05-020.00 Mooney & Pugh: CenterPlacer .. ~r a~-•- CHA\rGF Distribution to: Madsen QRDF.~R UWNGIt City of Spokane Valley Mitchel I ,4RCHITECT Madsen R9itchell Evenson Evenson ~: Conrad 8~nrdd CON'1"RACTOR Mooney & Pugh Contractors plk 02.20-01 Architecture pROJF..CT: Centerplace at Mirabeau Point Park PROJECT NO. 02.20 Int.criors Construction INITIATION nA'['L"": 3-4-2005 Change Qrder No.: 14 h4anagement TO (Contractor): Jerry Potter CONTRACT DA`CL-": 04-01-03 Iviooney & Pugh Contractors General Contractors 5307 E. Cataldo Spokane, WA 99212 Y'ou arc diracletl to incotyxxatc the follc~~+~ing changes into this Contract: $ec nltachnte+t! for• complete lfetir{~ of clrrrnges tv !!te tvQrk iit~•1 oiled in This Cha+rg~ l.?rct~r. Not valid until siwttd by both the Owner artd Architect Signature of the Contractor indicates his agreement hrrcwith, including any adjustments in the Contract Sum or Contrnct time. \ote: all costs below include sales tax. `1"he Original Contract Sum was: $7,590;062.OU Net change by previously authori7~ed Change Orders: S6SU,U(i3.00 The Conh•act Sum prior to this Change Order was: 573,240,12.00 The Contract Sum will be increased by this change order in the amount of: $31,71 1.U0 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be: $73,271;7336.00 1`he Conaact'1'ime will be unchanged. The Date of Substantial Completion as of the elate of this Change Order therefore- is unchanged. ? 16 Nprch Non•ard Sirgwalk Lcz•el Authorized: Spc+}ane.~Lashington •'\ 99201 City of Spokane Valley Mooney & Pugh Contractors I 509-6i4.660U t3v _~ f L liy fax 509.6?4.626? Date. 3~ I ~ ~R~ Date I~ ~ ~ ~2 1 C~'~ madmitch.coat l M;idsen Mitchell Evenson & Conrad, PLLC ~ 216 N. Howtr+d; Sk}'walk Level 19331 Subek Read Fin Spokane, WA 9y201 I'.0. Box IS1 F3v Uatc ~ ~~~ ~ S L•dwall, 157asltington 99003 509•?36.1311 fax 509.236.2411 madmitch.coan ~~~~ ..~~ Madsen Mitchell cxa~G~ Evanson &Gonrad oRAE~R i~u~ Architecture Interiors Construction A4anagement 02.20-01 Attachment PROJECT: Centerplace at ivlirabeau Point Park fN1TIA'1'ION L7A'1'E: 3-4-2005 You are directed tv incorporate the following changes into this Contract. Chance Proposal Request Items: 1. COR-92 Additional cost to incorporate security G9meraS into C011traCt 2, COR-$4 .Additional cost for kiln exhaust 3. COR-RS Additional cost for adding VFD to MUA writ in kitchen 4. COR-90 Additional framing reyuircd for soffit transitions Add $24,9;5.00 Add $ 1673.00 Add $4£94.00 .Add $409.00 Totul for Chance Order \'v. 14 (includes Wa. Stflte sales tux) ($31,711.00) ? l6 T,`orrh Howard 5lcywalk Level Spolane,ll~fh irr~tun 99201 509-6?4.6600 fnx 509.624.6262 rnadmitch.com ^ 9332 Sohek Fnad Past ItO. 13ox IS2 fitiwall, Washington 99003 509.236.231[ fax 509.236.24i! madmltch.cum