2010, 11-16 Study Session Minutes MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington November 16,2010 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Tom Towey,Mayor Mike Jackson,City Manager Gary Schimmels,Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell,Acting City Attorney Rose Dempsey,Councilmember Kathy McClung, Community Development Dir. Bill Gothmann,Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks&Recreation Director Dean Grafos, Councilmember Rick VanLeuven,Police Chief Brenda Grassel, Councilmember Scott Kuhta, Planning Manager Bob McCaslin, Councilmember Neil Kersten,Public Works Director Micki Harnois,Associate Planner Inga Note, Senior Traffic Engineer Carolbelle Branch,Public Information Officer Carrie Koudelka,Deputy City Clerk ACTION ITEMS: 1. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending Mixed Use Zoning(CTA 08-10)—Micki Harnois After Deputy Clerk Koudelka read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to approve ordinance 10-023 amending the Subarea Plan concerning the Mixed Use Zone and also amending Chapter 19.20.060 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. Councilmember Dempsey noted the ordinance title should read "2.2.8" instead of"2.28." Associate Planner Harnois gave a brief history and explained the amendments by section. The first redefines the definition for new construction and raises the threshold to 80% for additions, expansion, or reconstruction of existing building. The second allows existing legally established single-family dwellings located in nonresidential zones as a permitted use. The third and fourth changes clarify front and side street setbacks where easements may make the requirements unfeasible. The final change clarifies potential streets and replaces the maximum block size with a maximum block length requirement.During the presentation,Ms. Harnois pointed out a couple typos within the ordinance to correct and on page 4, Section 7 the wrong table was referenced; it should read Table 2.3 rather than 2.2. These corrections are not substantive and the final ordinance will reflect the corrections. There were no questions or comments from Council. There were no comments from the public. Vote by Acclamation. In favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion passed. 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending Spokane Valley Municipal Code 5.15.080 (Special Events Permits)—Cary Driskell After Deputy Clerk Koudelka read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to adopt the proposed ordinance amending SVMC 5.15.080 relating to safety training for special events permits. Acting City Attorney Driskell explained one of the conditions of issuance of a Special Event Permit where participants would seek charitable solicitations in City-owned rights-of-way is having sufficient documentation demonstrating that all persons entering the roadway have completed the Spokane County Incident Traffic Control Program or its equivalent and that certification is current. Staff recommends amending SVMC 5.15.080(j) to list the Washington Department of Transportation Flagger Certification, which is open to the public, as satisfying the safety training requirement. Councilmember Grassel asked if the $50 cost is per individual or per group. Mr. Driskell said it is charged individually and certification is good for three years. Councilmember Grassel asked if the City will notify the groups we know of who typically apply for these permits to make them aware of the new Council Study Session Minutes, m r y o November 16,2010 Page 1 of 6 Approved by Council:December 14,2010 process so as not to delay their event. Mr. Driskell said we could do that for the groups we know of. Councilmember Dempsey asked if all the members involved in the event need certification or if it is sufficient to just have some members certified.Mr. Driskell said only those entering the roadway need the safety training and certification. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments offered. Councilmember Gothmann added that the participants of the Fill the Boot campaign are certified by virtue of their job training. Vote by Acclamation. In favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion passed 3. Proposed Resolution Amending Speed Limits—Inga Note It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to approve Resolution 10-018 establishing the school speed zones and modifying the arterial speed limit. Senior Traffic Engineer Note explained she received a request from a parent regarding a stretch of Alki in an area where parents stop to pick up their kids after school. She said kids walking to school cross Alki at random points and walk on the shoulder. She studied the area and thinks a 20 mph school zone is appropriate for that area Alki Avenue from 400 feet west of Pines Road to Pines Road. Council had no comments, questions, or objections to the proposal. The second proposed speed limit change is near South Pines Elementary. She said they use crossing guards at the intersection of 24th and Pines but further to the north there are kids walking on the east side of Pines where there is no sidewalk and only a very narrow shoulder. She said there is no safe place to walk on that stretch on the east side of Pines. She said both a parent and a school representative requested that the school zone extend to 19th and Pines; however, her concern is that would make a very long school zone and motorists may disregard it if it is too long. She said ideally they would like to get funds to construct a sidewalk,but until then she recommends extending the 20 mph school zone. Currently there is a school zone on Pines between 22nd and 24th Avenues. The proposed zone would be on Pines from 300 feet south of 19th Avenue to 300 feet north of 19th Avenue. Councilmember McCaslin asked for the legal definition of"When Children are Present."Ms.Note said she believes it to mean when children are present at the crosswalk or adjacent to the crosswalk during school hours. Mayor Towey asked if the proposed extension would be continuous from 18th or if there would be a gap between two school zones. Ms. Note said there would be a gap between the new proposed school zone and the existing school zone. Councilmember Grafos asked for the cost of flashing school beacons at crosswalks. Ms. Note said they cost approximately $8,500 with state grants covering about $7,500 of that cost. She said the County charges about $3,000 to $5,000 per school zone, so our cost is about $12,000 - $13,000 for a pair of flashing beacons. There were no further comments, questions, or objections from Council on this proposal. Ms.Note said the third speed limit change proposal is for Mansfield Avenue between Pines Road and the roundabout. She said this road was recently widened and now has bike lanes. She said she has received numerous requests to increase the speed limit from 25 mph and have had complaints the speed limit is too slow. She conducted an analysis and found 35 mph would likely be more appropriate and recommends increasing the speed limit to 35 mph. Councilmember Gothmann asked what role the Council plays in setting speed limits. Ms. Note said Council sets speed limits based on recommendations from traffic engineering. Councilmember Grassel said she has received requests to increase the speed limit on Mission Avenue east of Pines and asked if traffic engineering could look into that area as well. Ms.Note said she thinks she has the information as to why the County decreased the speed limit to 30 mph in that area and that she will check into it and get back to Council. She said she will check into the signing in that area as well.Mayor Towey invited public comment;no comments were offered.There were no further comments or questions from Council. Vote by Acclamation. In favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion passed NON-ACTION ITEMS: 4. Street Maintenance Facility Site—Neil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten discussed the properties they have looked at for a future street maintenance facility and provided information as to how they compare with the current facility we lease Council Study Session Minutes,November 16,2010 Page 2 of 6 Approved by Council:December 14,2010 from Waste Management. He said most of the properties are very old or too small for our vehicles. He pointed out the property at 17711 E. Euclid as a site of interest that has no significant improvements. He said the parcel is approximately five acres, it fits our zoning needs, and the shop is the right size for us, with two large bays that have doors front and back providing drive-through capability, an additional large bay and a small office space. He said the downside to this property is the location-it is not central within city limits as it is located on Euclid between Flora and Barker Roads. He said it is not on the County sewer system, and it has old drywells so it needs work from that standpoint. Mr. Kersten said he did not look much at vacant land but if Council wants to pursue that option, he said it would add another level of cost to purchase vacant land and build a suitable building. He said we do not have a lot of money and that limits our options. He recommends in going forward,we get through this year, see what our fund balance is, then after the first of the year we see what was spent for 2010 and what funds we have available and our financing options,then come back to Council with a recommendation. He said he is looking for input from Council in moving forward. Mayor Towey asked how much time we have to find a facility.Mr.Kersten said we pay$4,591 per month for our lease that is good through September of 2012,or terminates with twelve-month written notice. He said he thinks we need to take some time to see how we do this year to get a better feel for where we are with our snow costs. He said he can come back in February or March with a recommendation. Councilmember McCaslin asked what the cost would be for sewer connection on the Euclid property. Mr. Kersten said there is no plan for sewer in that area right now,but if the County gets sewer in the road,the cost to get the building connected would be about$40,000. Councilmember Dempsey asked what the cost would be to get the Euclid site the way we want it compared to the property on 1st (that we currently lease). Mr.Kersten said the building on 1st is very old but it works right now. He said with insulation and upgrades we would not have to spend a lot of money and we could spend it slowly over time, as funds are available.He said the asking price is$578,000. Councilmember Dempsey asked if we would have to pave the Euclid property. Mr. Kersten responded we would not have to pave it right away. He said the biggest concern with the Euclid property is the remote location of the facility and the time wasted in travel and fuel cost, and added wear and tear on the trucks. He said he recommends the current facility based on the cost and its central location. He added that they are also talking to the school district about potentially purchasing their adjacent building,which would provide additional area for storing trucks. Councilmember Grassel asked if Mr. Kersten knows of any issues Waste Management had when they were using that facility, whether they had any complaints from the neighbors about big trucks or noise. Mr. Kersten said he is not aware of any complaints. City Manager Jackson asked for council direction as to whether they agree with keeping the focus on these two properties and, if so, he proposed that Mr. Kersten provide a more detailed comparison of the two properties to Council at a later date. Councilmember Gothmann said he thinks on the surface the 1st Avenue location looks ideal and he is in favor of that property based on the information he has so far. Mr. Kersten said he would recommend pursuing that property but if the Council wants, he could crunch the numbers on the Euclid property. Mayor Towey said he likes the property across the street(1st Avenue property), and he thinks the other is located too far away. Councilmember Grafos said he would rather look at a property that has more land. He said he has looked at the Olympic Boat Center site and said that while the office is not great, it has a large shop and more land, it is all paved, and the building is 6,000 square feet. He said it is three times larger and even though the asking price is $1.4 million, in this market he thinks we could get it for much less. He said he thinks in the long run we should look for something that is centrally located with more land, and that down the road we will have more equipment. Mr.Kersten said he looked at that building and found it did not fit our needs. Councilmember Grassel asked about the Waste Management property that is near our current location and how much land comes with the building we are leasing now. Mr. Kersten said the land is approximately 1.25 acres and the school district property is about another .5 acre, so nearly 1.75 acres total which is adequate for what we need. He said he does not anticipate needing more than four bays to repair trucks. He said again that he does not have a lot of money to spend and the property they are Council Study Session Minutes,November 16,2010 Page 3 of 6 Approved by Council:December 14,2010 leasing now is priced right for us. Deputy Mayor Schimmels said he thinks the location of Euclid is a detriment.It was the consensus of Council to move forward with the current property. 5. Snow Removal Plan—Neil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten discussed his PowerPoint presentation and said his crews are going to a 24-hour, 7 days per week schedule beginning Friday,November 19. He said they are expecting snow and freezing temperatures this week. He gets weather forecasts and information from both Washington State Department of Transportation and Northwest Weathernet. We have three city drivers and sixteen contract drivers with POE.He told Council we do not have our new truck yet and explained it is on backorder with International. He said he hopes they will have it by mid to late January. He said we have three plow/deicer trucks and two graders with side wings. We also currently have a bid out for graders for on- call drivers in case we have a heavy snow event. Mr. Kersten said our snow priorities are 1)primary arterials, 2) secondary arterials, 3)hillside residential, and 4) valley-floor residential. He said typically the snow depth varies across the city, so they will prioritize what is plowed ranging from one to three inches of snow. He said they are getting away from sanding the streets because of TMDL and water quality measures so they will use materials that have very low phosphorous levels. He said sand is high phosphorous and tends to clog the drywells, it creates dirt and dust that in the spring we spend a lot of money and time cleaning up. He said the sand also causes rock chips on windshields of motorists. He said occasionally we may still use sand, but the deicers are extremely effective. When we have a prediction of snow, ice or frost, we want to apply the liquid deicer. Once the snow starts to accumulate, we will use a granular deicer, a salt type material but with more minerals and different properties than salt.He said the granular deicer is more expensive,but it lasts much longer and is low in phosphorous. Mayor Towey asked how we advertise our snow hotline and when that starts. Public Information Officer Branch said we have already activated the snow information line and she will put out a media release as to where to find the information on our website, and the phone line for snow operation updates. She said they also have handouts for distribution throughout the city. Mr. Kersten said they have a GPS system to track the plows and the deicers to monitor where the trucks are and where they have been. They hope to get that information on our website at some point to show citizens where the vehicles are and what the route is so they have a better idea about when we may get to their area. City Manager Jackson said Council adopted the original snow removal plan by motion and that if Council is happy with this plan, we can include it as a Consent Agenda item at the December 14 meeting. It was the consensus of Council to place the snow removal plan on the December 14 Consent Agenda. 6. Site Selector Update—Scott Kuhta Planning Manager Kuhta introduced Robin Toth of Greater Spokane Incorporated (GSI) and discussed the Regional Site Selector website.He said the site is GIS (geographic information system)based to allow citizens and businesses access to available properties. It includes property listings, market and demographic data,zoning, aerial photos, special purpose districts and economic development districts.He said the website is used by national site selector companies and realtors, and it does not require a login or password so anyone can use it. In 2009, Spokane Valley began funding the program annually because we are a member of their consortium, but he said we could withdraw from the consortium at anytime. Mr. Kuhta pointed out that the 2010 and 2011 budget for Site Selector Consortium reflects a credit of$12,500 because they did not need all of the funds previously budgeted. Mayor Towey asked if anyone proofreads the information input into the website to ensure the address matches the picture of the property displayed. He said he found an error where a picture of the fire station showed up for sale under a different address and that the fire station is not for sale. Mayor Towey said he then went to another address listing and found that it showed the back half of Councilmember Grafos' property,which is not for sale. Ian Von Essen of GSI said they do not proof the material that is input and Council Study Session Minutes,November 16,2010 Page 4 of 6 Approved by Council:December 14,2010 instead they encourage the realtors who are loading the material to give accurate information. He said the properties are reloaded twice a week, so during the loading sessions we could get an inaccurate count of properties as they are reloading. Councilmember Grafos asked why properties are not listed and he asked who looks at the accuracy of the information.Ms. Toth said there was a computer glitch and properties were listed as"Spokane"instead of "Spokane Valley" because they are not zip code based, they are sorted by city name. Councilmember Grafos then asked if someone has looked at the ones that were since changed. Ms. Toth said it is important that the information is input correctly by the realtors. Councilmember Grafos asked how to prevent this from happening in the future when there is nobody to monitor it. Mr. Kuhta said we need to be more diligent in monitoring the website to ensure the data does not drop off. He said as we go along we are learning more on how things are updated on the back end but we need to track down why the address glitch is happening. Councilmember Grafos asked if the computer knows if the property is in Spokane Valley or Spokane when the address is input into the system. Mr.Von Essen said they have two ways of dealing with the address, on the parcel layer and the site address. He said the assessor has a large number of parcels that have no site addresses. When there is no site address they need to geocode information from the street, so it is not accurate but it gets them close. Councilmember Grafos asked how to make real estate brokers aware the site exists. Mr. Kuhta said they have given presentations but it is a continual effort, and said some brokers are not embracing the technology. He said some brokers keep their listings close to their chests but they are encouraging them to use this website as a tool. Councilmember Dempsey asked why different townships are listed: Veradale, Opportunity, and Greenacres. Mr. Von Essen said the census bureau uses the townships for their data but he said they are not listed that way on this site,but it is there as national information. Mayor Towey called for a recess at 7:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:55 p.m. 7. Amendment to Spokane Valley Municipal Code 2.75 (Public Records)—Cary Driskell Acting City Attorney Driskell said the Washington legislature put a provision in law this past session that if a city puts a record on their website, they would be complying with public record requirements if they provide a link to the available documents. He said this is beneficial because it would cut down on city staff time used in responding to public records. A couple years ago the City started putting records on our website via Laserfiche and we continue to add documents to our site. He said we looked at amending our municipal code to specifically add language relating to document availability on our website. While there, we found other items to address due to the changes in state law or for other reasons. He said we found we also embedded fees into the code which we normally avoid doing because the fees are in the master fee schedule. He said the first change is in section 2.75.010, paragraph A,they added "regardless of physical form or characteristics" pertaining to the definition of a public record. The next change is in Section 3 of the draft ordinance, adding language to include the Public Works Maintenance Shop as a place of business where we may receive a public record request. Mr. Driskell said page 3 of the draft ordinance addresses internet access through our website. He said we also added that in denying any public record request, we need to explain the reason for such denial along with citing the exemption. Page 4 of 5 reflects a change pertaining to provisions in the state Public Record Act that if a person wanted to make copies of public records using the city's machine rather than staff making the copies, we may have to make that accommodation. He said does not think we would win a lawsuit if we did not allow that to happen.The next change is taking fees out of the ordinance and putting them into the master fee schedule. Page 5 of 5 adds language that the incurred staff cost can be charged and that charge would be set forth in the master fee schedule. Councilmember McCaslin asked why we are striking out "designee" and if that means the requestor has to go to the Public Records Officer rather than any employee. Mr. Driskell said that because we refer to "designee" in the beginning of the draft, we do not need to repeat it throughout the document. 8. Amendment to Spokane Valley Municipal Code Appendix A (Adult Retail Establishments) — Cary Driskell Council Study Session Minutes,November 16,2010 Page 5 of 6 Approved by Council:December 14,2010 Acting City Attorney Driskell said that earlier this year we looked at an ordinance regarding adult entertainment that is different from adult retail use and considered a lower impact use. He said there is a complex variety of licenses adult entertainment business need to get, and they tend to require additional police oversight, so he looked at what conduct constitutes adult entertainment. He said they looked at whether the definition for adult retail use harmonized well with the new definition for adult entertainment and clarified the definition for both. He asked for consensus from council to move forward with the changes and refer the matter to the Planning Commission for a public hearing to take testimony and then bring back to Council with proposed language. Councilmember Grassel asked about the enforceability of the regulation and how police would determine whether someone viewing the material is doing so with the intention to buy the merchandise and not for other purposes. Mr. Driskell said that everyone has the right to view something for purchase, but the change would be that the business could not charge to view it. Councilmember Grassel asked if private viewing rooms are allowed under these revisions. Mr. Driskell said he will look at that specific issue. Councilmember Grassel said she would like us to be clear between retail establishments and entertainment establishments so that there is no gray area and the regulations are easily enforceable. Council consensus to forward to the Planning Commission. 9. Advance Agenda—Mayor Towey.No comments. 10. Information Only.Bond Counsel and Department Reports were not reported or discussed. 11. Council Check In—Mayor Towey Mayor Towey mentioned an email from Lobbyist Briahna Taylor regarding Council support for street maintenance. He said she has asked if there is consensus from Council to support asking the legislature to co-sponsor legislation, which is more than having the issue on our legislative agenda. Councilmember McCaslin asked if the diesel truck problem is on the Advance Agenda. City Manager Jackson said police looked into it and there are no laws restricting diesel trucks. He said he wrote a letter to the citizens asking them to contact him so he can discuss with them what the police can do. 12. City Manager Comments—Mike Jackson. City Manager Jackson said Council could revise the legislative agenda because the liquor initiative failed so we do not need to pursue that issue. He said the Dispatchers Association is pushing legislation with regard to 9-1-1 harassment calls. He said Council could remove the liquor legislative item from their agenda and support legislation to make it a crime to call 9-1-1 in a harassing manner. If Council agrees, he said he will make the changes and send our lobbyist the revised legislative agenda. It was the consensus of Council to proceed with the changes. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:24 pm. omas E. To ey,Mayor ATTES fr Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk - Council Study Session Minutes,November 16,2010 Page 6 of 6 Approved by Council:December 14,2010 4'I EXHIBIT B 2.1.3 Mixed Use Avenue District Zone Regulations Legend: ---:Not Permitted U:Upper Floors Only G:Ground Floor Only Permitted:These elements are allowed by right unless otherwise specified in Section 2.2.2.Building Use Required:These are Required elements of all new development as indicated. Limited:These frontages may only be applied to access lobbies for upper floor uses that are different from the ground floor use (A):For Anchor Stores: (Al):larger than 25,000 sq.ft.,1 floor/20 ft.is permitted, (A2):larger than 50,000 sq.ft.,regulation does not apply, (A3):larger than 50,000 sq.ft.,parking type is permitted 1 2.2.Site Development Standards 2.3.Street and Sprague Other Open Space Standards Ave. Streets Street/Street Category Sprague Ave. Other Streets 2.3.1.Street Standards 2.2.1.Building Orientation to Streets and Public 1)Street Provision required required Open Spaces required or not required required I required 2)Pre-Located Street required required 34—Matmum-B1eck-size 5 acres 5-aeres 2.2.2.Building Use 3)Maximum Block Length 660 feet 660 feet 1)Retail 4)Street Configuration required required a)City Center Retail --- --- 5)Street Type b)Neighborhood Center Retail --- --- a)Plaza Drive N/A --- c)Mixed-Use Avenue Retail permitted --- b)City Street N/A --- d)Corner Store Retail - c)Neighborhood Street N/A permitted e)Gateway Commercial Avenue Retail --- --- d)Neighborhood Green Street N/A permitted f)Gateway Commercial Center Retail --- --- e)Service Street N/A 2)Civic,Quasi-Civic,&Cultural permitted permitted f)Alley N/A --- 3)Office permitted permitted g)Passage N/A --- 4)Light Industrial permitted permitted 2.3.2.Open Space Standards 5)Lodging(w/common entry) permitted permitted see section 2.3.3 6)Live-Work permitted permitted 7)Residential Sprague Other 2.4.Parking Standards Ave. Streets a)Multi-Family w/Common Entry permitted permitted 2.4.1.Parking Types b)Attached Single-Family w/Individual Entry --- permitted 1)Surface Parking c)Detached Single-Family Housing --- --- a)Front lot --- permitted 2.2.3.Building Height b)Side lot permitted permitted minimum height 1 floor/20 ft I 1 floor/20 ft c)Rear lot permitted permitted maximum height 4 floors/53 ft 4 floors/53 ft 2)Parking Structure 2.2.4.Relation to Single Family Homes a)Exposed permitted permitted required or not applicable required I required b)Wrapped-Ground Level permitted permitted 2.2.5.Public Frontage Improvements c)Wrapped-All Levels permitted permitted required or not required required I not required d)Partially Submerged Podium permitted permitted 2.2.6.Private Frontage _ e)Underground Parking permitted permitted 1)Shopfront permitted permitted 2.4.2.Parking Standards 2)Corner Entry permitted permitted see section 2.4.2 3)Arcade permitted --- 4)Grand Portico permitted permitted 2.5.Architectural Sprague Other Standards Ave. Streets 5)Forecourt permitted permitted 2.5.2.Height Massing&Composition 6)Grand Entry permitted permitted Et T: w 7)Common Lobby Entry limited limited Base MEEZEIIMSEEEM 8)Stoop permitted permitted 2.5.3.Length Massing&Composition 9)Porch --- --- Streetwall Increment MOUE Mir,= 10)Front Door --- --- Sidewall&Rearwall Increment EMEaMIIIMErj= 11)Parking Structure Entry permitted permitted 12)Vehicle Display:Option 1 --- --- 2.6.Signage Standards Sprague Other Ave. Streets 13)Vehicle Display:Option 2 --- --- 2.6.2.Signage Types 14)Edge Treatment:Fenced --- permitted see section 2.6 13)Edge Treatment:Terraced --- permitted 14)Edge Treatment:Flush permitted _ permitted '2.2.7.Front Street Setback minimum/maximum 20ft/25ft [ 10ft/20ft 2.2.8.Side Street Setback minimum/maximum 5ft/15 ft I I O ft/20 ft 2.2.9.Side Yard Setback minimum w/living space windows 10 ft I 10 ft minimum w/out living space windows 5 ft 1 5 ft 2.2.10.Rear Yard Setback minimum setback 10 ft I 10 ft 2.2.11.Alley Setback minimum setback 5 ft I 5 ft 2.2.12.Frontage Coverage minimum percentage covered 60% I no min. 2.2.13.B u i l d-to-C o rn e r required or not required required I required 2.2.14.Maximum Building Length P:\Clerk\AgendaPackets for Web\agendapacket 11-09-10\Item 3 Exhibit B-2.1.3 Mixed Use Matrix Page 10A of 13 Byrd Real Estate Group L.L.C. �, PRODUCING PROPERTY SOLUTIONS �firr 101 W. Cataldo Ave., Suite 210 fr;,k. Spokane, WA 99201 For Sale 11804 E 1st, Spokane Valley WA • t.: rt ' ,- ,,,,, 1i Improvements: rya• . ,` , _ Total Bldg: 4,736+/-sf• ,- :: .K - - i I_- --U.-, -, Service Garage: 2,400+/-sf - . Sprague Ave. . 1 _Sprague 4 , il _' _ ik__. i z. Office: 2,336+/-sf - A- "°` 3,'st =AN e: - .n„ General Information jY+._..x, ? 0 - �` 1 - • L1. Site Size: 69,696+/- sf ,. , o .'- ;, ,i ;y_. Zoning: CMU < <_ ~~ Tax Parcel#: 45211.0518, 0511, 0510 2009 Taxes: $4,708.96 Sale Price: For More Information Contact: Doug Byrd k r Byrd Real Estate Group, LLC $578 Q O.00 DI(509) 326 80803` Faxl(509))326-3685 i O Dou b rdrealestate rou com g@ Y g p• All information is furnished by the Owner&/or Broker and believed to be complete and correct.The Owner 8/or Broker,however,cannot be responsible for changes,errors,omissions or ithdrawals of this offering.The above information is from sources deemed reliable but should be verified by parties that could be adversely affected by any statements or information. his is not an offering of sub-agency,with commission splits to be determined. • • AGREEMENT FOR LEASE OF REAL ESTATE THIS LEASE, (the"Lease") is made this 8"' day of September,2009, by and between WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WASHINGTON, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Landlord"), and CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WASHINGTON,a Municipal Corporation("Tenant"), WITN ESSETH: 1. PREMISES AND TERM Landlord,for and in consideration of the rents herein reserved and of the covenants and agreements herein contained on the part of the Tenant does demise and lease to the Tenant approximately 1.6 acres of land including a 4,735/SF building located at 11804 E. 14 Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA, Identified by the Spokane County Tax Assessor as Parcels 45211.0518, -0511 and -0510 ("Premises")for a term ("Term") ' commencing on the 8th day of September,2009(the"Commencement Date")and terminating on the last clay of September,2012 unless sooner terminated by either party's advance twelve(12)month written notice to the other(the"Termination Date"). In no case shall the Termination Date be later than September, 8th 2012. 2. RENT AND SECURITY DEPOSIT Tenant hereby covenants and agrees to pay Landlord, at WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE, 11321 E. Indiana Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 ATTN: District Manager, rental payable monthly in advance installments of Four Thousand One Hundred Ninety Five and no/100ths ($4,195.00)fpollars each ("Rent"), on the first day of each and every month of the Term hereof, commencing on the day of • September,2009. Rent shall increase by three(3%)percent over the prior year's Rent on each anniversary date of the commencement of this Lease. Concurrently with payment of the first month's rent, Tenant shall deposit with Landlord the sum of Four Thousand One Hundred Ninety Five and NO/100($4,195.00) DOLLARS as and for a security deposit ("Security Deposit") to guarantee Tenant's obligations under this Lease, and which Security Deposit less deductions, if any,shall be returned to Tenant within thirty(30)days following the Termination Date. 3. TAXES,ASSESSMENTS AND UTILITIES Landlord shall pay all taxes and assessments, general and special, which may be levied,assessed or imposed upon the Premises. Landlord represents and warrants that the Premises are directly serviced by, natural gas for heating and other purposes, water, sanitary sewer service, electric power and telephone service. Tenant shall pay for all utility charges used on the Premises by Tenant during the term of this Lease. 4. USE AND CARE OF PREMISES:ALTERATIONS BY TENANT SECTION 4.1. Tenant and all persons claiming by, through or under Tenant may use and occupy the Premises for any lawful purpose. Tenant intends to utilize the Premises as a maintenance facility for the City of Spokane Valley's snow plowing operations. SECTION 4.2. Tenant shall perform routine maintenance on the roof and all structural portions of the building located upon the Premises and all electrical, lighting, plumbing, heating, cooling and ventilating fixtures located thereon. Tenant shall also repair all damage to such items caused by Tenant, its agents, 1 WASpokaneValleylstStreetLease Final 9-2-2009(2) Cog— la$ employees, contractors or invitees and not covered by insurance and maintain the Premises in a good and safe condition. SECTION 4.3. Landlord and Tenant agree that any and all fixed improvements made to the Premises by Tenant shall become the sole property of Landlord upon termination of the Lease as long as said improvements do not detract from the fair market value of the Premises, in which case, Tenant agrees to remove all of said improvements and return the Premises to Landlord in the same condition in which it was received on the commencement date of this Lease, normal wear and tear excepted. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant shall be allowed to remove all personal property and trade fixtures owned by Tenant from the Premises. SECTION 4.4. Tenant shall not be responsible for any costs of Landlord under Landlord's covenants of quiet enjoyment and peaceable possession or Landlord's taxes due on Landlord's income, gross receipts or other similar items that are not reasonably considered to be in the nature of real estate taxes. SECTION 4.5. Tenant may not make any alterations and changes to the Premises without Landlord's advance written consent except for painting, cleaning, carpet repair/replacement and workstation rearrangement. If Tenant shall alter or change the Premises during the term of this Lease, Tenant shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA") and all statutes, ordinances, laws, orders, rules, regulations and requirements of all applicable federal, state,county and other agencies or authorities now in effect with respect to the use, occupation or alteration of the Premises("Laws")and, upon request of Landlord, shall deliver evidence thereof reasonably satisfactory to Landlord. SECTION 4.6. During the term of this Lease,Tenant shall keep,afford and allow access to Landlord to the Premises at all reasonable times. Except in emergency, Landlord shall give at least twenty-four(24) hours advance notice,written or oral,of its intent to gain access to the Premises. SECTION 4.7. Tenant shall vacate and deliver up the Premises upon the expiration of the term of this Lease, or any renewal thereof,or sooner termination of the term of this Lease in the same condition as received and,in good,clean,sanitary condition,reasonable wear and tear excepted. 5. CASUALTY In case of damage to or destruction of all or part of the Premises or all or part of the fixtures or improvements thereon by fire or other casualty, and subject to Landlord's receipt of sufficient insurance proceeds, Landlord shall promptly repair,restore or rebuild the building to no less than the condition existing immediately prior to the occurrence of such fire or other casualty.Landlord shall not be obligated to repair nor replace any of Tenant's trade fixtures or other personal property at the Premises. However, within fourteen (14)days after such damage or destruction of the Premises, either party shall have the option of terminating this Lease with seven(7)days'prior written notice to the other party. 6. INSURANCE Landlord covenants and agrees that it will at all times,at its sole cost and expense,keep the building on the Premises insured under a fire insurance policy with extended coverage endorsements for not less than its full or their full insurance value above foundations. Tenant covenants and agrees that it will at all times during the term hereof carry, for the mutual benefit of the Landlord and of the Tenant, $2,000,000.00 general public liability insurance against claims for personal injury,death or property damage,occurring in,on or about the Premises in amounts and coverages as reasonably determined by the Landlord,and shall name Landlord as an insured in its capacity as owner of the Premises. Tenant shall be responsible to insure its trade fixtures and personal property located at the Premises.The insurance policy shall contain a clause that 2 WASpokaneValIeyi stStreetLease Final 9-2-2009 it may not be cancelled without Landlord's receiving a thirty (30) days' prior written notice of Tenant or insurance company's intent to cancel. 7. INDEMNIFICATION SECTION 7.1. Tenant agrees to defend, indemnify and save the Landlord harmless from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, Environmental Damages, as defined herein, and expense (including reasonable attorneys'fees) and from and against any and all suits,claims and demands of every kind and nature due to Tenant's negligence or breach hereof, made by or on behalf of any and all persons, firms or corporations,arising out of or based upon any accident, injury or damage, however occurring,which happens in, on or about the Premises or entrances thereto during the term of this Lease or arising out of or based upon the use, occupation or operation of said Premises or facilities during the term hereof or arising out of any breach or default on the part of the Tenant in the performance or observance of any covenant or agreement on the part of the Tenant to be performed or observed pursuant to the terms of this Lease. Nothing in this section shall relieve Landlord from liability resulting from its own negligence,willful misconduct or breach of its obligations under this Lease. • SECTION 7.2. Landlord agrees to give Tenant prompt written notice of any claims or demands against the Landlord arising out of or based upon any of the liabilities, losses or expenses against which Tenant is bound to defend, indemnify and save harmless the Landlord. Tenant shall have full control over any claim or litigation,and Landlord shall reasonably cooperate with Tenant in such efforts. SECTION 7.3. Tenant shall indemnify and save harmless Landlord from and against all mechanics' liens and notices thereof and all claims thereof on account of any materials furnished or labor performed in, about or in connection with the Premises or the sidewalks and curbs adjacent thereto, if any, except those arising from work undertaken by Landlord. Should any such lien be filed, Tenant shall promptly bond or otherwise discharge the same. SECTION 7.5. Tenant agrees to give Landlord prompt notice of any claims or demands against the Tenant arising out of or based upon any of the liabilities, losses or expenses against which Landlord is bound to defend, indemnify and save harmless the Tenant. Landlord shall have full control over any claim or litigation,and Tenant shall reasonably cooperate with Landlord in such efforts. • 8, ENVIRONMENTAL REPRESENTATIONS SECTION 8.1. As used herein, "Hazardous Substance" means any substance that is toxic, ignitable, reactive, radioactive, or corrosive and that is regulated by any local government, the State of Washington, or the United States Government. "Hazardous Substance" includes any and all materials or substances that are now or hereafter defined as "hazardous waste," "extremely hazardous waste," "toxic substance," or a "hazardous substance" pursuant to state, federal, or local governmental law, including without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (42 U.S.C. §§9601, et seq.) and/or the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. §§6901, et seq.). In addition, "Hazardous Substance" includes but is not restricted to friable asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls ("PCB's"), and petroleum, whether or not any such substance is regulated as a Hazardous Substance pursuant to applicable statutes or regulations. "Environmental Damages"means all claims,judgments,damages, losses, penalties,fines, liabilities (including strict liability),encumbrances, liens, costs and expenses of whatever kind or nature,contingent or otherwise matured or unmatured, foreseeable or unforeseeable, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' and consultants' fees, incurred at any time as a result of the existence prior to execution of this Lease of a Hazardous Substance upon, about, or beneath the Premises or migrating or threatening to 3 WASpokaneValleyl stStreetLease Final g-2•2009 • migrate to or from the Premises,or the existence of a violation of any governmental requirement pertaining to the environment,health or safety arising from or relating to the Premises. SECTION 8.2. Landlord agrees to indemnify, defend (with counsel acceptable to Tenant)and hold harmless Tenant and Tenant's directors, employees, agents affiliates, successors and assigns against any and all expenses, losses, costs, deficiencies, liabilities, penalties, liens and damages, including consultants' fees,attorneys'fees and court costs("Expenses")incurred or suffered as a result of or in connection with the existence of any Hazardous Substance, petroleum storage tanks, pumps or associated piping in, on, under or about the Premises, if any, prior to the commencement of this Lease, and after to the extent such Expenses are not solely due to Tenant's act or negligence and/or any contamination associated therewith, including without limitation, costs incurred in the removal, remediation, restoration, and/or abatement of the foregoing. SECTION 8.3. Except in compliance with all governmental requirements pertaining to health,safety and the environment, Tenant shall not knowingly cause or permit any Hazardous Substance to be used, stored, generated, or disposed of on, in or about the Premises by Tenant, Tenant's agents, employees, contractors, or invitees. If any Hazardous Substance is knowingly used, stored, generated, or disposed of on, in or about the Premises by Tenant or if Tenant causes any contamination of the Premises by a release of such Hazardous Substance for which Tenant is legally liable,Tenant shall upon request of the Landlord,at its sole expense, take any and all necessary actions to return the Premises to the condition existing prior to the release of any such Hazardous Substance on the Premises, including but not limited to any and all clean- up and remedial actions. 9. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING Tenant shall not assign this Lease nor sublet all or any portion of the Premises without first obtaining the Landlord's prior written consent,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 10. FIXTURES All buildings and improvements on the Premises and all plumbing,heating, lighting, electrical and air conditioning fixtures and equipment and other articles of personal property used in the operation of such buildings attached to the Premises, sometimes herein referred to as, "Building Fixtures", if any, shall be and remain a part of the Premises and shall constitute the property of the Landlord. 11. NOTICES OR DEMANDS. All notices, waivers, demands, requests or other communications required or permitted hereunder shall, unless otherwise expressly provided, be in writing and be deemed to have been properly given,served and received(a)if delivered by messenger,when delivered, (b)if mailed,on the third(3rd)business day after deposit in the United States certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, (c) if telexed, telegraphed or telecopied, at the time in effect at the place of receipt, or at 8:00 a.m. on the next business day thereafter if time of receipt is later than 6:00 p.m., or (d) if delivered by reputable overnight express courier,freight prepaid,the next business day after delivery to such courier, in every case addressed to the party to be notified as following: If to Landlord: Waste Management of Washington, Inc. 720 East Butterfield Road Lombard, IL 60148 Attention:Vice President of Real Estate Telecopier: (630)268-9521 With a copy to: Waste Management of Spokane 11321 E.Indiana Road Spokane,WA 99206 4 WASpokaneValleylstStreetlease Final 9-2-2009 ATTN: District Manager Telecopier. (509)944-3030 If to Tenant: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 ATTN:Director of Pith' works // Telecopier:(509) 6j 7 c),�c ' I 1 or to such other address(es)or addressee(s)as any party entitled to receive notice hereunder shall designate to the others in the manner provided herein for the service of notices. Rejection or refusal to accept or inability to deliver because of changed address or because no notice of changed address was given, shall be deemed receipt. 12. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES UPON DEFAULT SECTION 12.1 If Tenant shall default in the payment of the Rent or any part thereof when due as herein provided,and such default shall continue for ten(10)days after notice thereof in writing to Tenant,or if default shall be made in any of the other covenants, agreements, conditions or undertakings herein contained to be kept, observed and performed by the Tenant, and such default shall continue for thirty(30) days after notice thereof in writing to the Tenant, or if Tenant shall abandon the Premises, then and in any such event it shall be lawful for Landlord, at its election, to declare the term ended and to take appropriate legal action to re-enter and any regain possession of the Premises. If default shall be made in covenant, 9 P Y agreement, condition or undertaking herein contained to be kept,observed and performed by Tenant,other than the payment of rent as herein provided,which cannot with due diligence be cured within a period of thirty (30)days, and if notice thereof in writing shall have been given to Tenant,and if Tenant prior to the expiration of thirty(30)days from and after the giving of such notice commences to eliminate the cause of such default and proceeds diligently and with reasonable dispatch to take all steps and do all work required to cure such default and does so cure such default, then Landlord shall not have the right to declare the said term ended by reason of such default; provided, however, that the curing of any default in such manner shall not be construed to limit or reduce the right of Landlord to declare said term ended and enforce all of its rights and remedies hereunder for any default not so cured. SECTION 12.2. If a default occurs and is not cured within the time permitted herein, Landlord shall have the rights and remedies hereinafter set forth,which shall be distinct,separate and cumulative with and in addition to any other right or remedy allowed under any law or other provisions of this Lease: a. Landlord may terminate this Lease, repossess the Premises by detainer suit or other lawful means, and recover as damages a sum of money equal to (a)any unpaid rent as of the termination date including interest at the rate of twelve percent(12%)per annum, (b)any unpaid Rent which would have accrued after the termination date through the time of award including interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum, (c)any unpaid Rent which would have accrued after the time of award during the balance of the term, and (d) any other amounts necessary to compensate Landlord for all detriment or damages proximately caused by Tenant's failure to perform its obligations under this Lease or that in the ordinary course would be likely to result therefrom, including without limitation the Landlord's costs of reletting. If applicable law shall require that the amount of unpaid Rent recoverable hereunder be modified to reflect the "worth at the time of award," computed by allowing or discounting interest at specified rates, or the "reasonable value" of the Rent claimed, or shall require any other specific modification of the foregoing provisions,such law shall govern and control. b. Landlord shall at all times have the rights and remedies(which shall be cumulative with any other rights of Landlord hereunder or under any law): (i) to seek any declaratory, injunctive or other equitable relief,and specifically enforce this Lease,or restrain or enjoin a violation or breach of any provision 5 WASpokaneValleylstStreetLease Final 9-2-2099 hereof, and (ii)to sue for and collect any unpaid Rent. Such rights may be exercised at any time and from time to time. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Lease, to the extent not expressly prohibited by applicable law, in the event of any default by Tenant not cured within any applicable time for cure hereunder, Landlord may terminate this Lease and accelerate and declare that all Rent reserved for the remainder of the term shall be immediately due and payable; provided, Landlord shall, after receiving payment of the same from Tenant, be obligated to turn over to Tenant any actual net reletting proceeds thereafter received during the remainder of the term, up to the amount so received from Tenant pursuant to this provision. c. No re-entry or repossession, repairs, changes, alterations and additional, reletting, acceptance of keys from Tenant, or any other action or omission by Landlord shall be construed as an election by Landlord to terminate this Lease or accept a surrender of the Premises, nor shall the same operate to release the Tenant in whole or in part from any of the Tenant's obligations hereunder, unless express written notice of such intention is sent by Landlord or its agent to Tenant. The times set forth herein for the curing of defaults by Tenant are of the essence of this Lease. Tenant hereby irrevocably waives any right otherwise available under any law to redeem or reinstate this Lease. 13. SURRENDER OF POSSESSION If Tenant shall hold over beyond the expiration of the term herein provided or any renewal or extension thereof, Landlord may at its election either proceed to evict Tenant by legal proceedings or treat such holdover tenancy only as a month-to-month tenancy for 200%of the monthly rental herein specified. If so elected by Landlord, such holdover tenancy may be terminated by either party hereto upon thirty(30)days' prior written notice. 14. SUBORDINATION—ESTOPPEL SECTION 14.1. This Lease and Tenant's leasehold estate and all rights of Tenant hereunder shall be subject and subordinate at all times in all respects to the lien of any and all mortgages which Landlord may make upon any right, title or interest of Landlord in the Premises, and to any and all extensions and renewals and any and all new mortgages made in lieu of or in replacement of any such mortgage, provided that any such mortgage shall provide that so long as Tenant shall not be in default in the performance and observance of the terms, covenants, conditions and limitations in the Lease contained on the part of the Tenant to be performed and observed, no foreclosure of the lien of said mortgage for default thereof shall impair the right of Tenant to enjoy this Lease pursuant to its terms. In the event of acquisition of Landlord's interest in this Lease by any such mortgagee or anyone claiming through or under such mortgagee,Tenant will recognize as its Landlord such mortgagee or the person claiming through or under such mortgagee who shall so acquire title to the Landlord's interest in this Lease. SECTION 14.2. Tenant agrees to provide estoppel statements for benefit of future lenders or purchasers stating, if applicable and including but not limited to,that this Lease is in effect,the terms of rental payments and whether there exists any defaults by either party to the Lease. 15. BROKER'S COMMISSION Landlord and Tenant warrant, each to the other, that there are no brokers involved in this Lease transaction. If any other person shall assert a claim to a fee, commission or other compensation on account of alleged employment as a broker or finder or for performance of services as a broker or finder in connection with this Lease, the party hereto under whom the broker or finder is claiming shall indemnify and hold harmless the other party against and from any such claim and all costs, expenses and liabilities incurred in connection with such claim or any action or proceeding brought thereon. 16. CONDEMNATION 6 WASpokaneValleylstStreetLease Final 9.2-2009 SECTION 16.1. If the use,occupancy or title of the entire Premises shall be taken,requisitioned or sold in, by or on account of any actual or threatened eminent domain proceeding or other action by any person having the power of eminent domain (the"Condemnation"), then and in that event the term of this Lease shall terminate upon Condemnation and any award to Landlord. SECTION 16.2. In the event that a portion (but less than all) of the Premises or any interest therein,including but not limited to the right of free access to the Premises,shall be so taken, requisitioned or sold as to render the remaining portion of the Premises,in the sole opinion of Tenant,unsuitable for Tenant's use, then the Tenant may, at its option, terminate this Lease and the term hereof upon Condemnation and any award shall be divided between the Landlord and the Tenant in the same manner and upon the same conditions as set forth in Section 16.1. Such option shall be exercised by the Tenant by written notice to the Landlord not less than thirty(30) days prior to the date on which possession of such portion of the Premises shall be taken. If the Tenant shall not so elect to terminate this Lease and the term hereof then, upon the payment of any award arising from such condemnation, the amount received shall be paid to and held by Landlord and used in defraying the cost and expense of making repairs to and alterations of the improvements on the Premises for the purpose of restoring the same to an economic architectural unit to the extent that may have been made necessary by such Condemnation,and the balance,if any, remaining shall • be paid to the Landlord. SECTION 16.3. In case the taking of part of the Premises by Condemnation renders the Premises untenantable in whole or in part, rent shall abate until the Premises are again fully tenantable. If,as a result of any such taking,the area of the Premises is permanently reduced basic rent hereunder shall be reduced in proportion to the reduction in area of the Premises. 17. MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 17.1. The captions of this Lease are for convenience only and are not to be construed as defining or limiting in any way the scope or intent of the provisions hereof. SECTION 17.2. If any term or provision of this Lease shall to any extent be held invalid or unenforceable,the remaining terms and provisions of this Lease shall not be affected thereby, but each term and provisions of this Lease shall be valid and be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law. SECTION 17.3. This Lease shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state in which the Premises is located. SECTION 17.4. Landlord and Tenant agree that this Lease is not in consideration for or dependent or contingent in any manner upon any other contract, lease or agreement between them and that the term, rental and other provisions of this Lease are not intended by said parties to be tied in with any other such contract, lease or agreement; but on the contrary, this Lease and all of its provisions are entirely and completely independent of any other transactions or relationship between the parties. SECTION 17.5. The failure of the Landlord to enforce any term, covenant, condition, or agreement hereof by reason of its breach by the Tenant after notice had shall not be deemed to avoid or affect the right of the Landlord to enforce the same term, covenant, condition or agreement on the occasion of the subsequent default or breach. SECTION 17.6. All signatories to this Lease represent and warrant that he/she/they are sufficiently authorized to enter this Lease on behalf of their respective parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Landlord and the Tenant have caused these presents to be executed as of the day and year first hereinabove written. 7 WASpokaneVa11ey1stStreetLease Final 9-2-2009 LANDLORD: TENANT: WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WASHINGTON, INC. CITY OF SPO E Y,WASHINGTON gy: 0 •� ��� By: t, tl. e JA S T.MORGAN �� Name: horiized Representative Title: / ./t' - IL (I 1'c1'' 1 8 WASpokaneVaileyl stStreetf_ease Final 9-2-2009 EXHIBIT A DEPICTION OF LEASED PREMISES 11804 E. 1$`Avenue, Spokane Valley,WA, identified by the Spokane County Tax Assessor as Parcels 45211.0518,-0511 and-0510("Premises") 9 WASpokaneValieylsiStreetLease Final 9-2-2009 t'a r -• ._~....__` : ,x.rwms . - F. ! ; . r4r. ........ .� . ;j .. . . ■ ,i J ' Ir ' ' . . s.•• ;,4 p•t '1J ■E i'�t . t l ''r •• ' ,< i L i - t F I } RS r 1• _ ; '; A iy' I f z ' , F .4 ` Fr•h i ,i0.14:51141, 44'i r:T -4 e:* - j�'/ ^. ! ,1 yet;11 s: /A—,- :. k:i., ::: _. ;+' t1� vet-1�� �.if„.�-?` !I— $ 1'I t 11.5..;.. r e.. ' ; I • I "' T.'. ? 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Snow Level of Service , r 5 '' '11/16/2 010A • , i 1 r rArmias e reN�rr 'Vurrl,,r. ,v P M N SSy rr • °iM' _. ,4 Kn,0 n '`` N y,'; Z Arf �$rrorrr a� i sa ,. ,, . ., .avw a.r.rr�cwaverse� v A • , , . rig . • ±imitedoperations f snow--event• ra n� i n- from 1 to 3 ...inc es , . ; 1 : ; , i 1. , . ; .. 1 ,. . e i , • i . . . , Plowing erforr ed a _ onditio s wa r nt p focuses on. problem areas. and...}hifisides ; } _____ . _ • Coord I nation occurs withY~Polic y-[ epartt le it on acd ont...&...p.r•.o.blem areas , 3 • • Full plowing activities for snow events . . eceedng. •d...depth...o ... ...inches .1- . ,. s ■ r . . .rw x n Service 11/16 2010 Level of ` ^ >nY.rG•�. =M n'= K M '�>yT x.: ✓ ^yyht> iM"3 nr ''i,F yr ) ' Yy +d rY /t>^^.R M ,^/;^ '41 v. x w,. +41'.?: . y)Try M' i:N v', 1.� >yy. .>;., .^ ii. ., f :,:;;'....,1.2",.:,:‘, ;;'+.wnFA. . i ) ) ; : i • ) � n: , ii■• r • y- Residential Ys reefs _ ,n t-I a .Valley--f l oo be o ns i er e o , .n r - plowing r e , . . , • ; l:Yfu nct io n a l traffic floWi s s ub sta n t ia1 1 _ _ . , •• ••. inhibited i !. ,. , ,. , •, . , • . .. , . , • •• . ...;•____________...t................„.....................-.4.............._„__,.._____„..............._, .....-................r....______-___ • _____—______,............_........._____ • { i t f .. ..y i '. r i 5 • . t i • . 0 •o ; ` ,F ^ 9 .. 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' .rrr»rrrrrrrr-ro^»s+�'+wArrl e� .. ... 16 -rr �v v rry �as r° ;er'i ggf oger" lik."1.�'" so� r<nv K rrrrv� Roai'arMr`rxvu" a +T+ w v egk�� a ¢rer=5r svevtw7 a,647rre17: v cvsrA 3 ri r `r 1 ) Av A ......_..`._...._....a__—.__A __,. ;_____...•A___— _..__ .__.... ) LLDeicingPrLoritiesLiTL2 &` w ) • ) ) t II i , , T \I , t i id"' ei'o•naeivitie begin prig' tC51OW, ) predictions rye o frost: • Liq u�d___ e�c i n g i sc n u cte _ nbridges, __y ) ) . . a rtes I intersections a n d hillsides _____ __ _.. _ .4 ; ;. snow be i ns to 8ccun1ulateion the 1 • When ; . r__oa.d_w __ _ so l_i d• ,g.r__a•n u. a ___ a ce r____�s use__o:n____ _A-__._ _-__ ) ) . ) i 1. , ; bridged, arterial intersections and hi Isides 1 , . ) • C ra n u I_ r d e ce r may.__-b be used ; o n arterial________------___y_ «_. , , ... A } ;...streets as con : ions warran t 4 , ;.4 .......-..4-...------------>. r -.-^-.^---) ,..------....---..-4 ,.......t.,--..-- ) , , } , ) Y r� era ? Page 8 • Snow Level of Service �ara � j A s *544.14:0k4S4A 1,14,)4M. . • . . •, . • .,'. .Y..`e.r.,44,=='4v•V44','•=4'4=4 .1i=;',,Z>>.'.:44 .•W•04'.'' 'ZIW''''' 4>":;' ,W,',4;44'''''';=4 .:, ,,.•••;; ;;;;;, -,•,,,,...•„,„..,..,..,•-z...4.,,,,;,,,,.4.>; ,..•,,4,m, ? ' •,?. -4x,Y‘4`..N .,?4"?.c'' '''~-^, -?/1..,,,?•x'':,..e:,',Ywlr... "'.''''','.'.0,• "".'-',"' •. ".' '.?'?";w,. .' '.‘, ' 4. . '','".;-:..-s. .<40,.,.,, ..4. .9!•....,...5...0:.. 4,:,i4c:,'',:',Is', ..,-;V:4V,u' . , < • t . . —4---—.:------ 4—--------- • . ;• —4. , • . i . . i : . . 1 ••• s •I • 4 s• • •• •4 • • 44 • •. e i . ' •-• ------ • 4.• • . . . . ; 1•1111111•1 i i ; i • 1 . • ; • ‘. 4 ; . ; . . . . ,' r • 0 t ; , , i -t----• r ..... '0 ; etarrg-wril ri-atr--be--conducted -on ---4------------7-----;. , D , 1 4__----- •-i;, ; residential s,streets -o theiVa lley-floor , -------i"----—-----" except--1' :-.. r"--- ' at 'con roiled intersections ,i_ . . 4. ................. : #.,; 4 . 4 „ 1 , ; selected proble m areas ,. . ..................„______,_________ : ....._.....4_______-_„..............4.........._,......._.,........*---4---;.---:,.--,---,-_-...---; ? i ; ? i t . . , ; . . • . . 1 . . i - I ? k 4; . 1- • ., > 4, i • . , t • ; ---- --, ' .. ; . . ■ ; • ' . . S i----- ... 4 - -- } 1 . • • • 1 .!.. . ...,.------------ --4 t . . . . . . i . 1 . ■ , . y t i > t ■ . , ; .. ...., , . , • - . , . ,.••••'Page''••'''':. ' A,"•,‘'' ,,I.7 ','' Snow Level of ervice ,--1 I J:-O/!' r-t'., o , • • . • r- I°„` Sonsbh I ` _ ...._ , ..,..,...„....,„„------...i t___ ,: 4 _si,v, '1:11”-,...._.... fftiNilic�_ wIU1 1Pltl [�fi���!': � t., I._ __�� - �_ -r fly ,�_Kt �.i. g"ti �� Oactoe 'i iipeit'a_____.___fr"--"j er A ti7 t4r':— M..trAeri h dJ' I ' II ` Ield•�- b cd��°/� ` g. - r -}- rte— lira-? .. -�,-'�'- 8t�'dtar, 1k'1G 91.--I --r i�o• ;∎ IE11�'.a>4- " '��� °--- ..✓T90:fiiB j" F ' Fw...ts4z '"tI QFF _ _ KI_c 1 y 1 m t R o..— Issk' -^,-'� 4- - '..- d l '� � ',1�-fN �iP#y �' esme .�° ` r down i, ii" _co, . OramdwRy un �+ tj I+ ?VAN ;�.I� i _ ,, --- :FIefdl� t o9rgror�mcls R kl� ca�O 1 S _ e e * •i i . �R71tF - r 1 • '1I - !r` „ ni— ileyrvay' r * _i , ,� +n '�® — Q' _..ltd��,_3t •�' -9�® F. '1 r1 5th R .,� �� �� � � vBrstde q�- _ � 'A' 'c°.1� _t VL N` == S • 9x1�•�h i * - _ _ 'T 3r _4 - . .t* 1 ¢ y. �r l-3 f�Z'rtd 5tir��i`y,1 i� •i t8 43�u= i a °.0th I F�^�I — :? ' ti i 4 S -StkC jJ � I ; ik $ ' 1' .. rr ..Bm..' ,,.�, ,.I ,r•r1 Litr_rtr. —.7-- .1-- 'fir C''a4 ''‘P a!! �'' n 4s3� ' at 1 to-LA c`GTf_It= �174"h �. {ith =:•; h.:: lb h"" ' "'®°∎•it , C 24th ..'--i� •► —.1.: -1- i- ,_24th ...._r , • 6 I�r•-- �1 !— ; th- '' --si+&t t a. Legend .' '�1� .. e �. Priority One r= : . . �, _ ,� � 4 ;r h Priority Two r ,' �t :,J+,�` �� 1 CITE'OF Priority Three ?r (-'`4wt � ,i r.6. poxane Priority Four 02,- ' - Private Streets ; tiro lle3 �, state fh -1 c $r' ThO N COSV Fire Stations " ' . 71 T PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Hospital 1 Over I tYoMaP a 11 1"=9 Mile . ,• 9,...orre-'5 ----------- ues ions • - - ' - e• ------- • :---7---- > , •■• ••••■••• Snow Level of Service