05-008.00 Washington Trust BankTEA ~~ ~-v try TT T r-v ir~shi Trust Ban~~c ~ - ~ FED ~ ~ zoos ~~ Illr ~T,. LRREVOCABL!/ S~1°AI\TDBY LETTER OF CREDIT N0.22489 DATE: Fl/BRUA:1tY 16, 2005 AMOUNT: $4,127.20 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Attn: John Hohman Gentlemen: We hereby establish our Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit 1\to. 22489 in your favor for the account of J. GRAI~rf PERSON, 11219 C. Sundown Dr., Spokane, WA 99206 up to the aggregate amount of FOUR T110USA1~rD ONE HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEI\i AND 20/100 --------Dollars ($4,127.20) U.S. ctu-renc}', available by your draft(s) drawn at sight on us and presented to Washington Trust Bank on or before I:E:BRUA.RY 16, 2006 or any extended date covering SR 27 Mansfield Road Construction Project and accompanied by the following: 1. A sigmed statement from the City of Spokane Valley reading exactly as follows: "J, the undersigned duly authorized representative of the City of Spokane Valley, hereby certify that the draft drawn under tlus Letter of Credit represents the amount of money required to complete the subdivision improvements and/or other work as is incidental and related thereto in accordance with the drawings and specifications as submitted to and approved by the City of Spokane Valley." 2. The original of this Letter of Credit. ft is a condition of this Letter of Credit that it shall be automatically extended, without amendment, for an additional period of one year from the present expirfation date or each titrure expiration date, unless we have notified you in writing not less than thirty (30) days before such expiration date, that we elect not to renew this Letter of Credit. All written notification shall be sent via registered mail. All drafts presented wider the credit trust contain the clause "Drawn under Waslzin3ton Tn~st Bank. Letter of Credit No. 22489". Washington Tnisi Fininciai Center P. O. Box 2127, Spokane, 1Vashington 99210-? 127 (SU9) 353-4177 i'ax (S09) 353-3yU5 ~ d~ _~~ r City of Spokane Valley Tnrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. 22459 FEBRUARY 16, 2005 Page Two of Two Any and all banking charges, other than those of the issuing bank, are for the account of the beneficiary. 1~Ve hereby engage with the drawers and bona fide holders of drafts draum wider and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit that the dralls will be duly honored upon presentation ~u~d delivery of documents, as specified, to 1Vashington Trust Bank, International Department, 717 ~V. Sprague Ave.; 10th Floor, Spokane, VJasliington 99201., on ar before FEBRUARY 16, 2006 or any extended date. All drawings under this credit will be governed by the Uniform Customs & Practice for Documentary Credits (1993 Revision) international Chamber of Commerce Publication hTo. 500. Sincerely, ~ ~~~-- Rcnnc R. Ditton Assistant Vicc President International Banking Department RRD/mss