05-026.00 Mooney & Pugh: CenterPlace-~' t+~~ Madsen Mitchell Evenson &Gonrad pllc Ci-[ANGE OR:U~R 02.2o-oi Distribution to: 01WNL°'It Git_y of Spokane Valley ARCFIITFCT Madsen Mitchell I:venson & Conrad CONTRAC"I'Olt ,vlooney ~ Pugh Contractors Architecture PROJECT: Centerplaee at Nlirabcau Point f ark PRUJCCT I~tO. 02.20 Interiors Construction 1N1'1~IA"PION DATE: 4-I I-2005 Change Order No.: 16 A•Iana~ement TO (Contractor): Jerry Potter CONTRACT DA'I'L: 04-O1-03 Mooney & Pugh Contractors General Contractors 5307 E. Cataldo Spokane, ~'r'A 99212 You are directctl to incorp+~rnte the follo+ving changes into this Contract. Set; alracJrnaent•joreomplete lislinc; vfchanoes rv llre work included Dr rltrs Change Order. \'41 vali[I until signed b}' !?oth [hC O«'ner and rlrchiteet Signnturc of the (:orm:cctor indicates his agreement h.rc+vith, including <m~' adjustments in the C'ontrnct Sum or Contracl time. Nnre: all costs behi»' include sales tax. The Original Contract $um was: $7,590,(?62.00 Net change by previously authorized Change orders: 5710,819.UU l'he ConU•act Sum prior to this Change Order was: 58,300,881.00 The Contract Sum ++~ill be increased by this change order in the amount of: $14,887.00 l'he new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be: $8:315,768.00 The Contract "Time will he unchanged. The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is unchanged. 216 Notch !Toward ~kywalk Lc1'cl AuthorlZed: SEnI'anc, lT?ashingcon 99201 Ctly Of 'OIr le Vc ' i 509-b24.6S00 By ~ _~I'w~l fax 509.b?9.626? Dale "G ~~ madrnitds.cc?m Mooney R P' gh Contractors Ry ,r _ ivtadscn Mitchell l~v£nson fi. Cunr:[tl, I'LLC ~ 2lG N. Hownrtl, Sk}'+~~alk Level 49332 Eck Rood EaK . ~vA 992(!1 k a n e $po P.O. Liox 132 ~ ~ /, ~ ~ 1 ~~ Date ~~~ o s :3y _ ~1 Edn•all, l~~ashingcon 99005 i09.236•?311 dax )09.236.2451 m;ulmicch.cnm - ,: ' • - ..----- Madsen E itnhenl CHI-1NG~: e so &Gonrad ORDER rtu~: Archi[ec[ure Interiors (:onstruc[ion ManaeemenC 2f6 r+tiirih Nau•ard S1;ywnik Ls:+~el tipnkanc, l%°.tsltingtcut 99?91 Y09.62q•6306 r~x i09.624•b2b? matltIDittft.tOm ^ g933? So6cl• f+oad Ea<c F'.17.8ox 152 Edt+•all, Wishin~tnn 9900$ i09.236•d311 fax S09•?.3b•?qSl madmitth.tom 02.20-01 Attachment PROJECT: Ccnterplace at Mirabeau Point Park INI"1'lATIO1\' T~ATE: 4-I I-2005 You are directed to incorporate the following changes into this Contract: Chance Proposal Request Items: 1. CUR-93 Can light fixnires ~~~ill not br. installed 50.00 2. CUR-95 Additional cost for the addition of kitchen cabinet locks Add $207.00 3. CUR-8S t~dditional cost for required 2"`' emergency exit froth basement. Add $12,452.00 4. COR-83 Additional cost for adding FRP in kitchen; ceiling hatch and gyp. bd. Add $2228.00 Total for Change Order \'o. 16 (includes Wa. State sales talc) $14,887.00