06-070.00 Eller Corporation: Barker Improvements Boone to Spokane Riverf.ITI' pF' ~ ' \ Spokane Va11ey DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 04003 PROJECT: Barker Road Improvements CONTRACT DATE: 4/3/2006 CONTRACTOR: Eller Corporation CHANGE ORDER NO: 7 SCHEDULE A - Barker Road Improvements -Boone Ave. to Sookane River PROJECT NO: 323679.CM SCHEDULE B - South Greenacres Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1036, Phase 2 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Schedule A: A. Remove cedar tree at the northwest corner of Maxwell Avenue and Barker Road for lump sum compensation of $1,150.00. B. Replace approximately 160 feet of wire fabric fence (wire fabric only, existing posts remain) at the northwest corner of Maxwell Avenue and Barker Road for a unit price of $12.32 per linear foot. (160 feet x $12.32 = S1971.20) Total Amount of this Change Order: $3,121.20 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Original Date: 9/612006 Prior to this Change Order: 9/6/2006 Including this Change Order: 9/6/2006 ESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF CONTRACT PRICE (excluding sales tax): ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT S 1,673,984.78 TOTAL PRIOR CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT S (55,445.70) CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER (thru COtfS) $ 1,618,539.08 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 3,121.20 CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1,621,660.28 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: - ~ DATE: Z~ ` j O~ y~Q The contractor hereby accepts this adjustment in performance, Gme, and compensation as a (tnal and plate equitable adlustment in full accord and satislacdion of all past present, and future liabllilles orlglnating under arty clause of the Contract bll reason a! tho facts and cirwrnstances giving rise to this modification or by reason of the cumula5ve impact of ag previously exewted modifications to ibis eonlraG. The COntraCtor agrees that the price to this change order, irxluding pro6it or fee, shall be adjusted Eo exclude any significant sums by which the City of Spokano Valloy rinds /hat such price whs Increased because the Contractor-furnished card or prfci`ng data was inaocurata, incornplcta oP not current as of lhC date agreed upon betvreen the Clry of Spokane Valley and the Contractor. RECOMMENDED B' ACCEPTED BY: (Req'd for Schedule B APPROVED BY: Not Aaolicable DATE: ~ (~ Z-o0~ DATE: DATE: ~ d APPROVED BY: ,,,,„ ~~/i~~~ L/_%d DATE: f~c~~` Db Dav® h4ercier, Giry A4artager ATTACHMENTS: Distrrbutror~: ORIGINALS TO: Contractor, City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Offrce, PW Project File COPIES T0: CH2M HILL Project AAanager, CH2M HILL Resident Observer, Spokane County P:PWlirorms!'I'cmplaloslCO (AprOB) C06-70 ~ ~ Spokane Valley DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 04-003 PROJECT: Barker Road Improvements CONTRACT DATE: 4!3/2006 CONTRACTOR: Eller Corporation CHANGE ORDER NO: 8 SCHEDULE A - Barker Road Improvements -Boone Ave. to Spokane River PROJECT NO: 323679.CM SCHEDULE B - South Greenacres Sanitary Sewer Project No. 1036, Phase 2 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Schedule A: Extend 4-inch conduit pipe for traffic signal so the end point is 95 feet north of that shown on Sheet 13 of 39 (Addendum No. 1). This change extends the conduit system so it terminates north of Riverway Lane. The conduit system as shown on the Plans is part of the Traffic Signal System lump sum payment item. Compensation for the extension covered by this change order is based on force account records. Total Amount of this Change Order: $1,645.83 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Original Date: 9/6/2006 Prior to this Change Order: 9/6/2006 Including this Change Order: 9/6/2006 HESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF CONTRACT RR1CE (excluding sales tax): ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT .......................................................................................... . TOTAL PRIOR CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT . $. .......... . CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER (thru CO#5) . - - -..-..-. $. NET THIS CHANGE ORDER CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER 1,673,984.78 (52,324.50) 1,621,660.28 1,645.83 1,623, 306.11 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: ~ 'ei 5 DATE: -~ ' I ~ - ~ The contractor hereby accepts this adjustment in pariormanco, Eime, and oom nsatlon as a final and mptete equitable adjustment in full accord and satisfarction of all pass, present, end future IiabiGGes originating under arty clause of rho Contract by reason od the facts and cfrwmstances giving rise to this modification or by reason of the cumutaElve Impact of all previously executed modifications to this contraU. The Contractor agrees that the price to th(s change order, including profit or fee, Shall be adJusted Eo exclude arty 5lgnificant sums by which the Clty of Spokane Valley finds that such price was increased because ahe Contractor-tumished wst or pricing data was lnacwrate. incomplete or not currerst as of the date agreed upon beh~reen rho City o! Spokane Valley and the Contractor. RECOMMENDED BY: for (Consultant) ACCEPTED BY: Not Applicable (Req'd for Schedule B Changes) Mark Stiltz, Spokane County Project Manager APPROVED BY: DATE: ~ to ~ DATE: DATE: C APPROVED BY: '~ DATE: ! ~ Dave ercier. City R Hager ATTACHMENTS: Distribution: ORIGINALS TO: Contractor, City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office, PW Project File COPIES T0: CH2M HILL Project Manager, CH2M HILL Resident Observer, Spokane County P:PWlf=ormslTemplafeslCO (Apr 08) ELLER CORPORATYON BOX 117 NEWMAN LAKE, WASHINGTON 99025 509-226-0333 --- FAX: 509-226-1332 EL-LE-RC'242C3 - DBE#D2F3909032 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Ciry of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite t06 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Rc: Barker Rd. Improvoments Force Account Work DATE DESGRIPTION Sl3~2006 Cotvico Invoice # Force Account #1 ..n Date: August 7, 2006 Invoice: 10609 Thru: Jury 31, 2006 EQUIPMENT, MATERIAL & SERVICES 'LABOR MOBILIZATION SUBCONTRACTORS CITY UNIT RATE TOTAL RATE TQTAL RATE TOTAL RATE ToJ ~ _ 1.00 LS $ - S - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,429.94 $ 1,429.94 'Labor rates include: Wage, Pension, 14.97% FICA/FUTA/SUTA, and $1.90 L81 $ - 21% $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,429.94 29% $ - 12% $ - 12% $ 171.59 $ - $ - S 1,601.53 Subtotal: $ 1,601.53 0.0% Sales Tax (Public Road): $ - Total: $ 1,601.53 ~~~~( 11-~ 1~6.3`j J 6`~S.~S 3 Page 1 • P.O. BOX 2682 . C7L~IC0 S~~'' ~°'i4NE, WA 99220-2682 ,-'``, E OF INVOICE 813106 P,n~,~`l9) 536-1875~FX.(509)534-3551 '-,..:~,`E OF'WORK: 5110/06 INVOICE # FORCE ACCOUNT #1 CONTRACT # COLVICO JOB # 8867 JOB NAME: BARKER ROAD CONTRACTOR: ELLER CONSTRUCTION CO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: INSTALL APPROXIMATELY 95' OF 4" RIGID CONDUIT ON NORTH END OF PROJECT. LABOR Hours Burden Rates Reo. Time Overtime Rea. Time Overtime Amount RON TERWILLIGER 3 45.27 135.81 DAVID LANE 3 42.92 128.76 PAUL DOUGLAS/APPRENTICE 3 26.95 80.85 0.00 0.00 0:00 SUET I V I AL LAt3VK: 345.42 Add 20°k of Subtotal for Overhead and Profit: .68:08 TOTAL LABOR: 414.50 EQUIPMENT Operation hours Rates Rey. Idle standbv Reo. Idle standbv Amount #41 CASE BACKHOE 1 1020 10.20 0.00 0.00 o.oo o.oo o.oo .`•, • ~ '. c ~~~ 100 . l7 ~-9 °ZD -~-__ y~+s. s9 SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT 10.20 Add 20°k of Subtotal for Overhead and Profit '2:94, 2 • ~`-~ Z 1 °~, TOTAL EQUIPMENT: 12.24 2 • 3 MATERIALS SUPPLIER Invoice No. Date Amount 4" RIDGID CONDUIT 95 L.F. ~ Wesco 49076 6/23/2006 836.00 SUBTOTAL MATERIAL 836.00 Add 20°fo of Subtotal for Overhead and Profit ~~~ TOTAL MATERIAL 1003.20 o.oo o.oa SUBTOTAL: LABOR, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS 1429.94 TOTAL 1429.94 ~al~~s~ ~y69.y9 Iii ~9.~9 I ~ Washington State Department oft TransRoraiion ~I Daily Report of Force Account Worked Corttrad Number Date 323679.CM 5/IO/2006 Item Number Item Name 4" RIGID CONDUIT FUTURE Prima Contractor ELLER CONSTRUCTION Subcontractor / honer Tber Subcontractor COLVICO EYECTRIC Line 1 Station Group Basis of P1laterial A+oceptanoe RAMS Number Description of Work Performed INSTALL APPROX. 95' OF 4" RIGID CONDUIT ON NO1tHT END OF .PROJECT Time Worked Record Workers andlor Equipment Occupation of Workers or kours Worked Rog. O.T. I Working Equf ertt Size Reg. O.T. (fie Rate amount 1 ~ ~; '~, Ilc ~~ ' 3 ~t' J~~'r I ~ ~. 4 s _LL~S~_ f~ l ~ O K ~-U C~ ,~yLIS ~ I 6 - ~... 8 In~L,S LC ~. ~, ~ ~ ~;, ~ . /~L ` ~7 9 10 11 12 I 13 14 15 I 16 U ~ C7 1= ~ 1ti '~ tt1(`l~K O L 17 v.~ ~~ 18 19 20 Calcuflated By Date Checked By Date Total CAPS Entry Number Entered By Date Entry Veered Date I Contractors Representative Title DOT Fomt 422-Q08 EF ~l ~,S/~ b oa~.aa.~ voa o C r WESCO Ixsraleltrxxr E 2025 TRENT AVE SPOKANE WA 99202 ;' ORIGINAL CUSTOM EA NUMBER INYi' ~1TE PACKING SUP NO. 12860-01 06/232008 41540-01 049076 BRANCN CODE CUSTOMER ORDER NUM0FJ1 PAGE 6103 8867-10980 1 of 1 REMIT TO; WESCO RECEIVABLES CORP. P O @OX 31001-0465 PASADENA CA 91 t 10-0465 SotD rc~ ~t~6tt8 1 M80.728 78159S9I.ux 1.1 ~~1~11~1~1111~1~11~1~~~11111~1~1~~11~11~111~1~~11~111~1~~~111~ COLVICO INC-OPEN PO PAX 2682 SPOKANE, WA 99220.2662 SMP 7Q: COLVICO INC 2121 N WATERWORKS DR SPOKANE WA 99220 "'INVOICE"' ""INVOICE"' "'INVOICE'"' SNIPPIIIG OATS FO© a RounNC SNIPPING TEAMS o c~ ~~ ~ ~ LL tw l REG, NoT E TEa wr B AccE P Tl i- OW2~f1006 WESCO TRUC P19 PREPAID • NO CHARGE 1 Y Y OUTAU7HORIZATION UNE CATALOG NUMBER I.D. NO AND DESC QUANTITY BALANCE UNIT DISCOUNT . RIPTION NUMBER SHIPPED DUE PRICE WM TRADE CASH EXTENSION 010 CONDUIT a-IN-GALV-STEEL AIG10 78001 OOOt 10 Za0 0 880 000 C 020 000 DEUVEA TO SHOP WHEN IIJ: PD DEUVEA FRIDAY A M ~ L ~l: . 2112.00 , , r1 Q V `,,` SU8 TOTAL ,~1, f ~ /y} `~f ~ ~~~(' C1 ~ 2,112.00 Seflm raprasenCl tTet wiUt arped to the WOCtiCion C4 ertkbs erd/or tho pertonnarxo d ttw sarvicae etverod oy this 6na+ca i1 ha7 tiny aomplioG wit11 the Fair lat~or AG at ifl3C, rCU NAY tDEauG7 V 81110 2,112.00 TERMS wrmlltwoArs.aerw>~rs ~ • PAST DUE ACCOUNTS SUl31EC7 TO CHARGE OF 1,SYb OR NAIGNLM PE,'iMITTED BY 1r5W AU. SALES ARE EXPRESSLY CONOITiONAL ON BUYER'S AGREEMENT TO STANDARD TEAIdS AND CONDITIONS ON FRONT AND BACK OF THIS FORM