2011, 02-01 Study Session Minutes MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington February 1, 2011 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Tom Towey, Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Gary Schimmels, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, Acting City Attorney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Dean Grafos, Councilmember Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Brenda Grassel, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Rec Director Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Absent: Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Bob McCaslin, Councilmember Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. At the request of the Mayor, City Clerk Bainbridge called roll. All Councilmembers were present except Councilmember McCaslin. It was moved by Councilmember Grafos, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember McCaslin from tonight's council meeting. ACTION ITEMS 1. Motion Consideration: Procedure for Filliniz Council Vacanc,y - Mike Jackson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded that Council approve the Procedure for filling a council vacancy as submitted. City Manager Jackson explained that there were minor changes made to the procedures from last week in order to have it read a little easier, and he brought council's attention to #3B which clarifies that if tonight's motion passes, applications will be accepted immediately, and 3C which states that if a majority vote occurs at the outset, the process need go no further. Mayor Towey invited public comment, no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. NON-ACTION ITEMS: 2. 2011 STEP (Septic Tank Elimination Program) Paveback Program - Steve Wor1eX Senior Engineer Worley explained that tonight's agenda item is to discuss this draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), with the changes noted in track-change format, and that this is for the 2011 STEP (sewer tank elimination program) Paveback, and said we enter into such MOUs each year with Spokane County; and that this is to reimburse Spokane County for costs associated with the full-width paving of streets associated with this summer's STEP. Mr. Worley also explained that the additional work is to ensure the road grades are appropriate for future road improvements, which is the same type of work Spokane County did for us last year relative to Mission Avenue; and he explained that three of the 2010 STEP projects have not been completed and will carry over to 2011. There was also brief discussion concerning Barker Road, additional stormwater utility work, and drainage problems on 48'h in the Ponderosa area, and Mr. Worley said staff has set up a meeting with the County to discuss that problem in particular, and currently the County has not yet paid the contractor. Councilmember Gothmann also mentioned he lives a few houses away from that area. This item will be brought back to council next week for a motion consideration. Council Study Session Minutes February 1, 2011 Page 1 of 2 Approved by Council: February 8, 2011 3. Advance Agenda - Mavor ToweX Councilmember Gothmann mentioned that he would like to include for the upcoming retreat, an opportunity to discuss and analyze our budget for pavement preservation, and Mr. Jackson mentioned staff intends to discuss that topic under the financial discussion, adding that during the retreat, there will be no finalized decisions but staff will present and council and staff will discuss options for how to maintain reserves in the general fund as well as looking at long-term preservation and capital projects. Councilmember Gothmann also mentioned that he would like at some point, whether during the retreat or later, to discuss the requirements of councilmembers for where, how and when to deliberate and what the law requires; and that he would also like to pursue the idea of a veterans' memorial as mentioned last week. Mr. Jackson said staff will look into those issues. Councilmember Gothmann also mentioned the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency will be discussing full cost recovery and said this means, businesses will pay more if cities don't, and that he would like to have a discussion of that topic at an upcoming council meeting. Mr. Jackson said staff will look into that issue as well. Mayor Towey reminded everyone of next Tuesday's meeting schedule: the retreat from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at CenterPlace, and the regular evening meeting at 6 p.m. here at City Hall, and that both meetings are open to the public. 4. Council Check-in - Mayor ToweX Councilmember Grafos suggested the council consider sending a letter of support regarding the State's potential lack of funding for the Mac Museum. Mr. Jackson said he will discuss that issue with our lobbyist and that it may be that the upcoming Legislative Meetings in Olympia will give opportunity to address that topic as well; that he will look into that and get more information to see what he can put together. 5. Ci , Manaizer Comments - Mike Jackson n/a EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into Executive Session for approximately thirty minutes to discuss Potential Litigation, and that no action will be taken upon return to open session. Council adjourned into Executive session at 6:24 p.m. At 6:53 p.m., Mayor Towey declared council out of executive session. It was then moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m. ~ Tfiomas E. Towey, Mayor ATTEST: ! ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session Minutes February 1, 2011 Page 2 of 2 Approved by Council: February 8, 2011