05-072.00 Spokane Restaurant Equipment: CenterPlace Kitchen Equipment,~ - -- .K+!~+L• .."--- CHANGE 15isu•ibution to: Madsen QRDER O1tJNLR City of Spokane Valley IV1lfiche~ ~ ARCHITECT' Madsen Mitchell Fvensan Evenson ~ ~°N`"' CONTRAC'COR Spokane Restaurant Equipmcnt loc. &Ganrad o2.2ao1 pllc Architecture PROJECT: Centerplace at,Vlirabeau Point Part: PROJECT NO. 02.20 Interiors C~instruction IN!'I"IATION DATE: 8-1-2005 Change order ~'°.: 2 A4anabctncnt TO (Contractor): Dave Ford CONTRACT DATE: 12-20-04 Spokane Restaurant Equipment Inc. 1760 E. Trent Ave. Spokane, ~,VA 99202 You arc directed to incorporate the following changes into this Contract: Sce auttclrnrent fi,r cont~lete listing oJcha,tges to the work included in thir Chmrge Order. "ot valid until signed by bath the U~ti'ner and rV chi[cct Sigiature of the Contrncu>r indicates Iris agrocment herr~~•ith, including any adjustments in the. Contract Sum ar (~ontrata tune. Note: all costs below include sales ta.r. The Original Contract Sum was: S 199,479.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders: $2722.00 't'he Contrttct Sum prior to this Change Order was: 5202,201.00 The Contract Sum will be increased by this change order in the amount of: 51721.00 The new Contract Swn including this Change Order will be: $203,922.00 2tb t`'orrh Howard 5kyu•alk Level 5polane,liashington 99201 109.62:-6600 iax ~09•b29-4242 rnadrnirch.cnrn ^ 49332 $ol~k Rcxtd Fast PA. Box l52 C•dwall, Washington 99006 509-234-t31i fax 549.234.29] madmitch.com "I'he Contract Time will be unchanged. '1'hc Date of Substantial Curnhletion a of the drte of thia Change Order therefore is unchanged. Authorized: Cit>> ~ . ~e V 1st%~~ .. By l:)ate ~! l J Spokane TZestaurt`~~t" ~e.nt g~ } ~~ Date ~2~~~ Madsen Mitchell Everson ~ Conr,ul, PLI,C 216 N. I•loward. Skvwrtlk I,,evel Spokane, 1~~A 99201 gy ~~~~ hate ~ ~ f/ cis ~~ ~ - c ~! Madsen Mitchell Evanson &Gonrad gut: tlrchitecture Interiors Construction Manakcment CHANGE ORDER 02.20-01 Attachment PROJECT: Centerplace at Minbeau Point Park 1NITIAT[ON DATE: 8-I-2005 You are directed to incorporate the following changes into this Contract: Change PmnnYa) Request (terns: I. COR-2 Stainless Steel table credit to city for wiring of mixer Add $1779.48 -$58.7 I Tot~~l for Change Order No. 1 (includes Wa. State sales tax) $1721.UU 1161`'orth Hownrd Sky„hlk Level Srukane, Nashington 99201 509-GZ4.6S00 iax.S09-6?4.6262 urulmitch_cato ^ 49331 Subrk R~?aa Easy F!0. Box !S2 ~dw-all, 1Xlashingmn 99408 549.236.2311 fax 549.236.2451 nmdmitch.com