05-025.00 Mooney & Pugh: CenterPlace~~ tiY.P /_ rC~ ' Ni~~_ • - ^ Mitchell Evenson &Gonrad pllc Architecture Interiors Construction A~fanagement C.MANGE Distribution lo: UR:D~R OWNER City of Spokane Valley ARCHITECT Madsen Mitchell Evenson & Conrad COs\'TRAC'I'OIZ Nlooney & Pugh Contractors 02.2o-oi PRUJLC'1': Centerplace ai Mirabcau Point Park PROJECT NO. 02.20 INITIATION DATE: 3-2 I -2UU5 TO (Contractor): Ji.rry Putter Mooney ~. Fugh Conttactors General Contractors 53(17 E. Cataldo Spokane, WA 99212 Clrartge Order No.: 15 CO\''I"RACY DATE: 04-01-03 You are directed to incorporate the following t:hanges into this Contract: See atlcc/rmerrt jor cnnaplele lisrin4 of char;des ro t/re tivork irrrlutfeJ rn rhls C'han~e Order. Nat valid until signed by both tltc Owner and Architect Signsntre of dre Contractor indicates his agreement herewith, including any adjtt~etmenls in the Coturact Sum ar Contract time. Vote: all costs belay include sales tax. The- Original Contract Sum was: $7,590,062.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders: $681,774.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was: $8,271,836.00 The Contract Sum will be increased by this change order in the amount of: $29;045.00 The new Contract Surn including this Change Order will be: $8,300,881.00 The Contract Time will be unchanged. The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is unchanged. ?Ib ~Varth tlovrani ~kyn~alk Level Au[hol`IZeCI: ~pgkanc,ahshtngcon 99~a1 City of SpoR ie ValJey y49.624.6St10 lay ,~e 1 ~ ~~' fax 549.624.62tit pate ~//~/~J ~_ :avf mitch.cnm ^ 49332 Solxk Road l:a<t P.O. Box 1S2 Edu"al}, Nashington 99t.>L1(i 109.236.2311 fa.x 109.236.2951 madrnitch.com Mooney & Pt ~h Contractors 13y I')atc ~ ''~- Zti -d~ Madsen AAitchell Evenson ~. Conrad, PLLC 21G N. Hutivard, $kytvalk Level tipokanc,VJA 49201 IJy Date _ ?~ ~ 21-OS ~ .s =,z s ~ ~. nr~° - o----- Madsen Mitchell c~Alvc~ Evenson ~~DER &CAnrad ~,tk Architecture U2.20-d1 InteriUrs PROJECT: Centerplace at Mirabeau Point Park Construction A4ana~ement 216 Notth Howard Skyt~alk Level Spolane,l~+ash irt;trnt 99201 509-6?4.6600 fax 509.624.6262 madmitch.com ^ 49312 S,tiL~ek Rmcl Fa r P.O. Nox l6? Ed~•all, Washington 99+709 509-136-231[ f~,x &09.236.245[ madmitch.com Attachment Il\'I`fIATIO~V DATE: 3-21-2005 You are directed to incorporate the following changes in[o this Contract: Clianee Proposal Repucst Items: I. COR-91 Kitchr.n door stops. 1~lrill not proceed with ++~ark $0.00 2. COR-GO Additional cost for wall framing at door 154 Add $372.00 3. COR-52 Additional cos[ for senior dining strucwral changes Add $6971.00 4. COR-54 Additional cost for HVAC revisions Add $6255.00 5. COR-79 Additional cost for do+vnspout/gtrtter additions Add $7633.OU 6. COR-94 Additional cost for fire sprinkler revisions Add $449.00 7. COR-70 Additional project cost due to sales tax increase Add $2253.00 8. COit-59 Additional project. cost for addi[ional ~eenhouse structural framing Add 551 12.00 Total for Change Order \b. 15 (includes Wa. State sales tax) 529,045.00