05-084.00 Allied Fire & Security: CenterPlace Monitoring Svcs- - t I I PORTLAtQD „ - 530 NF f:-ouch ,>t Portland, i)I2 x7232 1503!281-1177 Il SEATTLE 5901. •lth iglu 5 Seattle, WA 301 OO 120F.1767-2500 ,~,.'to~-iJ~g Servl~ces Agreement I_I SPOKANE 4251N $racantl SpoV:ane, ~V'!A yg20~1 (503)624-3152 , l.• r,. This A.greel)lcnt Is enlered•into this ~ dayof ~/.ve ~,t 20, by anti ~1eh'lean ALLIED S>=CURITY, herehiaftc~i' referred to as "ALLIED", at the Spokane office and ~~... ° -~ ~ ;.~3ii' ~~.- '~ . ',~ ,r-: ~~~!'p. ~~ 1/~lr~r~~ ~.~, ~/, - , _. _., ~ hereinafter referred to as "Subscriber," ALIIED's•°cu5tomer.,_ ~ -• ,,~ ~- , , .., - _-... MONITORING SERV-CE,~EQUIRMENT SUPPLIER, AND DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES PROVIDED: ALLIED agrees to,pnxvidl= emergency response, -' senrice and monitoring as herehlaftor set forth to monitor the alarm system owtled uy Subscrlber and locafe¢at: ~`:_ .%' atreet Address ~~'~-~bv ~I,/ t~JtCi~Yx1/P .~r~~~.~'r4, City: /lrS~~rn,`~Jl~~f~~ t +. State r~~+Rr~ Zip Code :~plGi ~ Phone Number `" ~ , Ejlllin3 Address ___~____ I !, f. TYPE OF SYSTEM MONITORED: I!~ Residential ©I~urc~lar,Alarrn Commercial ^Fire 111arm Finaneial (~F-lold-up Alarm QEmergency Rsp ~Othar: ""fi~_,~M~~ ~Y ADDITIONAL NOTES: ^OpenlGlose l.o;t Only with Reports . ' QOpenlClose Supervised without 11L~ports MONITORING EQUIPMENT: ^OpenlClosl? Supervised vrith Repolis DigLital Communiu~3tc]r Modol #, t;j r - t r , r , i.9 ' .. ''3 ~ ~' ~ ~ I'~!TY~E OF SIGNAL TRANSMISSION' StandaM QSubsl,Tibpr'S RecUularTelepltor-e Line ~Open;Close Loy Only without F~eport5 u Radio Transmission(Cellular k3aGkup) 1. h1t'71UTONINCa S12RVICES PROVIDER: Under Uli6 Agradlnanl, C;ulrALriaar has CbnVaCled V.'llh A11;113(t rru an alatrn sy9tent a»uroi sefYJf:e u1 Iha ISremisrs indir.,lod rnrt:hk ggrael»ant Iharainohcr cnllnd':r'rornino.^.'), ALLCED anC'SubaulbaJ hiw9 OrY.ered iM.v a:r AgroamaM whnroin AndwharebyALLIEC rill arOVida monlrainp s6rvion6 1qr Subsuiber, sacArServfWS !acorsis! snlaly nl IhpLe roscrit?ed heJOln, .4LLIED hss s,3:eonhrccttKl s,:dr mon:uing non4eos to ALLIEfYs asJlOCiolo,Almm Ganlnr, MG.IOGAI94 a1 i' O. Ro,:3n01, 4ecey,l'!A ~15U3.3401, hrrnirittar rah?naU lu as "ACY, witi~h ttas agrr:od Ia portOrm Ihn sanl~ sololy as the agent al /d.LIpD upon tha tarrns sop okttlitimu s,.N rarlh in this ATtt6emaM arm 6JbieC. to ^.ttA !acute of tha ngn:amnnt bnt,n'nnn A {I ettd ALLrEO. 2. TflkMS, ^PAYfdLN'I', RHMf:'NAI,; UMvcrcber helaby sgiao6 t0 pay Io ALLI6 D, it.:x}aMc nr aealglcs: f' ~~~~l~ y"'- h0 let For n,on,toring, trla sum of ~.d' Do('ars r lax it applr_a!tla par rnon'h. prvJObto ^annually, ^semi-annually, or ®quarterly ut advu^.rtw, rm rim first d•nr or rho yaar, sN". mOMh parlod or qusrtar, Jespettively, carnmcndng with rho mmlh to^,mxirvg 5on:plofinna: the InstaSallon, for a peJwd ab; 7 ~~na 1 roar[¢1 hom V,a data of Cbnlplotian orinslr,!,itr~ppeN Iho OyStam. In adUil{oQr logsUter with b,o tire( .~ monthly peyr,tenl, Su0.5onbar 6hari aavr!hu pmruA sham n. Ihn mbnlhly ChaflJe far the + month in whc~, mstellallon:vssca'npla?ad. TYti3 Pr~ro,."nlen! small a,gornafirally' ba renewad for c,r::r:ascil'v U+nns n1 { X97? ~ I'y'aarla) al tha urn,a rranthly sorvico min, 6ubjaa lc paiaNruph u I, ,nlldcs aithrr pony natlf n3 Iha Othar ir1 wriling cY Ile iManlion to traminale th.6 agraamenL r1o! lass than IhiMy (30-nays prior In Win ot:prallbn o1 Iha oKyinel [torn or mnymnrrntil term Iharaot. tb) Takphene Transmisciorr S,ksuibcr aArgeledges that ACI ub'~es lulephtvta lilts Usn6rn16siIIr, end Iha signals ham Svbcutbar's alum sysir~rr Arn Iren6ndtled afar Sifiscri42'6 ra91,•1ar telephone 6eiviCa to AGI, and in Iho avant $ubzr.rihors lolrtjlhane srrviu, is ma n! order, discannotlsd, plated on vlLCfltbn or olherwisu irtb:ivuptnd, sipnalc Irom Slbaaibtu's alamr syslam will nn: bn rocrnnd by ACI dtning any such Inlturuptictl in trx'.aphans 6an'rra And Iha hV1.'7fuptirl'nill nut by known to ACL dub&Crrhor IurlhOt ucMncnvlydgrs and nrrorys Iha! c10nals a411eh are Uenamlltad ,guar teC'ap!•,ona oanlpany linr~. era wholly beyuaU the rantrd' rmd jurisdiction n1 kLLIEIy and ACI sod era m6lnlsirwd nrrtl ser+lwd by Iho aopllraG'a !elaptlurw eent:xi,ny ar ulililY EabxcriM,r agma6 to'umleh sny noCnxsarf tolephdnv abn•Iao cr te'ephone i.nes &I SuhsCfiber's cavn arpanso Any and a:J tatop4torw oampany chnrgon shall tyo F.nIOA Fi/ telepltOna con:paroJ to Subsuibcr. Arty inaassed 1eleplYUne Catnpmty ~tu,rpna shall bn barno try Subsulber, And it cnsrgetl d~eCGy to ACI, shell ba adUad to Iha VbriWic ::hargx,s billed In AI,LIF.h wh^. snail n31k.710 Subscriber. :iud6crlbor' aoMnowleUyes that activation of thn a7nmt syc[rm will Intnmglt end ~.116catnact any lelaphono call in progrnss. i0} I?udia Tfalt'itIiY9Ur1: $td7aUlhnr:,dulaVAedgae that it AGI U~..1Za5slgnal IrJlt6trL5aal'I bV a r sdiu sysfl.•rn, Ilra! such Ir3ru,lisY.on is subjnCt la 4r»'frenn:ental IACbra, 40111 r1fl:Ufsl artU man-nestle Iha[ tux whNJy ba jartd Iha ~ccitrol a! ALLIED and ACI, Ube or Raolo Fraquenaes ore alMro:'Sd by rho Fedarnl Cen:murYfAlions Canmiaai0n IFCG) turd changns inndns, raga :coons, ant.' nalicion map neoessaslo alswntlnu.ng or changely suc11 Irsnsmis swn fatz i85 9. ALLI9D'S AttD ALT ; LIA9ILI'I'WIIIFCLAI\SER OF NlARRANTIES: ALLIED AND P.C I DO NOT REPRL•SENT OR 14'.J2PJtNT: l'IL1T Tall; AL.iRId SYS'I'It.1 MAY N?]T 3P_!,•UR11rit0/:ISED GR CINCUM1W'ENTED, 6RYFIAI' THE SYSTEtd L'fiLL PRE'JGNT ANY LOSS aY pUIiCLAR'J, HUl.tt- 11P, FIRf;, OR pT-IERVJISf; UR TFIAT -I''PliLL PHEVENI'OEA:rH, BODILY OR PEA50r1AL INJURY ON. DtAiAGE, OR T/IAT TFIE S'YST91A 4`lILL IN A!L CASES PROVIDE YHE PROTfGTICitt FOR'VIMIC-I IT IS INSTALLED OR INTENDED. SUBSCR[9ER ACKNOWLEOG•~•S:.ND AGREES T-IAT ALl1te0 Afro ACI HAV13 htAt?E rtp , RIePRI;Sf;N'fAT10NS Ok WARRAtTIlES, tIDR HAS SUdSGRIRER t7ELIE0 ON ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR'r`lARRANTIl3S, EY.PA.lcSS UR L\IPLIED. SU85GR[£3ER I'URTHER r At; KNUVdI-EDGES' Ti1A'T ALLIED AND AGI ARE NOT IMSURGA^,. THAT l13SCR18ER A SU::iEg Al,l, RISK FUR LUSS 4rt ItAt.1AUE'rD SUR.SGIiIS[R'S PREt+11SES OR TO'ITIk i GOMI'EN15 THEREOF OR pOR ANY DL•A.TII OR INJURY ALLIED SECURITY SUEtSCR113ER ACKN04+A,1i(li`I; 'I'k?AT NE NAS READ AND DISGUSSEO I'ArtAGRap~ HS 18 AfJG 19 REGARDING ALI-IGDAND AC,YS LRdITATIUI! Clrr Lla81LITYAND nrCHr GJ: INDIiA1Nll°1Gai°JQN 1h'I'rti ALLI[D i.ND7DR .nCI'S hGLNL. ;IIBCh`IFSI;k SIN01sRS-I'ANrf5 TI1AT RE MAY Q41'AIN A HIG;1ERl:IRtl'I'A'r1GN OF ALLIED Ao4D ACTS IJA~ IL(T"Y ©Y PAYING AN ADDITSONAiI'CrtARGE. / 4, MDN170RING SERVICES:.ALUED and ACI ojrov fe mantra •~ttnaul wsrrnniy or Ilablllly.to ALLIED or A.;; I, and notes iRiufar s, during tl•,a trr,n of Ihis AgrnnTarS. Iho 61pItJ16 0l alefal 5ysb.ntfs) awtw:d by Subnuibrs M Ihn prarnl6es hetelnebare 'al IoIEh. ALLIED 4Jlslltonnocl SI~StYlbB1'9 Sv616lY1 la AGI'a rnbri•:cring rCGnIYnrlnf..llnd In AI; r6 lnenllOfr/lf1 IACIIhy. ACI1Y cla dosignon, rvl bnh.~ll Cf PA,LIEI? shwa Make avert'' roasclwbla aHOrt to do Iha Shcolwng^Uput race:pt c! :yn lll'Jrrlf signal, Um rnana:ztnp radli[y sh~l nobSy Iha aapiopi iota po°ott or firu depanntenl, m oUiat parson, of eatifics dnsignntr-ri :"ry S,fistriber or ALLIED Irt •nrlting to kCl. ACI rnsarves the right lo'"'erIPJ a'I alarm 6iHrwlsLj lulephonnr:ralhrsxiso hr,~Cro rtcUty'inn en:argency pnrsonnol, and may discontinue any par+.iclfsr resptY,sa strria: dur. to gOVarnmOnlnt a' insur:mw rrglrimmratts try 9ainp nollw In wtl6ng to ALLIED wIW sha7 rwti!y W'9n Subscrii:or. Ir, in thn oainim a( ACE, wo try Ihn $ubscriber adveT58PJ B1IaCIS Ule use rd Utv signal raoaiving agaipmnnl, d116 Ag1eLalald may ixt terminated thing 1.3(Il da'i6 folloiinp MYItIPJt nollCe to ALLIC-D •n11o stroll r10L1!• Ihr~ SubecriC9rl SuUBCii:lanuCllnnnte¢pc,c tii:,l A,CI's m{kitr ob"pellon with reYpoCl [o . 'rnonit4r'ngrt~at05 bifePj~10'Iha fapslr sod opaiGlibncLlfw sidnn7 u:G,ivirtig ngnipmnM, Pmvon:iv9 awinlontm::o and rrt~air aorvlCn6 era svAllobta from ALUE+3~ lu sss,rra pr3pcr apnralian of SUb6G11@bi s aoc:,ait)' agUiprngnl Ant;; ^r davlcos. ~rhe n10nh.Ofhtg Gal vll'8 9116'7 CClnmartca an 1111! d8ls Of OOrlrwCtiefl of 111a Uutnmissian onuipn'anf CO 7h0 telap?IOnA IIn99 of Ina Su0.5dibar by ALLIIiQ $uh6crittar IS ewgre and can6erd! lu ell lalapluxla corrrnunicdions fhm,x]h orpltral n•aniloring sUd,an bning rocardeo. 5, PAL5E ALARMS: In tlw evY,nl an oxcussiva n,r,lbr:r of fntsn ahmts An? roused d/ ALLGED or Ily"f~^llba+~'u Cefel966ne9~6, I»alriaas aC!lorl, 1Y :IGCKra flat ll5a o1 vita alnrrn SYS:nm, AI,LI'c 1:1 or kCl rosy in its coin dicuolion doom saute Ca be A malerl& tueaCYror ttas Ayraenwrtl um Ilw port o1 SubsCriGet rind, sl hs oplia,, in ruidilion Id all other Ingot mm6dir~s sot rdrlh he;o.v. ALLIED s.'IU ACI Sh-ill he euwsed from !unbar parrchnarlta uptrl t}tc pn'iag of !ml (1t?I oapn vrtillon rghw in S,Gtaaiber.,"d,l,l(;O'c ar AQI'a oxrusa Irom pertormancs final! oat affect ilsriyfH to rl*cavei Uarrtsgea GOm ALLIED w Subscrihr.:r. In Ihn oven[ a tine, pnru',I[y, or tea iS As6a6aeU epaln5l AI,LIcO or AGI M' anY Aovemmental cr nlurECipsl aganey as a rv."-,.dt of any .alarm orioataling Irocrt Subscritx:rs prrlmiso6, Sufyacrroer alaeea to lorttvxfUt re:Jnbirsa AL! IED a:ltllw ACI rod ,:•no. G. Nl:C91PT OP COPY::i11;1$~CRIBER ACKN014'LEDCES r7ECE[PT OF T\VO f,2} C DPIf S OF T-IBS AOREf:f.1r;NT THE TERMS AND COttDITIUNS SL'1' FGRTH IN PnTtAGR.tiPHS 1~1 f 7-IRC1tGFl3P ON TI19 R9'JIRSP, SIGH (Yr'1HI$ AGREEI+fENTARE INGORrhORa.TED HEr7clrJ J',NU 9Y REFERENCE P.iJE MADr: A PAR71•Ir:AfO=. L l'HI5 MESSAGE APPLIES TO OGa7R•TO•h00R SALB$ OItLY: YUU,'rtiE SUN5CRILtER. GL:Y GaNCEL THIS TftAlJSACTION AT Ai'rY TL\4$ PRIOR TO h11pMtGHT 6F THI;'I't'IhD HUSINES$ I+,AY AF I'ER'1 iiE OA'TE OF THIS TTiAfJSACTION_ SEE PARAGRAPIi 3D ON REVGRSC SIpE FOR AN bXPI aJ`JATIC.)N OF'1HIS RIGHT. 0. P8Rh11TSILlCENSES: $clbsrribnrrnprlssanls Iha! ho ha; securedvmab3v6rpelrnlsston, permlls ~:x henncnn Ihn[ cony Un nanrles:tly from WCaJ 8uUl6rilias for Iha nloaitarirgt al hid ot:,nn systmn. ~UDSCnber she ~ pa•i R] peon!! toes, liesnua too:: ar other dlnrgna Ihn[ may F.o rrqu'and by povelnm,.Kdal agr,ncias. B: ItIT6RRUPTIOtt OF SCRVICk: ALI,It;,O and ACl,tia6ume ra Ilablthy for In:ernlphon cf morrnrinp son'icn dui Iq Sttl::ns, tJOtrt, tlOnd9, 9tOtlll6, 03Nteua.4ea, IIn?9, ~ poa•Br railure9 msurregl6n, in:erruptkn or unavailstx'iy ar lelepiwlta suiviCU, ads of Goa, or loi say cote asuw buyonU Uw !xtrilrol ul ALLIED and Ata and will not no requund In sr,paly rnoraWnn~ or;rviCC to unsrnbnr •.tti'liln intrmlpllon of sorvlce due to an'i 61xh r,~-,use n4ri canlliltte. SUBSCRIB1 ter /~.r~,•i'. State Contractor s License No._ .ALLIESV2CY4U6 Fay: X ~'~~ ~/t~' /,d~ Sy:~'4 ,'; r t~` ~~ 1.~~1 / TillB: rl"' ~/vr• 1aI % i)'y r~ ~ ~''"~ ~1f ~'- [}ate Signed:~ T '~'r~/ _ ~ [ate S geed; ~.~. ~ ~~Curp: Partrlers~~i Sole f~roprletor : ' alher {describe): ~?,++ p r• 7"N!S AG17EEiv1EPfT S/°IALL NOT BE BiNDlAlG Uf~ONALUEf~ UNLESS SIGNEI,? BY ANAUT!•t'ORlZ1=D OFFfCIAL OFAL(_IEDa~IN THE El/EiJT OF NON-A>apROVAL, THE SOLE 1_IAL~1LfTY OF ALLlFD SHALL BE TO REFUND TO SUBSCRIBER THE AMOUIJT HaIT Hats BE~fJ ~'AfEi 'f 0 ALLIED BY SUBSCRIBER UPON THF_ SIGNAVG QF TNjS AGREEMENT. I, CQS-84 1d. SUSPEttS10N OR CANCELLATION OF THIS ACREEMEttT, uernum may be wsJtendetl or cartcn:;pd without nc<i_u 9t ere option of ALLIED an ~ it AC 1's Remote F9Gltlinx' or Subecribr.K's prentlses ru aquipmont mu doslroyeU by lira Or rkhnr u~LvUaptw, w so svh9tiu,liel{y rkuna{ind Ihrt it in onprudlical In OOrulrtuo sarvipd, ar ut ^.tm evert) ACI i9 unonlo 10 render xmv.•pc :r^. a reset of any apUOn ny nny' gaannmaMa1 arlDOrily' t 1. INCREASE IN TA%F,S, U'f1LITY CIIARGE9 OR MOttTMLY SERVICE: I t a Subscriber aek,to+.tedges that a] r}inrgas sr.M forth harem are based upan nxisting I,xtet el alma wid Coal la.:es and utility diarges, mtluding L~!ephcno comparty )inn efiarges, it any. ALLIED and ACI snJJl beer the rignL et arv/ urno, to inpraasa Ikru rnmHMy charges provided horrin, fo tallest any addilionol texas, ionx ar ~"targus w4tieh hafoaller may bn imposod on.rtLLIED or ACI by any utllily or gavernrnenlAl t~{91YCy' ralatinp to Ihn sarvicelE) provmatl Under Ihn lawns of This i,LJreelnBHl and Sur>ucnbrr agrrxis to guy Ilta carne i1.2 So Ihei AI_h IF,Q rind ACI rimy Iroperly adusl Ihoir mlo:: to rnoM otwnging rnonitcdnp pails and nai•nidutnndstg llte terms and rdnc'i:ms sot fprOt neraln eibar trio axpualian of env 111 'fear Irom the data o` tits Agrormiern, ALLIED ertd ACI may al eny lima inuease Iris mon:hLy service phnrgr uywn giving ttW 5ubspihcr nolito in writing. 11 StJbsuibor is unwilling to pJt)"Iha Inuaasod roOn:fY\' rhargr., Subscriber may lerndnate Ihix Agroomam upon givlnp notlco in writing Eo ALLIED 'niudn Utirly 130j days tram fro olfattiaa dale of Iha rnuoaxa SubscribeY s failure to notlly ALLIED 'Mtttn sncf !icrl)' (JJl Uaye :hall ponalilula Sutsscrihr..i 9 Cod:ertl 14 the inuw~so, 12. SUB5CHIHER'S DUTIF~ ray TO USE OF 5YSTEt11: Fhaaubsuilaer shall carelully and paoprrly toll the system man:hl; during the lone of This Agraemart!. If eny defoU in apormiart of Ilre system de•relops or rn Iho mcnt of a power le~rre or othor wstarrrptian al SuDsortDefs promisos, Silbsorihcr shall np!ify ALLlEO fmmed(a;a?i• Suhxcrieor settles !a Iirmlah A,LUED fonhniUt a written 651 of the Heroes, and tnlapwnu numbers of e!1 parsons auiherizod to en!er Iha prerntcoa or too rxLlirxl in Iho uvonf ul an a7erm, glut frr oommnrcisl s•fsl0nts a dally' and itraidrty 9parung and clasng achvauly. All rJtnn;as, re•ris7ene andmadilipilians k: the uha'u sits)) De cupphod la AI,LI£D in wtilinp. 13. AUTHORIZED PERSOtJtJEL: SubsuiDOr settles to funtish fOrlhwllh a'.vrllten lixt nt Iho names, tole., rexi@er1Ca addreasas roxi~ncu ohms nuiitbora m a7 prrsons authorized to lye notlf:eU In trio 6'rent of an alarm, and to turNSh ALLIED and ACI with a wn118n daily and hatiday opening arw closing sphdnulo All ci:pngas, raviaVans end maraicn'rcrs to dro 9bnre allot) po s:rpplind toLd.LIEO ^rW ACI otv,•ntinp. 1S, TITLE TO MONITORING EQUIPMENT: Subscriber egress Iltal all equipment insl:dlad Uy ALLIED to Irensmil signals to m:utitor or to suparvlaa Iho systnrrt(sl stroll u5 all limos roman ttW Salo prolmrty o; nLLIED. Subauiber adl Hal d¢rriago, nncuvriber or dlaposo of said ogir'pmnnl ar penrt! the agit..pment to ho drrmarod, eneuuthefeU, to}:en tram Ihn prrxniws, tampera@ wish or toparod by' nnyonn Lart aulhonieU agents of ALLLEO, In Ihn avurtt of leas Or damage to 4fK1 nquipmnnl ar any part Ihareol, Subsuihor serous to pay ALL[EU [fto roespnatr7n vdkro dtMeof dr tits oust o1 ropalrs as Iho cnmt may ear. AI Iha oxpitabon cf ih::a Agmcrnam, ut Gt Ihv e'+tent 01 eny ee(rie)) in poriomtartce by Suos:,ripor, AI,I,IED is ai.<Itciired ba emwt>pon thin prcrtrw9 ul Subscriber end romovo ALI,IID'e rrwnad eyu:pntent. liarno'va1 of Ihn ogiepmrm sha7 tfB wilhaul proirrpic~ Ip 61ta collnaidt N arty end rill sums due urxlar the entlHa cort:ract or oxtnnsioru or runswala dtoreoL :iuhsuirmr xhrill in suet uvartt return said dquipmo^r to ALLIED in good oonditlon, rnasanahlo wear end leer ecceptai. Sirtts¢cL•or 9gree5 that Ihv inxtallation of t}x, equipment does rtol cmatn n frxtt:ro to SubsCrrbefs pnrrrcses 15. DELIMOLIF,NCY: HL'CONNECT CIIARCES: In Ihv e':'rml any paymerd due hareuitdvr la morn than Ian (101 days doll(tquenl AlLIEO ratty impose 9nd apllacl n dolinyurncy phnrgu of crw pt.KCenl {tyt,) per mmth (12Th per amunty o6 mo amoum cf the delinquency pr Ihv ma;.imian nmoanl permitted by IaN N6tich uve:r rs the Ia99eV. U the mutitaring ser:iov is deaafvated bepatrso of SllbslYlbvr'9 )seat duo nnlan;:n nrto if Subsuiber desires to beep Iho service raa-tivaled, SuDat~lbet agroex to pay m aJrunca to P.LLIEO a rdaUn'atirm charge I6 be )fixed bf i+LL1E0 In n roasan9ble anxum. trr, I7EFAULT DY SUDSCRIBEN.: If Subccrinar failx to pay arty amount herein pmvldod •w.ttrSt tun (10) Ja•r3 atlrn Iha Sarno is rhro and ;urymtt~i, a if 5ubsaibor tails la pnrfarm nny other provisions hereof withn ton (IA) days aRer ALr_IEU ahaa hnvo rogcweted in tn,n!irtg peRarmenco thanof, or it any prcorod~ig in banY.ruptcy. roooi•rorship or irtspl•rency 6hell be wmrndncod by' a against Subscrrber or his propody, a it Stlpsafber makes nny nsaigrnnrrnl for Iris benefit of creditor, AI,hIf;O m ACI eha!~ itava five right btu shall rim bu nbligafed td e,•:ereiso arty grto or more or lha fofiawmp remedioc: (:r) Rcc:vrer IYta existing amounts :Ato from SuD9~ber an@ continuo to mori:cr andbr ntmrdain the system, in whrait Ursa ALLIED shop h0 onlitlnd to rm~:vrar, in sUUilion, the ponarx: amounts Sue under Iha con:rnU for x:rd cun•ioas; or foj Olawntlmm m.^.nilorirty of IP~a eys1arn arm dixconnoct AL^_IED cvnrieU aquipntenl upon fr:n (5) days written notia3 IO Subscriber at S•rhsathets address Ctstod abnvr, If ALLIED or ACI OlscomirttJOx xar:i~n, ALLIED shv:l be entllod to racovrJ b`ta e..isting anxunts duo txtdor This said oantrapl for Sold servcas up to Iho date of CiSgfltnuanCa of sarvico, and, yr addulon, for 5or,iro to tot provideU, demagaa Comprtad by su::eroairtg )roan Iha IoWI sum ALLIED woukl hove aacelceo m+nr Iha Ikon form n! Thu sgreesnem, trio tpttJ of Iha oast to nLUEt~ of leaslrq 7rylnphnno linoo, if 3rv/, tar arty rnmaining unmipinxf !rim ar !tW apreernonl plus ti•.o rrnUrinalad tits) of replncwnrarf mmai:tle Isle eyu'tprnrtttt owar Inn unntTtirrxi loan of the oonlracl. 'This rail o! malaria"s oral equipment Is to bo dntorminod by ALUL'O In hs solo dtsrrotion frarn its plOr exper;enr:o. Svhacdbnr riniutowleUge9 and egrrpos Ihnt said oostx mu Ilta mly costs Involvrr.'; a (e) Recover Irom Sutxsuiber a!7 ,urns ALLIED may tae entltlod to unpor the lan•. In die seam of termirrntx:n of this A9raernunt or upon or;plration of Ihix Agmantenl, ALLIED shall bees Iho irmnodiate right to romovo any ALLIF,D ewttea equipment urul~ Ihn torms antl corzfifCrrts set lath hemin, Hanxrrxtl of Ihn equipntern ac horoinabrne eel forth shall net bo considered la pansliwta a bread) di ALUE[y of Gti:: Agraamenl or waiver D'y ALLIED of ttny such d:nnages or rtphls. 17. 'fERnt Of AGREEMENT; DISCONNECTION: ALLIED will gi're Sunscrinor m tonal live {5j days written nmice 01 torminatipn al such sen•icea to Subscriber rind, upan glririg such notipo, this Agreamcn: urvf u!1 01 ALLIED's reapancit~.:ins harebrnder shell Dome Iv an rind one noilhx pony hnrr.:o shop nave airy cle:nt against Ihn other tar any fvrthvr Oblipeitorts In Ihn Deem Iha1 ALLIED noliftes ACI cf do larmitalian o! servixe foI Ind S(tnsrribar for any reasaq or In Iho m+dn; ;tu,t ALLIED te!IS or nalusex In make p9yme,us for aenioes lurnstuod or to tae lumi9hvd to Subacribm rri AC I, ACI will give Subsaroar a: )anal livo (5y days v,'Rtlen nnUCO 41 lorminalion o! svdt evrviCaa Ira $U1ys.;.rA:or rind, aeon givirip .uch ncls^•o, tux Agroornwtt urtd ell of AG'a rocponsibililios horewtdar SDAII Como to rat and 9nd SubSCriDOr 8hnll trip) hsro any p13Urt ega"nst ACI tar nrry ftxther ublig9uona. Upon lormrnation of this Agraernem 10' arty masoq ^ouD~.aiber sprees to porml ACI la dixppntinue ntonllormg And h:nhcr permit oithe: ALLIED cr A.CI to rvttor upan Subsuiber's premiova arW d:sconnrxt Silpsaibei 9 sy9tern from ACT's mpnitorirg network. 1B. ALtJED AND ACI ARE NOT INSURERS; LIMITATION OF LIABILITY; IT R; IINDURSTOOD AND AGREED: THAT ALLIED RNO ACI ARE NUT INSURERS OF P NOPERTY, LIFE, SAFETY, OR HEALY}I OF AKY PERSON; THATINSURANCE, IF AKY, SHALL BE 08TAIKBD DY SUBSCRIBER; THAT THE PAYMENT^a PROYIOED FOR HEREIN ARE BASED SOLELY OCJ THE VALUE OF TWE SERVICE AS SET FORTH HEREIN AND ARE UNRELATED 70'fHE VALUE OF LIFE, 50.FE'fY OR HEALTH OR PROPERTY OP SUBSCRIBER OR OTHERS; TNAT ALLIED AttD ACI IAAKE KO GUARAttTY OR YlARRANIY, INCLUOINO ANY Ih1PLIED WARRANTY OF IAERCNANTABILITY OR FITYJESS THAT TIIE EQUIPMENT OR SERVICES SUPPLIED WILL A.VERTOR PREVENT dCCUNHENCES OR TIIE CONSEQUEttCES THEREFROM, WHICH THE 5Y5'TEM OR SERVICE IS DESIGNED 1'd I.El`EGT OR AVERT. SUBSCRIBER ACKNO'NLEDGES THAT IT IS Itf,PRACITCAL AKD EXTREMELY DIrFCCLILT TO FIX THE ACTUAL L~Aa1AGES, IF AttY, WHICH hIAY PRO%IMATELY RESULT FROM A FAILURE TO PERFORM AttY OP THE OBLIGATIONS HEREIN, IttCLU01NG, BUT NOT LI,NI7E0 TO INSTALLATION, SERVICE, MAINTt:k0.ttCE OR h10NtTORING, OR TWE FAILURE OF THE SYSTEM TO PROPERLY OPERATEVtITH RESULT1ttG LOS9 TO SUBSCRJBER OR OTHERS BECAUSE OF, AfAONG OTHER THCttDS: THE UNCERTAIN AMOUNT OR V0.LUE OF LIFE SAFETY, HEALTH, OH PROPERTY OF SUBSCRIBER OR OTHERS'rYHIGH MAY BE INJURED, LOST, STOLEN, GESTROYEO, OAMAGEU OR O'I'tIERWISE AFFECTED BY OCCURRENC[S'NNICH THE SYSTEt.I OR SERVICE ARE OEBIGtJED TO DETECT OR AVERT'; THE UNCERT0.1kTY OF THE RESPCkSE 1TME OF AtJY POLICE, FIRE DEPARTMEttT, OR OTHER RE5POtJDltttB P0.NTIES SHOULD THE POLICE,FIRE DEPART1t1ENT, OR OTHER RESPOKDING PARTIES BE DISPATCHED AS A RESULT OF A SIGt1AL BEING RECEIVED OR AN AUDIBLE OE'lICE SOUkDING; THE INABILITY TO ASCERTAIYJ 1.1HAT PORTION, IF ANY, OF ANY LOSS 1'fOULO DE PROXIMATELY CAUSED OY ACT'S OR ALLlEO'S FAILURE TO PERFORIA OH BY ITS EQUIPMENTS FAILURE TO OPERATE; AiJD 7H E NATURE OF TWE SERVICE TO BE A714 0.GREES TNAT IF ALUEO~r ACI SHOULD BE FOUND L10.ULE FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE DUE YO A FAILURC- G'.~..~._7ONS7A61.A1'ION, REPAIR SERUIGE, MONITORING, SERVICE OR EpUIPMENT IN ANY RESPECT WHA'Tf,OEVER, ALLIED'S AND ACy5 LIABILITY :i}TALL BE LIN.ITED TO A Y01'AL SLIM EQUAL TO THE TOl'AI, OF SIX (~) MONTHLY PAYh1EttTS DRTWREB HUNDRED DOLLARS lS3ba,edj, Vt111ChtEVER l5 THE LESSEN, AND PHIS LIABILITY SHALL BE L%RCLUSNE, AND THAT'I'Hk PHOVtSION3 OF THIS SECTIOtJ SHALL APPLY IF TH E INJURY, LOSS OR DAh1AGl, IRRESPECTIVE 6F CAUSE pF ORIGItJ, RESULTS DIREC'fI,Y OR INDIRECTLY TO PERSOIJS OR PROPEk1Y, FROM PERFORMANCE OR NOtIPERFORIAANCE OF THE OBLIG0.TIOttS IMPOSED BY THIS CONTRACT ; FROM N@GLIGENCE, ACTIVE ON OTIIERV.95E, OF ALLIED ANOtOR ACI, THEIR AGENTS, SERVANTS, ASSIGNS OR EMPLOYEES; PROM STRICT LIABILITY Ito TORT; OR FROM ANY IMPLIED WAARANTY, If SUBSGRIBEH 1'NGNES, SUDSCRIBER h1AY OBTAIN FRD\l ALLIED OR AGI A NIGHER LIMITATION OF LIABILITY BY P0.YING AN ADDITIONAL MONTHLY SERV[tiE CHARGE TO ALLIED, lF SUBSCRIBER ELECTS TO E%F.RCt$E THt9 OPTION, A RIDER SHALL 9E Al'1'ACII@D TO THIS AGREEMENT SETTUJG FORTH TWE TERh15. GOttUITIOtJS AND AIEOUNT OF 1TiE LIMITED LIABILITY AND THE ADDITIOtt0.L htONTHLY CHARGE, SUCH RIDER AND ADDITIOttrtL OBLIGATTOIJ SHALL IN NO V1AY BE INTERPRETED TO MAKE ALLIED OR AC! AS AN INSURER. 19, THIRD PARTY IN DBMIJIFICATION; Vrhnn Subscriber ordinarily terra lhn property ata4tore in h1s uuatody, as Ihn Systom extends to protect other prrxonr or Iho properly of ralitetrl, Subscriber to dl8 e7rtonl altownd by Inw agrees to and shall IN;lomnpy, dofnnd and hold hnrmlons ALLIC•D and ACL IhviP entploq•rns and agnnts for and against all claims hratrghl by parUv~ olhor than Iho genies to this Agremnnnl. Thio provlalnn shall apply to all clalma ropardlnes o} cause, including ALLIED' .and AC1's perlnnnertee or talturo to perform including InstafloUon, insprrctlanp, tests, repair eervlev, ntonltortng, or non.opcralioa of llty Systom, wMolher based upon adtlvo ar parxlvo nogligence, puntribulion, Indomnllicntlon, wanpnty, or strict nr product Ilahilhy on Iho pars of ALLIED and7or ACI, their employvea qr agonta, but this provlntvn vitoll Hat apply 1o clalnvs faa Ine9 ar tlanta;lo •n•hiph nrcur while an ernployov 9t ALLIED ar ACI is on or nAnut Srrhaoribcr'e prmniees, and are solely and rllrnctiy pauseU by seiU onyyloyna. 20. LIMITAttUN ON ACTIONS; VlAIVER OF JURY TRIAL: Bathparties hereby agree that na set or xtioat that rel9las in ort'rway 10 This Agmoment pnhulhm D99ed r.,pon contract, nog:.°gr.7tc6 ur otnanvise) shot) bn bmugllt ogsirnt ma ether morn elan ore, (1) year otter Ula sxrr:al n1 lira curse of aplion Iharalor. m ed@Itbn, tglh pndie^, hr.7eby waive 31ry fights la n jury Dial in ani jr@iclal oct~n bmrrghl a'i r..:tmr party whlctt relydes m anvwgy Ca this Agruemurtt (ti,hether based r,rpan ronuocl, negligence or othorwixny 21. SUBROGATION: Sa far as it is pernt.tted by' SiArsuihor's property insurance carerngo. SirDsaiber horaby ralrwsue, tL•9.tltargas and a,Troex to hold ALLIED aM ACI harmless hom any and all elaims, bebilillea, darnagax, losses or ezpener9, art<:n(I from or a-lusrttf by :uq• hazard : overea by mstttnnro in pr on Thu SubeeribeYe premlee wheCnor said r~r,ims arc rases by 5ubecrltaor, his agrnls, a 6t9wanea company or ether pnnias d!aialilsg under or throtrph Sub;crikar. !>ubnuiber sprees to Inrornnify ALLIC•D and ACI apalnbl, and dn!end sett haltl ALLIED and A.CI narmloss Pram nri uaicn for cutxagatxn whiUt may bo brought ngainsl ALLIED ar ACI IYy arty rnsuror Or inxunrxn osmruny or its epema or assigns irxluding Iha paymeril of all damages, oxprmsos, Doses a;u! attorney's ions. srbacriber SDall notify his ittstnartco c:orier Of llte lame o; Ihix prorysxn 22, GOVF,RNING LAVJ: Subscriber aclulowlydgox that Iho manilsring ser'noe a5 pro:'irlod in Thu State of Waahnpton and Ihmefaro serer.. that !Ile Iaw60l Iho Slnto m S`lashioglan stroll gue9rn rate Agrournenl in all reapeUS un'bas othnrwino agreed to by ACI, ALLIED, rind Subscriber. Venue m fibs caw of miy dispels sha7 ty9 In Sppkinn Coanty, 1'JasJdnglurt 2). PURCHASE ARDERS: It is wtderslood end ogreod by rind bctaoan Iha ponies hereto Iho; if ihrrn is any cortflicl hehxeen [R9 f~JrOdrnFrtt and $ubs,crcrar's putCti9ae atler, 01 Bny pthor aocL^ItC.iL Utie COmraU will govern, whNhor 9udl pintJeasa order or any' alhor eortancrY is prior Or aubsegiwntta Ihix Agnaerncrtt. 24. ATTORNEY'S FEES: In uro seem it sha'1 bewmo necossary for ALLIE6 or ACI to instllu:v Ir~al procaedtngs to eo:AU Thu eosl U arty pharges ba sot )Drib basin, Ihrxr artd in such prceocpinpx lha unsuacv.plul party sha7 pay 10 Iho succosstJ; party I e99ortable ettomey'c fort.^. wham peratcged df law. 25. ASSIGNEES Aft LVOR SUBCONTRACTORS OF ALIr1ED: ALLIED oral ACI shall hove Iho rignt to asxign thSs Ayraamanl in •n41o19 or In Fv'tn to arty other pereort, firm Q' CapPraiipn ,:rte ehn7l:avu Iha runher debt Co st:brarosaa arri ewve'.::ancra, rnonaartng, rnnirnrmutcu, pooot, enterpery rocltansn, or other services whlph it may pnrtorm. SubeG finer eryVtowlvdgOS That This AgrawnerY., anU parllCifarly Ihosn pnragrapYta relatirtg SO AlL1ED trnd ACT's rnakirr,9m liab_.iy, altd Ihitl party ineortvtificteun, shall Inrtla to Iho hortafu of arW mo applitably to arty assignoox rind J a srrbemrraaors of ALLIi:O ann ACI, arYJ lttet they bYttl Subscribor Nttn rnepOCl t0 said a991gn886 and r a xebpanU9aar9 with the 6am8 turn aria aBnct as !Hey b(nd 5ubaulnor to ALLIED stet ACI. 1b. INVALI U PRO'uISI0tJ3: In Inv avant any of Ihv )arms or p~avisiuts of Ihia Apraemom ytall bn codarod tv ba irtvalW or Inepwmivo, all at Thu rur9inirty terms attd prryrlsirma s'~all rlmaut a, tt@11oroa and oH9U 2T. ENTIRE INTEGRATED AGREEMENT; MODIFCCATtON; ALYERATIONS; 4VAIVER: Thl5 v+ritlnp ix irllantled by Ihn pnnio^^+:Ip a ftrtal expreSalon W Ihelr Rg/anmCm nrid o9 8 a01nD1918 Pre a%ClaiiYD stn(nrnrmt a1 dtu Carets Ihetool, and Sttsaihar has reed arts unporslantls Ihix untie Agreement. This Apraemom eupnrodae all prior representations, undcrsmrufing9 or agraemoms al ;na genius acrd Iha paniap rely only upon Crta ottnlonfx of Ihis+'tNleomenl In e;•ocding i1, TJes Agreamenl can only Uo moc~ittd by a writing signed by t7te pnnioc ar Ihoir defy audtorized apon6 hbws~ivnr nt u 15ratlCttof any term or cotxfiten a1 this Agr samara sha7 he constnrod b ten a wai•rer of eny supcoedirtg 6nsrch. 28. PARAGRAPH HEADINGS: Tito paragraph tllloa used hornin uro fm dte conrenlenpo of INO parce9 gnly rind shat not Ue COnelgored In pnrtsty-rig lne prrn'ieiors of This Agreemon;, 2a. GENOEN: N'lwrv:er !Ile context roqulms in this Agrnerttsnl, !fro masct!'.nn grinder hvrain u9ed ehe'.I iRClUtle Ihn lom'.nino 9nd gtv 9inpular shall Inrhtao Iha plural. ]0. NOTICE OF CAttCELL0.TIGN: Data of Transaction Yor niay sanest Ihix trnnsaplion, wllhout arty penally a obligation, wither Uuee 13) business drri s from Iha abttva dale or Iha date on Iho from lido al Ihix Agraenrsnl. If you pancol, any prcpe:ty waded In and pa•Rnar:^. mado Dy you under Ufa rOnlraCl ar sold rind any rwgcAiilr•IB (rtalfuntprn p+:r;caaod by you, wdl be reWrned wUhin Inn (16;1 tlays fxbwinp rocaipl tri nA,LIED of yr:ut Ctknpall811on notipo and :nri security irt'.ereel arising eta nt Gta uansudion wiu by cartcecod, II you cancel, ).eu mail make ava]eble Io ALLIED, at your residrtnca, N substantiK.y :rs good pdrWitgn as whrn rtr_eA•ed, any goods ttoli•mrod to you under Ices Cdnuact cr s:do, or you may, S you wish, cernply wish Iho insiruplion of ALLIED 1 regardng the roprn shipmurt! of Iris goods vl ALLIED's expenso and risk If yov dct make the gcods avnila5la to ALLIED antl ALLIED epos not pick Inset up within hn+erny (2Til dayc at Iho date of your Holies of Caries:.^alian, you may slain or dlspcao of Ihn goods witDolrt any funltur obligation. II you foil W m~ku utu gpod9 aNalllialn to AI.I.IGD a il'rnu apreo to rvhtm IYta goods to ALL[EO and fail to :fxr sv, Than you romn'n )fiesta far perfrrtntanco dt a!4 obligetjons ur><iar Iho Contras. Tn c.ltoel W9 trenaaUpn, mail ar dolHu'ti v signed end datrp copy of This Cartcellauon Notico, ar urrf other wrluon rtct~n, of send a ta:. lo: ALLIED SECURITY COAPONATE HEADQUARTERS 425'W, ENO A'JE., SPOKANE. Y1A 38'104, FNC f5C9) 747-Y33t't 11wr~Krycancallhlcarnnsartian, DATED. SUBSCRIBER'S SIGttATURE ~.rArn, d aloryn n$fuYr0.`G..+' ••~d/"l~ANo~ ~~~® ~~~~17 Il ~1a~ n .a - - - r= .l PORTI~ND 530 NE Couch4'$t Portland, QR 9!?•37. (3U3F 7.D1.1177 N7 SEATTLE 5901 41h AVF S SCMItu, b`:A 98108 (2C8) 7E'i?-2300 This Aylaorrtent is ertered into this '°f} day of referred iv as "ALLIED", at the Spokane office and yr heroinakef referred to as "Suhscrlbor," ALLIED'S custom li~oro~g Services Agreement LI SPOKANP 42G VV Second Spokane. +l~rit 99c01 20 If;+~' , by and Uettiveen ALUEO SECUF2ITY, Iteroinakar MONITORING SERVICE, EQUIPi'r9ENT SUPPLIER, AND DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES PROVIDEfl: ALLIED agrees to provido elnerger>ay response, service and monitoring as harelnafter sot forth to monitor th_c alarm system owners by.Subsc-iber and lacated•at: - .-. _ $traet Address ..=,r~r~EJJ~ ';vim;' ~' ~,f'f,J7a~i~il'.d ~t~~~~P . -+._' -. .. . Gity. '``~•Wr!'J~iJa')7~~ir,~ .. ~ . .. ~ Slate vl~ Zip Code ~J~~`> ~~ Fhono NurnLer Billing Address ,, ~ w ~,' TYPE'OF SYSTEM MONITORED: i•, '.~ n RRsidcanlial ~Burglar.~tl~nn ` j~l Cornn'-ar'rial ~Firc F~larrn `~'j Einanrial ~Held•up Alarm ^Emer~ency Rap ADDITIONAL NOTES L f.1CNITURfNG SBJtVICkS PROV'IDF.R; Vrtder Ihis itiyraarnUnl, Subscritsor hnb ror:.raUOd •rollh ALLIED for ::n alarm system .,ndfor sorvice of lho premises inaie:rtod on this AVrgnmont IherO:nallar called"Pretnisos'1. ALLIf:G and tiubSMbnt hive oMOtOd irUU anApiUOrrxrnt whmoin and whOroo'y AlL1E0 rntii Movide monttwcnp serv~zas for SubACriisatr, sUC11 sernces In corts'_st solely of thozn rascribnd herein, .ALLLEO ha6 BUUOOnIfaCled ~rrcJi rnoni!oing snrvirnA Ip ALLI~D•s as.odale, AlorYn Canlnr, hrc , taaitrd m P.C Hox 341)1, Lece'y ,1'rA 99503.3401, hr;roinafirr reh3rretl to as "ACY', which tws agraod Io porJrnn Ihn soots soUly Ns 111a aperil ts! ALLIED sgrgn the C8liYld aitC er~idilions sot Partin in tics JvgrnOrrAnl and 6tt211Bd: IO rite lemrs cf Ihr? ruJmnmrml bnW: ron Aral eitd ALLIED. 2, TERh1S, PAYMENT, REtJEWAL: SuUs.*.ribcr txtrcr/ agrras 1o pay to AL! IEO, Its styenls ar assigns: _ iai ForndonllOMN,tlwsumof l! / J t' ~#~ DOIIUrs + lax it oppliCnT:IG per month, pttyabl0 ^annLally, Qsemi-annually, ar ~~quarterly ir. ed',altw, ur, Ihu first day of Ihn yrs. r, bix month pOrlod or qualtat, tespBClivtaly, Ca norca;g with the moult: fallvninp 5om;,lotion n1 rho Inslrlltal,on,lor a perlcU ol( ~ X r,) your{s) ham Ure darn cf contplotion of iru;ta141tOn of rho Oystent. In btltlil,un, tcgetllei with Vto fast ~• monthl_i paymOnl, Sub~iaar sha0 pay It•a pre mG'r sh fro n1 Ihn monthly dtarge tar the month In whkCh Iru:a.;ahon was contplebid. This Ayausnmd zicdl nulgmatlcally ho tenanted far suCCn5::1:'n Gtnns of { ~ ) yeflf(a) 81 llw 59111e InBAlhly Y.fr+iCq rn1n; suL•jecl tc paiuliruplt 1 t, urilass m4aar poly r+ofiSirta the rnhor In writing of its infen4an to termineto ihts Aprearnent, nut less Ihun Uiirly {30) days pier to titer Oxpirat'~n nl the orrpinai temr or nrr; renowal torrn thereof. Ib) TnlOphcnn Transrnisslon: $ubscaoer ackrt9wl0ayes Itiat ACI r.^.iliros talgphonq lino lrnn5mw0ign entl rho slprals 7tom SubsorfUOYS steno system era trunsmittod p-,mr $ubf ~•i~gr'x wpu.ar tntapnann sOrdCO ro ACI, and In the 0vent SnsUscriUer'^. t01u}.JtwtO servMae is out o10id6t, disasnrmUnd, ;nlnccd nn Unr,~tinn Or OlheMtse alien WIaQ Oi(Jrksls Ifnfn Sulxs~onbefs 8.'anrl system will nut be « rcuivoa F.r ~?!:0 ctnrin;, Ony JaJCh inb3r/upllon :n 101ephnne OervlCO and Ina inletruplion •n•J nut +ju kntrnrr In ACI. SubsrriUor hnthcS xArttrrolgdpos nrd npmos that signora which are Iransrnllted Duet felepltsrto romprrty i~rnA :xu wli;:!;y tx:yan:f tlw u:ntrol nrtl jrmaiir,0on n1 ALLIED anti A01 antl aru rnururinud mid aerviced by ttta appliCSrUte In~:pltanu company ar utilifi • Subscriber agrees to lum(sh any necessary telephone sun•ico a feluphnns linos at Subrr-nbor's ann expense. Arty r~ld all t0lellhona ~mpeny Charges stroll btl U.;ad ly,• Inleahona company la $rfi~~ihr•• Poly inrxrasOd tClrsphann rnrryperry rherpos Ohell be borne U}• SvbeCriUer, aad if chmpnd dirnUly la .ACI, shall Lu a;kfod to Iho pnriod~: rhnrpas btlled tq ALLItO who shalt rebill to SUbscriUsr. SvUscriUUr ucWwwtedgne lhUt ac1P: nttna of Ihn alnnn syalnrn will hilarrupt and iii sconnnct any lalaphoea call in propnnss. (c) Rnc:o Tran.rrti55irn; $rfiscnbor ae%.rtOv+IBUp05 Ihflt if ACI U.IIILe9 siprwl !ransmissirxi by n radx: zj•stam~ tfmt such transrrc6sian IS Or.bJBU to enrhottnten181 factors, BcVI natural :mti marrmudo that nrn wholly barvnd rho control of ALLI'cU arcd ACI. U9e of RatliO froquerrius ore controlled by life pUderal Communsuttans (:orrminsion I:FCC) nr,t1 dtanDas In Mes, regula[lons, end polaes may nefSessilalu c':b~.:rdrrruhtg ar ntrarpin~ snd'r iransmission lnnilitios, , :b, ALLIED'S AND ACTS LIABIUTYIDISCL;JMER OF VrARRANTIF:S; Alil.lfi0 AND ACI DO NGT RtPRE:;kt: f UR YVAHRANT: THAT THE ALARM S'i ST[fd htAY ttDT DE CUA1PROt.11S81) OI{ CiACU:.4V[NTED; OR THAT THE SYSTEAI VdIL! M2EVEN'I'ANY LOSS DY DUP.GI,ARY, HpLD- UP, FIRC, OR OTtIERWISE OR THAT IT Yrll•l, PREVENY' DEATH, 900:LY OR 1'ERSOt:,A1 INJURY OR DA>.GAOE, OR THAT TJiE SYS7Eh11'rILL IN ALL CA ;E$ PR6+lIDE THE PROTf,CTION FnR 4vN:CH IT IS INS'I:nLI•ED OJt IN'IEt.'OED, SLIaSCRIBEIi ' :tCKJ~rO'+`A.EO~ES AND AGR@EE TftA~ Al,I:iED A.ND Ar•0 HAti+I: Df,.Al7f; N0: ~ ~ ~ ' ' REPP.E:Etd'rA'I'iONS pH'Ih'n.4AAN(IE:i, NOR HAS 5U6$CRIAER n.EUED ON ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR V,'.ARRAkTIES, EXPRESS OR III PLIED. SU6.SC:RIH~R FUk'tHEK ACIQrl74vLE0CES; TI{A'I'ALLIEO AND ACI .ARE N'OT. INSURER:;, SHAT SljOSCRIDEn. ASSUMES ALL R131t FOR LOSS OR OludAGE TO fiUti:;(:H[fJER`$ Plilih11SE5 OH TO THE CONTI;rI I'S'I"1{^cRE01' OH FUR ANY DEATH Oit INJUR'f. ALLIED SECURITY `'TYPE OF SICN'AL TRANSMISSION: ' Subscriber s i'2t?~Lllai Telepl•IDne Line Radio TrarismissionfCellulnr Crackup) MONITORING EQUII~NiENT: t:,igital Carnrnunioalor lu1oiief ~k ~ y%y0~„ C)tt•~er~ SUDSCR[DER ACKNO'.`!•LErat1E5'I'HA'f lit. IsA5 REA2'1 Af70 DISCUSSED PARAGRAPHS I6+ AJJ11 1U RECti4ROING ~~ LIEDANDitCf$ l.Ih11TATlOId OF UhBIUTI' AND RIGFITOF 1 INpF;?.{JJIFICA'YION WYrli A,!LIED ANDJOR ACTS AGENT, ;118$CRI}lEF1 UNOER$TANOS Th1AT IiE 1MY OFSTAfN A NIGHEk !I\11rA'I.ION 6F ALLIED AND+hCYS I•WQ1I.ITY RY PAYIPJ A.V AOOITIOrJAL GHARGE. 4. NONtTDRING SERVICES: AI,I,JfD and Af,.l azreo to n~nllorvritltaul'~ttang• ui IilyLilily lu ALLIED ar ACI, and trot us instxarp:, r.'urin,T Ihn tmrrn of this Agreentenl, tlw s'gnais'cf u:nm synlomts) mvned by Suoscatber bl tnu prern(sea huninab:avl ant forth. ALLIED shell ry7nn9ct Suissrnbrls System to ACYs nlon:toYrng rek:eirur k;eal«f in ACI's mCnitorirul teclllty ACI o+ its dusipnee or aahnlf d AL61EU shall make every reascneble :.91on to do the fotle.virg: Upon ruCeisi o! un s.:um signal, ihn mgnilgaJtp fau:.ly shad mt]y iris approj:riW.e :;alien ur fim tloltartmOnl, os outer parsons or +ut?iliCS drsipnatod ny.Subsa'Ibe~ or ALLIED in'Ntitltp la A(:I, Ait rosettes the ngltt to •,briPi all alunn siprr:'s I>)• Inlrphgno a cuternrose Celore nailyiiv~ Ginr:rpnncy pcttonnpl, antl may dlsgbnllnue Uny trOrliCUler wsponsa AgrvY:O :Ab3 In ,gCNernraenlel of 415vratrW rnrulrrrnnnts by'gi:•Inp nolloo In •nri4rtg la .ALLIED wfio wall nn:ity liar $rbacriUer. It, rn Cn5 op'nion cCACI, use by Ihn SrfiSCrlbat Odverse7,• olfacts tltU use of rim s+gnnl rarrrlnp agr:Tmant_ Vrls Aprarrr,tsnl may tar femrinatrtl ifhrty (;Sift says tU:ontny wrilturt rtotlt+: tc AI,LIF O •nho sha:l nottlyl)te•Svbs~YfUar.• SUbbcriUerscknaeCad6as that A.C1's-:epfl'r'obl{pationwlVr reer:nct to mrmitorirq rgla:e3 661a1•f to Iha repair arW Opr.MSlion oT thr. signal rx0i•nng aqu:pment. i're'.'antiv? muinlmtancaaad rr.Jt¢lir 50rvicoF ere e':allaUleharn AL':.IED lu assuro prrpc: cprrrntimr of 5uUsniUOi s secuttq• uquipmnnl and'ru thtvio0s. The rnatilorlnp servfaa ~hoil eanmmtcv cn tJ;a da:e of ronneellat of Iltu Irortunisix;n ugripmnnl :n Ihn ia:elthgnn ;neA of the 5ulisbrtber !ry ALWEf.' SubsCritxir Is aw<tro and Consents to ell telapl:orre commur>'aatrans IhrauBh Cgn:ral rnoailoring stutean bning rcavtlrn. S. FALSD A!ARfdS: N Ihn mbnl an extosslv`e nun!betcf fal8e tN,JSnns era tausntl by ALLIED ar Sub5aril;er ^. cam1055tm53, mflA.1rg15 BCJIan, Or 6DCIdan167 U.e Of 1118 8I3un syslenr, nLLIEp ar ACI stay 1'n ds sole discrOtxrri dears sarm: to bn a m:dorial txoecit of thrs Agroemenl on the ~rrl of Subscrrlter and, at il8 oplloq in attdiliort to :dl other Irgal mrnrni0s sot 1ruu+Cebw. ALUEU alto ., ACI shall be r7W4W5eGl Uqm lurther,pertrxrnartda vpdi the pivinit of tart { I pl r.'nys wrillpn rtat.b0 In ' u°utisrlibu. AI,LIED'sn ACTS oxurso from performance shall not 91feIX ilsriytn la ra^,;.•re:r oentapes briars ALLIED or F.ubscritxsr, In rho nvgnl i3 hno_ penalty, or tea Is essasaetl ag8(n91 pLLIEO or ACI by ant gcv'eutntumnl or municipal agrscy as a rosult nt any alarm ongiaatlnp born $ubscrlbels prentl9e8, SuUSCribar apses to tortltnti:h rairrtl:ur a AI,LtEI) nndtor ACI Inr tame. e. RIdCEJP7 UP COPY: SUDSCRIBER AGICJOWLEDGHS RIICLIPT VF Nail {t) Ct)PIE + 01= 'ri{IS AGH"cEh1EH1'.'lii= TElild$ AND CUNDI'I'IONS SET rORTI•I Ik FA.RAGRAPFIf+ 71,1 TIIROLJGl130 QN'Tlil) REVI;kSE 5111E OP'I'HIS A(iR@i:MEt/•I' ARE INCORPORATED HEnEIN AtrG DY rtEFERE1dCE ARFt dDAOE A PART HERr:OF, 7. THIS MESSAGE APPLIES TO UQOR=YO•DOOk SALES4NLY: YOU•THE SUDSCttIDER, t.IAY CAMC•3L TNIS TRANSACTION llf AtrY 1'VAIi PF110 fi i'{I 1J.ID1dIGN l' 01= 'INE INIRD BUShVE$5 OAY AFTL•R 7H6 DATE OF Tdl 1.^, TRAN:a~CTION, SI;E PARAf RAPcI 311 ON RF'JFRSE SIDE FCUit Aid Eitl'LA.N.ATtON OIL THIS RIGHT. i ; 11, PEkA11l'$f1.ICkrNSES: StJtsa'iber ro>;reaents teal ns has secured whatever perntlss»n, penuita or licrosas tLffi niay b0 nUOaa znry tram toGil atLrrarillfir. for rhr+ mgn~tprng of his nlprnr sywlam, Subscritxr Mall pay all prrmit fops, I~,On50 toes u othtu charges anal may be requlraa by pdrennrantel egoncraa. D..INTERRUPTCJN OT SERVICE: +1LLCEQ, and ACI as.:unto m liahiaty ;:v intr,;n~nikn_ oC ntnnilormCl znrvi~a duo la slrikns, ~Ihis, Ilanr,=, ~srrrms, R,irlhgtmkiYS. hma, I;Srw.Or i&'uras. ~ - insurr~tior„ infcnuplion rr unnva::ah011y nt t0'eprutno oarviGO, eCiB qt Clod, of rot arvy glner CrruSa txryom rho srmtlnl of AA.UEO and ACI anU will rat Ua required tc supUg• nxneorrnp sa•nc0 to SuU3CriDer wit's tnl8nup1iUr1 of sarvicv dun t0 mvi such cuuso may cwrtmuc. SU ' ~ r .~1t~te Contractor's License No, Al,_ IF;:+J?_t~i4C:6 13y: X f J r ,~r _~='~ 13y'~`-~`~• 6 ~ k~i~~El ~ ~~~ Title: ~"vl t",~ ~P?" f •;i ~-~° t ,_. Gate :~iyni:d: ' t~ .1 ° `° Dale Signet) a~~'1~'/ ~.~CorF; Partnership; Sole Proprietor : ~ 'r Other (c~escribei a' THIS AGREEMENT rMALL NOT rSE Jr31NDlNG UPON ALLIED LlPJLESS SlGNEt7 BY AN r4UT1-IOF!lYEI? 01=FJCiAL OF ALP: EU. lI+1 'I'ME EVENT OF NON-APPROVAL, TI-,'E SOLE LlAf~lLlTY Olt' ALLlECJ S!•IALL BE TO REf'UNq 70 SU~5CR18ER ThlE AIYJOUPiT T!•Ir1T 1•rA5 BEEN ~A1D TO ALf_lEl,? ICY SfJ135C1~113ER UPON THE'SlGNlNG O% 7•rt-l!S AGREEJWEI+lT. - ' ~! Standard _ OpenlClose Log Only without RopcJrts ^OponJ`Close Log Onlyvrith I~eports ^OpeNClase Superrist3d v:iltlout Napolls nOt)eniClose Super.'ised vriltl Reports 10. SUSPENSSON OR CiANCELLATPON OF THIS AGREEMENT: \ )reen'rent mny bu suspended or urn.^,nhad wi0:ou, novice of too option cf ALLIED end` 1' tl ACT's Rcrnute I'oclliuo5' cr artuscihei a pramlenB or o<{tlipnrrvtl mu desuoyad by tiro or olhr:r catasuopho, or ao nunxlunfiallp dBroapOd Ulal a Ix irrpra»licrl l0 npnLnr,re aeMan, DI in Ilta eA'enl A.CI IG unnhl0 IU ~ dndar nen'iro ac a ranull of orw action by an•+ govannwnlsl 5rnlterily 11. INCREASE IN TAXES, UTILITY CHARGES OR MONTHLY SERVICE: 11.1 Sutuu{aar aekrfowletlpes Nat all Chirgns sot lurch herein are based r~on o.:isting federal, sWro oral local w~ea and ut: dy rhurpos, including telaphorya armF:rny I:nu charges, II any. ALl.if:0 and ACI sha 1 hava am tigln, at any drrs, to inun:tsn cite rmnthly charges prv:elad hnreirt, W raltect orp' nriiile•.rne7 Iaxas, lass rx chargn^ wlircit herea;ler may bo i:nposr.W cry AL! IEU or npl by arty utiliP; or govemrnrn:al :agrrrmy relating to Iho anrv{arfa) provided undw Iho /mrna od clot Ayreemeat ontl ^artuscaiber apreos Io p:r>' rho soma 11,2 Sa Ihnl ALLIC•D ono ACI may p:opnrfy :wjuR their rates to moat thrmgimd ntonllonnil wain and nU•aaissfmwing the leans artd conditions set Ionh heroin after Iho e;,piretion at ono (1} your horn the lain nl Thin +lgreemenL ALLIED and ACI may at any tints mavaxo Iho mentfdy serKoe Citirgn argon giving Iho SuosCr{nar notice in arftinp. IS Subscriber is uhnrllilp to pay Iho in.-nmaud nwnrhlY dnargo, Subscriber nwy tennirteta Chu Agrnamruri upon gi'•tr10 nUi»n kt •nriting to ALLIED within Thirty (301 Uay9 from Iho o:frcri•,n dme N 1118 InernBSC, SuGssi}ytri s failure In hasty ALLIED within sold Ihiny I'•0) days sha] consilu.nn Strbscribar'a ounsam to Iho inGmacn. 12. SUOSCRIBER'S DUTIES AS TO USE OF 3Y5TEtA; Iho S:~sdibor shall care.+tl7y oral propady tall Ne sySirm monddy dying the term of thin AgruumsnL 11 on; datntl in r+pnration d1 !Ice system cfu•mlopB or M the o'ronr of n pa~ner failure or other intrmrption at Subsalber•s promrsns, Subsdiber shat natty ALLIED ImmedWtely_ :;unscrianr ~jraes to Nrnish ALLIED LarVrwilh a •nYittan list Cl the narnas, and rolr,jhorte: numbers o1 all porsonn aulhurizad So enter Iho pmmisnx or na nolifceU rn Iho nennt ul un alarm and tar cormnercisl svatents a deity and holiday open6tp artd Ctaslnp xchadua. A; I Chr/fprs, wvision5 and fnod:;iCatiruu to 1tfu aba.~e Shall he Giy:plirx: to ALLIED In wntirq;. 1]. AUTItORIZEO PERSONNEL: Sulyscnber agrees Io furrdltr lodhwith a written tixl ed tiro :fames, Gtlns, rnsraancc addreBees, resrdon~n prtrno nurnbars of ea pBrGenx autMrized to be nollhed In ton e•renl of en alarm, nrxl la Irrnish ?LLIED ar.tl ACI with a whtlen da~i and ten»day opening and closing schedule. All Ctfartgns, rrv+cxicna and mooifrcBlxnc In Iho nbovo ::,all bu wpfXAd to ALI,I(-:p sod ACI In vvttiny, 1J. TITLE 'f0 MONITORING EOUIPMEtfT: Subscribe: agteos flail ell ogrrpmenl inBl311ed b; Al.1,lE01o herfvnil 51pnnIB k~ mQnito: or to xlrpm'visa the sysinm(sJ xh:dl ut all Lines remain No aalo rxoperly at r~L1.lE0 Subxu,~ur cal not damage, oncunbM or dispose of safe oglripmnm ar pem4t Iho aqupmenl to be damaged, ancumbMed, Isi:en Irmi Iho pramiana, Uunper0d catch or rapalrod by enydne Mil aumrunzecf agems ul ALLIED. In Iho over.: M loss or darnego to ton ngiriprrmnl or any Ixut Iheraul, Subaerlhsr agrCas to pay' ALLIED tfte faa5mai>Ctr vauo IhMaot or lies cost Ol ntpairn ac Iho croso miry :nn, At Iho arpsalron cr th:a Aprornxud, ru in the event f}l Bny dePoull in purlorrifanCa try 5rNSrnber, ALLCEp is nr..iwriaad lu emar upon ton prerffisrm s! Subeerioet and remal'o ALl,lfp's annod ogr.~pmMa. lieroova101 Iho oraripnafnt nhull tra'eCthoul prohx'1iCn to rho cn^.aCicn cr arY; ar~i 011 Bums dro under rho nrdiru Ciltt:fatt Or OxUrnainna or rutawal9 IhnraoL SUnzcrianf stud! in srY.11 event rN.rnn said etlulprnn^.t to At,LIED in good wnd,tinrf, reasanublc wear and b3ar eccop:od: SuDsaybcr nq-rres that the instagatiut o; rho aqu;orrtent does not croara n fixtxlru to Sub:.dfbets prnnu!es i5. UULIKUUEKCY: RECONNECT C4IARGE3: In the event any pnyrr,nnl duo yfurawtdar is man :hue ten (101 days do nquonl h),I,If_D may irtfpo5e and oollccl n dolirtyueney dterya of ono pMOOnI (tw,) per cocotte (12'.6 pat ennuml a( rho amourtl of the d~tnquoncy v rho rmfvimunr amount pennJtad by tofu NOilfh rrror is the Tosser. U life monitoring Brv.tee is tleaaA•a:ed bocatrzo al Suhs»ribar•s Lvrat due balance arW it Subsnibar desires to Nava Iho sarvico ruaclivoterL Subsdibet agrees to pay' m :,xtvancu to !'.LLIED a reaUA'aiion ch,nJO Io ba lixaa d/ ALLIED in n reaaorwble ...rnaunt. 16. DEFAULT HY SUBSCRIBER: it Subscriber toile to pay any amount hentin pmviaod x•::Iin tun (1U) days affrv Iho scone is duo end p:ryabin, cr i( Svba~bet tarts In parfarm any W.Infr puovisions hetaol •+.itten tan (101 dryn agar ALLIEU sha:l have rogr:oatod in vfMirtly pertarmanar ihornol, or it any pracao3:ng in barYinipic/, raopi•rorship ar insol•rency shall tXr rJOmmortcod by cr syairtst Subscnbar or his progeny, M it Subsdlber makes nny nssignntent for the benefit of Cmditora, AI,LEED M ACI shall itava rho r(pht bin shall nw tw obligated io a•:arciao arry orw or mMU of the following ramedios: (n) Rear•mr Iho exisr;irt(I ameurrts dire from SuDSdibot arm comimro to more:M andJor mmnL'riit Iho syslam, fn which case ALLIED aitell bo enlitlad la rearvar, in 8tldillon, Iho rrariotl>c amounts titre under lira comma for sass Gnrvirna; or ID) Oisconllnua monilprirg of Iho sysrnm ono diaarrtnaCl ALLIED rrnnrp agtriprnunl Irrwt five (5) day's wrator. ncEico to Subscriber Bt SuDSrnbnr's Bddroas Gxfed ohms. II ALLIEU or ,ACl dincorninra9 sen•JCa, .ALLIED shn7 bn antided to rncovu Chu e.•asting amcuma d:ra rmdM dfis said contract for said sMVfars up to Iho date o1 mscantsuanco of aorvico, and, m atldnlon, for sarvico tc oe provided, damages oompututl by ::uutfaairtg Irma the IAlal sum A4,LIED would Mane received over Iho Ikon form u! Iho agreemem, tea total of Iho Coat IoALLlEO o! tossing iolophpno linos, if any, for arty remaining trnnxpin:d coon al!tw ayreanfeitt yXus Iho BnliG:palod coat O{ replraCereenS malerinla and egriT;mortl ovar Iho unrr+rpirrsd iemt of Iho canlradl. TPiie aryl 01 maforiBls nn.1 oTu;pmenl is to tJO dolorm:nod by ALI,IEO is its Bole di•.CteSion from its prior nxlwriur•+pb. Subsdiber atknowlrfdgrrs orw epreas That sold Coats ern the only arsta invoked: ar (c) Racovnr born Suirxfibev ail sums AI,I,IEO may tw ert:itled to under tha IoW, In Iho ovum of tenninBUon of this Agreement or upon erylretion of thin Apror~nmtL :.LLIED shall !lava the irrunodiua right le rentoro any ALLIED nwnud equipment under rho isms antl cpfdiliona sal fdih haroln, Rorrx:v:d of Thu ayuipntenl aG horo:nabove sal forth shall rVel bo considered In ranslituta u bretidt b; ALLIEU Of tail Argrcernenl of waiver b/ ALLIED of any sudt d:srnapes or rights. 17. TERM OF AGIJEEAIENT; DI9CONNECTIOtJ: ALI,IF,O will gi•re 3ub5dlbor BS least live (S) days written nxicr of temtinaifon o: suoh sorvicca to 3ubsdiber and, up:m Giving Guth nclioa, This Ayreamant and NI w ALLIED's reSaonSipSL•tles herwmdnr slwll Dome to an end anp neither pony harefo GhaU nave any clafrn utrsinar Ilte Ocher for any further cGligatiays. In the ovum ghat ALLIEU naliriaa ACI cf As lafm:nafinn of xrrvcdf !nf Ute Subscriber fttr Otty rn:rSM, or in lha avant Itkit ALI,IUD furls ar nJlusnB to mBka paymanl. Per sratioas fuirtislfod or h ha Oumishad to Subscriber by ACI, ACI will gkn Stinacrtnor ut Icaat Iiva 151 tlayG •.+rittnn noliCO of lerntnslion at Suck Bon'icnx to S:Nacriber end, upon giving such rtali:rr, tide Agraemnnl rtnd mil of AC I's raspCnsibililies hereurwor shall coma fo &f and and Sutuurnar ahna :col have 8ny Claim aglrifat ACI far any fr+fUfer oUypa4onG. Upon Imrn:nation of Ihia Agraemont ta~ arty roasoq Subs~cber egrooa to permit AGI le diacominua monhrump and fudhM pe,mit ei1hM AILIED d ACI to antar upon SubsCtrtlets promisnx and rs»annreel Subadfbar's System from AC's mnniloring natwou4e, 1a. ALLIED ANO ACJ ARE NUT IfJSUR[RS; LI\11TA'fION OF LIABILITY: IT IS UNDERS'fOOO AND t.GREED:'I'HA'P ALLIED AND ACI ARE KOTINSURERS OF PROPERTY, LIFE, SAFETY, OR HEALTH OF ANY PERSON; THAT INSURANCk, IF ANY, SHALL BE OBTAlNEO UY SUBSCRIBER; THAT THE PAYMENTS PROVIDED FOR HCRERJ ARE BASSO SOLELY ON THC- VALUE OF THE SERVICE AS SET f-ORTH HEREIN AND ARE UNRELATED TO YHE VALUE OF LIFE, SAFETY OR HEALTH OR PROPERTY OF SUBSCRIDER OR OTHERS; 1TiAT ALLIED AMD ACI IAAKE NO GUARANTY OR t'lAkkANTY, IKCLUDItJO ANY IMPLIED V.'ARRANTY OF h1 F.RCNANTABILTTY OR FITNESS THAT 171E EgUIPMENT OR SERVICES SUPPLIED ViILL AVERT OR PREVENT OCCURRENCES OR THE CONSEQUENCESTHEREFROM WI{ICH THE SYSTEM OR SERVICE IS DESIGNED TO DETECT OR AVERT. SUDSCRIBER ACKtiOWLEUGF.S THAT IT IS UAPRACTICAL AND EXTREIAELY DIFFICULT TO FIX THE ACTUAL DAMAGES, IF AtfY, WHICH f.1AY PROXIh1ATELY HESIILT FROM A FAILURE TO PERFORM QfJY OF THE OBLICATCONS HEA£IN, INCLUDING, BUT tJOT LIMITED TO INSTALLATION, SERVICE, IAAINTEtJAdJCE OH MpNITORI}JG, OR THE FAILURE OF THE SYSTEM TO PROPERLY OPERATE 1'JITH RE9ULT1t:G LOSS TO SUBSCRIBER OR OTHERS BECAUSE OF, AMONG OTHER THINGS: THE UNl;ERTAIN A(+10IlNT OR VALUE OF LIFE SAFETY, HEALTH, GR PR.OPENTY Of $UBSCRIDER Oli. OTNENS'NHICH MAY BE IiJJURED, LOST, STGLEN, DESTROYED, DAMAGED OR OTIIERI'(ISE AFFECTED BY OCCURRENCES WHICH THE SYSTEIA OR SERVICE ARE DESIGNED TO DETECTOR AVERT; THE UNCERTAINTY OF THE RESPGJJ^aE TIA1E OF ANY POLICE, FIHI: UEPARTAIEMT, OR Ol'HER RESPOTJ01}JG PARTIES SiiOULD 7HE PpLICE,FIRE DEPARTMENT, OR pTHER RESPONDitJG NARTIF.S 0£ DISPATCHED AS A RESULT OF A SIGNAL BEING RECEIVED OR AN AUDIBLE DEVICE SOUNDING; THE INABILITY TO ASCERTAIfJ 1'JHAT PORTION, IF ANY, OF AHY LOSS'NGULD HE PR07lIMATEI.Y CAUSED DY ACT'S OR ALLIED'S FAILURE TO PERFORM OA BY ITS EOUIPMEHT'S FAILURE YO OPERATE.; AtJD THE NATURE OF THE SERVICE TO BE AND AGNEES T}IAT IF ALLIEO~C ACI SHOULD BE FOUND LIABLE FOR LO55 OR DAMAGE DUE TO A FAILURE C.r.+..= Jt:9TAt,LA'fION, REPAIR SERVICE, MONITORtttG, SERVICE OR EOUIPN.EN7 IN ANY RESPECT WHATSOEVER, ALLIL•D'S AWD ACI': I.IADILITY SHALT. HE UMII'EU TO ATOTAh SUht EOUAL TO THETO7AI, pF SIX (r;) MONTHLY PA;YttENTS OR T}TREE HUNDRED DOLLARS f,S30U.ODI, N'HICNEYER IS 7HE LF,StiER, ANO TI{IS LIABILITY SMALL BE EXCLUSIVE, AND THAT THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SEGfION SHALL APP1_Y IF THE INJURY, LOSS OR DAMAGE, IRRESPEL""TINE OF CAUSE OF ORIGIN, RESULTS DCRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY, FROM PERFORtAANCE OR NONPERFORMANCE OF THE OBUGAllON31MPO5E0 BY THIS CONTRACT; FROM tfEGLIGENCE, ACTNE OR OTHERWISE, OF ALLIED AND10R AG I,'fHEIR AGGNTS, SERVANTS, ASSIGNS OR EMPLOYEES; FROM STRICT LIABILITY I?J TORT; OR FROM AIJY IMPLIED ti,VARRANTY. IF SUHtiCAIHER'NISIIES, SUB9CRIBF.R MAY OBTAIN FROM ALLIEI)OR ACI A IICGHER LIMRATIOK OF LIABILITY HY PAYIKG A,N AUDI'f~ONAL MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE TO ALLIED. IF SUBSCAIDC•R ELECTS'fO EXERCISE THI30PTION, A RIDEk SHALL DE ATTACHED 'f0 THIS AGREEMENT SETTING FORTH THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND Af.10UJJT' OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY AND THE ADDITtpNAL MONTHLY CHARGE. SUCH Rlp£R AtJD AD07TIOtJAL OBLIGATION SHALL IN NO WAY BE INTERPRETED TO MAKE ALLIED OR ACI AS At! INSURER. 19.1`IJIRD PARTY INpEM NIFICATION: When Subacrihor ordinarily Itaa the praparty of echoer in hia Custody, nr ifie Syetam 0rtlentl« in pralort other persona or Iho property of otiwrs, 8ubsorlbM to Iho oxtont allo•wod by !aw agrooa to and shall irtdenntify, defond and hold hnrrnle«s ALLIED and ACI, thrtlr antplaycas mtd egenta for and apuinat ap claims broutyhl M' porlios olhor Than rho partlea to this Agroflrnant. This provisiwf shell apply to all clainta reyurdlaaa of causo, including AW ED'e anti ACC« parlarmancc or tailors to perform Including Inatallmion, insPeaUOn&, lost«, repair sarvico, ntonitorinl/, or rutmoPrtration of Ute Syslom, Whelhor hared upon acl(vo or pasalvn nrplipanco, contribution, indemnlHCntlon, w:rnonty, or atrial or product Iiahlllty on the Par/ of ALLIED anrlfar ACI, tltmir emplayuee or agontn, hr,rt this pmvl«lon nfiall nut sppfp It. rlnlm« for to«a or dwnagn wtflcfi occur whila rat amplaryeu of ALLLED of ACI Is an or obovt Sutracribafa prrmi«an, and aro solely and diroCtly cnuaad hY said omployao. , 20. Uf/.ITATIOtJ ON ACTIOHS; WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL: BcVr parties horohy a9roo rho! rw suit or oUion tn. I mlarua in an; nYry io Ihf& Agrnomnnr (wrirnher based tlron opnfrrtcf, nagligerfee or cUtartn'ISaI Shall bn hrtfughl ngsirtst VIU other morn Than Crfn (t j yrvri alter Iho aJ.•,rual m tnu cn:rw a{ raotirm ^,ItnrrylD:. In adJitkrn, bath pflttlna hnrahy wnku :Try rights 10 a y,~ry tJial in nr:j judiClBl UCIJOii Maughl by eltner party tvha.rt rolalo:r in artyw&; to StY;9 AgmrnTfnrJ Iv+hother based upon conlnrl, nepligonco ru o:hgnvrxel• 21. SUBROGATtO}J: Solar as It Is ponn:itod b)' Sr~sdibePS prapeny Insuranw :.rrwr::go, SuLs~ber haroby ruleasus, dfsdlargoG and agroa'. Io hold ALLIED end ACI hgrmtoGS from any :rod all calms. [>eb~lillos, dan•~grs, lossua or e>:pensna, ensmp fmm or roused by arY; (te2ard cymrrd by inauwnca in nr on Thu Subscribefs promise wtxfdror said efehne are made by Suhxdinor, hia apanl6, ar Insurance odnppny or orheJ parties ~YalminD under or through Sutrvlr>;er. Subscriber aprorax to irWenmiP; ALLIED and ACI against, and dafend srw hold ALLIED artd ACI anmdusa from elty acLOn Inc srrt:rogalinn wKdt may bn Itmughl :rgainsl ALLIED d' ACI br• atYf insurer or imurarvar opmaarl)• 4r its egehts or oaipra irxSytlirgf cite payment of all derr~goa, expensas, OOal9 mfd attarnay'a foes. Subsdiber shall notify his [rtwrmrW carrier of the Jeans di This pra•nsinn 22. GOVERNING LAIN: Subscriber aeWlowlrwgnn Ih:d rtes manrY.rring servtoe is proairhd in Thu State of Vr'asidngton and IhRrolprn agrors that {Stu Dawa al Iho State n1 yVasMinglan sftall govern IhIG Apronmenl in ell rnspocta urL'ass yhafwlae npmod to by ACI, ALLIED, sod Snrbscribor. Vcnua ut cite case cf arty dispute shB!1 bo in Spakana County, Yr'ashinginn, 23. PURCHASE ORDERS: It is urWerstootl end ngrood by nrd beteeun the ponies heroro IhBi if rtmru in arty' cornlitl Delwean cola Allrr~mrxrt and Subscri3•er'a purchase order, flr any othrr do»urnent, dais Con:raU will garorn, whNivar sash purctwse order crt'fny nlhra docwnnra is prior or subsogrmnl to thix fu]roenavrl. 24. ATTORNEY'S FEES: In Vfa evurn it she'I beCOmo nocossap' for ALLIED x .ACI to iASSnuio lapal proceodnp^. 4a ccllact the rust of any cherpoa nG toi Iodh huvuin, than and in sucfl prcopnninpn rho unarvxesstul party she!I ~,y ro Iho succesatut party raasonablo attomryy s Inns wtw_ra pernPttod d( law. 25. A,SSIGNEE5 ANLVOR SUBCONTRACTORS OF ALLIED: M,LIED cold ACI sha'I have Iho right to ossign Uds Ayreamanl in vholo or et {:art In arty other perscvt, limn a oogxwrllion and nhnll have Vra further riyltt to subcorKraU nny :run•eilN,rncu, moro:ofinp, rna'uuonanrn, pnnr>4, unuraorwy reSDdnsn, or other sarviars wiriGt it ntay podarrn.:iunxerirmr acWruwladyjes Iltnl Iltle Apn7omrnl, and p ~ticu"arty those paragraphs rol¢lirsg to ALLIE•~ rmtl ACT's mer:mtum IiabPuby, nrd ttdrd party irwenmilicauor Ghlatl inun W ttxr benefit 01 8rW ere applir~bo to my nsaigaees aril J M aubCOrttraUarG of ALLIED orw .ACI, arttl that Ihoy bed $trbsdibar wiUt respect t0 sold assignees and f cr st:bcmrUatlors with Iho soots tdar mu orvea ae they bled Suhxcrirmr to ALLIED turd ACI. 26. INVALID PROVISIONS: hr Thu owyr,! orty of the lomfsaprnnsicns o(Ihi:: Agrreemenl snail bo declared to bo inva9rJ m' inoperative, oil of Iho rrgltairvafg Canna orw prrr:rsiona shall rrSrnnm m E::9lorce and elfecL 27. ENTIRE INTEGRATED AOREEMEfJT;MODIFICATION; ALTERATIOtJS; WAIVER: Tits writing Js inlentlee by Iho panioa ns o fiscal axpreasilm of Thar e0rrxfmanl and us s cryntplate and a:c'r:ai•.n 8tntnmrxrl nl Thu Nrrnts Ilteraoi, and Svbsaibnr furs mad and urldetstends Vfia entire Ayreernenl. This Agreernnr4 Guporno:Dea all priar reprasanlaLbna, Undrxstandinga nr uyvaernemB nl ton prvp:na and Iho pnniaa raly ady upon Itta contontn of thin Apremnerd in e:.eculinp tl.lTfis ?graornanl r;rn only ba mOOdiod by n writing sipruBd b)• Iho pertlea nt Ihgir duty audretiznd agern. No w•alves cf n txeaoft of arty tMm ar conoiuon nt Ws Apmomanl shall tre construed to be a w'aivor of arry sueeeetlirtg broach. 20. PARAGRAPH HEADINGS: Tha p~agraph lilies a&od hontm aro for Iho carrreriwnce a! Iho panufa wdy and GhBll nal bo considered bt narutruing Iho provlsirms nl This AgroMnent. 28. GENDER: V,+here•rer tea Cgnloxl roquires in this Agrearnent, Iho mnsculine gunner hen3tn used ahe~ lrud:udo rho lernininn and Iho sLtpular ahnll imlrrdo tJta plural. 50. NOTICE OF CAftCELLATIOH: Da'.e of Transaction Ycu rosy r~ncrd Ihia transo,lierl wllhbut any ponnlty cr cbliputipn, r': fiJf Vrree (3) bu+'inosa days frdn the obnre dab3 ar Iho Cala on Iho Iron: side ul ttl'9 kgn3olnonl, I( pea c:mcel, arl}• pfopem' IfBCOd ir. ono Ilrpnrrd rnada by y+ai antler Iho comruct or sale anti any nepatlnhlo insinmfonl a+.eeulad ir; you, ~w.lt rrn roWrnad wiUrin Ian (fg) drryn.follawing receipt by ~LLIEO nl your C?n[allntiom notice 0iw nn; Gnrrrrl>y intaroal arising out of Iho Irnnsrxtion will bo carnoalied. It you eancul, y+ou must make mrai"_able to ALLIED, at your rosidencu, :n svbstantlelly as goal arntlihon as when rocairetl, any goods dalivorod to you Lmtler Sots Contract cr sob, or ymr may, d you wish, armpEy wnh the IN5:11DCilryt cf ALLIED I regarding the raiurn shQ:rnr«a rd tha goons at ALLIF,Db ar:pense and ripk. If you da macs the goods avadBttln Ip AI,I,IED orw AL! IEU loos not liu'Jc Iham up within P++rNdy I;2U;1 day's of the dale of yrntr Kdliaa ct Carrellslion, you may rotnirr or dispose of tea goods widrout any tunhor ohligal3cn, If ymr toil to mai;o the geode nvuilablu to ALLIED a U you agrrur to reWrn Iho goods la ALLIED and tatl lc do so, Ihrs. ymr remrdn liable for pedormarrar of all obligations urMler the GonVeU. 7o cancel Ihls irpnaadinn, mail or de r•er a signed oral cfatrxf nppy of Ihls Cenceltaiim Ploute, or any othw wrdmn marina, M send a fair to: ALLIED SECURITY CORPGHATE WEADQUARTERS 425 VJ. 2N0 ?.YE., SPOV.ANE. VJA 9917.04, FAJC (SUS) Ti?-7:l59 Iherebycanrollhi::uanssclion. U.ATEU: SUUSCRIBER'^, SIGNATURE t:,,..ar r:,ttrrasmvrtx t,.: