05-010.00 WSDOT Appleway ReconstructionWashington State ;f Department of TranspG:-. :'Ian Agency City of Spokane Vallee Address C,10 Public Works Department 11707 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, -WA 99706 Lo...] Agency Agreement CFDA No. 20205 (Catalog of Federal Damask Assistance) Project No. Agreement No. For OSC WSOOT Use Only Th: Local Rgeacy baying cnmpl icd, r r hereby age Ing to comply, with the terms and c+mditions se[ forth in (1) -title 23, U -S- Cade I-Iiphwnys, (2) the tegulaoons issued pursua- M thrrom, (3) Office Of Managomoni and Bud @e[ Circulars A -] 07, A -87 and .4-133, (4) th:. policies and procedures promulpsted by Lbe Washington Sme Department of Trawportatlon, and {5) the frslend uid p rijeCt agreemm entered into btmeeo the State in d Federal [,(n,'crnmen4 rela[iry to the abOYC prOjeCt, LtLe WaShing[an S[are Dcpartmcrnt of Trimpnaalion will aulhOri2e the Local Agency to proceed ou dhs prof cot by a separate notification- T dead funds which are to be ohli�a[ed F'ar [he "BeT may not exceed the amaunl ShOWn bereue On IinC T. onlumn 3, Wilhou[ Wriileh authority by thu State, subjed to the approval of the redeml H i0way Admirtistmdon. Al I project costs oG[ reimbursed by the Fcdera] Gavemmm3i shall he tf[e rCSp0n3ibi lily of the Loral A4�enoy. Project Description Name Appleway Avenue Reconstruction length 1,25 miles Termini Tschi.rley Road to Hodges Road Description of Work This pro posed project is intended to reconstruct the existing principal arterial to a fire lane urban section - This project completes the gag that currently exists between the recent urban improvements Moog Sprague Avenue to the west and Appleway Avenue to the east. Curb; gutter, sidewalks and bike lanes will also be constructed. Type of Work Estimate of Funding {�) EsGrnated Total Project Funds (2) Estimated Agency Funds Estimated Federal Funds PE a, Agency 193,000.00 26,100.001 166,900.00 86.5 % b. Other c. Other Federal Aid State Participation Ra6o for PE e. Total PE Cast Estimate a +b +c +d 193,000.00 26.700.04 166,900,00 Rlght of Way f- Agency % Other Coasaltaut h. Other Federal Aid i t3tt3C2 Particlp iron . Raiio for RW , Total RM+ Cost Estimate f fl' }}i p I Construction k. ountract I. Other pp N m. Other n- Other a D. A� a fl C}r Federal' Aid - State Paxticlpatfun - Ratio for CfJ - Total CN Cwt Estimale k +l +m +a+o+ r_ Total Project Cost Estimate {e +j +ql 1 193,000.00 1 26,100.001 16,00,00 Agent _Official Washington State Department of Transportation By Titie CiityVaTi+arrPT Assistant Secretsry for Highways and Loral Programs C of p akaDe—Ya I I Py Data Executed DOT Form 144 -d39 ZF Rewlsed 1tWG2 Consftruction Method of Finah... ,Sy {CHeck PA®thod Selected) State Ad and Award ^ N~ethod A -Advance Paymsnt -Agency Share of total construction cost (based on contract avrard} ^ Nie#hod @ -Withhold from gas tax the Agency's share of total construction cost (line 4, column 2} in the amount of Local Force or Local Ad and Award at S per month for ~ Method C - Agency cost incurred vrith partial reimbursement months. The Local Agency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title 23, regulations and policies and procedures, and as a condition fo payment of the federal funds obligated, it accepts and v~ill comply with the applicable provisions set forth below. Adopted by offic(al action on ,Resolution/Ordinance No. Provisions I. Scope of Work The Agency shall provide all the werk, labor, materials, and sen'ices nexssary to p~i'orm the project which is d.acribcd and set forth in detail in the "Pmject I~escription° and "T}•pe of Work." U1'hen the State acts for and on ~ehalfof the Agency, the State shall be deemed an agen! of ilae Agcnc}' and shall perform the services d.acribed and indicated in "T}•pe of Work" on the face of iltis agrecincnt, in accordance with plans and spccifi;atinns as proposed by rho Agency and approved by the State and the Federnl Highway Adminisuation. R'hen the State acts for the Agency ben u not subject to the right of control by rite Agent}', the State shall have the right to perfurret ilte work subject to the ordinary procedures of the State and Federal Highn•ay Administration. Delegation of Authority The Srate 15 w71tlltg to futtlll the iC$po71S]b111treS LO [he Federal Government by the adminisvation ofthis project The Agency agrees that the State shall have iltc full authority to carr}• out this edministmtion.'l~tc State shrill review, protrss, and approve documents required for federal aid reimbutsetvent in accordance with federal requir..ntcnts. If dot State advertises tend trw•ards the connect, the State w•t71 further act for the Agency in all matters concerning the project as requested by the Agency. If the Local Agency advertises end awards the project, the State shalt review the work to ensure conformit}' with the approved pLnns nod specifications. III. Project Administration Certatin types of whr}t end sen•ices shall be provided b}• the Surte on this proj^.ct as requested by the Agenc}• and dreribed in the T}pe of Wor1t above. In addition, ilte Stet. will fitrrrish qualified personnel for the supervision and inspection of the work in progress. On Lora! Agency edvertiscd and awarded projects, the supervision and inspection sbnll be limi[ed to ensuring all work is in conformance w•idt approved plans, sptxifications, and federal aid requirements. The satar}• of such tngineer or other supcrviwr and u0 other salaries and costs incurred by State farces upon the project will be considtrcd a cost thereof. All cotta rctated to this project incurred by employees of the State in the customer}' mtutntr on highw•e}• payrolls and vant:hers shall be charged as cost; of the project. IV. Availability of Records All project records in support of all costs incurred end actual expenditures kept by the Agency are to be mainmined in accordance with local government atxounting procedures prescribed by the Washington State Auditor's Office, the i1.5. Department of Transportarinn, and the Washington Stag Department of Transponetion. The ruorcls shall t>e open to inspection b}• the State and Federal Government at all seasonable times and shall be retained need made available for such inspecrion for a pmod of not less titan three years fmm the final payment of any federal aid funds to the Agrnc}•. Copies of said records shall be furnuh«I to the State andlor Federal Government upon request. V. Compliance with Provisions The .4grne}' shall not incur any federal aid ptirticipation rnsts on an}' classificadoa of work on this project until authorized in writing. by the State for each classification. The class cations of wrnk for projecU arc: 1. Prelimiatuy cnginer_•ring. 2. Bigler of w•a}' acquisition. 3. Project construction. !n the event iltat right of way acquisition, or actual consintction of the road, for which preliminary engineering is undct7akcn is not started by the closing of [he tenilt fsatl ycsr following the bscal year in which the. agreement is e.~ecuted, ilte Agency w•il1 repay t0 the State the sum or sums of federal funds paid to Lhe Agency under the teams ofthis egcement (see Section 1?C). 'Che Agent}' agrees that alJ stages of constructiwt necesary to provide the initially planned camplctc facility withut the limits ofthis project veil! conform to et least ilte minimum values set by approved statewide design standflrds oppiicablc to this class of highways, even though such additional work is financed without fedora! aid participation. 'rho Aocrtc}' Qera°.:; that on federal aid highway construction projects, the current federal aid regulations which eppl}' to liquidated damages relative to the basis of fedcml participation in the project cost shall be applicable in ilte evert[ the contractor fails to complete the contract within the oonvroct time, Vl. Payment and Partial Reimbursement The total cast of the project, including all review and ertguteerutg cots and other expenses of the State, is to be paid b}' the Agent}' and by the Fedora! Government, Federal funding shall be in etx.<trdencc with the Traztsporlation Equity Act for flee 21st Century (TEA 2!), as wnended, and Off3cc of Mentrgetnent find Hudget cuculers A-102, A-87 and A-133. 't'he Suttc shall not be ultimately responsible for any of the costs of Ilse project The Agcnc}' shall be ult[rnately responsible for all costs associated with the proje~-t which ore not reimbursed b}' the Federal Govemrnent. Nothing in this flgrcemcnt shall he consented as a promise b}• the Stag ns to the amount or nature of federal participation in this project. The Agency shall bill the state for federal aid projeq costs incurred in conformity with applicable fedtrrtl and state -aws. 77te agene}' shall mimimiu the time elapsed between rtrxipt of federal aid fiends and subsequent payment of incurred costs. Expenditures by the Local Agent}' for maintenance, genera! administration, supcn•ision, and other overttcad shat! not be eligible for Cederal participation unless an indirect cost plan has been approved by WSDO'f, The State will pay for State incurred costs on the project. Following payment, the State shall bill rite Fedcml Government for rcimburstnrteett of those vests eligible for federal participation to the extent Char such costs ore amibutable and property nnocablc to this project. The Swte shell bill the Agency for that portion of Swte costs which were not reimbursed b}• ilte Federal Government (sec Section L17. 1. Project Construction Costs Project constrtection financing will be accomplished by one of the three mcthads os indicated in this agreement. DOT Form too-039 EF Revised tte102 ' ,Method :(-The Agenr}• will place with the `-._ .,,~tvit7tin (20) days afler the execution of the conswetion contract, an advance in the arnouni of the Agency's Share of the cafe! construction cost based on the contract award. Titc state will notify the Agency of the exact amount to be deposited with the State. The Stott w•il] pay all costs incurred under the contract upon presentation of pmeress billings Gem the contractor. Following such pa}'mcnts, the State will submit a billing to the Federal Govemment fas the federal aid participation shore of the cost. When the project is substantially completed and fora] actual costs of the project can he determine!; the State will pr~cnt the Agen•y with a final billing showing the amount due the Suate or the amount due the Agency. This billing will be cleared b}' eiilacr a payment from the .4genc}~ w the State or by a refund from the Suite m the. Agency. titethod R - The Agency's share of the total construction east as shown nn the face of this agreement shall be withheld from its monthly fire] tax allotments. The fatx of dais a~ttmeat establishes the months in which the withholding shall take place turd the exact amount to be withheld esch mnnth_ The cadent of withholding will be confirmed by letter from the Stan at the tune of wntmct award. Upon receipt of progress billings from the contractor, the State will submit such billings to the Federal Goverrunent for pa}'ment of its participating portion of such billings. 111ethad C -The Agency Wray submit vouchers to the State in the format prcscrbed by the State, in dupl'ecate, not more than once per month for those Costs eligible far Federal patt5cipaeion to the extent that such costs are directly amihuuable attd properly allocable to this project. Expenditures by the Local Ageraey for maintanancx, general adminisimtinn, svpervisiou, and other overhead shall not be cligiblc far Federal participation unless claimed under a prcvuously approved indirect Cost plait. Tht State shall rcimbune the ~lgetucy for fhc Federal share of cligiblc project costs up to th^. amour[ stwwn on thz face of this agreemeat. At the rim: of audit, the Agency will provide documentation of all costs incurred on the pinjCet. 'fhc State shall bill the Agency for all costs interned by the Suite relatitie to the projcct. The State shall also bill the Agent}' for the federal funds paid by the Stan to the Agency far project costs which arc suhsequentl}• de[etmincd to 6e ineligible for federal participation (sc~ Section D~. VII. Audit of Federal Consultant Contracts The Agency, if services of u consultant arc required, shall be responsible for audit of the consultant's records to determine eligible federal aid ousts an the projtx:t The report of said audi[ shall be in the Agency's files and made available to the Snatt and the Federal Govemment. An audit shall be conducted by the WSDOT i.ntcrnal Audit Office in accordance with gcncralt}~ accepted governmental auditing standards as issued b}' the United Slates Gencrnl Atxounting Office b}• the Comptroller General of the United Starr,; \VSDOT Manual M 27-50, Cansutuutt Autltoti2ation, Selection, and Agreement Administmtian; memoranda of understanding between WSIaOT and FH\VA; and Office of.~lanagement and Dudget Cirealar A-]33. If upon audit it is found that averpa}•ment or participation of federal money in ineligible items of cost has occurred, the Agency shall reimburse Qae State far the amount of such overpayment or excess participation (see Section IX). VIII. Single Audit Act The Agency, as a subrecipient of feral funds, shall adhere [o ehc fCdcral Olrce of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133 as well as all applicable federal and state suatntes autd reguations. A subrecipicni who expends 5300,000 or more in federal awards felon all sources during a given fiscal yunr shall have a sineln ar program-specific audit performed for that year in accordance with die provisions of Oii'ID Circular A-133. Upon conclusion of the A-133 audit, the Agency shall be responsible for ensuring that a cup}' of the report ii transmitted promptly to the. State. IX. Payment of Billing The Agency agrees that if pa}~raatat or arrangement for payment of atrv of the State's billing relative to the projcct (c.g., State force work, projxt enncelladon, overpa}'menc, cast ineligible for federal participation, e[c.) is not made to the State within 45 da}•s after the Agency has been billed, the State shall effect reimbursement of the total sum dot from the regular monthly fuel tax allotments to the Agency from the A9otor Vehicle Fund. \ro additional Federal project footling will be approved until full pa}'mint is received unless otherwise directed the Assistant 5ecrcaary far Hieh4tays and Local Pros,,~ams. X. Traffic Control,`>__~~ling, Marking, and Roadway Maintenance The Agency will not permit airy chances m be mode ua the provisions far parking regulations and traffic control on this projcct w•ithnm prior approval of the Stag and Fedeml E•Iiglaw'ay Administration. The Agent}' w1II trot install nr permit to be installed any signs, signals. or markings not in conformance w~[h the standards approved by the Federal Highus}• Administration and MUTCD. The Agency will, at its own expense, maintain the improvement Covered by this abmeemcnt XI. Indemnity 'fhc .4gcncy shall hold the Federal Government and the state harmless from and ;hall process attd defend at its awn expense all claims, demands, nr suits, whether at law or equir}' bravg}at against the Agertc}', State, or Federal Government, arising from the Agenc}~'s execution, performance, or failure to perform any of the provisioas of this agreement, ar of any other agreement or contract wnnected with this egrecmcnt, nr arising by reason of the participation of tlae State ar Fcdcml Government in the project. PRO\'II~ED, nothing herein shall require the AQenry to reimburse the Stott ar the Federrd Goveraunent for damages arising out of bodit}' injur}• to persons or damage to propcrt}• caus~t! by or resulting from the sok negligence of doe Federal Government or the Stott. lib liability shall attach to the State or F: dare! Government except as expressly provided herein. XII. Nondiscrimination Provision The Agency shall not discriminate on the basis of mce, Dolor, national origin, nr sex in the award raid perfotntance of any USDOT-assisted contract andlor agreement or in the administration of iu DBE prrnram or the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26. Tht Agency stroll take all nocessaq' and reasonable steps under 49 CFR Part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of USDOT-assisted contracts and agreements. 'Chc R'SDOT's DBE progmm, as required b}' 49 CFR Pan 2b and as approved b}' USDOT, is incorporated by reference in this agreranent implementation of this program is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its arms shall be treated as a violation of this agreement. Upon natifictation to the Agency of it; fat7ure to early ottt its approved prograru, the Deparmtent may impose sanctions as provided far undtr Pan 26 and rna}•, in appropriate Casts; refer the matter far enfnrcemeat under 18 U.S.C. 100] andlor the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Aet of 198b (31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). The Agent}' hereby agrees that it wiU incorporate or cause io he incorporated into any contract for construction work, or modification thereof, ns defined in the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor in 41 CFR Chapter fi0, which is paid for in whop or in pan with funds obtained Gom the Fcdcral Crovemment or borrowed on die credit of the Federal Governttteot pursuant to a grunt, contract, loan, insurance, or guarantee or understanding pursuant to any fadcrel progmm involving such grant, contrtact, loan, irasurancc, or guar,ntte, the required Contract provisions for Federnl-Aid Cantraets (FEIti\'A 1273), located in Chapter 44 of the Local Agency Guidelines. 'fhc Agency fun}ter agrees that it w•il] be bound by the above equal opporntniry clause with rrpcci io its own employment practices when it participates in federally assisted construction work: Provided, that if the applicant so paniciparing is a State or Local Government, the: abm•e equal opporntnit}• ctatue is not applicable to any agent},, instrumartality, a suhdi`t~sian of such government which does oat parvcipate in wont on or under the contract The Agenc}• also agrees: (1) Ta assist and cooperate actively with the State in obtaining the compliance of contracdors turd subcontractors with the equal opporttmity clause and rules, regulations, end relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. (2) To fiamish the Suitt such information as it may require for the supervision of such compliance and that it will otherwise. assist die State in the disch•:uge of its prirnar}' responsibility tar securing compliance. (3) To refrain from entering into airy contract ar contract modification subject to Executive Order 11246 of Scptcmber ?4, 1965, with a contractor debarred front, or who has oat demonstrated eligibiiit}' far, govemment contraaets and federally assisted onnstructian convects ptaruant to the Executive Order. (4) To Carry out such sanctions and penalties for violation of the equal opportunity clause as may be impwed upon contractors and subcontractors by the 5uttt, Federal Highway Administration, or the Saeretar}' of Labor pursuant to Pan U, subpart D of the Executive Order. DOT Form 14e7-033 EF Revised 10102 ~ --~ ~' In addition, the AeenCy agreCS Ih81 if it fails or'f~`~~s to Coirlph} With these underlak€iags, the State max• [uke any or all of the fpnmx~tng unions' [u) CrrtCel,lCmlina~e, ae suspend 13~is ~gfCClriCni in whole or in pert', (h) Refrain Loin ext~ud I irg an}' further ass islanLt to tlsC Agcnc}' under the pt[,ecrnm with res~=ct to which the failure or rcft~spl vccurrecE ur5l11 sodsfactor}' a~su ranee of furore catnpl lanx hAS been eeceired Gom ilte Agcne}'; and {C) RCFcr lfie case to [hv Depur¢neni of J ustice for appropriure legal pmceedings. X111. Liquidated iJama~es The AgeuCy ltcreby ages [.hat [k,e I iquidated damn&es Provisions of 23 CFF; Fart 635, S+ehpart ] 27, es supplememed, r"latix~c u, the arnows[ of Federal ~vtici potion in the }}roJec~ cost, shal I bb uppliCBble in the euent the conu'aCror roil: 1a cnneplety ore cUnir3C[ u'itlrin the ogntrac[ time- Failure ro include liquidoted damages prnuESirna xrikl not rel ieue the Agency from reduciioo of feral paeticipatibo in bCCOfdRnCC vrith this puxs'Yaph. ~CIY, Termination for Public ~onveniertCe ~'he secrei8['}' of the }~ashin~rton State Dep~1]ent of 77an~p~ari pion may terml.LLSaie the con#ac[ in whole, or from timC to time in part, wltenevcr. (lI) The requisite faderdl funding beoanres unRWaEiahle through failure of gpprupria~on or othen+'ise, (~) The pr7ntrectar is preveotcd l7om prococdin4 wiilt the work as a direct result of on Pxecutivc i]rsicr ofthe President wi[h respect m the prosecution oi' xar or in [hc inkrJest of national d:feuse, or an F~€ecutik~e Order of the prr;ident ar Gox+ertsor oi`the $[ate with respect to the prCSCrsaFinn of energy resourCC.~, (3) TI[c rrintracttr is preveuted Tian] pTOi=cadin~ 3vith [he work by r~s+in of a preliminary, sp~CiN, ar p^rmanent resrr,~u3iag ord sr of a flourt of compe[en9 jurisdiction u'UCrc the i ~s+kance of sucL order is prirnari ly caused by [he nets ar WYIISS Ions 91` persons hr O~enMlef 4t11GT than the aontr9t[ar_ {4) The SeCrcwry dCterm roes the[ such tenninarion is in the bast interesr.~ oi- the Slate, ,'{y, Venue fr3r Olaf _ ._~~ln~lor Causes of ActEon for qse Conucnicnce of the p~u'lieS [o [hls ~,pntract, i9 is ararcrd that an}' claims andlor causes of 3COOU which the E_ncak A2cnC}' has Og81n81 the $ rxtc nt' Vl~ Rgh inglon, erou~ing out of tlus Contract nr the pnaject with w~tiCls i[ Is cc}neerited, shall he hrnueht only is Iki9 3upCrinr Cnµri for'Churstan fount}'. VI. Cettlfitatiarl Regarding the Restri~tians of the t~se at federal F~lnds for LaSbying The approving authority certifies, m [kte b~[ of his ar hK kiiv~s~lede„e uncE belief, Wat; {] } ~'o federal appropriated funds hue hero paid or xvilk he paid, by or on bChalt` of ilia enders igned, to idly lser~on foe roil ue[tCLkg or alttCmpti ng to influence an ofl-rear ar employ~c of any federal agency, a member of Cang,ress, apt officer or emp]o}x~ of Co~tgress, or an emplo}+r~e of u meaaber of Gongresa in connection ~~•it3~ the awarding of an}' frrJerul co,saaCl, the making of any federal gram, [hs staking of an}' federal ]o8n, the enterine iota of any cooperati;'C Agreement, and ihv eaL[ension, CGnrinuation, renewal, amendmen[, or rnndiFicetion of an}' iMde:al Coun'RCt, $rRni, loan, Or L'ao~erBtl~C agreement. {?) ] f any funds other' [ban federak apprnnriatesl foods hove been par d or wi11 ire paid [b any p°,r9on for In~l+tcricine ar auemp[ing ro in5uencc Arl pf#'iccr or employee of any fedCrnl agent}', u member of Congress, an officer nr cmpkoyee of~oneress, or an employee of ~ ilsembcr ot` Crm~ess in cooneCtiois WI[h t]]is #fi[icral enntract. l~i_ loan, aa• Cooperative ugreemeot, ~e undersigned shall complete and Submit the 5 tRndard Fbrrrk - I,I.L, w~isClosure form to Rxpun Lobb}nng,'~ is acCOrdancc wish its instructions, {~} The undersigned sha11 r~uire that the kanguuee ofthis oer[ifioRtion ~e included w the acaard documents for al] suba~'ards at all tiers (including ~ubgrants, and convects and subCOnQacu under 'rants, 5uhgrants, ]Deus, and ctigperative agrecmenu) x~hich eacceEd 51UO,i160, and tfnat al] such suhrecipieurs shall terrify and disclose accordutgl}', T7ris ccrtiftratiun is a issareriRl representation of Cact upon v.'Uich rCkianCe u'rrs place.~3uhen Lb~ traasaok+o>} u~as madear entered into, Snbmi~sian nfthis c~xrificarion As a prcreq uisity for tnachsg ar entering into ik~is lransaMtioa imposed by Section 1152, Title 3 ] , U.S. (:ode. An}' person v.']to falls i6 fi1c the requtrcd cerrifi.aoon shall he subject to a civ7 p.nalt}' afno; 1r;4s than ~IO,UOrI ae~d uoi store than $100,000 fos eliCh scab fRilurr, Addi~~on~~ Provisions (~QT Farm 1~,4-439 EF f{~vigryp 10rd2 /' '.. . I C Agency Project Title Date Cite of Spokane Valley Appleway Avenue Re~construclion 2/22/200 Geometric Design Data Description Through Route Crossroad Federal Functional Classification ®Urban ^ Rural ~ Principal Arterial ^ Minor Arterial ^ Collector ^ Major Collector ^ Minor Collector ^ Access StreeURoad ®Urban ^ Rural ®Prinapal Arterial ^ Minor Arterial ^ Collector ^ MaJor Collector ^ Minor collector ^ Access SLreeURoad Terrain ®Flat ^ Roll ^ Mountain ®Flat ^ Roll ^ Mountain Posted Speed 35 Desjgn Speed 40 Existin ADT 9173 Design Year ADT _ Desian Year 2025 Design Hours Volume (D Accident - 3 Year Experience In'u Accidents Fatal Accidents Year Property Damage Accdents Number of Accidents Number of Injuries Number of Accidents Number of Fatalities Total Number of Accidents 2400 - 2000 ]0 7 ( 1\'/A 1:/A ?~T/A 17 Performance of Work Preliminary Engineering Will 8e Performed By others Agency Engineering Consultants 100 Construction Vt~ill 6e Performed By Contrail Agency Contractor 100 Environmental Classification _ ~ ^ Flnal ®Preliminary ^ Class I • Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) ^ Project Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404 Interagency Agreement ^ Class III -Environmental Assessment (E,4) ^ Project Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404 Interagency Agreement ~ Class II -Categorically Excluded (CE) ^ Protects Requiring Documentation (Documented CE) Environmental Considerations DOT Form 140.101 EF Page 2 of 3 Revised i2I2002 ~~ l Agency Project Title Oate City of Spokane Valley I Apple~~~ay .~-venue Reconstruction 2/2212005 Right of Way ^ No Right of Vt1ay Required ®Right of UVay Required All construction required by the ^ No Relocation ®Relocation Required contract can be accomplished within the existing right of way. Qescription of Utility Relocation or Adjustments and Existing Major Structures Involved 1n the Proje~ FAA Involvement Is any airport located within 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) of the proposed project? ^ Yes ®No Remarks This project has been reviewed by the legislative body of the administration agency or agencies, or it's designee, and is not inconsistent with the agency's comprehensive plan for community development. Agency City of Spokane Valley ` r Date ~ By `~~ ~' ° l.-~ ` ~.~ L~~ a-~ ~a_~ MeyorlChai-persor DoT Fcum S40-t0i EF Page 3 of 3 Revls`d 1212002