05-005.00 Mooney & Pugh: CenterPlace.• Mitchell Fvenson &C~nrad plk ~lrchitecttrre Interiors Construction Management P16 North Woward Slyrr•alk Level Spokane, Witshington 9y?al ScXt•6?q•6S00 fax S49.624.6Z62 madmitch.cam CHANGE ORDE.~t 02.2.0-0~ ~` \ Distribution to. 01~VNER City of Spokane Valley AIZCWITFCT Madsen Mitchell Fvenson R. Conrad CONTRACTOR Mooney ~ Pugh Contractors PIZOJFCT: Centerpiece at Mirtbeau Point Park 1NITIATIOAI DATE: 2-2-2005 TO (Contractor): Jerry Potter Mooney & Pugh Contractors General Contractors 5307 E. Cataldo Spokane, 1~1'A 99212 PROJECT NO. 02.20 Change Qrder No.: 12 COi`ITRACT >7ATE: 04-01-03 You are directed Io incorporrtte the follo+ving changes into this Contract: .See nlrachnreut jor comf~lete (fsrirrg ojclrarrges to the work included in this CJtange Urder. Not valid until signed by both the O++'rrer rmd Architect Signature of the Contrnctar indisntes his agreement her with, inclvJing any' atljusUnents in the Gurttract Sum ar Contract time. 1nte: all ousts belurv include sales tax. The Original Contract Sum was: $7,590,062.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Urders: $638,025.00 The Contract Sum prier to this Change Ordc.r was: $8,228,087.00 The Contract Sum will he increased by this change order in the amount of: S4,502.00 The new Contract Sum including this Chan'c Order will be: .~T~~- The Contract 'rime ~~~ill be unchanged. ~~ The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is unchanged. Authorized: City ane Valley 13}' l~a[c_--_c~;~U ~ - Mooney & P,r~gh Contractors _i By ~~.! Dtne `/ ~~~ /~ 5 ~ 19adscn Mitchell Gvenson fi Conrad, PLLC ~ G N. I-lo+vard, Sk}walk Level 49.332 Sobcl• Road EaK Spoktute, 1VA 99201 1'.0. $ox 192 133, I~atG. ~~~Q7 6dmall, 1L~a~hineton 99005 S09•Z36.2311 fax S09•Z36-Z4~1 mazJmitc:h.cam 1~~`~ ~-- a[sit~ Madsen Mitchell Evenson cRA~cr &Gonrad o~~R ~11~ Architecture U2.2O-01 Attachment lnteric~rs Construction PRO~FCT: Centerplace at Mirabcau Point Park t`9anagement INlTIt1T1ON DATE: 2-2-2005 You arc directed to incorporate the following changes into this Contract: Change Proposal Request Items: 1. COR-61 Additional cost for lighting installation revision at senior dining roof. Add X415.00 2. RFP-32/RF1165 No additional cost $0.00 3. COR-76 Additional cost for 2 hydronic valves in basement Add $593.00 4, COR-75 Additional crust for misc. steel changes at senior entry not Add $820.00 5. COR-77 Additional cost for adding wood trim to edge of skybridge. Add $2671.00 216 Vorth Howard Sl•,r;d~ Level :pct~nne, Wbsltitt~t,~tim 992x1 509.6?4.6500 Fax 509.624.6262 madmitch.com ^ 49332 5obek Rand last P.O. Box l62 Edwall, D'lashing¢on 9900,4 509236.2311 Fax 509•?36.2451 inadmi[ch.com `Coral for Change Order No, 12{includes Wa. State sales tax) ($4,502.00)