10-146.00 Transpo Group: Citywide ITS Strategic Plan" ":4, fM 'M b 7 77"�i =r7 &I I = m �- 11 , ! ' =77— S upplemental r Organization and Address The Transpo Group, Inc. Numbe 1 11730 - 118th Ave NE, Suite 600 Kirkland, WA 98034 Original Agreement Number CO 10 -084 Phone: (425) 821 -3665; Fax (425 ) 825 -8434 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date 1 CIP -0133 7/13/2010 4/30/2011 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Sprague Ave ITS $ 185,460.00 Description of Work Supplemental Agreement No. 1 modifies the original project Scope of Work to include design of ITS communications systems and associated end devices on Sprague Ave. between University Rd. and Sullivan Rd., and on Sullivan Rd. between Sprague Ave. and Mission Ave. The Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley, WA desires to supplement the agreement entered into with The Transpo Group, Inc. and executed on 7/13/2010 and identified as Agreement No. CO 10 -084 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: See Exhibit A attached Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change completion of the work to readCom date is changed to April Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: number of calendar days for •• • • •• •• Y 4escriVffi • Y . tt2c he,&fee - eyAij # Jt as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. Consultant gna re DOT Form 140 -063 EF Revised 9/2005 uate &IG --l�� Client Name: City of Spok ane Valley_ Project Name: ITS Strategic Pl — Amendm #1 - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- Exhibit Dated: October 04, 2010 TG: 09130.00 Amendment to Agreement for Services: Sprague Ave ITS Improvements Based on discussions with the City, Transpo Group proposes to amend the original scope of services dated March 26, 2010 to include additional services, described in this amendment. The original Agreement for Services remains applicable to the additional scope items. The work described below was originally included in RFQ 09 -055. The projected fee for this amendment is attached. Task 5 in the original scope of work and in this amendment will be consolidated in one task. The proposed amendment scope of work detailed below is based on discussions with the City. This scope of work consists of expanding upon the Spokane Valley ITS Strategic Plan roadmap for the implementation of ITS equipment throughout the city. It is important to note that the ITS Strategic Plan is a very high level plan that will be detailed and adjusted as the corridor is reviewed and analyzed for ITS deployment. In conjunction with the strategic plan, the scope includes preparing Plans, Specification, and Estimate (PS &E) documents for the ITS and signal system components along Sprague Avenue. The corridor and limits of the project are detailed in the scope of work below. Scope of Work The following describes the key work elements addressed in this amendment for the ITS PS &E design: • Task 5 — Project Administration • Task 6 — Project Assessment • Task 7 — Equipment Recommendation • Task 8 — Corridor ITS Design • Subtask 8.1 — Data collection and base map development • Subtask 8.2 — 50% engineering Design • Subtask 8.3 — 95% engineering Design • Subtask 8.4 — Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS &E) • Subtask 8.5 — Bidding Services Project Limits: The total length of project is 3.8 miles and has a combination of existing conduits and sections that need new conduit to continue the communication network. The majority of the project is along the Sprague corridor with a small section on Sullivan. • E Sprague Ave from N University Rd to N Evergreen Rd • E Sprague Ave from N Evergreen Rd to N Sullivan Rd • N Sullivan Rd from E Sprague Ave to E Mission Rd We propose a project schedule of 3.5 months to complete the above work from the time of receiving the Notice to Proceed (NTP). This includes all meetings and review times. Review times are estimated at 2 weeks per review. A total of 2 reviews are accounted for. Task 5 — Project Administration This task includes attendance and participation in project meetings, ongoing communication with the project team, monthly invoicing and progress report preparation and internal project management and oversight. Progress reports and invoices will inform the City regarding project budget status, work accomplished for the billing period, money spent for the billing period, and work to be completed for the next billing period. Any issues requiring the City's attention would also be raised. This task also includes coordination with contractor and other agencies such as Spokane County, the City of Spokane, and WSDOT. The main objective of this task is to ensure the project is completed on time and within budget based on the scope of work. • Track schedule adherence • Track budget expenditure • Prepare and submit progress reports and invoicing • Internal resource allocation for the project • Quality control and review Deliverable: • Up to Two (2) project meetings; monthly invoices and progress reports Task 6 — Project Assessment Purpose: The purpose of this task is to investigate and review the corridor and the interconnect routes to identify potential conflicts. This task will also assess the capacity of the existing conduit runs from the cabinet to the nearest junction box and connection locations. Additional meetings with key stakeholders will occur, per the City's request. These meetings are not covered by this scope of work Transpo will develop a standard check list (form) that will be used in the investigation to evaluate each intersection control cabinet. The outcomes of this investigation will become the basis by which the condition of the equipment will be documented and needed replacement of any equipment recommended. A key component of the decision is the availability of right of way and utility conflicts. Transpo will identify potential right of way and easement needs. Transpo will collaborate with the city to determine best construction options for the design plans and will make design change recommendations. To be furnished by City: • Location of existing communications lines and existing conduits runs • Existing as- builts for signals and project limits defined Deliverable: • Summary memo of corridor evaluation • Corridor checklist and inventory Task 7 —ITS Improvement and Recommendation Purpose: Upon the completion of the Project Assessment, Transpo will detail the traffic ITS signal system and develop list of recommended ITS equipment and corridor improvements focusing on new fiber optic communications, CCTV cameras, and data collection stations. Transpo will lay out the concept of the design with two alternatives for the city to review. The design concepts will include the communication network, data collection location, traffic monitoring cameras, and future DMS locations. A meeting with the city will be conducted to finalize the ITS equipment and installation location before design proceeds forward. This task will use the assessment of the existing conduit runs to determine additional needs for conduit connection to existing signal cabinets and infrastructure within the project limits. Deliverables: ® Corridor recommendation document including maps Purpose: Upon the completion of Task 2, a list of ITS equipment and locations along with conduit and fiber connectivity will be approved. The corridor improvements design are to include new conduit route, new fiber optic communications, data collection locations, and CCTV camera installations. The project limits is divided into three sections. These sections and their proposed improvements are outlined below. Section 1: Corridor Limits: From E Sprague Ave at N University Rd to E Sprague Ave at N Evergreen Rd. The potential ITS improvements for this corridor include but are not limited to: A. Fiber Communication System for approximately 2.0 miles, including Ethernet Switch to Spokane Valley city hall at 11707 E Sprague Ave. Based on the City, an empty conduit exists along this section. This conduit will be utilized to install the new Fiber. B. Five Signal Controllers will be connected to the communication and Ethernet Switches. Intersections from west to east include: 1. E Sprague & N. University Rd 2. E Sprague & N. Bowdish Rd 3. E Sprague & N. Pines Rd 4. E Sprague & N. McDonald Rd 5. E Sprague & N. Evergreen Rd C. Up to 2 CCTV Camera locations will be recommended and connected by Ethernet. D. Identify up to 2 data collection locations. E. Identify spot improvements on existing conduit system. F. Identify connection point and location of fiber termination cabinets. Section 2: Corridor Limits: From E Sprague Ave at N Evergreen Rd to E Sprague Ave at N. Sullivan Rd. The potential ITS improvements for this corridor include but are not limited to: A. Fiber Communication System for approximately 1.0 mile. Fiber infrastructure for this section will be determined with the City after field investigation. B. Trench conduit from E Sprague Ave at N Evergreen west to E Sprague Ave at N Sullivan Rd. The cost estimate for the trenching will be determined by the selection of the city on type and method of installation. C. Four Signal Controllers will be connected to the communication and Ethernet Switches. Intersections from west to east include: 1. E Sprague & N. Evergreen Rd 2. E Sprague & N. Adams Rd 3. E Sprague & N. Progress Rd 4. E Sprague & N. Sullivan Rd D. Up to 2 CCTV Camera locations will be recommended and connected by Ethernet. E. Identify up to 2 data collection locations. F. Identify spot improvements on existing conduit system. G. Identify connection point and location of fiber termination cabinets. Section 3: Corridor Limits: From N. Sullivan Rd at E Sprague Ave to N. Sullivan Rd at E Mission Ave. The potential ITS improvements for this corridor include but are not limited to: A. Fiber Communication System for approximately 0.67 miles. Based on the City, an empty conduit exists along N. Sullivan Rd between E Sprague Ave and E Broadway Ave. This conduit will be utilized to install the new Fiber. B. Trench conduit from E Broadway Ave north to E Mission Ave. The cost estimate for the trenching will be determined by the selection of the city on type and method of installation. C. Three Signal Controllers will be connected to the communication and Ethernet Switches. Intersections from south to north include: 1. E Sprague Ave & N. Sullivan Rd 2. E Broadway Ave & N. Sullivan Rd 3. E Mission Ave & N. Sullivan Rd D. One (1) CCTV Camera locations will be recommended and connected by Ethernet. E. Identify up to 2 data collection locations. F. Identify spot improvements on existing conduit system. G. Identify connection point and location of fiber termination cabinets. The following subtasks are proposed: Subtask 8.1 - Field Investigation and Basemap Development. Transpo will work with the City of Spokane Valley to assess existing spare conduit along the project corridor. Transpo will incorporate base map information available from the City — including both intersection /road projects and utility projects where spare conduits have been installed. Transpo staff will then walk the corridor with City staff to verify the location of the junction boxes accessing the spare conduit. The consultant will investigate existing conduit capacity where the fiber will be installed and include in the design any recommendations for junction box or conduit installations or upgrades. The base map will identify information required for the contractor to successfully locate the proposed improvements. This may include the location of existing right of way, roadside features (including curbs, sidewalks, planters strips, trees, junction boxes, etc.), and major traffic signal equipment. Existing as- builts and project data provided by the City will be used. Underground utilities will only be located in areas where construction work is anticipated to be required along the corridor, based on early preliminary engineering. Deliverable: • Roll plot of base map — hard copy. • Preliminary list of junction boxes, conduits, etc. that need to be upgraded • Preliminary conduit and junction box capacity tables Subtask 8.2: 50% Engineering Design This subtask will focus on the development of a preliminary (50 %) engineering design for the ITS elements described earlier. The base maps prepared in the previous task will be used to prepare the preliminary engineering drawings for the proposed ITS system project. The preliminary (50 %) engineering drawings will show general location of existing and proposed equipment with construction notes and preliminary layout of restoration items such as roadway, sidewalk and landscaping. No wiring details and /or schedules will be prepared at this stage. 50% plans will be submitted for review and comment by the City. The cost estimate will be prepared and show list of bid items, unit costs, and quantities. Deliverables: • Preliminary (50 %) engineering ITS plans drawings and 50% opinion of cost. • Five copies of the plans in 11x17 size format. To be furnished by the City: • Coordination, review, and summary of Agency reviews to meet schedule Subtask 8.3: 95% Engineering Design This subtask will develop 95% engineering design documents including plans, specifications, and estimates for the ITS elements described in the 50% engineering design task above. The City comments from the 50% engineering design review will be incorporated into the 95% design. The 95% design shall include: equipment plans layout, constr4uction notes, resoration of roadway, sidewalk, and landscaping, erosion control, wiring details, fiber optic splice diagrams, details sheets, details of non - standard design features, specifications, and estimate. Plans, specifications and cost estimante will be submitted for the City's review. Deliverables: • Preliminary (95 %) engineering ITS plans drawings and 95% opinion of cost. • Five copies of the plans in 11x17 size format. To be furnished by the City: • Coordination, review, and summary of Agency reviews to meet schedule Subtask 8.4: Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS &E) This subtask will develop Ad -Ready final PS &E documents. City and WSDOT comments from the 50% engineering design submittal will be incorporated into the final PS &E documents. The final design shall include stamped and signed plan sheets for all the plans including but not limited to communication and equipment layout, construction notes, restoration of roadway, sidewalk, and landscaping, erosion control, wiring details, fiber optic splice diagrams, details sheets, specifications, and estimate. Special Provisions: Contract documents, required FHWA Division 1, amendments, Division 2 -9, standard drawing details, wage rates. Deliverable: • One final set of PS &E documents. • Including one copy of drawings on CD or DVD in .pdf and Autocad format, and reproducible specifications and cost estimate. • Five copies of the plans in 11x17 size format. One full size set of sealed plans. • Responses to city's goal review comments. To be furnished by the City. ® Coordination, review, and summary of Agency reviews to meet schedule Subtask 8.5: Bidding Services Transpo will respond to bidder questions, prepare addenda as required, evaluate bides, prepare bid tabs and recommend award. Included are additional design assumptions that supplement the other design assumptions listed in the scope of work above: • This project has an approved environmental review and does not need additional environmental support. • No Right of Way (ROW) will be purchased for this project. The design intent is to stay within ROW to maintain both schedule and budget for this project. • Design standard drawings used will be City of Spokane Valley. In absence of the City of Spokane Valley standards, Spokane County design standards will be used. In absence of Spokane County design standards, WSDOT standards will be used. • The intent of the basemapping is to show where physical improvements are located in the field so that the contractor can construct and estimate ITS design elements. It is understood that the basemapping is information from the city's GIS and As- Builts and not surveyed information. Therefore the accuracy of the information is only as good as the base files. • No stationing or surveying is included as part of this work • North arrow shown on plan sheets will be shown pointed up or to the right. • Larger corridor plan sheets will have a scale of 1: 100'. Zoom in of intersections will be at a 1:20 scale. On 11x17 sheets these scales will be 1:200' and 1:40' respectively. • It is assumed the installation of CCTV will be mounted on existing signal mast arms or signal luminaire arm. • It is assumed civil improvements such as sidewalk repair, landscaping, curb and gutter can be addressed using existing standard details. This scope of work does not include special details for these design elements. • Contract Schedule is based on a tight timeframe. Transpo will notify client of any potential delays in writing. Time delays from the client on receipt of information /assistance will affect this schedule. • No potholing, geotechnical, or structural evaluations /investigations are included in this scope of work. If this work is amended to this scope at a later date utility locates to be called in by the City (general one -call locate service number. 1- 800 - 424 -5555) to furnish required field locate services at locations specified by Transpo • City will coordinate with project stakeholders and confirm design review period and timeframe can be met for all reviewers. The design review may include but not limited to WSDOT, Spokane County, Utilities, Rail Roads and Transit agencies. • Added design submittals beyond those included within this scope will require an amended scope and fee. Survey Purpose: To provide surveying to the design process if needed to establish Right of Way limits and /or construction easements. Construction Support Services Purpose: The construction support services are to help the city with the construction contractor as well as with the installation of equipment. Transpo offers a broad range of construction support services for the project. For this project we anticipate providing assistance in the following areas: 1. Contractor inquiries (request for information) after project award 2. Equipment and material review 3. Change orders if any 4. System integration assistance 5. As- builts and system documentation 6. Review of OTDR test results The duration of the construction management services is expected to cover construction work to be performed in summer of 2011. The support services listed above will be estimated and submitted separately after review and agreement with the City of Spokane Valley is reached DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The page entitled " Cost Estimate Worksheet contains confidential cost and rate data and is withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550.