04-045.00 Mooney & Pugh: CenterPlaceo--- Madsen Mitchell Evenson &Gonrad plk CHAlYGE ORDER 02.20-01 Distribution to: ONrNER City of Spokane Valley ARCHITECT Ivtadscn Mitchell Evenson R Conrad CONTRACTOR Mooney R Pugh Contractors tlrchir~tture Interiors PROJECT: Centerpiece at Mirabeau Point Park PROJECT NO. 02.20 Construction INITIAT[O?~l DATE: 10-14-2004 Change Order iVa.: 7 ~tanagctnent TO (Contractor): Jerry Potter CONTRACT' DATE: 04-01-03 Mooney ~ Pugh Contractors General Contractors 5307 E. Cataldo Spokane, WA 99212 You at+e directed to incorporate the following changes into this Cctntrtcl: .See attach»rent for complete lisping of changes to the work included i» this G'hu»ge order. Not valid until sighed b}' bolt the Owner and Architect Signature of thr C~+ttrnctor indicates his a}rnement herewith; including any adjusunen4c in tfie Conunct Sum or Contract tirne•. Note: nil costs below include soles tnx. The Origutal Contract Sum was: $7,590,062.00 Net change by previously authorized Change. Orders: $359,377.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was: $7,949,439.00 The Contract Sum will be increased by this change order in the amount of: $19,348.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be: 57,968,787.00 The Contract Time will be extended by 75 calendar days. See attached letter from Contractor regarding completion of building areas prior to substantial completion. 216 North t-owatd The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is changed to August 9, 2005. Skpwalk I,rsel ' 5pn.ane,V6',ishingeon AUthOrlLed: 99zut City of }~ - • ne Valley fax 569.62q•62b2 131' G madmiuh.enm Date ~ ~/~ ~/© 7 ^ 491)2 St,~~k Road East 1'.U. 13gx 192 EJnall, V;'ashingwn 99t10S su9.23h-?311 fax i!)9.236.2951 madmitch.cam Mooney ~ ' uoh Contractors ~>' X,, t Date 'l ~ ~ Madsen Mitchell t,venson fi Conrad, PLLC 216 N. Howard, $1.yu~tlk Level Spokane, ~V.A 99201 f~ gy_ Date ~~~ . " ~~ ~~ ~~ o--~- Madsen Mitchell Evenson cxA~vc~ &Gc~nrad ORDER Architecture Interiors C.:c~nstruction Management I h N~?rth Hun•ard 5kyu•alk I.e~el 5po`sanc, O'l~slritNcem 99201 549.624.6504 fax 509-6?4.6262 madmirch.rgrn ^ 49132 $okk Rand Fast l'.0. 13ox 162 Fi3wall,lCfashinrtan 99oos Attachment 02.20-01 PROJ~C7": Conterplace at Mirflheau Point Park INITIATIOl\t DATC: 10-14-2004 You are directed to incorporate the following changes into this Contract: Change Proposal_Reguest Items: 1. COR-25 Additional concrete required foe footing support Add 51;636.00 2. COR-29 Additional blocking and flashing for roof eaves. Add 511,876.U0 3. COR-30 Additional cost for use of Tyvek vs non-specified vapor barrier Add $2,167.UU 4. COR-34 Additional framing for roof gave suppol•t Add $1006.00 5. COR-36 Addition of partition supports in partial heicht wall (auditorium) Add 5684.00 6. COR-41 Re-routing of plumbing waste line. Add 5886.00 7. COR-3 l Additional cost for adding prevailing wage to dance floor estirnate Add S 1;U93.U0 Total for Change Order \b. 7 (includes ~Va. State sales tax) ($19;348.OU) 549.2)6.2311 fax SW,-16.2451 madmitch.corn