06-072.00 WSDOT: Sullivan Rd Interchange PCCP Intersection_ ~ ~ _ Vh~ashington State ~ , t, '' ~~~'.- Department of ~ran~porta#iorr n Or+~ani~e~ion and ,4~dress p V ~ ~ LLMfJ~ L~~~ n~ ~'ifiyofS~okanel{alle ~~~iCl~]~~If~~ 11707 ~ pray ~ f`~E11fi1~ pok~~te galley, ~0~ t l t ~ ua op fork ~ state - + c Saclion 1 Location Agreem~nk t~urnber ulliva~t load ~nter~han~e. P~'~? .C]~terSeCiion chabilitati ~~~ ?1491 `? Stake FtOUie Number Control ~eckion Number ~eSG-Iptian of 1~York 190 3201 Extend PP pa~+~n~u 5ok~fh on ulli~~an l.~ad from J~SD~T lfV4~ I~egian adding 30.31 square fe~i of aria to be Gonv~i~ed to PP, Eastern R.ei~~, u ,4dv~ngePayrnentAmaunt , . TLkIS AGREEtw1EN7, made and entered in#o #his ~~ day of_ ~~, between the 7A7~ OF WASHIN~70N, Dep2rtment of Transports#ion, acting by and through the rat f Transparkakian, (hereinatter the "STATE") and the above Warned organi~tion, (hereinafter the "LOt"AL ~ICCEN~Y"), 41+HEREAS, khe 7ATE is planning k}7e Dons#ruc#ion or irnprovemer~t of a sec#ion of the state route as showwn above, and in connec#ion therewith, the LOCAL AEhlY k~as rogues#ed that the STATE perform certain v:ark as herein described, andl~r is responsible for a portion of the work as provided far under AC X68-18-04Q(5}{d}, and . ~. WHERF~S, ik is decrr~~d to be in the best in#erast for the STATE to include the necessary iter~ts of work in the TATE's construction contract proposed for the improvement of this section pf State Higfrti~ray, and WHEREAS, #ha LOCAL AGENCY is obligated far khe cock ~f work described herein, NOW THEREFDRE, by virtue of RAW 47.~$_'i40 and in oansideration of khe terms, oondit;ons, cavenarits, end performances contained herein, or attachsd and incorporated and made a part hereof, IT I N7UTUALLY ARt=ED A F4LL~V~I: I GENERAL Thy STATE, as agent acting for and pn behalf of the LOCAL A~E~lOY, agrees to perform ki~c above "Description of +ork" The LQOAL AOENGY agrees, upon satisfactory compl~tian of the • tiVOrk involved, to d~livcr a letter of accep#ance ta~ the STATE k~lhkctt sfrall include a release and wai+~ar of all future ckaims or demands of any nature resulting from the performance of the work under this AREEtt~4EN'>', ~ians, speciFications artd cast eskimatcs 8hatl be prepared by the STATE in ~rrordance kVith the ourrenk ~k2t~ pf V~lashingtan standard pecificatian~ for Road, Bridge, and Municipal onstruCti~n, and amendments #h~r~tp, and adopted design s#andards, unless atharwise noted. The SS1~TE will inoorpara#~ the plans and specifcakions intp the STATE's project and thereafter adverkise the resulting project for bid and, assuming bids are received and a contract is awarded, adrriinist~r the contract. The LOCAL Ail=tdOY herby approves trie plans and sp~cificstions for the described w-pork as showm on E=xhibit uB", aktached hereto and by this r~fer~nue made a park of #his A~REEiwrlEhlT_ the LDC~1L AGENCY may, if it desires, famish are ir~spt?ctor on the pr~jeCt_ any casts for such inspeCliorr will ba borne solely by the L~CAI. AGENCY. All cantac# b~hv~en said inspeckor and the STATE's con#ractpr shalt be through the STASE's represents#iva. dQF Form 224-065 EF ~~~~~ 202 If a letter of acceptance is not racai~ed by the STATE within B~ days follokwing Gornl3letian of the vrork, khe work v~[Il be considered accepted by the LOOAL ~1uENGY and shill release the STATE from all future claims and demands of an}~ nature resulting frgrn the ~erfarmanoe of the work under this ACREEN7ENT. The LOCAL AGEtdOY may 4wi#hhpld this acceptance of work by submitting written natitica#ien #o the STATE vrithin the 90-day period. This notification shall include the.reasons forwitrtholding the acceptance. IC PAY M E T Thy LOCAL AGENCY, in oonsideretion of the faithful pcrfprm~nCe of the work to be done by the STATt:, agrees to~ reimburse the S7A7E for #h~ ac#ual direct and ~rela#ed indirect cast of the work, 'l co~~~~ ;~ An itemized estimate of casf for work to be performed by the STATE at the LOCAL AGENCY's expense is marked Exhibit "A", and is attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this AGREEMENT. Partial payments shall be made by the LOCAL AGENCY, upon request of the STATE, to cover costs incurred. These payments are not to be more frequent than ane (1) per month. It is agreed that any such partial payment ~vill not constitute agreement as to the appropriateness of any item and tha#, at the time of the final audit, all required adjustments•urill be made and reflected in a final payment. The LOCAL AGENCY agrees to make payment for the work to be done by the STATE within thirty (30) days from receipt of billing from the STATE. The LOCAL AGENCY agrees that if payment for the work is not made within ninety (90) days after receipt of billing the STATE may withhold any tax monies which the LOCAL AGENCY is entitled to receive from the Motor Vehicle Fund until payment for the work is received by the STATE. The LOCAL AGENCY agrees to pay the STATE the "Advance Payment Amount" stated above within 20 days after the STATE submits its first partial payment request to the LOCAL AGENCY. The advance payment represents approximately fifteen (15) percent of the estimate of cost and covers costs incurred by the STATE in the initial stages of the project. The advance payment will be carried throughout the life of the project with final adjustment made in the final payment. III DELETION OF WORK In the event the estimate of cost, EXH1617 "A", is in excess of $10,000 and the total actual bid prices for the worts covered by this AGREEMENT exceeds the estimate of costs by more than 15 percent, the LOCAL AGENCY shall have the option of directing the STATE to delete all or a portion of the work covered by this AGREEMENT from the STATE's contract. Except, that this provision shall be null and void if the LOCAL AGENCY's portion of the work exceeds 20 percent of the actual total contract bid price, or if the LOCAL AGENCY is responsible for the costs under slate law or the Washington Administrative Code WAC 468-18-040(5)(d). ti ./~ The LOCAL AGENCY shall have five (5) vrorking days from the date of written notification to inform the STATE to delete the work. Should the LOCAL AGENCY exercise its option to delete the work, the LOCAL AGENCY agrees, upon billing by the STATE, to reimburse the STATE for preliminary engineering costs incurred by the STATE to include the work covered by this AGREEMENT in the STATE's contract. IV EXTRA WORK In the event unforeseen conditions require an increase in the cost of 25 percent or more from that agreed to on Exhibit "A", this AGREEMENT will be modified by a supplement AGREEMENT covering said increase. . In the event it is determined that any change from the description of work contained in this AGREEMENT is required, approval must be secured from the LOCAL AGENCY prior to the beginning of such work. Where the change is substantial, written approval must be secured. Reimbursement for increased work andlor a substantial cdiange in the description of work shall be limited to costs covered by a written modification, change order or extra ~~rork order approved by the LOCAL AGENCY. V RIGHT OF ENTRY The LOCAL AGENCY hereby grants and conveys to the STATE the right of entry upon all land which the LOCAL'AGENCY has interest, within or adjacent to the right of vray of the highway, for the purpose of constructing and if necessary, maintaining said improvements. Upon completion of the work outlined herein, all future operation and maintenance of the LOCAL AGENCY's facilities shall be at the sole cost of the LOCAL AGENCY and vrithout expense to the STATE. VI LEGAL RELATIONS No liability shall attach to the STATE ar the LOCAL AGENCY by reason of entering into this AGREEMENT except as expressly provided herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year first above written. LOCAL AGENCY STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By ~ f t_. By Title ___~.~c.~ Title Date ~ (r ~ v (o Date 00T Form 228-065 EF ReviS(3d 2102 -~ - r` ACA 491 .Exhibit A PS~E .30~ L+3O; L2799 WASHINGTpt+~ S'!'ATE I}°~ARTME47T OF TRANSpo~xx~xOta CG@1TRACT NO: OOU046 ESTIGR-TES AND HIDS ANALY$~$ SYST$M PR~i,I2 Dx74R7C WC}RK ORI]ER ~ KL27&9 +}# $STTMAT~ - SY *~'+ ITEl~f STEM ' STD . ~JD4~'~ r*o- z~~a~ DESCI~TPTS;73~ ~ Mme: irNxT ~~• PRSCS PEt$ $~k'i'~GI+3 1 ~03TLTSr~T3Otk' ' L S 0{701 . , GRADING 2 ~OAH~rJAY ECRVRTIO~] ?NCL, 03I4 WAVE C,Y, 15-00 SORFAC=3dG 3 C'RFJSiiED 5e]RE'PCIA~G '!'OP 5315 COC3It5? ~. ~~ - ~ 5.04 CEMENT DONCRET$ PF~VEt]EI~f~' 9 C$a4GNT CONC , PAVEMENT` - 5679 I~1CLE]DING DQS+7ELS C,~'. 200-00 TRAFFIC 5 5805 PAI~]T LING L.F. 0-30 '~ 6937 d,~INTED WIDE LIVE 1, F. 0,30 7 68$7 FI.ASTIC CROSSWALx UzNE 9. ~'- 5.0{7 8 5859 ?LAS'1'IG STOP LINE L.F. 7. {10 0 ~ 69v3 PLA$TZG TRP.FFIC A~h0;7 EACH 300-00 30 s~1DC3CTION LCP BRCH 304.40 1i TEC~iPORARY TRAF,'cIC CONTROL 5959 ~EVZGES L.S. 12 6968 TR~icFYC CONTROF- 4PHZGLE SAY 50.04 13 ~~~~ TR}SE'FIC CONTROL 1,~~,F3OR HR 40.00 1~ ~~~a TItP1FFIC CONTROL SClPERVFSOR li-S- 15 662 COC~S'1'R~tCTIDt~ 5%6r~S CLASS A 5-?. 10, 00 OTi~R STEMS 0 b293 RD,JCJST VA?-VE 3pK EAGH . 300.04 15 3080 ADJUST ~AnrHOY~E EACH 540.6Q 17 9602 A[5~7Cf3'I I~LGT EACH 400, 00 T-90 DATA; 1?AGE: USfOQf2006 '~E~fE: 12:45 3VEFt: DOT-RG6304 PRE- {~lJANTITY AhdOVI~f"t QUAL 34, 040 - 00 Fil 1,I92.ff0 17,134.00 ~~ 285-0p 7,125,40 ?6 $74.40 19q,000,00 CO 2,040.04 60p-00 ~~ 354,OQ 120.04 P6 199-AO X20,40 ~f6 X5.04 392-04 V6 9.40 9U0-00 V5 '~ - 00 5, 604.00 h2 504 , 00 t~3 20.00 1, 040 , ~4 ti~rs 1,, 920.00 ~ 6, 840.00 ~rT3 19.240 , as ~~'3 167.00 1,670,40 w3 x - o0 304 , 04 r~9 1.00 504.44 TC3 i,40 9~Q-00 G2 HP SE 355,95?-00 TQ'~'AI, SULL_TVAP] Rl3 I?a'rFRCHANGE PCCP TIS R~HFsBELITr~TIOT~ {SPOKANE VAf..I.;y} }{L2799 ~ O~ --. ~.__' `~ J GCA 491? Lalubit ~ PSfiE JOB L2799 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF DATE: NO: Tgp~gpORTpmrnN 05/04/2006 CONTRACT ESTIMATES AND BIDS ANALXSIS NO: 000000 SXSTEM TIME: 12:45 WORK XL2799 *** PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE - DOT_RGG200 ORDER)} : SIID'~-*~1RY * HZGH4TAY SR . 090 PROJECT TITLE I-90 SULLIVAN RD INTERCHP.NGE PCCP 3/S REijAnILZTATION (SPOKANE VALLEY) XL2799 TYPE OF WORK THE GCA AGREEMENT WILL 5E FflR THE PCCP ON SULI,IVieN RO.'vD BETZPEEN WSDfl'F AND vISSIOid AVF.. FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO cauNTY(s) seoaANE PROGRAM ITEM 609099B NU*~BER (s) CONTROL SECTIONS 3?.0103 ESTIMATED COST DATA CONTRACT TOTAL iPASiiINGTON STATE SALES TAX: 8.608 of $ 356,a57.00 PROJECT SUBTOTAL ENGXIvE,ERING 15.008 PAGE: 1 VER: 1 356,957.00 {GROUPS: ! ) 30,653.30 387,112.30 *; 5fi,066.85 I-90 SULLIVAN RD INTERCHAPIGE PCCP I/S RE.'3ABILITA^! I02d (SPOKAt~'E VALLEY) XL2799 2 of 3 ~~ \-"~ ~~ . GCS ~! 1 ~.~~ll~lf A 12799PS&E' JOH NO: OOOOOOCONTRACT NO: xL2 7 9 9~~)ORK ORi]:.Rt~ RZGAWAY SR 090: WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ESTIMATES Ah'D BIDS ANALYSIS SYSTEM *** PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE - SUMMARY *** 2DATE: 05/04/2006 PAGE: PROJECT TITLE TYPE OF Ta'ORK FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO COUNTY (S) PROGRAM ITEM NU;~ER (~) CONTROL SECTIONS ESTI2~LT.TED COST DATA CONTINGENCIES 3-90: SULLZVAN RD INTERCI~:ANGE PCCP Z/S REFIe~E'3TLITATT_ON (SPOI~.ANE VAL?,EY} xL2799 THE GCA AGREEMENT I~~ILL IIE FOR THE PCCP ON SULLTVAN ROAD BET4~JEE?~ IdSDOT R/G' AND ?9ISSZON AVE. SPOKANE: 609049^a: 3zoz0.~: REMARKS: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF THE PROJECT TIME: 12:45 1VER: DOT RGG200 0.00 ~45,i79.i5 .~~ 3 of 3 .. Agreement No. GCA 4912 Exhibit B Specifications and Special Considerations The work proposed under this agreement contemplates the removal, adjustment, and/or relocation of certain facilities as described herein. Work to be Performed by the STATE Roadway Design Remove 13" of asphalt concrete pavement and crushed surfacing. Adjust manholes and inlets Place 3" of crushed surfacing top course Pave with 10" of doweled PCCP Place induction loops for traffic signal Place painted and plastic pavement marking as listed on Exhibit A Provide traffic control labor for all work Provide inspection and project oversight Provide material testing Page 1 of 2 '1~ ~` 1 _ti`' _ y`-