05-089.00 Spokane Restaurant Equipment: CenterPlace Kitchen Equipment' ' r ~!'-': ,~." ~' ~ .• '1 Mitchell Evenson &Gonrad I~~ tlrchitecture Int:crior Construction A4ana;emcnr. CHEINGE I~iStributiun lt): ORDER OWA'ER City of Spokane Valley ARCH1"I`L-"C'1' Madsen Mitchell Evenson & CotUad CONTRACTOR Spokane Restaurant Equipment Inc. U2.2U-U3 PROJECT: Cente-place at A~lirabeau Point Park PROJECT NO. 02.20 1NITIr1TION DATE: 9-30-2005 TO (Contractor): Dave Ford Spokane Restaurant Equipment Inc. 1760 E. Trent Ave. Spokane, 1~1'A 99202 Cltangc Order No.: 3 CONTRACT UA"1'E: 12-20-04 You are directed to incorporate the following changes into this Contract. See attaclurrent for complete listing ajcha~rges to the work included irr this Change Order. 216 iVorrh ttouard ~kywalk Lcvcl Spokane, Vtsshingt+.m 99291 549-624-6300 (~x 544.6'14.6162 tnadmitch.com ^ 49332 SoEek Road East P.O. Rox Ifs? Edw;Jl, Washington 99oos SA9•?36.2311 tax 109.236.2451 rnadmitch.wm Not valid until signed by balls tht Otivtscr and Architect Signature t,f the Cantrncusr indicates his agreement herewith, including; nny SdjuSUnents in the t:vatrart Smn or Contract time. eVote: sll caste below include sales lax. The Original Contrsct Sum was: 5216,435.20 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders: $4443.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was: 5220,87$:?0 The Contract Sum ~i~ill be increased by this change order in the amount of: X561.00 The new Contract Surn including this Change Order will be: X221,439.20 The Contract Time will be unchanged. The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is unchanged. Authori-red: City of Spokane Valley ~y .p ~'~- Date 10 121 ~ BS Spokane Restaurant "qt ' nient lay Date i~/mil ~ Madsen Mitchell Evenson fi Conrad, PLLC 2161\'. Howard. Skywalk Level tipob~a®n~e~11'A 99201 r~ ,yam Fay ~~~ ( hate ~' 7~ 'i/7 Cos-89 ~ ~' CHANGE ORDER Attachment 02.20-03 PROJECT: Ccntcrplacc at Viirabeau Point Park hl]"1'lA"I°lON DATE: 9-30-2005 You are directed to incorporate the following changes into this Contract: Chance Proposal Request Items: 1. Add sales tax for Change Order I and 2 into contract amount Add $377.00 2. Add change in sales tax rate on entire original contract amount from 8.4% to 8.5% Add $ 184.00 Total for Change Order No. 3 $561.00