05-047.00 Tan Moore Architects: CenterPlace Project,' ~4LVIEh1~{VIEhtT T~ PROFE~~NAL ERIE ~4CREEMENT City of Spokane Valley Spokane 1lalley Public Works Deportment 1 X707 E. Sprague A+re. Spokane alley,l-~ 906 Agreement Amendment Number. ~ Agreemen#IProject fVurnber: P~8 Date: May ~, 205 Department; Public Vlfarks Agreement Title; Architectural services, Mirabeau Point enterPlace Project onsuitant: Tan Moon Architects, P.,, ~4~ Vilest 1 nth Ave,, Spakane,lA 9~~3 1`ou are hereby directed to make the following charFges listed below in the subject agreement. Nature of the change: The agreement is modified as follows: Amend the scope of services as described in ARTICLE 0_ scope of V11ork, Part ~, construction A~rr~ir~istration Phase, to include a change order request as follows; 1) Pro+ride electrical engineering services fpr A!V and IT changes to the 2n° floor Education 1~1ing, including EDR 10, EDR 10 Rev 1, an~i the integration of the A warm contract with the audio visuaUlighting controls. The fee far tYris service shall be on a time and materials k~asis with a maximum ama~rnt not to exceed 9,~3~.75. The fee far this service is cavere~ in dart by funds remaining from Amer~~ment in the amount of ~,01,9~, Therefore, the maximum amount requested for Amendment 9 is ,~07.8~, The change res~rlts irk the following adjustment to the agreement price ancf time: AREEfti11ENT AMUf~T Agreement price prior tc this char~~e order ~~~,15~,~5 Agreement price {increase) resulting from this cYrange order ~,0~~,8~ Agreement price including this change order shah not exceed 74,16,46 AREEMENTTIME Estimates Agreement completion date prior to the change order ~luiy ~1, ~~Oa P~greernerrt time {no change} resulting from this change order g months Estimated Agreement completion date including this change order Jul} ~1, 206 THE ABOVE CHAtV~aE{} ARE A~EPTEb TFCE ABOVE CHANCE{} HAVE BEEN APPROVED Tan I~aore Architects, P, pelcane Valley Oity Manager Da d: Dave Mercier, Dated; ~iay 5, 2~U~ P3983, Amendment 9 Page 7 ~~ ~ ~~