05-068.00 Mooney & Pugh: CenterPlace~ ~ ~~~ i =- Document G704T" - 2000 Certificate of Substantial Completion PROJECT: PROJECT NUGIBER: 2:201 04VNER: (,Nome and address): CONTRACT FOR: General Constn~ction ARCIJTECT: ~ Cen[e.rplace at b9it'abe.au Point Park CONTRACT DATE: 4/1/03 2426 V. ©iscovcry Place CONTi~ACTOR Spokane Valley, WA 99214 FIELD: ^ TO OWNER: TO CONTRACTOR: + OTHER; ^ fNmne oral oddressJ: arne acrd address): (R City of Spa~kane Valley iVlooney & Pugh Contractor, Ina. 11707 E. Sprague Ave. P•O. Box 11737 Spoktmc Vtrllcy, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 9921 I PROJECTOR PORTION OF THE PROJECT DESIGNATED FOR PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE SHALL INCLUDE: Site and exterior cif building. The VJari; performed under [his Contract has been reviewed and found, to the Architect's host know•Icdgc, information and belief, [o be substantially complete. Substantial Completion is the stage in the pn~gress of the Work when the Work rir designated portion is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract T)ucuments sv that the Owner can occupy ar utilize the Work for its intcntlcd use. The date of Substantial Completion oCthe Pro3ect or portion designated alwve is die dace of issuance established by this Certificate, which iS also tltie date of a~nume.ncemen[ oi' applicable warranties t•equit~ed by the Contract Uocumcnts, except as slated below: Warranty 1\4adsen N9itdtell Evanson ~~ Conrad ARCHITECT ate of Commencement - ~~g/~~- BY ~ DATE OF ISSUANCE A list of items to be completed or corrected is attached hereto. The failure to incluttc tray items on such list does not al[er the responsibility of the. Contractor to complete all Work in acoortlanee with the Contract Docwnents. tireless otherwise agreod to in writing, the date of eonunencement of warranties for items on the ttached list will be the date of issuance of the final Certificate of Paymeut or the-date of final payment. Cost estimate of Work that is incomplete or defective: iV1A The Contractor will complete or correct the Work o~ih`t list of items attached hereto within forty five (45) days from the above date of Substarnial Completion. j l O A7ooncy ~ Pugh Contractors, Inc. ~ ~. ~~ ! CONTRACTOR B ~;', DATE The Ow•ncr accepts the. Work or designated portion trs st`hstnntially complete and will assume full possession at 12:00 pm (tune) on 8/IOr2005 (date). ~~? z~o ~ City of Spokane ~ alley ~ OWNER BY DATE Ttae responsibilities of the Owner :and CtSntfaClOC for securely, ntaintcnance, hcrat, utilities; damage to the Work and insur;moe shall be. as follows: (,Volr: lyw•ner's and Carttracu~r's legal react insura+:ee cotntsel should detrnvri++e oral review instnru[ce requirements erred cot~croge. J Security, heat, utilities; maintenance, and insurance will he the responsibility of the owner as of the date of"substantial completion, with U1e exception of any potential damage incurred by the general contractor or sub contractors in performance i~f the remaining cuntraet i[erns. +' AIA DocumCnt G704T'" - 2000. Gopyright ®19ti3, 1978, 1992 turd 2000 by The American Institute of Arch(tects. Afl rights roservCd. WARNING: This AIA~ Document Is protected by U.S. Copyright Lew and Internotlonal Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or di^,trtbvNan qt this AIAa Documont, or any portion of it, may result in SovCtC clvll and criminal penotties, and will be prosecuted to tha maximum Cxtent posstbla under tho taw. This document wits produced by AIA b0ltwaro at 07:484 on 08109/2005 under Ordor No.100018"s503_t vrhich expires on fill 312006. and is not for resam. User Notes: (2427762185) ~~~/~O~