05-012.00 WSDOT Dishman Mica Rd RehabWashington State VTF Department of Transportation Agency City of Spokane Valley Address C/O Public Works Department 11707 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Lola) Agency Agreement CFDA No. 20.205 (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance) Project No. Agreement No. For OSC WSDOT Use Only The Local Agency having complied, or hereby agreeing to onmply, with the terms and conditions set forth in (1) Title 23. U.S. Code Highways, (2) the regulations issued pursuant thereto, (3) Office of Management and Budget Circulars A -102, A -87 and A -133, (4) the policies and procedures promulgated by the Washington State Department of Transportation, and (5) the federal aid project agreement entered into between the State and Federal Govemmcm, relative to the above project, the Washington State Department of Transpnnation will authorize the Local Agency to proceed on the project by a separate notification. Federal funds which are to be obligated for the project tray not exceed the amount shown herein on lute r, column 3, Aithout written authority by the Slate, subject to the approval of the Federal Highway Administratian. All project costs not reimbursed by the Federal Government shall be die responsibility of the Local Agency. Project Description Name Dishman -Mica Road Rehabilitation Length 0.09 miles Termini 1st Avenue to Sprague Avenue Description of Work This project will improve 0.09 miles of roadway by patching/repairing and removing and replacing the emoting asphalt with a minimum of 4 inches of asphalt concrete pavement. Agency Official By Washington State Department of Transportation By Title City Manager Assistant Secretary for Highways and Local Programs City -o - Spokane— Yall.e_y Date Executed DOT Form i4o•038 EF Revised 10P02 Estimate of Funding Estimated Total Estimated, Agency Estimated Type of Work Project Funds Funds Federal Funds PE a. Agency 5,900.00 800.001 5,100.00 86.5 % b. Other c. Other Federal Aid d. State Participation Ratio for PE e. Total PE Cost Estimate a +b+c +d 5,900.00 800.00 5,100.00 Right of Way f_Agenc aka —9. Other Consultant h. Other Federal Aid i. State Participation Ratio for RW i. Total R/W Cost Estimate f+ +h +t Construction k. Contract I. Other M. Other n. Other % o. Agencyryry II Federal Aid State Participation — Ratio for CN Total CN Cost Estimate k +l +m +n +o+ I r. Total Project Cost Estimate (e +j +q) 1 5,900.001 800-001 5,100.00 Agency Official By Washington State Department of Transportation By Title City Manager Assistant Secretary for Highways and Local Programs City -o - Spokane— Yall.e_y Date Executed DOT Form i4o•038 EF Revised 10P02 Construction Method of Finari -..•f (Check MethodSOected) State Ad and Award ❑ Method A - Advance Payment - Agency Share of total construction cost (based on contract award) ❑ Method B - Withhold from gas tax the Agency's share of total construction cost (line 4, column 2) in the amount of at $ per month for Local Force or Local Ad and Award 0 Method C - Agency cost incurred with partial reimbursement Provisions months. The Local Agency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title 23, regulations and policies and procedures, and as a condition to payment of the federal funds obligated, it accepts and will comply with the applicable provisions set forth below. Adopted by official action on I. Scope of Work The Agency shall provide all the work, labor, materials, and services necessary to perform the project which is described and set forth in detail in the "Project Description" and "Type of Work." When the State acts for and on behalf of the Agency, the State shall be deemed an agent of the Agency and shall perform the services described and indicated in "Type of Work" on the face of this agreement, in accordance with plans and specifications as proposed by the Agency and approved by the State and the Federal Highway Administration. When the State acts for the Agency but is not subject to the right of control by the Agency, the State shall have the right to perform the work subject to the ordinary procedures of the State and Federal Highway Administration. II. Delegation of Authority The State is willing to fulfill the responsibilities to the Federal Government by the administration of this project. The Agency agrees that the State shal I have the full authority to tarty out this administration. The State shall review, process, and approve documents required for federal aid reimbursement in accordance with federal requirements. if the State advertises and awards the contract, the State will further act for the Agency in all matters concerning the project as requested by the Agency. If the Local Agency advertises and awards the project, the State shall review the work to ensure conformity with the approved plans and specifications. III. Project Administration Certain types of work and services shall be provided by the State on this project as requested by the Agency and described in the Type of Work above. In addition, the State will furnish qualified personnel for the supervision and inspection of the work in progress. On Local Agency advertised and awarded projects, the supervision and inspection shall be limited to ensuring all work is in conformance with approved plans, specifications, and federal aid requirements. The salary of such engineer or other supervisor and all other salaries and costs incurred by State forces upon the project will be considered r. cost thereof. All costs related to this project incurred by employees of the State in the customary manner on highway payrolls and vouchers shall be charged as costs of the project IV. Availability of Records All project records in support of all costs incurred and actual expenditures kept by the Agency are to be maintnined in accordance with local government acoounting procedures prescribed by the Washington State Auditor's Office, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the Washington State Department of Transportation. The records shali be open to insp=tion by the State and Federal Government at all reasonable times and shall be retained and made available for such inspection for a period of not less than three years from the final payment of any federal aid funds to the Agency. Copies of said records shall be furnished to the State and/or Federal Government upon request. V. Compliance with Provisions The Agency shall not incur any federal aid participation costs on any classification of work on this project until authorized in writing by the State for each classification. The classifications of work for projects are: DOT Form 14M39 EF Revised 10102 , Resolution /Ordinance No. 1. Preliminary engineering. 2, Right of way acquisition. 3. Project construction. in the event that right of way acquisition, or actual construction of the road, for which preliminary engineering is undertaken is not started by the closing of the tenth fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the agreement is executed, the Agency will repay to the State the sum or sums of federal funds paid to the Agency under the terms of this agreement (see Section >X). The Agency agrees that all stages of construction necessary to provide the initially planned complete facility within the limits of this project will conform to at least the minimum values set by approved statewide design standards applicable to this class of highways, even though such additional work is financed without federal aid participation. The Agency agrees that on federal aid highway construction projects, the current federal aid regulations which apply to liquidated damages relative to the basis of federal participation in the project cost shall be applicable in the event the contractor fails to complete the contract within the contract time. VI. Payment and Partial Reimbursement The total cost of the project, including all review and engineering costs and other expenses of the State, is to be paid by the Agency and by the Federal Government. Federal funding shall be in accordance with the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Cenniry (TEA 21), as amended, and Office of Management and Budget circulars A -102, A -97 and A -133. The State shall not be ultimately responsible for any of the costs of the project. The Aeencv shall be ultimately responsible for all toss associated with the project which are not reimbursed by the Federal Government Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as a promise by the State as to the amount or nature of federal participation in this project. The Agency shall bill the state for federal aid project costs incurred in conformity with applicable federal and state laws. The agency shall mimimvx the time elapsed between reccipt of federal aid funds and subsequent payment of incurred Costs. Expenditures by the Local Agency for maintenance., general administration, supendsion, and oilier overhead shall not be eligible for federal participation unless an indirect cost plan has been approved by WSDOT. 17te State will pay for Suite inured costs on the project. Following payment, the State shall bill the Federal Government for reimbursement of those costs eligible for federal participation to the extent that such costs are attributable and properly allocable to this project. The State shall bill the Agency fnr that portion of State costs which were not reimbursed by the Federal Government (see Section IX). Project Construction Costs Project construction financing will be accomplished by one of the three methods as indicated in this agreement Method A — The Agency will place with the )within (20) days after the execution of the construction contract, an advan c v the amount of the Agency's share of the total construction cost based on the contract award. The State will notify the Agency of the exact amount to be deposited wish the State. The State will pay all costs incurred under the contract upon presentation of progress billings Oom the contractor. Following such payments, the State will submit a billing to the Federal Govemment for the federal aid participation share of die cost. When the project is substantially completed and final actual costs of the project can be determined, the State will present the Agcncy with a final billing showing the amount due the State Or the amount due the Agency. This billing will be cleared by either a payment from the Agency to die State or by a refund from the State to the Agency. Method B — The Agency's share of the total construction cost as shown on the face of this agreement shall be withheld from its monthly fuel tax allotments. The face of this agreement establishes the months in which the withholding shall take place and the exact amount to be withheld each month. The extent ofwithholding %till be confirmed by Icnw from the State at the tune of contract award. Upon receipt of progress billings from the conuractor, the State will submit such billings in the Federal Government for payment of its participating portion of such billings. Method C — The Agency may submit vouchers to the State in the format prescribed by the State, in duplicate, not more than once per month for those costs eligible for Federal participation to the extent that such costs are directly attributable and pmperiy allocable to this project. Expenditures by the Local Agency for maintenance, general administration, supervision, and other overhead shall not be eligible for Federal participation unless claimed under a previously approved indirect cost plan. The State shall reimburse the Agency for the Federal share of eligible project costs up to the amount shown on the face of this agreement. At the time of audit, the Agency will provide documentation of all costs incurred on the project. The Suite shall bill the Agency for all costs incurred by the State relative to the project. The State shall also bill the Agency for the federal funds paid by the State to the Agency for project costs which are subsequently determined to be ineligible for federal participation (see Section DQ. VII. Audit of Federal Consultant Contracts The Agency, if services of a consultant are required, shall be responsible for audit of the consultant's records to determine eligible federal aid costs on the project. The report of said audit shall be in the Agency's files and made available to the State and the Federal Government. An audit shall be conducted by the WSDOT Internal Audit Office in accordance with generally accepted governmental auditing standards as issued by the United States General Accounting Office by the Comptroller General of the United States; WSDOT Manual M 27 -50, Consultant Authorization, Selection, and Agreement Administration; memoranda of understanding between WSDOT and FMWA; and Office of Management and Budget Circular A -133. If upon audit it is found that overpayment or participation of federal money in ineligible items ofeost has occurred, the Agency shall reimburse the State for the amount of such overpayment or excess participation (see Section DQ, VIII. Single Audit Act The Agency, as a subr cipicni of federal finds, shall adhere to the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A -133 as well as all applicable federal and state statutes and regulations. A subrecipient who expends $300,000 or more in federal awards from all sources during a given fiscal year shall have a single or program- specific audit performed for that year in accordance with the provisions of OMD Circular A -133. Upon conclusion of the A -133 audit, the Agency shall be responsible for ensuring that a copy of the report is transmined promptly to the State. IX. Payment of Billing The Agency agrees that if payment or arrangement for payment of any of the State's billing relative to the project (r. e., State force work, project cancellation, overpayment, cost ineligible for federal participation, etc.) is not made to the State within 45 days after the Agency has been billed, the State shall effect reimbursement of the total suer, due from the regular monthly fuel tax allotments to the Agency from the Motor Vehicle Fund. No additional Federal project funding will be approved until full payment is received unless otherwise directed the Assistant Secretary for Highways and Local Programs. DOT Form 140 -039 EF Revised W02 j. X. Traffic Control; ,_ling, Marking, and Roadway Maintenance The Agency Kill not permit any changes to be made in the provisions for parking regulations and traffic control on this project without prior approval of die State and Federal Highway Administration. The Agency will not install or permit to be installed any signs, signals, or markings not in conformance with the standards approved by the Federal Highway Administration and MUTCD. The Agency will, of its own expense, maintain the improvement covered by this agreement XI. Indemnity The Agency shall hold the Federal Government and the State harmless from and shall process and defend at its own expense all claims, demands, or suits, whether at law or equity brought against the Agency, State, or Federal Govemmenl, arising from the Agency's execution, performance, or failure to perform tiny of the provisions of this agreement, or of any other agreement or contract connected with this agreement, or arising by reason of the participation of the State or Federal Government in the project, PROVIDED, nothing herein shall require the Agency to reimburse the State or the Federal Government for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damage to property caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of the Federal Government or the State. No liability shall attach to the State ar Federal Government except as expressly provided herein. XII. Nondiscrimination Provision The Agency shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of any USDOT - assisted contract and/or agreement or in the administration of its DBE program or the requirements of 49 CFR. Par 26. The Agency shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR Part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of USDOT- assisted contracts and agreements. The WSDOT's DBE program, as required by 49 CFR Pan 26 and as approved by USDOT, is incorporated by reference in this agreement implementation of this program is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation of this agreement Upon notification to the Agency of its failure to carry out its approved program, the Department may impose sanctions as provided for under Part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, refer the rnauer for enforcement under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or the Proertun Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.C. 3 801 ci scq,). The Agency hereby agrees that it will incorporate or cause to be incorporated into any contract for construction work, or modification thereoL as defined in the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor in 41 CFR Chapter 60, which is paid for in whole or in part with funds obtained from the Federal Government or borrowed an the credit of the Federal Govemmeni pursuant to a grant, contract, loan, insurance, or guarantee or understanding pursuant to any federal program involving such grant, contract, loan, insurance, or guarantee, the required contract provisions for Federal -Aid Contracts (FHWA 1273), located in Chapter 44 of the Local Agency Guidelines. The Agency further agrees that it will be bound by the above equal opportunity clause with respect to its own employment practices when it participates in federally assisted construction work: Provided, that if the applicant so participating is a State or Local Government, the above equal opportunity clause is not applicable to any agency, instrumentality, or subdivision of such government which does not participate in work on or under the contract. The Agency also agrees: (1) To assist and cooperate actively with the State in obtaining the compliance of contractors and subcontractors with the equal opportunity clause and rules. regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. (2) To furnish the State such information as it may require for the supervision of such compliance and that it will otherwise assist the State in die discharge of its primary responsibility for securing compliance. (3) To refrain from entering into any contract or contract modification subject to Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, with a contractor debarred from, or who has not demonstrated eligibility for, government contracts and federally assisted construction contracts pursuant to the Executive Order. (4) To cam out such sanctions and penalties for violation of the equal opportunity clause as may be imposed upon contractors and subcontractors by the State, Federal Highway Administration, or the Secretary of Labor pursuant to Part U, subpart D of the Executive Order. In iidd iEinn, the Agtmey agrees [h81 if it 1`xil� fI '.' [o comply wItlh thug under[a! ffigs, the "StaEe may lake and' ur all of [he foilowing actions: (a) CLmcel, iernrin Roc, nr suspend Lhis ogreernem in whol' -` or in Part; (b) Kfiraira from eXiend ing any fkth -r assi97ance [O [he Agcnc} under thr pfogram u$h respect [o which the failur OT rcrLml occurred unlit Sa[isfaclgry E,ssura mr a of future compl iance has been received from the Agency; and (c) Reihr thM cOSC to the Department of J uS[ice fur appropriRtc legal prxerd ings_ XIII_ Liquidated Damages 71:. Agency hcrcby argrrs Lha[ Lhe Iiquidaied damages prnvisions Of 23 CFR Part 635, SubpRrt 127, as supplenicutcd, Tcintive to the arnuun[ of Federal participatirui in ilk.- project m5t, shal l be apJ3142ble ie the evuLt the cnntracmr fails [o comptetc the conLraet wilhiti 14e coa nlc[ Timm, I'al]uTe to include liquidated durkaees provision will not Teliirvr [he A @WL- -Y f70m rcduC #inn of federal pnnivipRtion in a:cwxLmm Wish Qis paragraph, XIV. Termination for Public Convenience The SeLaerary of the Washington 5tste Drparrmeai of Transpomtirm may [eritsinatc the cawtrad in whole, or from tithe 10 time in part, whenever (1) The rc4uisitr frderd.1 funding becomes unavailable through Edlure of appropriation or urherwise, (2) The contrac[nr is pre+'emed from proceeding wiLh the work as a d imrt rc5u la Of an E.Kecutive prdcT Of the 1 ?reside0t u'itlt respect to the prOSrcutiou Of war Or in th" interest of notional defense, Or an Execut1vt t}Tdrr of rh:. President or Governor Ofthe SIM with respect to the Rrtser,'a[iou Ofcnrr TmpunxS_ (3 ) The cone -2d r is ptevensed from proDnedina with 1ht work by mason of a pTelirninmyr spcciP I, oT permanent restraining order of a court of oornpe[ew j urisd iction where the issuance Of su°-h order is primarily caused by the aces oT omissions of persons or agencies ether than the conlraciaz. (4) The 5 tc &MT determines that such tcrminaiion is in the best Laierests Of the Sta[e_ QOT FGtm 1 0-7 FF RemSEd 10102 - -, V. Venue for Cl�-- land1br Causes of Action Far the convenience of 11tc part ics t0 this mnLmcl, it is agreed Oral any cka bas aitdfor cause of R:.tion which Lhc LML91 Agency has ago inst the S Lu[r of Washington, grOVA'ing out of this conLrdu ow Lhe prOjec[ with which ii is concrrnrd, Shull be bioughl oply in the Sup-riw Court 16TThurs[oI1 COLIJIM XVL Certification Regarding the; Restrictlons of the Use of Federal Funds far Lobbying The approving authority o-- rtifre5, u, the best of his Or her kncr lctigc and belief, that; (1) N O federal tlppTopriR[rd funds have, been paid or will be pa id, by Or on bChRlf of the undcrsignrd, [o any person for M[Icaci ng of attcmptin r [o iniguence an ofl:icrr or employee of any fcdcFP I agency, a member Of Congress, alt officer or employee of Congres% nr im rmpl0,'ee of a tttembey of Congress in crimcclinn with the awudine of my federal Cols6e:lti [hc rnRkingof any fedeail the makutg of any federal loan, the altering inw Of any cooperative agreement, and tht extension, continuation, renewal, amendmek4 or mpdifimtion of an3t frdend COMM: grantr lark, or cOOperatj!5'c REOeement (2) Lf any funds other titan federal appropriated funds have beck paid OT will he pnld to Rny person For inilueociC�g or ammp #ing io infkuencc an ofl'iUer or employee of any federal a member of Congress, an of rer Or ernploycc ofCong ass, or an employee of a member Of COagress Ju conuc[ion with Ihis federal contra--4 grant, loan, or coopemdvc agreement, th a undersi�nrd shall cumpie[e and submi[ the Staudard Form - I,.LI„ Disclosure Form [o Report L.abbying," in accordance wjtb its instaactionS. (3 ) The [mdm igncd anal] reauirr the[ Lbe language of this ccrrifiic"on b- Incltadcd in the awiLrd dat u nentS for alJ subawar& Rt all tiers (including sub+gano, and contraers and sub - .insects under grants, subpar nrs, IOaus, and cooperative agreenreuts) which exceed S 1013,004, and that all such subr=ipients she 11 certify and dis:losr R:wrdingl ±'_ This Ocrtification is R material rep sucation of bier upon which Telian:x wm placed xhvn this [reasac[ioa "5 made pr rnirre4! into_ SabntisSion Of this cer[Ification as a.prcrequisite for making at eiltering into this transaction imposed by Src[ion 1352, Tile 31. U.S. Godc, Any person who fails to file Lh t tequired certIficadca she Il be subject w a civil penalty of not less than $ ] 0, 00 and not anon than 5100,000 fur =h sueh failure, Additional Provisions ACIL 7 Washington State VAIV Department of Transportation Federal Aid Project Number Local Agency Project Number Prefix STPUS SRTC04 -5 ocal Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectus Route 4041 Date 2/22/2005 WSDOT \ Federal Employer REDACTED Use Only) Tax ID Number Agency Total Estimated Cost Nearest Hundred Dollar Local Agency Funding (Nearest Hundred Dollar Federal Program Title City of Spokane Valley P.E. $5,900 ® 20.205 ❑ 20.209 ❑ Other Project Title 1105 RNV Start Latitude N Start Longitude W Dishman-Mica Road Rehabilitation Const. $51,200 $6,900 $44,300 06/05 End Latitude N End Longitude W Project Termini From $49,400 To 1 st Avenue Number of Lanes 3 Sprague Avenue From: To: Length of Project Award Type 7.39 7.48 0.09 miles 1 ® Local ❑ Local Forces ❑ State ❑ Railroad Federal Agency City Number County Number County Name WSDOT Region ® FHWA ❑ Others 1223 32 1 Spokane I EAST Congressional District Legislative Districts Urban Area Number 1 TMA / MPO / RTPO 5 1 4 1 2 SRTC Phase Total Estimated Cost Nearest Hundred Dollar Local Agency Funding (Nearest Hundred Dollar Federal Funds Nearest Hundred Dollar Phase Start' Date Month Year P.E. $5,900 $800 $5,100 1105 RNV $0 $0 $0 Const. $51,200 $6,900 $44,300 06/05 Total $57,100 $7,700 $49,400 Description of Existing Facility (Existing Design and Present Condition) Roadway Width 40 Number of Lanes 3 Dishman-Mica Road between 1st Avenue and Sprague Avenue is a three -lane, principal arterial in the City of Spokane Valley's road system that carries approximately 13,400 vehicles per day. The current structural condition of Dishman-Mica Road between 1st Avenue and Sprague Avenue is failed, with a pavement surface condition rating of 29 based on the WSDOT rating methods and a remaining life of 9 years based on non - destructive testing. This project has severe rutting and flushing, along with some breakup of the pavement including alligatoring and cracking of the asphalt. Description of Proposed Work Roadway Width Number of Lanes ❑ New Construction ® 3 -R ❑ 2 -R 40 3 This project proposes to improve 0.09 miles of roadway by patching/repairing and removing & replacing the existing asphalt with a minimum of 4 inches of asphalt concrete pavement. Local Agency Contact Person Phone Steve M. Worley, PE at` on and 'Imgineer (CIP) 921 -1000 Mailing Address `taX %n {orb ty State Zip Code 11707 E. F-•-- s cont`dentra 82 32 330 to any -)okane Valley WA 99206 t corta�r at to RCW erta%n�r\g V a \ \eY rs C\OC n cted P%3 our f\nd\ngs o Spokane re \j\eNN �„ beet' reds cu�ents Pursuant �c�a\ has b r a rev\eW is d obta\r lud Approving Professional Engineer aV Pets k Jot do 0, an __� ur Capital Projects Engineer Date Vou m acted or SvN\Ci 215 red `G`Pa\ Co Ce 47_.156. 550' Page 1 of 3 ■ Supersedes Previous Editions ■ pursuant to R Agency Project Title Date City of Spokane Valley Dishntan -Mica Road Rehabilitation 2122 /2005 Geometric Design Data Year Property Damage Accidents Iniu Accidents Fatal Accidents Description Number of Accidents Through Route Number of Accidents Crossroad Contractor 100 % ❑ Principal Arterial ❑ Principal Arterial Federal Urban ❑ Minor Arterial ❑ Collector Urban ❑ Minor Arterial ❑ Collector Functional ❑ Major Collector ❑ Major Collector Classification ❑ Rural ❑ Minor Collector ❑ Rural ❑ Minor Collector ❑ Access Street/Road ❑ Access Street/Road Terrain ® Flat ❑ Roll ❑ Mountain ❑ Flat ❑ Roll ❑ Mountain Posted Speed 35 Design- Speed NIA Existing ADT 19575 Design Year ADT NIA Desi n Year NIA Design Hourly Volume (DH N/A Accident - 3 Year Experience Year Property Damage Accidents Iniu Accidents Fatal Accidents Total Number of Accidents Number of Accidents Number of Injuries Number of Accidents Number of Fatalities Contractor 100 % % Performance of Work Preliminary Engineering Will Be Performed By Others Agency City of Spokane Valley % 100 % Construction Will Be Performed By Contract Agency Contractor 100 % % I Environmental Classification I ® Final ❑ Preliminary ❑ Class I - Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) ❑ Project Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404 Interagency Agreement ❑ Class III - Environmental Assessment (EA) ❑ Project Involves NEPAISEPA Section 404 Interagency Agreement Environmental Considerations ® Class II - Categorically Excluded (CE) ❑ Projects Requiring Documentation (Documented CE) DOT Form 140 -101 EF Page 2 of 3 Revised 1712002 Agency Project Title Date City of Spokane Valley I Dishman -Mica Road Rehabilitation 1 2/22/2005 Right of Way ® No Right of Way Required ❑ Right of Way Required All construction required by the ❑ No Relocation ❑ Relocation Required contract can be accomplished within the existing right of way. Description of Utility Relocation or Adjustments and Existing Major Structures Involved in the Project FAA Involvement Is any airport located within 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) of the proposed project? ❑ Yes ® No Remarks This project has been reviewed by the legislative body of the administration agency or agencies, or it's designee, and is not inconsistent with the agency's comprehensive plan for community development. Agency City of Spokane Valley Date BY LJ t'lil �l Mayor/Chairperson DOT Form 140 -10i EF Page 3 of 3 Revised }212002