05-011.00 WSDOT Broadway Avenue OverlayM AWashington State Department of Transportation Agency City of Spokane Valley Address C/O Public Works Department 11707 F. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 LoI�'1 Agency Agreement CFDA No. 20.205 (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance) Project No. Agreement No. For OSC WSDOT Use Only The Local Agency having complied, or hereby agreeing to comply, with the terms turd conditions set forth ut (t) Title 23, U.S. Code Highways. (2) the regulations issued pursuant thereto, (3) Office of Management and Budget Circulars A -102, A -87 and A -133, (4) the policies mid praxdures promulgated by the Washington State Department of Tmnsprinadon, and (5) the federal aid project agreement cntered into between the Suite and Federal Government, relatiw to the above project, the Washington State Department of Transportation will authorize the Local Agency to proceed on the project by a separate notification. Federal funds which arc to be obligated for the project may not exceed the amount shown herein on Iinc r, column 3, without written authority by the State, subject to the approval of trite Federal Highway Administration. All project costs not reimbursed by the Federal (invernmenl shall be the responsibility of the Local Agency. Project Description Name Broadway Avenue Overlay Length 2.46 miles Termini Bates road to Sullivan (toad Description of Work 'Phis proiect will improve 2.46 miles of roadway by grinding and overlaying the road with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavement. Crack sealing, pavement removal & replacement and correction of drainage problems are additonal items that are part of the scope of this overlay project. Type of Work Estimate of Funding ��) Estimated Total Project Funds (2) Estimated Agency Funds Estimated I Federal Funds PE a. ency 86.5 % b. Other c. Other Federal Aid d. State Participation Ratio for PE e. Total PE Cost Estimate a +b +c +d 62,500.00 8,400.001 54,100.00 62,500.00 8,400.00 54,100.00 Right of Way f Agency, .Other Consultant h. Other Federal Aid i_ State Participation Ratio for RW i. Total R/VW Cost Estimate f+ +h +i Construction J. Contract I. Other M. Other n. Other % o. Agen Federal Aid p, State Participation - Ratio for CN q. Total CN Cost Estimate k +I +m +n +o+ r. Total Project Cost Estimate (e+j+q) I 62,500.001 8,400.001 54,100.00 Agency Official A (Y' _ Washington State Department of Transportation By Title City Manager Assistant Secretary for Highways and Local Programs Cit}��p_okanP Valley Date Executed DOT Form 140 -039 EF '/-� J -- // Construction Method of Final;.. �cecr�fr�odsr�� red State Ad and Award 0 Method A -Ad wail oe Payment - Ag ency Share of total construction oast (based on contract award) ❑ Method B - Withhold from gas tax the Ag encys share of total i=strucfion cosl {line 4, colum n 2} i rl ih a amount of at S per month for Local Force or Local Ad and Award ® Method C - Agency cost incurred with partial reimbursement Provisions months. The Local Agency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title Z3, regulations and policies and procedures, and as a oondition to payment of the federal funds obligated, it accepts and will comply with the applicable provisions set forth below. Adapted by official action on I. Scope of Work The Agency shall puxtwide uI1 (lie, work, Iabar, mntcriAs, uMd services newSary to pinrfrma Lhe projeel which 13 dc5crihed and Set Coilh'in detail in the "Project Description` and "l'ypc of Wurk." When the Mate aces for and on hchalC of (lie Agcaicy, the S tatc shall be deemed an agent ofthe Agency and shall perform the 5ervkcs described and inditatcd in ".type. uF Work" on the faoc of this adreamem, Iii accordance with plans and specii ical ions a.5 proposed by tike Agency and sppmwnd by the Slaic and the 1=edffal High -Axiy Administrndron_ WILev tlic Slate acts Frw the Agency but � net subject in the righl of control try the Agenuy, the State shall have the tight to perrorm rhe work subject 10 the ordinaii y prbceduFcs of the $tote and Federal 1- [ighway Admin istrution. II. Delegation of Authority The State r,� wi liine [Q fulfill tht resppnsihJi!Lies to the Federal Ciovcmutunt by the edministfation of`th is pnyoct. The Agency igrixs Brat the S Late skull have the fail authority to carry out this adrn in istretion, The Stal, shall review, pFwxc p% and tipprovc drrcummis requ iced tOr federal aid reimbursement in a000rdancc with federal requ iierncntc. I rthe Sure, advertises and awards (lie coniraet, the State +Ail I further met far lie Agency in all matters concerning the pmject rtti rnquesled by the Agency. If iltc Local ALLeiley adverrixs and swords the project, tho Sisie shR1I review the wort to ens+ire con inanity wigs 17ie approved plans and Speei6eations. III_ Project AdmiWstration Certain types oru+ork and $erViQM Shall be provided by the Slate rni [his projeel as. rcquostnd by lie Agency and dtycribtd in tfiGTypc of Work above- In additi43t_ lie Start will furnish qualified personnel for the supenVisiifu and inspectirm OCtkte work in progry s, On lAmul Agaw-,y adwor6Cd and awarded projects, ilic niperw4ion and inspec[ion Shall be I imilind to ensuring OR work is in coarfnrr1 mime With mppr4Yt:d p111SS, SpeClric-Eitiene, and federal slid requircmcnts. The salary of suet[ engineer or other supervisor and all oihcr salarim and cosu incurred by $iatc forc€s upon the piujW wilt be eamidcrad o wsl thereof. All cases related to this project i[rounul by employees of the Siaic in 1he Customary manner rm High way payrolls and vouchers shall be charged as Costs of the project, IV. Avatiabitity of Records All project records in support of a[I easy incurred and uCtual expendiru res kapl by the Agcar y are to be mruintained iii accordant€ with local governnteul accuunling proeedures pruscribod by the Wwh ington SUIT Auditor's Of9ia;e, the u.S. l.igFdT1Ir1gtt.0 rT�ansprmtiac� and the WLohiiikejon $tare Dcpartmeni of Tra.nsportntinn. The rmur Ls Shall be opa to inspcci ion by the State and Fedeml C'rnvernment al al I reasonable times and s�hrull be retained and made available Car sueh i nspccrion Fnr u period of cot less than three years from the final payment of any fedcrai aid funds to the Agxncy. Ci pin uCsaid records shall be famished to the SEd% and+or Federal G,overnmeai[ upon request, V. Compliance with Provisions The Aeeucy .ball not incur any federal did pi rricipadon costs on any clamifcalion oFwA- on this projeel until autbGriaod in ur-iiing by Lhe State for each cla5sifuml ian. 71lie class ificai ions of wnrk For projecus are= IVIT Ftern ian -rW FF , Resolutionf4rdinonce No_ ti. Preliminary cn�ineerf lg. 2. ft ight of W:ly atqu isition. 3_ Project co,tstnickin, hr the event 1 hat righl of w ny acquis ition, or actual constructible of ltrf road. For which pm1i minuN erigbicering is tindery &err i_w nal Awed by the closing Of 1 he tenth fiscal year following the fiscal yeYrr us which the egmcmvnl is cxmurcd, the Agency will repay to Lhe Suite thB sum or sums nF fedcra3 funds paid to the Agency under the km15 of this agrccrncna (sec Section IX). The Agency agrcc5 that all tLag� o CCororuction necessary to provide the initially planned camp!Gte facility with in 1ho I imits of this project will conform to at least 1 he minimum vakes set by approved statewide design standards apps kobtc to this class Of highwPys, even though such additional work is financed without federal aid participation. 'Fhe Agency agrees that nn fednml aid hibhw.ry Corrs[ruction prr&uL% the cw rent federal in id rcgulntiom which apply to I igti idated dgm.R�;cs ml.7tiw to the basis of fcdcral piLAicipation in ithv prrkiect cos[ Shull be appl icable in the event the comracwr fails m complcce the 013„u,tol within tkte coavao time. VI. Payment and Partial Reimbursement The [dial cosl ofihc projeL4 including all rcvi:w and enpiFU=HTkg costs and other expenses of the Mare, is to he paid by the Agency and by the }'edmil Government. Fcdcrml funding shall be iu accordance with the Tnuispoilation Fgti ity Act for lint 21 st Centti ry C1`l;A 21 } d.S urrierided, and Otticc aF Ck1LMagemcnt and Hlld�t c;irCUlaM A -302, A-87 and A -133_ The Suite slsall not be u Himdtcly respons[bic for any of the coals o f the projeel, The Agcnay shall be uIIiiiiatelyrrsponsihie Rwall cosU-Issacillcd wilh the project wbieltare oat rcimbursnd by the Ftdcral (;nseroment_ 141.3thing in Ellis itgrecrncnt shat I be corsmiod m a promise by the Slate as to the amount or nuturc Of federal participi[ion its this. prQRcct, The A @ency shall bil l the state for federal aid prujed costs iOCurmd in eon Cnrmity when applirablc faders I and stmt Jams_ 71ie 5genry shall m intimiYZ the tinie elapsed W wccn medrA of federal mid funds aitd s aMequcni puyrnent of inwrred Costs. Fxpe,iditures by the Local Agcncy for rnaintenancc, general adminiytruti(ni, supenision, and ogseroverhead Shall not be eligible fur federal participapon unless ari indimcl cast pWn has beak approved I)y WMG1'. 'Mt Stele WEI I pay tOr }tatc incurred costs on llrc projeel. Following papmeni, the Stale shall bill the Fcdcral (inkrmaient for rehrtbucsemonl of (bone 005is Cl i,-NC fur federal participn #ion w the extent thal sucks Costs are oliributabho anfl properly atlocable to this projeel. 71he State .5hsll hill the Agency Chr thal portion of State casts which were not reimbktrsed by the Fcdcml (overnmeat (sec Scetion i X). 1_ FrojCd COILS trUctionCo %5 Prolao construction financing Will be aceompl isliad by nne. of [he three methods as indicated in th[s agreement. Method A —The Age-my w,11 place with the Dwith idi (21)) days af';u the mccul ion n P Lhe consuii l ion cmrmcl, an Rdvamx in Ole anioa 111 of the Agency's slnre or Lim total cunrULIClioll cost ha ge d nn ibe contmrL award_ The State will notify liar Agcncy of the t:xLk UL nrriomt[ to be &pos ilcd with Lhe Slale_ "I'he. Stole Will pmy all p051s incurred under dte wutrncl Upoir prf-Rcnintion of progwss hi IJings frurn the contractor. Pal 1pwinrg such payments, thw Stalc will subakil a bil[iug lo the Federal GLVVMUUenL for the ie&Qll Rid pmrticipal ion share or the cost. W AAA ilie projccs is substantially corrhpleted and tival actual casts of lliv pmjecl c:m be delerm i ned, the Stale wi I I pTesenl 4hr Agency wilh a final billin4 showing the an+aunl d ur Ih: SIRLe or Tit amoki It[ due the Agcncy. This bill i ng wilt hu elcarrd by ei Oner a paynieul From the Agency to Lhe Slate aT by a refund from the Stale [a the Agenc}. mclhod B — T'bc Agcncy's xharc DC Lhc total Cwrstruction cost Lis shown un the JktnF Lhis agrtanherd sliail be wirhhcid ftm it_% rnonL%r fuel tax allatutit:nts. 711c race of this agreemeal establishes tisc monihs; in which die wiihholdinp shall Lake place and ilic exact amount to be wiifilteld cavlh mgnth_ The exsenl ofWiLhhulding will be coufirmcd by letter from the Shure nL Ole Lime Of Cnn[MrL award. Upon reccipi of progress hill[ngs CrunL the COIi6net4r, Lhc State will su bmit such bi Ilin4;s to the Federal GDVernmpnt for payment Of [is pariivi pating pnrtiun of suwh billings. L'o rl bud C — T]w Agenc}' TmV submit 0LIChers La die Slate in the formaL prescr[bcd by the State, in duel ica[e, not more tin n mace per month for tliosc costs el igihic Cllr Federal participriinn to thu extent Orr s uch costs arc d ircc[ly attributable Lind properly allocable to this project, Expenditures by The Local Agency for mainte>tuoCe, general adminislmrina, superrision, Gild other overhead shall not be cl igi hie for Federal pan[cipmtion Llnicss plc imed under a previously approved indirect case plan. The Start: stwll reimbLusc the Agency fnr the Federal SILa c of cligihic prgimt COSLS up to lbp amnunL shown an (lie face of this agfcem11nl_ At the title of audit, the Agelsey+ W[ll provldc dncumentalion of all Casts iucumd on thin project. The Stare shall hi11 the Agency fur all costs incurrod by die Slale reloilive to ncc project The S Late shall also bill the Agency fnr Lhe 1�deial funds paid hy Lhe SuAe to Lhc Agency fiyr project ousts wh[eh arc Subse+gticwly datcrmine+d to be JILwIigibJc for fedrrLLl Participation {see Secripm (X). VII. AuditofFederaIC0risultantGantracts The Agcnc}', ifscrvicr w DELL r;tmsultant are required, 513011 be resp(msbie for audit nfthc cnnsulwt's rewrds la determine eligible federal nid casts on Lh11 pmj mL. The report of sai+i audiiL shall be io Lhe Agenwy'S titer and nude available to Lhe SLatc and ilie Federal Gcmerrimonl, An a ud 11 simil be conducted by LIM WSDOT inlclnal Aud it Oldice in gcamFdance with generally aeC Wd govurriTum al auditusg StalLdards a5 issued by the United . Istm Crenrml ACcounling Olticc by the CompTruller General of the United Siales; WSLrb-€ MRlaual M 27 -50, Consultant Authorlyytion, Selection, fund Agee rnwi Administrwirm; memamii&a of understanding barirecn WSi)Crl- and PAWA; and Office of Management and Bud$el Cirevhir A -L33. [f upon audit it is found dwi orvcrpayuicinl or paniciparian of fcdeml mantry+ in irlclig tile items o€ 11051 has aaourred, ih M Agency S113IL reimburse the State Col' ilhc amount Of Such opirupaynlenl or excess participation (see Sectiau LX). VIII. Sing Ie Audit Act 3'hc A�Tncy, as a Sub[ ecipient of Jtd=l funds, shut I adhere to The fodcwl Oil ice of griinsg,cmcnt and l3udget {OM D} Circular ,4 -133 v well ws all applicable federal and state Simiutes and regulations_ A subrccip icnl whn expends $300,WO or ware in Wpral a%%TTds from all suurces during fi gi von fiscal year shall have a single or pragMii"PCeific ;LUd it prrfnrmed Car twi year in accordance with the pmvisians of OM3 Circular A -133. Upnn concli istnn of The A -133 audit., JIM Agency shall be re:,pnmsible for ensuring ThILL a Copy of die report is t> OWFAtlt it prnmpLly Ea tlLe Stale_ IX. Payment of Bili[ng T]ie Agency agteeS that if pay rnwo or arrangement far paymcnl uE any of the $ LRtr'-, bil I [ ig relative to the projim (c.g., State force work, project canvellatiun, owerpaymant, wnsl ineiigihic for f xlerai participation, etc,) is nal madc to ilie State uiihin 45 days oiler da Agency WS bcr;n hi Ord, the State. shall DITcct Teimburuement of the mal sum duc from Lhe regular moodily filel Lax al lou-ric s to the Agency from the Molor Veh icle Fund. No add i1 ional FccieriLI pmjmi funding will be approved undL Full payment is rt%eived unless atheTwise d ueued the Assistant S eerripry fnr Hiowwys and iaxal Programs_ DOT Form Ia0.039 ErF X.. Traffic i ontro1� in g, marking, and R02dWay Maintenance The Ardncy will not perm it any changes to 1311 made in Lhe provisions for parking rcraiRtions and truf3is cwurol oo di Is Irrpjc�E wiIhnuI prior 21lsprnW81 of the cute and FtA llikghmyAdministrilion_ TheAgeucyssillitolins [nlIorpermillabe rnslalltd LLnv Slgrns, signals, or markinr,.,s not in run Cormamm with tht sumdards approved by the Federal H ighway Admin isirahoa and M UrpCE)' J'JJC Agency will. at iL_s (MVIL Lsxpensc, maintain 1h11 improvemenL cuvVred by [tits agmmcnl, XI_ Indemnity The Agcncy shall huld the Federal Gavr rumcm and the Slate harmtnss from and shall process and dcicpd Rt ttw own expense aJ] Cbintk5, dcmvsds, or sates, whether Lit law or cq uity bmuOi[ agabkst (lie AgclLwy, 5 rate, or FadCral Cravernmnnl, ariSirtg from the ngc,tcy's Cxcmrinn, Performance, or fail arc la perForns any of llic provisions of this agreemNit, or of any niher agreement nr contract connected with this agreemono, or aril ing by Teawan of Ole pariieiparion of the S [ate or Federal 0pvcrumenL in the project, FROVI1)1rD, nrvNri.� herein shall requim llit Agency to reimburse the Slate or Zhu Federal Government for damages arising otit of bodily injtl ry to persons ur d unaee to property cmnmd by or re, u Bing Crnm Lhe soli; ncblip4rice of Ole Federal Ciovemanenl t r the Seale. Kr) I inbil iLy shall uLtach to the 5 rate or f=ederal Government rarcepL BE rarpressly' provided herein. XII. Nondiscrimination Provision The Ageiicyshnn not discriminuLe on Ike basis ofMCe, color, oarianal origin, or scx in 1ho award and perCorruanCe of any USI70 I sq trd contracl anditw agreement Or [n the administration of its DBE prog a or the req uiremenLs of 49 CFR fart 2 {,_ 'Cho Age ICY Skall Lake all flWCSSary Rnd remonake stops under 49 CF -R Parr 26 to Cnskirc nand iscrimination in the Inward and adlTl l nistration of USDpT,Rssisted contruc-ls altd agremvirnts. 11ir W$ 001"-s D13E proiRmm, as required by 49 CFR Part 26 and as appruvec! by US DOT, iS [ncorporatwd by reference in Iii 41 greement. lrnpienicntation c f Lb it program is u Jegul obfigaLiun and failure la carry out its turns shall br Lreated as a viotation of 11iis agrcemcnt, U pale f16tiflaRtinn Lo the Agukey of ITS 1a i1ii rc to carry out its appmwed program, the D partmeni may impose sand inns as prox:idnd for under Part 26 and may, in appiapriatc wises, refer the mLLLLer for crilbrcemcnt under 18 U.S.C. k W 1 andlnr the Program Fraud C i vil Remed ies Act of 1986 01 U-S.C. MO J el seaq_). The Agency hereby agr«s that 4 will in1C0rp0ra1e OF cause to be incorpnrat11d into alit' 0Dntmct for annstruCLion work or modification lhrmrif, ES de fined in The rules and rneulo[ions of Ilic SwCScory cf LaboT in 41 CFR Chapler 60, which is paid for in wliale or in parl with Funds ubLL[ned from the Federal Government or hDm5wad on the cred it uF die Federal Government pursuant to u eran4 contraC4 loan, insurance, or gtiamntee oT understanding pu=ant to any icderal program involvin.L: such gran4 conhu'A loam, insuFance, or guaruntrc, the reel aired Cahi[rYA provisions fbr Federal -,did antracts (FR WA 1273), located in C1LnptwT 44 oCLhc LnCal Apency i uidt inCS. The Agency furnccr agrrcr~s that it will be bound by Ole abate *qua[ opportun ity clalise with respect lu its awn employmeni practices when it participaies [n fedtmily assisted construction u+nrl,: Pruridrd, Ohai if Lhe applicant 0 paniciprLiing is a SLLLLe ar Loral Govern men[, the above equpI upportunily Clause is not Apptirnbte to WWxigcncy, instrum"Lality, orsubdiviSip r afs13ch gtrreminanl wh ich dacs not partioipaLC in wank oar or under the contract. The Agemy also tigrccs; (I) Ta assist a Lid coopurale activoly with the State iu Obta[uiug the compliance of onniumtnrs and subcun[rzu:lbrS with the cgiwl opporin pity ciau4e and rules, reguiR1 ions, and reicvant aTdnrs of Ihe. Secretary of Labor. (2) TO fern ish the Siatc such information aS it hest' rBqu ire for the s upervL3ian of Ruch compliance and [I jai it will Oijierwise assist the 4L Le in the diwchugr of its primary responsibility fur securing compliance, (3) To rerrairi 17ain entering into any tx)nlrw;i or Contra~[ modi fication Subjw to Exmirive Order 1 L246 uESepL,arbar 24, 1965, with a contractordcbarred from, or who has that demonstrated C] Ig[bility for, government ennlracu and fedend ly ussisLed CalistRlel ion Writpgt5 pursuanL to the Executive Order. (4) To carry out such sanctions and pewalties for violation of the equal opportunity clause as may he iuiposed arpou oonmvors And sulamnrraators by thr $Late, Federal ftiway Ad m inistrnrion; nr thr Secretor}' of LbbOr purSUmd 10 Fart Tl, s ubparY 1) of The EXCUAve. Order_ In addition, the Agency agrees that if it Fails of ?'cl��acs to comply with these undertakings, the State may take any or all of the following actions: (a) Cancel, terminate, or suspend this agreement in whole or in part; (b) Refiain from extendutg any further assistance to the Agency under the program with respect to which tie failure or refusal occurred until satisfactory assurance of future compliance has been received from the Agency; and (c) Refer the case to the Department of Justice for appropriate legal proceedings. XIII. Liquidated Damages The Agency hereby agrees that the liquidated damages provisions of 23 CFR Part 635, Subpart 127, as supplemented, relative to the amount of Federal participation in the project cost, shall be applicable in the event the contractor fails to complete the contract within the contract time, Failure to include liquidated damages provision will not relieve the Agency from reduction of federal participation in accordance with this paragmph. XIV. Termination for Public Convenience The Secretary of the Washington State Department of'fransportation may tenrrinate the contract in whole, or front time to time in part. wherhever, (1) The requisite federal funding becomes unavailable through failure of appropriation or otherwise. (2) The contractor is prevented from proceeding with the work as a direct result of an Executive Ordcr of die President with respect to the prosecution of war or in die interest of national defense, or an Executive Order of the President or Governor of the State with respect to the preservation of energy resources. (3) The contr'aclor is prevented from proceeding with the work by reason of a preliminary, special, or permanent restraining order of a court of competent jurisdiction where die issuance of such order is primarily caused by the acts or omissions of persons or agencies other than tie contractor. (4) Tlic Secretary detennines that such termination is in the best interests of the State. rV1T r- tAr n'i0 r:F % 1 XV. Venue for CI;:_ �andlor Causes of Action For the convenience of the ptirties to this onntraet, it is agreed tint any claims andJor causes of action whiff h the Local Agency has against the St-Ric of Washington, growing out of this contract or the project with which it is concerned, shall be brought only in the Superior Court for Thurston County. XVI. Certification Regarding the Restrictions of the Use of Federal Funds for Lobbying The approving authority certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: (l) No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal oontract, the making of any federal grant, the making of tiny federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. (2) if any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attcmp6ng to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a member of Congress, rut officer or cmployce of Congress, or an employee of a nternber of Congress in connection with this federal Contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, tie undersigned shall complete and submit the Standard Form - LL4 "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance wide its instructions. (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this ecrtificarion be included in the award documents for all suhawards at 0 tiers (including subgrants, and conttaets and subcontracts under grants, subgrants, loons, and cooperative agreements) whitla exceed $100,000, and that all such subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. 'this certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this ccrtificatinn as a prerequisite for making or entering into this transacdon unposed by Section 1352. Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than S 100,0001br cash such failure. Additional Provisions cal Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectus r��One �e acted P`�CSvV .N of oUr �CSUart to , jva�d\a\ `v ca i on jcC a aoc �ert$O and obtax r Approving Professional Engineer �a., et` v��thre\c\ Gl IS I Itle Senior Capital Projects Engineer Date edactel -\ 0 CO d �5�256550 Page 1 of 3 Murk P to RG 9\0 ■ Supersedes Previous Editions ■ Prefix Route Date 2/22/2005 Federal Aid Project Number STPUS 3846 Local Agency Project Number SRTC04 -6 WSDOT ( Use Only) Federal Employer Tax ID Number -REDACTED Agency City of Spokane Valley Federal Program Title ® 20.205 ❑ 20.209 ❑ Other Project Title Boradway Avenue Overlay Start Latitude N End Latitude N Start Longitude W End Longitude W Project Termini From Bates Avenue To Sullivan Avenue From: To: 4.58 7.04 Length of Project 2.46 miles Award Type ® Local ❑ Local Forces [J State ❑ Railroad Federal Agency ® FHWA ❑ Others City Number 1 1223 County Number 32 County Name 1 Spokane WSDOT Region EAST Congressional District 5 Legislative Districts 4 Urban Area Number 2 TMA / MPO / RTPO SRTC Phase Total Estimated Cost Nearest Hundred Dollar) Local Agency Funding .. Nearest Hundred Dollar) Federal Funds (Nearest Hundred Dollar) Ph ase tart Date Month Year P.E. $62,500 $8,400 $54,100 2/05 R/W $0 $0 $0 Const. $750,200 $101,300 $648,900 7/05 Total $812,700 $109,700 $703,000 Description of.Existing Facility (Existing Design and Present Condition) Roadway Width 44 Number of Lanes 1 4 Broadway Avenue between Mile Post 4.58 and Sullivan Road is a four -lane, principal arterial in the City of Spokane Valley's road system that carries approximately 17,200 vehicles per day. The current structural condition of Broadway Avenue between the Bates Road and Sullivan Road is fair, with a pavement surface condition rating of 66 based on the WSDOT rating methods and a remaining life of 16 years based on non - destructive testing. There are numerous areas of longitudinal cracking, patching and alligator cracking. There is also raveling of the asphalt joints the entire length of the roadway. In addition to the above problems, there is low wheel path flushing and rutting in this section of roadway. Description of Proposed. Work ❑ New Construction ® 3 -R ❑ 2 -R Roadway Width 44 Number of Lanes 4 This project proposes to improve 2.46 miles of roadway by grinding and overlaying the road with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavement. Crack sealing, pavement removal & replacement and correction of drainage problems are additional items that are part of the scope of this overlay project. Local Agency Contact Person ati�on and Phone Steve M. Worley, PE �rEorm gineer (CIP) 921 -1000 Mailing Address - ent�a� tax2330 tp ary State Zip Code 11707E ° n�ta`n5 'mot {to�L�l a? X`��5 pec ok e vov\e Lane Valley WA 99206 r��One �e acted P`�CSvV .N of oUr �CSUart to , jva�d\a\ `v ca i on jcC a aoc �ert$O and obtax r Approving Professional Engineer �a., et` v��thre\c\ Gl IS I Itle Senior Capital Projects Engineer Date edactel -\ 0 CO d �5�256550 Page 1 of 3 Murk P to RG 9\0 ■ Supersedes Previous Editions ■ Agency Project Title Date City of Spokane Valley Boradway Avenue Overlay 2/22!2005 Geometric Design Data Year Property Damage Accidents Inlu Accidents City of Spokane Valley Description Total Number of Accidents Through Route Number of Injuries Crossroad Number of Fatalities 100 % ❑ Principal Arterial ❑ Principal Arterial Federal ® Urban ❑ Minor Arterial ❑ Collector El El Minor Arterial ❑ Collector Functional ❑ Major Collector ❑ Major Collector Classification ❑ Rural ❑ Minor Collector ❑ Rural O Minor Collector ❑ Access Street/Road ❑ Access Street/Road Terrain ® Flat ❑ Roll ❑ Mountain ❑ Flat ❑ Roll ❑ Mountain Posted Speed 35 Design Speed y/A Existing ADT 10710 Design YearADT N/A Design Year NT /A Design Hourly Volume (DHV) N` /A Accident - 3 Year Experience Year Property Damage Accidents Inlu Accidents City of Spokane Valley Fatal Accidents Total Number of Accidents Number of Accidents Number of Injuries Number of Accidents Number of Fatalities 100 % I % I Performance of Work Preliminary Engineering Will Be Performed By Others Agency City of Spokane Valley % 100 % Construction Will Be Performed By Contract Agency Contractor 100 % I % [Environmental Classification ® Final ❑ Preliminary ❑ Class I - Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) ❑ Project Involves NEP.AlSEPA Section 404 Interagency Agreement ❑ Class III - Environmental Assessment (F-A) p Project Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404 Interagency Agreement Environmental Considerations M Class II - Categorically Excluded (CE) ❑ Projects Requiring Documentation (Documented CE) DoT Form 140-101 EF Page 2 of 3 Revised 12,12002 Agency +Project Title Date City of Spokane Valley Avenue Overlay 2/2212005 Right of Way ® No Right of Way Required ❑ Right of Way Required *All construction required by the ❑ No Relocation ❑ Relocation Required contract can be accomplished within the existing right of way. Description of Utility Relocation or Adjustments and Existing Major Structures Involved in the Project FAA Involvement Is any airport located within 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) of the proposed project? ❑ Yes ® No Remarks This project has been reviewed by the legislative body of the administration agency or agencies, or its designee, and is not inconsistent with the agency's comprehensive plan for community development. Agency City of Spokane Valley Date BY I �1 1. �, I�'"` t L A4ayodCtlalrpersan Page 3 of 3 DOT Form 140-01 Er' Revised 1212602