05-039.00 Centennial Properties, Inc~~ ~r~ RETURN ADDRESS City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave Spokane Valley; WA 99206 Attn: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk 5194641 Page t of 12 0312412005 82=41P NI'i ttT, I ~ , Spokane Co, M Please Type or Print Neatly 8 Clearly All Information Document Title(s): Mitigation Agreement SR 27 (Pines Road) Mansfield Road Construction Project Reference Number(s) of Related Documents Grantor(s) (Last Name, First & W9iddle Initial) I?eveloper: Centennial Properties, Inc. Grantee(s) (Last Name, First & P.9iddle Initial) Mitigation Agreement with Developer noted above and City of Spokane Valley Legal DescriptlOn (Abbreti~iated foml is acceptable) i.e. Section/TotivnshiplFtange111k Section 45033.9128 - 03-25-44 PARCEL A OF RECORD OF SURVEY RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE #4871947 bk 105 pg 95 being a portion of sw 45035.9129 - 03-25-44 PARCEL B OF RECORD OF SURVEY RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE # 4871947 bk 105 pg 95 being a potion of S '/ 45104.9120 -BSP 2004-01 (AFN 5123854); Lot 1 (PTN SE % of 10-25-44, AKA Mirabeau Point I Binding Site Plan, BSP-01-04) 45104.9118 - 10-25-44, PTN of NW '/. of SE % DAF 45104.9121 -BSP 2004-01 (AFN 5123854); Lot 2 (PTN SE'/ of 10-25-44, AKA Mirabeau Point I Binding Site Plan, BSP-01-04) 45104.9122 -BSP 2004-01 (AFN 5123854): Lot 3 (PTN SE %< of 10-25-44, AKA Mirabeau Point I Binding Site Plan, BSP-01-04) 45104.9123 -BSP 2004-01 (AFN 5123854): Lot 4 (PTN SE'/< of 10-25-44, AKA Mirabeau Point I Binding Site Plan BSP-01-04) 45104.9124 -BSP 2004-01 (AFN 5123854); Lot 5 (PT SE % of 10-25-44, AKA Mirabeau Point I Binding Site Plan, BSP 01-04) ~~ '-~ S __` ~ `~II~IIII;IIII 5194641 I~~ "rrn €33/2412008 021 41~ N , I K ~ •~ Spokane Co, DtR 45104.9125 -BSP 2004-01 (AFN 5123854}; Lot 6 (PTN SE %< of 10-25-44, AKA Mirabeau Point I Binding Site Plan, BSP 01-04) 45105.9097 - 10-25-44 PTN OF N % OF SE '/. LYG N OF UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD (ALSO KNOWN AS SPOKANE INT RR) 45113.9025 - 11 25 44 PTN OF N %2 OF SW '/< LYG N OF SIRR RNV & SLY OF A LN DESC UNDER DEED # 634340C DATED JUNE 30-1972. 45114.9028 -11 25 44 PTN OF GOV L6 LYG N OF SIRR RNU & SLY OF A LN DESC UNDER DEED # 634340C DATED JUNE 30-1972 _ Assessor's Tax Parcel ID Number: see above The County Auditor vrill rely on the information provided on this form. The Staff tivill not read the document Po verffy the Accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein. Sign below only if your document is Non-Standard. I am retluesting an emergency non-standard recording for an additional fee as provided in RCW 36.18.010. I understand that the recording proc ing requirements may cover up or othen~nse obscure some parts of the text of the original document. Fee for non- standyr¢-gro sing is 554. r v~~ - ture of Requesting arty A~1IT1GA=11UlV AC:KL.>Ji~I»N T SR 27 (PII~'ES ROAD) / M.4NSI?I:E[.,:D RUAL) CUNfiT1tIJC;TIC)N l'RU~):LCT 1"his Mitigation Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Centennial Properties, ):ne. (".1eveloper"), a RTashington Corporation, having offices for the transaction of business at 3320 N Argonne Road, Spokane, «'ashington 99212, and the City of Spokane Valley ("City");apolitical subdivision of the State of Washington, hereinafter jointly referred to as "Parties": RECITALS l . The City, in cooperation with Spokane County and the Washington State L7epartinent of Transportation, is planning to design and construct improvements to the SR 27 (Pin.es Road) and Nl.ans:6el.d .12.oad comdor with Transportation Partnership Program ('f PP) ;rant funds from t1.ie Transportation Improvement I~nard (TII~) and Congestion ManagementlAir Quality (CM:A.Q) grant funds from. the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC). The name of the project is the Pines/Ma.nsfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project ("Project") and the purpose of ibis project is to alleviate existing and future traffic congestion in this area. The Project will reconfigure the V~Tl3 ramps of I-90 at SR-27 (Pines Rd.), using the exi.sti.ng slip ramps to Indiana Ave. and Montgomery Ave. 1~1j13 off-ramp traffic will use the slip ramp to a signalised intersection at Indiana Ave. «~B on-ramp traffic will use the slip ramp at iiviontgomery Ave. To irnprovc operation of tl~e \~l~B on-ramp and ensure safety, the portion o:(.'Montgomery Ave. between Pines Rd. and the slip ramp will be one- way, westbound only. Therefore, to provide access to Pines Rd. for the propt;rties west of Pines ltd., Mansfield Ave. X11 be improved, with. a tra[:fic Signal at the intersection of~ Mansfield Ave. ~X; :Pities ltd. Curb, gutter, sidewalks and bike lanes will also be constructed. In addition, a signal will be il~stalled at the i\%firabeau Pl:vvy & Pines Rd. intersection to bring this intersection up to an acceptable level of service. 2. 1'he Developer is the owner/developer. of ce.rtait~ real. property generally located whthin the SR 27 (Pines Road) and Mansfield Road corridor north of Interstate 90 legally described in :F.xh.i.bit "A" (":property"). 3. J'he l~eveloper is developing the Property for residential oodles commercial uses (the "laevelopment") which will increase traffic congestion and directly impact existius transportation infrastructure along the Pines/Mansfield corridor from and includuig the on- and of.-1=ramps at I-90. Mitigation of these impacts will be rcquirEd as part of the development of. said property. 4. The Parties are desirous of entering into an Agreement which provides for the payment of a proportionate share of the Project in consideration for the allocation of a specified number of P.M. Peal:: Hour trips and mitigation of trafCc impacts associated with the Development. 5194641 Fage~ 3 of 12 ~~I2412S@5 @2~41r' 5',rakane Co, WA II.I~ I t~~~t 6194641 ~ Pages 4 of 12 Centennial Properties, Lr~_ , l~~ation Agree I~ 031~412~85 8P~43P ~' U NT, I ds<A ~', Spokane Co, WR Pines/iylansfield lioad Construction Project _ 5. The Teveloper recognizes the need to improve the traffic congestion iii. the Pines/~~Iansfield corridor ar~d has agreed to financially pa.cticipate in the 1='roject by contributing apro-rata share of the required local inatchi.cig fuL~ds. The T)eveloper's pra- rata share is based on the total number of trips pre~~i.ously estimated for the levelopment. 6. Pursuant to R.CW 43.21 C.060; and RCW 82.02.020; the City has the authority to allow a payment to mitigate a direct impact that has been identified as a consequence of a proposed development. 1'he City (1) has identified future road projects necessitated by planned development i.n c;ertain areas of the City; and (2) has identified a reasonable relationship between impacts generated by the Development to the transportation system and the financial contribution tov~~ard those impacts. 7. To .n~.itigate the direct impacts of the Development upon existing transportation facilities, t:he Parties are voluntarily entering into this Agreement pursuant to RCW 82.02.020. 8. It is uitended that this Agreement provide ~l~unds in order to mitigate the direct traf•,fic-related impacts of the 17evelopment upon. the ea~~ironment which have been identified through the SEPA review process and documented in the City File No. ZF., ~7- 96/13SP-O1-04 and Vlirabeau Point l+inal 1/rivironmental Lnpact Statement (PETS). aGxiL:~N1JEN NO«'; `1`I~tEIt~L"U1ZL, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions hereafter set :forth; the Developer and the City hereto agree as follows: 1. Voluntar~~ A~rcement. This Agreement; incl-tiding all attached documents, is a val~u~tary agreement as tliat tenr i.s used in R.CW 82.02.()20. The mitigation fees charged herein are proportional to the traffic-related u~~pacts generated by the laevelopmenl. The parties aekno~vlcdgc that the capital project i_s reasonably ~necessa.ry to mitigate the direct traffic impact of the Development. l.n the event this mitigation agreement is determined by a court to be null and void the City shall refiand the unexpended portion of nutigation fees. Following a termination of this agreement the Developer shall, as reasonably required, mitigate the direel trafl:ic impacts of the Development through the State Environmental Policy Act. 2. l'roicct Funds. The Project is being flulded from several sources including, the ~'i'ashington State Department o f Transportation (~~'SDU"1 ); the "1'l:i~; the SRTC, the City; and private developers. Funds from ~TdSDOT, TIB; SRTC and the City have been obligated. See ")/xlubit 13". 3. Mitigation J±ee. The Developer. shall pay Sl 51,730, ($303.46 per Y.M. Peak T-lour trip), which has been determined to be the Developer's contzibirtion to the Project for mitigation of future traffic impacts related to the Development. 'I'bis traffic mitigation p;lf~lic W~p&n! Rnjens5pinc \4nnsaeldlAfitiss:iae f~pteru[rSS.Kiti3atioa AgrectnenlShAtR1GATtOA' ACsAF£41FiYT Crntsnia] Pmpeusdnc li~~ EI111_III 5194641 ' Centennial Peoperties; ]r. ~~ation Ag7ec;m, Page 3 aF 12 sr ~~_~~ 03/24X395 02 aiP Pines/It9.ansfeld Koad Construction Project 1 I~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ So~kane Co, WA Hi {, fee sbal_l be expended towards the design, right-of--way acquisition, and construction of the Project. 4. Payment To begin the design of the Project, the Developer agrees to pay aU, or at least 20% of its mitigation fee no later. than February 25, 2005. A letter of credit, savings assignment, set-aside letter, or other appropriate mechanism that gives the City a unilateral right i:o access the funds pursuant to this agreement From a financial institution shall also be provided to the City no later than la ebruary 25, 2005 for the remaining 50% ofthe Developer's mitigation fee. The remaining $U% of the Developer's mitigation :fee shall be collected by the Cit}~ no later than 90-days prior to the Project bid date for construction. The City will notify the Developer of the Project bid date when it is determined. All fees paid by the Developer steal] be used as a portion of the local rnatcb required for the TIB and S1ZTC grants related to the design; right-of way acquisition, and construction of the Project. Site Development. Juilding permits ~;gill be issued for the Development when 1) this agreement has been executed by the Developer and the City; and 2) the Developer's initibation fees bare been paid in accordance «~th Section 4 above, and 3) all other conditions of approval. of tfie Taevelopment required by state and local. laws are satiSlied. Execution of. this agreement releases the 1eveloper from t:he requirement of constn~cting frontage improvements on the Property, provided said frontage improvements are included in the Project. if frontage improvements are not included in the Project, the Developer is responsible for constructing frontage improvements in addition to paying tl~e mitigation fees. 6. Compliance with RC~'~' 82.U2.O2U. Payment collected by the City w711 be held in a mitigation fee reserve account and may only be expended to fiord the design, right-of- way acquisition, and construction of the Project. Payments shall be expended «~t11in five years of collection. "I`hc City shall be entitled to rein~burscment from the mitigation fee reserve account for any funds it may expend for the design, right-of- wayacquisition; and construction of the Project prior to the collection of the fee. Any funds in the mitigation fee reserve account not expended within f ve; years shall he refiulded by the City with interest as provided in RCW 52.02.020. 7. Committed I'.~VI. Peak Huur Trips. The City agrees to reserve within the Project up to a total of 500 P.M. Peak Hour trips for the Property until. the .Development is complete provided such reservation complies with all federal, state and local laws at the time application .for a building permit is made. "C:ompl.ete" is defined a5 having received all governmental pernuts and approvals necessary to construct and perinanently occupy the neveloprnent. If the total number o.i:' P.M. Peak Hour trips for the T)evelopment exceeds the total number of reserved trips noted above, a new traffic st<~dy shall be provided to determine if additional traffic mitigation is required. F_1WLIic~i'ccksSCapitalP~ojcaslFixa.V.amfir:Id:4Si~~:inn ~P**m•~tAfaigu~nA~ecmc~sl.~SCCIGATl4NAGRF,Et.1ETTC~mnialFra~-.nia.moc lii,. 11.1111 5194641 Centennial Properties, In _ i~~t~tion Agrcem ) ~a.~e~ 6 of i2 PineslMansf eld Road Construction Project ~ II~~ ~~-~~~~ 93!2412865 0i? ~ 41P 1 ,< Spokane Ca, WR b. Concurrence: ]il accordance ~~1th the City's adopted concurrency standards pursuant to RC~V 36.708, the 1?.i~l. Peak Hour trips mitigated herein shall be considered to have satisfied concurrency far the Project from. the -Development as provided in paragraph 7. Any remaining capacity shall be available to the general public. 9. Notice: All communicatiorLS; notices or demands ofany kind which a party under this Agreement is required ar desires to give to any other. party shall be in ~~~riting and be either (1) delivered personally, (2) sent by facsimile tra.nsmi_ssion ~~ith an additional u~py mailed first class, or (3) deposited in the U.S. mail; certified mail postage prepaid, return receipt requested and addressed as iollaws: if to the City: City of Spokane Valley 1.1707 ~. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Fax: (S09) 921-1008 Attn: City Manager If to the ]aevelaper: Wayne hrost Centennial Properties, Loc. 3320 N Argonne Rd. Spokane, OVA 99212 10. Successors. This Ag~reemcnt shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the successors and the assigns of the Parties. 1 ] . (Tovernina i..aw. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of 1~Vashington. Any action for cnforcen_~ent of this Agreement shall be brought in a eotut of corli.pet:ent jurisdiction in Spokane County, Washington or as othen~ise provided by stah~te. 12. Modifications. No modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid until. the same is reduced to a7itu~g and executed with the same formalities as the present Agreement. 13. Waiver. No officer, employee, agent or otherwise of the City has the power, right or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions to this A~•eement. No waiver or any breach of this Agreement shall be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. 14. Representation. "['his Agreement forms a fully integrated agreement between the Parties. No other underst:andi.ngs, oral or otherwise; regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the Parties hereto. This agreement shall meet the mitigation requirements for direct traffic-related impacts of the J~evelopment within the Project livnit:s as described in the Project. description. v~. Section 1 of the Recitals and as identified and documented in -the City 1~ile(s) P:V1tDFe ~4'orkslCaphel PtojcASV'[tea-Marafxl3'\St~^ys:iao /~Cm-~siMiilgs!im Ay wnuitsL~SI7'IGA7'IGN AGRF~Y.EM Cln~~vrJ Pmpcoes.dx ' Centennial Properties, Js, , ~1~~~Htion Arc Piues+tilar~stield Road CORStrllCtloil Project .~~~; IIIII_II! 5184641 ' Pages 7 of 12 P III, II A~R 8~okaneOCo, ~A41 P referenced in Section R of. tl~e Recitals. Phis agreement shall not supersede any other conditions of approval not directly relatE;d to traffic-related impacts of thL 17evelopn~ent «~thin the Project limits. All Parties have read and understand all of. the Agreement, and now state Thal no representation, promise pr agreement not expressed in the Agreement has been made to induce any 1''a.rty to execute the same. ] 5. Authority. Both Parties to this Agreement: represent acid certify that they have full authority and pUwer t4 enter into and carry out this Agreement. The persons signing this Agreement represent that They have authority to act for and bind tliei.r respective principals. p,1fhihL'ro Wortak,sprnnl Pmjcu~Pinu•t+tars8ddlbtcig:i® Agrxaxeu~TUtgatiun AgainectsU4tTIGAT10N AGREtbtt7: I' C~Gwdal Piopatirs.doc ' Centennial 1?rOpGrtiC:s, Ir. 1~~8tion Agreer PineslMansfield Road Construe ton Project ~~i~.l 11.1111 5194641 Fage ~ 8 ~f 12 ~~~I ~_ 0312412@NS 62 ~ 41 P U N NT, t _Y _ _ S,oakane Co, WR TN ~ fil\j~SS ~4VNFIt1JOl?, tlae T~arties have executed this Agreement this ~` ~~ day of ~-~ ~ ~ _, 200x. DEVFLOPEI2: Centennial I'ropefties, Inc. --J~ ~V~Gne 1 rost Its: ~ e-.9~~ i~~artas-~ ~~ STATE OF R~ASHNGTON ) ) SS- County of Spokane ) On this ~ day o f: ~ tuldcrsigned; a Notary Public i.n and for s~yprn, personally' appcarcd~~~~~ ~ 200 before mc; the W~, . >ngl'c~n, duly commissioned and ,n~-~~ to me l,-novvn to be the ~.~n2p1t~, ' ~~/~o~f ~~.~~ ~ ~ ~~ the corporation khat exec~l~ed the foregoing instrument; and acknowledged the instnunent to be the free acid voluntary act and deed of~ the corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to e~:ecute the instrument. ~VI"l~T~i>/SS my hand and official. seal. hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. ``~~,,titiloolari~~i 5. F~ ~"0 4 v p1AR Y ~ r ~, i~~ oa 1 NOTAIz.Y PUF.3LIC, in artd :or the Stale of ~Vashuigton; residing at _~v My cornrnission expires: ~ _,!_~?Q~~ ~~.~~~ Printed I~Tame CITY QF SPQK~INE/V~ALLE}.`: ~~- l~avid Mercier, City Manager ~ ,...: ~`. ,~ , Chris l3auibridge, city Cl -. APP OVE FORM: ary ri c11,17 u ~ City Attorney P1Pu6l'-c Worts~Cipiw! RejeeuSPcna-hfus6dt!'~4itiy~tien AgroancntsU.lift}yatiau.~ccmcuisSNlfrIGA710N AGRE~M~'~I'I' Crltnnin! Fhr~erties.~oc ~~ Exhibit "A" ~~ kane 45035.9129 45033.9126 45033.9128 03-2b-44 PARCEL A OF RECORD OF SURVEY RECORDED UNDER AUDITORS FILE #4871947 BK 105 PG 95 BEING A PORTION OF SW1/4 40335.9129 03-25-44 PRACEL S OF RECORD OF SURVEY RECORDED UNDER AUDITORS FILE #4871947 BK 105 PG 95 BEING A PORTION OF S1/2 5194641 Page 9 of 12 9312412005 @2~41P N ~ N , -- I • Y - K b - . Spokane C9, WA Wage 1 of 3 - a- M ~ <.. T ~ ~00U 0 ~~ \ C ~ ti T ~1 O ~0. ®Cn ~0 -_ ~~ ~~ ~S ~W~ ~n 45104.9120 BSP 2004-01 (AFN 5123854): LOT 1 (PTN SE 1l4 OF 10-25-44, AKA MIRABEAU POINT I BINDING SITE PLAN, BSP-01-04) 45104.9118 10-25-44, PTN OF NW % OF SE'/a DAF: BEG NW COR OF SD NV+/ %a OF SE `/a, TH S 89°56'1 1" E 288.70 Fi' ALG N LN OF SD NW % TO TRUE POB, TH S 89°56'11" E 278.19 FT ALG SD N LN, TH S 0°11'33" W 235.94 FT, TH S 89°56'1 i" E 369.25 FT TO 1N ROW LN OF DISCOVERY PLACc, TH S 0°11'33" VJ 208.50 Fi' ALG SD ROW LN, TFt S1NLY ALG CUR CONCAVE N1rJLY W/ RAD OF 27.50 Fi' FOR 43.14 FT, TH N 89°56'11" 1N 619.25 FT, TH N 0`06'05" E 471.88 FT TO TRUE POB 45104.9121 • BSP 2004-01 (AFN 5123854): LOT 2 (PTN SE 1!4 OF 10-25-44, AKA MIRABEAU POINT I BINDING SITE PLAN, BSP-01-04) 45104.9122 BSP 2004-01 (AFN 5123854): LOT 3 (PTN SE 114 OF 10-25-44, AKA h~11RABEAU POINT I BINDING SITE PLAN, BSP-01-04) , 45104.9123 BSP 2004-01 (AFN 5123$54): LOT 4 (PTN SE 1J4 OF 10-25-44, AKA MIRABEAU POINT I BINDING SITE PLAN, BSP-01-04) 45104.9124 BSP 2004-01 (AFN 5123854): LOT 5 (PTN SE 114 OF i0-251`.4, AKA MIRABEAU POINT I BINDING SITE PLAN, BSP-01-04) 45104.9125 BSP 2004-01 (AFN 5123854): LOT 6 (PTN SE 114 OF 10-25-44, AKA MIRABEAU POINT I BINDING SITE PLAN, BSP-01-04) Rage 2 of 3 ~ ~ Exhibit "A" } ~~ ~~ 45105.9097 45113.9025 45 14.9 dia to cp /r)diana ~ Nora ~ 90 W290 ON / 90 / 90 45105.9097 10-25-44 PTN OF N112 OF SE1/4 LYG N OF UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD (ALSO KNOWN" AS SPOKANE INT RR) AND LYG E OF I~IIRABEAU PKWY ;TOGETHER WITW PTN OF S1fZ OF S1/2 OF NE1l4 LYG E OF IvIIRABEAU PKWY AND S OF INLAND EIv1PIRE PAPER RR RNV. (AKA PARCEL "A" OF R.O.S. BK 90 PG 7) 45113.9025 i 1 25 44 PTN OF N112 OF SW1/4 LYG N OF SIRR RNJ &~ SLY OF A LN DESC UNDER DEED ~634340C DATED JUNE 30-1972 45114.9D28 11 25 44 RTN OF GOV L6 LYG N OF SlRR RM" & SLY OF A LN DESC UNDER DEED l1634340C DATED JUNE 30-1972 ,- . ,...: 5194641 Pa~e~ 11 of 12 0312410005 02~41P M NT, t Y K Spok~~~e Co, WA Page 3 of 3 .~ ' ~~ Exhibit'6' ,~~ Pines/Mansfield Cost Estimate PE ROW Construction TOtaIS City Portion - thansfield Ave. (3-lane Sc-coon) _ Preliminary Engineering S75,622 Soils Investigation 515,OOD Right-ofavay $600,ODD Protect Signing 52,000 Contingencies - 10°N $75,622 Construction Engineering - 10:6 $75,622 Construction - 1096 S756,22~D Environmental/hAisc. Eng $16,393 Subtotals Si07,015 $G00,000 $909,464 S1,616,479 WSDOT Portion Design Engineering 5200,000 Right-ofavay (Euclid) $25,000 ROW -Pines $SOD,000 , Construction $1,570,464 ' Contingencies 565,745 Sales lax - B. i So $123,158 Construction Engineering 1690 _ $262,979 Subtotals S200,000 $125,000 S 2,022,346.00 $2.347.346 TOTAL $307,015 $725,OOD $2,931,610 $3,963,825 ' Added $50,000 per revised estimate from WSDO'I' for additional flagging required at RR crossing. TIB $ 2,193,561 5596 Developers $ 499,795 i3% City $ 55,000 196 VJSDOT $ 55,000 196 CPAAQ S 1,160,500 2996 Total 5 3,963,856 10096 5194641 Page 1P of 12 ~i3t24/2985 t9i? ~ 41 P ~ NT, I ~' K Spokane Co, WA