06-025.00 Spokane County: South Greenacres Sanitary Sewer Ph 2.~ ~ MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BET VVFFn"THE Cl TY OF SPOKAI~`L VAi.,I..EY ANll SPOKANE COUNTY FOR THE BIDDING & CONSTRUCTION OF THE SOUTH GREEN ACRES SANITARY SEWER PROJECT, PHASE 2 1N CONJUNCTION WITH THE BARKER ROAll IMPRO~'EMFNT PROJECT VVkIE•REAS, as a part of its 2006 Transportation Improvement Program; the C1'fY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (t:he CITY) intends t:o construct the Barker Road Improvement Project (the ROAD PROJECT). The work includes the full-width removal and reconstruction of Barker Road: beriveen Boone Avenue and River \Vay; and VVHERFAS, as a part. of the 2010 Annual Sewer Construction Program, Spokane County (the COUNTY) intends co construct a project known as the South Greenacres Sewer Project, and a segment of that sewer project, hereinafter referred to as the SEWER PROJECT, is located within the limits of the ROAD PROJEC`T'; and ~~'HL12L•'AS, the CITY and the COUNTY agree that the installation of the SE\\'ER PROJECT in conjunction with the ROAD PROJECT would benefit t:he ratepayers, taxpayers and t:hc traveling public; NO\•~', THEREFORE, the Cl1'Y and the COUNTY do hereby agree as follows: ARTICIrE 1 - ItCSPUNSIBII;ITTFS OF THP, C11Y 1. Plans and specifiications for the ROAD PROJECT have been prepared by the CITY, and the CITY intends to construct the ROAD PRO.IECT in 2006. The COUNTY has prepared plans for the S13WER PROJECT, together with technical specifications and an associated schedule of bid items. The Cl`C'Y has included those plans, technical speei_fications, and the associated bid schedule in the bid documents f'or the ROAD PROJECT. The CITY opened bids for the ROAD PROJI;C"1' and the SE\\r1:R. PROJrC'I' on vlareh 10, 2006. The low bidder for the ROAD PROJECT has been determined by the CI"fY to be Eller Corporation. The COUNTY has revie~a~ed the tabulation of the bids, and has elected to accept the bid for the Sr\~VER PROJEC"f submitted by Eller Corporation in the amount of $266,265.70. 2. The CITY; upon awarding a contract for the ROAD PROJrCT and the SE\4rER PROJECT, shall have full control over the resultant construction contract and shall be the administrator for the combined project. 3. 'I"he CITY shall be responsible for all aspects of the design, construction, and construction mviagement relative to the ROAD PROJECT, including, but not limited to, removal and replacement of asphalt and subgrade within the Barker Road construction limits. The CITY will be responsible for compaction testing of the subgrade and asphalt replacement wlthul the boundaries of the RQAD PRQJECT. ~. The Cl1'Y shall make payments to the contractor in accordance with the contract terms, in order that work will proceed according to schedule. ARTICL•L 2 - ltESPONSI13TialTIES OIi T1-1>E COUNTY I. The plans and specifications for the construction of the SEWER PROJECT ha<<e been prepared by the COU\"'1'Y. `fhe COIJ~~"fY will coordinate with the CITY and take reasonable measures to ensure that the SI.WIR PROJECT plans are compatible wieh the scope of work contemplated under the ROAD PROJECT. Memorenclum of Understanding, SOUTH GREEN ACRES SANI'I'AI2Y SE11"L'R PROJECT, PHASE 2 Page I of t C06-25 '~. 2- Tl~e ~pLJTY shall designate ~ "responsible person" wl~o shelf represent the COU?~l'CY's interest during Che construction of the EEI~ PROlE~T, and shall coordinate any modifications oe changes needed by the COUNTY in conjunction ~~+ith the work, 3. The COIJ~lTY shall be responsible far the inspection and testing of all work and materials ~~~hicl~ are solely related to the construction oftl~e ~f?~~r>~ PI~JECT, including compaction testing and soils IeStirlc within the sewer trench area l~ela~+~ the i:3nal subgrade elevation of tl~e reconstructed Barker Road- Tl~e COUT~"fY she[[ provide a represei~tati~~e to perform inspection duties relative to tl~e co~~struction oI' the S11V4'~fC PR.O.ff T, as diser~ssed above, '1`I~e ~C}Ui~lTY's repr~sent$tivc shall provide tabulations of pa}+ c~r~antities to the I~j-Y upo~~ 48 I~aurs notice to fiaci Gtate the preparation of pay estimates b}~ the C;.iT~. 4. Arty modifications or changes to the ~EVk~~R I'R(~.Tl',~~`T shall be coordinated by tl~e ~pL]T*]T and sl~all be coordinated ~~+ith and approved by the C:11'Y pria~~ to implementation. AI~TlCL)C ~=~ALLO~AT>4C1I~1 ~~ C'~TS ]- "T'l~is ivlcit~orar~clum of L.Inderstanding, once full~~ exect~tcd, shall esttiblish a commitment l~}' the OIJ~'F'f to reimburse tl~~ CITY fior those ccanslructian costs associated ~vith the ~SF~,VEI~ P1~OJ~~;`!'. All additional costs associated ~+riCh change orders andlar valid claims for the 1E1Elt PROJECT shall be I:hc responsibility of the ~OIJ,~"Tl'. ~, The ffY shall prepare ~33onthl}' pay estimates for the ~~11V4'~,R PI~pJ~~T based upon the tabulations of day quantities provided by the CC)L~TY. The C[~TI~ shall promptly revie~v eac17 pa~+ cstirrrate prior to presentation b tl~e ~tTY to the cortCruCfor. 3- 1Jpgi3 tl~c signing o!'each pay estimate by tlye CITY aid Che contractor, the !"fY sl~all send an in~~oice to the OLJ~TY fior those t`~motints to be paid to the contractor by the CITY far vw~ork oi~ the r>El PT~DJFT. 'f he L~I;Y shall include copies of the si~necl pay esti~~~ates as aftacE~mcnts [o [he rnont~~ly inw~oices to tl~e C{~€JIV~'Y- Tl~e bounty shal I pay the fit}~, ~vitl~in 0 days of tl~c receipt of the invoice, for ail co~~struction costs dt~+~ t'o the contractor in assnciatio~~ with Che E~It 1'f~OJ~CT. 4. Tlye ~pIJI~TY shall obtain a permit from the CITY to perform work within tl~e MITI" right-of-~~~uy for the S E1l~,h 1'ROJIrCT- Tl~e CITY is authori~ecl to c:har~e its reasonable actin in istrativc costs incureed for preparing pa~+ ostimatcs, change orders, etc., for tl~e Ef R P.ROJE~' to the permit. ~1'~' ()~' .~OICAIVJN: AL)t.El`: B~+' r ~. ]avid tvlerc:iee dodger APPROFT~ A TO FORM; ~~; Office of tl~ Ci[~ At[o ~ y hate: ~ 3b~ 1]ate; - ~ ~'~[{A~'~' DUTY: By; ~ -~~ Bates ~ ICI, Bruce )~xwls Spokane County Director of~Utilities A~t~~norandum nF l9ir[€erstalydiilg, 50EJTH GREET! ltiCttES Sf+T~"I'I~r~~~Y SG1h'El~ PROJECT, Pl-I~Iw 2 P~gc 2 oF2