05-101.00 Spokane Rock Products: 8th Ave Reconstruction~' ~_ _.. CHANGE ORDER Change Order No. 2 Date: Novembcrl6, 2005 Agreement Date:.A:c~e~erlf~'2005 ~/5 NA-~9E OF PROJECT: 8`" Avenue Reconstruction Project '~ OWNER: City of Spokane Valley CONTRA.CTO:R: Spokane Rock Products, Inc. The folloeving changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT' DOCUMENTS: .iustification: (A) :Provide: uraduig, Paving and Adjustments f~* tl~e north side of 8`h and Farr. The total quantity came to 80 SY. At _ SSS/SY for a total cost of $4,400.00. Change to CONTRACT PRICE: $4,400.00 Origi~lal CONTRACT PRICE: $226,000.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE (with Change Order No. 1): $250,463.66 Current CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be increased by $4,4UU.OU The new COI~ITRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $254,563.66 CHANGE TO CONTRACT T1iV1E: N/A Approvals required: To be effective this Change Order must be approved by the fiu~ding agency if it changes the scope or objective of the P:~OJ:EC 1, or as may otherwise be required by the SPECIAL PROVISIONS. :Requested by: Recommended by ~~lrest En~ineeri Accepted by: ~okane Rock Products. Inc. ~~ i y RECEIVE® DEC 0 b 2005 Ci~E~°~~ ~~ s~ %~/