11-026.00 Spokane County 2011 Sewer Construction ProgramMemorandum of Understanding Between the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County Pavement Replacement Cost Sharing and Drainage Improvement Costs For the 2011 Sewer Construction Program WHEREAS the City of Spokane Valley (the CITY) and Spokane County (the COUNTY) desire to work collaboratively to construct portions of the COUNTY's 2011 Sewer Construction Program together with CITY paving and drainage improvement projects; and WHEREAS the CITY desires that the roads impacted by the construction of sewers in the 2011 Sewer Construction Program be reconstructed to the full preconstruction width for an improved roadway surface; and WHEREAS the CITY also desires that pavement replacement work be extended in some areas beyond the limits of sewer construction; and WHEREAS the CITY also desires that certain drainage improvements be constructed in areas that will be impacted by the COUNTY's 2011 Sewer Construction Program; and WHEREAS the costs of such full width repaving, additional length of road reconstruction, and miscellaneous drainage improvements are not funded by the COUNTY's Sewer Construction Program, and said costs will need to be paid by the CITY; and WHEREAS the 2011 Sewer Construction Program includes the Green Haven and Micaview Sewer Projects within the limits of the CITY, as identified in the COUNTY's adopted Six -Year Sewer Capital Improvement Program 2011 -2016. NOW THEREFORE, the CITY and the COUNTY do hereby agree as follows: 1. Prior to the bid of each project, the COUNTY shall provide the CITY with a set of project plans, together with a cost estimate indicating the extent of pavement removal and replacement to be paid for by the COUNTY as a part of the sewer project. The CITY shall review the plans and estimate, and shall advise the COUNTY regarding the extent to which the CITY desires to add pavement removal and replacement, as well as the specific drainage improvements that the CITY would like to make in conjunction with the project. 2. The CITY has requested that the COUNTY, through the Division of Engineering and Roads, prepare a road design for a segment of Barker Road located within the 2011 Sewer Construction Program. The CITY intends to include the associated work in the construction contracts for the sewer projects. The scope of work and design cost estimate for this roadway is presented in Attachment A to this Memorandum of (2a11- v2� Memorandum of Understanding 2011 Sewer Construction Program Page 2 of 3 Understanding. The CITY will coordinate this design work directly with the Road Design Engineer in the Division of Engineering and Roads. The Division of Engineering and Roads shall invoice the CITY on a monthly basis for this road design work. 3. The COUNTY shall include the additional road and drainage work outlined in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above in the bid documents for the applicable sewer project area. 4. After the bids for a project are opened, the COUNTY shall prepare the bid tabulation and provide a copy to the CITY, typically within 24 hours, together with an estimate of the CITY's share of the project cost based upon the unit prices submitted by the lowest responsive bidder. The calculation of the CITY's share will include a representative credit for the COUNTY's avoided cost of crack sealing and surface sealing that would be associated with partial road width removal and replacement. If the CITY then decides to proceed with the desired improvements, the CITY shall provide a written notice to the COUNTY within two days of the receipt of the bid tabulation. 5. The CITY and COUNTY agree that the minimum pavement section for local access roads in the 2011 Sewer Construction Program shall consist of two (2) inches of hot mix asphalt overlying four (4) inches of crushed rock, which has been the historical practice for the Septic Tank Elimination Program, and which is an exemption from the new road paving standards adopted for the CITY. 6. The CITY's total estimated share of the construction and design costs are presented in Table 1 below. The estimates in Table 1 are based on a minimum pavement section for local access roads consisting of two (2) inches of hot mix asphalt overlying four (4) inches of crushed rock. 7. The CITY and the COUNTY recognize that the estimated costs shown in Table 1 are for planning purposes, and that the actual costs billed to the CITY will be based upon final quantities and actual contract prices. The CITY's maximum cost for the 2011 projects shall not exceed $ 900,000 without written authorization by the CITY. The COUNTY shall not proceed with any work that would increase the CITY's cost to an amount greater than the total amount authorized. 8. If the CITY subsequently elects to make additions to the scope of any project, the CITY shall request such additional work in writing. A corresponding adjustment shall then be made to the CITY's share of the cost based upon the resulting increase in pay quantities and the associated contract bid prices. For work items requested by the CITY that are not covered by the contract bid prices, the COUNTY shall prepare a change order for the CITY's review and acceptance prior to work items being constructed. 9. As paving operations are undertaken for each project, the COUNTY will send progress invoices (no more than one per month) to the CITY for the CITY's portion of the cost of roadway and drainage improvements. When all paving and drainage work is completed on a project, the COUNTY will send a final invoice to the CITY for the Memorandum of Understanding 2011 Sewer Construction Program Page 3 of 3 remainder of the CITY's portion of the project costs. For each project that is not completed by the close of the 2011 construction season, the COUNTY will send a progress invoice to the CITY prior to December 31, 2011. TABLE 1 City of Spokane Valley Share 2011 Estimated Road and Drainage Improvement Costs SPOKANE COUNTY: By: ) K N. Bruce Rawls, County Utilities Director CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: By: Mike Jac n, City Manager Date: L 2s Zot( Date: Estimated Road Improvement Costs Estimated Drainage Improvement Costs Total Costs $ 800,000 $ 100,000 SPOKANE COUNTY: By: ) K N. Bruce Rawls, County Utilities Director CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: By: Mike Jac n, City Manager Date: L 2s Zot( Date: