06-034.00 IAC: Greenacres Park Grant Application AuthorizationMAY 61 2©66 i4 ~ 64 FR TO 9'-6SEt319~ ~ ~. APPLICATION AUTHORIZATION FORM TO: Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) P.Q. Box 40917 Olympia, Washington 98504-0917 FROM: City of Spokane Valley ADDRESS: 11707 East Sprogue Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 P.62i02 IAC is hereby requested to consider this application for financial assistance for the outdoor recxeation or habitat conservation projects} described below and to grant funding from such State and Federal sources as maybe available. This application has been prepared with full kno~vledge of and in compliance with the instructions contained in the IAC's monuals. Further, we agree to Cooperate with the IAC by furnishing Such additional information as may be necessary to execute an IAC Project Agreement and to adhere to all appropriate State and Federal statues goveming the grant monies under in the Project Agreement. We are ativare that the grant, if approved, will be paid on a reimbursement basis. We flgree that all application materials, including photos, slides, site drawings, maps, etc., may be used by the IAC for education, information, or other non-commercial purposes In IAC publications, presentations, or on the IAC's web site. Protect Name(s): 06-1951 - GrCen Acres Neighborhood Park Project Contact Person: Name: Mr. Michael Jackson Title: Project Contact Telephone !i: (509) 927-5987 Phone -home Ihve certify that to the best of our knowledge, the information in this application is true sand correct. In addition, Uwe certify that the matching resources identified in the grant are committed to the above project. IMre acknowledge responsibility for supporting all non-cash commitments and donations should they not materialize. Authorized Represenbtive: _ ~~ `~lo (signet re) ~~/~~. _ (dratc) 1AFPSIGN.RPT Mev 1, 2006 Paae t of 1 COti-34 :+::~ TOTAL PAGE.O? >tia: