06-035.00 Inland Asphalt: Broadway Ave Overlay Project.~ ,;, ~ ~ ~` ~ - -' City of Spokane Valley Contract THIS r1Glt1/~~.M11I~rT, made and entered into this ~`'~~ day of~ , 2006, between the The City of Spokane Valley under and by virtue of Title 35 RCS , as amended and Inland Asphalt Company hereinaftce called the Contractor. V-~ITI\rFSSETH: That in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein and attached and made a part of:'this agreement; the parties hereto covenant acid agree as follows: I. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment for: The improvement of N:A. Project .STPUi.,-384((005) City Road Project OS-018 - Broadway Avenue Overlay Project from Rates Road to Sullivan Road by grinding and overlaying the asphalt surface on the caisting four lanes to a depth of 2 inches, traffic signal detection system modifications, pavement repair, utility adjustments, drainage work, striping, removal and replacement of sidewalk handicap ramps, and other work. In accordance with and as described in the attached plans and specification; and the standard specification of the Washington Slate Department of'1'ransportation which are by this refe.re~nee incorporated herein and made part hereof and, shall perform any changes in the work in accord with the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work and labor, of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in these Contract Documents except those items mentioned therein to be furnished by the City of Spokane Valley. II. The City of Spokane Valley hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ, and does employ the Contractor to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the above described work and to complete and f Wish the same in accord with the attached plans and specification and the terms and conditions herein contained and hereby crantracLs to pay for the same according to the attached specifications and the schedule of unit or itemized prices at the time and in the maa~ner and upon the conditions provided for in tlvs contract. 1i1. The Contractor for himself/herself, acid for his/hers heirs, executors, admllllstratOTS, successors, and assigns; does hereby agree to full performance of all com~cnants required of the Contractor in the contract. C06-35 .., ~ ~ y ~ ! \ ,j \` 1V. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City of Spokane Valley by reason of enteru~a onto this contract, except as provided herein. N ~~rITNESS W1-11/l~l:Ol°, the Contractor has executed this instrument, on the day aa~d year first below written and the City of Spokane Valley has caused this instnunent to be executed by and in the name of the said City of Spokane Valley the day and year first above written. Executed by Contractor Maw 16 2006. Xnland Asphalt Company A Division of CPM Development Corporation Bryan lb~leisch -General Manager ~(Contrxctor) Ir~xecuted by the i..oc•al Agency ~ 2006. Icy: Date: i~~_ JfO~ ~~ , _ Deal Agency Approving rlulharity) .~ >~y: (Local A„ . cy Attorney) 1' S"pok.an~e~ Vallcy BID TABULATION - eroadwav Avenue Overlay Protect PROJECT NO. 05-016 BID OPENING DATE March 9. 2006, 11:00 A.M. s~ BIDDERS 8nplncsrs Esilmatu Inalnd Asph~R Company SpoRano Rock Products, Inc. S6nmrock Paving Company ALL REOUIREO SUBMITTALS Item 8 ~snor sto iT~aultaE~e Ooscrlptlon Unit Qty Prieq Total Unit Prico Total Unit Price '1'oLil Unit Price Total 1 0005 MOBILIZATION L.S, 1 45,000.00 $ 45,0'00,00 S 27,000.00 S 27,000.00 S 33,854.25 S 33,854.25 5 47,E'Ifi.OD S 47,875.00 2 0100 REMOVING CEdAENT CONC. SIDEVU4LK S.Y. 349 15.00 $ 5,235,04 5 11,00 5 3 639.00 S 0.25 S 2,181.25 S iL00 3 3,039.00 3 0108 REMOVING CEi`AENT CONC. CUP.B AA1D GUTTER L.F. 214 5.00 S 5,070.00 S 4.04 5 656.00 S 5,00 S 7,070,00 S 4,00 S 650.00 4 O1 10 REMOVING CEMENT CONC. CURB L.F, 273 3.00 $ 859,00 S 4.00 S 1,002.00 S 4.30 S 1,173.90 S 4.00 S 1,092.00 5 0114 REMOVING CEPAENT CONC. CUTTER L.F. 52 t0.D0 $ 520.00 5 8.00 S 416,00 $ 10.00 S 520.00 S 8.00 S 410.00 S NIA PAVEdAEN'r REPAIR EXCP.VA710N INCL. HAUL S.Y. 2,895 7.00 $ 20,265.00 S 6.60 S 19,107.00 $ 4.50 S 53,627.50 S 6.40 S 17,370.00 7 1005 CEMENT CONC. CROSS GUTTER - 3 FT YNDE L.F. 52 30,00 S 1,564,04 5 30.00 S 1,560.00 S 2G.00 S 1,352.00 S 30.00 S 1,560.00 B 3080 ADJUST MANHOI.F.lGATCH BASINIDRYi~'ELL EA 72 500.00 $ 36,000.00 S 526.00 S 37,672.00 S 515.50 S 37,116.00 S 575.00 S 41,400.00 9 571 i PLANING BITUA41?dOUS PAV'cb1EN'T, 0.17 FT. DEPTH S.Y. 57,901 1.75 $ 101 328,75 S 0.73 S 42,207.73 S 1.00 S 57,901.00 S 1.53 S 88,588.53 10 5767 HA4A CL. 112" AG 70`28, 0.17 FT. DEPTH S.Y. 57.005 5.00 3 289,505.00 5 5.43 S 314,402.43 $ 5.75 S 332,930,75 $ 8. i i S 353,715.11 t 1 5739 HA4P, FOR PAVEIAEKT REPP.IR GL. t/2' PG 70-28 TON 990 55.00 $ 54,459.00 S 60.01) S 50,400.00 S 54.70 S 54,153.00 5 61.55 S 60,934.50 12 8243 .ADJUST VALVE BOX EA 87 400.00 $ 34,840.00 S 405,0:0 S 35,235.00 S 410.50 S 35,713.50 S 590A0 S 43.500.00 13 6700 CEMENT' CONC. TRAFFIC CURB A.YD GUTTER L.F. 214 20.00 S 4,284.00 S 16.01) S 3,424.00 S 14.00 S 2,996,40 S 16.40 S 3,424.00 14 6701 CEMENT CONC. TTtAFFIC CURB L.F. 273 12,00 $ 3,278.00 5 12.07) S 3,276.00 S 12.15 S 3,316.83 S 12.00 S 3.276.00 15 6707 CEMENT CONC. PEDESTRIAN CURB L.F. 308 12.00 S 3,6%.00 5 10.00 5 3,080.00 $ 10.10 S 3,190.80 $ 10.00 S 3,080,00 16 6807 PLASTIC UNE L.F, 48,838 0.85 $ 33,810.60 S 0.63 S 20,506.68 S 0.65 S 30,443A0 S 0.63 S 29,506.68 17 8818 PLASTIC WIDE LIkE L.F. 115 2.00 $ 234,00 5 2,34 S 204.50 $ 2.40 S 276.00 S 2.27 3 261.05 18 6633 PLAS'YIC TRAFFIC ARROLV EA 2 100.00 S 260.00 S 98.00 S 196,00 S 100,00 S 200,00 S 100,00 S 200,00 19 6857 PLASTIC CROSSWA.LX LINE S,F, 1 07?. 5.00 $ 5,360.09 S 4.75 S 5.092.00 3 5.00 S 5,360.00 S 4.74 $ 5,081.28 20 6859 PLASTIC STOP LI?rE L.F. 124 6.50 $ 806,04 S 8,80 S 1 066.40 $ 8.90 S 1,503.60 S 8.64 3 1,060.40 21 6868 'I'EMPORkRY PAV'E~`AENT IAARKING L.F. 46,836 0.25 S i (,700.09 S O.SO S 4,683.60 S 0.10 S 4 883.60 S 0.50 $ 4 683,80 22 6975 PROJECT TEAQPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 5,000.00 3 S,OOD.60 S 8,d00.OD S 8,000,00 S 8,200,00 S B 200,00 S 8,000.00 $ 8,000,00 23 6082 CONSTRUCTItON SIGN S CLASS A S.F, 520 10.00 $ 5,200.00 S 7.50 S 3,900.00 3 7.70 S 4,004.00 S 7.54 S 3,900.00 24 6992 OTHER TRAFFIC CONTROL LABOR HR 1 200 42,00 $ 50,400.09 S 38.50 S 43,800.00 S 37.40 S 44,8E0.00 5 30.00 S 46,800.00 25 7054 RAA4P DETECTABLE'A'ARNING RETROFIT S.F. 340 45.00 $ 15,300.04 5 36,00 5 12,920,00 $ 39.00 S 13,260.00 $ 34.25 S i 1,645.00 26 7055 CEMENT CONC. SIDE4V.ALK S.Y. 44 25.00 $ i, 100.09 S 60.00 S 2.640.00 $ 30.00 3 1,320.00 S 60.00 S 2,640.00 27 7058 CEMENT CONC. SIOE'A'ALK RAMP TYPE 2A EA 12 800.00 $ 9 690,00 S 1 Q65.00 S 12,780.00 S 990.00 S 11,860.00 S 1,061.00 S (2,732.00 28 7058 CEMENT CONC. SIDE'A'ALK RAA4P TYPE 3A EA 1 800.00 S 800.09 S 1065.00 S 1,065,00 $ 1 000,00 $ 1 000.00 S 1,061.00 S i 081.00 29 7058 CEMENT CONC. SIDEWALK RAA4P TYPE 46 EA 3 800.00 $ 2,400.09 S 1,065.00 S 3,195.00 $ 1,010.00 S 3,030.00 S 1,061.00 S 3,183.00 30 7088 CHAIN UNK FENCE TYPE 6 L.F. 230 35.00 $ 8,054.00 S 18,00 S 4,140.00 S 18.50 S 4,255.00 S 18.60 S 4,278.00 31 7736 SPCC PLAN I,.S. 1 5,500.00 S 1,500.09 S 523.66 S 523.66 $ 500.0'0 S SD0.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 9,504.00 32 NIA INDUCTION LOOP VEHICLE DETECTOR EA 8 750.00 $ 6,000.00 5 550,00 S 4,400.00 S 687.50 3 5,500.00 3 550.00 S 4,400.00 33 tJIA OATICAL VEHICLE DETECTOR 5YSTEIA L.S, 1 25,004.p0 $ 25,000.09 S 57,350.90 S 57,350.00 $ 7f,687.60 S 71,667.50 $ 57,350.00 $ 57,354,00 S ?90,266.35 S 748,360.00 $ 797„000.00 S 869,274,15