06-082 Spokane County: Amends Ownership, Ops & Maint of Parks, Open Spacesf r ~.
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~i~'r~~~11~L'r~~~' T T13L- TI~~TI:~f~].~O ~]., A:R~-~~M~J~'T" BETV4~EEIV ~P~~
OO~I'JT~ AND T:C~F~ 011"" ~F SPOJ,A,.Fa' A.L~.L.~ RELATING T T1
~'~E~:I~.S:H:1:P, ~CJ~7:Chr, ~.P~~~AT:~~ ATD I~VTEI~rAI~rOE ~ P AiS, D:P}i
Oll ~Septeinber 9, ~~Q, S~~ol~an~ Ol~nty arx~l fihc i#~f o f Spokane a11e
~hcreaftcr "the it') collet#ivel referred #o as zztlie Paltie5} entered into lli.e Tr~terloca~
reernen# Between .pokane bounty and the pity of Spokane ~~alie ela#in~ to khe
Qnership, Fundirrg, ~peratior~ and Ivlaintet~ance of Parks. Open Space, :l~.ecreatian
F'acilifiies and Progra~~s hereaf~er ::tt~e green7erEfi"~; whereby Spokane Oounty agreed to
tx~rnsfei- cetL'airE parcels of park prOpert}~ tk~at it o~~}ed to tyre ne~viy-incorporated Oit}+ of
Spokane ~a,!-I~y. The ~?artiies ~i.o~~+ desixe to an~e~itt the Agreamei~i; as s~aecified below.
One of the parcels identified for transfer to the pity eras the 1~a11e il~lissiion Park,
kEich included the Talley Mission Pao.l, Section .7 0£ ~lxe g~-~eme~,t sfiates as Follo~~s=
.-7 alley Missi~in .Pool. TJI~rT has set aside 1.~ n7i11ion for the
construction of an aquatic facility i~~fiended to replace the a]le}~ Iviission
J?ool- OCT~I7'~~ ori.nally proposers a repJa~enleil.E pov] to be lcct~ted at
~1ali.ey 11~1g5iOll .Park ~oUt11.~, The r~esigrX of the ~~e~4+ pool ]Zas been
completed, r1o~~fever, upon e vote to itacor~~orate .T.T C:OT_Fl~1'f."
opted to defer construction of the new pool. ~'~-U~1'1'~ agrees to ~i~
transfer t]~e con7plete plans .for the ne~v Malley ~1isSion Poo] to iT and
(iii to hake available to 11~ 1, niillian far cons~actian ofa r~ew pool
afi an}~ location as detern~ined b}~ 1T~f and using the design completed or
another desired ap~~-ovect b}+ ]:T=- OGUTT~. agrees fo txaix5fer
pl.axis for said pool to O:Cl upon execution of this Agreement. 1,C
n.~illi.oz~ will be 1-etained b C'~~lJ'T and paid to OI`l' as needed by
J'C` to pay consultations and contractors u~ conjunction v~~itlx
de.~i-rJconskructaom of a ne~~ pool, OG~IJ~T~ shall re#airl any and a.11
interest on the 1,~ niiilion,
~incc fihe execution off' the Agree~r~ent, tl~e Cat}+ Jia~ adoplecl a com~~reb.e.~~si~~e
Parks lVlaster Plan (]ZSret.~fier "the Master ~.lan"}. J'.Ile Ivl:aster Plan includes a capital
lmprovelx~elxt p~~iEl- T'~xe 1.1.~sker 1'.lan ll~cluded the COllulllSS1~11 Of a- detailed analysis of
tale conda#ion of the exi:stin~ poo! facilities in the Oit~f, including 1{a11e}+ Mission pool,
ALL of the Oity's pools ~~rere determuied to be in sotu7d struct4~ra1 canditiot7. The 1~Iaster
I'laii furtflel- identified a need for more varied types of X001 facilities in the pity,
including features such as ~a~ rivers, ~cro entr~r pools, wading }pools, and increased deck
are a-
'The Parties n{~ ciesi.z-~ ~'o ~xr~~er,ci S~CU.oz~ ~,7 of the Agreement so ~tl7at ilie X1,6
nillllon can be used to constnict changes at all three of the It}T'S pool foci] sties consistenfi
Zvi th the X1{J.aSter Pl au-
c ~ ,' ,
1\TO~~', THEREFO.R:L, :E3:Nd TT AE•REBY AGkN;aa~U between Spokane County
and the City of Spokane Valley that the document executed bet`veen the Parties on
September 9, 2003 and termed "Luterlocal Agreement Bcitiveen Spokane County and the
City of Spokane Valley Relating to the Ownership, Funding, Operation and ylantenance
of Parks, Open Space, .Recreation Facilities and Programs" is amended so that Paragraph
2.7 provides as follows:
2.7 Pool Upgrade hunds. COUT~iTY set aside 51.6 million collected for
the construction of au aquatic facility intended to replace the Valley
Mission Pool. COUNT 1' originally proposed a replacement pool to be
located at Valley Mission Park (South). Upon the vote to incorporate
C1T1`, COUI\iTY opted to defer construction of the new pool. C1fiY has
determined there would be greater public benefit by using the fluids to
upgrade all three C1TY pools consistent the CITY Parks httaster Plan.
COUNTY agrees to transfer to CITY, as provided for ]~ereinafter, 51.6
null.ion for use by CITY to pay consultants, contractors, and others in
COnJUI1Ct10ll with designlconstri~ction of upgrades consistent ~~~ith the
Master Plan at i:he three CITY pools- Valley h!fission Pool, Park road
Pool, and Terrace View pool. COUNTY shall transfer the S1.6 million to
CITY in increments based upon receipt of requests for reimbursement of
any expenses incurred by the CITY to pay consultants, contractors and
others in conjunction with desigttlconsla-uction of upgrades consistent «~ith
the Master T'Lan at the tY~ree CITY pools- Valley Mission Pool, Park Koad
Pool, and Terrace -View Tool. }2eimbursemcnt requests may be made
quarterly on the first of each month for e,~pendihtres inculzed in the
preceding three rnonth time frame. COU7\r'I'Y agrees to pay all
reunbutsetneut requests within ten (10) business days. COUNTY shall
retain any and all interest on the $1.6 million and all portions thereof until
clispersed to the Cl'I ~r as provided for herein.
The use by the CITY of the 51.6 nullion as set forth herein shall be
consistent with the statutory limitations for use of tax fiends collected on
the sale of real property, pursuant to RCV1' X2.46.010 andlor R.C~V
BF iT FURTHER AG17L+'~E:I) between Spokane County and. the City of Spokane
Valley that but for that change to paragraph 2.7 as set. forth herein, all other tears and
conditions within the document executed between the Parties on September 9, ?003 and
termed "Interlocal Agreement Berivccn Spokane County and the City of Spokane Valley
:Relating to the Ownership, Funding, Operation and Maintenance of Parks, Open Space,
Recreation Facilities and Programs" shall retrain in full force and effect ~~~ithout any
change or modification whatsoever.
This Amendment shall become effective on the date of. the last signatory.
Clerks the Board
L7aluela Erickson
17ATED: ~ ~% ~ ~~~
~HARi7, ~~ice-Chairman
PHILLIP ll. H.A•EZ,KI~, (:omnussioner
A E'
~~ v
HRISI' sNE BA:[I~zBEZLI~GE, ty Clerk
Appro~~ed as to forn~:
Office of th 'ity Attornc,
~p.~ECO y
O .y
`~' pn~~l
J7AVID i\~IERCIER, City Manager
~ -~~
lv- '
~B.r.-Ok,F' °1°H'F B~A.RI~ OF DUiv7' ~I~vi1l.DrEI
F P1~I~.>~ DI~I~'l"", 1ATO
11 T1:C~ j4+iAT'TER r :>~.l~.G'~]T1~1 A )
.Ai~~[EDMEI~'~l"'l`0 THE LT61L~A.L ~
~L1]~Tvf}~1T BE~T1~'L}: POA~G ~
OUIT~f A Tf-i~ i'1' F~ ~ R E ~ L'[J ~~.' T iV
PAI~sE 1~AC.,IaF~ R.EL~1T`1T~J 'I" ~
THE I.~S fCf~~TI~E oi~~r i~ ~
E~1~l~VF°T~ FAR Tli-E C;DT~TRUOTlOI~ )
Oi~~ A T~FF~ POOL lI T..HE I'T OF ~
P (~I~I'G AL.J F `~
'~VREA, pursuant to the provisions of 1V4' 3C,.3,1~~(C~}, the >Board of bounty
Oo~rsa„issioners of S~~akann bounty (hereinafter ~metimes referred t~ as the ~~Oounty"} }~~.~ t1,n nave
of o~nit~~ propezt}+ and tl7e management oi~ Oous~ty funds and business; and
.. V4'HL~~R~A, Pursuant to the prp~isions c~ha~,ter 3~.~~ 1~01~4~, on September ~, 2013,
Spokane ~:atanty (hereafter "t,he ount}~°) anti the i#}~ of Spokane galley ~liereal~ler "the Oit"}
~nollecti~~ely referred to as "the Parties ea,~ered into Che inCerlocal Agreen,ont Between Sl~okane
Oounl~ and the pity of Spokane Malloy Refatir~g to the uezsh~p, Funding, Opezation and
Maintenalice of Parks, Open space, Rec~1-ealivn Facilities and Prograin~ {hercal~er "tl7e
grceme~nl"}, hereb}~ Spokane ox~nty agreed to trau7sfer ceztain parncls ofp~rk }property that it
ovw~r~ed to the neu+ly-incorpora#ed C;ity of Spokane Valley and to make available to the Opt}f l-6
million for construction of a ne~v pool at aFt location as deten7xinsd by 1T using the desi~,n
completed or another designed as appro~Fed by IT'. Since the eecu#ion of the kgreemen#, the
pity has adopted a comprehensive Parks Master Plan (hereafter "the Ivla~ter Plan'. The Ivlastor
Plan includes a capi#al improvement plan. T'he Master Plan Included tl~e commission of a
detail~cl analysis of the condition of the existing pool facilities in the Oity, including ~falley
Mission .Pvo1. All of t]Ze pity's pools acre d~tenninecl too be in sound structural conditi~~,- '1"lie
l1~a5ter Plan iiu-ther identified a need for more varied types vfpool facilities in #h~ City, including
feainres such as lacy rivers, zero e~itr 1~ools, wading pools, and increased deck are. The 'Pa~~ies
t~ov~~ desire ~o amend the A,green,ent so that Ilse 1-6 million can be used to nonstzuct changes at
al.] kluee ol`the Oity's pool facili#ies coi~sistnnt ~~~ith,the Master Plan,
1~11~, TH~±'~~'RE, BE ~lE'~' ~TEFHa~)3Y~ 1Fi~~~E~D by the F3oard of Oount
commissioners of Spokane ount}~, t11a# ci#her ~ltie ~hairmal7 of the Board, or a m~jorit}~ of the
Bard, be old is hereby authori~sd to cxecule iha# doc~unent untitled "A1I~D..FT T '1"~il~
S.PAN13 ~{A~,I,F~' 1~ELATI ~Tl~ 1"H~ ~G~R~irP, FTJI~'DII~ PETi~T~~ ANI~
POi~MS" pursuant to which, under nertaul berms and condikions that document executed
bet}~ee~t thn Parties on September 9, ~0~3, and termed "~ntcriccal greelrsent >Bet~v~:en ~pokaa~e
Page 1 of 2
County and the City of Spokane Valley Relating to the Ownership, Funding, Operation and
Maintenance of Packs, Open Space, Recreation Facilities and Programs" will be amended so that
Paragraph 2.7 provides as follows:
2.7 Pool Upgrade Funds. COUNTY set aside $1.6 million collected for the
construction of an aquatic facility intended to replace the Valley Mission Pool.
COUNTY originally proposed a replacement pool to be located at: Valley Mission
Park (South). IJpon the vote to incorporate CITY, COUNTY opted to defer
construction of the new pool. CITY has determined there would be greater public
benefit by using the funds to upgrade all three CITY pools consistent fhe CITY
Parks Master Plan. COUNTY agrees to transfer to Cl"["~', as provided for
hereinafter, $1..6 million for use by CITY to pay consultants, contractors, and
others in conjunction with designlconstrtiction of upgrades consistent with the
Master Plan at the three CITY pools-.Valley Mission Pool, Park Road Pool, and
Terrace View Pool. COUNTY shall tl-ansfer the $1.6 million to CITY in
increments based upon receipt of requests for reimbursement of any expenses
incurred by the CITY to pay consultants, contractors and others in conjunction
with desigi>/consh-uction of upgrades consistent with the i~9:aster Plan at the three
Cl'fY pools- Valley Mission Pool, Park Road Pool, and Terrace View Pool.
Reimbursement requests may be made quarterly on the first of each month for
expenditures incurred in the preceding three month time frame. COUNTY agrees
to pay all reimbursement requests «~ithin ten (l0) business days. COUNTY shall
retain ally and all interest on the $I.6 million and all portions thereof until
dispersed to the CITY as provided for herein.
The use by the CLTY of the $1.6 million as set forth herein shall be consistent
with the statutory limitations for use of tax fiulds collected on the sale of real
property, pursuant to RC1~V 82.46.010 and/or RCW 35.43.040(3).
PASSLI) AND ADOPTED this day of~~' 12000.
,~~ co,k,.y~~ 130ARD OF COUNTY COM=M:CSSiONERS
oho ;~;;ri~ c~G~sfo~ OF SP.OKAN'I~ COUNTY, WASHTi IGTON
~.~ ~.~° '
.~ N
C .~ ,. -
ATTEST: `$~~sE,~;.. ~. ,.-~.
' M R.K. RICT-iARD, Vice Chair
T)aniela Erickson
Clerk of the Board
PI~~II.LD? 1~. HARRIS, Commissioner
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