07-012.00 Inland Asphalt: Broadway Ave Overlay Project Washington State Department of Transportation 1~--.~ r-}~ ~fi~ y1 __ \ f 1i,~11~ ' BAR ~ 12D07 Change Order Date: June 27. 2006°~= - - Revised November 7. 2006 I OT 4 Contract Number 05-018 Federal Aid Number STPUL-3846(005) Contract Title Broadway Avenue Overlay Project Change Order Number 1 (Corrected) Prime Contractor Inland Asphalt Company ® Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications ^ Proposed by Contractor Endorsed By ConlraUOf lM l Dlo Dete Surety Consent Attorney of Faci Dato Original Contract Amount 748,350.00 Current Contract Amount 748,350.00 Estimated Net Change This Change 907.18 Estimated Contract Total After Change 798,257.18 Approval Required X Region ^ Olympia Service Center ®Local Agency If the amount authorized in the Local Agency Agreement is exceeded and federal funds are not available for this change, the Local Agency will assume the total cost of this Change Order. /I / /I X Approval Recommended Approved Approved /~ gineer P jest En Ap o ' g Aut ority per C.A. Agreement 1 f~l~~E,..~.8-c„~ ~2,aa ~ ~~~0~ Date Date Approval Recommended Approved Approved ,i1 t By Approving Authority per C.A. Agreement Date Date (,~ 0 7-12 CHA~~`GE ORDER Rate: lunc 27, 2006 Revised November 7, 2006 Page 2 of 4 Contract No: 05-018 Change Order No. 1 All work, materials, and measurement to be in accordance with the provisions of the Standard Specifications and Special Provisions for the type of construction involved. This Contract is revised as follows: Description of Work The Spokane Valley City Council approved a plan to stripe Broadway Avenue as a 3-lane section between Pines Road (SR 27) and Sullivan Road. The following changes to the contract support this change: Add Standard Item: Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment Calculated Add Standard Item: Compaction Price Adjustment Calculated ° Add Item: Spokane County Type M Curb, Doweled 164 LF Curb construction shall conform to Spokane County Standard Plan A-3. Curb shall be doweled into the existing pavement, 4' minimum spacing. Curb shall be installed on planed asphalt surface. Add Standard Item: Paint Line Add Standard Item: Plastic Drop Lane Line Revise Item 17: Plastic Wide Line Revise Item 18: Plastic Traffic Arrow Revise Item 19: Plastic Crosswalk Line Revise Item 21: Temporary Pavement Marking LF 6240 LF 172 LF Increase from 115 to 18,830 LF Increase from 2 to 70 EA Increase from 1072 to 1632 SF Increase from 46,836 to 70,254 Add item Project Temporary Traffic Control 14 DAYS This item shall cover Project Temporary Traffic Control per day for each working day over the original contract time of 30 working days. Add item: Cement Concrete Island with Filler 18 SY Construction shall consist of 4°' Class 3000 concrete over 4" of compacted crushed surfacing base course. Revise Item 32: Induction Loop Vehicle Detector Increase from 8 to 39 EA ~-° ~ T Date: .June 27, 2006 Revised November 7, 2011b Page 3 of 4 Delete item 33: Optical Vehicle Detection System Delete 1 EA Add item: Type 2 Junction Box Inc. Repairs 3 EA Add Item: Catch Basin Frame and Grate 1 EA Construction shall include removing existing frame and grate at approximate station 55+20 LT and installing new frame and grate per Spokane County Standard Plans B-11 and B-14. Wor1c shall also include any pavement repair, concrete curb and gutter repair and sidewalk repair to complete the installation. 14 working days shall be added to the original 30 working days. Refer to list of items and quantities below. Payment Payment will be made according to the Standard Specifications per the unit specified. ~ . D ~ J ~ . CHAt11GE ORDER Date: June 27, 2006 Revised iVovember 7, 2006 Page 4 of 4 Contract No: 05-018 Item No. Item Description Change Order No. 1 Unit Unit Price Est. Qty. Est.. Amt. Measure Change Change 101 Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment 102 Compaction Pric® Adjustment 103 Type M Curb 104 Paint Line 105 Plastic Drop Lane Line 106 Plastic Wide Line 107 Plastic Traffic Arrow 108 Plastic Crosswalk Line 109 Temporary Pavement Marking 110 Project Temporary Traffic Control 111 Gement Concrete Island with Filler 112 Induction Loop Vehicle Detector 113 Optical Vehicle Detection System 114 Type 2 J-Box Inc. Repairs 115 Catch Basin Frame and Grate Calc. $1.00 Calc. $1.00 Calc. $1.00 Calc. $1.00 L.F. $35.50 164 $5,822.00 L.F. $0.20 6240 $1,248.00 L.F. $1.60 172 $275.20 L.F. $2.40 18,715 S44,916.00 EA $106.00 68 $7,208.00 S.F. $5.20 560 $2,912.00 L.F. $0.11 23,418 $2,575.98 DAY $440.00 14 $6160.00 S.Y. S71.00 18 $1,278.00 EA $760.00 31 $23,560.00 L.S. S57,350.00 (1) S(57,350.00 ) EA $3,100.00 3 $9,300.00 LS $2,000.00 1 $2,000.00 TOTAL ~a9,so7.~8