06-074.00 TransNation Title Insurance: Old Milwaukee RR Right of Way~~ f -- OFFICE OT" °1 T=CE CITY ATTORNEY SpSkan~ ~~1~" MICHA1rL COA~TELLY. CITY ATTORI\'FY CARY P. DRISKI;LL, DEPUTY CITY ATTORI~'FY 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org September 13; 2006 Don I=[owell "1'ransNation 1 itle I1~surance Company 105 Nest 3~d Avenue Spoka~le, W.A 99201 Re: I,,etter of Frrga,~Tement.fvr TransAration for li)rtite~d tltde SP-G!'CI1 I'e1C1CE'd t0 f0)'mCY Old 1iIi1~+~a)rkeE Ruilrcx~d might-of--vay east of.9pplela%ay Boulei~ard Dear Don: This letter is intended as a l.,ettcr of ~ngaeement whereby the City of Spokane Valley engages "1'ransNation Title Insurance Company to fitlfill the following scope. of services: Provide a Limited Liability 1Zeport for the Old Milwaukee right-of.-~~ay to determine ownership and ~~~hether a~,y reversionary rights ~;Jould apply for the benefit of the City or any adjacent property owner. "1`'he services are anticipated tc~ he completed in severs) phases, with the first phase to include a sampluig by September 15, 2006. 1 he anticipated completion date for the work is September 29, 2006. The cost of the services as outlined herein is 52,500.00; plus any applicable Washington State sales tax. f~'ntered into this / ~ day of September; 2006. Approved by: Approved by: Don 1-lowell, Spokane County Manager viva Kegor, laeputy ~ per C06-74