My name is George L Bird, and I reside at 13304 E9th Ave. My telephone number is 928 -8106. I have lived at this address for 35 years, and I have never had a problem with this neighborhood. My neighbor Blair Ashley has lived next to me for 12 years. He drives his semi tractor, for his employment, when he leaves his premise at early mornings and returns at night, he makes very little noise. The neighbor at 13404 E 9th Ave seems to have had a problem with Mr. Ashley since he moved into our neighborhood, which I cannot understand. It also seems like he has enlisted people on 10 Ave to assist in his complaint, when they have no direct link to any problems suggested. If anyone should have a problem, it should be his direct neighbors to each side of him, not several houses down from him. I have emphysema, and his truck offers fewer fumes then several of the other diesel pick -up trucks on both 9 and 10 these as well are work related trucks. And make a lot more fumes and noise then Mr. Ashley's. Mr. Ashley is making sure his semi truck cab is updated and in good condition, which rarely requires weekend work on this, as well as cleaning. I will admit that sometimes this will give me breathing problems, but this is rare. He is also very mindful of the time ordinances the county has set forth, and has respect for his neighbors as well. It has come to our attention by other neighbors that the neighbor at 13404 E 9 is taking pictures of Mr. Ashley leaving and arriving, and on his property. This is disheartening with all this other stuff Mr. Ashley is dealing with due to 13404 E 9th Ave. I feel this is a form of harassment and disrespect of all the neighborhood, It should be made illegal for one person ,to force someone from their home, due to a dislike for a person's looks, or whatever his issue has become. Mr. Ashley has put into his property a lot of money over the years, in improvements, and updating, it is becoming a show place. This neighbor on M • 13404 E 9 is trying to force him out of this neighborhood, and that is wrong. For the other person on 10 that live east of Mr. Ashley's home, and not living on this street, and for the neighbor at 13404 E 9 Ave, I would recommend they stop meddling in someone's private space, or job security I would also stat that in surveying these neighbors, 16 houses, (excluding 13404 E 9 14 gave verbal consent/ and signatures, that they did not have a problem with Mr. Ashley, did not have a problem with Mr. Ashley's truck, him working on truck, or driving this truck, or fumes from this truck. Everyone we spoke to in this neighborhood spoke highly of Mr. Ashley, and the consideration he gives this neighborhood in slowly driving this block, cleaning his truck and updating it, also his polite and helpfulness to all the neighbors. One family was on vacation and unavailable at this time for comment. I would also recommend that all council members come by and visit Mr. Ashley's property before you make some ridiculous decision This neighbor at 13404 E 9th has informed Mrs. Hill that he (the complainant at 13404 E 9 has friends on this council and could get Mr. Ashley, off this street. I would hope that friendship would not play a part, on a professional decision made by this board, for this county and our neighborhood. Especially, when all the other neighbors, do not have a problem with Mr. Ashley. Thank kYYou for your time, G G orgr L Bir� s7 947 -.° qO .�z{7 - L r o3 E'7 -q) 136 C 1•� 09 - 9,26 - 3 k -50 ?�2-9W166- JA Graz Mt ✓ & RL" � 1 t f 3 S - tea. is .. - K \ O� G WE the neighbors on East Ninth Ave, Spokane Valley: Sign this petition as follow- up for the letter submitted to the Spokane Valley City council, in regards to Mr. Blair Ashley's, residence in which his semi tractor is parked on his property. We are signing this petition stating that we do not have a problem with this man in this neighborhood. NAME 2. ADDRESS 133 Z-d- 1-: �+ / 3 311 e � PHONE ��j' �5v—qfxa j �/ 3 - a L11 q V"I 3. 4. 5 6yqg-6&-30 A 6. 7. '31 Carryover into 2011 and 2015: (Data from P. 79 of Preliminary Budget, 10 -11 -2010) (Excludes carry-in and carry-out of $5,464,000 in Service Level Stabilization Fund) Into 2011: Into 2015 Revenue (excludes carry in) $36,472,125 $34,895,300 Minimum Carry-in Goal (15% of revenue): $5,470,819 $5,234,295 Projected Carry-in (Includes cash flow reserves) $24,600,000 $13,566,614 Projected Carry-in, (Percent of revenues) 67.45% 38.88% Thus, we have 'W times what we need for minimum 4.50 times 2.59 times Note: $45,000 will add to Projected Carry-in (% of Revenues) 0.12% 0.13% Reserves to be Used in 2011: (Data from P. 79 of Preliminary Budget, 10 -11 -2010) Carry-in Reserves $24,600,000 Reserves to be used in 2011 $452,963 Percent of carry in reserves used in 2011 1.84% (Excludes carry-in and carry-out of $5,464,000 in Service Level Stabilization Fund) data from Gained =COLA more than inflation Lost = COLA less than inflation .requests /cpi /cpiai. txt) Year CPI Chanoe. Percent 2003 2.3 2004 2.7 2005 3.4 2006 3.2 2007 2.8 2008 3.8 2009 -0.4 2010 1.76 through Aug., 2.64 Annualized Average CPI change over these eight years Average COLA over these eight years: Gained or Lost Gained Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Gained Losing 2.55% 2.5% Bill Gothmann 10 -11 -2010 r October 8, 2010 Honorable Mayor Tom Towey and City Cancel 11797 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Gentlemen: (509) 924 -5141 (509) 891 -9674 I wrote you a letter some time ago about the closing of J & F Entertainment Casino, to my sorrow for so many families have their jobs discontinued. This accrued on August 24, 2010, I explained to you the reason that had to be done, I simply could not subsidize the gambling operation loses, there are basically three reasons for this closure # I The down turn of the economy this effected every faze of the entertainment business, from bowling to social events and so on. # 2 the over burden of mandated gambling regulations, mostly in the amount (forced to hire) of unproductive people with no up or down scale as to the volume of business you had. # 3 is the 10% on the gross of gambling wagered that the City if Spokane Valley withheld, I do not know of a business that can survive with such a tax load, 10% Of the net could be paid or 2% of the gross, either one, I am trying to work out a budget that will survive and a replacement of all the people we had to lay off. I cannot do it without tax relief starting from the City taxes to the huge amount of property taxes a relief from that and some relief from the gambling commission. If you would immediately grant this relief we could reopen the casino in two days, I am sure there are other business that are having a hard time, but if enough business have to close, everyone is in trouble including the City of J & f ENTERTAINMENT, LLC 12828 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Spokane Valley, in My mind and being in business for over 65 years, the way for prosperity is to let everyone prosper, if the governing bodies do not then god help us all. Thank you for taking the time to valuate this request and a yes vote on this necessary request it is really appreciated by me and especially the unemployed people. I can also tell you that if we don't receive some relief it is under consideration at this moment to completely close and board up the building as it is trouble to. That's another 30 + people. A reason for this you have to pay the utilities on all the building including the unproductive part, its just a chain reaction. And Gentlemen it seems to me like a little taxes coming in makes better sense than none at all. Again Thank You. Jack Duncan The reason I am not here in person I cannot see at night. Due to failing eye sight, I apologize.