05-023.00 CH2M Hill: Barker Rd Boone to Spokane River- ±~TransportatiL~IlTrprovement Board r ~~Consultant Supplemental Agreement Agency City of Spokane Valley Proiect Number 8-3-208(001 }-1 Project Name Barker Road - Baone Avenue to Spokane River Cansulting F7rm CH2M HILL, Inc. Supplement Phase Design Supplement Number 01 The Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley desires to supplement the agreement entered into with ' CH2M HILL, Inc and executed on November 19, 2004. All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section II, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby amended as follows: Right-of-way and drainage site acquisition survey work described under Task 6.1, Exhibit 61, of the original Consultant Agreement, is revised as follows: 1. Establish boundaries for 13 intersection corners. a) Prepare legal descriptions of each b) Monument new right-of-way c) Provide preliminary boundary staking of each 2. Establish boundaries for four drainage retention areas a) Provide preliminary boundary staking of each b) Prepare legal descriptions of each c) Monument boundaries of each d) Topographic mapping of each 3. Prepare and file a record of survey for all new boundaries Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the Completion Date SUPPLEMENTAL COMPLETION DATE May 1, 2005 (Unchanged) Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows as set forth in Exhibit A MAXIMUM AMOUNT PAYABLE $321,894.55 (Unchanged) EXHIBIT A Original Agreement Supplement Total Direct Salary Cost $57,173.06 $0.00 $57,173.06 Overhead includirti Pa roll Add:Uves $98,394.85 $0.00 $98,394.85 Direct Non-salary Costs $118,395.35 $1,800.00 $120,195.35 Fixed Fee $18,668.15 $0.00 518,668.15 Contingency $29,263.14 ($1,800.00) 527,463.14 Total $321,894.55 $0.00 $321,894.55 CONSULTAtdr SIfPPLEII.EK~AL AGREEMENT Oti.000 PAGE ~ OF 2 ~llsr'~-3 ;~~~7ransportation~vement Board ~ ~ ' ~,;Consultant Supplemental Agreement ' If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign and date in the appropriate spaces below. AgEncy Si ure Date 'ant Sign lure Date ~+ C CDNSULTA~Ff SU?PLAi=NTAL AfiiREEIAENi D1.DOC PAGE 2 aF 2 ~..~~ N M CH2MHILL TRANSMITTAL To: City of Spokane Valley From: Jim Dingfield 11707 East Sprague Avenue, 9 South Washington, Suite 106 Suite 400 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99201-3709 Attn: Louis Graf Date: March 24, 2005 Re: Barker Road -Boone Avenue to Spokane River -Supplemental Agreement We Are Sending You: Method of shipment: Hand Deliver 8 Attached Under separate cover via Shop Drawings ® Documents Tracings Prints Specifications Catalogs Copy of letter Other: Quantity Description 2 716 Consultant Supplemental Agreement - 01 If the material received is not as listed, please notify us at once. Remarks: Louis, I have provided two signed copies of Consultant Supplemental Agreement 01; one to be retained by the City of Spokane Valley and the other to be returned to CH2M HILL. Copy To: SP7(ITRANSIdITfAL 0.242065.DOC 323679At ti! COPYfffiGHT 2075 S'f CH2M HILL, I:IC. • C0h1PANY CoyFIDEMTInI . Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Vatley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhallc~spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Louis Graf, Engineer (CIP) -~ Thru: Neil Kersten, Public Works`1Sirector ~f'l/ r Steve Worley, Senior Engineer (CIP) ~~ Date: March 25, 2005 / Re: Barker Road Widening Project Please find attached a Supplemental Agneemcnt form from CH2MHill for the above project "Phis is the standard T1B form used to issue supplemental at,~reements for additional work that was not included in the original scope of'services. The right-of=way consultant (CH2M:Hill's sub-consultant) for this project requests that all right-of--way takes at the corners of intersections, right turn lanes and drainage facilities be staked prior to beginning negotiations with property owners. This staling was not included in the original scope of work. Please see attached email correspondence for more information. :~ `T'he requested additional staking will reduce the potential time delays during the right-of- way acquisition process, which is a critical path item in this project. T`he work described in the supplemental agrreement is scheduled to take place on Monday, ~~~ March?3' The total cost for this additional staking is $1800.00, which will be subtracted ~' from the wntingency item for this project. ~~~~ J ro'ect has the bud *et available for this additional work. 1 The Barker Road Widening p ~ T; recommend this Change Order be approved and signed by have. T..et me know if you need any additional information. f'a~e 1 of 2 N N Louis Graf From: Jim.Dingfield@CH2M.com Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 2:13 PM To: Louis Graf Subject: FW: Louis, The following emails from Benthin & Associates, our survey subconsultant, describes changes to the Surveying and Mapping, Task 1 scope of work and fee. Based on the current project design layout, the project will involve 4 drainage parcels and 13 corner takes instead of the 9 drainage parcels and 4 corner takes assumed in our original agreement. Our existing scope of work also does not include rough staking of the corner takes for use during the right-of-way acquisition negotiations, which ProLand is now requesting. As presented by Benthin, the effort to survey the additional corner takes is equal to the credit for the deleted drainage parcels. Thus, the $1,800 cost for the rough staking of the corner takes would be beyond the existing fee in our agreement. Please let me know as soon as possible if we can have Benthin proceed with the rough staking effort. Thanks. 1im Dingfield, P.E. CH2M HILL Spokane Office 9 South Washington Street, Suite 400 Spokane, WA 99201-3709 (509) 747-2000 {Receptionist) (509) 623-16x4 x241 (Direct} (509) 475-6272 (Cell} {509) 252-1547 {Fax) jim.dingfield[rJch2m.com (email} ~~Q~ From: Benthin & Associates [mailtoaurvey@gps-surveyor.oom] Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:33 AM To: Dingfield, Jim/SPK Cc: Krych, PatJSPK Subject: Hi Jim, After review of our scope and the current right of way scope I have made the following conclusions. Current Scope • The Mission intersection right-of-way area takes are covered in the current scope. • We have 4 current drainage sites which cover 4 of the original 9 sites leaving 5 sites as a credit. • The result is 54% less topography, 5 fewer descriptions, and 20 fewer corners to set. 3!21/2005 Page 2 of 2 M New Scope M • There are 10 new right-of-way takes. . 10 new descriptions to prepare. • 30 corners to set. • Potentially an additional page for Record of Survey due to the distance between locations. Additional Task • One time construction type staking of all right-of-way sites for property owner viewing. (13 sites total) Impact on Scope and Fees • Mission intersection has no impact.. • There is an approximate 30% increase in corners to be set. (36 vs. 46) • There is an approximate 50% increase in description preparation. (9 vs. 14) . There will be 5 additional title searches and reviews required. • There are more sites spread further apart. • There is 54% less topography to be performed, however this has minimal overall impact due to the small size of the drainage areas and is performed while staking property corners. • There is an additional task for the One Time Staking of Right-of-ways. Result . Mission intersection remains the same. . We will complete the 10 boundary surveys for the right-of-way takes as a trade for the credited 5 drainage sites. . We will absorb any additional pages for the Record of Survey. • The One Time Staking for the 13 right-of-way sites will be additional to this scope at a fee of S 1800.00. I trust this will assist in the resolve of the scope and fees with Spokane Valley. Sincerely, Walter O. Dale, PLS Dale 8 Dale LLC dba Benthin 8~ Associates 1004 N Atlantic St. Spokane, Wa. 99201 509-325-4529 509-325-4520 fax woda leg ps-su rveyor. com 3!2112005 Pagclofl ', : .' ' Louis Graf From: survey@gps-surveyor.com Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 12:29 PM To: Pat_Krych@CH2M.com; Jim.Dingfield(c~CH2M.com Subject: Right-of-way Acquisition Survey Hi Pat and Jim, The purpose of this survey is to provide visual locations for right-0f-way acquisition discussions. Staked Locations should be writhin approximately 0.2' of true locations. Definite boundaries and monumentation will be determined by actual boundary surveys at a later date as depicted by original Task Order. The following site locations are identified and will be staked with wood stakes and marked with a distinct numbering system. Northeast of Boone East and Barker Northwest of Sharp West and Barker Northwest and Southwest of Sinto West and Barker Northwest and Southwest of Maxwell West and Barker Southwest of Mission and Barker Tum Lane Southeast of Mission and Barker Tum Lane Northwest of Mission and Barker Northeast of Indiana East and Barker Southwest and Northwest of Indiana West and Barker Southeast of Riverway Lane and Barker There are (13) sites total. Drainage retention areas are not included. Estimated time is 1 Day 3 person Crew and 1 day of Office calculations and preparation. Professional Services Estimate is $1800.00 Walter O. Dale, PLS Dale 8 Dale LLC dba Benthin 8 Associates 1004 N Atlantic St. Spokane, Wa. 99201 509-325-4529 509-325-4520 fax wodale@gps-surveyor.com 3/21/2005