Ordinance 11-002 Zoning Map, Eliminates City Center CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 11-002 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE SPOKANE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CODE, SPECIFICALLY THE SPOKANE VALLEY SPRAGUE APPLEWAY CORRIDOR SUBAREA PLAN; DELETING REFERENCES TO THE DESIGNATION "CITY CENTER"; AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO CHANGE THE DESIGNATION "CITY CENTER" TO "MIXED USE AVENUE"; AND AMENDING ORDINANCE 09-021. WHEREAS,the City of Spokane Valley, (The"City") is a noncharter Code City organized under the laws of Title 35A RCW; and WHEREAS, the City has the authority to amend its development regulations pursuant to RCW 35A.63.100; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, ( The "City Council"), pursuant to that authority, adopted Ordinance 09-021 on September 15, 2009, adopting the development regulations implementing the Spokane Valley Sprague Appleway Subarea Plan, (The"Subarea Plan"); and WHEREAS, on October 26, 2010, the City Council passed a motion to forward an emergency Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code amendment to the Planning Commission for their review and recommendation;and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed this request, as well as the recommendation of the Community development Department to approve this request, at a study session on November 18, 2010 and conducted a public hearing on December 9,2010; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted Findings and Recommendations and the same were presented to the City Council on January 4, 2011; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered this Ordinance amending the Zoning Code and Map and the Findings and Recommendations of the Planning Commission on January 18, 2011, for the first reading and on January 25, 2011, for the second and final reading, with public comment received at both City Council meetings; and WHEREAS, one of the land use designations contained within the Subarea Plan was the "City Center"designation;and WHEREAS, at the time the City Center designation was approved, the City of Spokane Valley intended to make significant investments in the City Center area through the purchase of property on which it would construct and operate a new City Hall as well as construct improvements to streets and streetscapes adjacent to the new City Hall;and WHEREAS, the plan for the development of the City Center property also included the construction of a Library within its boundaries; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, adopted pursuant to chapter 36.70A RCW, (The "Comprehensive Plan") envisioned that certain uses within the City Center area would be restricted and limited to encourage the development of a City Center that would provide the Ordinance 11-002,Amending Zoning Map Page 1 of 5 community with, "its symbolic, social and geographic heart," the "center of its civic and social life" and provide services such as shops, cafes, restaurants, community services and the offering of"comfortable public streets and public places;" and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan further envisioned that the new City Hall was intended to "preside over the City's main outdoor gathering space and its vista will be the iconic image that stands for Spokane Valley," and spur development including a new regional center including retail, office and residential development; and WHEREAS, the City Center designation in the Comprehensive Plan and subsequent development regulations did not allow a number of specific uses including vehicle sales, convenience stores, gas stations and thrift stores; and WHEREAS, the Mixed Use Avenue designation in the Comprehensive Plan and subsequent development regulations does allow such uses; and WHEREAS, the City Center designation in the Comprehensive Plan and subsequent development regulations, once the development of the "core" City Center Main Street commenced, restricted retail development in areas adjacent to Main Street until specific development thresholds were met; and WHEREAS, the City Center designation in the Comprehensive Plan and subsequent development regulations imposed certain design restrictions and construction requirements that were unique to the City Center area; and WHEREAS, in the last sixteen months since the adoption of the Subarea Plan,the City's revenue forecast has continued to deteriorate. Specifically, sales taxes are projected to decrease by$400,000 from 2010 to 2011; property taxes are projected to decrease by $100,000 from 2010 to 2011 and funds available from the real estate excise tax have decreased from a high of approximately $2.2 million in 2007 and 2008 to approximately$900,000 in 2010 and 2011; and WHEREAS, funds for significant private development are not as available as they would have been at the time the initial ordinance was passed, and major commercial investments within the City have had financial difficulties; and WHEREAS, the City is not able and does not intend to make any significant investment in the Center area as was contemplated at the time the Comprehensive Plan and development regulations comprising the Subarea Plan was adopted. Specifically the City Council has, by motion, ended negotiations for the purchase of property on which to locate a new City Hall and adopted a 2011 budget that does not include sums for the purchase of such property, and further reduced funds available for the construction of a new City Hall by $2.2 million to fund other necessary capital projects; and WHEREAS,the voters of the City rejected a bond proposal to construct a Library within the City Center property; and WHEREAS, the property owners within the City Center designation are burdened by the restriction on allowable uses outlined above, the further restrictions that would be in place if and when a development plan for the core was adopted, and the design restrictions and requirements unique to the City Center designation,without the City investment and infrastructure improvements; and Ordinance 11-002, Amending Zoning Map Page 2 of 5 WHEREAS, the City has been made aware of potential development that could occur within the City Center area that currently is precluded by the current designation; and WHEREAS, a number of uses, buildings and signs have been made non-conforming by the adoption of the City Center designation and development regulations implementing the same; and WHEREAS, testimony before the City Council and Planning Commission has demonstrated both the economic hardships and desire to remove the current limitations as is set forth in the Findings of Fact below; and WHEREAS, the issues and factors concerning the creation of the City Center designation has been the subject of three years of study and analysis, and public meetings and testimony, specifically as set forth in Ordinance 09-022 and in additional public hearings and meetings identified in the findings of fact below; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2006 prior to the adoption of the Subarea Plan, recognized the goal of identifying and creating a City Center for the City, and the City Council wishes to continue to pursue this goal with staff, taking into consideration the existing economic situation and the City's current financial circumstances, in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommendations fail to take into account the specific factors set forth in the findings of fact below; and WHEREAS adoption of this amendment to the Zoning Code and Map must comply with the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act("SEPA")as set forth in RCW 43.21C; and WHEREAS, the City is required to notify the Washington State Department of Commerce of its intent to adopt this amendment to the Zoning Code and Map at least 60 days prior to final adoption pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL MAKES THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The facts set forth in the recitals above are incorporated by this reference as Findings of Fact. 2. The proposed amendment to the Zoning Code and Map has been provided to the Department of Commerce pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106 on November 3, 2010. 3. The City of Spokane Valley has complied with the requirements of RCW 43.21C and issued a Determination of Non Significance ("DNS") for the proposed amendment on November 12, 2010 in a manner consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance. 4. At the time the City Center designation was approved, the City intended to make significant investments in the City Center area through the purchase of property on which it would construct and operate a new City Hall as well as construct improvements to streets and streetscapes adjacent to the new City Hall. 5. The plan for development of the City Center property also included plans for the construction of a Library within the City Center boundaries but the voters rejected a bond proposal to construct that Library. Ordinance 11-002, Amending Zoning Map Page 3 of 5 6. In the last sixteen months, since the adoption of the Subarea Plan, the city's revenue forecast has continued to deteriorate. Specifically, sales taxes are projected to decrease by $400,000 from 2010 to 2011; property taxes are projected to decrease by $100,000 from 2010 to 2011, and funds available from the real estate excise tax have decreased from a high of approximately $2.2 million in 2007 and 2008 to approximately$900,000 in 2010 and 2011. 7. Funds for significant private development are not as available as they would have been at the time the initial ordinance was passed, and major commercial investments within the City have had financial difficulties. The City Council has,by motion, ended negotiations for the purchase of property on which to locate a new City Hall and adopted a 2011 budget that does not include sums for the purchase of such property, and further reduced funds available for the construction of a City Hall by $2.2 million to fund other necessary capital projects. 8. The City has been made aware of potential development that could occur within the City Center area that currently is precluded by the current designation. 9. Public testimony has favored and opposed the change. Specific comments at the City Council meeting of October 26, 2010 supporting the amendment include comments that businesses were struggling, vacancies rates were high, and that the property owners within the City Center designation support removal of the current restrictions; further testimony at the Planning Commission meeting on December 9, 2010 supporting the amendment indicated that the City Council has, since taking office in January of 2010 reviewed the Subarea Plan in detail, reviewed each zone classification, and heard testimony concerning the impacts of the current regulations on development and how the current economy is affecting properties within this designation, as well as the desire of property owners for additional flexibility for development within this designation as well as testimony by a property owner within the City Center designation requesting more flexibility to enable redevelopment to increase the tax base and create more jobs. Further, public comment at the City Council meetings of January 18, 2011 and January 25,2011, supporting this change included comments that current restrictions stymied business growth and development, created a significant percentage of non-conforming uses and buildings, resulted in little or no building applications since the designation was established; further that City investment and major tenant interest has not materialized, that the City is suffering the effects of a serious economic downturn, and that investment opportunities may exist if the restrictions on use and development were removed. 10. The City of Spokane Valley has provided notice and engaged in a public process to ensure citizen participation pursuant to RCW 36.70A.035, RCW 36.70A.130 and RCW 36.70A.140, providing the public an opportunity to be heard on October 26, 2010, December 9, 2010, January 18, 2011 and January 25,2011.The notice provided and meetings identified constitute early and continuous public participation in the consideration of this proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan and map. 11. The City Council does not accept the Findings of the Planning Commission for the reasons set forth in these Findings of Fact as well as the following: a. The public has had an appropriate opportunity to be heard. Public notice was provided and public comment on this issue was taken on October 26, December 9, 2010, January 18, 2011, and January 25, 2011. There further is no evidence in the record that the current designation, without the anticipated City investment, provided any guidance or stability for future economic investment, on the contrary,economic development has not occurred due to the restrictions currently in place. b. The change is not inconsistent with the remaining portions of the Comprehensive Plan including Chapter 2.2.1-City Center, and Goals and Policies LUG-6 and LUP-6.1.11. The City Council is not abandoning the concept of a future City Center and is actively exploring alternatives to this site. All Ordinance 11-002,Amending Zoning Map Page 4 of 5 remaining provisions of the Subarea Plan contained in the Comprehensive Plan and development regulations are still in place. c. The City Council finds that the economic threat to existing property owners within the City Center designation is immediate and a result of the restrictive development standards imposed. 12. This amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan as amended by Ordinance 11-001. BASED UPON THE RECITALS AND FINDINGS OF FACT SET FORTH ABOVE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Amendment of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. The Spokane Valley Sprague Appleway Corridor Subarea Plan is hereby amended as is set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 2: Amendment of the Spokane Valley Official Zoning Map. The Official Zoning Map is hereby amended as is set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 3: Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or lack of constitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section,clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 4: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 25th day of January, 2011. "IF ■41# ATTES omas E.Towey, Mayor 0 ristine ambridge, City Clerk Approved As To rm: Office of Oe City A orney Date of Publication: Effective Date: ._9- al-th/ Ordinance 11-002, Amending Zoning Map Page 5 of 5 Exhibit A Emergency Comprehensive Plan Amendment BOOK II 2.0.1. APPLICABILITY 1) City Center District Zone. These regulations shall apply to: a) New construction. 10 • . e. building and land. Such exterior regulations shall conform to the architectural regulations contained in Section 2. 2.0.3. HOW TO USE THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FIG . 2 . () . 3 . how TO USE THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS BOOK 11:DEVELOPMENT REIit'I.ATIONS 2.L 2.2. 2.4. 2.3. 22.6. 1 tii h'1 k :5.S!. DISTRICT ZONES SITE DEVELOPMENT 3 p.%11 SING ,ARCHITECTI RAI, e SIGNAGE REGULATIONS REGULATIONS)NS t '11;11 i I,/,,5 REGULATIONS REGULATIONS EGULATIO NS , , I s I2.14 2.2.! BUILDING 2.2.8.Si!,! [ 2.4.1. 1' 2A3-1. �y *+if if BUILDING ENERAI.SIGNAGE 1318TRICT Uses MAP ORIENTATION STREET S1t11 vIK PARKING TYPOS ti •.,>e,+t,. lk COMP,/ti1T1(r w-REGULATIONS I 1 2.2.2. 2.!).511/3 , 4 1 1 loran 1he Propwp in !I BUILDING USE YARD SETD_V.O 1 revira•the definitions 1 r' the District ! ! review theJhnnron, review genera srgnage question on --- _. - ti■ review street standards and specifications an :peer<a ons or drhmr,m,stand rds Zones Map and identify the each Parking!ire ea.h huilJing'musing 8 and guidelines apph.ahle D,arkr Zone(s) I 2.2.3. 2.2.1 O Rt.�¢ composition element 'BUILDING HEIGHT I YARD SETR+rI. I ,I• 4, 2.2.4 RELAID/� 2.2.11. 2S.2 1BiIWIT .- s merle". 74/SINGLE 1;•, 23 2. MASSIF G Is I` 1(.LEY SETR1l A w 1'.Um Ihim, -�1 tit E r•�,a,. PARKINGSTA.NDAIIDSJ I CU/MP�TIDN - 2.1.2. { I LD!..I, .1 2.FRONTAL 1 ♦ j 2.5.3 LENGTH .- 1 NEIGHRDRHOO!I' { FRONTAGE /:r/�ERAGE ! rents-to MASSING& _...: l open space review parking stendards , definitions, CENTER — standards ; W24, IY stam4nels,and go_ �. 2.1.3. I 1 2.2.0.PRO I I ^_.I a.R,ILI>•Tlr `--- -. ( each sign bps MIXED USE V I FRO',I%id. el∎II'i ii - eeriest.4,1,.4.K4g 3.1. ,I ,.;, 2.4.3. ew•h.ig, ,d length t3M , : PARKING having a'composition 2.1.4. —1 2.2.7.FRONT .t'.1-I. L.cnR'H 1;1. nI , GL'1DP4.ONES regulations cOMMUNI Y ' STREET Sri TRA'I. III 11•I)1♦G 1.LNI:1ll Niv B/H74RVARU I renew street and ape 2.1-S.GATEWAY space guidelines,including o., p.nkrnggu,JJ n. COMMERCIAL lighting d landscaping ,\REi.L M r,7l RAL review the and specification g Ran ping ELEMEN in Av ENI;E__ each site development regulation -2.1.0.GATEWAY 1 COMMERCIAL rrn.u••,u4,rds CENTERS and guidelines fin - architectural elements = • review the Distri:t-spenfic regulations/or the pnpm•s District Zone(s) 4, f the d./:niti■u and spofie.ii.ms that fdhna m actions:v-s.6 Exhibit A Page 1 of 16 2.0.3. HOW TO USE THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Figure 2.1 District Zone Map — remove CCT and add MUA designation 2.0.3. HOW TO USE THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 1) The Development Regulations are divided into six sections: 2.3.Street and Open Space Regulations set forth minimum requirements for the provision, design, and configuration of new streets and publicly accessible spaces as well as regulations governing landscaping of front, side,and rear yards and other on-site improvements to ensure that new development creates attractive and livable City Center and Corridor environments with amenities for pedestrians. 2.1.1 CITY CENTER DISTRICT ZONE LOCATION: CITY CENTER City Center: r^.~ -^_--^ i s-- 44)- s Ina!4 ,, �sryy.._ r :� . tYY Y -t r.... .......� Dese-ript-ion: City-Center The City Center District is the heart of the community. It is an urb - - • • - • �. -- • sulroul - - • -' - --- '- ..• . City Center Core Street Development is the most urban development in the City with consistent, urban strcctscape treatments and attached commercial block buildings set along the n � sidewalk. Sprague Avenue and other new Core Streets put "Main FORM Street" development on display, highlighting its fine grained 41. • ` • •. r Use .a above retail. Adding to this City Center Core network is the largest concentration of Civic and Cultural uses in the City. (Applicability of City Center Core Street Regulations is DISPOSITI• `41. „� ulat'v D eg .ns) rrs�: le-. • I s a specific design required on any particular site or property. ter- gle-nerleootl-I3e =elep n-t FORM "°c City Center Neighborhood Development has slightly le: urban .. b ... - Core Streets. These parts of the City Center are primarily Use Exhibit A DISPOSITION F � og. • .. concentrated,walkable neighborhood. itsv-i ione +eWthorhood-I evelr.pan-ent-C'o s+tl a specific design required : . :. - 'te or property 1 t .�: s 71 •. n,„,. . -, •` ' -'otse -�.-1_, -tx4e cere-' ee- �, s 1-'4. -.- r; — In order to"incubate" a District Core within the City Center District Zone, — — -1-.1. District as described in the following sections. These restrictions insure t TIl.1 - _. Pre Located y Center Core Street - _ _ _ _ - Pre-Luca-.Street B- regulatory restrictions will no longer be in effect- a) Pre located Core Street the City Center: Pre Located Core Street Map to the right side of this pa,- - . - •-- • consistent with the Figure 2.3.1 (2)Pre Located Streets map.) ii) The location of the Pre Located Core Street may be changed in a manner consistent with the intent of Book I, with the approval of the Community Development Director/Designee. In any case, the Core Street must be at least 600 feet long. b) Minimum City Center Core - .. _ with a civic building. c) Core Street Development Temporary Restrictions i) Core Street Development restrictions shall be effective only Example of City Center Core Development Satisfyin: . - _ . .•_:•-. • - . • A um City Center Core Policies (BSP) establishing the City Center Core Street is approved. .:..3• . .. . ..=IC JL - L- ,- ii :I City Center Core Street is . ii) After the final BSP cr uting the i+ re ,4,•i• t ;((� �:�E, U lie ' "" d approved, City Center Retail is 1 it ••-••**• 4 �'°•' only permitted: •tt«'t.' t 3 � L• (1) In shopfronts along the Pre ,�" � `�`•• r •• ' - located Core Street \ ' 1 C- (2) In shopfronts that continuously extend from Example of a City Center Core Layout chopfronts along the Pre located Core Street: (a) Along the south side of Sprague Ave. (b) Along other new Core Streets south of Sprague Ave. Exhibit A Page 3 of 16 (c) Along the west side of University Rd. (d) Along the north side of Appleway Blvd. ... Regulations, Section 2.22,Building Use. d) Core Street Configuration&Design ' • - :-- - --- -. :- as specified in Section 2.3 /Street and Open Space Regulations. ii) The location of the Prc Located Core Street may be changed in a manner consistent with the intent of Book I,with the approval of the Community Development Director/Designee. _I ii___ IlL J , ...j... I__ U ;L__ L *ague hie. .......—:, CoeSweet SpaCjile hikraleltoteSems ti _il i • II.1 1 ] It U. i t Li II - 1 .. , ,... , n- ir , ---------- u...„---------------->;:- ,......,..... -..1., r...7 . ..,y...."- —Th r-- _____--_--, ----, _ mple of Core Streets Example o ire Development Layout Streets Layout •. : .. . . . zrantage-Co-wf-age-Regaa14oris . . E :- .:-: :: - . : -: - • - • -- - : • : - -- - .: : -- . • : : and Other streets: i) Core Street Development with a Retail Anchor Store: (1) Surface parking lots serving the anchor store may be exposed to the following streets in combination e • b (a) Sprague Ave: 50%minimum frontage coverage (b) Street B: 80%minimum frontage coverage (c) Other Streets: 0%minimum frontage coverage ii) Core Street Development without a Retail Anchor Store: (a) Sprague Ave: 70%minimum frontage coverage (b) Street B: 80%minimum frontage coverage Exhibit A Page 4 of 16 •I -- : .o. .. . . b . •. 2.1.1 City Center District Zone Development Regulations Matrix- Remove ....1.-.. u,....w.1.- .......�.� . n_w•,.l__,.,,,...._ . .— _—.._..-...........Ji.l....4YJ.... ..._.,�._..._..`..aJ_..... ._.. �...�.�. _._..._....... at...* •••*-...wu.....I ..maiea r/Y....•..bran 01 h.......b- ` lW�..i-a.,w...et.�..LJJMr� �yr.a...._S r.r. b... I...1.W tri ♦I,.....J....b.... w.••.•............:..14+t. l..W b..-Y......ya.y.-.M...-...-`" Center Di• et Zo, am.rr+...rr... ;��ayaa� rEarei r+r •rr+� — ,—.N... a.-- •.. .., •w.,w. e...,..1 �..•s..— 1.11.1r.wEM IIIIEMIMM QT a®1•111111111 =MEM mss ■!P:= 41®®• WM Ell a___ -. .- �aeMd—■ C1-:.•.W co-sue r EMS/STEM EIE=IS_.—ISII■ 1 MEMO=EMI=EIMEMIlb.41111 iii aa►® .... ®a0 ME MM. 11111 M=MN MBIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMIO==I Sr 115A 1317: =MINE11■1 MN! i®a .5I.n�! l) O else , ,.... M-ITEM MEME111111111111 MIEll■1■11MINIEMI .,.......�1 .1 - glill® ...-. s.ar.rrrr >r.Ns■w ..r.■r �Ohms o..an.s. v.°_° iiiilaiiiM111111111KMEIMIlll MEM=aao oao oaOo IIMIP 000 IIIIIIIMIIIIMIMM sue_ -. ®=Min IMIIIIIIIMII •fi•tuy 4». ®a® 2.2.1. BUILDING ORIENTATION ,. ., -;..�.- i .017—V..---:}- _ - 2 Front Street and Side Street Classiications: Some regulations throughout Book II refer to "Front Streets" and "Side Streets." For the purposed of this Specific Plan,these terms are defined as follows: i) Front Streets shall include Sprague Avenue, Appleway Boulevard, City Center Core Street and City Center Street"B". ii) On corner properties along Sprague Avenue or Appleway Boulevard, Sprague Avenue or Appleway Boulevard shall be Front Streets, and all cross streets shall be Side Streets. The only • .. .. . .j. • . _ . . " • Exhibit A Page 5 of 16 2.2.2. BUILDING USE 1) Retail i) Permitted Uses: (1) City Center retail anchors, including supermarkets, pharmacies, convenience stores, junior department stores and general merchandise "anchor retail" and "superstore" uses particularly those not specializing in the sale of large scale goods. (2) Retail sales&services, including the following: (a) Specialty food retail, including the following and similar specialty foods: chocolate/candy; general gourmet; ice cr-am; pastry/desserts; yogurt/dairy; doughnuts/bakery; wine shops and wine tasting and similar specialty foods. (b) Specialty goods retail, including the following and similar specialty goods uses: cooking • , b- . - - , . • . • . . 27 .. .b and wall coverings); specialty hardware; antique stores selling high quality used goods (this accessories;books/magazines/stationary; music/instruments. . • - - -- furniture; clothing/shoe stores; stereo/video or computers; cameras/photography; sporting goods; bicycle shops; outdoor/sports clothing and supplies; toys/games; cards/gifts;jewelry; watches/clocks/plants;beauty/cosmetics;flowers;quality consignment stores (3) Eating and Drinking Establishments including the following uses: (a) Restaurants serving alcoholic beverages or providing entertainment provided this activity is clearly ancillary to food service. .;- .. •.. - , .;• . (c) Chairs and tables for outdoor dining and carts for merchant display and sales (i.e. hot dog carts)may be permitted in the public right of way(i.e. in sidewalk areas)provided that: (i) The use maintains a minimum five foot wide unobstructed portion of sidewalk corridor which is clear and unimpeded for pedestrian traffic. (ii) The use keeps the full width of the building entrance clear and unimpeded for building access. (4) Entertainment&recreation uses, including the following: (a) Movie theaters and private performing arts theaters. • • cases the serving of alcohol must be clearly ancillary to the recreational use. alcoholic beverages,provided this activity is clearly ancillary to food service. (5) Art galleries and display spaces with a retail component. (6) Health and exercise clubs. (7) Banks and financial institutions (8) Business services businesses that generate a significant amount of foot traffic, such as computer and office supply, photocopy shops, photo finishers, and print shops excluding sales and storage of-heavy-equipment, Exhibit A Page 6 of 16 ' - ' - • .. .. • . t ' t t •• " . . : . .; , . . , spas,beauty or barber shops,shoe repair. ii) Conditional Uses: Upon granting of a Conditional Use Permit: (1) Bars and nightclubs and casinos, including establishments providing entertainment, and (2) Farmers Markets and other seasonal sales. (3) Other similar and compatible uses deemed by the Community Development Director/Designee to meet the purpose and intent of the Plan. not be applied to use conversion in an existing building. - - • . - . . - - s' - . - Sprague Avenue. 4)—Prokibiied-brses:- (1) Bail bonds offices (2) Gas Stations 2.2.5. Public Frontage Improvements 2) Sprague Avenue to----( ity i) North Properties: sidewalk. (1) Prior to Streetscapc Improvements: Public Frontage shall be constructed by developers as existing back of sidewalk. (2) Following Streetscape Improvements: an in lieu fc- - - - - - -. constructed. ii)—Somth-Properties+ The future curb will be relocated and the future back of sidewalk will be located approximately 10 feet south of the existing right of way. future back of sidewalk. (a) For large developments, the entire public frontage may be required to be built as development occurs (to be determined by the Community Development Director/Designee). (2) Following Streetscape Improvements: an in lieu fee shall be required to cover improvements as constructed. Exhibit A Page 7 of 16 Remove figure 2.2.5 2)a)ii) City Center North Properties Remove figure 2.2.5 2)a)ii) City Center South Properties 2.3.1. STREET STANDARDS 6) Street Types New streets within the Plan Area are also recommended to incorporate bike routes that enhance the Comprehensive Plan's Bike/Pedestrian System. Appropriate pavement markings and signage shall be installed• where appropriate. - : : • - - - - .• • ••• -• • - • • . - -• District Zone. i) Purpose: Organize the primary public r lm to create an cnvironmcn • .. - . outdoor dining, locations for kiosks, food carts, and flower 1 ls, ii) Components (1) On street parking oriented parallel or at a'15 degree angle to the curb. and building signage. center. Light source should be located 1 1 13 feet above finished grade. e. Exhibit A Page 8 of 16 2.4.2. PARKING STANDARDS 2.4.2 PARKING PROVISIONS f'ee at t'cs1'fauxtu4utu Minimum 1'3 t kin,; ! Shared Parking i location of I`se(;ategories j ➢ t 1 am Pros id(?d Retluiientent� ' Required { Reel€in tle ent ' i f_'ce 1'srhirn l i'arling 1 -Retail(except for corner store) on site,or on 3 space/1,000 sf or in street spaces lieu fee 4 space/1,000 sf Required within-5004t on-site,or on- 3 space/1,000 sf or in- street spaces b)in Neighborhood Center lieu fee 4 space/1,000 sf Required within 200 ft on-site,or on- street spaces c)in other District Zones 3 space/1,000 sf 5 space/1,000 sf Not Required within 500 ft 2-Corner Store Retail on-site,or on- Itequired street spaces 3 space/1,000 sf 4 space/1,000 sf tits (enter vv ithin 200 ft 3-Eating and Drinking Establishment o , etreet n site spaces or on 1 space/1,000 sf 10 space/1.000 sl Required within-500-ft on-site,or on- street spaces h)in Neighborhood Center 6 space/1,000 sf 10 space/1,000 sf Required within 200 ft c)in other District Zones 12 space/1,000 sf N/A Not Required on site 641E4'5. ,' 0-1,%4 70» v`� x � wj ? ""� ��reu.V iingd+�i�� 4)Entertainment&Recreation strtit spaces 6 space/1,000 sf 10 space/1,000 sf Required within-5.00-ft ft b)in Gateway Commercial Center 12 space/I MOO sl N Required on-site 5)Vehicle Sales&Services 3 space/1,000 sf (for showroom) 5 space/1.000 sf Not Required on-site 6)Civic,Quasi-Civic&Cultural on-site,or on- a) in street spaces Neighborhood Center 3 space/1,000 sf 4 space/1,000 sf Required within 500 ft Exhibit A Page 9 of 16 2.4.2 P.1.RKING PROVISIONS on-site,or on- street spaces b)in other District Zones 4 space/I.000 st N/A Not Required within 500 ft 7)Office on-site,or on- a) in Neighborhood street spaces Center 2.5 space/1,000 sf 3.5 space/1,000 sf Required within 200 ft on-site,or on- street spaces b in other District Zones 2.5 space/1,000 sf 4 space/1,000 sf Not Required within 500 ft 8 Lod in on-site,or on- a) in Neighborhood street spaces Center 1 space/:uest room 1 space/1 est rooni Required within 200 ft b in other District Zones I s)ace/cuest room 1.5 space/cuest room Not Rec aired on-site 9)Live-Work on-site,or on- 1 space/unit+0 1.5 space/unit+1 street spaces S pace/em lovee s ace/em.lo'cc Not Re uired within 200 ft 10)Residential 1 space/studio 1 space/unit 1 space/lbr unit 1.5 space/lbr unit 1 space/2br+unit 2.5 space/2br+unit 2 l uest s.ace/10 DU 4 l uest s.ace/10 DU Not Re.uired on-site * On-street parking within the indicated distance may be counted toward minimum parking requirement with the approval of the Community Development Director/Designee 2.5.4. ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS 1) Facade e) Windows ii) Guidelines (1) Form: (ii) In the City Center and in Neighborhood Centers, a vertical proportion of window panes or window openings (3:2 to 2:1 height: width ratio) should typically be used. Openings may be composed of a series of vertically proportioned panes or frames. Exhibit A Page 10 of 16 3) ,e ' bl r ii) Guidelines (1) By District Zones colors of existing historic Spokane Valley buildings. In general, these include medium toned colored accents), natural stone cladding colors, and occasional light colored stucco or wood siding, according to architectural style as well. 2.6.1. GENERAL SIGNAGE REGULATIONS 2) Standards 1) Animated signs are permitted as follows: a. In the Gateway Commercial Center and Gateway Commercial Avenue Zones. b. Anywhere along Sprague Avenue EXCEPT in City Center District Zone (animated signs are prohibited in the City Center District Zone). 16) Billboards shall be regulated by Section 22.110.130 SVMC.,EEPT that relocated billboards are prohibited within the City Center District Zone. Further,in all ether-zones within the Subarea Plan billboards may be constructed only on Sprague Avenue. Figure 2.1 District Zone Map— remove CCT and add MUA designation 2.6.2 Sign Type Regulations 5) Monument Signs iv) Monument Signs shall not exceed a maximum height of seven(7)feet above grade.v) The maximum area of a Monument Sign for permitted District Zones shall be as follows: (1) City Center Non Core Streets: 32 square feet. Exhibit A Page 11 of 16 T _ i (6 cz 3 ` N -o 73 -o -o v -o -o v -m -u -o 73 -o 73 ,D -o -o v -o -o a a> a> a> a> m v a> a> a> a> v a> a> m a> a> d a> a> a> a> a> 1 E . m E a) a> a> a> a> a> a> a.> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a) a> a> a> a> O U a a d d a a a d a a a d d a a a a a d a d a 1 N U T _ R R a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> n> a> 0 E a> 1 I E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Ln E ¢ aa> aa> `a > a> a> a> `> `aa `> aa> `> 45 „ O • CL a a d a d a C. a a a a a a d a d a Cl. Cl. U N (24 c v ` -o v 0000 -00 -000000 'v -o 'o E co E a> °) CO a> a> a> a a> a> a> a> a> ' L U U CJ V 0 U U ` C> 0 0; - I E I = -c c -c = . = - = .= = E 'E E 7 N N V) V) N N N on N N N N Zr, 4) N U O a a a> a> a> a> CO a> a> a> a> a> a> a> 0, 0, C:1_ ' ` "Cl: CO N NU,C ..rr N N O _ N_ O 00 -0 -00 -0 -0 -0 -00 -00 -0 -00 -0 -00 -m0 ) 'fl >O a> a> a> a> a> a> N a> a> a> a> a> N a> a> a> a> a> a> a> Q> CO — / ,� a> I E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E o tr.: a> a> a> a> a> a> a> N a> N N a> a> N a> N N N N w a> V, (`7 Q a a a a a a d a a d d a a d d a a a a a a C N m O1 1.....- a> 6 O 0 p> N t Zr, Q) a) N a> Q) a> a> a> a> a> N a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> a> w r = € € € € € I € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € O C, ^/ a1 a a d a a a d d a a a d d d a a d d a a a a E 03 Z `6 N , C.... CO O R y CO r L N O1 .... ) 00 -00 0 -000 -00000 -07770 -'7. 00 -0 CV C a> N N a) a) a> a> N a> N a> a> a> N a> w a: a> > a> > E °> i E E E i E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E ID °0 () LL> a: a> a> a> N N N N N a> N - a> a> a> a> a> a> a> - �O w T d d a a d d a a d a Cl. a a a d a d a C) =0;U y — 0 d 0 � ` CiD U Z C� R N I a> V) CU `� U cCD o `>CA R =N r- _ �a -o a -o r -o v -v v -a -0 -o v -o o —o .0 .0 -o . a> ,,, �; U) a> _ a> > a> a> a> a> a> a> > a> > > a> a ' U a> 40 E. • E E ! E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E € C.D. d a a> a> a> d d a a O ` ` a> a cu > a> aa`> ` a> `> 00_ 0_ 0000_ 0_ 000 .6_ :-, 00. 0 a U a> U 1 a A c o, R_ U N =CO Q1 _ CC = (n o' °' —..- 3 c o c» ° c1 = — R 76 = CO tn i-5 O c = _ �' = = o F= IV rn m = c = = c v, 0 0 ¢ � to = 2 0) en) 0' p, co •%5 •R 'ie J 0 v> v> a, W of fn 63 0 ar c> w CL 7 C9 N E �, tZ c �' -� a Q = = E c vi Ca Ill � a- •d V)' - = O, R > U lL R R -O co .0 — — •O W r- O a> = N C 27 _ u- a1 an¢ ¢ T U V = O1 D1 QI R a> d d O R C Z N -u = .. N CO :...=. c C = O = O — V C a> 'fl 'O - d U co- a> a • N E — E m03001a, M0 7 ,1, CO Z5MWMLiCiTler_ .=( 'C 'CUFMECIC01-. CO O N M V CO 1� W 07 O N M CV N CO. d' K> CO N- CO O7 . . . . . . . . . . N N N N Exhibit A Page 12 of 16 Book III Preamble The revitalization of the Sprague Avenue and Appleway Boulevard Corridors and the development of the new City Center will be a program of actions and investments. Given the substantial length of the corridor and the multiplicity of needs represented, this program will need to be implemented in phases over an extended period of time in accordance with the availability of City resources. The prioritization of City Actions will be guided by the goals and strategies outlined in Book I of this Subarea Plan. Complementing the regulatory controls contained in Book II, the strategic investment of limited public resources planned in this chapter are intended to accelerate the revitalization process and add to the appeal and success of the corridor as the central spine of the Spokane Valley community. City Actions will be guided by the community intent described in Book I. As opportunities arise that were not known at the time of this Plan's adoption, the City may consider alternative investment strategies and projects to more effectively realize the community vision for the Sprague and Appleway Corridors. 3.1. THE CITY CENTER Sprague and University as the future City Center for Spokane Valley. The Center will be the community's living room, with shops, restaurants, civic buildings, residences and public plazas all contributing to a new urban environment and central community gathering place. support from community. Public/private partnership opportunities will be explored; however, the City •• •" -"- .... • •- •• : • a high probability of instigating the type if development that is envisioned by this Subarea Plan and supported by the community. 1. Identify opportunities for public information and involvement in the design and implementation of the City Center,especially the public spaces. 2. Encourage private developers to involve the community in the design of the City Center. 3. Adopt, monitor and adjust zoning controls that will allow a City Center to be built, in a form that is consistent with the City's vision. • support the development of City Center. 5. Prepare a SEPA/Planned Action ordinance for the area identified as the City Center. 6. Purchase a site for future City Hall. 7. Support the efforts of the Spokane County Library District to locate and construct a library as a civic anchor in the City Center. S. Support other civic entities to locate in the City Center. Exhibit A Page 13 of 16 3.1.1. CITY CENTER CIVIC FACILITIES . . . . �. spaces and outdoor seating. These areas will be designed with the intent of establishing the City Center as the place the community gathers and interacts. Therefore these public spaces will be designed and located room"where people gather and share, the City will extensively engage the residents in the design process. constructed using sustainable`green"practices. 3.12.1. STAGING THE STREET NETWORK IMPROVEMENTS 1) Stage 1: Establish the Transportation Framework and Enable the City Center Sprague Avenue is poised to become Spokane Valley's Main Street. and indeed is one of the primary streets of the proposed City Center. However, its present state limits it from supporting a strong activity center. Its roadway design prioritizes speed and through movement. In order to enable the City Center tThe City will reclaim Sprague Avenue to better function as an urban retail street; as this reclamation happens, Appleway Boulevard must be extended and configured to two-way traffic to complement Sprague Avenue and enhance the overall capacity of the street network. 2) Stage 2: Strengthen the and Extend the Network In order to further enable the City Center tThe City will continue to reclaim Sprague Avenue to better function as an urban retail street; as this reclamation happens, Appleway Boulevard must be extended and configured to two-way traffic to complement Sprague Avenue and enhance the overall capacity of the street network 3.3. STREETSCAPE SEGMENTS MAP 1) Sprague Ave ie---€ity-€enter- City Center Boulevard: - of way along the south side of the street. Streetscape elements include: North S ide • • .. .. .. •• :. " -• -•. Light source should be located 25 35 feet above finished grade for boulevard scale street lighting and 12 11 feet above finished grade for pedestrian scale street lighting. • A single species of large, moderate density, deciduous trees located in planting wells within the parking Sou-Eh-Side Exhibit A Page 14 of 16 access lane. • Pedestrian scale decorative street lighting located within the sidewalk with a maximum spacing of 80 feet on center. Light source should be located 12 11 feet above finished grade. Following the successful instigation of a new City Center, the City will consider locating and buil'ding ^ City Center landmark to highlight the City Center. It will memorialize the City Center's location and help direct people into the City Center from Sprague Avenue. �� � m d�:'"a-y s d 47,,,:,'-`" , a "V ,. .. m —'.**---...-'".... r. . . •'"„�e '�'g `�; �' ose.r • s r • • North Side South Side Exhibit A Page 15 of 16 ft .' . ' s �,h�' *,‘ 'N, rota: A ., , e x ,, ',, ..4 Ci Cente, ,' «.A «. �� � +/ ° IA L. .I' tirk ..,r..,.• MU Ma r. '. 1[Kgl ill(N 4 is i w mac... -�. ONO aile., ..T. N NM Core Str' et ( .........._ Inters ction 1'4m. " *'1111 tw !t 1. , I , its b . Iiii, L North Side South Side North Side South Side 76) City Gateway The City will consider locating and building a City Gateway near the intersection of the future I-90 off-ramp and Sprague Avenue that announces entrance into the City of Spokane Valley. ••: •- . - - . - City Center. The potential location of a city gateway is shown in Fig.3.3 Streetscape Segments Map. GLOSSARY Core Street: Any street that is lined with development that satisfies all Core Street regulations. Core Streets provide active"Main Street" like shopping and entertainment environments. Exhibit A Page 16 of 16 Exhibit B Zoning ,P""""'� �r Y '" MI Broadway Bro. Gethsemane Broadwayl�a it , , , �a'►^'e'pl Bcoadwa.—R=4-w Broadway 1111• Broadway„ BroadwayBroadwa. Y Y '• �'11 EP Lutheran l ei R�3 r 1�' !MF-2 ipg, ,g. , MI = ° I w Springfield 1.11r Broadway Springfield 1 MI liii = Springfield - gfieementary II1i11 "d�� �� �Atki ', Alki—k �� 1111, Alki� I . A lki R-3 m� �"∎ 1111,,," I .Z im 1 IIII■I =, u • �� • o c lice�1■ s_ ■ o Olive O _ 1■� ;� ,y III St John x _ . R13 I— ■. II R_4.. _im _ I Im III Vianney x ° Valle_.a., U.ble,. ,a. V_alleyway , Valley-way±NCJ E U'allep.v.ay Valley_way ' .' Valleyway Valley_w ly_ Valleyway,gio ITI� /�I Yµ Y r^ g " 111111111 HI ■■ +' � — 1a, Nixon a':IIIIR-3 0_ MI _ NIF-1 — " 7 _,co - MOOS - MI .stil '�� III Mam�� Mairi •■E. liiiT CCT �i�i ��++r f. Rim 1 Ilalfout Park > _ NI iiiVi °lUeFS e ��'�■ Balfour Park Riverside ^ •• w. ' Jig lilil u�' . it ut ■ • ■ ■ ■. I Contract Sprague Sprague Sprague Sprague Sprague Sprague Sprague Sprague Sprague fSnrague -- 111111 Bntd Ed t _ ■ -- 11111 ■111 U. MUA ,;, = ECPA-01-10 ' G MUA E,.. „, ae - le 2nd_o„imimilli J d ' �i� •;�% �\ is`' l :' - JJ11!�1 4th.. J11h . J'�.: ����� z e i ,i i �.,4to �4th iN,IF 1111111 i �V U��� �• � Ic l 'N1F-1 0 kill �� ������ 5th en �I -tee. �> 111111111 u �� _ �� nth Es 11111,511 D OM 6t ��R-4'�o. C 111111 a._6tlt ■ �� �� 6th 3 6th b �� 6th 6th ttill. •iuuiuu„uuill IplUI ■IIUUI 3 II J� 1II1mi■ Ill om i�� ■IIIII■1111117th tim �j � �' '_:-!'flltL! 1J!i.I!1HIII Iru..Tliw a m i IL I i'lat `.=�ot2:i�oL�:i'l'ol �- Il !� I■1 III R• =4 ���1111/ 4 .■■IIII■I 11 0 �. 9t)� th III' 9th ti-9th 'th "O 'h' I 9_th 111■ R-3-_' - III 11I�■11 liii. 0. IIIIIUIIIIIII p R-3 x R-3 t M e . rill 10th11II" IIIIII � loth 3 h-3 l Oth� 0 1lth a lit —1�■ ��_ �1 Wl11■11.11111111111111_ 111111■--��� Ih10W! ECPA-01-10 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from City of Spokane Valley CCT to MUA; subsequent Zoning change from CCT to MUA. Community Development Department