07-017.00 Spokane County: 2007 Sewer Construction Pavement Replacement• ,
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Memorandum r.~f Understanding
$ehvecn the City c-f Sp~ikane Valley and Spokane County
Pavement Replacement Cost Sharing and Drainage lmprovemcnt Costs
For the. 2Q07 Sewer Construction Program
1~VH~l~AS the City of Spokane Valley (the Cl1'Y) and Spokane County (t:he COUNTY) desire to work
callaborativel}' to construct portions of the COUNTY'S 2007 Sewer Construction Program together with
CITY paving and drainage improvement projects; and
~'VWrREAS the CITY desires that the roads impacted by the carlstruction of sewers in the 2007 Sewer
Construction Program be reconstructed to the full preconstruc#ion width for an improved roadway
surface; and
WhIEREAS the CITY also desires that: pavement replacement work be extended in some areas beyond the
limits of sewer const:ruct.ion; and
~VH.FRrAS the CITY also desires that certain drainage improvements be constructed in areas that will be
impacted by the COUNTY's 2007 Sewer Construction Program; and
~VH:F..R1AS the costs of such full width repaving, additional length of road recUns[nict.ion, and
miscellaneous drainage improvements sire not funded by the COUNfY's Sewer Construction Program,
and said costs will need to be paid by the CI'T'Y; and
VJI-IEREAS the 2007 Sewer Construction Program includes the Grandview Acres, Trcnhvood and
Spaldings Sewer Projects within the limits of the C1TY, as identified in t:he COUNTY'S adopted Six-Year
Sewer Capital lmprovemenl Program 2007-2012.
NO1U THFR.FPORF, the CITY and the COUNTY do hereby agree as follows:
1. Prior to the bid of each project, the COUN°I`Y shall provide the C1'1"Y with a set of project plans,
together with cost estimates indicating the extent of pavement removal and replacement to be paid for by
the COUNTY as a part of the sewer project. The CI`fY shall review the plans and estimate, and shall
advise- the COUNTY regarding the extent to which the CITY desires to add pavement removal and
replacement; as well as the specific drainage improvements [hat: the CITY would like to make in
conjunction with the project.
2. 'T'he COUNTY shall prepare bid documents that include the additional work that is requested by the
Cl'I'Y. 'T`he CITY may request. that the COUN"I"Y include .~ Fuse I~id Schedule and an Alternate 13id
Schedule in the bid documents to allow for a more accurate determination of the true cost impact of the
additional work requested by the CITY.
3. After the bids for a project are opened, the COUN"I'Y shall prepare the bid tabulation and provide a
copy to the CITY on the day of tJ1e bid, together with a calculation of the CI'hY'S estimated share of the
project cost based upon the unit prices submitted by the low bidder. if the C17°Y then decides to proceed
with the desired improvements, the CI`I°Y shall provide a written notice to the COUN'T'Y within three
days of the receipt of the bid tabulation.
4. The C1TY's maximum cost for the three projects shall not. exceed ~ I ,100,000 without written
authorization by the CITY. The COUNTY shall not proceed with any work that would increase the
Mernc~randum of Understanding Pavement Replacement Cost Sharing and Drainage Improvement Costs
For the 2007 Sewer Construction Probram Page I of 2 -
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CITY's cost to an amount greater than the total amount authorized. The estimated CITY costs are
presented in Table 1 below. `T'he CITY and the COUN`T`Y recognize that this estimated total cost is for
planning purposes, find that the actual amount will be based upon final quantities and actual contract
prices. y
5. If the CITY subsequently elect`s to make additions to the scope of t11e project, the CITY shall request
such additional work in writing. A corresponding adjustment shall then be made to the CITY's share of
the cost based upon the resulting increase in pay quantities and the associated contract bid prices. For
work items requested by the CITY that are not covered by the contract bid prices, the COUNTY shall
prepare a change order for the CTTY's review and acceptance prior to work items beinb constructed.
6. Upon substantial completion of each project, t11c COUN7"Y will send tin nlit.ral invoice to the CI'T'Y
for the CITY's portion of the cost of roadway and drainage improvements. Upon execution of the final
pay estimate with the contractor, the COUN`T`Y shall prepare and send a final invoice for any additional
amounts payable by the CI'T`Y.
City of Spokane ~'srlley Share
2007 Estimated Road & Drainage Improvement Costs
Estimated Estimated Drainage
Road Irnprovcment Costs
2007 Yrojec~s lm rovement Costs
Estimated Total Costa S 900,000 $ 2UU,000
13 ~: ~1 ~-t,,~- ~-
N. Bruce Rawls, County Utilities Director
3 6 - o~
David Ivlercier, City lvlanager
Date: ~/ d- b ` ~ 7
Memorandum of Understanding Pavement Replacement Cost Sharing and Drainane improvement Costs
l~or the 2007 Sewer Construction Program Page 2 of 2
S P Q K A N E ~ C O U N T Y
l~•u.rrtrs Dmsto~
N. [3rucx~ Rawls, P.E., Utilities [7irector
n Dtv6coN or• ~xs Puet.[c tvoRC:s DEPAKrMENI'
March 13, 2007
Chris Bainbridge, Clerk
City of Spokane Valley
11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Subj: Memorandum of Understanding, Pavement Replacement Cost Sharing - 2007
Dear Ms. Bainbridge:
Enclosed for your files is a fully executed copy of the subject Memorandum of
Roxane LaSalle
Utilities Specialist
1026 W. Broadway Spokane, 4VA 99264-0430
(509) 477-3614 FAX: (509) 477-4715 • TDD: (SQ9) 477-7133