07-013.00 Inland Asphalt: Broadway Ave Overlay Project r- - , Washington state ~~p~rtrnent of Transportation __ r' ~ '~ ~~~ ~~~ Date: November 8, ~ODfi rase ~ or Oonkraot Number 45-048 Federal Aid Number BTPUL-3846(005) Oor~tract Title Broadway Avenue Overlay Project Ohange Order Number Prime Dontractar Inland Asph2lt company ® Ordered by Engineer under khe kerrns of Section ~-Q4.4 of the standard spec"rfRCations ^ Proposed by ~orrtraotor Endar-sed By ~~~ r``a``t `` r LI 1~ Oats Surety Conserxt Ak#vrney of FaCk D31e OfI~1~Yal ontraet Amount 748,850,00 ~urrertit ~ontrao# Amount 79$,57,1$ Estimated Net ha~ge This Ohange 0.~0 Es#im~ted Ovntraot Total After Change T98,~57.?8 Approval Required F~egion ^ Olympia en+ice Center ~ Local Agency If the amount authorized in the Local Agency Agreemen# is exceeded and federal funds are not avail2ble for this change, the Local Agency will a~~ume the total oost of this Change Order. ~~ Ap royal Recommended ^Appro~ed Approved 7 Projec# ~ ineer Ap ing Authority per .A. Agreement Da#e Date Approval Recommended Approved Approved ~~~ f ~ By Ap{~roving Authori#y per ~_A_ Agreement I~t~~'] . Gate Da#e ±0~-].3 ' ~ ~ ~~~ ~1 .- ., slate: ~lvvcmbcr #~, pp Page of Dontract No: ~5-~18 Change Drder No. ~ All work, materials, and measurement #~ be in accordance with the ~ro~risions of the standard ~ecifications and special Provisions for the t}~pe of cons#ructia~ in+rolved_ This Oontract is revised as follows; 1"he laasis of acceptance for Bid Item ~ 1, Hg F P~IEE=iT REPIF L. 11" PO 70-, shall ~e b Commercial ~~raluatian method due to minor quantit~r of materials used. This Change Order does na# alter the Oontract Dompletion Date or the Oontract Amount. , *****