05-015.00 Avista: CenterPlace Project Energy Efficiency MeasuresProposal Date February 2, 2005 Account No. New construction Rate Schedule 21/111 Tariff X 90 X 190 Contract No. D -16365 I Application No. 20775, 20776, 2077$ !aD777 Nome Centerplace at Mira eau Point Address 2423 North Discovery Place City State Zip Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 Project vfd, cot, window, occupancy sensors CAR# 300783 Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities ENERGY EFFICIENCY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, dated as of 2005, is entered into by and between Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities, a corporate , organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as "AVISTA "), and CENTERPLACE AT MIRABEAU POINT (hereinafter referred to as "Customer"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Customer is the owner and/or operator of a facility served by AVISTA with electric and /or natural gas service, and desires to replace and/or upgrade existing equipment in use at Customer's facility located at 2423 North Discovery Place, in the City of Spokane Valley, Washin =ton (hereafter referred to as "Facility "); and WHEREAS, AVISTA has initiated an "Energy Efficiency Program", approved by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (hereinafter referred to as "State Commissions ") under tariff Schedule 90 and tariff Schedule 190, for the acquisition of electric and natural gas energy resource savings through investments in improvements in the efficiency of electric and natural gas equipment and processes owned and operated by customers of AVISTA; and WHEREAS, Customer and AVISTA desire to enter into an agreement for the implementation of energy efficiency measure(s) in the Facility(s) as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, it is agreed: I. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall become effective on the date first written above and shall remain in effect for a term of five (5) years commencing on the date that the installation of the energy efficiency improvement measures ( "Measure~ ") described in Section 3 herein have been completed and verified by AVISTA, as set forth in Section 4 herein; provided, however, if Customer fails to complete installation of such Measures by December 2, 2005 this Agreement shall be terminated and all obligations of AVISTA set forth herein shall be waived. 2. Term of Offer. The Energy Efficiency Payment offered to Customer, as outlined in Section 5 below, is valid for acceptance by Customer for a period of thirty (30) days from the Proposal Date indicated above, with such acceptance acknowledged by Customer's signature below. Failure of Customer to return the signed original of this Agreement by such deadline shall result in the Energy Efficiency Payment offer to be considered null and void. 3. installation of Enemy Efficiency Improvement Measures. Customer shall install and maintain the Measures (hereinafter referred to as "Equipment ") at the Facility(s) as described in the document Energy Efficiency Improvements for Centerplace at Mirabeau Point, Options 1 -4, dated August 10, 2004 attached hereto and incorporated herein as "Schedule A ". All existing equipment removed and replaced hereunder shall, at the Customer's expense, be permanently disabled, sold for scrap, Page 1 of 4 Cas - -1s and/or removed from the Facility(s). Customer assumes all responsibility to dispose of all equipment and material removed hereunder in accordance with :applicable law. 4. Equipment Selection. Operation and Maintenance. The selection, purchase, and installation of the Equipment described in Section 3 herein shall be the sole responsibility of the Customer, provided that the Equipment selected and installed hereunder complies with the electric and /or natural gas energy resource savings recommendations in the analysis prepared by AVISTA, or its representative. It is understood and agreed that any AVISTA evaluation and /or analysis of the Equipment is for the sole purpose of determining Customers eligibility for AVISTA's Energy Efficiency program. AVISTA MAKES NO, AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL, IMPLIED OR EXPRESS WARRANTIES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), AND SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY REPRESENTATION OR PROMISE WITH Ri =SPECT TO THE EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, OR LABOR REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE EQUIPMENT, OR THE COST OF SUCH EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, AND LABOR, OR ANY ENERGY SAVINGS THAT MAY ACCRUE FROM THE INSTALLATION OF SUCH EQUIPMENT. Any required maintenance, repair or replacement of the Equipment installed hereunder shall be the sole responsibility of and at the expense of the Customer. In the event that any of the Equipment installed hereunder becomes defective or fails to operate properly, and such defect or failure to operate cannot be repaired, Customer agrees to replace such Equipment with Replacement Equipment that provides equal or higher electric and/or natural gas energy resource savings, and performs in a manner consistent with recommendations in the analysis by AVISTA as set forth in Section 3 herein. 5. Energy Efficiency Payment. A. The Estimated Energy Efficiency Payment analysis described in Schedule A, shall be performed by AVISTA. The Estimated Energy Efficiency Payment shall be calculated by dividing the estimated Equipment installation costs for the project by the estimated energy cost savings. However, the Estimated Energy Efficiency Payment calculated herein shall be subject to adjustment, either upward or downward, as described below in Section 5.11, to determine the actual Energy Efficiency Payment owed to Customer under this Agreement. B. Upon completion of the installation of the Equipment contemplated herein, Customer shall provide documentation, acceptable to AVISTA, detailing: 1) the actual Equipment installed to enable AVISTA to verify and /or recalculate the energy (kWh /therm) savings hereunder, and 2) the purchase and installation cost of such Equipment. in the event AVISTA determines that the actual installed cost of the Equipment, as submitted by Customer, is unacceptable, AVISTA shall have the right to establish the acceptable installation costs to calculate the actual Energy Efficiency Payment applicable hereunder. Upon AViSTA's receipt, approval and acceptance of Customer's documentation, AVISTA shall calculate the Energy Efficiency Payment in conformance with AVISTA's Schedule 90 and 190 tariffs, by dividing the actual installed costs of the project by the actual energy cost savings per year to determine the simple pay -back period and resulting Incentive Level reflected on Schedule 90/190. The Incentive Level resulting from this calculation shall be applied to the Customer's first -year (kWh/therm) savings to determine the actual Energy Efficiency Payment applicable hereunder. Such Energy Efficiency Payment shall be the LESSER OF the calculation described herein, or fifty percent (50 %) of the actual AVISTA - approved installation costs. In no event shall the actual Energy Efficiency Payment owed to Customer under this Agreement exceed fifty percent (50 %) of the actual AVISTA- approved project costs. Page 2 of 4 C. The method of disbursement of the Energy Efficiency Payment calculated hereunder shall be at AVISTA's sole discretion, which may include, but not be limited to, cash payments or offsets to Customer's energy bills. Such disbursements by AVISTA shall commence no earlier than the 4t° Quarter of 2006. D. Customer shall be responsible for payment of any applicable federal, state or local income and corporate tax liability associated with such AVISTA payment, and shall indemnify, defend and hold AVISTA harmless with respect thereto. E. The calculation of the actual Energy Efficiency Payment applicable hereunder is based on the simple payback of the project prior to the application of the incentive level, in accordance with Rate Schedules 90 and 190, and shall be attached hereto and incorporated into the Agreement by this reference as "Schedule $ ". F. The Energy Efficiency Payments calculated herein shall be determined solely by AVISTA, and such determinations are considered to be final. G. AVISTA may, at its option, during reasonable hours, inspect the Equipment following installation to verify Equipment installation. 6. Energy Efficiency Payment Refund. In the event that, during the term of this Agreement, Customer: (1) closes and/or sells its Facility(s); (2) discontinues purchasing electric and /or natural gas service from AVISTA such that Customer forfeits its eligibility under the provisions of AVISTA's Schedule 90 and 190 tariffs; or (3) fails to properly operate, maintain or replace the Equipment as set forth herein, Customer agrees to refund to AVISTA the portion of the Energy Efficiency Payment, calculated on a pro -rata basis, for the period of time during the term hereof that Customer fails to provide the anticipated energy savings, unless Customer's obligations have been assigned, as specified in Section 10 hereto, with the prior written approval of AVISTA 7. Inspection of Facilities. AVISTA shall be permitted to inspect the Facilities and Equipment on reasonable notice and at reasonable hours for the sole purpose of verifying Customer's compliance with its performance obligations under this Agreement, including continued operation of the Equipment contemplated herein. AVISTA shall also have the right to install and maintain sub - metering equipment and shall be furnished reasonable access to sub - metering devices for meter reading purposes. This provision shall not impose upon AVISTA any obligation to perform any inspection, and is not intended to substitute for or relieve Customer of any responsibility or duty relating to the purchase, design, installation, operation or maintenance of the Equipment. 8. Compliance with Laws. Customer represents and warrants that Customer, its agents and employees, and any subcontractor it may retain to install or maintain the Equipment, are familiar with, and at all times will comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, codes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the installation, maintenance, operation and use of the Equipment. 9. Disclaimer and Indemnity. Customer acknowledges and agrees that it is voluntarily participating in this Energy Efficiency Program; that AVISTA is providing funding and analysis, only; and that AVISTA assumes no liability for Customer's decision to enter into this Agreement, for the Measures selected by Customer, any third parties selected by Customer to install those Measures, or any disputes arising out of repair or replacement of the Equipment installed hereunder. Furthermore, as part of the consideration for this Agreement, Customer hereby releases and shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend AVISTA from any and all claims, losses, harm, costs, Page 3 of 4 liabilities, damages and expenses (including attorneys' fees) of any nature whatsoever, or allegations thereof, arising directly or indirectly out of or in anyway pertaining this Agreement, except to the extent any claims, losses, etc., arise as a result of AVISTA's sole negligence. 10. Assignment. This Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. No assignment or transfer by either party hereunder shall be made without the prior written approval of the other party, except for a transfer to a parent, subsidiary, or affiliate of such party, or, with respect to AVISTA, to a successor in interest which acquires all or substantially all of the assets of AVISTA, and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 11. Continued Availability. It is understood that the Energy Efficiency Payment described in Section 5 above is contingent upon continued funding availability through AVISTA's Schedule 90 and 190 tariffs applicable to the Equipment contemplated hereunder. 12. Venue. Any action at law or in equity to enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction where Customer's Facility(s) is located. 13. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the States of Washington or Idaho, depending on the location of Customer's Facility(s), excluding any choice of law rules that may direct the application of laws of another jurisdiction. 14. Amendment and Waiver. This Agreement contains all of the terms and conditions bearing upon the subject matter and shall not be modified or varied except by written agreement executed by each of the parties hereto through authorized representatives. If at any time the terms hereto are not strictly adhered to or enforced, such requirements shall not thereby be deemed waived or modified, but shall at all subsequent times and date be deemed in full force and effect. 15. Headings. The section headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be considered part of or used in the interpretation of this Agreement. 16. Attorney Fees. If any action is brought to enforce this Agreement, or in the event of any dispute arising hereunder, the prevailing party in such action shall be entitled, in addition to any other relief, an award of reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in such action. 17. Order of Precedence. This Agreement consists of the following documents which are listed in descending order of precedence and are attached and incorporated by reference: the Energy Efficiency Agreement, Supplement(s), Schedules and Exhibits. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate by the respective officers hereto, duly authorized as of the date first above written. Avista Corporation slba Avista Utilities By: Title: y do Hate d . 10.3 This document contains confidential tax information and has been redacted pursuant to RCW 82.32.330. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMQ 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. CENTERPLACE AT 1VIIR/A13EAUU/POINT By: t� /Lcc -•,n Title: f2t �✓•4x.c.-- O i V- Date: Federal Taxpayer ID Number REDACTED 'ikuV /STA� Utilities Evaluation Report of Energy Efficiency Improvements for Centerplace at Mirabeau Point Spokane Valley, WA Evaluation Performed by: Mike Littrel August 10, 2004 IMPORTANT NOTICE The purpose of this Energy Efficiency Improvement Evaluation Report is to give you an indication as to the viability of pursing an efficiency upgrade. The Customer Solutions .Department of AVISTA Utilities is dedicated to making accurate predictions of potential energy savings. However, it should be noted that the potential energy saving, the estimated projects cost, as well as incentives offered by AVISTA Utilities, are ESTIMATES ONLY. Actual project engineering design recommendations may differ from those in AVISTA's report, and project labor and material cost will vary among vendors and contractors. AVISTA believes the attached report is a reasonable accurate representation of energy usage and opportunities in your facility. However, because of the limited scope of our visits, AVISTA UTILVnES CANNOT AND WILL NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS OR USEFULNESS OF TIME INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT, NOR ASSUME ANY LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF ANY LN ORMATION, EQUIPMENT, METHOD OR PROCESS DISCUSSED IN THIS REPORT. It is not recommended that you use the analysis or other information contained in this report for bid specifications or to compare vendors project costs. To protect the integrity of the bid process, you agree not to share this report with contractors or vendors. If you decide to proceed with a project, based on AVISTA Utilities analyze, you should consider contacting a design - engineering firm. Their recommendations may vary from that of AVISTA Utilities. Where it is appropriate the cost of engineering design can be included in the project costs and may be eligible for certain incentive offered by AVISTA Utilities. You will be selecting and working with contractors and vendors of your choice. AVISTA Utilities does not recommend specific contractors or vendors, nor will it supervise any implementation of energy efficiency projects. During the project and /or once the project is complete, AVISTA Utilities may conduct one or more site visits to verify the installed equipment, determine the appropriate incentives and measure energy savings. The purpose of any visit by an AVISTA representative is not to check on contractor or vendor work. In selecting a contractor of vendor, you should make sure the contractor or vendor is properly qualified, is licensed and bonded, has references and will perform work for you in a timely manner and in accordance with applicable codes and standards. Incentives are paid when the project is substantially complete, but require that an agreement between Avista Utilities and the customer be in place prior to ordering project materials. Centerplace at Mirabeau Summary of Proposes! Energy Efficiency Measures Listed in order of Simple Payback Option Brief EEM EEM Electric Demand Nat. Gas Energy Simple Potential Simple No. Description Cost kWh kW Therm Cost Payback Incentive Payback Savings Savings Savings Savings before After incentive Incentive 1 Variable $49,375 225,590 0 0 $$11,726 4.2 years $11,050 3.3 years Frequency (33% ROQ Drives 2 CO2 $7,500 6,684 1 1,590 $1.530 4.9 years $2,651 3.2 years Ventilation (32% ROI) Control 3 Low -E $76,440 87,936 16 4,320 $8,430 9.1 years $19,995 6.7 years Windows (15% ROI) 4 Occupancy $7.347 10,635 2 -78 $651 11.3 years $851 10.0 years and (107. ROI) Daylighiing lighting Controls Scope of Work: The above incentives are based on project information provided in drawings and specification dated January 2004 and an energy use analysis of potential energy efficiency measures. The energy efficiency measures proposed for this project are as follows: • Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) will be installed to control AHU -1,2,3 and pumps H WP -1,2 CWP -1. • CO2 sensors will be used to automatically adjust the ventilation rates of AHU- 1.2,3 in response to the number of people occupying the facility. • Low -E Windows (PPG Solarbon -60 or equal) will be used in lieu of standard insulating glass. • Occupancy and daylight sensors will be used to control the lighting in classrooms, resirooms and offices throughout the facility. VFD Analysis Customer Information ace at Mirabeau Customer Name M Account Number Office Customer Type WA21 Elec Rate Sch VFD Information Quantity ui ame e o t System motor Horsepower VFU Cost 1 AHU -1 SF HVAC Fan 50.0 512,500 1 AHU -1 RF HVAC Fan 15.0 $3,750 1 AHU -2 SF HVAC Fan 40.0 $10,000 1 AHU -2 RF HVAC Fan 15.0 $3,750 1 AHU -3 SF HVAC Fan 15.0 $3,750 1 AHU -3 RF HVAC Fan 7.5 $1,875 2 HWP -1,2 Heating Pump 15.0 $7,500 1 CWP -1 Cooling Pump 25.0 $6,250 Project Summary 225,590 EstimatedAnnual kWh Savings $11,726 Estimated Annual S Savings $11,050 Potential Avista Incentive 549,375 Estimated Project Cost 3.27 Net Simple Payback 4.21 Simple Payback Utilities CO2 Sensor Control Savings Calculator .-: Center Point at Mirabcau Assembly AHU -1 8am -4pm e Indirect Fired Gas 10.0 4,200 215 Customer Site Name Area Served HVAC Equipmont Namo Hours of Operation Days per Week Hooting Syslom Type Cooling System EER Current Quantity of Oulsido Air (CFM) -_ 4XR _ATETSCHEDULESW,*?tW,;"* ± - -.4- WA State Elec 21 Electric Rata Scliodule Natural Gas 111 Heating Fuol Rnto Sclhedulo $2,500 Enter the Estimated Coat 12 -31 -04 Enlcr Esdmatod Project Completion i SiirtSrr. -ary:4, a3- Estimated Heating Savings - therms Estimated Annual Cootinn Savinns - kWh I CO2 Sensor Control Savings Calculator Center Paint at Mlrabcau Classroom AHU -2 8am-4pm 0 Indirect Fired Gas 10.0 3,900 130 Customer Site Name Area Served HVAC Equipment Name Hours• of Opcmtion Days per Week Heating System Typo Cooling System EER Current Ouantlty of Outside Air (CFM) Typical Occupnnt Donsity (0 of People - "1ltfflfk S�RATEISCHEAUL'ES�'�il" "'� '�" WA Slate Else 21 Electric Rate Schedule Natural Gas 111 Heallng Fuel Rate Schedule, $2,500 Enter Oie Estimated Cast 1231 -04 Enter EsNmatod Project Completion 43 Estimated Heating Savings - therms 122 Estimated Annual Cocllnn Savings - CO2 Sensor Control Savings Calculator Canter Point at MiraEeau Classsoan AHV -3 Gam -4pm 6 Indirect Fired Gas 10.0 2,000 50 Customer Site Name Area Served HVAC Equipment Name Hours of Operation Days per Weak Heating System Type Cooling System EER Current Quantity of Outside Air (CFM) Typical Occupant Density (R of People RATEtS411EDU6ESIAMONVOIRW� i' WA State Elac 21 Electric Rate Schedule Natural Gas 111 Heating Fuel Rate Schedule .T C N Q E � l6 +' n N y Q r? O v c ~f- G 0 s E Y aL+ H (O O w � M H c v ti V co M M N r h ti lO 0) C ti @ N Y O C2 U) In O O N (D C O t7 O r- p N � O J m t- 0) CU U O — C/i C7 N N W N O O 7 0) O U 7 7 M Q 1 1 C C Z) D a° 0o m °OCO U N 0 (O U) O LO ti O O � M O N ' O OOO LO � O I-- CD O r O 3 N'T,, O 0 0 6 Ln (O U.) O 3: 0) CA N p) f, O CO 0 V: r 0 0 tn N 0 Co 0 n O N C,O� O CD O O N 01 y 0 m ' > 0 C C 0 U) Cn (n (n ?> -0 E N o) c c cn w c o = C a O a 0 0 ml 0 (O U) O LO ti O O � M O N ' O OOO LO � O I-- CD O r O 3 N'T,, O 0 0 6 Ln (O U.) O 3: 0) CA N p) f, O CO 0 V: r 0 0 tn N 0 Co 0 n O L O— CO O N� C,O� r o ZOOOLO CD O U y 0 m U CTy rn O>ZOO -r, (n 0) O 00 0! > v1 d O N pC C O y? > C C a c m o W W g Z Z m U # I 1 ILocotion (Type WattslHoursl kW d kWFVyr. I Lp Life I Lamp Cost Ballast Cost i 9 jCla.room107 13L F3Z 18 t6 1 3 4 II 2134.08 2 16 lClassroom 108 3120 1,872 5840.64 20 10.00 30.00 3 9 ;Classroom 109 F32T8 76 3120 0.684 2134.08 20 3.00 19.00 4 16 �Classroorn 110 117 3120 1.872 1 5840.64 1 20 1 $1 MU -0 STCU6- 5 9 ;Classroom 111 3L F32T8 76 3120 0.684 1 2134.08 p 20 $3. $19. 4- 6 9 (Classroom 112 31. F32T8 76 3120 D.684 1 2134.08 20 3. J 7 4 1 Room 121 3L F32T8 76 1 3120 0.304 1 948.48 I 2U I $ 3.UU $19.00 8 2 Room 123 3 F32T8 76 3120 0.152 474.24 3• '9 2 Room 149 3CF32T8 76 3120 0.152 474.24 20 $3.0 -$-lTg- --fo- 2 Room 149 2L F32T8 55 3120 0.11 343.2 $3, $17.0(1 11 2 Room 150 3L F32T8 76 31201 0.152 474.24 $37 519.00 12 2 IRoorn 150 2L F32T8 55 3120 0.11 343.2 D 1 $3.00 $17.00 13 4 Room 3L F32T8 6 3120 0.304 948.48 2D 3.00 19.00 14 2 oom 1 13L F32T8 76 3120 0.152 _ 474.24 20 $3.00 19.00 15 1 oont 218 13L 32 8 3120 0.152 474.24 2D 3.00 19.00 16 oom 21`8 2L F32 TS 3120 0.11 343.2 2D 3.00 17 18 2 2 Room 220 I Roorn 220 13L F32T8 12L F32T8 76 55 3120 3120 0.152 0.11 474.24 343.2 2D 20 I_ 3, 1 3. S .00 1 8717.0-0 19 assroom 3L F32 TB 76 3120 0.684 2134.08 20 3.00 19.00 20 6 Classrowl 232 3L F32T8 76 3120 0.456 1422.72 20 53.00 1 S19.00 21 6 Classroom 3L F32T8 76 3120 0.456 1422.72 20 26- $3.00 53.00 1 $19.00 S19.00 22 9 Classroom 235 3L F32T8 76 3120 0.684 2134.08 23 24 25 26 27 28 I I I 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 -36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 I 45 I 46 47 a8 as I I 50 51 52 _ 53 54 55 I I 56 57 58 59 60 61 I 62 63 64 65 66 I 0 I 67 D 68 9 69 C 70 1 I 71 I I I 72 73 74 75 I l Centerplace LtgForm.xls Existing Pg 1 - 1 08 -10 -2004 Centerplace LtgForm.xls Proposed Pg 1 - 1 08 -10 -204 Oty. Location 8Occs S Y ns I Type Watts I Hours kW Mityr. Lp Lilo Lomp Cost Ballast Cost 1 9 JCIassroom b 2184 O.G84 1493.856 2 8 1 lassroom 1 08 1- 2L F54T5 O --9-7- 2184 1.872 1 4088,448 2D 3 9 Classroom 109 32T 76 2184 0.684 1 1493.856 20 $3.00 T9. i- 4 16 Classroom 1 1- 2L F54T5 O -1-1-7 2184 1.872 4088.448 $TM S30A0'a 5 9 Classroor 111 3CF32T8 7G 2184 0.684 1493.856 2 20 _ �$3 00`-- 8 $19.00-- 6 9 _ lIIZVOOlt1 1 1 1 3L F32TB 76 2184 0.684 1493.856 7 4 Room 121 3L F32T8 76 2184 _0.304 663.936 $' . $ S 00 8 o i23 1 1 3L F3 2184 O.ib2 331.968 20 3.00 19.00 9 2 Room 14 1 3L F32TB 75 2340 0.152 355.68 20 $3.00 19.00 SO 2 Room 149 2rF32T8 55 2340 0.11 257.4 20 $i70� 11 2 Room 1 3L F3 8 2i F32TB� 2340 0.152 355.68 20 3 -00 19.00 Si7 7 06- _ 12 2 Room 159 55 2340 0.11 257.4 $ . 13 4 Room 1 1 3 F3 2T8 3L F32T8 2184 0.304 663.936 20 $3.00 9.00 14 2 Room 151 i 76 2184 0.152 331.968 S� $' 9.00 15 Room 1 3 2340 0. i 52 355.68 20 2U- $3.00 -$3.00 ITUU - 7 -00 16 2 Room 21 2L F32T8 5 2340 0.11 257.4 17 liooan20 1 2340 0.152 355.68 2 .00 1- 18 2 Roam 220 2�F32T8 55 2340 0.11 257.4 26-` _ 53.00 7 -00 19 9 lassrown 2131 1 13L F3TF8- 2184 0.684 14 93.856 20 3.00 20 C ssal roam 2 1 1 31. F32T8 7r- 2184 0.456 995.904 20 $ . STA•00 21 6 Classroom 1 3L F32T8 2184 0.456 995.904 20 53.00 X19. 22 9 Classroom 1 1 2184 0.684 1493.856 24 25 I 26 B 27 28 I I 29 30 I 31 1 32 33 I I 34 35 1 36 I 37 3T- 39 - - -- 40 41 I I 42 43 04 45 46 I I 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 1 55 57 58 59 60 61 _ 62 -N- 63 64 65 6b 67 68 69 70 _ 71 72 73 =74 a� 75 I 1 Centerplace LtgForm.xls Proposed Pg 1 - 1 08 -10 -204 NAME. Centerplace at Mirabeau Acct# New Construction Electric Rate Schedule: WA21 Natural Gas Rate Schedule: WA111 Cost Per kWh: 0.05508 Electric Demand Charge: 2.75 Cost per Therm: 0.62235 Lighting Energy Savin s: kilowatt hours 9,870.43 Lighting Demand Savings: kilowatt demand 0.00 Cooling System Savings: kilowatt hours 764.96 Cooling System Demand Savings: kW demand 0.00 Total Energy Savings: kilowatt hours 10,635.39 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand ) 0.00 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate $7,347.20 lHeating S stem Penal therms 78.37 Maintenance Savings: $465.16 Centerplace LtgForm.xls Report Pg 1 - 1 08-10 -2004