05-016.00 US Bank t "~ IRRE~VOCA.BI:.E ASSIGNVIEI~tT OF BL,OCK:I-: D ACCOLT~tT L7ate: March 7, 2005 E;enelac.iar}~: Applicant: City of Spokane. Valle}~ Name: `1`homas 1-lamilton 1 1707 F. Sprague; Ste. 106 Address: ~ N.U. 13ox 14680 Spokane Valley; OVA 99206 Spokane Valley, `'VA 99214 Phone: 924-7811 Attn: Steve ~VorleY Pro,jeet # c~c Namc: i)ebtor's Mitigation A~.•eenient SR 2? (Pines Roacl)~i~~Iansfie.ld Road Constructi.o» Ft:•oject [ 8 acros located on Fines Ro~icl, parcel numbea~ 4102.9111]. Rloe.ked Accotuit Number: 100-20350-014 Expiry Taate: Upon release by RenefSciar}r. Our Counters T'resently Located At: t.ichards, ~~errill ~. Peterson, Une Sky walk; U.S. Bank Building, 422 ~V. Riverside Avenue Spokane, «~A 99201-U367 ~ltnount: $22,820.00 Not exceeding US 17ollars T~~~ent}~ `t'wo "l housand right 1-lundred 'Twenty laollars and I~io Cents. 1[crnizcd as follows: Developer's contribution to the. Project for mitigation o1' future traffic impacts related to the T~evelc~pment: Twenty "Two Thousand Eight Hundred T~weaity Taallars and 1\to Cents This Page I fanny an integril part oPierca~ocablc assigmnent vl'blucked account 110-2U350-f-14 ~O ~r' T • i !! /~ 1 Vde. hereb~~ agree to this irrevocable blocked account for Debtor's Nlitigatic~n A~n•eement SR 27 (Pines Road)ll7ansfield Road. ~iO115t1.'L1Ct1C)]l FrUjeCt [ $ acres located on Fines Road; parcel number 45102.9J.:1.~,] ~u~d ~~~ill mal~c available within five (5) business da}~s of our receipt oi'yUUr re•e~uest to us to disburse funds in accord~u~ee with said R~Iitigaiion Agreement. 't'his Page 2 forms an integral part of irrcvocabb:, ~~ssignmcnt of blockut account I UU-203511-G14 :. -, '~ ; i SPECIAL CONI~I"i ONS 1. Any and all brokerage charges are for the account ol~the beneliciary. 2. It is a condition of this irrevocable assignrrtent of blocked account that it shall be automatically extended, withrxtt amendment; for ail additional period of one year from the present expiration date or each future expiration date. A11 ~~Z-itten notif cation shall be sent via rcgistc.red mail. Requests for funds under this irrevocable assigmient of blocked account must bear the clause: "Request for funds under Richards, Merrill ~~, Peterson irrevocable. assignment of blacked account No. 1 UO-20350-U 14." Vl~e hereby engage with You that requests for funds and/or documents presented a>i.~d negoi.iated under and in compliance with the terms of this irrevocable assigtuncnt of blocked account will be duly honored within 5 business days of presentation to us. 1"he amou~lt of each reduest for funds must be endorsed on the reverse of this irrevocable assignment of blocked account by the Richards, Merrill & Peterst>n. A charge of USIA X25.00 will b~, deducted from the proceeds of any request for funds presented with discrepancies. RTCHARDS. IvlLRR11.L & F'ETFRSON ~v: C ~ KtJR.T RTO\, Authorized Signatory T -iO1~~1~.5 1- . Hr~vITLT0~1 Ibis ['aye 3 fornu tut integral part of irrevi~cable asSignmm~t of blocked account 100-2030-014